Why is the vidya industry making so many anti-Christian games lately?

>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Doom Eternal
>Last of Us 2
>Borderlands 3
>Far Cry 5
>Bioshock Infinite
>Plague Tale Innocence
>Binding of Isaac
>Red Dead Redemption
>Assassin's Creed

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Christianity doesn't exist in the Bloodborne or Witcher universes

Because fuck you and fuck God.


Because only old boomers care about religious bullshit


Because as people become atheists they firstly become cancer. I would assume since it changes their world view so much so they drop everything they value. Only religious people and lifelong atheist could ever understand the value of religion.

Pastor Terry in 2004: They will replace God with something. The new eternal good will be homosexuality and transexualism. You will not be able to speak out against their ungodly ways without harm to yourself and loved ones.

>lol this dude is retarded

you're a fucking retard if you think games like bloodborne or blasphemous are anti-christian
they're just grimdark games with religious aesthetics, you're worse than the sjw you whine so much

Witcher's written by a hardcore Christian and the church in Bloodborne isn't comparable at all to the real life ones.

Based and redpilled pastor

You literally play as an avatar of Jesus in Persona 3 you stupid boomer piece of shit

Because God is either a fool or a twat.

Because Christianity is retarded.

>This clearly Catholic inspired game is anti-christian.

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>Witcher's written by a hardcore Christian

Kek it's written by a commie and the (not!)Christians in Witcher are all evil bigots

It bothered me a bit that Arthur was “le sensible atheist” but keep in mind he turns to the priest/nun for comfort when he’s going through his final character arc. They don’t outright mention God then, but they’re shown as giving advice from a higher authority.

Also, John Marston is shown to be a God fearing man. So I disagree on your assertion.

The Poles are Catholic, you ding dong.

Because a religion that claims to love and tolerate all people whose followers routinely murder and cheat everybody is pretty ironic.

>All videogames are made by one person.

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So you're telling me the virtual pixels that took inspiration from one of the biggest religions for their aesthetics is actually an encrypted propaganda message to turn people against God?

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>anti Christian
Based American fake Catholic faggot.

Because the Church is unironically evil.

>Poland is centuries behind Europe in literally everything

Nothing new here.

Explain how this is Anti-Christian. Go on.

>far cry 5
the Christian is right, the prophecy came to pass and opposing him only cost lives

is almost entirely about murdering demons and having anything to do with them always ends in total disaster

>fire emblem

If you played more Japanese games you'd realize that christfags have been getting dabbed on for decades

>binding of Isaac
Play the game fucktard, the christian themes are a front for the actual story

Bloodborne mocks the Holy Communion

Christians are historically evil.

That may or may not be true... but it doesn’t refute my point, so not sure why you feel the need to knock them.

>anything speaking against a church is antichristian
Way to out yourself as a larper
Bet you think protties are anti Christian

would you play a game based on the third crusade?

>Fire Emblem
Bitch the church are the good guys in that game

Fuck off to your safe space.

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John Marston is atheist in RDR1

catholicucks are pathetic subhumans

Literally every single one?

It's not encrypted, exactly. People are openly, in virtual space worshiping demons and witches, committing mass murder and sexual degeneracy.

>last of us 2
they havent shown shit
>borderlands 3
the game where christians figts against cultist is anti-christian?
the templars dont believe in Him

You're a falseflagging tranny making the same threads over and over again without a clue to what you're talking about. All to bait proddies and redditors to fling shit at each other and pull attention from your other dick chopping threads, and eventually invite ledditors to infest the site you fucking nigger. Neck yourself.

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good, fuck abrahamic shit, its all different sects of the same desert jewish death cult.


The internet is not your safespace.

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The goyim are waking up.
Jewish god is not the god of whites. Whites have no god.

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He never mentioned or implied he was an atheist, all he implied was that he'd rather keep his distances with God
Play the actual game before posting you amerinigger cucktholic dipshit

Catholicism isn't Christian at all, though.

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Japanese games don't "mock" christianity, it's more "check out this cool and foreign religion"

So is islam. Where are all the anti islam games?

Thats stereotypical cult shit then i dont get the whole RELIGION BAD meme

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Crusader Kings 2

They don't make video games in Muslimland because they're too busy burning women alive for watching soccer.

Only the retard poles.
The smart Poles, which are the minority in general population but the majority among programmers, designers, scientists - those are all atheists, often pretty vocal.

Based Catholicbro

>they havent shown shit

The devs have said that the antagonists in TLOU2 will be religious people

Yea but where are all the western games mocking islam for being retarded?

These games are primarily Anti-Church retard, people corrupt messages to better suit their needs and desires. Use your brain.

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Make one lmao

Did you know that religious people can actually be bad?

>people corrupt messages
Then how can i trust your post?

Kingdom Come Deliverance is still a better game than any of those.

Yeah, the fucking Eden's Gate people were also religious.

What a disappointment.

If you've played any game before you'd know by know that evil videogame cults rarely worship Jesus instead they have some delusional belief and authoritarian rule

Because the end of the world is at hand. Seek Jesus while you still can.

- DON'T believe in a possible fake alien landing
- DON'T believe the antichrist who will settle in the third temple
- DON'T accept the mark of the beast
- DON'T believe in the coming one world religion
- DON'T believe in the catholic church, they're going to align with the satanic agenda

Looking at this thread I doubt americans know they are two different religions.

I want a game based around Constantinople, it seems like noone will do it because it involves muslims winning over christians and the belief is that western audiences wont like that. Fuck that shit, I want to see christian armies from the world over in one place fighting the largest land army assembled in one place, play it like Kingdom of Heaven where both sides have good and bad about them, show the christian nations betraying the Byzantines and leaving them to fend for themselves and show the muslims as responding to generations of attacks on their homeland, and even though it wasnt Byz that started it it now has to suffer for it.

The fall of constantinople is an example of Christian greed, where the muslims actually managed to take the jewel of the world and the christians did nothing about it because it was more lucrative to pillage the lands rather than defend it. It could make for an interesting setting, but a Muslim victory is something the west thinks wont sell, so the story is never told.

lol typical fedore buullshit there's literally more priest teaching physics or math in universities in poland then hardcore tippers want to admit.

I really thought this would never happen, but it's starting to be time to leave Yea Forums and Yea Forums forever.
>christcucks everywhere all day long
Time to retake my hobby of videogames.

What do you mean?
Games are more Christian than ever thanks to Feminism.
No sexualized women, women being properly clothed up, it's what the Christians have been begging for for years. The SJWs are also attacking video games for glorifying violence and guns, which is again something Christians have been arguing for years.

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>You're a falseflagging tranny making the same threads over and over again without a clue to what you're talking about. All to bait proddies and redditors to fling shit at each other and pull attention from your other dick chopping threads, and eventually invite ledditors to infest the site you fucking nigger. Neck yourself.

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Because Christcucks are weak faggots and a poison to the world.

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Seething tranny

you could alway go back to r*ddit with your fellow "oldfags"

The entire SJW movement was literally started by a christtard.
Christpedos are winning the 666D chess

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daily reminder that the fedoras are currently in the process of destroying europe by importing subhumans they falsely believe they can convert from their naturally prevalent sandnigger cult

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>anti Christian
isnt the lore around the game about some crusades 2.0?



>Gothic aesthetics means that it can't have an anti-Christian message

Basado y rojo empillado

>believing in a naked beardguy living in the clouds
because christfags are absolutely worth to make fun of

Christianity died a long time ago. Is there anything worse than larping christfags?

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>Still worshipping the jew god

Japanese games can approach christianity with a non retarded cucked point of view because they aren't self hating whites who worship some semite sand nigger death cult.

source for that claim?

>Is there anything worse than larping christfags?
Raping christtards.

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The whole game revolves around atoning for your sins and following the rightful path which is the main point of Christianity you retarded fucking amerimutt nigger autistic piece of shit at least play the fucking game before retardposting

No, the new game is about killings angels. The demons were misunderstood


>calling other larpers
>posting the STD-death'd "ubermensch"
18+ website

Oh nononono how can trannies ever recover

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>The demons were misunderstood
>Believing Doom would ever try to victimize its main antagonistic force
Kill yourself please

because christianity like frog posting should be ruthlessly mocked until it's eradicated from this earth

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So you were wrong when you said the game isn't anti-Christian

>The whole game revolves around atoning for your sins and following the rightful path which is the main point of Christianity you retarded fucking amerimutt nigger autistic piece of shit at least play the fucking game before retardposting

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>hehehe le basedjak meme how can they ever recover

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>Assassin's Creed
>Against Christianity
The Assassins literally protect the clergy at multiple points, Connor even brings a pastor into the homestead despite him not believing in the faith. Don't confuse the Templars for Christians, they literally just use the faith as a mask to control and usurp humanity as a whole even if Jesus in-canon used a Shroud of Eden for his miracles but laymen don't know that. The Assassins believe in the freedom of believing in a faith no matter what faith it is while the Templars don't give two shits and only want you to believe in something to control you from some manner.

Even Arno, the guy who has a speech at the end of his game about there being no afterlife and not believing in anything, constantly helps out monks and nuns to the point that there's an entire co-op mission based around defending persecuted nuns, and multiple missions revolve around monks being unjustly murdered or hurt.

Depicting a faction as a villain is an ego-boost, not some sort of effective crusade. It's why demonic imagery - even as an antagonist - was so fought against for so long.
It's when you depict a faction as a pack of fucking idiots that it's a crusade.

>pretending that the jewish puppet church dying a slow death isn't a good thing


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>>Assassin's Creed
>>Against Christianity
>The Assassins literally protect the clergy at multiple points, Connor even brings a pastor into the homestead despite him not believing in the faith. Don't confuse the Templars for Christians, they literally just use the faith as a mask to control and usurp humanity as a whole even if Jesus in-canon used a Shroud of Eden for his miracles but laymen don't know that. The Assassins believe in the freedom of believing in a faith no matter what faith it is while the Templars don't give two shits and only want you to believe in something to control you from some manner.
>Even Arno, the guy who has a speech at the end of his game about there being no afterlife and not believing in anything, constantly helps out monks and nuns to the point that there's an entire co-op mission based around defending persecuted nuns, and multiple missions revolve around monks being unjustly murdered or hurt.

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Well I see God in everything in my life even the bad things. Literally nothing could affect my beliefs and to be honest I didn't even notice it in those games. It sounds like you are doubting yourself more than anything

>López said that after his jail term, he started murdering young girls in Peru. He claimed that, by 1978, he had killed over 100 of them and that he had been caught by a native tribe, who were preparing to execute him, when an American Christian missionary intervened and persuaded them to hand him over to the state police. The police soon released him. He said he moved to Colombia and later Ecuador, killing about three girls a week. López said: "I like the girls in Ecuador, they are more gentle and trusting, more innocent."
OHNONO What happened Christbros?

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You'll regret saying that when Judgment Day arrives, user.

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Fuck Christcucks

>>Doom Eternal
you are literaly a warrior blessed by god fighting demons and fallen angels


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he's not doubting himself because the post is bait

Hmm...I wonder who runs the (((entertainment industry))) these days.

based cunnykiller

>You'll regret saying that when Judgment Day arrives, user.

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>Where's the evidence?
Dude just trust me ;)

>Muslim assassins GOOD, Christian templars BAD

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yeah but the leaks from the beta tester showed that you are in fact fighting fallen angels not heaven itself

Doomslayer was blessed by heaven

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