Attached: 754.png (496x567, 322K)

Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=sales (from:nibellion)&src=typed_query&f=live

>they thought normies would be consistent lmao
shouldn't have abandoned their true fans oh well

I dont think you can track the digital download of the iceborn content alone

It's an expansion and not a whole new experience. Expected

its a new game? I thought it was free DLC.

Is that good compared to the older g rank expansions? What’s the usual drop off?

Bad and dumb posts
Good post asking the golden question

DLC having about 10-20% of the sales of the basegame is pretty typical performance. So this isn't really that surprising for the initial launch.

Well, pardon me for having other priorities other than keeping up with vidya news!

not sure they track the PSN digital shop tho

Garbage thread
Oh jannies! Be a dear and clean this up please

Well it is not a new game, and those that didnt like the base game know what to expect from this, thus this means that NIHON doesn't like mhw.

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no one asked for your opinion

pretty damn good for an almost 2 year old game.

Why would you buy the game±expansion when you can just buy the expansion digitally for much cheaper? The PS2-PSP-3DS days of having to buy the whole game again are over.

This is just the physical version that comes with the base game isn't it

Yes. I saw it at Walmart yesterday. It's MHW Iceborne dlc included

This would be far better if he compared it to other "ultimate" releases

is this why my queues suck and no one's posting quests?

should have made it a standalone expansion tbqh


You do realize Ice-borne is DLC Expansion.
Those sales numbers are not for the expansion but for the original game + expansion physical set.
Meaning those numbers are 250.361 new players who haven't even played the base game.
Why would you buy the same game again for 60+$ when the expansion is 40$.

Attached: 1553966026211.jpg (749x780, 114K)

>This would be far better if he compared it to other "ultimate" releases
Trust me, you don't want to see those numbers.

Thanks for not reading the thread retard

How the fuck do you sell .316 of an Iceborne?

Explains why every room is empty as fuck.
The sad part is most players I come across are Japanese, imagine how hard it flopped elsewhere.

Say goodbye to worthwhile expansions.

Attached: Monster Hunter World_ Iceborne_20190906180138.png (1920x1080, 3.35M)

I noticed that people who like that shitty anime tend to be idiots.

Welp, I lost that bet. I said there's no way it wouldn't do at least 500,000.

>classic mh is back

get fucked worldfetuses

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i look forward to your thread

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>toddler can't read

Honestly a bit surprised it sold that much physically. Still though what the fuck is the .316?

Explain me something: can you get this expansion by the digital store? Maybe most of the people bought it that way.

>expansion sells worse

Where does it say this is only counting physical DLC? Is it in the cropped link?

been playing since 3 and it's better than ever. But I'm sure you're gonna tell me the ones that came before were the best like a faggot.

Literally majority of people bought IB digitally, the sales doesn’t even show that only the Physical Release which just has the base game and World.

Is this shit even on PC yet? I'm not retarded enough to buy a game on console that doesn't run at 60fps again

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What is with this boards fixation on trying to pick out and claim every game has failed even when it hasn't? Really does look like Yea Forums just hates all video games. Like there's cynicism from years of bad behavior and missing the mark by some big publishers and then there's wishing and willing for every game to do poorly and trying to spin financial results that way like Yea Forums does.

they showed nothing for the casuals on the trailers, should've added gore you dumb ass nips

just anecdotal but I have a nip friend who's fucking seething and returned iceborne because he didn't finish world and couldn't access comfy Hoarfrost. He was totally oblivious to the fact that you have to beat the main game before they let you into the expansion. I offered to help him and he was just a salty shitter instead.

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Famitsu only tracks physical. Only Sony and property owners know digital numbers.

Iceborne is better than World for sure but it still has a lot of the same flaws.

This place craves of shitposting, what do you expect?

>The story is all about the ugly, fat, disgusting, western Handler this time.

Attached: 1567446866288.png (638x749, 56K)

> Another thread staring with "OH NO NO NO"
Get some originality, you parroting faggots.

Oh, didn't know that, thanks user.

The chart shows the physical version of the game that includes the base game (Monster Hunter World) + the expansion (Iceborne) and costs 60$.

You can get the expansion for 40$ (or the equivalent price in yen in this case) if you already had Monster Hunter World.

People that already bought Monster Hunter World (3M+ in Japan) will buy the expansion/DLC digitally so they can pay 20$ less (40$ instead of 60$) plus keep their characters since you would have to start a new character/save file if you bought the physical version (since it's an entire new game).

So the vast majority of the sales of the expansion (not only in Japan but also globally) will be digital (since most purchases of Iceborne will be from people that have bought and played through Monster Hunter World already).

The physical sales will be new people that are getting into Monster Hunter World that hadn't bought the original release and are buying in now.

kek expected, they thought they would the normie support twice
i think we all know how this is gonna end

>This game is not yet available on Steam
>Planned Release Date: January 2020

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Yea Forums is nothing but a hellhole where people are slaves to their memes/shitposting this is nothing new

>CLASSIC Monster Hunter is back!
>THANK GOD the series will again cater to true veterans like me!
>I want Gore and Seregios!

Attached: Nintendo-3DS-Galaxy-Kid-Reviewer.jpg (846x1400, 184K)

Did the original game launch on all platforms at the same time or did it also have a period of console exclusivity?

>not counting my digital purchase
I'm sure I'm not alone either

it's retarded that they added nothing to the base game though. going by achievements, not many people actually finished the game

>console exclusivity

Oh, that makes sense. Also, why I am here? I am a homeless Rider between a group of Hunters, Capcom has forsaken my kin.

What does finishing the main game involve? Asking because I play on PC and should probably prepare

It lunched on Xbox and PS4 at the same time, PC took longer because Nips can’t into PC

>Get the infinitely better Serious Handler
>It's only for two quests

Looks like actual MH wins again. Come on MH fans, let's celebrate by posting killscreens

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I'm pretty sure you just had to have cleared xeno.

Thems the bricks. It's either wait till January to play or wait upwards a minute per cutscene on console lmao

Oh cool, I'm good then

I don't know what you're implying.

Well, I don't mind wai--
>It's only September
Fuck, I don't think I can play regular World until then.

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blame TORtanic

The original PC release was massively delayed too, apparently the dev team is both not as competent with PC ports and very much the types who want to get it perfect. They also don't start om the port until after the console versions are released.
On the bright side, they may change it up a bit and ship the PC version with the post-release monsters this time.

This is the first time the G version was also dlc right?

>250k physical sold for a digital DLC
That's huge numbers you retard. Stick to your bing bing shit. Iceborne is going to be the highest selling MH expansion by a wide margin.

>come back from a capture quest
>she starts throwing out military jargon
>feel like I just seal team 6'd the mother fucker and she's sending his ass to monster Guantanamo

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Yes, before you had to buy standalone copy. The sales in OP are a minority since most people would just upgrade digitally.

>very much the types who want to get it perfect
They couldnt even get Hi res textures working on launch.

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That 240k also includes the solo iceborne expansion, which was around 40k. The remainder was the dual pack with world and iceborne. Famitsu also counts digital sales sometimes, so we might get that later.

That's the problem. Incompetent perfectionists tend to miss out on key things.

Killing Xeno for the first time
Your HR will jump from 15 to 29

The Monster Hunter franchise will still be very popular if they continue to trim down the fat (i.e. the storytelling and the Handler) and play to the core concept's strength.

However, Iceborne will never sell 10+ million. It's an expansion and most of its monster are literal recolors which is the lowest quality content in any game. MH5 could perform very well if they give it the same attention World got.

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listfag are you still trying this shit? Give it up already dude. You lost.

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>Astral Chain pic
Didn't that game already die?

Attached: icebrone killer.png (1440x2560, 1.18M)

>Beaten by the boatgirl gacha spinoff
Holy shit

Is that really surprising? People fucking love gacha.

Nobody can beat the gacha cock.

I tought it was going to be a dlc, lol shit is going to flop hard.

honestly i'm only running into japanese players, aside from some spanish hick called "weedmastercapo420"

Azur Lane chads in the house tonight dabbing on Platinum cucks

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>Hey here is my opinion
>Here is my opinion to your opinion
Yikes and oofpilled

What a spastic.

See And tell me where is Azure lane in it's second week and where is astral chain? And fyi Astral chain is already supply constrained since last week

I see Astral Chain is beaten by fucking NBA of all things.
Do Japs like basketball or something?

im enjoying the kirby port of the kids 3ds for the switch.

As of this count, Azur Lane fell out of the top 10 completely and therefore can't have sold more than 6,254 since last count, putting it at 40,017 copies overall. Meanwhile Astral Chain remained in the top 10 and sold 9,129 copies, putting it at 41,365 copies overall.

The West is still waiting for PC release because fuck those loading times lol

Imagine the level of you must feel cope to have to justify this hard that your Platinum action game is actually ahead of a Chinese gacha spin off game about sexy titty boats from WW2.

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>> Game is casual as fuck
The only people who like it are metafags lol. Mh has been on a slow decline since x and it continues with Iceborne. Evasion is too important in i eborn lesser slower weapons suffer in g rank. Lots of weapons class dps sucks. Evasion is ruining the game. Instead of learning to dodge monsters game says you can lol.

Casual as fuck now. Normie got to it. Played since ps2 rip rip. Another series bites the dust.

Another huge concern is increase in rng grind mechanics, cosmetic dlc, and the new steam engine thing is just a flashy gambling game. Sure it’s free now but that’s how big companies get you hooked. Overtime better and better loot will be made steamworks mandatory I hate how hard it is to get gems now they took the ability away from 4u to get decorations you want.

MH is dead bro’s. :(

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>can buy only dlc digitally instead of entire game + dlc as always
based shitposters

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Who cares? You should only be using the longsword anyway. Bow is you're a ranged cuck.

This is the same shitposting as when MHW initially released and they called it a fail. Meanwhile we are sitting on 13 million sales rn. Can't wait to hit 10 million sales of iceborne again next year.

"we got too cocky" is so fucking funny who comes up with this shit

Attached: to do.jpg (1024x640, 329K)

Wont be long now until it’s turned into a shooter and they remove melee lol.

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>pay $40 for almost no new content and no new endgame

G rank MH games usually sell around 1 million first week in Japan.
Iceborne flopped

not buying until they add congalala

cockyposting probably originated in /d2g/ during a TI sticky (ti6? ti7? I don't remember)
The shitposting around TI is incredible, they'll create new memes and simultaneously run them into the ground so hard that they circle around to being funny again

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You can buy it cheaper digitally. But hearing about the low player count is alarming. I did see another post complain about not being able to fill a room with an SOS.


Japan nevers buys digitally, the digital numbers won't be high

Unbelievable? Dota2? This shit travelled all the way to fucking Yea Forums. I see it in anime threads all the time, and it always makes me laugh out loud.
I don't play dota2 but I know the last two TIs were kino.

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You also have to factor in those people that sold their MHW copies and won't be getting Iceborn because they don't have the base game anymore.

I think the more interesting implication here is what this could mean for the next game. Given how just skipping the base game entirely and buying the Master Edition with the expansion when it comes out is so much cheaper than the other methods of getting both World and Iceborne, I wonder how many people will opt to do that with the next game?

yeah /d2g/ is a shitposting crucible whose memes snake their way into other boards occasionally, this year I even saw that drawfag buckfilla hanging around to draw cute pugnas

B-But chinks don't buy digital! My e-shop numbers said so!

Just started this game, my first monster hunter and I have no fucking clue what's happening. Everything seems so overwhelming, the UI and such

Maybe it took too long to come out for some people. The two aren't really comparable because this was a full on expansion but I remember how quickly Battlefield 1 died once all the DLC came out. The only people who cared to drop in were season pass owners, then like a week later it became impossible to find a match outside of clusterfuck mode. I know G Rank always takes a while to come out in Japan, but were living in times where people move on from games much faster than they used to.
objectively false.

start with hammer. it is the easiest weapon to start with and objectively one of the most satisfying
hold r2 and tap circle to power up your hammer and go nuts
you'll get the hang of the ui eventually though the item bar/radial menus are cancer

It's ".316 Icebornes" you ESL faggot.

Nice now the next time Sony money won't be enough to buy the temporal exclusivity

The normies that spent 40 minutes on great jagras haven't beat MHW to unlock iceborne

>fighting Barioth with the Buona Fiora+ or whatever its called, probably the highest DPS I can shit out due to it being the highest I can upgrade a weapon AND it doing poison damage
>still takes me 40+ minutes of the allotted 50
Am I retarded or is this going to be an ongoing thing with Iceborne

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People did it with HR weapons in 15-25 mins, user and I'm not talking about speed runners or anything.

Took me 39 minutes with the Hunting Horn.

Attached: Monster Hunter World_ Iceborne_20190909182831.png (1920x1080, 2.91M)

>plus keep their characters since you would have to start a new character/save file if you bought the physical version (since it's an entire new game)
I don't think this is true since I bought the physical and I could easily load my save, it's literally the same game but Iceborne is also there.

Famitsu does not count PSN sales, its fucking DLC we aren't gonna get official numbers unless Capcom starts bragging

I'll speak as someone who always wanted to play MH and was happy it finally came to PC.

>attempt at realistic graphics that end up ugly instead of the familiar artstyle the series is known for
>feel like they picked the most ugly version possible of all the cool armors I've seen over the years
>barely anything to do when it came out versus other games
>and PC permanently cucked by being behind everything
>No one wanted to play cause they had done everything on console months ago
>A friend took pity on me but left me high and dry 75% in to the game
>trickle of meaningless events
>Know past games had the ability to glamour armor
>World only gets half assed predetermined event layers.
>The classic armor should have been a fucking layered armor
>Ran out of things to do real fast and there's no reward in just wandering around
>Overall something about it feels hollow like something big is missing

It hasn't been installed for months. I lost interest before kulve taroth or the ffxiv stuff came. Cause, again, everyone had done those months ago on console and no one cared anyway. Nah, I'm not buying the xpack. Or any future monster hunter games. I hope it works out for you bros that like it.

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You're a little bit retarded, but that's okay. He's tough. Try to break the wings as soon as possible next time to reduce his mobility.

I'm retarded then I guess. Thanks.

Took me 22 minutes the first time with the exact same weapon, if you aren't already try loading your build with a shit ton of affinity boosting decos with crit boost for more dps.


How do you sell .316 units of a game?

Dude, we're talking about all games in general, not one.

Bad. G ranks on 3DS sold over 1 million first week. 4U was 1.6 I think.

>>trickle of meaningless events
>>Know past games had the ability to glamour armor
>>World only gets half assed predetermined event layers.
>>The classic armor should have been a fucking layered armor
all of these are nonissues on pc and the rest are basically personal problems so I'm not really sure what the point of this post is

should have been a dlc upgrade instead of a whole new fucking game

>playing this fucking casual trash instead of MHFU, MH3U, MH4U, and MHXX
What in the fuck are you doing?


It's not that surprising. It's a DLC so it was always going sell much lower than the base game, and I bet that a lot of MHW sales were people who wanted to try out a MH game for the first time but didn't like it enough to buy the Iceborne.

These sales figures use . instead of , so it's 250,316

Are rooms supposed to be full?
>t. person who has 600 hours in Worlds and has never joined another person's room before

It's common knowledge that expansions don't sell as well as the full game. It would be literally retarded to expect otherwise. 20% is pretty good. Consider that only 45% of players finished the main story, which is required to even play Iceborne. So that means roughly half of the players who finished the game picked up the expansion.

Attached: 1522444003042.png (1040x1250, 344K)

Took way too long to come out. I stopped caring about MH:W a year ago when I ran out of shit to do in it.

Waiting for PC version here.
Not gonna play it on my busted PS4 slim

Who the fuck even uses the session search in MHW? Outside of the KT 99% of multiplayer is either SOS flares or joining your friend's session.

Who are you quoting?

>literally just one more map and like 4 or 5 new monsters at best
>when MHW had such lackluster maps and monsters to begin with
>dont release concurrently with PC, so huge fucking chunk of sales not happening because Capcom for some reason don't have the PC port ready(which is bullshit btw, that shit is ready without a doubt)

Mark my words, the Iceborne PC sales are going to tank horribly because for the PC a HUGE part of the sales were people trying the first MH game on PC and probably a fraction of them are going to by the Iceborne.

PC launch delay is 100% Capcom trying to get people to double dip like they did with the original game.

Why are you singling out PC? It's the same for PS4 and Xbone. World was a normie hit and most of them won't stick around.

It gets the most replies, everyone just craves attention

Honestly I'm just waiting for that inevitable sale as it is I don't think $40 is justified.

It was the first MH game on PC ever while the consoles have had previous MH games. They made a big deal about it being the first MH game on PC when it was announced and it definitely was huge part of the PC sales.

Its almost as if normies only played for like 4 hours before going back to CoD, FIFA, Fortnite etc.
Only 13.5% of people on Xbox completed the game.
(PS4 fags wont post the one for PS4 because theyre the main shitposters, even though PS4 has its own in built percentage system too.)

Attached: file.png (1191x479, 767K)

I'm not surprised desu
It was obvious that iceborne wasn't going to sell the same as the vanilla game

>MH is dead
But Iceborne is far better than World, the fuck are you saying?

And then only 2.6% even started Iceborne.

Attached: file.png (1198x476, 801K)

>better than ever
How? There's no challenge anymore, the monster variety is as tiny and boring as can be, everything is watered down. I mean the graphics got better but that's it.

What's the percentage for the AT Nergi, aka the true ending for the base game?

Whats the name of the achieve

>But Iceborne is far better than World
Why do you think it's dead?
They fixed a lot of the problems with the game and even introduced some harder monsters but it drove away the casuals they gathered.
That and it's advertising wasn't half as big as World itself.

Been like this since SWTOR release. Opened up the floodgates for newfags to think thats what the board was entirely about.

t. 2006 oldfag

In foreign countries they use points instead of commas to separate thousands.
Basically meaning they sold 250,316 copies.

i'll do it eventually, been playing WoW classic. Iceborne came out at a bad time with a few other releases coming out at the same time.

Physical sales for an expansion are always lower than the sales of the base game. I would be more interested in seeing the digital sales. I'd be impressed if it was even 1m overall in the first few days.

>physical edition only
That's quite a lot of copies

Isn't this the faggot who made a chart saying that MH:W will not sell for shit?

world can't even make sales now that it isn't riding off nintendo monster hunter's fame
just as I predicted

That's the same for the other platforms though. Excluding Frontier, MH had never been on an Xbox console and hadn't been on Playstation in the west for a decade.

It's always been like that for Japanese players retard.

Because it's fucking DLC, of course the base game + DLC package sold less, fans already have the game

That's a pretty huge understatement, September is absolutely packed with big game release and Iceborne release was sandwiched between WoW Classic and BL3. It was literally the worst release timing they could have done.

I seen some of the weapons for Dio bro...some are just bone weapons with his design slapped on it. What the fuck?

Attached: 1568212607235.gif (300x200, 1.57M)

First time on Monster Hunter Worlds?

I'm a new fag
Oh god the weapons look like shit

He doesn't know about the secret map...

Fuck no, that would be a fucking curb stomp
Even xx sold more

>Meaning those numbers are 250.361 new players who haven't even played the base game
You know there are people who sold the base game and bought that, right?
No, what do you know you faggot

The graphics are amazing though. Faces still look quite wooden compared to most other modern games, but the monsters look like never before, far better than in the older games, and I say this as someone who played those for thousands of hours.

>feel like they picked the most ugly version possible of all the cool armors I've seen over the years
So you played before?, either way it’s clear you are shitposting.

>trickle of meaningless events
That end up ammounting to a lot of content in the end.

>Know past games had the ability to glamour armor
One game had that feature. It’s never been a thing you could do before or after that one.

>plus keep their characters since you would have to start a new character/save file if you bought the physical version (since it's an entire new game).
Why do you have to make things up your ass you fucking worldbabs?
I have both the ib steelbook and the vanilla world physical editions and you don't need to leave nothing behind you faggot, you can play with your old save data

They're waiting for people to double dip

>You know there are people who sold the base game and bought that, right?

Selling a game just to pay $60 for kt AGAIN.

Dont think so. Just cause you were stupid enough to do that doesn't mean others were that retarded to do it faggot

How utterly foolish of them.

>the dev team is both not as competent with PC ports and very much the types who want to get it perfect.
Only the first part is true

biggest complaint about world which extends into iceborne. apparently the highest rarity weapons avoid the issue but as a result entire weapon types get stuck with dumb looking weapons from certain monsters because the rarity craps out a bit early even if it's still a viable weapon.

Dios duel blades apparently look like KFC drumsticks from what i am told.

>World is a meh MH game
>it sells a lot so shitposters elevates it to a fucking masterpiece status

>Iceborne is a top-tier MH game, by far the biggest improvement with a G-Rank expansion
>it sells poorly so shitposters will forever call it shit, using vanilla World issues since they never played Iceborne

It's a curse

Im personally waiting for pc, base ps4 load times and performance were too annoying to deal with

more like they should of waited until iceborne for the international release, really only japan buys into the multiple versions of the same game, no wonder iceborne suffered for it.

Do Iceborne changes apply in LR/HR?

Change it for 13k and a sad ryozo

>posting xbox cheevos

Balance changes, like elemental stuff, yes.
The new content is all MR.

Those numbers are fucked, tho.
MHW is in the game pass.

>physical only
Wow who would’ve thunk the master edition sold that much? Where’s the digital sales of the expansion itself

Weapon designs are shit.
No transmog even though its been proven it can be done.
Retarded weapon upgrade tree instead of being able to craft weapons outright.
Monsters are nothing but AoE spam now like something out of fucking Frontier Z the MMO.
Retarded decoration system.

Just a few things I hate about nu-mh

45% beat the game on PS4

I'd heard elements were useless in World. Nice if they changed that. I still don't know if I can bother with the new armor system.

Judging from the PC reception, I think it's more about Capcom wanting some profits for the first quarter of 2020. They must not have projects lined up for the first half of next year.

Pretty shitty for PC bros, yet again.

Attached: 1566694687185.jpg (596x785, 42K)

How does that have anything to do with my post?


Transmog is for metafag casuals

That's mainly for people that don't already have the base game, or just want to collect the physical box.

There is no name, he's just an autist

Decorations being a shit system is a byproduct of them being the rng timewaster black hole to replace charms/relics and then they made kulve weapons gacha anyway fuck what a waste of a beautiful monster and skill choices being really bottlenecked. IB added some nice things like Offensive Guard, but it’s not enough, and the game sorely needs more viable choices

every non-retard is waiting for the 144 fps version

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>Ex moderator from Trannyera.

Attached: file.png (1977x468, 557K)

Enjoy waiting waitcuck

People realized the PC release is worth waiting for. Hurry up and release it.

Why buy the base game before G rank when you know it's going to be underwhelming?

Just finished the story

>Nibel hasn’t talked about sales since
>looks at Twitter in OP
>talks about sales
Lol tranny upset they got banned. Kek

>250k copies
>for the physical bundle of the DLC which is available for 20$ less digital
How is that considerable bad?

I can forgive their delay bullshit as long as they keep this bad boy around.

Attached: 1564841949523.jpg (94x26, 2K)

>has to run away from the forum to talk about sales

keep seething nincel ;^)

probably OP of this thread too


Attached: GOLDEN FACE.png (600x580, 572K)

Good amount of people learned off World release and are waiting for PC version instead.

The only one of those that are valid is the weapon designs are lacking
Transmog would be nice and it is since I have it on pc
Weapon tree's are from every game? you can craft weapons outright it just costs more rare mats then upgrading.
AoE spam? where? do you count a fireball as aoe?
The deco system is just easier to use and is so much more freeing then the point threshold system.
I have played every MH game since the first on ps2 and making things less clunky and not needing to check the fucking wiki and spend time not playing the game before I craft anything is not a bad thing in my eyes

a DLC selling that well compared to the original game is basically unheard of in Japan. this isn't making the point you think it is.

>Physical sales for a DLC used for shitposting
I can't tell if this is Listfag or just a supremely stupid Nintenfag behind this thread.

>Weapon tree's are from every game? you can craft weapons outright it just costs more rare mats then upgrading.
Theyre not.
MHXX had a sort of mini upgrade tree but you could still craft any weapon you like.

And no you can't craft any weapon you like in MHW. You have to find which one you can actually craft and then go through the tree up to it.

Nope still discussed sales on resetera too. Pretty easy to search and see.

>He never talked about sales since then
But that's not true, I'm sure I've seen more sale tweets from that guy

Everyone is waiting for it on PC, dumb fucks should have released it alongside PC

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how do you sell .316 of a unit?

Why the fuck is it called master rank? What was wrong with g rank? G rank is iconic at this point, you can't just change it to something lame like master rank for no real reason

Are you fucking stupid or you don't want to read?
I have the game, you don't, that's why you give false information, end of the story

>having the complete weapon tree displayed at any time is a malus
What the fuck

>Monsters are nothing but AoE spam now like something out of fucking Frontier Z the MMO.
Can't even tell if you're serious or not

Why is MHW online so fucking dogshit?
>1 year later still search SOS flares prime time
>2 results
Same bug during launch never fixed

Attached: beh.gif (200x147, 812K)

>n-nibel never talks about sales
twitter.com/search?q=sales (from:nibellion)&src=typed_query&f=live

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>MHW looks like a step in the right direction
>people buy it
>MHW:I brings back all the shitty practices big time and adds terrible gimmicks on top
>people don't buy it

G rank would confuse the casuals.

Fucking hell. Fine, give me the sacue so I can jack off. Again.

Not only that but it's literally all physical sales.
Who the fuck goes out and buys DLC when they have the base game?

>a physical release of a digital expansion sold a bit over 1/5 of the original game
That's really good actually.

This isn't an old G rank where buying the physical release was the only way to get it.

Have to get the west excited since Japanese sales for G rank will be lower than previous ones.

He's just a bot from the capcom defense force

Master Rank actually has a meaning. G-Rank didn't stand for anything.

I always thought it meant God Rank

Youre not getting what I mean you fucking tard.

If I want to craft the Velkhana LS for instance, I can't craft it outright like you used to be able to do in older games.
Instead I have to go through this shitty upgrade tree system.
I have to craft Gran Khopesh I then upgrade it to II before I can craft Icebrink.
Why the fuck can't I craft Icebrink already?
Why do I have to go through a shitty tree.

90% of players never finish the game anyway. Why would they buy something that requires them to finish the game?

oooo that's gold

Attached: !!!!!.gif (422x309, 447K)

G-Rank was literally meaningless. It literally didn't mean anything specific.

because it's weeb nonsense and in western countries it kind of sounds like something a nigger would say

It was literally just the letter G

>Seliana and the new gathering hub are great
>Game forces you back to the shit pile that is Astera constantly


Attached: 1565628243038.png (700x700, 292K)

But MHW requires less materials for each upgrade. So at the end is a very minor difference.

Fuck you! It bombed!

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COPE more tranny

Oh shit, and that's that.

System works better if you specify which type of SOS you are looking for. At a glance if you just choose SOS, then choose investigations you will get a few different quests to choose from. If you specify investigations as your primary search it will probably bring up a couple pages.

>Iceborne entered UK charts at POSITION 20


Only some weapons in older monhuns can be crafted out right. Same in world. There are certain weapons mid tree that can be crafted out right

>physical copies of the standalone release for those who don't already have the original game is 250,000$
>this doesn't include all the people who already own the game and purchased Iceborne as a DLC upgrade
>this also doesn't include people who bought the game digitially

Lol what a flop. It's a shame Monster Hunter has gone downhill in japan since Capcom went full retard. Guess the west has to save iceborne, but looking at the streaming numbers, it aint going to do that well.

t. never fucking played Old MH

In MHXX and before you could craft the monsters weapon any time you like. You never had to go through a tree.

LOL. That includes digital so damn that flopped badly.

>includes digital


t. 4U bab

So, Iceborne flopped right?
Rip. If Yea Forums says it then it's true... Now I can't buy it.

Attached: 1493501216715.png (448x702, 189K)

unlike you I have literal thousands of games to play
I don't "wait"

Is that 250k of the full game with the expansion? or is that including the digital dlc only sales that are not tracked?

It's 200k with the bundle, 40k with the physical DLC.
Digital isn't included.

Just so the MHW fans here know.

UK counts digital sales now.

>Retarded weapon upgrade tree instead of being able to craft weapons outright.
It was always a tree, based retard.

The 40k is the download card

02./00. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne (Download Card) # (Capcom) {2019.09.06} (¥4.800) - 44.160 / NEW

>game sold poorly
Should I give a fuck about it if it's good?

I don't think it worked that way in FU, Tri and P3rd.


Why are you all laughing? Don't you like Monster hunter? I hated World but even I think this is terrible.

What the fuck did these normies buy that wasn't Iceborne?

Attached: Chinman.jpg (216x311, 27K)

Well, I mean, I'm still playing MHGU, and I skipped Iceborn, and I've been playing this series since MHFU. I knew Iceborn wasn't going to fix the room system, nor eliminate the endgame farming for decos, nor implement transmog, nor remove timed events like Kulve Tarroth and certain AT elder dragons, nor fix any issue aside from there not being enough monsters. I have no interest in ever returning to World until they basically overhaul the entire game, which I doubt will happen. Not mad or anything because I've got MHGU, which I love, but Iceborn is the first MH in a decade I skipped. World just has too many issues to fix in a single expansion.

The new decorations are good because they force you to use other skills. All the new set bonuses are good and previous elemental skills are good because they nerfed everything else.

Everyone is LITERALLY waiting for the PC version my dude. A ton of my friends that played it on consoles are now waiting for the PC release after getting a taste of that big dick Pc performance.

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The most ironic thing is that veterans are actually loving Iceborne.

He's not saying the amount of the materials is the problem user.

Europe has shit taste in video games anyway.

These sales are for the master edition only dumbasses

What's ironic about that?

F2 chad here. Iceborne's pretty good. Way better than X/XX.

Out of the fifteen million people who own World, they couldn't get 5% of them to pay for more content?

nope that's for both versions

01./00. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne Master Edition # (Capcom) {2019.09.06} (¥6.990) - 206.156 / NEW
02./00. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne (Download Card) # (Capcom) {2019.09.06} (¥4.800) - 44.160 / NEW

>The most ironic thing is that veterans are actually loving Iceborne.
They are? They seemed hyped at first, but after they got to and near end game I saw a lot of the hype fall off a cliff. The shit weapons being just one of the issues.

The setting and aesthetic probably don't help. Look at that image. Blue. Blue. Blue. Blue-hued white. Blue. Blue. Blue. Blue. Blue.
The dead desolation of winter isn't an attractive setting outside of horror.

I enjoyed world but I don't want to have to relearn how to be gud just for an xpac -- I think the release was way too far away from the base game to be relevant. I'll wait for the next game proper.

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Didn't ask for your opinion

Veterans hated MHW but it was a huge success
Not that Iceborne made it great, it flops.

Weapon designs is literally one of the very few issues veterans are having with Iceborne.

Why would sane people make the same mistake twice? World was awful in almost every way. Even if Iceborne is good, World was so shit normies will never play MH again


Ugh guys everyone who bought world would have just gotten the expansion digitally

How is that ironic in relation to his post?

>iceborne flopped
seriously fuck you fags for being such smug cunts

Attached: 1529920349672.jpg (554x400, 33K)

>Download Card

This is the (updated) flaw list compiled from points, most(!) of which still relevant after Iceborne, people found fault with.

Before I get pelted, this is not to say that MHW isn't great.

-still trying to get children addicted with the completely pointless HR1-999 system (younger players might conflate it with skill)
-the late PC release date is pathetic for today's standards, to say that at the outset (the version is also still kinda buggy; lose connection after alt-tabbing, animations sped up, too demanding)
-only elders get AT quests, meaning the game basically only has a handful of monsters because you don't even fight anything but elders as only those put up a fight in the endgame
-all challenging quests are time-gated events
-tripled down on AoE spam (see new Bazel, Vaal, Namielle and even Savage Deviljho) instead of well-designed movesets
-unstable framerate, especially due to clutter and an overload of effects
-yet they keep putting monsters in the cluttered forest; now even the Vaal subspecies, which will fart out and spam even more AoEs
-way too much walking and long transition zones (even Guiding Lands) that almost make you miss loading screens
-Guiding Lands and SOS system siphon from the comfy lobby system
-what's worse; only a limited number of lobbies and SOS quests displayed and hundreds hidden for some inexplicable reasons (sometimes can't even find an event SOS when AT Nergigante is live, even though there definitely are some)
-unskippable cutscenes because they want you to see their "beautiful creation"
-spawning in random zones and preventing it is an asinine chore, especially since you can fast-travel anyway (they probably do this for the same reason you can't skip cutscenes)
-very first big monster you fight, the flagship monster, the final monster of World and the final monster of Iceborne all rehash the same skeleton
-Nargacuga, Zinogre and assorted returning monsters slower than ever

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>You know there are people who sold the base game and bought that
What kind of retarded move is that? Game shops give you peanuts for your games. You're just throwing more money than needed for the physical version when Iceborne is just a paper slip anyway, not even pre-installed on the disc.

-way too many roars (semi-unavoidable ones whenever a monster flees), even gave Zinogre a roar when approaching him
-roars can glitch out (consecutive micro roars impossible to dodge and predict, annoying when speedrunning)
-stunned way too long by tremors
-instantly craft and pop Ancient Potions, which in theory nullifies difficulty
-only source of threat is getting stunned now, which they ramped up greatly (don't start me on Teostra
-half the endgame monsters do thunder attacks, barely any water monsters
-crammed and visually busy while monsters clip through everything and can even shoot through the massive trees in the forest
-generic weapon skins
-Palicos constantly heal and even revive you
-automatically climb and slide everywhere because of slopes and other shit, forcing contextual and often impeding inputs on the player
-sabotaging automatic animations such as taking off used mantles when trying to quickly prevent a monster from fleeing
-some of the obejctiely worst monsters in the series, notably Zorah, Lunastra and AT Kushala who flies constantly without even an airborne moveset/openings (Alatreon and Rathalos have good aerial openings)
-item wheel unresponsive and clunky
-paid DLC
-random MVP cards (feedback and knowing who did best is nice, but the execution is horrible and you have to do 70% damage to even get the damage card)
-neck-snapping camera
-NPCs scattered across the hub
-can't see previews in the crafting menu for some reason
-likewise can't see things like your weapon slots in the general gear window, wheel tied to loadouts, decos sorted basically randomly, etc.
-invasions more likely, even elder dragons you can't dung
-three monsters in one zone constantly roaring and pushing each other around
-no transmog
-forced to use environmental traps if you want to keep up as a speedrunner: Monster didn't spawn in the area with the boulders or you missed one (5% damage) because the AI went nuts? Restart the whole thing

-bad hitboxes and hit progression (animation barely started and already does 100% damage, or how Nergigante's tiny tail slam does as much damage as the spin itself and one-shots you)
-can't pause
-precise gameplay with GS is kinda dead (few exceptions like Kirin), it's all about just getting your TCS out, which barely requires skill; experience, spacing, positioning, timing (just watch a Kulve or Vaal speedrun and compare it to a 140 Shagaru speedrun)
-forced to hold a bunch of useless items that can make item usage a pain
-you can even make spots that aren't supposed to be weakspots such with the Clutch Claw and consecutively trip monsters like Nargacuga (can even make his wing blades weakspots by tenderizing them)
-palpable input delay, almost as bad as MH3U on Wii U
-most new monsters require no precision; just whack them like a pinata (Odogaron, Kulve, Vaal [EVERY hitzone is a weakspot], watch speedrun videos with GS), a joke compared to old monsters like Gore or Diablos before turning his head into a weakspot in MHW
-cryptic menu inputs for simple things at some instances
-now that lock-on exists, monsters circling around the player (think of Nargacuga or Nergigante) seems pointless, however, more and more monsters do it and people who rather play without lock-on are either forced to play with a camera setting they don't like or play with a big disadvantage
-one-player difficulty scaling arguably makes monsters too exploitable, the game too easy and cooparative gameplay redundant to good players
-HBG, CB and especially Bow easy yet overpowered, ridiculously so in the base game
-95% of armors useless
-almost all weapons but Kulve useless in the base game (they'll probably do something like that again in Iceborne)
-can't see quests other people have posted when you have a quest pending already, even though MH3U just made it possible not too long ago

I have 200 hours in the base game and haven’t bought Iceborne because I don’t consider gem farming fun

Roars is one of those skills that I lost somewhere along the way. Back in Tri I could roll through every roar without evasion, but now it's like 50-50.

Same. The grinding is retarded. Could be a good game otherwise.


>narga slower than ever
But that's a lie

It’s ok Nincel take your meds and your ass won’t hurt so much.

They change roar frames with every game because they are autistic. Raths were impossible to dodge roar back then, now they're easy. Blos as well. Meanwhile Jho is now semi impossible who was easy before.

god this retarded mechanic really needs to fuck of already

Small monster pool is fine since every "transition" game had a small monster cast, but yeah it just wasn't as fun as the older ones especially 4u

Maybe not for the nips. The second hand MHW undercut the best price version for MHW that they had to make a cheaper version of the best price version.

So what "endgame" do people expect from a MH game if they hate gem farming so much?
If you enjoy hunting and getting good you don't really need an incentive like that desu.

I can't be bothered to read the thread, but this is because they refuse to release things at the same time as PC for some insane reason.

Oh no, all the fun I've been having has been for nothing!

just roll them lol

If only the added gear evolution

Yeah that's probably it. Whenever I fail to roll through Nargacuga's roar in MHXX I feel so fucking bad. The entire hunt is ruined.

>transistion game
>compares it to 4U

keep seething tranny

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Can’t wait for World 2.

>this thread
will Yea Forums(read nincels) ever get over MHW success?

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Have you fought Narga in Iceborne? Even the tail is stuck for less time compared to the beta

It does. Zinogre basically had none in P3rd and people learned to love him and he became a fan favorite. This should have been a sign for Capcom.

No, instead they literally give him fucking more roars in MHW.

what they've done to Brachy's weapons is a fucking crime

Attached: MH4-Hunting_Horn_Render_019.png (330x190, 52K)

epic looking UNIQUE weapons and armour sets that are locked behind autistic hard endgame grind

Why are you lying? It's still stuck for fucking ages lol


I'd even say trip/3u are more fun, but as I said the problem is the core mechanics, which largely evolve with each new entry. world just took it a bit too far imo, it almost feel like a different game series with it's aproach to "monster hunting". it's not bad, just different and not as fun as the older ones imo

I didn't think about this game much because it sounded just like an expansion, they should've just made MHW 2

Despite having played MH for +3000 hours, Brach weapons are literally the only weapons whose names I remember off-hand. That's the Timbral Demolisher.

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if a game isn't a nintendo exclusive, indie trash, or obscure eurojank trash, Yea Forumseddit hates it.

Looks like the same speed as old narga except for the tail
Are people really arguing about this, like it was the Barroth nerf in P3rd?


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the hunter is too overpowered in World, it feels like I'm bullying the monster, still a fun game, but I miss the slower paced hunts from before

Despite the fact that those tend to be the most hated here.

i still play MHFU and think its where monster hunter peaked. everything after it is shit.

No one is, its just listfag trying to disrupt MH threads again.

Who cares about the twitter literally who when it's still sourced?

Yeah basketball is a straight up Olympic sport

It hurts.

It lets us know this is coming from a place of asshurt.
Not that that's shocking of course. MHW has caused unprecedented amounts of asshurt. So much that they're actually talking about the physical sales of a DLC.

They already tried that it’s called Lost planet

I wish the clutch claw never happened. Feels like shit to use, need to use it so hunts don't take an eternity. At least mantle could be easily ignored.

>only 8 new monsters and one new locale
well duh

Attached: from what.jpg (125x125, 2K)

That's what happens when you make your game too hard and grindy. Who is going to buy an expansion pack for a game they didn't beat either because it was too hard or because it dragged on forever?

I'll give you indie shit since no one actually likes those, but
>hated by the majority of Yea Forums
Just look at all the smash threads that pop up whenever anything relating to that happens. Same with Zelda. Shit, there are even some people defending the new fucking Pokemon games.

Literally everyone and their mom is waiting for the PC version instead.

I'm gonna wait until Capcom gives the official sales figures but these are the lowest first week sales of a MH game in Japan, the last one was MH tri that sold only around 500.000 copies.

>ctrl f "veteran"
>5 results
Literally no one in this thread is a Monster Hunter vet. If you didn't control your attacks with the second analog stick back in 2004, you are not a vet.I don't care if you started with Freedom 2, and I especially don't care if you started with Tri and think you know shit. Stop pretending like you've stuck with this series from the very beginning. Vets - true vets - hate MHW and skipped Iceborn. FACT. Inarguable fact. Deal with it.

Japanese don’t play PC.

what a shame World sold so poor, imagine if it had actually sold over 13m copies and they allocated 1% of those resources into hiring people to fix the place-holder bone/iron slap on weapons

That’s such a gay name
G was prefectly fine

Yeah, but how is that ironic? "Veterans" are just a handful of autists who are so completely irrelevent that with older games it was always up in the air whether it'll get localized or not, cause they didn't sell for shit. Them liking or disliking a game isn't noteworthy.

New mechanics I find balance out the harder monsters so casuals should still be able to somewhat deal with it

You don't understand, G is too japanese-y and cringe-y, westerns would hate that.

>when Iceborne is just a paper slip anyway, not even pre-installed on the disc.
Why are you people allowed to speak when you have no fucking clue?
The iceborne disc has everything inside except the dlc bonuses

Japanese is not the biggest market for Monster Hunter anymore. West PS4 and Worldwide PC (not including Japan BUT including China and they already bigger than Japan at MonHun) are now.

based retard

Sometimes less is more
I alway thought it was Gangsta rank
>Break yo self fool!

I'm getting bored of Iceborne already and I just only unlocked Tigrex and Brachydios.
Should probably try some other weapon.

Good thing chinks aren't japs you retard

not gonna lie, didn't know it launched.
There were like no ads for it. They did the zinogre trailer then it was off the radar? Wasn't that like JUST last week too?

it's $40

But yeah, kind of embarrassing.

>fix what isnt broken changing to 16 man lobbies
>1-4 people in each room anyway, like before

they had it right the first time

Completely deserved desu
Same as Nintendo with the wiiu, they deserved to fucking flop for pandering the normies

Did Iceborne get any new maps aside from the snow place?

Yeah no.
I’m not touching this garbage fire

>Just look at all the smash threads that pop up whenever anything relating to that happens.
user, most of the smash threads up now are made by people who hate it and want it shoveled off to /vg/.

It's better than World but I wouldn't say I'm loving it. It's fine.

>tracking people buying the bundle and not just the dlc

>-Palicos constantly heal and even revive you

You mean Palicos un-cart you?

there are 27 new monsters

Attached: vO7lRZ7.jpg.png (621x702, 56K)

>there are 27 reskins

you mean """"new"""" monsters

Yeah, that's the cycle with literally everything.
>shit gets announced
>50% of people suck its metaphorical dick 50% fucking SEETHE at the idea of thing existing
>time passes, people that like thing get moved to /vg/ haters stay
>shit gets announced


Attached: vlcsnap-2018-11-21-11h02m51s373.png (512x384, 244K)

>ice level
yeah no thanks, ice is just a shitty version of water
give me the fire or lava level

Post game area.

Did old g-rank games even get 8 new monsters?

t. 4U babs
I bet you think all the monsters in XX are new.

yeah, totally credible source there


Can't say I'm surprised. It's a physical expansion and I can't see any new fags getting into this shit including myself. This shit is boring, you just smack a dinosaurs ass for 30 minutes to an hour then repeat. That's my fault for expecting this to be about fucking monsters shit up like Dragon's Dogma and that there were be shit like trolls and goblins and things that didn't take 50,000 swings to kill.

is there a list of custom upgrades somewhere?

Attached: casual.jpg (960x536, 170K)

>but the old games
who cares

I'm just waiting for the PC release, the PS4's framerate is fucking unbearable to deal with.

Yeah, okay, sure. Because 10 returning monsters and 10 variants are "new" now. Barioth, Narga, Brachy, and Zinogre are not new, and should have been in the base game. Acidic Glavenus and Shrieking Legiana are not new. Beotodus is new. We've now reached the number of monsters the base game should have had, and we need to pay an additional $40 for it. $40 for literally nothing genuinely new.

>50% of people suck its metaphorical dick 50% fucking SEETHE
It's more like a 1:3:6 ratio.

Do you even play them?

>Shitty bone weapon
>Shitty bone weapon
>Shitty bone weapon
Just a fucking let down

it is not a simple dlc tho
it's an expansion with pretty much the same amount of content as the base game

No. Why would I?

So there are 27 new monsters? Thanks for letting me know.

Based shitposter.

What do mean? It's less rng than the older games

Based retard.

It's been a long time since MHW was released, maybe people have moved on.
What are the numbers relative to time after release for other MH games?


Oh, so you literally never played this series before World. Gotcha.

Don't all the G games release like a year after the base game?

Hi listfag

Literally the only people who would have done this are people who REALLY wanted the steelbook because otherwise, that is an incredibly stupid move. You would be lucky to sell a copy of vanilla World for more than $15, then you would be paying a $60 for the all-in-one copy of Iceborne. That comes out to a $5 loss AT BEST. It's more likely that you'd only be able to get $10 or less for a copy of vanilla World so you'd be losing even more money.

It makes far more sense to keep your copy of vanilla World and just pay the $40 to download the Iceborne expansion.

Clearly, you are the faggot who knows nothing.

As much as I like World I agree with this, it's probably nostalgia more than anything though.

Im unironically glad that it flopped
It means that niggergante filtered all the shitters out of my game so they won't come a-carting in my iceborne playthrough when PCheat drops

I mean historically have expansions ever sold as well as the base game in cases other than the fanbase being autistically drawn to the game (SC, WoW, DoW, ect.)?

You're new to Monhun right ? If not, i'm not sure why you sound surprised because thats the most we ever got for a G-rank game ( that was full price before, so 45/50 and not 40... )

That fucking fight took me over 20mins and that's 10mins too long considering it isn't even a phased fight like zorah or kulve. Lai slash is fixing this though

>Japanese don’t play PC.
Good, they are fucking awful at the game and are the cause of most quests.

That is why the Iceborne disc costs $60, idiot. it's only $40 to download just the expansion.

It's literally impossible because nowadays you require the base game to play almost all expansions/DLC, So absolute best case theoretical scenario is 1:1 sales.

a lot of tigrex, brachy and narg weapons go through a tree in old games.

>sold as well
>as well

Nobody is THAT stupid

That is BS. If its just a DLC why the fuck do crapcom full price for it on the PS store? It includes both games. But i own the first game and just want the DLC.. i dont want to buy the orginal game again..

How do you sell 250.316 units? How do you sell a third of a copy? Big flop

Kulu, Jagras, Pukei, Tobi, Anja, Rathalos, Barroth, Diablos, Jyura, Lumu, Legiana, TziTzi, Odo, Girros, Baan, Dodogama, Bazel, Uragaan, Kirin, Vaal, Kush, Nergi, Teo, Xeno

Baro, Beo, Barioth, Velkhana, Nami, Tigrex, Narga, Brachy, Jin, Glav, Garuga, Sharla

24 vs 12, pretty much the same

yeah every monster being in a wheelchair is sick

nigger are you retarded. This isn't like Monster Hunter Generations where it was lacking monsters for no obvious reason. All the same, Generations Ultimate remedied the issue and it became a more enjoyable game, so if you think Iceborne "makes" the game now, then how is that a bad thing.

World is an entirely different development thing for Monster Hunter, something they literally never did since the first game in 2006. They can't just copy paste the old models and old animations anymore for extra content.MHG sucked cause it was lacking monsters while all they had to do was just copypaste monsters from the last games, while MHW doesn't get that freedom. Monsters interacting, IK movements and environment interactions, high-definition animations and models - every single monster has to be built from the ground up for World cause they fundamentally changed the kind of game World was compared to every other past MH running on the original ps2 engine from 2006. You had one monster and suddenly you have to design interactions with every other existing monster for a factorial increase in work. If you're gonna shit on Iceborne, at least do it from a reasonable perspective like why didn't they add a new weapon type.

dumb ESL

Here they come again.

Attached: Play tacticals.png (2469x596, 181K)

Considering world was salvaged from Deep Down, they'd been working on world for like 5 years.

>250.316 units is 250

Attached: IMG_7010.png (205x246, 4K)

I hate you faggots so much.

Are they going to add any after release or are they really charaging 60% of the base game's price for like seven new monsters and ten reskins?

>pretty much the same amount of content
>adds like 5 new monsters, under 10 new returning monsters, and a bunch of subspecies

Literally the worst G-Rank we've ever gotten.

Imagine being this much of a mongoloid

>falling for such obvious bait

can someone explain the oh no no no we got cocky bros meme?
It makes you sound retarded.

You guys keep using that word as a pejorative, as if it's so wrong to list flaws with a game. What do you want, a fucking pictograph? A youtube video?

>implying amerifags know what 250.316 actually is

Attached: IMG_6957.jpg (645x729, 57K)

>why the fuck do crapcom full price for it on the PS store? It includes both games.
These are the same people who split up the DMC collection to sell separately on Switch. They're the biggest Jews in the industry next to Sony.

They are likely going to follow the same model as World did and keep adding more free content/events post release, though that content will only be available if you have Iceborne.

Case in point: Rajang is being added post release.

Well, (you) are

You can always pick out the world newfags because they complain about sessions being empty.

>They're the biggest Jews in the industry next to Sony.
Pretty much this
Between crapcom faggotry, ninturd never dropping their game's prices and sony being sony the industry is just shit


Besides them being obsessed with keeping their toys to themselves Sony's always seem like the lesser evil to me in most situations


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This, nintendies can't accept the new reality of the franchise.

>Physical+digital on release week is n°20 in UK
Did they really thought they were going to repeat the EPIC 13 MILLION when the normies are now aware of how the series really is?
That's just as dumb as nintendo trying to sell the wiiu pandering again to the wii normies

Isn't this just the standalone version? It's cheaper to buy the expansion alone if you already own the game.

Had it on ps4 originally. Got angry when you couldn't transfer your data from ps4 to the PC release without jailbreaking.

So now I'm not touching shit till its on PC. The loading time difference is insane, and having higher FPS is nice.

They should have just dropped the shit on PC if they wanted more purchases.

Why are there so many damage control fucks in the thread


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This is literally impossible. All the hype, all the cheering crowds, all the amazing reviews, all the great changes, all the fan favorite returners.....

Just for less than 300,000 units from its biggest audience?! That makes it the worst selling expansion in the franchise.

Someone give me a logical reason for this shit, this shouldn't be happening.


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It's probably a similar figure or somewhere in that ballpark desu

The big issue is there is just too much shit coming out in a short period of time.
Summer was almost a wasteland, then all these companies decide to dump their major releases in the last week of August/first week of September.

If I wasn't playing WoW right now I'd be playing Iceborne, but as it stands I haven't even bought it yet.

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>Sony's always seem like the lesser evil to me in most situations
Don't kid yourself. Not only are they leeches feeding on the ideas of others they don't even pretend to give a flying fuck about their consumers.

"OH NO NO NO"-posting is definitely the second most obnoxious and stupidest meme on the board, and it drags down the quality of the website as a whole.

I know that feeling. My backlog is growing faster than I can knock them out so I'm limiting myself to a game a month.

Have they hinted at any new monsters other than Rajang? I want to know if my nigga Gigginox is in, or if they're ever going to bring back bulldrome or any of the charge boys. I loved hunting some random monster having to avoid constant charges that would send me off a mountain.

Also do you think it's worth it? It's only one new area a set of the biome specific creatures and a handful of endgame hunts right?

It's kinda sad, really. World was very mediocre slog, but Iceborne is quite solid.

>Sony's always seem like the lesser evil to me
Yeah, no

The "OH NONONONONO" recording originates from Vine, that should tell you how fucking irrelevant that meme is.

This shit needs to stop.

Them genuinely not caring is a hell of a lot better than them pretending to, imo

Is this the G rank version or is this something else?

>Eurosuck fell for bait
Loving every laugh

On what planet? Pretending to care usually results in something good for the consumer even though the company are clearly only doing it for repeat custom.

Who cares about Japan sales anymore. It's not 2010, all they play is gacha.

I've played since P2. Even in XX not every weapon can be crafted out right. Ive crafted every chargeblade and swax in that game. I know the fucking pain of having to craft one mid bass several times and upgrade it just to make the second alternate branch. If you think you can craft evey weapon outright then you've missed out on 70% of the weapons in XX

How? That's basically Sony saying they know their fanbase are idiots

Good, now this shit for normies can die once and for all.
I'm ready for a new classic MH for the Switch

It also results in pandering and shilling a lot of the time
Which, granted, Sony isn't completely free of that either

The last classic MH was on the psp though.

>If you think you can craft evey weapon outright then you've missed out on 70% of the weapons in XX
user, only about 5% of weapons require you to follow a tree and even then most of them are ones that make sense like the rath hammer into the silver rath hammer.

>checking at 11:50 am on a Wednesday
Fucking worthless neets. You are literally not worth wasting a second breath on.

>not having the switch 2
Imagine being this much of a 3d being

What the fuck do they use as a decimal point then?


>It also results in pandering and shilling a lot of the time
Not really no usually it results in understanding the audience.

>I'm ready for a new classic MH for the Switch
How about a game that isn't immediately dead on arrival? Unironically the fastest MH game I couldn't group with people on because nobody played online.


Don't reply to listfag. Not that you aren't retarded too mind you.

Yeah fair enough, I suppose that makes sense.

Waiting for PC but also not putting that shit DRM on my machine so you can tell those japs to fuck right off until they respect freedom.

Wait for the PC release.

MHW was bad. Did you except people to buy this shit again

Or a failed attempt at understanding
Sony doesn't give a shit and while I've never been extremely enthusiastic about most of their shit, I haven't found myself turned away by it either, which is a lot more than I can say for most companies

if you liked World you will like IB.

Woah. Only that in Japan?

>Literally admitting that the majority of GUfags are still in school.
The absolute state of you.

Fuck right off. Porting this series to PC was a mistake.

Stay mad switchfag

It was the PC market that pulled World to the 13 Million mark. Them treating the PC market as an afterthought has bit them in the ass. They shouldn't have used Japan as a sales metric for the rest of the world.

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Didn't the PC version sell the most?

>sales struggling
>mad that its open to more sales
wut nugga

fuck off retard

Or they're at work, like me, fucking asshole.

I read it sold somewhere around 4~ mil, wunnit?

>4U was 1.6 I think.
Thats a big number

It sold like 10 million copies before the PC version even came out

They haven't hinted at anything past that but a lot of folks are still holding to speculation that we'll eventually get everything from the anniversary image. It's hard to say how much they'll add but at the very least, more monkeys are inevitable because they're not gonna want to waste that skeleton.

If we look at vanilla World, we got Jho, Kulve, Behemoth, and that thing from the Witcher so, 4 monsters total? Who knows if they plan to do about the same or try to add even more to Iceborne.

The fanbase definitely went to absolute shit when it went to PC.

The fanbase went to shit when it went to Nintendo. It never really recovered since.

DLC + Mainstream playerbase + less marketing

I'm sure it'll reach good numbers with time, gotta be humble.

The more platforms a game is on, the further down the drain the fanbase goes.
You can never recover after you're on every console plus PC.

The "fanbase" went to shit only because Yea Forums is full of shitposters + nintendo losing exclusivity, none of that multiplatform nonsense

Shit is 40 buckos, that's a lot for a dlc, I know it's more like an expansion , but people nowadays don't rember that .

You double nigger! it's also available as a digital upgrade. That's just people buying a physical disc. Maybe first timers? Maybe collectors? Not bad a Jap re-release/bunduru actually.

>Or a failed attempt at understanding
Which doesn't happen unless the company has no interest in its consumers. Why do you think companies like Sony and capcom change audience so often?

>a new classic MH for the Switch
But capcom doesn't give a fuck about switch
>Only new games are megaman 11 and a gay dating simulator
>Dmc collection is getting sold separately on purpose
>Ports come later and are more expensive
>Mandatory download for games that should come on the cartridge
>Deliberately obstructing mhxx release, when it's THEIR OWN FUCKING GAME because nothing should hurt world the slightest
>Refused to localize mhgu, nintendo had to do it
>Resident evil fucking cloud version when stuff like nudoom, warframe and the witcher is getting released
I mean, the same applies for xbone and pc, if your console doesn't have a sony logo capcom doesn't give a flying fuck about you

People also forget the shitflinging that when on when Tri was announced. Probably because most people where not here for it.

its not hentai its literally just a comedy manga called "My wife is a man!"

Cringe but redpilled

Thanks for confirming you're a neet

>nintendo losing exclusivity
Yes but probably not for the reason you think.

based retard

It's both reasons, nintedofags shitposters assblasted the series isn't still locked on a subpar handheld and psp fags glad thay can play mh again without buying a device they have no interest in