Where were you/what did you do 18 years ago today Yea Forums?

Where were you/what did you do 18 years ago today Yea Forums?

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drinking mommy milkies

Waiting for a bus to get to school.

asleep in class

Playing with GI Joe and watching Cartoon Network

Playing Sims, starting middle school

Probably playing pokemon on my game boy color.
Times were simpler back then.
Why do everything have to be so difficult in adult life?
And why is nobody preparing me for this shitty adult life?
I feel like killing myself is the only way to escape from this now.

smashing a toy plane in a lego building I had telling my mom it was the thing that happened on tv


fukken ur mum lel

Not caring about 9/11, because I was too busy playing video games.

>Be 6
>7th day of first grade
>Day going normally until we get a lockdown for some reason
>Have no clue what they're talking about but rationalize that it's something big since it happened in our state
>At like 11am they decide to send us home early
>Go home, eat lunch, and play Episode 1 Racer and Mario 64

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Thinking it was a controlled demolition

what's the 9/11 of video games

4th grade class
Teacher wheeled in TV on the cart and we watched towers burn
Mom picked me up and tried to explain what happened but I didnt care and just was excited to go home early

>Where the fuck is card captors?
Fuck America and fuck 9/11 how dare you deprive me of anime

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Forgot to mention we had a CRT in the room at the time so we got to watch the towers burn

Second grade in PE. Teacher turned on the tv when we got back to the classroom.

Imagine being born on the exact day that it happened. Statistically, there must be kids (now adults) that were born on that day. Imagine the looks you'd get from bartenders and shopkeepers when they check your ID.

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Having lunch with my family

watching the night news in my grandparents house after dinner. I was 8.

My friend's sister was born 5 minutes before the first tower got hit.

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Imagine being born on that day and dying in Afghanistan as a US soldier.

Had some blueberry pancakes, saw the news, checked in with a NY friend to make sure he was OK, then just watched some Law & Order.
Shit happens, but I was so far removed from it that dwelling on it seemed pointless.

Playing Severance: Blade of Darkness after a coming home from school. Makes me feel proud for once about my country

Playing with typewrighter probably

I wish I could say that about my country, hermano ;_;

Sucking on my mom's tits

sitting in front of a tv, watching news

>2001 babbies are now old enough to post on Yea Forums

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I remember my afghanistan vet dad was really angry that day, and he's not even american.

being a new born baby and shitting myself :^)


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I was in high school.

I was in 7th grade at the time. Mom was paranoid about terrorists that day, so she told me not to go to school that day. She was watching it all day. After a while all I wanted to do was change the channel and watch something else. Eventually I just played some video games

what day would it have been 18 years ago from today? wouldn't leap years fuck things up a bit?

Trying to figure out why Max Payne had black textures on my ATI 1600XT, and playing Sims Holidays.

>18 years ago

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I was in 6th grade when it happened. Saw it all from our class window. We were sent home early and I went to my friends house who lived close by.

Freshman year of high school. Teacher from the building next door rushed a tv into our room and everything just kinda stopped.

We're getting old, user.

I was in the second grade.
I remember going to school like normal, when they turned on all the classroom TVs to the news. It was solemn and very surreal, and everyone was silent. Afterwards the teachers let everyone go home early, the walk home was eerie as nobody spoke but sirens from dozens to hundreds of emergency vehicles kept layering on top of each other.
Even as a 7-8 year old I knew things would be different after this.

How does it feel to be old?
Can you already feel your body decaying?
Do you feel your energy draining faster then before?
Have you already started to count your days backwards?

Playing Mario Tennis on my N64.

GOOD OL 9/11


Waking up just in time to see the second plane smash into the tower on CNN before getting ready to go to 5th grade and then going to school making an innocent joke about the situation to relieve the mood just to have my bitchy female teacher pull me aside and scream at me despite the fact that I knew just how grim the situation is, for a while though she was going to beat the shit out of me.

Fucking cunt.

>innocent joke
how do you play off a joke that involves thousands of people in terror for their lives

>Hear someone say that the hijackers were also killed


Pretty harmless really.

I didn't really see much of what happened until I got home from school (bong here) and it was all over the regular channels like BBC and ITV.

I didn't really care though what was happening so I just went upstairs and watched Cardcaptors.

i was about 1 years old, a month away from 2 years old

You're a year older than me octoberfrend

investing in the PMC market

I was 18 at the time, i spent most my time training and focusing on my boxing career !

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oh hello fellow but younger new friend
tfw i actually followed the rules lurked Yea Forums for 4 years when i discovered it in my freshman year and posted my first thread/first post on my eighteenth birthday, I really don't know why i'm like this

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1st or 2nd grade highschool
probably playing stuff on my dreamcast

Being slightly less than one year old.

Cooming. In fact you can pick any day in the past and that would work as an answer.

I was a young lad living in France pissed off the yearly funny stand up show was canceled because some muricans were being crybabies.

I was actually playing on the N64...


I was being born,and now i'm happy i don't need to lie about my age on this website

>30yr Boomer
>Financially independent
>Own my own home
>Disposable income
>General wisdom that comes from age
>GF that sucks me off when i have a bad day
>Have 2 dogs who are healthy and get regular exercise
>one step below owner at work so i have executive authority and creative freedom
>healthy relationship with family and friends
>get to the play all the latest and greatest games without it affecting my budgets

being old is a lot better than being some Deer in Headlights Zoom zoom with 0 hope for the future lol

I was in school. Mom took me home crying after hearing about it.
Being a retarded child not understanding the situation, I enjoyed the day off school playing pokemon

>7th Grade
>A friend of mine assaulted one of his arab class mates

good times

>watching Cardcaptor.
A man of taste!

I was playing Age of Empires, got a call from Mom to shut down internet in case there was going to be hacker attacks on the Internet.

Having breakfast.

>life so great you brag about it on a Nigerian biking enthusiast board

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I was on a plane to Disney World

Reading the Chaos Codex in the back of a car going shopping for groceries with my dad

probably watch digimon and play mario

celebrating the death of hundreds from my comfortable sofa along with my family in europe :)

I was in 1st grade chillin' with the homies and playing kiss tag with the qt girls in the class during recess

asking what the twin towers were when someone told me a plane flew into them

I was trying not to die from a collapsed lung in a hospital

Good old rising a thread.

based mohamed

>Dic dubs


playing marbles my niggy

ill admit, i dont remember dick all about what i was doing during 9/11, my memory is complete shit

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Watched the news all day in my dorm room.

I was coming back from school, we turned Yea Forums on to have lunch and saw the first tower already in flames, then seconds after boom, second plane strikes fucking live.
I don't remember many things from that age but that memory is clear as day, it was insane watching the reporter talk and suddenly a fucking plane slamming into the tower all of a sudden.

>And why is nobody preparing me for this shitty adult life?
Ask your mom why didn't she make that asshole wear a condom.

I was posting on Yea Forums because I'm not a total underage fuck like the rest of you

Celebrating my birthday
I'm 27 today