ITT: games that couldn't be made today

ITT: games that couldn't be made today

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I thought FEAR was taking place in some weird corporate dystopia kinda like Deus Ex

I am pretty sure it was just taking place in out of the way and abandoned areas.

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>hire a woman for an ad purely for her looks
>hire an ugly one

What did they mean by this?

>military/aerospace/whatever corporation has a clone army
>and a dark matter reactor under not-Detroit
what year is it and why do they have mech suits

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There's like 50 of these on Steam.



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Fuck off nignog

i honestly wasn't thinking of those when posting

I think it's just a fictional modern setting with the crazy sci-fi stuff all out of the public eye till about the end of 1 with 2 and 3 being much more public knowledge about all that stuff. No one outside the government/military and armacham/atc seems to know about clone armies, mechs or anything of the sort till shit hits the fan near the end of 1. 2 shows that the outside world clearly knows shit is fucked up when the nuke/reactor explodes, there's that tv report about it where they are scrambling for details. 3 seems to be a global conflict with that early game level set in brazil before flying back to america where shit is just hell on earth. It was like metal gear with mgs1 having lots of cool tech but not really in the public eye but 2 and 4 bring that stuff more into the spotlight to the point where 4 had small metal gears fighting in battles across the globe.

3, 6, 9, stand real fine
Move it to you suck it to me one mo time
Get low, get low, get low, get low
To the window, to the wall
To the sweat drop down my balls
To all you bitches, crawl
To all skee skee, motherfucker
All skee skee, goddamn
To all skee skee, motherfucker
All skee skee, goddamn

>main theme

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Sanran Kagura

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This is ok only if the shooting is committed by and against white men

Best title screen in any video game next to OoT.

And unborn babies

Would probably end up just being Family Guy: The Mascot Platformer with Gex constantly making swipes at Donald Trump.

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Anyone who disagrees is a zoomer faggot

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ding dooong
also why wouldnt you make swipes against the most retarded looking presidents your dumbass country has ever had?

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Nah man, Dead Space 1

Because a modern Gex would obviously make nonstop Trump jokes to the point that Rez now is an expy of him.

Fuck, Squenix might even replace Dana Gould with Tracy Morgan in order to add forced diversity.

>stand real fine

why are alt right kids always so autistic and sad?

0:44 hahahahaha

holy shit why are asians so ugly

Comes with not being 2D.


>kill prancing faggots


Deus Ex Invisible War because of the schoolgirl level.

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In F.E.A.R the clone army, powered exoskeleton and beam sniper are as extreme as the sci-fi elements go. EP/PM goes a little bit further and the sequels completely shit the bed.

he looks like a molerat

F3AR literally starts in Brazil just so they can rip off MW2, it's hilarious

I'm pretty sure it takes place in the near-future (official date is something like 2025 - 20 years into the future at the game's release). Feels as if they were going for a low-key sci-fi aesthetic, like Detroit mixed with Ghost in The Shell.
Played through it for the first time a week ago. It's fucking great.

I pity the fool who plays this game

It was fun, even if a bit shit.

I can't get myself to play past Brazil, it's somehow worse than 2.


probably fallout 2

Fear 3 has to be one of the most pointless sequels ever made, you’re not missing on anything. It literally feels like a fan game where you have those familiar characters put in weirdly fanfic-tier scenario, while completely missing all that made previous games good.

I’m convinced this game was the precursor to the reddit age.

cuff that clown

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Literal insects.

i think i heard noah say that in his review, pretty spot on
so'kay user like said it's a shit game - there was a clear buildup from 1-2 with 2 leading us into this war/hell on earth situation but 3 is so shit in both the gameplay and story department that it should just be avoided. this is coming from someone who liked both 1 and 2 as well as playing 3 coop at launch on pc. 3 is a chore of a game to finish. there was maybe 2 or 3 interesting moments for the entire game but not worth the time imo unless you have a coop partner and are 100% addicted to fear games.

does he say "we live in a society"?

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>[pepper spray paintball guns intensify]
I've never laughed harder at the sight of my four grown elements gangbanging one uncooperative felon with pepperballs while they all scream "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND"


>Entry team to TOC: suspect neutralised
>TOC to Entry team: b-but it was a school visit
>Entry team to TOC: Did I fucking stutter?

what, do you got a couple of bing bongs comin' over?