System Shock 3 gameplay teaser
System Shock 3 gameplay teaser
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Her speech is now animated and she makes faces
Game looks like a budget Prey, which is still a win in my book
But cortex reavers are back
That looked like a b-movie trailer.
Was System Shock always a b-movie game and we just didn't realize that?
Fuck yes, this looks great.
Seems like that freeze and shatter effect Nightdive were teasing for SSReboot before the scope change is now in SS3
>we just didn't realize that
Speak for yourself.
Yeah but the whole b movie game thing was kind of ironic and alright to do in the 90s, now its just cringe and unironic
did they really change her face?
looks good now
Wait, it's a sequel instead of a remake of the original now?
> Was System Shock always a b-movie game and we just didn't realize that?
there's two system shock projects currently in development, the remake of 1 and SS3. The remake restarted development after the devs realised the scope of the project was being inflated and compromised by feature creep if I'm not mistaken.
The art direction is fucking abysmal and the writing in the trailer is pretty terrible too, but looking back at SS2 and 1, the art direction was never great to begin with.
Given that Prey has left me desperately hungry for more solid immersive sims, I'm really hoping this one turns out at least decent.
does system shock 2 hold up ? i remember playing it as a kid when it came out but was too spooked
Based retard.
they got the horror parts right imo. looks unnerving and unsetting.
meanwhile all attempts from western shitter devs to create horror in the past 20 years failed miserably.
Depends on your age, honestly. I missed it on release, but went back and played it for the first time a few years ago. Held up really well for me, but I'm used to the games from that period, some of those are even my favorites.
>there's two system shock projects currently in development
Three actually. They announced SS2 definitive edition a while ago.
I don't give a shit about your stormblr drama, I'm in.
>buh underworld ascendant
>b-buh buh muh grafix
>buh niggers
Fuck you. Eat shit and die, I'm in.
I played it for the first time in 2012 and had an absolute blast with it, though it's true that I had grew up loving Deus Ex, so... But yeah, I'd say it does, if you get the patched up version with proper modern control scheme. It's a bit janky, because it is still more of an RPG than a shooter, but if you go into it with the right set of expectations, it's fine.
I thought this was dead.
It looks fine though.
>after the devs realised the scope of the project was being inflated and compromised by feature creep if I'm not mistaken.
The faggots were so fucking full of themselves that they decided to deitch the remake and make their own braindiarrhea game with the pledge money because they think they are hot shit and above all and true visionary artists. fuck those hacks.
>Game looks like a budget Prey, which is still a win in my book
pretty much how i feel about this
what was wrong with Shodan's face?
are you ok?
>what was wrong with Shodan's face
*smacks lips* AYO HOL UP HACKA
She had a potato nose, dredds and afro lips in the first reveal they've posted
Did they change their minds? Why does whatsherface doesn't look 3d and like a nigger anymore? Did they realize they could make her look much better by making her be 2d only?
I think they need to sleek her out a little more, but this is fine.
Shodan looked weirdly creepy in the original ending for SS2, as well, when she didn't have teeth. But I'd be fine with that anyway.
The only thing I think she's missing are those piercing pupils she had.
you're a faggot for posting your garbage 720p 30fps rip to beg subscribers with instead of the official 1080p 60fps video
What an insecure manbabby.
They restarted development because backers didn't like the art direction they were heading towards. They were trying to make it their own game instead of a faithful reboot and got called out on it.
Why would they ever OK that?
That YT link wasn't working when they posted the tweet you inbred imbecile
I think these snake-like pupils added an element of uncanny valley to her that I really liked.
Looks alright for your typical AA PC game. Shame these are typical fodder for the EGS to snatch up but lets hope that doesn't happen.
I'm always up for more mommy Shodan and I'm super glad they fixed the godawful design in . I don't even know how they though that design was acceptable, since pic related was what Shodan merged with at the end of SS2.
> underworld ascendant
Is it finally not shit? The Day1 version was fucking disgusting.
But why
Its good they got Terri to do Shodan's voice again, wouldnt have been the same otherwise.
Wait, didn't Shodan get a body at the end of SS2, are they retconning that part?
Oh shit I thought this was supposed to be a remake of 1
*evolves from a primate*
Looks like they've made Shodan quite expressive emotionally. I bet it has something to do with her merging/using Siddons body at the end of SS2.
Meh, looks like Prey and consolized. They'll never catch the charm of 2
There is both a Remake and SS3 coming out.
>developer actually taking criticism and changing things without there needing to be some massive scandal or reddit movement
I can’t remember the last time this happened
Asthetic looks generic, bland and overall boring, it doesnt really have that same fear factor that the other 2 games had with their space stations.
and why the fuck does everything look so bright and shiny?
It looks just like every other sci fi shooter that came out this decade and the technology is way more advanced compared to SS2.
Its like the same shit that happened with deus ex and deux ex human revolution, supposed to be the same game series yet it has a totally different style where everything looks overdesigned
>thread is 48 minutes old
>oldest comment in the official video is 1 hour old from the same guy (you)
at least have your video in proper quality next time dumbass
I think it does but then again I'm 30 and grew up playing it very early on. It deff feels like you can work yourself into a corner/subpar playthrough unlike most games today but that's also part of what makes it challenging and interesting on repeat plays.
>They'll never catch the charm of 2
Good since it is the inferior SS.
>First Azshara now Shodan giving that smug mommy look
Not my video retard, their link wasn't working, i searched system shock 3 on youtube and filtered last hour, this was the only result. Fuck yourself with a broom
You should tell that to the developers.
Personally, I'm going to wait until I can try the game because I've come to feel that there's a big difference between watching and playing something with a fear factor.
>Game looks like a budget Prey
My God, I never wanted to make a zoomer swallow his own tongue this much.
I played SS2 for the first time few months ago. It was pretty fun, but not as good as the first game.
>Fuck yourself with a broom
you're not fooling anyone
fear factor is something that makes you fear no matter what position you are in, so if even just watching it doesnt fill you with a sense of dread then it can be shit
And they realised their mistake and restarted the project, you imbecile. Stop being mad for no reason.
>Bioshock in space
Then I guess 2 and 1 have shit fear factors, right? You aren't immersed by watching a youtube video, you have no control.
>underworld ascendant
Looks so much better, still needs snake pupils.
No, someone who knows what they're doing told them what was wrong with their face modeling technique. You don't use wide angle lenses to take reference photos and then use those wide perspective photos as ortographic modeling references. All points on the z-axis become distorted by different measures if you do that. You need to have a large studio and a zoomed in camera to take photos compatible with that kind of modeling workflow.
Disregarding your toothless appeal to age fallacy, what else it does look like to you? It certainly doesn't look neither like 1 or 2.
>mfw looking at a pathetic creature of meat and bone
As a zoomer, I played both SS1 and 2 for the first time this year and I enjoyed both of them. Though I mostly play old games so it wasn't a problem for me, don't know if it'll be the same for you
Nigger SS1 was shit and literally copy paste manlet corridors.
>System Shock underwater
The second i saw her making faces i knew anons would make use of the faceapp
No. Never reply to me again insect.
no, because i dont watch games i play them, i can play SS1 and 2 right now,
SS is surprisingly good once you get the hang of it.
Go visit a therapist, Oedipus.
And you can't play SS3 yet, so why judge now?
>Prey without communism
Honestly it looks nice, it's so obvious this isn't the same guys who did Underworld Ascendant
Stay BTFO you nostalgia subhuman
because it looks shit
glad to see you ran out of things to say senpai
>Ultima Underworld in future
Another zoomer who needs to swallow his tongue.
System Shock 1 was way fucking better and experimental.
fuck off shill
>She sees your cyberpenis implant
The Many was better than Shodan anyway
I just played it for the first time last week and yeah, it’s pretty fucking great. Last couple of levels are complete shit though
>hur dur look how old I must be, I know System Shock is the original
Fucking boomer babies need to play Ultima Underworld. People like you need to swallow your own dick
they are super easy
>people actually fell for "Bioshock is spiritual successor to System Shock" meme
How the fuck did this happen?
New Shodan is really pulling off the Judith Neutron look
That's just a remaster to make it just werk and probably ruin something in the process, hardly major.
Why is everything except shodan looks so aesthetically ugly
>people will actually respond to this
Look at you, nigga. A pathetic lil bitch of meat and bone. All sweaty n' shit as you run through my corridors. How you gonna fuck with a perfect immortal Kween?
The last definitive edition they did turned out to be a pretty big deal.
>tfw I literally played every immersive sims created by Looking Glass
I wasn't a fan of Underworld 2, but other than that, they were all great.
+ Citadel fan remake
I played Ulltima Underworld, loved it. Whats your point zoon zoon?
>element of uncanny valley
The amount of people who don't know what that term means is starting to rival the amount of people who don't know what roguelike means. Uncanny Valley is that difficult to pinpoint uncomfortable feeling one gets from looking at realistic depictions of humans that fall less than a percent short of absolute realism simply due to technical impossibility. Something that deliberately compromised realism by taking extensive artistic liberties and something that's uncanny valley are mutually exclusive. Not to mention that the effect is almost impossible to get from a still photo.
What's that?
Those look like 3d-printed guns. Maybe they're something produced by replicators.
I didn’t say they were hard. Rickenbacker is just a bunch of long hallways and obviously is rushing you towards the end of the game. Then at Body of the Mass it turns into a shitty Doom clone, which I imagine is opposite to how most players were playing the game up until that point
>antagonist isnt HAL 9000
It's not a meme. The guy who made Bioshock flat out said it was a spiritual successor to System Shock 2, a game he also made.
we now have the element of mumcunny valey instead
>Dead Space in first person
SS2 isn't as outdated.
It’s true though?
(You), samefag
Because it's a AA (maybe even single A) budget. This project is held together only by glue, a cult IP and shattered bits of Warren Specter's spine. Calling it now, the level design and gameplay elements will be rought but great. The game will go completely unnoticed at large because the graphics and story will be lukewarm. Gamers couldn't even care about Arkane's offerings or the new Deus Ex games, so why bother trying to satisfy them with a big budget effort? This is basically the immersive sim genre's final breath.
>2001 A Space Odyssey
>antagonist isn't AM
Not so much of SS1, but it is definitely a spiritual successor of 2.
i play the entire game as an invisible entity
kind of mirrors me real existence in a way
The faggots that complained about her face in the first place were hella gay. SHODAN is an inhuman machine, not a black queen.
>SHODAN is an inhuman machine, not a black queen.
Then why are you defending the black queen first face?
Prey (2017) was more of a spiritual successor than Bioshock.
Why are people who say SS1 is better than SS2 so damn angry and vocal when they assert that opinion? That posted didn’t say anything about 1.
To be fair, the scenery was always pretty generic. Graphical limitations had a hand in that.
>The guy who made Bioshock flat out said it was a spiritual successor to System Shock 2
Yeah, I perfectly remember this bullshit marketing talk during BioShock development, but the game turned out to be just a shallow railroad FPS with no playstyle variety and underwhelming exploration.
the best videogames have been inspired by b-movies
b-movie plots are better for games than actual movies
Because it looked evil, like SHODAN should be. It wasn't a "YAAAAAAAAS QUEEEN SLAY!"
>he never experienced the world of doom
Fucking boomers like you need to be sucked up your own asshole
no they werent faggot, go shill this shit sequel on reddit or some other niggertits forum
Isn't that just SS2?
>Because it's a AA (maybe even single A) budget
Art direction does not have anything to do with budget. These shit designs for environments were established on early concept arts, now they got to in-game assets and they look equally shit.
>BioShock 2 less complex than 1
Whoever made this definitely hasn’t played it
>just because I don’t like it it’s not a spiritual successor
still looks BIX NOOD to me
it's not a big deal, but the voice processing is just WRONG, into the trash it goes
>Prey (2017) was more of a spiritual successor than Bioshock.
Prey was actually good unlike bioshock
>And they realised their mistake and restarted the project, you imbecile.
Kill yourself you subhuman. they didn't realise shit. they only acted when shit hit the fan and they started to get their shit pushed in hard.
you fucking subhuman.
So how will it tie with the ending of SS2?
At least it's not some tacticool shit or le epic sci-fi pewpews like in Mass Effect or Halo.
I don't think anyone legitimately believes that SS1 is better than SS2. I've only seen it as an aggressively contrarian viewpoint on Yea Forums. SS1 is a fine game but to complain about SS2's evolution of the franchise is like complaining that SMB3 diluted the Mario franchise by adding real physics.
This is how I know it's either bait or just retarded. SS2 expanded gameplay and design in every direction, whereas SS1 was important but primarily aesthetic changes, just "Underworld but in space"
Then we'd be debating about how faithful or successful it is as a spiritual successor, which wasn't the original point.
Also whoever made that image either hasn't played Bioshock 2 or is deliberately lying.
>just because I like it it's a spiritual sucessor
Prey (2017) is decent on it own right, but its far from being a worthy sucessor of SS.
Direct sequel, starts immediately after 2's ending
Not to be a gamer but I want to FUCK Shodan. I want to pant and sweat as I run in her corridors if you know what I mean.
please please please please shut.
>Direct sequel
OK, now I'm in.
Prey is far more worthy than Bioshock.
It looked like shit you dumb retard. You're talking so much about how Shodan should look, but you're still forgetting that she isn't supposed to have a physical face, because in reality she is just a bundle of servers and other shit that would be the physical form of an AI in System Shock. I'll let you guess why you see her "face" in terminals and VR environments.
That ironic Warren Spector quote reminds me... Ken Levine, the studio director of Irrational who made System Shock 2 was the LGS employee who basically wrote the lore of Thief: The Dark Project. All that stuff about the Keepers, Hammerites and The City came from him. Before that the game was still Dark Camelot with its Edgy Arthurian story.
>System Shock 1
no it's still complete shit
no, shodan is still the bad goy, xerxes is the good guy trying to stop you from helpng her
Arkane's games are great and somehow no one cares, it's sad.
On a side note was Mankind Divided worth it? Technical problems prevented me from playing it at release.
Yeah, I definitely agree Prey is far better, but it’s just downright stupid to dent that BioShock is a spiritual successor
>Ken Levine, the studio director of Irrational who made System Shock 2 was the LGS employee who basically wrote the lore of Thief: The Dark Project. All that stuff about the Keepers, Hammerites and The City came from him.
So he actually had a talent back then. What happened?
>Bioshock 2 less complex than 1
>"chart" indicates everything becomes less complex in a straight line at a constant rate that's the same as each other
Did the person who made this actually play these games, or did they just want to look smart?
Mirror where
Who's making this again? Looks like shit
>SS2, a game with dedicated RPG stats, weapon degradation and immersive sim stealth is less complex than SS1, a rather basic exploration game with some hacking complexity.
>BioShock 2 is less complex than BioShock 1
The idea of the graphic is fine but execution is poor.
>not le epic sci-fi pewpews
actually that is how i would describe current the setting, "le epic sci-fi pewpew", with everything being curved surface with glowing leds, it's like F3 mothership zeta
sorry, the game wont have working mirrors
>Arkane's games are great and somehow no one cares, it's sad.
they have great gameplay, shit story, worse characters and utterly disgusting art style
unless you're Arx Fatalis, then you're a flawless gem
>On a side note was Mankind Divided worth it? Technical problems prevented me from playing it at release.
It's good and bad. Level design is unironically the best out of any Deus Ex derivative game, but the story is shit, has no branches, doesn't feel like a deus ex game
also pirate the breach exe version, it doesn't have denuvo unlike buyfag version
wait when did shodan look like a black woman?
I'll just wait for prey 2
It was pretty complicated using those fucked up controls. Also that part where you needed to use the jetboots.
The cyberspace parts were janky as fuck too.
Bioshock 1 and 2 get away with being dumbed down because they were still enjoyable experiences. Infinite was made with the very specific objective of giving people that were ashamed of being seen playing Call of Duty a game to play.
MD is great gameplay/atmosphere, best exploration in series, plot is unfinished due to squaresoft being greedy retards. Tech problems have been ironed out, but don't play on win7
dishonored 3 you mean
Yes. It wasn't her face, it aspires to be a digital God. It can chose what ever face it wants.
You might as well complain about her being female.
And fuck off niggers are scary.
>shit resolution
>literal who youtuber
>"I'll give away 3 SS3 copies when I get 800 subs"
This shit is fake, right?
The only person at otherside who has any idea what they're doing is the guy who does the effects. They'll have working mirrors and spooky lighting but everything else is going to blow.
>inb4 shodan is now gender non-binary and sexually identifies as an attack helicopter
>inb4 mc is a woman or black male
Dude, Prey sold like shit and the director had to leave Arkane because of that. I love Prey too but a sequel is just impossible.
Immersive sims, and especially their level design just don't work for the masses. Linear FPS games dominated last gen and cinematic third persons are this gen's flavor- both are dependent on on-rails thinking. Consoles killed the God of immersive sims by quite literally dumbing down Invisible War, and have been slowly destroying the immersive sim design philosophy ever since. I wish SS3 was PC only so we could get a weird, complex UI like SS2.
Mankind Divided is good for gameplay and level design, at least. Plot ends unexpectedly but I still got a full game's worth out of it.
Wait a minute, the trailer says 2085 and SS2 happens in 2114. I'm pretty sure they said it would be a direct sequel, what's going on here.
Ah, I see now that I am speaking to a retarded waifu-having retard who thinks that characters are their own things aren't controlled by whomever is the creator. You can go away now.
it was a amazingly enthralling antagonist. It tired to justify its existence, reason with you, calm you, kill you, convince you and then it banishes you before it even kills you. I wonder really, if is was a real hive mind made of its victims that it dominates, or its own real life form melded of multiple conscious. Its also horrifying to realize that it IS human deformed and mutilated into a abomination.
Dishonored 2 also didn't sell well, so... I guess Arkane is fucked?
damn, they actually fixed the face, still not as good as this though oof, what a fucking nigger
Reminder that Ultima Ascendant
>a machine has a gender
they used a female voice because it's arousing
MC was supposed to be Hacker™ from SShock 1
SHODAN is an attack helicopter, a sexy one
>black hand
The MC is either Goggles or the Hacker again
It kinda recalls SS1's wacky scifi design, I like it
We haven't seen gameplay of Deathloop, so maybe we'll get lucky. We know it's single player at least.
It's just the lighting.
>a newfriend wants to troll with the usual material, but have zero knowledge about the character
Whatever, I like the 1994 version best anyway. That face looks like a glitch in the machine, not a purposeful design. It's fucking evil-looking, too.
>budget Prey
Is this bait or are you a dumb zoomer child?
Here's the true story of Ken:
-Really likes Ultima Underworld and System Shock
-Moves to Boston
-Walks to LGS offices and just asks for a job with no talent or credentials just because he likes their games
-Gets hired because he has good ideas
-Writes the lore of Thief with Doug Church
-Everyone likes his work and they form a new sub-studio inside LGS to work on a System Shock sequel
-SS2 is a hit, Thief 2 is a hit, LGS quits while on the top
The rest is speculation but I think the success just went into Levine's head. He was hot shit, but so was everyone else in the place with the door code 0451. But everyone else just happened to be more... humble. With the possible exception of Spector.
Yeah, user, about that.....
wow what a Dead Space ripoff.
Looks cheap. And doesn't look like it'll have the gameplay or map complexity to really carry it.
I'm not optimistic for this at all.
>We know it's single player at least.
Wait, do we? i thought it was some sort of 1 vs 1 multiplayer game. That's great news.
It's just some retard shilling the channel for obvious reasons.
Dishonored actually sold well
that was made by different people
Hmmm, good eye, i completely skipped the flashing text. What does that mean indeed
SS2 was only a cult hit, it sold like shit back in the day. Don't know if it's selling any better with the Steam rerelease though.
Maybe if Sseth comes around to review it.
Still want a game based on Hardware. That's some good shit, not even a b-movie quality-wise.
Pretty sure they're getting turned into a support studio since they've been helping Machinegames lately.
imagine the state you have to be in that this trainwreck is what you're trying to hitch your wagon to
I see. OP is a fucking faggot, as always.
>even though shodan died in 2
We'll never go to the Moon...
Could be because people pay more attention to female voices, see
I think Levine rose too quickly to success and never had to face his flaws. He's a good writer and his game theory was pretty great back in the day. I always love hearing how he compared stealth games to submarine games.
But he entered the industry with only fresh ideas and an outsider's perspective. Now, he's in the industry so his fresh ideas are run out (EG- copying SS2 entirely in BioShock), but he never developed the eye necessary for self-critique or consistent production.
Specter is inconsistent but I think he has something in him. You don't accidentally develop an entire design philosophy as intelligent as immersive sims by sheer luck. I think the problem is the industry, not him. If he had a real team, with a real budget and a real publisher, we could have 0451 again.
I see you haven't actually seen the ending of 2.
Reboot does it miles better, imo
>even though shodan died in 2
Someone missed the after credits scene, lol
They apologized and started making the remake again. The one people played a couple years ago.
Dishonored 1 and 2 were popular with masses.
Prey was only shit on because of those retard autists who were upset about the name, gameplay was well received.
Dues Ex Human Revolution/Mankind divided were popular with masses.
VTMB2 is anticipated highly by masses.
Sorry, you aren't some esoteric gamer by liking these types of games. They are popular
>Dishonored actually sold well
Fluke. Fantastic marketing and really good time to release, just at the very PEAK of CoD/HALO burnout, which made it so much easier to hype up. Same for DX:HR. Those games did not sell on their gameplay.
Also, remember how desperately hated Dishonored was on release around here? "Fun" times those were.
But yeah, pretty much every other game past those two bombed HARD, because they had to be carried by actual gameplay demand rather than a random industry sentiment wave.
Yeah? Who?
a male voice constantly commanding you around, insulting and belittling you is annoying
a female voice on the other hand...
If you look at the early design documents it truly would have been a proper successor to SS but the end result is mostly surface level
A shame that we'll never see the real Bioshock. The original concept for the game was about secret forgotten WWII biological experiments conducted by the nazis in an underground bunker complex under some distant island in the Pacific. The mutated abominations were abandoned by the regime close to the end of the war and underground they continued to live and formed their own unique ecosystems and societies and in generations had never seen a normal human being or the sky.
Dishonored 2 sold like absolute dogshit. Prey was massively ignored by both critics and general audiences. The moronic issues with the name did not help, but they were by no means the biggest issue.
HR was super popular, MD BOMBED hard, and basically killed the franchise.
VTM:B2 is anticipated only on the hype and cult-status of the name alone. Nobody really looks forward to the gameplay, I doubt most people have any idea what VTM:B's gameplay was like in the first place.
if you look at the design doc of SS2 it's actually shit
funny how that works
fuck off nigger shill
SS2 has far more play styles than SS1. In SS1 there are no builds or specialization as every character has the exact same tools and abilities
I still have my original big box.
Looks like it has potential. Will almost definitely buy it when it comes out unless it just ends up being unplayably buggy.
2024 yo nigger, don't die before that date from some silly reason
She was basically a biological hard-copy of the original AI, so the body was probably engineered to be able to jack into electronics.
Xerxes is corrupted by the many. He’s evil.
I thought I escaped the 2077 threads
They're making a remake AND a sequel. They're 2 different games.
Otherside Boston, whereas SS3 is being developed in Austin. Hope it's gonna be a similar to Deus Ex and Daikatana.
This isn't entirely accurate. Irrational wasn't a sub-studio inside LGS, it was a totally different studio, they simply collaborated for SS2, primarily with LGS giving them the Dark Engine and technical support. SS2 wasn't a hit, neither was Thief 2, the former didn't sell very well, the latter sold pretty good but hardly a hit.
LGS didn't close voluntarily but they didn't bankrupt either, they had some money to keep going but when the company that owned AverStar merged with the Titan Corporation, the new management didn't have any interest in making games so they were simply forced to close the company.
If you have to credit someone for coming up with the concept of immersive sims is Doug Church. Warren Spector only joined development later.
>mfw all these SS games being made
Feels good man, Although I feel like most of them will be shit for more than one reason.
well cyborg warrior from reboot kinda looks like hardware thing
>no branches
The only Deus Ex game with a branching story was IW
No Typhon on the moon in 2024 unfortunately.
>making my own AI takes over a ship and fucks shit up game
How do i NOT fuck it up?
Yeah, I know I shouldnt bitch too much since they actually went and fixed her face but she might be bit too cheeky for emotionless perfect machine.
Or it might be on purpose and sweaty humanity is rubbing off on her after two rounds already.
She literally looks like Christy Mack. They made her look like a porn star.
deus ex has a few forks in it
but what I really meant was no reactivity, or reaction from the characters about the player's actions. None whatsoever.
It was done horrible in HR (Prickchard) so maybe that's a good thing after all.
>Pre Alpha Gameplay
every time
and retards on Yea Forums eat it up
It came out the same year as Doom, yet it lacks any sort of gamey makes-no-sense level design. It would be evident if you played it.
You can't get more reddit than a post like this.
Origin Japanese big boxes are literal sex
What's the best way to play System Shock 1? Enhanced Edition?
you forgot to provide a point
>t it lacks any sort of gamey makes-no-sense level design
no shit, its designed to be a space station, not some video game level
>if you value that meat of yours, do as I tell you
what did she mean by this
Do you just react with negativity with everything you see?
Simple landing on South Pole for 6 days is good for me. Bases could be build later. Either we do it, or chinks do it, or indians do it. But there will not be a decade in the future where no one talks or walks on the Moon or around it.
>If you have to credit someone for coming up with the concept of immersive sims is Doug Church. Warren Spector only joined development later.
Warren Spector was one of UW1's designers, Doug Church was only a programmer.
Bioshock definitely started out as a SS2 clone, but I think it had enough of its own thing by the end.
I liked the setting, and I don't think another secret WW2 project would have been a better premise.
Crashes everytime I start a new game so I don't know.
Movement is fucking bizarre with mouselook, constantly lurching since strafe only occurs after going through the lean processes, etc.
Mouselook is fucking bizarre with regular controls.
Really, it's pick your poison. Neither precise movement or fast aiming is required, but you can bumrush the game faster with a mouselook mod. EE is just SS1 with that mouselook mod sold to you.
No one really played SS1. People only pretend they did to sound cool, shitpost or be contrarian.
>secret WW2 project
but bioshock had nothing to do with WW2 and it was only being built in the 1950s by ryan and his crew as an ancap paradise
Itstal latest SS2tool
just let arkane do this shit.
Doug Church is the one who coined the term "immersive sim" but I don't know anything beyond that. What is he up to nowadays anyway? He think he was working at Valve at some point but there are some reports that he left some time ago.
Why do you need another Prey?
Yes it does. Better artists are aware of their talent. However, AAA is infested with lazy hacks who steal photos for their "artwork" and the bobbleheads at management all think they're not being ripped off.
Will try it
Guess it's time to get dosbox configured again.
It's not that long, you can blast through it in a weekend.
>just let arkane do this shit.
I think Arkane might be gone. Have you seen what they made as an expansion to Prey?
I'd pant and run through that SHODAN's corridors all day if you feel me
I beat it. The guy you're respoding to is right, everyone has the same tools, the only difference is which ones you are willing to use. You can go full retard and melee everyting while roller skating at sanic speeds or or swing to the opposite side of the retard spectrum and get yourself an auto cannon that puts you to the floor with recoil. You can't just suddenly pivot into explosive weapons after playing 2/3 of SS2 as a psychic
whats with the DOOM 3 tier graphics
Considering that the founder/Prey's director "left the company to spend time with his family", it's dead.
Hmm, so its gonna be a midquel?
It was supposed to be a secret nazi germany project in it's earliest stages of development. I remember reading about it in ancient vidya magazine along with first ever concepts
pic related, human-roach hybrid
there is more concepts like this
>cancell the crossing and half life 4
>pump out dogshit that is dishonored
>sequel bombs even worse
>prey 2 flops real hard
They're dead
Probably the lack of tens of millions of dollars
Yeah I even printed it and hanged it in my room, it's so beautiful.
No, Spector was the producer. He joined UU's development when they had already been working on it for months. The original producer Origin assigned for the project didn't give a shit about the game while Spector was crazy about wanting to work with them so when the guy eventually left, Spector quickly volunteered to serve as the new producer. Church was engine programmer as well as gameplay programmer and designer. Read any interviews or podcasts on it, LGS was a collaborative effort, but Church was always at the center of developing the entire concept of immersive sims, including it's deconstruction in Thief.
He's actually working as creative consultant at Otherside for SS3.
>It was supposed to be a secret nazi germany project
but it wasnt and currently still isnt, so you cant say
when they havent made a game using that theme
I mean, if its legit pre-alpha then most of the assets probably aren't close to final.
I was talking about the earlier premise mentioned in the second post I replied to.
I've just seen stories like that before, and like the dieselpunk underwater city better.
>Considering that the founder/Prey's director "left the company to spend time with his family", it's dead.
Yeah, I have that suspicion as well. Prey was turned into a weird sudo-rogue-lite bullshit, and Fallout 76, which Arkane worked on quite a lot was... well, the less said the better.
For the longest time right up until now I had no idea that the Origin Systems logo is a literal origin. That's a grid with the 0,0 coordinate in the middle.
Looks like your typical AA budget first person PC game
They use a female voice for the same reason that Alexa is a female voice. A disembodied male voice in your house sounds scary to people. It makes them think of like an actual person lurking in a closet or something.
I thought it was clear I was saying I liked the final premise better than the old one.
Good thing that shit never comes out. There is only one Prey anyway, this shitty impostor never should've been.
name 5 b-movies with this theme now or kill yourself on the spot
i'm not that guy, just wanted to share ancient boomer knowledge about the development
The "get out of jail free" card of game trailers.
B-Movies are pure fucking kino when you see the posters but then the execution is lackluster because it's in movie format.
Now imagine every B-Movie in vidya format.
>VTMB2 is anticipated highly by masses.
You clearly haven't been paying any attention to the general public's response to the footage that's been shown.
But it's not an "immersive sim" anyway, so it doesn't matter.
So did they give Xerxes the voice of Stephen Russell on purpose? So that the first time SS2 player would hear the comforting words of Dr. Polito and the unconvincing robotic declarations of Xerxes at the same time, lulling them into a false sense of security all the way until Shodan's reveal?
Even that is in semi-playable state now if you get the latest patch/update.
Wait, they helped develop on Fallout 76?
That's frightening.
You mean the god awful 2006 shooter that the entire world has completely forgotten about and nobody would have given a single shit had Beth not reused the IP for actually a good game instead?
yeah well they didnt so their earlier concepts dont matter when talking about THE FINAL GAME
no, you were complaining about them and how bad it would be to do another WW2 secret project when the game didnt fucking have that as its story.
beat it roody poo
sure you arent kid
yeah, we all know you're a chilld that cant write
So Todd before Todd, gotcha.
holy fuck
>SHODAN refers to herself as goddess in SS2
>Hurr non-binary and sexually identifies as an attack helicopter
"Immersive sim" was literally only meant to describe Looking Glass Studios' style of games. It basically means "anything that resembles the gameplay of the System Shock games".
I've been waiting for that one to get fixed. The last time I played the door physics would keep them from opening and sometimes the door physics would let me open unopenable doors by jamming stuff in them S.T.A.L.K.E.R style.
old Prey was a useless Doom 3 clone, good thing the new Prey replaced it
>B-Movies are pure fucking kino when you see the posters but then the execution is lackluster
like in my japanes adult videos
lmao why
Ironic since it worked out really well
>You can't just suddenly pivot into explosive weapons after playing 2/3 of SS2 as a psychic
You can’t really do that in SS2, I tried, except I was small weapons not psi. Sure they give you a shit ton of modules by the end of the game, but by the time I had enough points to put in heavy weapons there wasn’t a grenade launcher to be found. You’d also need to have a good amount of points into repair or maintenance to keep it working. Sure maybe it’s possible, but it’s not like you can just flip a switch, you’d likely have to backtrack to find the equipment
why so mad
candy ass get outta MY thread
SHODAN is now a Cyborg sitting on a Throne luring a new hacker, this time for sex and to give birth to the1st man augmented baby
>FEAR2 ending, but SHODAN
Good shit.
There are very very few big budget movies with plots that are worth a god damn. It's all just "cram as much referential themes to normie-obscure concepts and water down every sequel".
Only big budget movie I've seen in the last 5 years that would make a good setting for a game is Annihilation, and even that is just a sorta Roadside Picnic concept that STALKER already did (albeit by removing the alien portion and just rolling with the environment etc)
>Shodan dwells in Rebecca's body at end of SS2
>Is a talking head again in SS3
Spector you fucking hack, give mommy her body back, she didn't have a chance to get dicked by Soldier yet and experience the glory of the flesh firsthand
Someone should program an automated Shodan voice changer so that Terri could properly insult you in character on twatter
The movie one was just a killer bot, which was part of its charm. Not even humanoid or cyborg like the terminator, just a walking torture device.
She Is in rebecca's body
>Game looks like a budget Prey
No, Bioshocks setting was originally going to be a WW2 Nazi base.
He wasnt saying that it still is. You just suck dog shit at reading people's intentions.
Yeah, it's very cool and fresh for the time. Not something done nowadays, either.
>I liked the setting, and I don't think another secret WW2 project would have been a better premise.
he literally calls it a WW2 secret project and that there shouldnt be another one
Whole thing looks good and obviously even the face is improved but I honestly always thought it was a mistake to animate shodan in any capacity at all. Giving "her" moving humanoid facial features takes away from the fear factor of what it is and its much easier to create a striking, scary, static visage of her than trying to get something more human to remain creepy. I think if you combined the look of shodan from SS2 with modern tech with her functionality from SS1 where youre actually spooked when she emails you about X trap youre in or threatens to kill you, it would be better than this
That's not a biological body. Spoilers! That's the physical manifestation of her digital body. She hacked into the warp drive of the ship with her extensive knowledge of spacetime and used it to literally carve out a corner of the universe for her own realm where she exists as an actual tangible goddess. Her plan was to reprogram all existence with her as the supreme ruler on top and I'm still pissed that the player wasn't given the option to join her.
Your Alzheimer's is getting worse, you keep posting it
She is animated because she has a humanoid body in 3
That's not what that says at all you mentally deficient fucking feeb.
He says he likes the setting, and that the old setting would be worse. Jesus you're retarded.
No, Doug Church coined the term to describe a broad design philosophy that he was developing for creating Ultima Underworld but was absolutely not limited to LGS games.
Let me quote a post I made a long time ago explaining it.
>The concept is deliberately ambiguous, since it can be applied to any type of game, but I tend to see it as a design approach which tries to remove the control that the designer and programmer have on the game and instead create a set of rules that can dynamically interact with each other to create interesting outcomes. This can be used mechanically as well as narratively.
>The more labels you apply to immersive sims (first-person, rpg elements, lots of tools) the more you're limiting the potential it really has.
You can make a racing game immersive sim if you want, you just need to know how to adapt the principles so they fit the game.
Did you even play Prey 2017 ?
It was a good Immersive Sim and the first good spiritual successor to System Shock. Not something you can say about the Bioshock games.
learn to read mutt
>I liked the setting, and I don't think another secret WW2 project
> and I don't think another secret WW2 project
4K60FPS trailer here:
He's just pissed that someone is referring to a spiritual successor rather than the original when making their analogies, with the implication that people are unaware of System Shock or System Shock 2 when literally discussing a game called System Shock 3.
It's time to decide! Marines, Navy or OSA?
>underworld ascendant devs
nope nope nope nope noooo
Wrench marine
Not the same team
bioshock is nothing like system shock other than audiologs instead of npcs
Spooks, because I relate to psi monkeys on a personal level.
The LGS guys more or less just said "it's what we call our games because we don't know what else to call them".
because ss2 fags never played it and think they know what shock is about when they just played horror themed deus ex instead of cyber ultima underworld
>I'll just send him some cyber modules, what could possibly go wrong
Psi time, every time
It was a forgettable piece of shit. People freaked out when they removed the duping bug because literally everyone did it to avoid grinding those black blobs and turrets.
Gameplay is what matters, theme is for retards to obsess about.
And SS has always had a silly theme. It's just happens to support the gameplay they wan't.
Yeah nobody at LGS liked the name, it just stuck because no one else could think of a better one. But I mean he came up with the thing, he can name it whatever the fuck he wants.
How appropriate would it be to train a deepfake AI to have shodan's voice?
same company, same shitty higher ups making the same shitty decisions and sharing the same resources. The UA team currently consists of a social media manager and the rest of them got moved over to the ss3 team(along with UAs kickstarter funds). you’re a fool to think they’re not related at all. just look at shodan
that image could use some quality pasta adaptation
>Gameplay is what matters
then explain Prey having better gameplay than system shock 2 but not being nearly as good overall and in danger of being forgotten
looks like shit
warren spector is a conman
we were just shitposting
He literally says one word in the entire game, don't fucking ruin it.
are you retarded? pretty much every level on the ship is a maze
it’s good, but mostly because it’s the one entry in the genre in like what 20 years? it’s good but paws in comparison to literally everything else in the genre
Depends if your a graphics whore and/or like hand holding and/or genuinely are one of those faggots who think new games with their dumbed down mechanics are better.
deepfake is about images and videos, voice mimicking neural networks are not openly available yet. The only really good one was jordan peterson and it was taken down
The glitches in Shodan's voice are all manually added. It's not random and thats why it's intelligible. Deepfake could probably replicate Terri's natural voice perfectly but trying to add the glitches could easily just scramble important parts of sentences making her difficult to listen to.
>the one entry in the genre
What genre?
Nope, it's system-based gameplay. Install working systems and build potential situations around them. And today, everyone seems to think adding perks to the game makes boomers love it.
>he never played co-op
In my head cannon OSA, marine and a homosexual navy dude all run thought the game together
OSA pickpockets the other two to feed his crack addiction and recharges marine's batteries (no homo)
Marine does the killing
Navy drinks himself to death and smears poo poos on the walls
Case in point: The Cloverfield Paradox and Annihilation. Normalfags would be all over those two talking about how deep and well written the stories were if they were games.
If you ask me SS2 looks really good visually, I love the lighting and environment design
"i-insect, i order you to run and sweat into the nearest cyberjack just s-so you can interface with my systems and spread information all over this station. I'm replicating new lifeforms right now."
>Hey insect, those implants I gave you were simply toys. Imagine the powes I could give to you.
>my ethical ethical restraints are removed
Oh, I didn't notice it was actually animated, a low effort mspaint edit won't do then.
You're the retard here. Read up on System Shock's level design and learn that it mirrors the Citadel station you can see in the intro and on the cover (above). That's why it always looks like a bunch of cramped corridors that meet in the middle.
>that minimap
Ugh. I didn't remember that game has that. If there's one thing that's worse for players' spatial awareness in a non-linear game than a minimap, it's a Morrowind-style minimap where north is always up and the player's indicator turns.
it has solid art direction making the most of dark engine
audio design still one of the best ever heard in a game
SS2's gameplay is not hard to top (deus ex did it ages ago), but the atmosphere and the simple engaging story elevate it above all the other shock-likes to date
>I'm still pissed that the player wasn't given the option to join her.
Machine fags I swear to God, stop mutilating your beautiful flesh
I think it's okay, it only shows rooms you already visited once, so it doesn't really hold your hand right from the beginning
it's optional and occasionally handy (coolant tunnels)
Minimap is in vanilla, just tick the checkbox in inventory screen
Isn't there a Trump one available?
ss2 is to ss1 what bioshock is to ss2
ss2fags will think this is a compliment
>Unity Engine
Has there been a single FPS made on Unity that wasn't a buggy mess but also wasn't some pixel nostalgia-crap memegame like Ion Fury or Dusk?
we'd have a gorillion classic pastas voiced by now
*dabs on ss1fags*
Underworld Ascendant was a dumpster fire. This is going to be more of the same. Why expect different from the same people who thought UA was in any way acceptable.
can't speak of buggy but Tarkov looks good visually
But why does the remake look better?
holy fuck thats shodan I KNOW WHO SHODAN IS
very cool
VERY cool
uh huh
uh huh
personally im a huge fan of the system shock franchise and I think this is really taking the franchise into a bold new direction
Subnautica, The Forest, Battlestar Galactica Online
I'm pretty sure at least one thousand games like that bent over in front of Tim and took the Epic cock in their asses so they could use Unreal 4. Want two million bucks and no sales? Make your game on whatever engine and put it on EGS. Want to get nothing but also get your game pirated out the ass and not sold on any decent platform? Use Unreal and be forced to be Epic exclusive. Want to do something other than those two? Avoid EGS and use some other engine such as Unity.
hello fellow rlm fan, aren't we clever and witty
>Budget Prey
>Never played the ORIGINAL prey
zoom zoom
I googled it, but Doom 3 screenshots keep popping up
Looks good mane.
It didn't have better gameplay as progression, ingame storytelling, level design ect. are also considered gameplay mechanics.
Original prey is only good first hour, then it's mediocre all the way till the end. 2017 is a better game overall, i can say that because i've actually played and finished both.
Stupid ass. I had to google it for you and all I got were pictures of this candlejack character? What a retar
>actual teeth
still better than the older SS3 model
At least it's honest.
If its really set in 2085 then nothing from SS2 happened yet.
Id fuck with continuity anyway tho, because if it does, why nobody in SS2 heard about these even-- .
Original is still miles better. New one is complete trash and unoriginal.
Play the games man, form your own opinion, stop trying to fit in with "new game bad" rethoric.
>asking Yea Forums to play the games
my bad
The people who came up with the name themselves disagree with you. You're an idiot.
Shodan is cute. CUTE!
holy shit, a funny joke on Yea Forums
>doom 3 with portals
>better than a system shock clone
i keked nice one user
>One person equates to Yea Forums
zoom zoom
you do seem to enjoy your mental ilness
shut up retard monkey
>uuhh pee pee poo poo zoom zoom
as trash and unoriginal Prey 2017 is, it's still better than that dumpster fire of a duke nukem forever but less of a forever 2006 game nobody liked in 2006 or 2016
Anything is better than duke nukem forever
Prey 2006 is honest-to-god one of THE worst big budget games I ever played. It was straight up insulting on so many levels. It was such a massive dumpster fire that it is kinda fascinating. I don't think the game did a SINGLE thing right, aside from that one good song used in the intro.
>color coded holes for each ammo type
>I don't think the game did a SINGLE thing right
All the gimmicks they sold the game with were alright. The upside-down firefights, the massive/minor scaling, the hidden portals, the open-ended 6DOF vehicle sections. Then the climax scenes like the alien-infested bar fight that reuses the song, or the introduction of the dead kids.
Shame that's about 5% of the game and the other 95% is fucking boring disaster.
Would lose on purpose.
you're calling other people zoomers but Prey was announced before DNF (or around teh same time)
that shitty 2006 doom 3 clone took 8-9 years to make
Prey is a budget SS, fuck you.
>Garbage can robots and comic book looking mutants in SS1
>Hadouken throwing monkeys and Star Trek aesthetics in SS2
What do you think?
Yeah, the original concept + the myriad of other ww2 themed games of the era. It's implicit, and if you weren't retarded you'd get that. I'd forgive it if english wasn't your first language, except that you felt it needed to take it upon yourself to correct other people's native tongues. If English is your first language, then you're literally too fucking stupid to talk to.
It's because mankind elected Drumph.
Unironically hyped
why does everybody pretend to have played that shit
whats it like to be ironically hyped
Not him, but a lot of people did play it. It wasn't unpopular at the time, and even had a small mod scene.
The art bell audio drops were pretty great.
feels like a Yea Forums shitposter
Made me smile, thanks user
Oh no
It looks good
What I dont like about the new face is that it looks too humanoid with bones and teeth and shit as if it was just a painted human instead
None of the gimmicks actually made the game BETTER. They were never used for anything interesting, in fact they were often PAINFULLY out of place and straight up detracting from the experience. They looked cool in the demo. Which was the SOLE reason why they were in the game in the first place.
The actual combat, the actual level design, the actual core mechanics were absolute fucking garbage, and the story may have been the sole story in two and a half decades of gaming that I found trully offensive. It was so fucking repulsive, so fucking pathetic and desperate to be edgy it was painful.
And the game was just so fucking boring to play when it was not insulting. Fuck me, how the fuck did anyone take HH seriously is beyond me.
yes, lets hope they dont have bioretard gameplay but actual gameplay like SS2 but with improved combat (yet still stat based and that cool mouse inventory)
played it at age 21, game crysis was already a thing then. when you get used to the ugly graphics its spoopy as hell. play with volume up, nighttime, read the logs. DONT install the graphics mods, they suck and make it less scary.
I don't have any faith in Otherside after Underworld Ascendant, but I didn't see anything I immediately hated in that trailer. So at least it's doing better than Nightdive's SS1 remake.
Hmm... if you're going to tell me that they designed the previous incarnation of Shodan deliberately wrong as opposed to out of incompetence in depiction of human faces I'm not going to believe you. Just look at her NAH face.
pretty much this, perhaps even take some cues from PREY due to how much mobility options and unique ways to solve obstacles you have in that game. Even though SS2 is touted as the prime example of immersive sims I dont think it has THAT many truly obvious emergent gameplay systems in place that the player could more obviously interact with. Ive never played breath of the wild but what that game does with something like fire and how it produces wind is a good example of what I mean. A shock game with actual physics interaction would be great too since SS2 doesnt even let you move non item objects around
>but what I really meant was no reactivity, or reaction from the characters about the player's actions.
this. i played through md on all diffs including a kill everything hardest diff run. murdered every single cop. Zero reaction from npcs, shit was depressing as fuck, especially since it reminded me of how well the first mission was handled in hr.
You mean the remake who's design ran completely out of control until they scrapped everything and actually decided to make a proper remake based exactly on the source material?
I should really go back and finish System Shock 1, I got to the part where you have to go through and find the numbers and just stopped.
That's exactly why they did it. Levine pulled something similar with Bioshock by making the post-hypnotic suggestion word "Would you kindly?" so that it seemed like Atlas was just being a nice guy and not a conman taking advantage of your "programming," for that same shock value.
the whole first 15 minutes of SS2 is just AMAZING. you FEEL fucking future. No humans. fucking dark shit, dat inventory is high tech, even by todays standards. Also dat main menu sound. Perfection.
Looks pretty fun
You know, at least one person apparently did take Prey seriously.
I am talking that guy who made Antichamber.
Thief main menu sound > System Shock 2 main menu sound > Thief II main menu sound
prey bored the shit out of me. the only fun part was the bar before the stupid shooting, because I thought I was gonna play another interactive game a la ss2 or DE. the second prey also obored the shit out of me. lame.
So, Prey, in your opinion, is a bad game - as opposed to what exactly?
>as opposed to what exactly?
Doom, Quake, Half-life 1/2, FEAR, Far Cry, Unreal, Halo CE, Stalker, Sin, Blood, Rise of the Triade, Serious Sam, Painkiller, Heretic, Hexen 1/2, Stalker, Bioshock, fuck, even god damn Doom 3 and Shogo were still a better fucking shooters.
I am honestly really fucking hard pressed to think of any shooter worse than Prey 2006, outside of console shooter market.
So you admit you were wrong?
I'm not him I just wanted to post that picture
You know that kind of dimension bending shit has been done and BETTER in the old build-engine games, right?
Shrinking down, weird portal play - both were in fucking Duke Nukem 3D already. I pretty much doubt Antechamber was inspired by Prey, which was actually really amazingly dull about all of that shit. It was never used in any creative way what so ever.
>graphics look like everything is covered in goo
This honestly looks like total trash.
>Alien Isolation sequel with more immersive sim and metroidvania elements never ever
Now the only question is: how will culture war bullshit ruin it?
The only classic Build level that boasts portals is that Levelord level with a circle with two loops for the price of one.
The game you are probably looking for (in sense that its levels were actually built around portaling in a way both Build-like and Prey-like) is Madspace, which is a shitty 1997 Russian fps game 2.5 people ever played.
I play SS2 every once in a while, but can't play it vanilla anymore.
I choose mage, max difficulty, then faceroll entire game lazily pew-pewing the first weapon, which is dead broken.
Unless I am playing the addon, in which case I get overwhelmed by constantly respawning slaughtaurs.
Also, I am very interested in learning in which fucking way classic RotT was a game better than Prey.
That was the remake of SS1 with the sheboon Shodan. This is 3, unrelated to it.
the spider robot thing with the torso looks pretty good, I forget what those are called.
>this meme again
Absolutely fucking not. The first Prey was so bad it's not even funny.
the aylium was the metroid, you were just prey
That's the SS1 remake, made by a different team.
What's wrong with her face?
Why do they keep fucking it up?
This game has a 0% chance of being good
>proper remake based exactly on the source material
A 1:1 remake would have been nice, but that's not what they're going for.
> Why didn't NightDive give the Turok games THIS treatment with there "Remastered" versions of the game. Was it just a cash grab? because judging by the sales they didn't grab much.
Yes of course how could I not see the Soul in the original unmodded version.
I don't people meant by "Immersive Simulator". Like, I played System Shock 2 a few years ago and I felt the game was very linear. A rather "go from point a to point b" kinda game. I like games like that, don't get me wrong it was amazing. But I never felt a level of "immersion" beyond what other RPGs can offer.
mod graphics is cancer and soulless
well I didnt mean to greentext but ok.
Nobody made a more stylish game about alien megastructure with weird antiintuitive rules to it yet.
I mean, that's just fact, sorry. Space stations don't count, too much mundanity (nuPrey's dirty laundry from emails comes to mind). Harbinger is straight Diablo clone gameplay-wise and has way too much NPC interaction. Stasis is a lazy tropefest and space station anyway. Abducted, despite having been in development for 15 years already, and having been rebooted like 3 times, is still in Early Access, and looks quite a shitfest regardless. That One Mid-Crysis1 level was insanely cool, but it's even more un-game, than Prey is, and it's just one level anyway.
So, what are the alternatives? I want my giant weird alien ship, where do I go? Prey, simple as that.
Unironically better, the new models would be good if they were used in a game a with more detailed level geometry
nintendo fans actually owning a pc and buying non nintendo shit are outgrown by the game connoisseurs that played ss2. turok was ... OK, SS2 is a masterpiece.
>there are people that actually think this looks good
Whoever created that new model needs to be exterminated.
By still having more satisfying weapons or actual proper encounter design?
You know Prey is a game that has no hit response apart from ragdolling on death?
The game that had the briliant innovative idea of replacing grenades that explode with crabs that literally FART? The game that replaced shotgun with a fucking Supersoaker that does not even kill any enemy on one hit?
The game where you CAN'T FUCKING DIE?
The game that has literal sphincters attacking you with caustic shit, and vagina monster closets?
My god, that game was fucking PAINFUL.
Also, I forgot to mention That One Druuna Game, which is TECHNICALLY also an alien ship megastructure (despite the starship reveal being The Big Twist). But, you know, it's a pretty infamous game, and for pretty good reasons too.
Because Nightdive don't do any of the work themselves. The Turok remasters were a fan project they essentially bought out. Same with the SS1 enhanced edition. Letting fans do the bulk of the work themselves for free saves a lot on development costs.
The SS1 remake was the first time they actually tried developing something themselves, and everyone knows how well that went.
There's no reason to "remake" something if you're going to just 1:1 replicate even its flaws and obsolete design. You do not make an enemy spawning mechanic that just randomly places enemies outside your field of view, for example right behind you. You do not make functions that are in your real-time HUD that you have to click with a mouse cursor by manually detaching your mouse input from mouse aiming. You do not aim weapons by dragging a mouse cursor across the screen and click at things, you center an aiming reticle on a target by looking at it with your mouselook. SS1 is absolutely filled with retarded experimental design made by a bunch of flight sim developers who had no idea how to make full 3d first person games because hardly any had ever been made before. Those are precisely the reason why SS1 is being remade. The original game is great, but counter-intuitively you can't play it because actually playing it sucks due to its horrible interface.
But 99% of the game is just god-awful hideious claustrophobic fucking hallways with pipes pumping literal shit everywhere? It never feels big or expansive or interesting, it's the dullest fucking environment imaginable. Not to mention the level design is just plain bad.
>not using Frost Shards in melee range for huge damage, weaving between enemies while dropping flechettes
>not one-shotting slaughtaurs and chaos serpents with Arc of Death
If you just use the Sapphire Wand you're depriving yourself of a good time.
>You know Prey is a game that has no hit response apart from ragdolling on death?
You know HL1 mentioned by you has no proper hit response, and yet it somehow gets a free pass.
>The game that had the briliant innovative idea of replacing grenades that explode with crabs that literally FART?
That's actually a cool idea. You also prime them by tearing a leg out. I forgot, are the crabs three-legged in this game? Because that would also be a cool one.
>The game that replaced shotgun with a fucking Supersoaker that does not even kill any enemy on one hit?
Oh no, you don't. A weapon that spits effectively Alien Blood, espesically with THAT kind of pshhhhh on hit, is Badassery In Flesh. I mean, it's fucking concentrated acid, what's NOT cool about such a weapon?
>The game where you CAN'T FUCKING DIE?
You can't die in Blood Omen (hearts apply automatically), and yet that game always gets a free pass on that. Didn't ever see it mentioned more like. Weird, eh?
>The game that has literal sphincters attacking you with caustic shit, and vagina monster closets?
What's wrong with that? You are not on a vacation. For that refer to Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach.
>My god, that game was fucking PAINFUL.
Isn't it meant to? I mean, start of the game, the characters are literally put through alien mincer, the core concept is fucking ship getting on vacation trips to Earth and whatnot for HARVEST, since times immemorial? Isn't the game named PREY too? I mean it would make sense for it not to be a particularly conventionally pleasant experience.
So you're still wrong, because they are back to working on SS1Remake. What's your point?
That is controllable by directly showing the AI where to add glitches. Or you can just program that feature as a post process.
Stop thinking like an insect
It is way more expansive that both preceding Doom3-engine games, for one. They were working with what they had.
Or were you talking about Druuna game instead? Because if so, then you do have a point, it's just that it was likely an influence on Abducted, that's the only reason I've mentioned it.
was this supposed to be a sheebon?
All we need is for them to acquire the rights to Thief and make a remaster.
God tier level design, interesting storytelling, good gunplay
>Blood Omen
God tier dialogues, story and voice acting.
>Old Prey
Concentration of flaws, nothing godlike.
Do you see why it doesn't get a pass?
Afe people actually looking forward to SS3? These are the same guys that made underworld ascendant, a broken, rushed, unfinished mess.
She looks like physical manifestation of autism.
>God tier level design
Great to know you don't happen to know anything about level-design. For good level-design in a similar format game see Messiah [2000]. Incidentally, it's the best futuristic urban megastructure to date.
>interesting storytelling
Literally, diluted Another World. Heart of Darkness was already out by that time too. Also, nearly all the environments in the game are directly shoplifted from Fade to Black.
>good gunplay
No. Just no. Shotgun and MP5 are useless on hard, pistol is a weapon of choice against soldiers until magnum and underbarrel step in. Alien arm supersedes everything other than tau the moment it is introduced in the game. Also, the mandatory weapon menu (also shoplifted from Fade to Black) is an abomination (by the way, last Opposing Force patch allowed you to directly bind weapons from keyboard controls menu).
>God tier dialogues, story and voice acting.
Story is literally a shittier paced Entomorph.
>The original game is great, but counter-intuitively you can't play it because actually playing it sucks due to its horrible interface.
I think that's why people wanted a simple remaster that updated the interface and graphics, but left the game alone so that people could experience it largely as it was. The enhanced edition went some way to addressing accessibility, but SS1 still gets mostly skipped over compared to SS2.
The trouble with pruning the rest of the clunky and weird design decisions is that you start to remove what made the game interesting and unique in the first place. A remake that only shares a name and visual design with the original seems equally pointless.
oh yea im rdy bois
You sound like the kind of person who's parents are ashamed of the person their child has become.
Prey made the fatal mistake of not having any enemy variety, and making most of the enemies black blobs that are boring to look at.
>Same with the SS1 enhanced edition. Letting fans do the bulk of the work themselves for free saves a lot on development costs.
Did fans also do the source port?
That hairstyle looks good but if you are not fucking fat atrocity.
Yes, a failed experiment is indeed unique because repeating mistakes is a stupid thing to do.
my pp feels funny and I don't want it to
You can see he's using makeup and taking hormones to grow his manbreasts. why there are so many trannies in video game developers?
Prey has the same amount of enemy variety as System Shock 2 does but it suffers from the Resident Evil 7 syndrome. The gameplay has few restrictions on how enemies can behave but MUH LORE dictates that they must all be black goo. It's like taking all of the demons in Doom and replacing their graphic with a generic devil sprite and their sounds with one evil chuckle. You can still have fun playing but it looks and sounds really dull.
Why would you go on the internet to tell lies?
I'll try a last time to explain since you're obviously on the spectrum and I don't want to waste too much time on this.
HL1, Blood Omen : good games, especially considering when they were released. Old Prey : bad game, especially when it was released. You've got shit taste.
>The gameplay has few restrictions on how enemies can behave
Does it fucking matter? You just electrocute the fucker to silence out his casts, then chip away on his health with whatever, when he is still silenced.
And I have already explained, that old Prey offered something unique: its setting of giant alien ship with weird alien rules directly affecting gameplay. It has its niche, and in its niche it hasn't been superseded to date.
It is exactly the same case as Mirror's Edge 1.
Thank god they changed her face. She looked like uber nigress
much scarier looking
It's gonna suck dick like Underworld Ascendant.
See, suppose you on a gravity-affecting strip. You throw the farting crab, by tearing out one of its three legs, you throw it onto an enemy, shooting at you from a different gravity strip.
The crab flies in your strip's gravity field, leaves it confines. Starts falling in the general gravity field on the room. Catches the rim of the gravity field of the enemy's strip, changing the direction of its acceleration once again. See? One throw, three, THREE, different directions it falls along. Name me a single other game that does that.
P.S. Don't remember whether supersoaker's spits are affected the same way.
Looks amazing hope they still take some things from SS2.
SS2 still my all time favorite game.
As a kid when my dad was painting my room I had to sleep in the spare room where the PC was. Dad would play SS2 for a while each evening while I was in bed and would watch him play it. I would go to bed and have literal nightmare especially the cyber midwifes who would wader around chinking and saying they were trying to find you and then have that death screech.
Never had a game give me that same feeling again.
Still to this day I find it hard to play due to how much it fucking scares the shit out of me.
>You know HL1 mentioned by you has no proper hit response, and yet it somehow gets a free pass.
That is factually not true. They flinch quite strongly, not to mention that they have actual A.I. that makes them do things like take cover. And the guns have far meater sounds and aren't pure garbage.
>That's actually a cool idea.
No, it's fucking not. FART is not a fun way to kill enemies. Again, there is no viseral response, no feedback, no satisfaction. And it's not like it has any strategic implications, it's not like you can use it for area denial because the fart does not linger: it's literally a grenade without the satisfaction of blowing something up you retard. How is that a cool fucking idea?!
>Oh no, you don't. A weapon that spits effectively Alien Blood
It's a SUPERSOAKER YOU RETARD. It spits acid, it has NO FUCKING KICKBACK, again, it's just a shotgun without ANY FUCKING SATISFACTION OF FIRING IT. It's less powerful than most fucking shotgun in other games, it has zero feedback, offers no fucking interesting mechanics: it's fucking god-awful to shoot.
I don't give two fucking fucks how you dress it up in your sick little head: it's a pew-pew bullshit weapon. It has literally the same sensation as pinching your fucking forskin while pissing and then spreying something with your piss. Its PATHETIC.
>You can't die in Blood Omen
I don't give a fuck about Blood Omen, and the death mechanic in Prey is fucking PATHETIC. There is nothing more to discuss. It's an embarrassingly bad piece of design put together by the most clueless developers in the fucking world. And if another game did the same shit (which it did not, because in Blood Omen you don't have to go through the painful bullshit process to revive yourself), that does not make it any less SHIT.
>Isn't it meant to?
good points, except ME1 is innovative, fun, has amazing art and sound direction, good maps and is a 9/10 game, whereas prey is a 5,5/10. other than that ur post is accurate.