The music in Tekken 7 is pretty bad, by and large, at least going by the standards of the series.
The stage variety also sucks.
The music in Tekken 7 is pretty bad, by and large, at least going by the standards of the series.
The stage variety also sucks.
It's unusual, but actually pretty good.
The soundtrack sustained when I went for a run for half a year.
Twilight Conflict's ("The day before the glass matrix") main theme is, oddly, one of the best themes ever to come out of the series in a game where a lot of the music is bland or poor.
Jungle Outpost's climax theme is okay and so is MIshima Building's. Hideaway 2nd is also good (I made it the Duomo di Sirio theme on the PS4 version because that's what it used to be).
>The music in Tekken 7 is pretty bad
You are absolutely fucking retarded, it's literally one of the best.
it's the catchiest next to tekken3's ost. so sorry sweaty your wrong.....
You're correct about the music. 1-3 had good music, the peak was Tag 1, 4 & 5 were pretty good, but then 6, Tag 2, & 7 each only had a small handful of good songs apiece, and one of Tag 2's good tracks was the Snoop Dogg stage. Revolution had some good music though, particularly character select.
I like 7's stages though; a solid mix of all the features that affect gameplay (walls, infinites, balconies, breakable walls, breakable floors) with varying shapes and backgrounds. 3 recolored stages is kind of weak though, even though I think Jungle 2 and Azure 2 look better than the originals. Howard Residence is awesome, Hammerhead is solid, Last Day on Earth is okay.
>Revolution had some good music though, particularly character select
Stopped fucking reading there
wub wub wub
tekken tag tournament 2 is easily the tekken game with the worsrt soundtrack
>he ACTUALLY enjoys G-Corp Helipad (Night)
You can end yourself now.
TTT2 being the worst at everything is a fucking meme.
The music choice is so fucking bad that it’s a massive sin that only Howard estate round 1 or 2 can be the only decent tracks outside meme azure. It’s like they fired every sound designer and hired dogshit Euros with Wub wub addictions. Gone are the days of tekken 5/6 music, god fuck tag 2 for allowing this to happen.
>a fatal fury theme legit shits on every piece of music for your game
Amazing, harada or Murray need to go back and hire some actual talent
I don't know how to respond. I like TTT2's music but I agree with you about 7's music.
Tag 2 is a great game but the music is mediocre. Tag 1 has the best music in the series by a mile.
Tekken 5/5.5 were the peak of Tekken. Nothing can beat it.
This. Everything post T5 has been a downgrade in my opinion which is a damn shame.
Fine I’ll concede tag 2 had some ok tracks but a lot of them paved the way for 7 to be a wub beat fest.
TTT2 had a lot of good music. A lot of it was remixes, sure, but still.
"The Strongest Iron Arena~Silver Mix" serves as the Arena's climax theme in my soundtrack for Tekken 7.
>woah guys ONE piece of music DROPPED!
you fucking retard. Fuck off.
>tekken 6 music
You mean electric fountain and....?????
Ethno evening
Noh theater
Mystical forest
Manji valley
Urban warzone
Lightning storm
Anger of the earth
Lol. All decent tracks and each take a massive dump over 7s emphasis of heavy beats and bass blasting
Noh Theater, the sheep stage, High Roller Casino, the helipad...
All fucking boring trash. The fucking sheep stage you meme fucks? What the fuck is wrong with you both? You are bait.
>7s mess and busy music isn’t boring so it’s not bad
Amazing. I’m sorry 7 was your first game, here’s to Tekken 8 being not shit
What an ignorant statement.
The game is full of bangers, Ruin 65, Arctic Snowfall, A Grain of Sand, Volcano, Metallic Experience, Duomo Di Sirio, Lonesome City Jazz, Distorter, The Motion, Moonsiders, Arena, there's so many good songs, there's like 5 that I do not like, but that's only a fraction of the soundtrack.
And there's simply no bad stages in the game. Some maps favor some characters better but otherwise its very balanced.
Tekken 2 was my first game in 1997 you cuck. Tekken 7 has an exciting and hype soundtrack for 90% of the fucking time.
fit gamers play tekken 7 music when they work out
This, all of this. Im loving the new dark menu music as well. Haze heat shadow is peak and if you aren't assigning it to brimstone or devil's pit you are retarded.
right here
why her legs are so long?
the only good song in T7 that isn't a remix from a better game is infinite azure round 1
How is it I have played Tekken so much longer than these ‘17ers yet I’M in the wrong about my criticisms of the game? I know what I like, faggots.
.....i like Hammerhead 2nd...
To fit your fatass between them and squeeze you
>haze heat shadow is bad
>jungle outpost is bad
>dragon's nest is bad
>Mishima dojo is bad
>abandoned temple is bad
You people are fucking shitters and should never get a say in anything ever
Whats your point?
but I'm not fat
liar liar pants on fire
can't even play heat haze shadow online if you're PC, fucking harada
99% of the soundtrack is literally wub
Too bad i guess, juke box is based
You can literally tweak the entire soundrtack of all the screens in the game from stages to char select screen with ALL the music from ALL Tekken games ARCADE OST included.
Tekken 7 is based.
I feel like the boomer devs tried to capture the youth audience with their hip 90% dubstep soundtrack that was last relevant in maybe 2012
Not an argument. Imagine someone in 1997 saying "woah this isn't like SFII, literally 99% of Tekken is just house music!?" The fact that your average Yea Forumstard cannot tell the drum & bass in T7 from Dubstep tells me most of you can simply have your opinion discarded anyway.
woah user you LITERALLY just described the soundtrack from Tekken 1,2 and 3 only then it was the house music scene. Good job.
Which is nice because I've been swapping out a lot of Tekken 7's poor default music.
>not even naming the best theme in the game
>fucking Dragon's Nest
Only autists would dislike t7 music.
>Twilight Conflict
That's because Nobuyoshi Sano is a fucking god
Tekken 7 has been vapid and dull since it premiered in 20-fucking-15.
Lackluster as fuck.
Note how instead they say "lmao but the sheep stage from T6 lel so randum xd"
Just use the music player and change it.
Electric Fountain sucks dick and I hate you for thinking of it over the mauntain of great tracks 6 actually has.
You're retarded and a shitter lmao
I'm allowed to be unhappy with games I dedicate a lot of time to, son.
Shut up retard you are literally doubling down as clueless at this point. Electric fountain bad? You dont even like the themes of a Tekken soundtrack. You are trash, invalid, unqualified to speak. Leave.
It doesn't make you correct though. t. 800+ hours in T7.
Chloe's new idle is great
If you're dedicating a lot of time into a game you don't like, you need help.
I am not the same person. I am telling you that Electric Fountain pales in comparison to Rustic Asia, Fallen Colony, Lightning Storm, Azazel's Chamber, Noh Theater, and many others. I have always hated that level and will continue to do so. Themes of a Tekken Soundtrack? You don't even know what the fuck you are talking about.
No it isn't. People said the same in TTT2 as well and it wasn't true then either.
the music is a definite step down from other titles, just trying to chase the dumb new trend of making music unpleasant to listen to
I dedicate a lot of time to it because I'm better at Tekken than other fighting games.
But I also got more enjoyment out of previous installments of the series too.
Remind me how this is listenable?
I mean obviously geese estate is Fucking good music cause it's the classic boss music of fatal fury
It isn't, they probably completely delusional, or Tasty Steve
But it doesn't retard.
Is Yea Forums just full of old pretentious fucks who like to hate on stuff on purpose
Im 30 and grew up with the originals and like T7, you guys just come off as pretentious meme fuck heads
I don't like a lot of Tekken 7's music. I'm not TRYING to hate it, it's just not as strong as the series is known for.
sounds like shit.
So just replace the soundtrack with older songs from the series? It gives you the function to create your own custom soundtrack in-game.
New character select music is not changing for a while though.
I've just left it with the arcade Fated Retribution character select theme.
I have heard the new theme, though, since I own every version of the game.
new character select is good, much better than the washing machine on the fritz that s2's was
I should add I like the new character select theme, moreso than the Season 2 change.
RIP, I actually liked Season 2's, looks like I may be in the minority
jukebox isn't on PC
It's only right that the best character has the best theme in the game.