Famitsu sales

02./00. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne Collector's Package (Capcom) {2019.09.06} (¥14.444) - 44.160 / NEW
03./03. [NSW] Super Mario Maker 2 # (Nintendo) {2019.06.28} (¥5.980) - 18.296 / 60.297 (-19%)
04./00. [PS4] NBA 2K20 # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2019.09.06} (¥7.000) - 13.461 / NEW
05./04. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate # (Nintendo) {2018.12.07} (¥7.200) - 10.611 / 3.243.816 (-5%)
06./02. [NSW] Astral Chain # (Nintendo) {2019.08.30} (¥7.980) - 9.129 / 41.365 (-72%)
07./06. [NSW] Fishing Spirits: Nintendo Switch Version (Bandai Namco Games) {2019.07.25} (¥5.700) - 9.018 / 153.154 (-7%)
08./05. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980) - 8.850 / 244.455 (-9%)
09./07. [NSW] Minecraft # (Microsoft Game Studios) {2018.06.21} (¥3.600) - 8.221 / 915.471 (-12%)
10./08. [NSW] Fire Emblem: Three Houses # (Nintendo) {2019.07.26} (¥6.980) - 6.255 / 235.352 (-18%)

>| NSW | 77.392 | 90.553 |
>| PS4 # | 33.728 | 10.924 |
>| 3DS # | 1.518 | 1.934 |
>| XB1 # | 65 | 57 |
>| PSV # | 34 | 50 |

Attached: images11-300x168.jpg (300x168, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Japan really doesn't like NuMonster Hunter

>06./02. [NSW] Astral Chain # (Nintendo) {2019.08.30} (¥7.980) - 9.129 / 41.365 (-72%)

It's package of a dlc, no one buys this shit dude

Monster Hunter is dead.

>01./00. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne Master Edition # (Capcom) {2019.09.06} (¥6.990) - 206.156 / NEW

I missed this, apologies

Only 9?

>8 Nintendo games
>2 PS4 multiplats
>FUCKING apehoop gachashit is number 4
What the fuck

>Astral chain
what the fuck? Japan game market is dead

this is the game + dlc right?

Sold mostly with the voucher program in Japan.

I know its comparing apples to oranges since a lot of people probably just bought the DLC, but how do Iceborne's sales compare to G edition sales for past MH titles?

>only 200k

Since when do chinks like western sports games?

Yes, seems people went digital for IB

Imagine playing minecraft on a console

>only 240k for MH


the game is like 30$ off with the vouchers, you have to wait until october/november to know how much it sold

Man MH flopped hard compared to the 3DS expansions

Does Japan even buy games anymore?
Why are FE and Astral Chain doing so poorly?

Also it's supply constrained. So much so that digital cards we're being sold out.

well, for once they didn't wait in line for a gorillion hours like autists I guess

Voucher program.

Just as I thought, Iceborne couldn't even come close to what World did. I fully expect Capcom to drop expansions in favor of making you buy the full game again.
World 2 and then World 2 Ultimate.
Shame because Iceborne is great.

What's number one?

Vouchers. Astral Chain has been in 1st place on the eshop for weeks because of that.

Monster Hunter 5 for Switch when

just cuorios, what are icebornd price tags (digital and physical)?

user, I...

Why is everyone saying Iceborne flopped? 200k is huge for japan. MHW reached 500k in japan at launch week

>Iceborne is great.
>Not portable in Japan
Thats why they don't care anymore.

Faggot OP forgot to put the number so of course shitposters and bingbing will come

>[PS4] Monster Hunter: World (Limited Edition Included) (Capcom, 01/26/18) – 1,245,169 (New)

that monster hunter pack is insanely expensive. cant believe it sold this much


Monster Hunter 4G sold 1.2 million launch week in Japan.

he said launch week faggot

The expansion for 3ds sold like 6 times that.

Really shows the tables have turned. Or not really since Nintendo has always dominated in Japan but still. I guess no more Splatoon 2 on the list


Smash has definitively replaced Splatoon as the zoomer game in Japan.

That's the launch week.

Yeah just as I predicted an huge drop from MHW to Iceborne.
People got the W out of novelty but won't follow it up, the drop it's gonna be even worse in the West.

astral flop

Sold more than bayo 2 so a success for Nintendo.

>200k is huge for japan.
Not for MH. It's likely that they'll go back to doing Ultimate versions now just to get a bit of extra money.

The game is like $90 so of course no one is gonna buy the physical edition of it. Hopefully it does end up doing really well WW.

How long will we have to wait until Capcom releases Iceborne's digital sales numbers?

Expect MHWP for Switch next year.

How much did bayo do in Japan

>Does Japan even buy games anymore?
no, japan is into mobile games now specially gachas like fate go


MHW is literally the best selling Capcom game ever.

China REALLY loves NBA. I'm surprised since it's Japan, though.

Nintendofags thinks japan matters to Capcom now that they have a western audience face it nintendofags you will never get a monster hunter again

38k, but in the wiiu digital was very low so astral chain has it beat easily.

DQxi on switch is going to outsell it

Gotta get those American sales. MHW is Capcom's best selling title of all time, so you know they'll never focus on Japs solely ever again.

>astral flop
Already confirmed to be a huge success, but you keep on dreaming.

Iceborne isn't World

They buy Nintendo games just fine, smash is up there with the best selling games ever.
They just don't buy sony shit.

so this..........is the power of PlatinumGames


I'm more bothered by the fact Capcom are feigning interest by selling overpriced ports and happily taking money for Smash representation. I would literally prefer nothing.

>smash is up there with the best selling games ever.
pffhhaha still no 5 millions, past game did it AC pkmn etc.. consol games are dead in japan

>Gotta wait 2 months for the shitposting to stop

Nintendo should just tell us if it sold a million or not so people can shut the fuck up. I can't wait for people to compare it to Nier sales or something.

I really wonder what Capcom is thinking. Monster Hunter had a nice thing going where they could release a PS2 rehash every year and sell 3 or 4 million.
Sure World sold more than that, but in return it had a giant AAA budget and a massive AAA worldwide marketing campaign. What happens now?

basket ball game only got 13K sales though, these days the top 10 ranking could be summed up as a top 3 considering how low the sales of the rest gets.

>No.3 on eshop after 2 weeks

nintendo "hardcore games" in general always sold like fucking shit. its not even new, newfag kun. its unironocally a console for kids

the problem is comparison with the initial sales of the game. 200K is probably ok for them, but it means more than half the player base isn't returning.

Despite what shitposters say the chances of them not continuing to produce portable MonHun titles is pretty slim.

But the age range of Nintendo fans is 18-35

Can count 5 millions sellers in your hands, also with the extra characters it will get there :)

G Rank versions of MH games often sell more than the base game, and considering how much shit they put in Iceborne compared to previous G rank games, this is underwhelming.

Isn't it #1 on every eShop? It seems like the most popular game of September so far. Unless Gears 5 was a big deal.

>Just 44K
Wait, what?!

>making Switch games

Memes aside, it helps that with more DLC fighters coming, it ensures future support for the game, which adds to its longevity.

Iceborne is not like old full new version of the game.

Nah it's because the voucers, you need to be a retard to not use them for FE and AsChain.

Gears 5 is doing woefully bad on PC

tomorrow is the launching of dragon quest walk (pokemon go clone) in japan, it will increase the sales like pogo did

>last week
>AC 2nd

>this week
>azure literally gone from top 10 list
>AC still on top 10 with 6

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 9.32.32 AM.png (1208x184, 41K)

Because 4 and Gen sold 3 times as that.

[PS4] Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition (Capcom, 09/06/19) – 206,156 (New)
[PS4] Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Capcom, 09/06/19) – 44,160 (New)

Platinum thinks 5 games sold is a success to them considering how poorly their games sell along all bases.

iceborne isnt a g rank repackage.

OP forgot #1, so it's 200k+ for Iceborne.

AC is mainly selling by digital.

look at the fucking price. its like 130 USD. fucking expensive luxurious pack.

What do you expect from Compileshit waifu crap game?

According to Nincels Switch games underperforming in physical sales is because of the vouchers but a fucking expansion who most people buy digitally selling only 40k at retail is a flop.

This is how it works in this Nincel cope central general, right?

read the thread you fuck.

They said it was in interviews, so at least they were marketing like them. I haven't played it yet so I don't know if they are actually different or not but they had expectations like the normal G expansions.

Sony has voucers?

AC physical cost the same as two games using switch voucher

It'll probably still be the best selling game of September for some reason, despite the lack of hype leading up to launch.

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places but did anyone care?

Astral Chain bombed in Japan, it’s okay sweetie don’t get angry.

It basically is.
>nearly the same price as original game
>need the base game to even access it
>adds G Rank
The only difference is that they added a fuck ton of shit for a G Rank version because if how little content was in World. It's basically a new-age 3U.

OP fucked up and forgot to put the sales of icebone. Is 200K, which is extremely low compared to the vanilla game sales, i guess everyone got it by digital?

It is functionally almost identical to previous G rank expansions, with the only difference being that it can be downloaded as an add-on for the base game (and has been mainly marketed as that), which itself is functionally just a replacement for the save file transferal that previous G rank expansions offered.

that stupid vouchers shit ended 2 months ago, your excuses are done, Nincels.

Cope, there are actual reason for low numbers of AC while there aren't for MH.

Why are nincels still seething about MH holy shit

Why the fuck do half the people sound like they're from Twitter Jesus christ

>Japan sales thread
>Nintendo game is no. 1
>non-Nintendo game is no. 1


>G Rank versions of MH games often sell more than the base game
not really, they always sell less in japan, you are considering total game sales worldwide when the base version never released in the west. Why are comparing sales of a game only released in japan with a game released worldwide?

Yea Forums is PC and nintendie central, all PS4 and Xbone users are contained on Reddit and ResetEra

find me one post like this in this thread

So we can expect a MH for Switch announcement this January right.

You can't get more but those you already have still work for a year more.

need more?

mmmmm 1fps the game
cant wait

That's only for americucks, JAP and EU still have them.

Cry more fat nincel

the ps4 can barely run it so theres no way switch can. hopefully they move up the pc release

lmao cope harder

Actually, it won't sell like crazy.

80%+ of all MH sales are in Japan. Capcom is abandoning the Japanese audience, which mainly plays on handhelds, by making it PS4-only there. Especially when you look at how badly the PS4 is selling in Japan.

In the west the game is still more niche than Souls games like Bloodborne.
Bloodborne only sold about 2.7m worldwide. MHW will therefore do less than thay on the PS4.

So we're looking at maybe~ 2m on the PS4, a few hundred k on the Xbox (lol xbox) and a few hundred k on the PC.

Now we also need to keep in mind two more things:
1. This game cost Capcom a LOT more than any other MH, not only is it a huge leap in graphical capabilities but they also have to put it on multiple platforms and support it on all of them.
2. Capcom won't make a lot of money from PC sales. Many will be grey market / key reseller sites and others will have been bought during some Steam sale for like 30 bucks, if which Valve takes another 30%

This game will fail to meet the many, many millions that it would have to have as a sales target for Capcom to be happy with its performance. It won't do that, because despite their efforts at westernizing and casualizing the game it will remain niche compared to games like GTA, Fifa, Skyrim.

Attached: DE06351F-6CE2-44BD-B067-9A2F76E85E5E.jpg (1242x861, 251K)

It's somewhat cheaper when you buy it as a dlc of course everyone went digital, no point in buying two copies of the base game

Let it go nincels. You lost.

>seething so hard for being called out of your nintendo bogeyman you write a wall of text

LMAOing @ your life

He didn't specify World

>Capcom is abandoning the Japanese audience, which mainly plays on handhelds, by making it PS4-only there.
And that's exactly why PS4 versions of multiplatform games sell three times better than Switch versions of the said games, right?

So? Did MH flop or not Nintranny?

nooo delete this!!!

Attached: Astral-Chain-girls.jpg (623x407, 58K)

Unless you didn't buy the vanilla game before.

Don't care just calling out your fake claims of nintendo fans being irrational about vouchers.

The 200K one is the double package version.

I think he referring to all you need is download the patch (and buy the unlock key) rather that releasing the game+extra again

Why are the Japs buying nba2k?

>PS4 versions of multiplatform games sell three times better than Switch versions of the said games
which ones?
Please list 10.

In Japan PS4 versions usually have better first week sales but then they drop like a rock afterwards, while Switch versions have much better legs and end up overtaking them.

>port machine peasant want another port

Not likely. Capcom is still in their Nintendo hateboner phase while Nintendo is turning to other third party devs to fill in the void left by Capcom. Maybe a year or two later is when we get any actual support from Capcom for the Switch.

But they are irrational.

>Azure Lane: We are the new face of CH
>1 week later


Attached: EDNO9DYUUAAXGRT.png (750x809, 1015K)

>Console warrior can't read

>always sell less in Japan
That is a lie.

For people not shitposters [/spoilers] that are wondering for MH:

>The chart shows the physical version of the game that includes the base game (Monster Hunter World) + the expansion (Iceborne) and costs 60$.

>You can get the expansion for 40$ (or the equivalent price in yen in this case) if you already had Monster Hunter World.

>People that already bought Monster Hunter World (3M+ in Japan) will buy the expansion/DLC digitally so they can pay 20$ less (40$ instead of 60$) plus keep their characters since you would have to start a new character/save file if you bought the physical version (since it's an entire new game).

>So the vast majority of the sales of the expansion (not only in Japan but also globally) will be digital (since most purchases of Iceborne will be from people that have bought and played through Monster Hunter World already).

>The physical sales will be new people that are getting into Monster Hunter World that hadn't bought the original release and are buying in now.

Not certain about the digital sales and vouchers.

That’s a lie sweetie.

user can you read ?

Any Atelier game, Vesperia, Ys VIII, VC4, Crash, Dark Souls, DOAX3, etc.

Also spoiler: digital sales in japan are shit


Can you post the sales numbers on all of those?

>more people owned a 3ds
>nintendo only
oh i wonder why

Sorry but you can’t use the voucher excuse every time a Nintendo game that doesn’t feature Mario, Yoshi or any of his my little pony friends bombs.

Especially when it’s a Platinum game which Nincels simply don’t care about, just look at Bayonetta 2 and W101 sales in Japan.

we are now in september you can't just paste the same article for a whole year and pretend to still be relevant forever.

Iceborne is ps4 only in japan.

user the game is on track for selling 100k+ which is crazy good for an action game in Japan, you know this is only phisical and digital share will be pretty high considering the voucher program.


Why did you even spoiler tag that? Japan does not buy digital like they buy physical, either. I even have proof.


You are right, but for FE and AC where you get both for a bit more of the price of 1? Sure you can.
Also they've been constantly on the top of digital sales as further proof.

Oh for sure, DQ is going to do 300k easily in the first week, it's releasing after the Switch Lite

Most people have probably already bought it at this point and just bought the expansion digitally which is the only means of buying it purely separately from the game. Considering that 200K is pretty good.

and after the new mobile game (pokemon go clone) it will help too

You can get the iceborne package.

Again, Platinum games don’t sell on Nintendo consoles, you using the vouchers to cope with another demonstration of Nincels terrible taste won’t change that fact.

Maybe they should have tried to add some Mario and Peach costumes to get Nincels to buy the game...
Oh wait, they already tried that with Bayonetta 2 and it still didn’t work.

Oh well... cope sweetie.


>astral flop
>but it was a success!!

The package includes the base game and Iceborne which existing owners will not want. You cannot buy just the expansion by itself at physical retailers.

Iceborne had a solo release in Japan, that's what the OP one was about.

Sell so bad Nintendo came back to them to fund another sequel for bayo and an extra game. You are literally copying.

You can in Japan.

I respect Nintendo for funding Platinum games i get to enjoy at 4K 60fps on my PC, thanks for beta testing.

Nope that's the master edition, iceborne package is only the expansion.

>Source: “Dude just trust Me

t. first day on media create sale

>[PS4] Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World (Limited Editions Included) (Koei Tecmo, 01/31/19) – 18,679 (New)
>[NSW] Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World (Koei Tecmo, 01/31/19) – 8,046 (New)

>[PS4] Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland (Limited Editions Included) (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 27,734 (New)
>[NSW] Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland (Limited Editions Included) (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 12,473 (New)

>[PSV] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Falcom, 07/21/16) – 43,753 (New)
>[PS4] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Falcom, 05/25/17) – 27,741 (New)
>[NSW] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (NIS, 06/28/18) – 6,431 (New)

>[PS4] Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Limited Edition Included) (Sega, 03/21/18) – 62,921 (New)
>[NSW] Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Sega, 09/27/18) – 5,596 (New)

>[PS4] Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 01/11/19) – 41,510 (New)
>[NSW] Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 01/11/19) – 26,588 (New)

>[PS4] Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 02/22/18) – 46,411 (New)
>[NSW] Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match DX (Bandai Namco, 02/21/19) – 7,651 (New)

>[PS4] Dark Souls Remastered (From Software, 05/24/18) – 71,739 (New)
>[NSW] Dark Souls Remastered (From Software, 10/18/18) – 14,646 (New)

>[PS4] Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (SIE, 08/03/17) – 30,384 (New)
>[NSW] Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Bonus Edition (Sega, 08/03/17) – 5,217 (New)

>[PS4] Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 12,958 (New)
>[NSW] Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet (Koei Tecmo, 03/21/19) – 7,075 (New)

Attached: 7BE9A0D8-4280-4A27-B78E-293C26D4329C.png (500x525, 16K)

Your definition of "triple" and "multiplatform" amuses me.

Ah I see. Well I mean just a DLC selling 200,000 is still pretty good and hardly a flop.

Nah for MH is an huge humongous flop.

>First week sales only
Really makes me think

Damn Iceborne flopped

It's a fucking DLC, not a full priced game mate.

I mean if that helps you sleep at night...

How does that work? Is it just a download code for the base game or what?

also wasnt multiplat, so more like 12 times

It's being sold as a full price game as well

And their usual G physical DLC sell millions, so yes is an huge flop.

You understand that Capcom used to sell those for 3DS and they all sold 2 to 3 million, right?

MHW sold 700k digital in the first 3 days in Japan.

t. famitsu director's ass

Some games are almost half price with the vouchers in Japan, it's not a cope. We'll get the total numbers during financial report anyway

How exactly?
This is just for the physical copies of the game with Base world, and IB, and the Physical IB thing in Japan, there’s not even information of Digital sales yet and it doesn’t even seem like it flopped since that’s what majority of people are buying

Monster hunter 4’s expansion sold 2.7 million in Japan. It’s a flop Jim

I mean you guys got destroyed after MHW became the best selling Capcom game of all time, you sure you wanna go through that again? It’d sure be a shame if Iceborn became the best selling Capcom expansion of all time too.

I really feel sorry for you, your IQ is so low you can’t even choose your battles right, instead you head right into another anal fucking.

I B is fanservice. the hardcore fans should be happy. it can only be a good thing if capcom move towards treating Mh as a labour of love again rather than moving towards westernized, AAA oscar bait, kojima territory

Better than your ass. Famitsu has a reputation to uphold. Hell you're in a Famitsu sales numbers thread believing their retail numbers now.

US first week sales=183,650
EU first week sales=91,507

MH3U combined sales
US first week sales=82,065
EU first week sales=53,673

US first week sales=45,997
EU first week sales=28,981

MH3U Wii U
US first week sales=36,068
EU first week sales=24,692

>digital sales are shit in japan AC flopped!!
>uh MHW flopped? Nah it's all digital sales trust me dude




Attached: 36A06E0E-3C25-411A-91A5-A51179094F6F.png (225x224, 9K)

When final Fantasy 15 hit 1 million in Japan, only 88k of that 1 million was Digital.

When super Mario Odyssey was at 850k sold in Japan, only 63k was digital and
When Splatoon 2 was 1.4 million in Japan, only 16k was digital

When Dragon Quest 11 was 1.1 million on 3DS and 950k on PS4, the 3DS digital was only 62k and the PS4 digital was 113k.

Kingdom Hearts 3 launched with 600k physical and 100k digital
Resident Evil 2 launched at 250k physical and 50k digital
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was 2 million as of late January this year for physical but also only hit 31k digital
Super Mario Party hit 980k physical when launched but only had a milestone of 24k digital.

tl;dr Japan does not buy digital like they buy physical, you stupid newfaggot.

I didn’t even mention astral Chain Dumbass
>Literally no Proof of digital sales numbers just the physical ones
How fucking dumb are you

isnt it PG's most successful seller ever? Whats good for the goose isnt good for the gander it seems.

They have retail numbers but they don't have any digital numbers retard. Those sales were all in his imagination. They don't hold any credibility.
So no they are not any better than my or your ass's numbers.

Capcom is not gonna be happy if iceborn somehow flops. It's their big game for this fiscal year and with their shit output right now, heh AAA indeed, forecast are gonna be down.


650k MHW digital sales in 3 days.

So you are saying Fire Emblem and Astral Chain flopped?

Cope those number are shit no matter how you try to spin them.

They have digital numbers for MHW in the first 3 days. It's not that hard really, Capcom themselves announced 2 million shipment plus digital in the first 3 days.

physical version is 7.5K yen
digital can be purchased with half a 10K yen voucher
do the math

What does this have to do with Japan?

>no proof
>b-but they sold a lot digital!!!(according to my ass)

Honestly it would be pretty funny to see them put all of their eggs in one basket like that and then have it completely backfire on them.

I'm pretty sure everyone is playing on game pass on PC.

And how much did it sell, physically?

Counting asia so those digital numbers were not any close to the truth.

Did you know that if you combine MH4 and it’s expansion they still get outsold by MHW?
At least do basic research so you don’t get humiliated like this, it’s very sad.

US muhreens

Nice try trying to divert the discussion but no, those 200k sales are shit for G standards.

Almost 2 million, but the digital sales were clearly still lower than the physical sales by a wide margin and did not outpace physical at all.

>Smash Bros Ultimate sold 2.6 milllion and only 300k of that 2.6 million was digital
>Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee sold over 1 million and only 100k was digital
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe sold 980k physical and only 70k digital

This post is the perfect example of moving the goalpost

oh so now its a dlc? so youre buying the game twice? capcom did you dirty

Every single Monster Hunter game on Nintendo platforms sold like shit compared to MHW, how does this make you feel?

When did I ever mention those games? All I said was that japan does not buy digital games int he same amount as they buy physical.

>Famitsu has a reputation to uphold.

The only reason we discuss Famitsu to being with is because Media Create is kill as even their physical numbers are often very very unreliable.

In Japan according to Capcom

Attached: Image 496.jpg (493x295, 119K)

Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends?

Remember when Nintendo fans said World was gonna flop?
How do they not learn from their mistakes? It’s like with Persona 5 being a Wii U exclusive and then getting a Switch port, do they enjoy the humillation?

What does this have to do with comparing g rank sales figures in japan?

Which were the game+the DLC, not just the DLC. People who already own the game physically are not going to buy the same game+ the DLC again. As far as I can tell that 200,000 is just the expansion.

>Most previous games on just one platform
>World on three platforms
>World sells roughly three times the amount of most previous games
Makes you think

Bullshit, Media Create/Famitsu does not count Asia sales, only Japan.

200k is for the physical game+expansion.

Now if only MH4 was on three other platforms, it would have outsold MHW...

capcom are losing their integrity and becoming sony wageslaves, if anyonewould be upset it'd be sony

You're retarded, the expansion alone in 40k. The game+expansion is the 200k one.


Why do Nincels love to make up random lies easily disproven by a quick google search to win arguments?
My guess is low IQ and too many hours of Yea Forums.

Actually, it won't sell like crazy.

80%+ of all MH sales are in Japan. Capcom is abandoning the Japanese audience, which mainly plays on handhelds, by making it PS4-only there. Especially when you look at how badly the PS4 is selling in Japan.

In the west the game is still more niche than Souls games like Bloodborne.
Bloodborne only sold about 2.7m worldwide. MHW will therefore do less than thay on the PS4.

So we're looking at maybe~ 2m on the PS4, a few hundred k on the Xbox (lol xbox) and a few hundred k on the PC.

Now we also need to keep in mind two more things:
1. This game cost Capcom a LOT more than any other MH, not only is it a huge leap in graphical capabilities but they also have to put it on multiple platforms and support it on all of them.
2. Capcom won't make a lot of money from PC sales. Many will be grey market / key reseller sites and others will have been bought during some Steam sale for like 30 bucks, if which Valve takes another 30%

This game will fail to meet the many, many millions that it would have to have as a sales target for Capcom to be happy with its performance. It won't do that, because despite their efforts at westernizing and casualizing the game it will remain niche compared to games like GTA, Fifa, Skyrim.

Attached: CD5B0BEB-CAE6-4D85-AEA5-EC934EB829D0.jpg (1242x1126, 722K)

Are you retarded? Maybe you should take your own advice.
>Japan Video Games Sales Report

As opposed to nintendo's wageslaves? You know, like what happened before iwata died?

Attached: 4a51b33deaeb693624b2898350d41120.jpg (600x450, 200K)

If only Capcom abandoned Nintendo earlier... imagine the millions of sales they lost by selling Monster Hunter on Nintendo platforms.

The most obvious one is the drop from P3rd to 3G. At least 3 million lost.

If you honesty believe a DLC flopped based of Physical sales you're either retarded or own a Switch.

nintendo dont meddle in the creative process like sony do thats the difference and is what I'm getting at. remember sony is a far bigger corporation than nintendo. there's a lot more fingers in the pie and it puts capcom under pressure and the result is handler warblings and bone Brachy weapons

>Nintendofags having another mental breakdown thanks to Monster Hunter.


This is some nice fan fiction you made up in your head kid.

I have never seen a game triggers a fanbase as much as MHW did to Nintentrannies from Nintendotera Discord. The game is a multiplat, for fuck sake. You can play it if you own a PC or PS4 but no, these coddled special snowflakes demand that the game should also be available on an underpowered, piss of shit waggle waggle babby tablet or they will throw a tantrum. We need /nin/tendotera board to quarantine these trannies from Yea Forums.

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It’s really bad
G ranks normally sale 75-80,000 opening week
This really really bad compared to even 3U

Who are you trying to get?

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Iceborne alone sold 40k, that's terrible. The game and expansion (Master Edition) Sold a lot better with 200k, but still far less than any other grank expansion in japan.

Why does MHW success makes you seethe so much?

Voucher program
Japan’s game prices are retarded.
Nintendo figured out they could save money and cut fans a deal
100$ = 2 1st party Nintendo games Instead of 160 for those same 2 games but physical
Ergo physical sales have taken a nose dive

Why does pointing out facts make you think i'm mad? I give no shits about your console war.

based gaslighter retard

Platinum said it was

The 200k is the game and the expansion.

You might not have noticed but the combined sku is 2000 yen cheaper than the original game, since the original game itself hit the discount bins due to used being so high. They had to release a 2nd best price because the first one got undercut by used. A lot of people sold their original copies.

>Over 240 replies
>Only 71 posters

How does MHW becoming the best selling Capcom game of all time would make me mad?

opinion discarded

You are both high. The 3DS G ranks sold over a million FW.

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Reminder Capcom worked on the Switch's hardware and is part of the reason its underpowered

Not in Japan user. Pretty poor performance there compared to the previous titles


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Those games costs pennies to produce and made more money off cross promotional stuff than actual games sales
To outright drop portable games just wouldn’t make sense business wise.
Killing off almost a decade of success because of 1 super success is retarded
Same reason why Nintendo makes both 2D and 3D Mario games

I'm gonna break this down for you retards real slow like, so you understand and stop letting MHW shatter your minds like it did before.
Other G-Rank titles were they're own game, meaning you HAD to buy a new game.
Iceborne is an expansion pack, they've never done this before with a G game. So obviously more people are going to go digital since they already have the game, be it physical or digital, there's little reason to go out and buy a new copy anymore.

Capcom also worked on the Vita's hardware


Difference here is Capcom is giving the Switch games while Vita got shit

They're just not good games, they're lazy ports

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See and

Go back to Twitter faggot.


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Gears 5 is second only to Greedfall on steam few days after launch and most people are probably playing it on gamepass anyway.

>(¥5.980) - 18.296 / 60.297 (-19%)
04./00. [PS4] NBA 2K20 # (Take-Two Interactive Japan) {2019.09.06} (¥7.000) - 13.461 / NEW
People play niggerball games in Japan?

Really now? XX sold tons compared to that...

>estimated digital sales
Kek. While their new method is still garbage it’s still better than the older one of taking physical and dividing it by an integer.

But seriously Famitsu digital is bad. The easiest sign is that they can’t even match Nintendo’s eshop rankings despite having them before the report goes out.

Hero is in, so Smash is now a Dragon Quest game. As such, it's immortalized forever...

If MH4U/XX wasn't excluded to Nintendo shit, it'd definitely outsell world.

I hope this means Mario Maker 2 remains to have fresh content for a while more

>fe flopping doesn't count because of muh vouchers

Why doesnt this apply to mario maker?

You don't seem to understand. Iceborne wasn't treated as a whole new game by Capcom. It was treated as a DLC. You comparing this to complete games doesn't make any sense because it's completely different.
When DLC's come out, people buy almost always buy digital if they already have the game. Stop pretending to be dumb. Think.

It did. Mario Maker 2 had over 30% digital. And considering that starting a month before Three houses release, which was a week after MM2 release, it has beaten Mario Maker 2 on the eshop every week. Even now as retail has shifted toward MM2.

Sorry but the game would have never outsold MHW, not everyone is ok with playing at 240p with late PS1 textures.
You can’t just port a 3DS game to the PS4 and expect it to sell either, it doesn’t work like that, MH4 was specifically made for Nintendo’s 1998 hardware and the game sales suffered because of it.

>MH4 was specifically made for Nintendo’s 1998 hardware and the game sales suffered because of it.
>MH4 -3.9 million
>MH4U- 2.7 million
>MHW- 2 million

MHW sold 13 million kiddo, those numbers are pathetic.

>13 million
Not in Japan retard. This is a Japanese sales thread. World flopped compared to the other MH games there.

Are you actually braindead?

Check the title of thread retard.

How does it feel to know MHW outsells all the 3DS Monster Hunter games combined?

Monster Hunter discussion should be banned in these threads.
I don't know why but you fucks get really emotional over it. It derails everything else.

Actually, it won't sell like crazy.

80%+ of all MH sales are in Japan. Capcom is abandoning the Japanese audience, which mainly plays on handhelds, by making it PS4-only there. Especially when you look at how badly the PS4 is selling in Japan.

In the west the game is still more niche than Souls games like Bloodborne.
Bloodborne only sold about 2.7m worldwide. MHW will therefore do less than thay on the PS4.

So we're looking at maybe~ 2m on the PS4, a few hundred k on the Xbox (lol xbox) and a few hundred k on the PC.

Now we also need to keep in mind two more things:
1. This game cost Capcom a LOT more than any other MH, not only is it a huge leap in graphical capabilities but they also have to put it on multiple platforms and support it on all of them.
2. Capcom won't make a lot of money from PC sales. Many will be grey market / key reseller sites and others will have been bought during some Steam sale for like 30 bucks, if which Valve takes another 30%

This game will fail to meet the many, many millions that it would have to have as a sales target for Capcom to be happy with its performance. It won't do that, because despite their efforts at westernizing and casualizing the game it will remain niche compared to games like GTA, Fifa, Skyrim.

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I posted the sales in Japan user. Game flopped there. Sorry it’s a failure.

But XX (the most recent portable title) sold less then that.
Did it flop too?

How is MHW a failure when it’s the best selling Capcom game of all time? You should take your meds sweetie, that asshurt is really making numbers on you.

>actually japan don't buy digital, here are some poor digital numbers by famitsu
>but here is mhw digital numbers by famitsu
>no! famitsu pulls digital numbers out their asses!

Literal mental breakdown, poor Nincels.

I swear you morons keep trying to change the subject. You keep trying to bring worldwide in the topic when he is trying to talk about Japan. Yes the game didn't flop but it didn't do better than the other games.

I did better then XX.

But it did do better, 10 million better in fact.

Which is why i am questioning Capcom, imagine how they feel about missing all those sales because they made their games for the shitty 3DS that barely managed to sell MH? If they made the jump earlier Nintendo wouldn’t have costed them dozen of million of sales.

2.85 million sales is up there. More than MH3, MH3G, MH4G, MHX and MHXX

Here are the numbers:
Monster Hunter (PS2) - 288,559
Monster Hunter G (PS2) 237,393
Monster Hunter Portable (PSP) - 1,122,604
Monster Hunter 2 (PS2) - 692,228
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (PSP) - 1,723,187
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP) - 4,226,265
Monster Hunter G (Wii) 236,020
Monster Hunter 3 (Wii) - 1,077,273
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP) - 4,840,930
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Ver. (PS3) - 457,789
Monster Hunter 3G (3DS) - 1,941,106
Monster Hunter 3G HD Ver. (Wii U) - 234,246
Monster Hunter 4 (3DS) - 3,591,334
Monster Hunter 4G (3DS) - 2,617,803
Monster Hunter X (3DS) - 2,832,833
Monster Hunter XX (3DS) - 1,698,161
Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. (Switch) - 214,204

Yes, 800k vs 2 million. Was this supposed to prove something?

Wait.. wait... are you saying i can’t even use the “japan sales thread” excuse to cope? It did well even in Japan?



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I want to know how much Super Mario Maker 2 has been sold, including digital copies. The game seems to be a hit and is behind a huge paywall that blocks virtually everything, however, Nintendo simply seems to ignore its existence and heading for the third month they even bothered and patched to fix serious bugs.

Digital in Japan is practically zero according to this thread.

Except for Nintendo games that bomb at retail those sell millions digitally.

Don't you know? Everyone with a voucher bought Astral Chain. It actually sold 2 million in Japan. For real.

Obviously. They're always number one on the eshop. So times the install base of the Switch it's roughly 10 million.

This is supposed to be our safe space bros how did we let this happens? How did we let Sonychads dab on us this hard?

Why didn't they add a Switch version to sell even more and instead decided to port Devil May Cry 2 instead?

I can’t read fucking moon nigger.

Fire Emblem is flopping hard. I had at least expect it would reach 300k copies by now. I doubt it will hit a million in Japan.

>no one mentions nintendo
fucking obsessed kek

You want a honest non-shitpost response? I think Capcom doesn’t want to put in the work to downgrade World enough to port it to the Switch.

My guess is they’ll keep the World formula for PS4/Xbox/PC going forward and continue to milk upscaled 3DS assets for the Switch.

Capcom could always outsource if it was too much work. Thats what most Switch ports are

In what universe is DMC2 better than a downgrade version of MHW?

>that barely managed to sell MH?
user, you do realise World is the only console MH to sell well at all, right?

DMC2 takes no work to port MHW wasn’t built for Switch hardware the same way Dragon Quest XI wasn’t built for it and took like 2 years to port that from the ground up.

>I think Capcom doesn’t want to put in the work to downgrade World enough to port it to the Switch.
They don't want to put in any kind of work on the Switch Period. That's why the Wii managed to have more new games than it.

Why would they? DMCV, RE2 and MHW have all been a huge success thanks to PS4 and in part PC why risk that by lowering the base game to run on the Switch?

DQXI isn't the same situation. DQXI was made on a version of UE4 that Switch did not support, it was made on a previous version that the Switch was far passed, like Apple and their iOS updates where some games don't run on the newest versions. And at least they added shit from that point.

MHW runs on a beefed up MT Frameworks, which the Switch has supported since 2017 so Capcom could port their old overpriced shit to it.

This. They didn't risk porting their 3DS MH games elsewhere too for 5 consecutive games.

Risk? What risk? The game has sold 13 million, what risk would a little more on a downgraded system be?

Selling DMC2 for 20 dollars in 2019 is a bigger risk than anything Capcom has put out in over a decade

The crazy part is RE Revelations their tech demo the game to show off all the switch features sold like wild fire
Considered one of the best running games on Switch yet they dropped that pretty much overnight and just went for low effort ports it’s the most jarring thing ever
>Holy shit this is top quality
>What the fuck do you mean RE4 Won’t have motion controls like the Wii version?!?

Who were they gonna port it to? Vita? lmao

>sold like wild fire
All of their ports sold like shit and only made a profit because they were dirt cheap.

I mean MH sold better on PSP so my guess is they had an exclusivity deal with Nintendo.

PSP and Vita yes.

Why are they wasting resources on Switch ports nobody buys instead of actually doing something worthwhile on it?

Dead by 2011
It sold like ass.

>why risk that
Risk what?
They're literally doing more harm putting out lazy ports at extortionate prices than anything else. I mean, can you even think of a single reason why they would split up the DMC HD collection, put them up one by one and sell them at 20 each instead of just putting up the collection in its entirety?

Let's not kid ourselves, Capcom is a very profit driven company. They go wherever the money is, no more, no less. No exclusivity contract is needed.

Considering they make no money off of emulated or used market sales of DMC2, remaking it for anything (i dont care, hell a mobile port might be possible) is a huge reward that should overcome the risk. Some revenue is a huge improvement over no revenue.

Also, I'm pretty sure a majority of MHW sales are digital which Famitsu does not track, hence why only the physical collector edition is on the list.

A Vita MH port of the 3DS games would have easily sold a million the only reason they didn’t do it was an exclusivity contract.

MHP3rd sold 5 million copies on PSP in 2011.

I agree, which is why the only reason not to port a MH game on Vita was an exclusivity contract.

Pretty much, if anything the gamecube era was their most formative experience in dealing with nintendo; those that were around for that shitshow are now in charge and seemingly have long memories.

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That and the fact that the Vita had a much higher development cost and if it didn't hit 1m it wouldn't have made a profit.

The sad part is that some of those games sold worse after they were ported. Capcom just didn't know how to advertise for shit.

>World is a meh MH game
>it sells a lot so shitposters elevates it to a fucking masterpiece status

>Iceborne is a top-tier MH game, by far the biggest improvement with a G-Rank expansion
>it sells poorly so shitposters will forever call it shit, using vanilla World issues since they never played Iceborne

I'm so tired

Porting MHW to Switch has no risk either considering its a game that has sold 13 million and the fucking 60 dollar 3DS port of MHGU sold over a million on Switch

Now tell me, whats risker: a downgraded port of a game that has sold 13 million and the userbase has played in the past, or a trashfire of a video game that the userbase has never played and nobody wants ever?

Vita was Dead on Arrival, user. When Sony didn't give a fuck about it, Capcom had no reason to either.

>le exclusivity contract
has there been any actual proof there was a contract for MH on 3DS?

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I don’t give a shit about the Vita i was a 3DSfag the whole gen but implying a Vita port wouldn’t have sold millions is just a low IQ argument, which is why Nintendo paying for exclusivity is the only logical conclusion.

When has a DLC ever sold 240k physical?

There was no proof for MH3 either, but MH3 was a PS3 exclusive that was cancelled and moved to the Wii exclusively. Oh, and jet fuel can't melt steel.

What’s wrong about an exclusivity contract? It was a great move that single handedly killed Sony handhelds.

>but implying a Vita port wouldn’t have sold millions is just a low IQ argument
Are you trying to say it would have when not even well known series sold 1m

MH was still pretty fuckin niche outside Japan until World came out. it wouldn't have done a damn thing for the Vita outside Japan, where it sold the best anyway

MH is literally the biggest 3rd party IP in Japan, bigger than DQ, of course it would have.

>MH is literally the biggest 3rd party IP in Japan,
And the vita was an absolute dumpster fire where IPs went to die.

MH3G and MH4 were both announced before Vita came out. MH3G even releases a week before Vita came out. Both moves were to ensure that Vita couldn't get any traction from launch.

Based retard

Actually Vita 3rd party sales were great.

Sony themselves killed their handheld. Let's not shift blame off of them here.

3rd party sales were all it had since Sony abandoned it in 2015

>2 years and discontinued 1st party games
They did it to themselves

>Actually Vita 3rd party sales were great.
They really weren't.
The best selling third party game was Asscreed with 1.2m. The only other one to cross 1m was CoD.

If anyone made a profit on the thing it's because the game was ridiculously cheap to make.

Some revenue is infinitely better than no revenue.

Dumpsterfire cashgrabs that no one wants has been the EA fiscal strategy for two decades and the japs know it and look upon it with envy.

The only reason World hasnt been ported is that the team (practically) headed by Kaname Fujioka insists on doing all the work themselves and are infamous for cutting corners, to a degree that nintendo would probably delay said port for another decade due to quality control issues.

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