

Attached: how are gerudo babies made.gif (499x708, 109K)

They venture out and fuck dudes, pretty sure.

Race mixing and dominant genetics

What part of "one male baby" don't you understand

Sounds like the set up to some /ss/

I'm pretty sure it was explained in BOTW that they just ventured out and fucked other humans

That's literally confirmed in BotW.

>Ara ara, why don't I show you how we "make the baby"?

It was confirmed in ocarina of time already. There was npc texts saying that the gerudo thiefs took men from castle town/ slipped in there for some action.

Here's a Gerudo baby

Attached: GerudoSpecies.png (463x675, 167K)

The queen is botw was some apex cunny

It's already confirmed they kidnap and rape men
Well, they used to do it around the era of the civil war, after that the gerudos either got extinct (adult timeline) or became good hearted warriors that actually seduce their men

They cover that in the game.

Typical “OMG I luv Zelda! rawr :3” fan that hasn’t actually played the series.

>or became good hearted warriors that actually seduce their men

Hylian men were convinced to racemix with the Gerudo after years of propaganda produced by the (((Sheikah))). You know they run the Lost Woods, right? Take the red potion.

In botw they explain that gerudos go out into the world and fuck dudes.

In OoT they kidnap (and probably rape) dudes instead, which is awesome but less appropriate for a game played by kids.

Wanna show link how babies are made?

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fuck off

Not necessarily. The author might know it, and the joke is that Link doesn't know it. It's less likely, but possible.

>ywn be a hylian man that goes on a dangerous cross-continental pilgrimage to marry a 8'0" brown honey

>Gerodus are introduced in OOT
>in that very same game they kidnap the carpenters because they want males
this bullshit was already answered in the game it was a part of

But I'm a boy and boys can't get other boys pregnant...

Link was BUILT for female gerudo cock.

Prove it

Well not with that attitude.

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Just b urself


Attached: oot-part5-8.jpg (640x454, 75K)

What are we even doing

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I'd post the TG comic where Y. Link turns into a Gerudo, is forced to fuck and becomes pregnant and is forced to wait to bear the child.

It's the one where the last panel is his daughter greeting him as mom as he goes to the future

I think you meant colonize. It's not race mixing if the male is white. Hylians impregnating Gerudo is just the least they could do out of pitty for them because they're ugly sheboons. It's simply just to help purify their unfortunate gene pool.

Wait what

They kidnap and rape men.
God, I wish that were me

Why are you so racist?

pls source oh god

Whatever happened to Ordonians and round eared people in Hyrule?

Cute and funny.

Round ears were bred out by god fearing peoples. Bird people went extinct by the end of TP

How am I racist?

Absorbed by the hylian race