>Get woke go bro-
Gears 5 dethrones Fortnite
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wait its out? wtf
>people playing on xbox
I mean, throw them a bone at least, its the only game worth playing there, even if its complete tranny trash
This. No wonder Fortnite is the most played, it's the only game on the system worthwhile for the normies, that and Fifa is surely anyone plays.
It's not even in the top 10 on Twitch lmao
lol were xbots playing fortshit on shitbox? lmao
no shit
you actually have to pay to play Fortnite on the xbox unlike on other platforms
gears on the other hand is free if you have a gamepass
so all of the 10 people with an xbox playing toddlernight switched to still shit of wars 5 for a day and thus it make it to the news?
It's the first game to release on Xbox in over a year. What else did you expect?
fortnite is free
zoom zoom zoom
>meme game dethroned by woke game
Video games are dead
But there are no trannies in this game user. Your obsession with them really isn't healthy
>le strong wuman mutt on cover
Yea but thats like 100 people, everyone who plays Fortnite plays on PS4 or PC, noone plays on Xbone. When its knocking aside Fortnite on PS4 is when its worth mentioning. Clickbait articles are getting really sneaky with this shit.
The game literally have a flag for every alphabet people
You're retarded.
>the series that Epic created in the first place isn't an Epic Games Exclusive
You would have thunk it, right?
>most played game on xbox
Of course it is.
XBox people haven't had any game for so long. Every thread is just sony ggers and nintendies fighting over and over.
XBox anons don't make threads because they have nothing going for them
>on Xbox live
I've dethroned the local gradeschool smash champion too
Microkike is grasping for straws right now. The title may as well be "Our New Game Barely Beat Out a Two Year Old Game...And That's a GOOD Thing"
Fat balding older guys (xbox target users) love gears.
>on xbox live
Why is Yea Forums always wrong?
Many games did this.
But its just for a month or so, then fortnite goes back up.
We dont make threads cause they're just met with Sonyfags shit posting. Look at this thread and every single Gears thread
>meawhile Fortnite is still the top game on PS4
Seems like bullshit to me tbqh
>on xbox live
fortnite console player base is irrelevant
Tick tock Epicucks.
We already know console players eat shit, whether it's Fortnite or Gears 5.
Yeah but you need XBL gold to play it online, on PS4 you don't have to have a Plus membership to play f2p games online.
So? Same with everyone’s preference on gaming got you. Face it retard you don’t make threads because you have jack shit to play on your console
Xbox doesn’t make threads because we’re having fun playing games instead of complaining about Sony, Nintendo, or trannies
And yet the online is dogshit and not working
Good night, nigger
Gears 5 is doing well and being played
So? THIS is what triggers you? You need mental help dude.
i dont have an xboner but you guys know multiplats exist
Why do you think about trannies all day long?
Cope steamtranny, fortnite is literally top 2 the entire year
LMAO Yea Forums on suicide watch right now.
The game is free with the pass and anyone playing thru the pass (even PC) is listed in the Xbox Live category.
Its like when a movie comes out and they don't say it was the #1 movie of the weekend but the #1 Summer action children's blockbuster that week.
Its technically true but you can see the kikery in it at face value.
It's not enough for him to be able to play and have fun, others must be excluded.
Meanwhile on the competition.
>Statistic ignores fortnite
user, don't play stupid, alright? You know what this image shows, so just take the L and be quiet.
>give game away practically for free
>wonder why it surpasses a game that's been out for 2+ years
id play this shit over fortnite too if i didn't have anything else
finally get to crossplay a fair game with the xbros
Based illiterate retard
Based goal moving retard.
Imagine thinking twitch views = sales. Fucking zoomer go use your brain for ones
Nothing going to dethrone Fortnite on PS4
Zoom zoom.
>this is the only instance in which Secret Ponchos will ever be mentioned alongside a big hit like Fortnite
>guy who posted it didn't even read it
That's depressing.
So? Fornite is free, like actually free to play. Being on game pass doesn't take away any merit for gears.
Shit's like two bucks
It doesn't trigger me, I stopped caring about Western cancer a long time ago. I was just replying to a post with facts about the game.
kys weeb
You reek of fear.
>Cuckbox Top Played
>Thinking that means anything when Xcucks don't play games
I can’t believe you people are upset about Gears of War beating Fortnite. I thought Gears was a franchise we were cool with?
>first game Xbox get after 10 years
Take another look at the protag.
Gears 2 was the last good gears game
It's a grill
Why do we keep making these threads every time a new game comes out? The only major release this month comes out and its trending.
Hurr Durr more Twitch viewers means Fortnite is finally DEAD!
Keep projecting
dumbass its about actual players
And give it a couple of fucking weeks then the kiddies will go back to Fortnite after they tired of flavor of the month.
Gears is trash and should have ended with 3.
Has anyone tried the Xbox game pass for 2 dollar? What's the catch, can you cancel it after 1 or 2 months?
>just your imagination you bigots, we're not forcibly shoving our agenda into every avenue of media for you to see
>no idea why people hate us lgbtq so much we literally do nothing
>cut the dick off your child and put them in a dress or you're a bigot by the way
Most of the faggots that bought GoW5 aren't even playing it for the kino high skill ceiling multiplayer
if they added a straight pride flag, which they didn't there would be no issue
everything about lgbt is uninclusive to a majority of the population, especially when you faggots get upset when anyone tries to throw a straight pride parade or something similar to pride in oneself's heritage/religion/straightness that you think is too mainstream
Woooow beat on xbox were probably 2 people are playing fortnite, such a achievement
>Gears 5 dethrones Fortnite for one day
Fixed. This is what they don't tell you. They literally create sensationalist FAKE NEWS by witholding information that lets you see the whole picture.
This level of kikery applies to all media these days btw.
really? I figured most people who even use xbox at this point were multiplayer only halo and codfags who for some reason still play the series even though it's been raped by s oyboys and women
xbox was always the multiplayer console king
>Requiring XBL = you have to pay for the game
>Requiring Game Pass = game is free
Mega ? my nigger.
Sure is franchise for dudebros around here.
Seething snoyboys all over this thread
It's just a fucking flag, cosmetic, something that doesn't affect even you in any way. You faggots are basically sperging like sjws whenever they see a Confederate flag.
twitch doesnt account for everything but when all the top streamers in the gears 5 category are people playing through the half baked shit written campaign it becomes really apparent
Yea but it's ok when we do it
>It's just a fucking flag, cosmetic, something that doesn't affect even you in any way. You faggots are basically sperging like sjws whenever they see a Confederate flag
shut up faggot, identity politic shilling has no place in a game about killing aliens
Isn't this like saying. MvC Infinite had great sales because it had amazing twitch numbers?
Game of War
Game of War 2
Game of War Judgement
Game of War 3
Game of War 4
Game 5
Stop attacking me!
>Litterally moving on to not talking about the game but showing pictures of just regular trannies
bro they put forced inclusivity banners that take up HALF the current cosmetics before even adding nationalistic ones.
like you say it's not an issue and the pretense of what people "identify" as does not matter, but it's the ongoing prerogative to fucking shove it down every mediums throat that gets really really old.
Why do you want to molest children?
trick thread nobody plays on xbox
Sorry user but that's a white person thing. I wanna fuck Mature Navajo bitches
BTFO like always, huh Yea Forums?
Ah, okay, so are there Confederate flags in Gears of War 5?
Who knows, I can't wait until Yea Forums is wrong about Halo Infinite and how Master Chief is the only thing keeping the Halo series alive and selling well. Xbox will win next gen right next to Nintendo.
And that's why PC is dying, can' wait for MCC and Infinite to do so bad on PC Microsoft takes all their games away from your niche asses.
the article is only talking about the xbox, but since you posted a frog i can understand you can't read
At least they ain't shoving Lesbian shit in their game and you can actually save JD, Sony would have turned Kait Lesbian and killed JD like they did that Last of Us girl.
This is Astral Chain all over again, they hate that Nintendo and Xbox have better more fun games than Sony, also Crowbcat is a Sony fanboy.
In America, we lock these fuckers up, around the rest of the world they let these freaks do anything.
>muh Sony bogeyman
>everyone who's mean to my multi billion companies is a sonyfag
You're sad
Xbox is back! BABY! Microsoft and Nintendo will win next gen.
Everyone knows it's your autistic asses, you're as bad as PCfags who don't play games either.
It's kinda sad xboners have to blame the system that stole all their games and the company that once again did nothing and won without effort
Maybe you should ask Phil for games and more tranny flags
yes bro just like WoW classic, the game people have been wanting for a decade will totally fail
Keep seething, Sony faggot, you'll ever have Gears 5 or Astral Chain, also you're a retard if you got Gears 5 on PC anyway since it's a buggy mess.
>on xbox live
All 20 people? Damn what an accomplishment.
So why is there now Nazi or Confederate Flag in Gears?
Probably, you fags are too used to playing indie 2D shit now to even comprehend games of today, you shout that you want all these games but just like Sonyfags, you never play them, unlike Xbox and Nintendo fans who just play games.
We got them when they went to shit or were too old to justify that price.
Imagine paying 69.99$ for MCC which is ten years old.
>In America, we lock these fuckers up
No you don't, you let them in classrooms to convert kids to their degenerate lifestyle.
>Xbox will win next gen right next to Nintendo.
top kek
You guys don't play shit.
That's just Europoor imagination.
How many times has Yea Forums been wrong now? I'm starting to lose count.
>Maybe you should ask Phil for games
Just wait for E3 goy ;)
>the group that made the most popular anti-No Man's Sky video and several videos showing off PS4 and PS4 Pro defect videos
>sony fanboy
Are you retarded or something?
>no MAP flag
>well if I cant profess my love for cunny surely I can express my love for the opposite gender
>no straight flag
Its not fair... how long must we suffer...
Why are people proud over something they didn't do? I thought sexuality and other intrinsic internal elements were just sorta there. You get pride from creating/doing something challenging that you can stand by
I remember when the xbone won this gen too user
Keep coping I wonder what your excuse will be next year.
Wow all 5 people with an xbone are playing the new game
even if the game gets playable on PC without crashing every 3 seconds it's gonna get nowhere near good numbers
>he says while playing on a console getting beat by the fucking switch
who cares?
>a console ruined by 2013 marketing and the fact that people buy what their friends have
Kill yourself, zoomer
That and having no exclusives worth playing, all my friends and I had 360's last gen and ended up jumping ship to the PS4.
What the fuck I thought it was supposed to fail because it has a woman in it! What do we do, gamers??
It had exclusives worth playing they just spat on everyone's faces with the 2013 announcement.
Was it really the exclusives though? I think base ps4 being a lot more powerful than base xone played a much bigger role.
I miss him, bros
$59.99 for moddable, forge mode version of every Halo game that matters is a very good deal especially for people who have not played the remaster like me and I've been pirating all the new releases and uninstall after an hour cause they're all soulless garbage
>civil and world war losers STILL want participation trophies
>xbox live
You cheeky cunt.
Imagine not understanding that stream views are unironically more important that launch sales numbers. Imagine not understanding that the present and near future of the industry is hard-determined by consistent viewer counts on streaming services.
You people need to keep up with the world. They added all those built-in streaming services to consoles, Steam, Discord, W10, etc. just for shits and giggles, huh?
This says more about the lack of games on Xbox than it does the popularity of Gears 5.
some faggot 20k view streamer plays some obscure indie game for 10 minutes
>bros it's the fortnite killer omg uploading screencap to reddit
If they lost why being triggered?
Based. As opposed to mentally I'll twinks and niggers?
Leftists are insane because all of their mantras and virtue signaling crosses wires with reality.
Gender is a social construct
Drumpf is a dictator
The police shoot black people for fun
Socialism is perfect
And on and on and on. These people are driven to derangement because their core beliefs change on a whim and cause them to develop bipolar tendencies. We're mocking pic related, but that's what the actual end result of leftist ideology. I'm willing to guess that idiotic face morph was the idea of some bitter hamplanet at the studio.
Too bad the game is a shitty Lancer fest that will make every new player quit in a week
Twitch is dying, shitthead.
Right, they're dying all the way to the bank.
Man, there is literally nothing to play on the bone, innit?
they are alive, but by no means are they at a peak
they're even shilling fucking subway advertisements for subscriber sales
Yea Forums is the undisputed king when it comes to downplaying a game's success yikes
loved. loved gears.
so its just included free with GP?
Mate, the reason there is no "straight pride", it's because straight people aren't persecuted or ridiculized for their orentation. There is no country you will be killed for being straight, there's no political party who wants to remove your rights, there's no goverment which will censore any media which depicts straights. Being straight isn't something people use as an insult or a way to discriminate you, is the default. Being gay and open, instead of pretending to be straight in a society where being gay difficults your life, is a motive of being proud.
You can be proud all you want about your heritage imo, but don't act like you have it rough for being straight, you know damm well you don't.
Fuck off gayboy