2019 GOTY

Finally an interesting year, basically every big budget game is fairly niche, the journos are gonna be sweating.

Attached: GOTY_GameOfTheYear.jpg (1280x720, 641K)

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either re2, dmcV or ace combat 7

Goty order so far:

1. Astral Chain (6.5/10)
2. Fire Emblem Three Houses (6.5/10)
3. Resident Evil 2 Remake (5/10)

Everything else was trash. A terrible year so far. Garbage like Death Stranding will win regardless of quality (and we KNOW it's as terrible as the MGS games).

If we go only by games already released it will be re2 even though it was mediocre.

Lol neither one of those are better than RE2 nintendork

>interesting year
The only good game so far was Anno 1800
2020 is going to be a lot more interesting.

ion fury until doom eternal

>and we KNOW it's as terrible as the MGS game
My God, what sort of faggot do you have to be to have this kind of mentality? I guess a deluded weeb fuck looking at what games you consider the best this year. Kys

>user puts RE2make on his list
>you respond with 'neither one of those are better than RE2 nintendork'
Peak retardation. But then, again, what can you expect from Snoy?

They're not better and will never be considered better.

On the offchance this isn't bait, please reconsider where you want wrong in life.

>Death Stranding will win because:
>He is Kojima best friend and he is hardcore fan.
>A fucking movie = Cinematic adventure.
>Cameos from hollywood in his movie

The whole GOTY will be a joke if this fucking happen. There are better games than this

you are correct BUT death stranding will win

>MGS fan
>calls others weeb
ROFL wut? ....

No anime art faggot.

RE2 Remake is simply a bland game. Nothing wrong with it. I gave it a 5/10 because it was an average experience

Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't put your precious Anthem or Kingdom Hearts on the list. Or maybe Gays Gone or the autistic shit like DMC V, a game about doing gay combos for a while. I'm sorry I have higher standards and am less easily impressed.

>the autistic shit like Astral Chain a game about doing gay combos for a while.


>Likes The New FE game that panders to the Alphabet community
>high standards



No faggot

1. Amid Evil
2. Ion Fury
?. Doom Eternal (if they don't fuck it up)
>inb4 where's DUSK?
full release was end of 2018

never played Ace Combat game, is 7 good point to start?

Attached: amid_evil.jpg (600x337, 99K)

Too bad, the game isn't popular enough

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>all these faggots thinking a jap game could ever win
This is an award for games made in REAL countries. Japs may get a pity nom but the odds of one of them actually winning are astronomically low

Attached: 3BFA1887-F05E-44F4-8D4B-11FE9DF34188.jpg (150x150, 9K)

Botw won

Doom is released too late to be eligible.

>open world

Literal journo catnip

1. DMC5
2. CTR
3. RE2

>a heavily westernized jap game that based it’s gameplay off western ideals of freedom won in a year where it’s only western competition was heavily using jap tropes
oh gee willikers you sure proved me wrong. how old i ever will recover?