Horror genre is beyond fixing and every suggestion I've heard so far is retarded

horror genre is beyond fixing and every suggestion I've heard so far is retarded
>dude no jumpscares
>and don't see the monster either
>actually don't expose the player to any danger, just read notes and walk around and empty hospital so atmospheric XD

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>no jumpscares
More like better executed jumpscares. The enemy of horror is familiarity, so the more you use a trick, the less effective it becomes. Atmosphere and immersion are important, but being completely toothless doesn't do the game any good either. A very well timed fright or looming sense of danger can be what gives an edge to the nebulous ambient terror.

Horror genre was beyond fixing from the very start.

horror genre is fucked because no one is scared of supernatural shit in this day and age.

Sounds like you only asked streamers. Confirmed for based retard

Stop making fucking hide and seek simulators. They're boring as fuck.

>duuuuude it's scary because you can't kill the enemy!!

Horror genre in general is cringe shooters and br are king and always will be #fact

Darkwood does it well

Do people think shit like the lad in the picture is scary lol?

I don't know about you folks but if I went out at night and saw some faggot like this, I'd just ask him for a cig and insult Celtic, it's average shit, I see that kind of lanky fag every friday night here in Glasgow

Outlast is overrated as shit, at least Amnesia/SOMA was well paced and the stories are genuinely interesting.

you're so cool

Alien Isolation was great.

horror isn't a video game genre, video game genres are based around mechanics unlike books and movies which are based around emotions and such

except survival horror is a genre you fucking zoomer go suck your father's cock or donate to some streamer or something

Horror is still the best genre

Survival horror is the only good horror

>*whale noises*

>you can kill your enemies
>"wtf, this is an action game, I'm not scared"

>you can't kill your enemies
>"nice hide and seek simulator"

the horror game paradox.

What about a horror game where you kill your friends?

What about a horror game where you and some friendly NPCs each have a Pyramid Head style manifestation of your psychological issues that stalks all of you through a joined mindscape and the only way to get rid of the stalkers is to either lead the NPC to their death or help them get over whatever mental trauma it represents?

>dude no jumpscares
No, it's "dude no shit jumpscares". If your game relies on them too much, it's eventually going to lose steam and they'll stop being scary and start being annoying instead. Have you watched the Conjuring 2? There were jumpscares every 30 seconds, to the point where people started laughing in the cinema. The jumps in the first Conjuring were MUCH better and had ACTUAL FUCKING BUILDUP. You can't just have Eustace Bagge jumping at you with a mask on every 30 seconds, you need goddamn buildup for it.

>and don't see the monster either

Again, the issue is not the monster not being seen, but the monster not being looked at. Amnesia did this well by making you want to look at the disturbing shit, but punishing you for doing so. It might have been a gimmick, but it was a good one considering that if you played well, you only caught glimpses and glances of the gatherers. I mean the base grunt looks absolutely hilarious and loses most of the scare factor if you just take a good look at him because his whole goddamn face is sloughing off and the ridges on his forehead make him look like he has a really bad combover. Similarly, the brute might look a lot creepier, but then you see his stupid eye staring at you and he starts looking like some fleshy gray flower.

>actually don't expose the player to any danger

This one is the one where I might have agreed, but there is something really exceptional in trying to explore a level where you think you will be ambushed, but nothing comes. I do think that this sort of thing can be really overused, but if a game is well paced with its threats, sneaking in a cheeky spooky level with no danger can actually work, more so when the next level is something horribly dangerous (again, thinking of Amnesia and the transition from the Nave/Chancel/Transept, where the dangers are minimal, if nonexistent and you think you're finally safe after not running into anything for a while, then you land in the Choir).

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There was a puzzle game from the early 2000s in this style featuring a little cartoon ghost who had to make his way through some sort of mansion or carnival, but his way was blocked by monsters that you had to get rid of by either leading them to each other, or leading them to their demise in some way. The trick was not hitting a dead end because some monsters had multiple ways of being disposed of, but only one way to get rid of them all and you wanted to get rid of as many of them as possible. I've been trying desperately to find this game again but it's like it was deleted off the face of the Internet.

>isolated environment outside of a few side enemies that mostly serve as a hindrance
>large, intimidating creature that stalks you
>hiding is only a temporary option, must use the environment in creative ways, to trap, kite monster while completing objectives(this is admittally hard to pull off without making the monster look retarded or seem cheap).
>confrontation is possible but ill advised, requiring luck, and resources.
>most importantly the creature won't instakill you the second it gets a bead on you, instantly killing tension ala Alien.
The scariest moments of every game you've played probably involved this formula to some degree. Perfecting it is the most obvious path to making a horror game that stands out.

Liar. Youd see his arms and your lizard brain would kick in "weird his arms are like 5 ft long and youd flip shit

Thats easy though. The more you kill them the harder they are to kill

good post

The best horror games were point and click adventures. Not a single game still topped i have no mouth, sanitarium and scratches.

That's not how it works you stupid motherfucker.

you're so socially inept it hurts haha

my lizard brain kicks in whenever I see british ''people''

Yeah, but in Alien Isolation you can at least fight back, and even kill the android enemies, not that it's recommendable.


scottish master race

Ofcourse, set the game in Glasgow! Problem solved!

>Friend pull a prank "Boo"
>(You) Oh what a horror!!!

>Affraid of cartoon monsters

>"I play only walking simulators, why there nothing but walking?"

Tbf, it's not hard being based in the british isles

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Dead Space has some creepy enemy designs, It's a shame that it ruins any atmosphere during a fight by blaring out loud horror music, and making sure that enemies only attack during scripted sequences.

I like it.

SH4 ghosts did it kinda well. You could incapacitate them or run from them.

A big problem I see with horror is that many people ruin the experience for themselves, rather than the games being shit.

You play a horror game in a somewhat lit room, with your smartphone by your side which you constantly look at, maybe you even stream and act like a toddler for your retarded viewers and ruin all immersion for yourself and the viewers.

The reason those games just worked better back then because it was just you, in front of your little cathode ray tube device, with no one else around.

Establishing world rules and then suddenly breaking them can really elevate the genre i think, like having some kind of hub area where you're always safe but after a certain point start having danger appear in there as well, or have some item that always healed but have it suddenly hurt you. SH4 i think did this well and theres a really good one in Ao Oni where you get a party member at some point and you can check his inventory/stats in usual rpgmaker menu style but after looking in a certain mirror you see a demon behind you so you back away but everything seems fine so you open the menu to check on your characters and then you see instead of the party members sprite is the demon. You panic and close the menu and he begons to chase you. Was hands down the best part of the game for me.

>horror genre is beyond fixing
What does this mean? Just wait for a good game to come out.

SOMA doesn't get enough love. It was such an interesting game, even if the idea was a bit cliche. (Are you really you?)

Darkwood was fantastic and came out just 2 years ago.

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Really making me think I should go back to it. Got stuck/frustrated in the first hour or so and gave up.

>dude no jumpscares
>and don't see the monster either
>actually don't expose the player to any danger, just read notes and walk around and empty hospital so atmospheric XD

They're literally asking for Gone Homo.

Unless you consider the top-down perspective an absolute dealbreaker I'd recommend giving it another go.
On my second run with limited lives I made some different story choices and I was blown away by how much changes narratively. The game's only boss fight is behind like 3 layers of optional decisions.
I'd say it's my favorite horror game at this point.

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>how do we fix horror

make a game with an SLS camera as the main mechanic.


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We need a gut wrenching, bone chilling, slow burn exploration game with NO jumpscares, set in a Lovecraftian setting with some Kafkaesque and Lynchian undertones

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>Got stuck/frustrated in the first hour or so and gave up.
Don't worry about dying. On my first playthrough I also got bullied by big dogs and savages.

Since games can't work on the same level as movies I want to see most movie tropes dropped. You can't make players walk slowly and build tension, it's aggravating to be forced into being slow. You can have jump scares but they have to be scrioted so that isn't really taking advantage of it being a game. What I don't see enough of, in fact pretty much never happens, is taking a cocky strong character or group and showing them how woefully unprepared they are. It's great in Aliens and in Predator but games never give you a BFG then laugh at you when it bounces off the first baddie you see.

Another thing that would work well is growing danger. Not a timer, fuck those. But say in a zombie game it should be coming across a few but building the numbers consistently. Never let the player fully clear any area. And without regular attention even safe areas get overrun. I felt like Dead Space missed an opportunity there. But it's so linear it isn't too bad.

What I don't want is more cheap remakes or focus on streamers or fucking multiplayer. RE2 is a great remake but it had zero real surprises. But at least it tried. Most new IPs are just some horror movie in game form. Found footage shit or yet another wet haired The Ring girl that I didn't even find scary back when that movie came out. Get a real idea or go away. Oh, and no more fucking fish people in Lovecraft inspired games. It's not surprising, it's not scary. It's predictable as fuck.

This. And use Normal difficulty.
The limited lives mode is for playthroughs after your first. There's far too much to learn and far too much that can kill you quickly without understanding for a first time run unless you're using the wiki to look stuff up as you go.

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>dude 5 fps so spooky

Leave the horror genre to me.


Maybe if youre retarded. The issue is that nobody with money cares about making traditional survival horror of any kind because when a game is too scary or not explicitly made for the fortnite crowd its far harder to get your game sold at all since kids are just going to watch their favorite streamer "react" to it

The key to a good horror game is to get the audiovisual side in check to maximize how unsettled the player is and combine that with gameplay that feels stressful and dangerous. The mistake from nu-horrors like the evil within made by hacks is that they confuse "low resources" with survival horror. Survival horror is FINITE resources, not fucking having 3 bullets at all times but the magic pinata enemy always drops more. Telling the player to manage a finite amount of resources, even if you give them 100 bullets out of the gate is far more scary and stressful than teaching them that there is an artificial scarcity that the game will never have the balls to enforce in any meaningful or punishing way. Dead Space is the perfect meme example of this since the enemies drop more ammo and money and youre expected to destroy literally everything that pops out because its a linear corridor shooter where sometimes the spooky zombie jumps onto the screen and runs at you while screaming like nu pennywise

>even if you give them 100 bullets out of the gate is far more scary and stressful than teaching them that there is an artificial scarcity that the game will never have the balls to enforce in any meaningful or punishing way.
I like the sound of that and would like to play something with that design philosophy. Give you everything you're going to get from the start, make that clear, then let you apportion it out as you need.

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resident evil already does that but not just "at the start". its why hack developers and the mouthbreather audience needs to stop confusing "low ammo" with "finite ammo". Decisionmaking can only exist with consequences and something like TEW has no consequences since if you play too well it just means the game wont let you pick up more bullets so the only option is to either spend bullets and be spooked about how low the ammo count is or to save them up and not be allowed to pick up any more as a result. Resident evil lets you pick up tens if not hundreds of rounds in quick succession and save them up but it never promises you to give you more if you wantonly spend all of it by shooting at a wall

Dunno man, REmake2 was pretty good.

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Copy of dead space which was a copy of event horizon.

>changes server

Event Horizon didn't even have weird monsters, just people going insane.

>durrr spaceship and horror dat means Event Horizon
Fucking child.

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damn dude you absolutely destroyed him! what a chad.

There's too many conflicting opinions on horror as a genre. Honestly the way it works best is when there's a scary segment in a non-horror game. Knowing you're already playing an horror game desensitize you from it.

>that voicework
>that title
Cheesy as hell. Just how I like it.

The Thing game on a massive space station where the 'infected' one is randomly picked each time you play.
Make it so that the game quickly escalates out of the players' control, with various different 'stages'.
>Part 1 is just doing basic maintenance activities to keep certain systems running
>Part 2 beings when The Thing reveals itself and begins to assimilate people, only one section of the ship is compromised but no alarms are going off
>Part 3 is when the alarms start going off and everyone is trying to lock down the section where The Thing is
Part 4 happens if The Thing gets enough traction and can either unlock the section its in through assimilated people or just purely brute-force its way past the lock down
>Part 5 is everyone just trying to set up defense to try and kill The Thing while preparing to escape
>Part 6 is when everything is out of control. Only choice is to destroy the station, which seems virtually impossible now that The Thing has taken over most of it.
I'm pretty sure there was a 2D game that did something like this, and the only way to 'win' was to kill the monster while getting everybody off the station.

>monster just poses and screams
why do they keep doing this