It's dead Jim
It's dead Jim
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is it getting review bombed by salty faggots like Astral Chain was?
>mech game
Who would trust a journalist's opinion on this? There's a sizeable demo out right now, so you can just decide for yourself.
Doesn't mean anything for an Armored Core clone. Such a game is incomprehensible to professional reviewers.
No, these are actual reviewers.
The game is trash.
I mean of course journos could not properly review a game like this, it is mechas for fuck's sake, niche as fuck. If you like mecha games, this is 9/10
>journos don't understand or appreciate a mecha game
Wow, absolutely no one could have foreseen this
My problem with it was that it wasn't enough of a clone.
I'm not a fan of 'humanoid mechs only'
Mind you, I didn't finish the demo because I wasn't having fun, maybe there are more outlandish options later on.
>the west
>ever caring about mecha
yeah I think it's a pass for me
having to buy FIVE copies of the game to get all the pre-order bonuses is bad enough and I promised not to encourage shitty anti-consumer tactics like that
fuck DxM
Yeah, unless the complaint is "not enough content" then I know what I'm in for.
Not great, but not awful. Even from that number it sounds like the game will be fun enough, but I'll wait for player impressions once the game is out. I'm not picking it up for a few months while I clear my backlog, but I get the feeling this is the kind of game that you're going to either love or hate.
Time to mass negate review this game to have a 89+ like the astral chain.
Its an armored core-esque game. Which i enjoy and that got like a 65. Not to worried about the scores for this one
This game never looked like it was going to be good and I have no idea why it was getting shilled by Nintendies.
t. Switch owner
So I heard it takes 20 hours to 100% it. Is that true?
IGN main complaint is exactly that but i bet he only got through story missions and hasn't touched free missions once.
Daemon X Machina is clearly trying to replicate the formula of Armored Core, but it suffers from an uninteresting plot and weary dialogue
It's a mecha game, so that's really more like a 90, since game reviewers are retards that don't understand or have the capacity to appreciate these games
yeah but with the nintendo bonus, DxM is a 54
Wasn't the best rated japanese mecha games in last 10 years is Xenoblade X and that game barely a mecha game
As a mech game it is very decent.
It is a monster hunter gear grinding game.
Of course it will get low reviews its a game that is not for the normies.
this is coming out soon.
I hope its good.
No, the game is too hard for game journos so they quit playing before they completed tutorial.
probably. the demo had 6 missions that took about 30 mins to clear, the final game supposedly has about 70 missions. so 20 hrs for a game journalist that is playing his first vidya ever sounds about right.
It makes me feel like armored core had sex with monster hunter.
I love it.
Who fucking cares? This is Armored Core 6 in everything but name. Armored Core never got above a 6.5 since Armored Core 2 back in 2000.
no gyro, for a game with outstanding gyro aiming.
Or maybe it just sucks. Not everything is
Retarded children making console war shitposts care, and now we're going to have to deal with them in every fucking thread for the next few months
>good score
>it's made up bonuses
>bad score
>journalists are shit and can't appreciate it
Why do you even look at reviews then?
Not until they fix it for invert.
I want to use it for other games.
didnt know of this. mecha games are niche as fuck. it will never be popular. every mecha fan knows it. nobody cares about mainstream reviews.
it's fixed in the day one patch
OP presented it to me, I never search out scores.
Honestly it looks really meh and I'm the biggest AC slut there is.
and without nintendo bonus?
I read the text and see what they actually are saying
AC but shit, got it. Should have known nintendo would be the downfall of a great series.
unironically this. I thought the original demo was kind of meh at best, gameplay was awful but had promise. the new demo is final code and all of the issues in the first demo have been resolved and the gameplay is really fleshed out and absolutely frantic.
Also, there's so many controls mapped to various combos there's no way an incompetent game "journalist" did much more than complete the tutorial without xer brain melting down
Is this confirmed? If so, fuck yeah.
Name one japanese mecha game from last 10 years that rated better than Xenoblade X
>game journalism
>game journalism with a mech game
dont even own a switch but you are retarded
you know that's not allowed in Yea Forums because you're not allowed to give them clicks
Honestly, I agree even after playing both demos. The game just felt decent at best. I'm in no rush to get it and I'd probably pick it up years later when its a bargin.
But you know, since it's a Japanese game, Yea Forums will simply state that reviewers "just don't get it" (while they simultaneously understand Astral Chain when police brutality is the new "meme of the hour")
the system itself has gyro and the controls only work in the system so this isnt an issue
It's a mecha game. Anyone would have told you it wasn't going to review well. It's always has been a game for mecha fans made by mecha fans.
Astral Chain is a platinium game, you can mash blindfolded and still look like you are doing something cool.
>Muh Japanese Mecha anime game can't be badly developed and not fun!
>It's gotta be the people playing it that have the problem
Very much fucking cringe. Some major corporate dick riding
The devs confirmed it yesterday.
I know you're just a shitposting child, but every AC game has scores around what this got
>Astral Chain has no ranking system and the game abruptly ends
>There’s plenty of content to wade through with the lengthy story, assortment of side missions, and multiplayer options with friends or strangers (strictly co-op not versus).
>Daemon X Machina is a fun and frenetic mecha game with a hell of a lot going on. It occasionally gets too busy for its own good, but competently out-Anthems Anthem in terms of gameplay.
>Both visually and audibly striking
>There's a rich, unique world filled with incredible and memorable characters, endless and addictive customisation, gorgeous visuals and a jaw-dropping soundtrack.
>Unfortunately the worlds are completely empty and it is not strong in the graphical department.
>but it suffers from an uninteresting plot and weary dialogue.
>and controls that are so accessible.
>its plot is so difficult to grasp it may as well be soaked in grease
>from an uninteresting plot
>even though it has some control problems.
>the control scheme is complicated
What should I believe?
go away kotaku
The gamexplained guy already said the game was super slow (despite never boosting once in the video)
This game never stood a chance being released to close to Astral Chain. I actually forgot it was being released this week.
>saw some screenshots
>looks legit
>watch gameplay
>literally wii graphics lego island
Holy fuck they blew it.
What the fuck is there do get in Astral Chain? It’s basically an action jrpg with great visuals and music.
DxM is an autism simulator with shooting as a cover.
>What should I believe?
Believe your justice
ive played some mecha games but mecha games are a boring genre honestly unless you love mechas. so its normal you think its shit. although journos are cunts cause they should be professional.
The IGN review seemed fairly well reasoned. Good for customisation options and visuals but everything else is boring or bad, essentially.
Then I repeat: fuck yeah.
Mecha games are made of pure autism, of course the fags that review games didn't like it, the game isn't for them
>Trusting game reviewers
Imagine being such a fag.
It's not good. Deal with it nerds. Hell, most people didn't even know about this or forgotten about it until last weeks direct
It had no chance because it's a mecha game. The release date could have been near the holiday shopping days and the results would have been the same. At least this way, being so close to AC might have tempted buyers to use the vouchers to pair these two games up.
Unless it's a game that I like :^)
Go away IGN
>most people didn't even know about this
Well, yeah, it's a mecha game, they are niche as fuck
Answer this then
I'm glad the mech genre is dead, it's pure cancer
massive amounts of pic related here... there are lots of mech games that have good scores... several of the armored core games, zone of the enders games, many of the gundam games, EDF games, the recent remaster of Metal Wolf Chaos, SHOGO, even western mech games like mechwarrior or battletech...
why can't you accept that maybe DxM is just not good?
>Astral Chain
>great visuals
>mfw I find out it's a shitty mech game
Fuck off Polygon
Are you new to Japan?
Maybe you should actually look at the scores for AC games, they're all right around 70
The Machina part in it's name didn't make your small brain click?
Zelda, Witcher 3, Dragon Quest XI, Ni No Kuni II, Ori and much more are all hitting Switch over the next few weeks. DxM was bound to get lost.
>ctrl+f "Nice"
>0 results
This site is truly dead.
>borderlands gets 63 ahahaha ohhnonhohohohonno
Metal Wolf Chaos XD has a 63 dipshit
>a port of ZOE2 have a better score than this
Again name one that rated higher than Xenoblade X
Who was that retard that claimed AC didn't have a scoring system?
From the two demos, my impressions are
>fantastic visuals
>fantastic music
>nothing wrong with controls, everything is pretty basic and intuitive
>top-tier customization, lots of engagement options, you can anime it up or go muh real mecha
>characters seem like they might be cool, but you don’t see much of them in the demos
>story seems non-existent and more or less just provides a setting for you to be a merc in a giant robot, think western release of Ace Combat 3 with the story gutted, but with some snippets of dialogue with other characters in briefings and during missions, or MW4M with characters with personalities
Might be wrong on the story part, but so far that’s what I’m seeing, I’m expecting some Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries story branching route stuff about siding with factions and what not.
Is it too late to donate to help?
You guys are the reason why metashitit has so much clout. Stop caring about that garbage
Why would you make shit up like that? Do you think people looking forward to this game don’t know what the games you listed scored?
The game was trash on all the demos. I tried to like it but it's just a waste of time. The super high contrast also makes my eyes hurt.
I think he thinks the only reason we care about the game is because it's on the Switch
he was probably hoping it would be a good mech game
>Several of the Armored Core games have good scores
Not a single one past Armored Core 2 has a good score, you lying fuck. The pinnacle of the series between AC3 and Last Raven/Nexus averaged mid 60s/100.
>Mecha game gets a low review
I mean, that's always been the case.
It's actually gone up at the time of your shitpost so try again
Who cares
I think it was some sort of Kotaku or Forbes reviewer.
some sjw journos probably gave it hate points as well because its about the us president being reckless and the phrase make mecha great again. too bad user reviews are also shit. probably mecha games cant work anymore. especially for zoomers.
no, but I've stopped throwing hundreds of dollars to get all the bonuses
last time I did that was for b2nd and I regretted it hard
this is the first time I've been faced with retailer-specific shit on switch and I think I'll say NO
I played the first demo that came out and thought it was mediocre, so I’m not surprised this happened.
If only you could play the demo yourself or something
Damn, just look all the coping in this thread
Play the second demo they addressed all the complain from the first demo
Underage shitposters who probably don't even play games do
Seemed niche, something that most people would bounce off of. Including myself, frankly. Played Armored Core and ZoE, didn't care for it.
I'm sure the audience that DxM is aiming for doesn't give half an ounce of powdered birdshit about its metacritic score.
Why are tendies so upset, it's not like the game isn't timed exclusive.
Don’t buy 5 copies then you dumb faggot.
How is this even an issue?
Damn, just look at all the people who haven't played a single Armored Core game in this thread.
Answer this
Mecha is the epitome of a boomer genre
>website is dead because people arent posting the latest shittiest twitter mem?
In Italy every journos are saying it's a good game
>up to 72
we can do it bros
I kinda predicted a 7/10 from most outlets since its a niche genre, but happy to hear that mech enthusiasts are liking it.
Remember it could have been worse, it could have been Left Alive
So 1and 2 have good scores, that's several
I don't buy games I can't complete. It's all or nothing.
In this case, it's nothing.
Has Austin Walker reviewed the game yet? That's a game journo I'd expect might actually give this game a score that makes sense for its target demo.
The only Mech games I've heard of were Mechwarrior. I never bothered to look at the scores for those games but I'm sure they aren't too good. Mech games have always been niche, unpolished, but fun at times.
>Journos : It controls like shit 6/10
>Mecha fags: It's supposed to control like shit, that's how you know it's a mecha
Who do I believe?
God this game was such a piece of shit, fuck square.
So why do we care about what these randos think again?
honestly not even a Japan thing, it was pretty rampant last gen until they realized not everyone is American and goes to GameStop, remember Fallout New Vegas?
Just because you get upset that a game on a nintendo system got a bad score, doesn't mean it was review bombed.
2 is not several, that’s a couple, you dumb mutt
Because shitposters need to get those sweet, sweet (You)s
One one hand, we have literal autists that are obsessed with mecha
On the other, we have fags that are incompetent at their jobs or at least scrape by the bare minimum required
Tough choice.
Play the demo and believe your own opinion
It controls fine. These people have no idea what true jank is.
>Haha DxM has a low Metacritic score!
>So does literally every AC after 2
>Metacritic doesn't count!
That's because they didn't try the AC grip
It's fine honestly.
Even if you don't like the default you can just change it yourself till something works.
Why are mech games "supposed" to control poorly? I mean we're talking about a genre where 14 year olds with no training can get inside a giant robot and immediately win battles.
How does it “control like shit"? It’s basic as fuck, this isn’t mechwarrior, I don’t understand this at all.
The fucking retard from gamexplain complained it’s slow when you can zoom around at supersonic speeds, you literally just press 1 (one) fucking button to boost.
EDF is miles better than this shit.
sorry your shitty Reddit meme isn't catching on here. maybe you should go back
>even nintendo fanboy sites are giving it shit scores
>b-b-but 70 isnt bad
video game scores go from 60 to 100
not from 0 to 100
bad gamefeel
We're not all little special snowflake newtypes, fag.
Tell that to left alive
Consider Shinji, a little bitch who can't even figure out how to make his cassette player stop repeating the same track over and over is able to pilot a mech perfectly fine after like a day of training after the first time where he still was able to pilot poorly.
Does the game still drop to single digit FPS everytime there’s some explosions in this game based entirely in making things go BOOM?
They just sent it out to die. Honestly it was doomed to fail. Mecha is normalfag repellent. Though I'll admit I'm not interested in playing this either.
Imagine being so game starved and going insane with the drought that you look up scores of games other people are actually getting and then cherry picking scores to make yourself feel better about having nothing to play.
G-guys the game is m-mecha, so it's alright if it g-got a low score, l-look at Armored Core...
Has it leaked yet?
Name five mech games in the last ten years that scored higher than an 8.
Fuck off, fag.
It's actually pretty stable now. If you don't take my word for it, you can try out the demo and see for yourself if you want.
Why do normalfags hate mecha so much? What could be more awesome than giant robots?
>video game scores go from 60 to 100
They go from 80-100. As far as I'm concerned this shit didn't even score.
Why would I? What does this bring to the discussion? That all mecha games are shit?
Liking mech games does not make you an interesting person who is part of a secret club, 2008 called they want their cringe back.
We're not all piloting what is essentially our mothers, fag.
They don't enjoy autistically fiddling with settings and parts to make the perfect robot like us
>still gets triggered by the word normalfag
It shows that mech games are niche as fuck and scores about them are pretty much worthless. The only mech games that score high are the ones where the giant robots control and behave exactly like a human, which defeats the purpose of them being giant robots in the first place.
Dilate, sweetie
Evas aren't mechas, they're Ultramen with a spinaltap wearing armor.
I never said it did.
>Implying i got triggered
I like mech games.
>scored 72 same as Days Gone
>"it's niche as fuck"
Is Days Gone niche as fuck too?
Shinji is inside a tube surgically implanted into the skull of a giant alien possessed by the soul of his dead mother you fuckkng retard, he's not piloting a robot
I'm going to buy this game when I get paid tomorrow, never get around to actually playing it, and then grow to regret the purchase, and there is nothing these review scores can do to stop me.
Mecha just stopped being cool to the new generation.
Days Gone was a honest open world game that didn’t lie and had a white male biker protagonist, ironically it got the metacritic score it deserved but for the wrong reasons.
Are you being intentionally stupid? Mech games average middling scores because normies don't like controlling a machine that handles sluggishly. The only time they make exceptions to this is with simulators.
If anyone knows, what's the best mech game currently on mobile (in english)? Gunpala?
these are the kids who use their allowance to buy saint quartz and still cars about dragonball and one piece so I don't give a flying fuck what they care about
The amount of falseflagging is this thread is more than usual.
Do snoytards need something to do while they wait for the PS5?
>people in this thread literally coping and not realize it
>Once the inevitable PS4 port is announced, people will turn around and say the game was never good like with octopath.
Who could have possibly guessed ?
and now this shit is going to be used for the underage's consolewars to death
giant robots you control and steer you shitposting retard
>implying normies even use metacritic
The amounts of cope is baffling.
The system does not have gyro.
All I want to know is if there's a weapon which enhances punching in this.
I've seen clips of people using Femto wings and other equipment to really fly around but I've seen no mention of this in the prologue demo. Is that just footage advance copies or am I a retard?
I don't think these people even play games
Mecha games are rare as fuck. If it gets ported, people will cheer for it if it means more mecha games down the line. Beggars can't be choosers here.
>ironically it got the metacritic score it deserved
>but my switch game is the exception
>Normies don't use Metacritic
Absolute delusion. They spend hours arguing over them on gaming forums.
It actually does, though it's not something you'd use often for obvious reasons.
>gaming forums
>Everything i don’t like in this board is because of imaginary internet rivals i literally can’t write more than 2 posts without bringing them up.
You should seriously start taking some meds.
Nigger, Gamefaqs is peak normal.
Just press up and down and on the dpad to cycle between femto assault, wings, and shield modes. They last longer if you have more femto although don't drain it.
No they don't, retard, chances are you participate in those forums and you're not a normie.
Press up or down on the D-pad to switch Femto modes. Weirdly enough I think the demo doesn't explain that.
They probably forced the new interns to review this and they went in with the mindset of not liking it. The same thing happens with Mystery Dungeon.
Japs have already figured out how to be optimal merely from the demo
Reviews are and always will be hacks
Maybe if its 2003 and you're in fourth grade.
Weird, thankee. This will vastly improve the game for me
No, it means that it’s a better game than days gone, as days gone is peak normalfag and still got shit reviews.
As a way of example, M&B got 72 on their metacritic while asscreed 2 got 91.
Now this is fucking autism.
You're very out of touch. Very VERY insulated.
>that camera all over the place
Now I understand the reviewers.
What did Jirengamer25 rate it?
"Game journalism" was a mistake.
Look at that gamexplain retard still clueless about boosting.
Go play borderlands 3, it's should be right up your alley.
>The game where you play as a pathetic squishy meatbag instead of the awesome robo-dinos
Doesn't add up faggot.
he uses gyro, he has full control of the camera
>mech game is a huge pleb filter
Why am I not surprised
I hope dunkey makes a video calling it shit and we get an eternal rage from the nintendo fans here like what happened with OT.
Not an argument, retard.
>there's anons in this thread who defend reviewers playing like shit to "own the nincels"
Holy fuck, going full retard is an understatement.
Looks like you're right. I had no idea. I figured games just used the joy con's gyro in handheld mode.
So nothing unusual?
Oh fuck, I never looked at any Mystery Dungeon scores before, I can't believe they're all so low
Yeah the coping from nintenlards is not unusual.
That's aggravating. Why do reviewers hate mech games so much? Is it because they take actual thought, planning, and skill to play?
I honestly couldn't even tell what I was even looking at until the very end when he stopped. It appears the reviewers are right for a change.
Next you'll be saying Reddit isn't a normie site either.
It's because a lot the fun of them comes from the autistic customization, which not many people like
Doesn't seem like a good thing to me, you can't barely see shit.
Does it score higher than Xenoblade X?
I'm not praising Xenobkade X tho, but Japanese mecha games will always scored low regardless how good it is
Nincels damage controlling garbage again I see
User Reviews > Faggy Critic Reviews
>there's anons in this thread who defend games playing like shit to "own the sonychads"
Holy fuck, going full retard is an understatement.
This. I think the default femto stance binds are trash but with the ability to rebind freely and assigning a modifier it can be fixed.
Any of the reviews say how long it takes to 100% the game? Or at least how many hours it takes to complete all the content? I'd like to buy it but full price sounds a bit steep. Especially if there's only like 20 hours of content.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon scores are absolutely fucking criminal. But for some reason reviewers just hate the genre in general.
Why do you retards always cope usingh the most stupid parallels ever? What does reddit have to do with the metacritic score of a shit game, you massive faggot?
>they take actual thought, planning, and skill to play
It’s because the controls are clunky and half the game is assembling a robot.
So astral chain is really a 6.8 like user scores said before metacritic was paid by nintendo to remove scores that lowered average.
Best rating japanese mech game is Nintendo exclusive tho
Has there ever been a universally acclaimed mech game or are they all like this?
Is it really as simple as giant robot = low scores?
>A game that's been being hyped up by AC players
>A series that was Playstation exclusive for about a decade
>Then went to Xbox and Playstation in the PS3/360 generation
>Basically people who have either owned multiple systems or were primarily Playstation for a long while
>Who know these games average 7/10
>"lol get rekt nintendies!"
See, this is why the shitposting doesn't work.
Cope. Daemon X is shit.
Mech game but no sexy pilots or tight suits with oversized tits and lolis. Deserves to bomb desu.
you have until the 12th of OCTOBER to preorder the digital version and get everything the japs get on each separate store.
I can't think of any that actually scored well, it's just too niche
ZoE2 is got 82
>all games are created equal!
No, DxM is just shit
> controls are clunky
That's not Mechwarrior. Armored Core plays smooth. Besides, the draw is supposed to be that you're controlling a giant robot. If you want a game where you control a giant robot without it impacting your maneuverability at all, you have Titanfall for that.
>Nintendo +15 bonus
>Still 69
Damm your short term memory is impressive.
>Normies don't care about Metacritic scores!
>Yes they do, on sites like Reddit and Gamefaqs they brag about them all the time
>Normies don't use those sites!
Cope and hydrate.
>"It must be paid shills!!!"
You retarded redditor. You're posting on Yea Forums not r/games.
>third party
I see the bonus you guys made up has gotten larger. Used to be 10 points, now it's 15. Waiting for the day you smooth braina make it 100, rendering it, in youe feverish minds, impossible for Nintendo gamea to get anything highee than zero. Talk about a rigged system
>muh paid reviews
Cope harder, Jirengamer.
Tell that to everyone who thinks this game has shit controls.
Maybe these games are kinda objectively bad?
Welcome to nu Yea Forums, PS4 gets a game it's endless 'IT'S A CINEMATIC MOVIE LOLOLOLOL' and discussion is impossible, now the pendulum is swinging the other way
Well then I guess my Armored Core games were shit too, retard-kun.
Xenoblade Chronicles X rated 84 on metacritic
What do you think is wrong with the controls? The demo controlled fine for me.
>all games are created equal!
DxM is just shit
Good thing you can rebind everything then
i was falseflagging user.
i know, i'm still a retard etc...
Why are you assuming any of these people have played it?
>Yes they do
>on sites like Reddit and Gamefaqs
Lmfao, do you even read what you post, sperg? We were talking about Metacritic normies and you pulled those out of nowhere just to justify your imaginary narrative.
It's literally a better ACV.
Are the missions going to be more difficulty in the full game? The game was so brain dead easy and i'm seeing game 'journalists' say it has a rather fair difficulty which has me worried.
>mech game had mixed reviews
What else is new? westerners can't into mecha.
>1/10th of the games in this franchise have "good" scores so that's a most of them
They are clunky for normalfags. When you think clunky, you thing of shit like stalker, precursors, gothic. For normalfags smooth controls are assassin’s creed and uncharted.
Mechwarrior is just broken and unplayable.
Have you tried the demo bosses
You... you do know you can discuss scores on other websites, right? You know, like what we're doing now? Reddit normies have countdowns for these things.
You're very stupid. Please hydrate.
not true
Mechwarrior 4 and all it's expansions had a good score. If you're talking about Metacritic shit. But none of the older games have a score there.
Both ZoE admittedly do have good scores. But I think that's less to do with mecha and more because of Kojima name brand (Even if he never really worked on ZoE)
mecha games like Phantom Crash, all the Gundam games, Gungriffon, Chromhounds, etc etc all are in the low 70's or lower.
Mecha just isn't popular.
> nu Yea Forums
Nigger, it's been this way forever. A decade ago, it was still basically impossible to discuss any console game. The only way you can discuss a game here without any shitposting is to discuss a Yea Forums darling or an indie PC game by an "approved based redpilled studio".
Unfortunately, Yea Forumsirgins have always been terrible at just filtering and ignoring shitposts.
Discuss =/= actively maintaining a blog to review games, fucking retard.
I don't. Retards on Yea Forums won't stop dickwaving with scores though
Were those in the first demo? I only did the second one that was recently announced at the direct.
next to the dog there's a terminal, it's for coop but you can play the two mission bosses by yourself
There are lolis though
>aceman finally adopted a trip
What's it been, like, 7 or 8 years?
Lmao now you're going off on a worthless tangent. Normies talk about Metacritic scores, end of.
Please consume dihydrogen monoxide.
The second demo left a bad taste in my mouth. I get it is the beginning of the game, but every big encounter is just fighting pointlessly for a bit and then a cutscene happens. I dont even get to see Red Dog get dropped it just suddenly cuts out again.
The dialogue over the action feels so lazy and soulless, especially if you compare to a literal B game like EDF5.
Also all the stages were on parts of the same desert map... I think this is misleading. I remember the stages in the first with fucking red sky and black ground features in the first one and everything flying around is like grey and red. honestly it was pretty painful to look at and keep track of what was around. Everything just kind of blends together which is shit for a game like this.
I thought I would get to try fighting the giant enemy crab robot again, instead the only big enemy battlen is a scripted fight where you do negligible damage to an invincible target.
You didnt even get to do body mods in the prologue demo, what are they holding out for???
The plot doesn't hook at all, either. I dont care about consortium intrigue, how much you want to bet Four is being controlled by immortals and sent the two jobs against each other to fight? Isnt she the one who fucking controls the HUD and battle data for all the mercs???
Frankly, I have a lot of other games on my plate already. This might be a pass for me until I hear what the full game is like.
>Mechwarrior is just broken and unplayable.
I wouldn't say that. It's a particular type of game for a particular type of player. I played it once in a "VR arcade cabinet" with screens on all sides and full cockpit controls (including a speed throttle), and the whole cabinet would rock as you moved and were hit. It was actually one of the coolest things I've played.
You play Mechwarrior to actually feel as much as possible like you're piloting a walking tank.
didn't know this thanks. Going to go give them a try now.
Cope cope cope cope cope cooooooooooooope!
Had it for a while user. But hello.
This is completely normal by Armored Core standards.
the story missions are just filler, coop missions is where it's at
very long list...
They don't use metacritic though, which was the point all along. Now by all means, proceed to cope about your shitty mecha game.
> a good game isn't good when people I don't like enjoy it
>can't even find the boost button
IGN dropped Explorers by the time they got to Apple Woods and didn't bother to review Super. Speaks volumes about how shitty reviewers are.
>mecha games
Lmao they literally do.
Only two of them are Japanese, also you forget Xenoblade X which is 84
Don't care : I watched several videos about it, from good to bad players,from amateurs to journos, AND I LIKE IT.
So based. DXXXM is the new worst game of 2019.
Walls of truth prooving this is the shitest game recently.
And you can only "prove" that by making retarded parallels with gamefaqs or reddit? Yeah, no, retard.
hey. Yeah maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I could have sworn you recently adopted one the last year or two.
There are bosses in the second demo, retard.
I’m not saying it actually is unplayable, I’m saying that’s the consensus outside the niche. Have you played MWO? Even tier 1 is potato central, they had to nerf every single slightly advanced tactic because 90% of the player base just couldn’t deal with it and would get wrecked.
is there a /m/ thread yet so i dont have to bother reporting every single shitpost itt?
God I hate these faggots.
Is /m/echa cool with us hanging out there?
Think what you may about Titanfall, it's not a good mech game. It is a FPS where occasionally your shooter is giant. There's nothing about the mech that makes it unique to control or use.
Whether or not it's a good game is a different discussion, but I'd only consider it a mech game under the most literal definition.
Based sony got these great games. Shitch can never compete. Sony is Yea Forums's guys
Pick one.
To be fair, the prologue is just that, a prologue to introduce the various people and basic gameplay. You can't really do too much in it since the save data carries over to the actual game.
Here's your best rated Japanese mech game bro
>mech game
Take your meds and go find some balloons in Mario Baseddessy
COPE Cuckmin XXX Niggerna is dhit
Lot of shills backtracking lel
Literally every AC game got shit scores
Hell my favorite game Mega man on GameCube got a fucking 62 but I played that shit to death.
come one jiren
everyone knows its you
How do we save Mecha games?
there's a /m/ thread actually discussing the game
>sonyfags already COPING
anything below 90 is in bonus territory, so those games got roughly 75. Oh no no no no no ha ha ha ha. LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD
To be fair, no Armored Core game after Another Age ever got above a 75
So a 72 seems like it’s about to on par for V or 4a
So I’ll probably pick it up
Take your own advice, user.
>Have you played MWO?
I haven't. I only ever played the first two and that arcade VR thing (which probably had 4 in it at the time, it was an official MechWarrior cabinet). I've been meaning to get into them.
Well call me a nigger I’m buying it
Lololololol nintendos bonus are real
Discussing how the game is so bad and that reviewers based for shiting on it.
Front Mission 3 remake.
Snoyfags are already SEETHING that this game destroyed their only exclusive of the year, days gone.
No, what mecha fans are saying is that it's mecha and rewievers are giving it points like one. Nobody is surprised and mecha fans are just happy to get more of what they like.
You missed one
So DxM is the snoys target of the week
Sonychads targets all shity games like Cuckmin XXX Cuckina
>best rated Mecha game
>JRPG with barely any mecha mechanics or customization
We all fucking know the reason reviewers liked XBX was the open worlds and vistas
They ignore all its other strengths and weaknesses because it looked pretty on their TV
What about Left Alive then?
>snoyspics can't even spell
Robot is dead user. We're a dying breed and until power suits become real we will be in the future.
If you can pilot and customize your mech then it is a mech game, unlike Titanfall 2
Based Sandlot.
Damn son, hydrate some time.
>Last Raven: 59
Holy fuck. Is this what shit taste looks like?
list at least 5 or fuck off retard
Of course not
Watch it’s score be like a 79-81and it’s user score like a 9.3
You talking about Mega Man Network Transmission? That one was pretty decent. Not great, but not bad. If 50 is average (and really, it should be), then 62 sounds about right.
Reviews are fucked. Nobody can seem to decide whether 50, 75, or 80 are considered average. One person sees a 62 and thinks "passable game, not worth paying full price for" and another sees it and thinks "total unredeemable dogshit. unplayable".
You can do both in Titanfall 2. Xenoblade is an RPG with mechas on it, not a mecha game, mongrel.
Daily reminder that AC Last Raven had similar score because baby journalists went down crying after getting smashed to pieces on first mission.
And LR is best AC game after all.
Shame, game seemed promising. I'd be willing to pick it up at a cheaper price, but Nintendo rarely does solid discounts. At least it's one less 2019 game for me to buy.
Guys...this game was supposed to be good...because Nintendo was involved...we can't give up the fight....we have to keep saying it's good...!
>many gundam games
>good critical reception
that's wrong, the only well received gundam games were breaker 1-3 and the VS series
Boostshit. . .
Home. . .
Man what's up with those lines between the different grades of shading, it really makes faces look worse.
I know bro, we have so few games that we need to protect our scraps. Don't give up nintenbros.
Of course the game will get bad score.
Modern journalist hate game like this
>game journalists don't like it
Maybe you ARE a worthy successor to Armored Core. Perhaps I should give you another chance for pissing off those onions chugging numales and their clickbait websites.
This, if you ever went to a mecha model competition it's litterally a bunch of 30 and 40-somethings who grew up on Robotech and Battletech.
No one under 20 shows up to these things.
Imagine being a Snoytard shitposting about the spiritual successor to a long time Playstation exclusive series because it happens to be on the Switch.
>muh story
>Psycho Zaku
Nice, i'm gonna paint mine next month, hopefully it will come out great
Before anyone tries to refute this user's point with zone of the enders. That series also has a GBA game.
I've never understood this type of flase flag shit posting. Instead of just calling them faggots and getting your points across with a quick few words you just make yourself look retarded.
Most of the complaints seem to be around the story being predictable and some performance hitches
But the gameplay seems solid so I’m I
this game runs at like 15 fps
Good luck
>No one under 20 shows up to these things.
Newer gens don't go outside, it's all on internet.
Kai is the most badass dude in UC. Prove me wrong.
You can't.
Are threads like these stealth marketing? Almost makes me want to buy it
What are you talking about, snoytard? Go back to watching your movies and let us appreciate true masterpieces like Daemon X.
This hasn't been true since the new demo dropped.
Update your shitposting DB faggot.
>yfw you realize that there were people shilling this game day and night
If Monster Hunter can make a break through to wider audience why can't mech games?
A perfect description of Daemon X Machina
Only one I saw was fighting the twins, I went back and checked the missions after their little "PLEASE BUY" splat and I didnt think I saw any new ones there. I hardly consider that "fight" a boss and it was the only one. Correct me if I am wrong, I guess. I am gonna need some details. I played the free missions too and they were just waves of enemies. The gigants are not a boss, like I said they are a scripted fight and you might as well just go stand somewhere else until the edgelords show up.
It was pretty inconsistent, too. Black was the one I beat down, Red was at almost full health and somehow he is the one who gets wrecked because I guess they didnt have that kind of foresight to let events actually play out. Everything is scripted, that is what I learned from this demo.
I understand multiplayer will be the focus, but I can have more fun playing other online coop games.
you can still consider yourself a faggot if that's what you want
y-you too
He'a right. You're just making yourself look even more gay than the anons you're mocking. Just comes off as seething
Gundam Battle Assault are fighting games, user.
Everything is anonymous, user. Rather than actually convince anyone that your opponent is stupid while they have a chance to defend themselves, it's easier to pretend to be them and post stupid shit in their name. Now no one knows for sure if they actually posted some stupid shit or if it was just a flaseflag. That layer of doubt is much easier to present than an actual argument.
Because no one like Mecha anymore, idolfags kill Mecha.
Killing monsters is always cool though so that's nothing new
should have put it on pc
most games run like shit on the switch
>all these snoygroids seething because they'll never get a video game that's half the video game of daemon x machina
maybe you'll get one after miyazaki is done making is umpteenth souls clone lmao
Normies just can't appreciate the robot.
>Titanfall 2
>Mech game
Do sonyfags actually believe people can't spot them from miles away?
That would actually explain a lot.
Never thought they were actually that retarded, but it makes sense.
what the difference be?
>uh uh ah ah aaaah
Sorry can't understand chimpaneese.
ZoE2 is also super simple when it comes to it's mechanics and customization
Not that there's anything wrong with that
I'm an idolfag and I'm supporting Daemon X Machina.
>If Monster Hunter can make a break through to wider audience
The only reason it did is because of pretty graphics and being out of handheld hell.
Westerners only care about graphics, look up the achievement stats for MHW, 30% actually play the game.
Check the coop console
I think battle assault is fun but it's not a very good fighting game, and realistically doesn't deserve anything higher than a 70 if you use x/100 for scoring.
I'm aware but I don't really have a reason to import a japanese game from other countries. If they really wanted me to buy the game they'd let me get all the content from one retailer domestically. It's a very loud and clear "we don't want your money" and I'm going to respect their wishes.
Armored Core games never got good review, what's with all the newfags?
Since when did we get invaded by console warriors?
Define "games like this"
Because you have to simplify them to even make that possible.
Most of the really popular mecha games tend to be very streamlined.
This place is known as /sonygaf/ for a reason
They've always been a know-nothing fanbase. Look at how ignorant they are about their very own franchise and the genre that it belongs to.
Why I cant have games like that on PC?
Dear God, I miss Exteel ;_;
why would you import from japan?
Shut the fuck up, can't fool me Sunrise
But Armored Core was mostly on the playstations
Never played BA. Are they better or worse than Endless Duel on SNES?
>implying marvelous won't port it to pc and ps4 due to it flopping
it's not an import if it's a domestic release
Fuck reviewers
I can't honestly believe even people who come to the site by mistake somehow would fall for shit like that.
just like astral chain rite
nigga just make a new nintendo account and set your region to EU or US, buy an eshop card and get the game digital
you cannot get the preorder bonuses from physical versions.
Better by virtue of being more polished and realized as games. They just have really bad balancing issues, which is bad for a fighting game.
any game would look good when nintendocritic censors all the negative scores.
>imagine thinking the clunkyness of a "real mech" motion needs to be 1:1 with gameplay for it to be good
Nintendofags are truly the most stupid and autistic demographic on this board.
I doubt most of them even know what AC is, all they know is "Switch game bad"
It's just shitposters. It isn't even sonyfags, it's just random shitposters falseflagging as sonytards and nintenponies just to get some more (You)'s. Disregard any post that insults one side and you'll be left with the real posters.
>Another shovelware 20fps Switch exclusive
>controls like shit
I've played the demo and this is a straight up lie. This stuff isn't so intuitive you know what ever button does before you press it, but you should have no problem with the controls after three missions and if you continue to fumble with controls after this point you may just be retarded.
>why can't you accept that maybe DxM is just not good?
Everyone already does, user, but
>Using journos opinions as an argument
Use your fucking brain and get your own opinion instead of trusting a bunch of uncultured clowns who only play games for 2 hours before copypasting the crap other journos shat.
They'd have to remove 90% of the stats, have a massive budget for realistic graphics and marketing, reduce you to carrying one main weapon + a sub or two, and do away with as much anime stuff as possible.
Play the fucking demo you faggot
Remove the nintendobonus on DXM and you'll have an even lower score than these.
which means neutered boosting/no boosting period
So a pretty good mecha over all, but not top tier. Sounds
>control like shit
If you call that control shit then you won't survive eurojanks
This is only in the West, Marvelous is publishing it in Japan
Yeah, because Octopath Traveler never made it to PC either, right?
Well I'm just gonna buy it and see for myself. I've actually been holding out on buying a switch until this game came out, just ordered a switch this weekend. I like mech games so hopefully it won't disappoint.
Also hey man. I was the guy posting Green Heart pics with you in that other thread.
COPE harder, snoyspic.
It does sound
It also looks
Astral Chain is published by Nintendo
>They need to make the game more shitty
I will, but the rest of my criticism still stands. I have to reinstall, but I will check it out.
I didnt even get into the combat. It feels uneventful. There isnt really a cool dodge or anything, simply "go fast and hope you dont get hit"
ZoE got everything right with dodging around.
Holding trigger to auto aim shoot at shit is so engaging, so is the one single melee strike you do with sword. Couldn't even make that shit a 3 hit combo? Kind of insulting.
Mirage is probably the only real cool thing, but having a double is hardly that novel of a concept. I will take it over an invincibility+bonus damage thing I guess.
On a side note, does anyone kno what toggling the shape of your femto even do?? I notice the ring one can block some attacks but the others do not.
You mean Satelight, Kawamori is designing after all
keep hoping bro maybe you'll get real video games on the PS4 someday
AC is coming to PC just like DXM in 2020.
Source: my dad works at Nintendo.
>worse than borderlands 3
Holy shit we lost
Yeah but what's the real score without the Nintendo bonus?
You didn’t play the damn demo did you?
They can keep boosting because there'd be only one main weapon, but they'd make it slower or just have it be like a dodge roll.
I think there are potential for mech genre, especially in graphic department and how setting in mech game will offer a lot of spectacle for just firing a gun.
And as you can see obtuse control and autism min max isn't that much a problem as MHW blew up hard.
The real problem is that no one is attempting a real big mech AAA game with good particle effect and graphic on PC or bigger consoles where you can truly abuse the mech setting where you fly around and destroying buildings in big city as you fight.
>There isnt really a cool dodge or anything
>ZoE got everything right with dodging around.
>Holding trigger to auto aim shoot at shit is so engaging, so is the one single melee strike you do with sword.
Fuck off Snoy if you need flashy cinematic garbage go play your movie games
>A reckless, balls to the wall crazy president is bad because le orange man is the current POTUS
This is what some of them actually believe
He didn't say "most" he said "several." Are you deaf?
why should I have to go to all that trouble though? why do I have to import a japanese game from europe/australia/america to get all the DLC? if they're gonna shit on the domestic market like this, why would I want to support any version of this game?
This. It's why I hate Bayonetta, and dislike DMC as well. I don't need flashy cinematic garbage happening every 5 seconds. We need a bit more grounding in games. Wacky and crazy games are all well and fine until they start turning into movies.
>Source: my dad works at Nintendo.
and, well, you know, Yuzu has been making pretty damn good progress lately so these games being playable some time in 2020 on PC isn't too far out of the realm of possibility.
No, these are critic reviews. User reviews aren't enabled yet.
The IGN review was complaining about the story but said it played well and felt like armored core.
>good progress
>still playing mario and zelda
yeah maybe you'll be playing astral chain by the time the sequel comes out
Femto wings make you boost faster and stops stamina loss. It stops if you fire.
Femto arms massively boosts your attack, but seems to either slow you down or lower your defense.
ZoE combat is boring shit with cool effect retard.
I like ZoE but the combat is not perfect
Wing makes you go fast with Unlimited Stamina and Arms make you deal and take more damage
Both last like 30s
I'm talking about official releases, not that reverse-engineered jank that is Yuzu.
I did play the damn demo. I was claiming (incorrectly) that the system itself doesn't have gyro, only the joycons and other controllers. It turns out that the system itself does have a gyroscope and accelerometers: I've never used just the switch console without the joycons. I don't know how many games are playable on the console alone without the joycons that use the gyro, but I'm assuming it's fewer than 3 at this point.
>Astral Chain
Holy kek
Pack it up, consolewarriors. ACfag's in.
The fuck?
Mystery dungeon is literally one of my absolute favorite games ever
You should keep up on compatibility updates, we're well passed the point where only Zelda and Mario are booting or being playable.
Where would you place DxM?
Now that I think about it, the system probably has gyro for the joy con VR thing.
>literally no way to sort by playability
Not him but i hate DMC because it's just punching sandbags most of the time.
Enemies doesn't do shit when you rush them. It's just combo autism and flashy effect and sound.
Astral Chain is a nice middle ground, flashy as fuck but the enemies can fuck you up really hard because there's no reliable way to stun them forever.
Counter attack can be fuck over easily
Now I’m just morbidly curious
Hey ACfag what’s your thoughts on DxM?
Maybe it's a case of them all being rough jank
Under the "No fun" category.
>It's dead Jim
I thought this meme is for the canceled games
End result is the same.
im new to mecha, I really liked the demo, im willing to give it a chance, was going for Link's Awakening remake but ill be real here, im not paying 60 for 5 hours of gameplay if its just as long as the original
still have a lot of games to finish tho, so little time
Appearantly you can unlock sword combos through the outer progress system, which wasn't in the demo. I guess that's an issue with having the demo be the beginning of the game.
Honestly they did a poor job of marketing it. It's been shown to us in every direct and they couldn't make it look interesting once.
I would be alarmed but: 1) game journos and 2) I played and got to the end of the new demo and really liked it. The first one left a lukewarm impression but I took a chance and preordered anyway and now I can't wait to play the full game.
I mean sure I bet it's gonna flop hard but as long as the game is more of the demo + I can go full autismo in customizing my mech before battling others online, I'll be satisfied.
Nah you can definitely tell when you’re being marketed to.
This is the obligatory Reviewers vs people who actually play video games thread
Are we seriously arguing about reviewer scores?
Form your own fucking opinion, are you trusting people that can't get past in game tutorial to tell you what to like?
We can finally boost our asses to valhalla again bros....
Home soon...
from what we've seen from the treehouse gameplay the game expands immensely afterwards.
It's not so much obtuse controls as the game needing to explain things more directly for mass appeal and streamlining menus.
>5 hours
What the fuck it's that short? I never play Zelda shit before but it's look fun.
Fuck 5 hours though, i'm out
I didn't really like the demo, it was boring.
Nigger they call MHFU Nintendo shit when it was on fucking PSP
Just the worse most fucking nigger ignorant fanbase on the entire internet
Hey guys, on the bright side, the pleb will be filtered and we can have our comfy time unlike MHW which was an absolute dogshit filled with retards at launch.
PVP won't be out until a later update.
>5 hours
You really believe him? No way you're going to finish LA in 5 hours if it is your first time playing it.
Make it 15-20 at least.
>implying journalists know anything about /m/ games
>Can't make a Zaku
>Reviewing the same as AC meaning it's not dumbed down for normalfags
>/m/ threads hitting bump limit with people talking about how much fun they're having
>Fully customizable mechs, characters, and even UI
I'm thinking mecha is back
Lmao how am I Snoy when I clearly played it? Your post makes no sense. I want the combat to have more depth. There is no "get out of the way" button only shields and boosting, mirage for pulling aggro maybe.
Did you even play ZoE? It is simple and fast paced, this game is also but in a completely unsatisfying way.
It seems like defensive actions are lacking in a game where you will definitely have number bloat for the harder content, no one will be doing shitnlik running the whole game in starting Orsa(especially since it means you wont be able to keep up with weapon scaling because of memory)
Kill you later
>There is no "get out of the way" button
>playing multiplayer game with buds
>on an atmospheric snow level
>bud puts on AC4 soundtrack
Never played an AC game, but God damn that OST is powerful
>>There is no "get out of the way" button
>It's a soulsfag
seriously this is the only real complain I have with this game. Holy shit the fucking characters.
Some are ok, but then you find shit like this that makes you wanna punch them in the face
Babby wants his billions of i-frames
More like fuck you later amirite haha
PvP will only be japs going hyperspeed and kids trying to figure out how to multitask
PvE is where it's at
You expect consolewar shitposters to know that?
Have fun
t. Snoy shill casual filtered
>There is no "get out of the way" button only shields and boosting
>no "get out of the way"
>only shields and boosting
lmao how retarded are you, kiddo
It’s a mecha game they’re just backdrops for when you aren’t shooting shit
Look at this gay faggot
I'm starting to think that not understanding all the radio chatter with jp voices on might be a good thing.
Why the fuck is the slightest criticism of Nintendo games met with 'SNOY SNOY SNOY'? You retards know you can play a game AND acknowledge its faults, yes?
I don't want it to be flashy, I want it to be not jank and not braindead.
Most effective thing for fighting another mech is to run up and use melee, when you spam it you just get the same swing from same direction over and over, is there any reason you should not at least swing it back and forth to look more organic?
Holy fuck every reviewer is so bad at this game. These niggas don't even know how to boos.
Maybe you want to post actual crits then.
If you talk like a shitposter, don't be mad when people call you one
Realistically though will this get ported to other shit? I have a switch but the framerate issues have me worried.
Whoever played the demo and didn't is delusional
If you care about looks go play a cinematic experience, Snoy.
Maybe if you stop being a COPING snoyfag, people would stop calling you that.
>Just standing there holding the shoot button
Fucking helll
have you seen the posts in this thread, you blind retard
Maybe if you niggers weren't just constantly acting like faggots we would be less hostile
>waaaah but snoy is obnoxious so we have the right to be too
Lmfao, settle down children.
>Jump to the another cut right before he get hit
>not touching the boost at all
How can he be this braindead
If zoe combat is boring then what do you call "hold ZR to auto aim attack"???
Instantly proving the point, Nintendo fans are literal NPCs
Nigger, he doesn't even use Femto.
>slightest criticism of Nintendo games
>implying that's the reason
I want journo-touting casual FAGGOTS to get out of MY mecha game thread.
ZoE 2 is probably the most hype and entertaining mech combat has been. That nigga retarded.
You haven't played the game SNOY
the only thing that consumes femto at that stage of the game is mirage, and activating mirage disables all of your femto armaments
Femto armaments DO NOT consume femto.
We're not going to be able to have good threads here for a while, I would recommend looking elsewhere for discussion
so still doesn't give any actual crits and just calling names then?
You're not convincing anyone here
Zoe is a shitty cinematic movie game like every Snoy exclusive
You misunderstand me dumb bird brain, the reviewer doesn't use all the mode, he just stand there and shoot
as a guy who played the original, took me around 10 hours, I did end up replaying it so it took me around 17 with the game when I was done
if thats worth 60, by all means, I just dont feel confident in spending that much money right now
>530 replies
Nintendo fans are seriously seething and coping right now
>sonyfags still SEETHING
Both of you can fuck off.
games going to be too short and is generally a bit too easy? Hope they patch in more stuff later.
I dont even want i frames, it is a mech it does not need a dodge roll just a boost that feels like you are boosting around. Boosting is just moving faster in one direction, tapping it doesnt even give you any real movement so it does not function as a dodge. There is essentially no reason not to always be boosting at all moments possible because that is the only way to avoid projectile damage without a shield. There is nothing smart or engaging about it. There is no point where you really feel like "oh I avoided that due to my skill"
It does not even make sense either. Every firearm is calibrated by sophisticated AI to hit their targets, I am supposed to believe somehow moving slightly faster is supposed to let you dodge this rather than short bursts of dodging in unpredictable ways to throw off then other mech's auto aim?
>boost that feels like you are boosting around
>Boosting is just moving faster in one direction
Do you want the mecha to roll for 3 second like in Dark Soul you absolute fucking retard
he only played the story missions.
I kinda wish the boost you get when tapping boost in femto wing was the default.
How's the drought Snoy?
>Boosting is just moving faster in one direction
Except I did, you get in range and your gun auto aim shoots them. They even have an auto fire gun that does this as soon as you are in range.
If anything you guys are all the real falseflaggers, pretending to be shitheads to make switch players look like arrogant bastards.
So you never played it, congrats.
For anyone outside of US, buy the EU version.
As for mutts, good fucking luck lmao
No, I just want a .3 second short boost dash that is faster than prolonged dash with some moderate distance on it if you tap instead of hold.
>pretending to be shitheads
user I don't think they're pretending
use the femto wing then retard
No thanks that would be janky as fuck
You can't 'play' a Snoy movie.