Look at the top of this sellout's head

Look at the top of this sellout's head

Attached: JqEdlN6.jpg (2048x2048, 365K)

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He can afford transplants

I can see your jealousy from up there OP

He was just being precautious.

anything you can do to prevent this brahs?

stop giving this fucktard publicity

That said, the pic looks photoshopped because his hairline isn't that high and he never took a break from YT long enough to recover from a hair transplant visually

He gives himself publicity, you sperg. He's one of the most succesful people on the internet.

Yeah, stop looking at pewdiepie's instagram like a 13 year old shiteater, and then you won't encounter his receding hairline any more.

the hairline of a traitor

>Disney and youtube are owned by the juice
>Have to behave to keep your source of income

i mean, what were you expecting?

thanks to all the retard normies who all push him. it's despicable.

Unsubscribe from pewdiepie
Fuck the ADL

wouldnt it be great if mods deleted these cancerous eceleb threads

Yeah right the same people that sticky eceleb threads

>using the term normies unironically
Stop being so autistic. What about him is despicable?

doesn't that turn you into a tranny as well though

vanity is the prime directive of the normalfaggot


Its a pretty bad photoshop desu
doesnt even follow the U shape of bald boys

So what's the story this time? What did he do to get /pol/tards all iffy uh

fuck off normalfag

if you have to ask, you're with them anyway.

Great comeback, sperglord.

thanks goy we'll leave you alone for another 6 months, remember to make another contribution if you don't want to be crucified like jesus

he donated to ADL

How is he a sellout? I don't keep up with ecelebs

No that is not how reality works

He stopped saying the N word and started playing Minecraft.

you're a normalfag too faggot
you're not special

it reduces not completely gets rid of dht/Test

I think we are well beyond the point of that being able to matter.

>Donating money to the same people that got his disney deal nixed
Short memory or gun to his head?

Balding is genetics.
Unless you have a lot of money to afford hair restoration surgery, you need to just accept it.

He had the best youth one could dream off, has millions of $, and a cute italian wife.
Do you think he really care about a receding hairline?


come join us

should every man take it then?

Paying tribute to his sjw masters

He's literally too big to fail at this point, him and Toby Fox. Your anger only makes them more successful

least we can do is sage this zoomer shit

>white people

Donating to the ADL is actually pretty smart. It just shows how petty the ADL and how Pewdiepie is above them morally.

>too big to fail

Every man on my mom's side of the family has lived with a terrible hairline, but never goes bald. Now it's happening to me. It looks so bad but at least I'll never loose it all.


He did what nobody on the internet has done in years, he was the bigger person

>check out his channel
>minecraft shit

Did I miss something? I thought his shtick was meme shit or some edgy humor?

He used to be completely hated on here for being a retard LPer until underage zoomers started to become the majority and then he's based cos he said a few edgy things. Now you're back to hating him again because he's realised that making videos to appeal to school shooters isn't a profitable income stream.

Don't give money to the ADL

I actually only started watching him because of minecraft. I don't get why people in the media and here call him an alt-right nazi, so far everything I see about him from his MC videos suggests he's as leftist as you can get, including this adl thing.

He's a weathervane. When there was a big surge of alt-right shitposting on the internet and Youtube's algorithm was rewarding those sorts of videos, he leaned into it. Now that the algorithm's shying away from promoting that sort of channel and wholesome, family friendly content's back on the menu, Minecraft's his bread and butter. He seized an opportunity, and probably not having to pander to that sort of audience is even relieving in some way.

>Look at the top of this sellout's head

Pewd's pretty cool guy, he's self aware enough to call out even his own bullshit. Those hairline jokes only works if the target person care. I doubt he cares, nor do the other OG youtube fags about their appearance.

So what’s our stance on him now? Support or boycott him?

so that's why he tested out growing a beard



Tick tock Felix

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A while back, he got on the shitlist because he decided to see how far people on fiverr would go for five dollars and paid them to do things like hold up signs saying "Death to the jews". He also said nigger on a livestream. A lot of the negative media attention is because, in a way, he represents YouTube, and by extension Google, so news outlets owned by traditional telecommunication companies that are losing all their influence to internet giants like YouTube and Netflix tried to lynch him in order to lynch Google in effigy.


Even hair restoration is a temporary reprieve. At some point, the donor area will be exhausted and you'll have shifted the bald spot down to the nape of your neck. At that point, shaving it down will reveal the scarring all over the top and back of your head. That adds costs for scar coverup. We don't need to get ourselves new hair. We need to get it out of women's heads that a male hairline is more often full than not.

gamers being oppressed once again.....RIASSSSSSSSSE UP POLFAGS

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The only sad thing about this is how long it took for him to mature and grow out of his reactionary views. When Yea Forums idolizes you and you're 29 years old, you know you're doing something wrong.

God, I hate it when people use (alt-)right and leftist terms unironically.

>donates to the kikes that tried to cancel him
what did he mean by this

>We need to get it out of women's heads
Steal hair from women? Genius.

jus b urself

why is his head so small? is he a literal brainlet?

That he doesn't want your views anymore, sweaty

What about Minoxidil?

still mad because he didnt embrace cuckoldry, youtube?

>here's a penny for you peasants

he has big brain

He made a video with Ben Shapiro, a notorious far-right bad faith actor. He also refused to take responsibility for doing retarded shit, like making edgy jokes with a fanbase that consists of underdeveloped teenagers.

>Even CHADs look like shit most of the time
Now imagine the average mediocre person. Your sex life becomes non existent.
Is there anything more suicide inducing than being a baldlet?

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So it is the media taking things out of proportion and he always was liberal?

What other ways are there to describe it? His views are clearly left wing but I would not go as far as social justice warrior.

why prevent it

signs of age are signs of distinction, i'm pretty hyped for my transition from smooth boy to hairy grey beast

He actually did take responsibility you absolute fucktard. You're part of the problem.

don't have a bitchface so you won't look like shit

I don't blame you for it per se. It's just that it immediately reminds me of brainlet idiot Americans that can only think of dividing people using those terms.

>be me
>make edgy jokes
>suddenly responsible for every crazy in the world that can't tell fact from fiction

wow what a boring utopia

That guy whould grow out a five o'clock shadow or a short full beard and embrace the Jude Law look. Maybe grow out the remnants of his hair a bit more. Though it's far receded, it's still concentrated in the areas where it remains.

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How do you know his head is small based on those pictures? Is your head small?

>Ben Shapiro, a notorious far-right bad faith actor.
Ben shapiro is both a globalist and a jew he's not a friend to the right wing

Why doesn't he just shave it? Would look better
>Is there anything more suicide inducing than being a baldlet?
beeing a manlet?

donate to the ADL

but, my fellow magapede, ben shapiro owns the libs daily

check out this youtube compilation of 2019's top sjw meltdowns lmao fucking sjws

Inb4 grow a beard/wear a hat cope.
You baldcels are genetic subhumans and rightfully don't deserve to breed

No, he made non-apologies that never addressed why what he did was wrong.
You don't have 100 million subscribers. Nobody cares about you, or what you say. You have no influence.

long balding looks much better than short balding desu
the shave it off meme needs to die

Just shave your head, embrace it and try growing a beard. Nothing worse than trying to hold on to those few hairs on your head.

Pretty annoying since it has to dry and is a very lethal cat poison

I think im fucked in this regard

why are americans so obsessed with hairlines? there's nothing wrong with his hair

>people can hear me talking
>suddenly responsible for every crazy in the world who can't tell fact from fiction

i'll take spooks for 200 alex

>he made non-apologies that never addressed why what he did was wrong
Are you actually retarded? It's showing that you clearly didn't watch any of his videos and are just parroting news articles.

Do you think Charles Manson should be in prison?

it's not women who make you insecure about your hairline, that's all on you. what's much worse than your hairline is you whining about it.

>Yea Forums doesn't know why the ADL is bad


Vaccines made them all autistic so they obsess over every little thing

thank you god for giving me a chad jawline, so i won't ever look bad if i go bald.

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You can even crop the sides and grow out the top. As long as you don't grow out one side longer than the other and do a combover.

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charles manson is dead, and was imprisoned for murder and conspiracy to commit murder

he didn't say edgy jokes to a million kids

maybe idk instead of passing the buck to pewdiepie you people limit what your kids see on TV

Are you telling me I'm retarded because I don't watch pewdiepie videos? Because that's ridiculous. Why would I watch pewdiepie videos I don't enjoy so I could make better informed posts on Yea Forums? That would be extremely retarded. I'm sorry your parents fed you lead for breakfast, but that's not my problem.

Can you grow a beard?

Being a manlet is not even close to being a baldlet when it comes to lowering your SMV.
I see tons of guys shorter than me IRL with cute girls due to their FACE.
I've never seen a bald fag with anyone except fat whales.

>makes claim
>presents "evidence"
>evidence is challenged

what a fucking putz

You're retarded for thinking your opinion is worth posting if you're going to be arguing from such an ill-informed position.

Where did you come to conclusion he is a liberal?

Only person who looks good bald is Bruce Willis, everyone else is fucked.

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No, I'm telling you you're retarded because you're pulling "facts" out of your gaping ass and are presenting them as truth even though you didn't watch his videos. The fact that you don't understand this proves you're actually retarded. How about you shut the fuck up about things you know fuck all about next time?

Probably the gay dog wedding.

Charles Manson just said words, dude. He didn't kill anyone. Words don't influence people at all. We should just say whatever we want without thinking about how people will react to it. Nothing we do is influenced by complicated environmental factors, it's caused by God and Satan.

>people age


donating to ADL though? c'mon, he coulda just gave away some marvel shit or something, like just for optics

This is a normal symptom of having a very big brain

user you haven't forgotten to donate the daily cost of watching your favourite streamer have you?

yeah i dont mean a comb over they look trash but generally just having it still there while balding no matter how bad it gets looks much better than the just shave it all off meme

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Even if he didn't actually kill anyone (he actually bragged about killing people), he conspired (meaning planned) the murder of someone and saw it through with other agents.

That's not comparable to Pewdiepie saying edgy jokes, and this is my last post addressing such a ridiculous nonpoint.

I don't know about Shapiro, as I said, I just started watching from the first episode of minecraft and so far he has mentioned all sorts of stuff like being an immigrant, marrying an immigrant, not eating meat, having a gay wedding in MC, has gay friends, liking Sweden, donating to ADL, etc. As I watch all this, I'm thinking "I thought this guy was meant to be a stereotypical edgy alt-right, not a stereotypical leftie."

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Why are you so triggered? This is Yea Forums. Do you actually form opinions based on what you read in this place? Because that's pathetic.

bro, not every scary thing in life is /pol/s fault

>Do you actually form opinions based on what you read in this place?
No? But you do apparently.