Automated Skyrim Modlist Installer

Are you ready for the modded Skyrim Renaissance?

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>discreetly installs crypto miners as an added bonus!


>automated Skyrim porn mods
I know some people who genuinely like installing their mods manually.

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it is easy only retard need some tools to install it for them

~95% of skyrim mods, or any for that matter, are absolutely terrible and should never be downloaded because they can and will fuck up the entire game since most modders are third world shitters.

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Most likely will not catch on, there's way too many custom patches and third party (not nexus) shit there now that simply copying the MO2 folder will leave you shit out of luck.

Ive swear like everyone has been installing their own mods for years. Is this for zoomers or something? Are they this retarded?

Is there any place anywhere that just has a big ass modpack with all the best mods ready to go? I can't be fucking assed to do it all myself anymore.

This is the closest you'll get

Don't make me reinstall skyrim . . . please

I mean the SIM settlements got fucking popular. Face it, zoomers are now at the age where they start to take over the customer base. Time of millenials is over.

Is SE still considered inferior to vanilla in terms of modding? I gotta assume so unless some incredible exclusive shit has cropped up while I've been gone from the scene for years.

All the best mods are already ported over. No reason to use oldrim anymore

it is also opportunity for people who knows their shit

not anymore most mods are already ported so it is worth it as the game is a lot more stabil

even degenerate mods? I want some big ass fucking titties in my game.

Does it automatically matorsmashs and lod stuff too?
Hard to believe.

Thats just bodyslide retard

Installing mods manually is the only fun you will ever have with skyrim. You will fantasize how amazing it will be, before ultimate disappointment of your actual mod build.

most of them are already ported and the rest getting ported by steady pace 1-3 every day

Modlists are massive memes created by retards that don't even play the game anymore, you you need to be a bigger retard to blindly install them.
They stack a bunch of mods "popular" mods together and just confirm that the game doesn't crash on Whiterun, it doesn't matter if NPCs are getting stuck in the fancy new clutter or quests aren't starting anymore or vampires with blackface are popping up everywhere or if enemies are spinning around like retards because their AI crashed or if your save is bloated with scripts from poorly optimized mods made by chinks that barely speak english.
Just look at that nice amount of endorsements and pictures of bijin-modded girls using the mod's content, this means that it is a good mod, right? It's not like people endorse them just to make Nexus shut the fuck up or anything.

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When I say big, I mean like circus side show big. If I can do that with bodyslide then cool.

Good to know.

the only things that's really missing is improved first person camera for adult mods

It's for people who want to transfer their mods to a new machine and install.

Is STEP still recommended if I want to mod Skyrim?

>someone literally makes a program to automatically mod your game for you because Bethesda modders are eternally assblasted by the concept of a modpack

based and redpilled

dont believe user's lies
SE is good actually playing the game
LE is still king for sex mod debauchery
like seriously there's still no good replacement for HDT in SE, theres HDT-SMP which is a chink riddled headache and theres CBP which is very basic jigglebones

HDT-SMP is okay for now

well yeah, its an objective upgrade from HDT in LE but personally i just think finding outfits (including vanilla) that work for it is a hassle. i'm also not autistic enough to do converting myself. but another huge turnoff (and red flag, to me at least) is how you have to jump through some hoops just to even get an up to date version of it. like nigga just put it on the nexus

>respects the rights of the mod and game creators
>but no mention of the user rights

can't wait

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hell, i'm not even sure if HDT-SMP is backwards compatible with HDT weighted outfits so i may be talking out of my ass

personally, i think pre-made/curated mod packs are a pipe dream for skyrim. people always cite the sucess of minecraft modpacks but never go past the surface level. minecraft modpacks work because by nature the game is extremely free form and bugs are usually obvious and not too obtuse. this is in contrast to skyrim where you can bet your top dollar that there is a million fucking papyrus scripts running at once and any one of them can royally shit up the game due to how retarded the error handling is in bethesda games. (also personally i find those huge minecraft modpacks unappealing because they simply feel like a bunch of things thrown together with no care of how they actually improve the game -- e.g. they wanted quanitity, not quality)
tldr just fucking use STEP and then add the mods you want

I hate thing. Bad thing. Must be zoomers. Oooooooooh. Thing good. Must be Boomers! Yeeeeesss.

Wasn't this exact feature supposed to be in the new mod manager form the nexus? What happened to that?

tes are one of the best porn games on the market

>it is easy
Easy =/= not tedious

The less time I have to spend configuring bullshit the better.

Modder drama because "muh page clicks" made them give up on that. Apparently Nexus decided to try again recently, some people got emails talking about a new kind of "modpacks".

>respecting the rights of the... mod authors
Who cares?

Bethesda's modding scene is full of crazy drama queens.

>spend hours looking up/downloading mods
>install them all
>have fun for a while
>game starts crashing every 15 minutes
>uninstall skyrim

I do this once every few months.

Skyrim is perfect and doesn't need any mods. Also you have to have a premium nexus account to use wabbajack

>that NSFW repack with over 126 mods
Sweet jesus, all these mods in less than 10 minutes

you should use SE version it is a lot more stable i have now in my save 80 hours and about 200 mods instaled and have no problem with crashes

alternative is to use thats help a lot

i really wish i could just get something like this and have it install itself in one click. i always get bored BEFORE i finish installing mods

>you have to have a premium nexus account to use wabbajack
It all makes sense now.

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>Skyrim is perfect and doesn't need any mods. Also you have to have a premium nexus account to use wabbajack

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