>49 minutes of "gameplay"
how many minutes of those 49 are going to be cutscenes and walking?
49 minutes of "gameplay"
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Based Kojima, its gonna be ludo
Too many
>these newfags are so new, they dont remember V gameplay 4 years ago and how it was over an hour long
I wish they left in ocelot at the shooting range tho.
>I wish they left in ocelot at the shooting range tho.
Whatya mean? Ocelot training people at shooting range is still in the game, complete with the "engravings give you no tactical advantage whatsoever" scene.
>walking isn't gameplay
Yeah but in the demo he had more dialogue and interactions with soldiers. He was a shell in the actual game.
Well, considering its edited footage of gameplay, its basically a really long cutscene. As most of Kojima games.
did you rike It?
nothing wrong with walking. a lot of games like witcher 3 or even world of warcraft make you walk a lot.
Skyrim is 99% walking
Kozima, just direct a real movie already,
we are getting tired of your shit
All of them
Dark souls is a walking simulator
that girl is ugly and cute at the same time, how is this possible?
It's not a girl, it's Hideo Kojima
I ask myself the same question user, maybe its innocent autist eyes, I dunbo.
What does he mean by "the game mission"? He's gonna show a third of the entire game in only 50 minutes?
Nothing about her is ugly. What you are experiencing, is the shame of liking someone popular, so you unconsciously thought of a way to say something negative about her as a defense mechanism.
>inb4 the picture of her pointy knees.
I'd do her.
>Tomorrow we will show you the gameplay of a mission that is about 1/3 of the way so that you can understand the basic flow of DS.
Well google translate makes it sound like it's just a mission that's a third of the way through the game. Whoever translates his twitter is terrible.
Will they finally reveal what character joost is playing
The character of Lady Not Appearing In This Videogame.
She has a huge jaw and too much scleral show, also I notice negative canthal tilt, none of that are good features, yet she is still quite cute.
Beauty is in the eye of beholder.
Be quiet.
Its not
this is the most incel shit I've ever read in my life lmao
hopefully all of it
>incel terminology
Yikes! Also strong jaws are universally considered an attractive quality no matter what weebs tell you. Literally every runway model has one.
a strong jaw is only attractive on a man
no u
Walking is a boring timesink. In some games, a lot of walking is a tradeoff for something desirable but most of the time it's just lazy/shit design.
Witcher 3 it's just to make the world feel bigger, which is the most common reason but also one of the least compelling.
World of Warcraft is full of timesinks and space for the sake of multiplayer management and social engineering as well as to make the virtual world full of other players feel more real.
Dark Souls only has one level that involves a lot of boring walking (Anor Londo) otherwise its levels are dense. If you're just dashing through running past enemies you're engaged far more than in a game like Skyrim where you can just autorun and maybe try to avoid falling off a cliff sometimes.
That's why people mod it, so they can watch their custom slampig run around in slave chains or slut armor. Skyrim gameplay has always been the sandbox, unless you think picking mushrooms and flowers for alchemy is some kind of legitimate gameplay challenge.
>Leaked dialog
Eyes, lips, and skin are appealing.
Expression could be appealing but she might be crazy too.
Unkempt hair and baggy shirt are neutral, but normally these would be a positive.
Big chin, long face and prominent jawline (which might just be a bad camera angle) might detract for you more than others.
It's not incel it's just impolite. People with IQs higher than room temperature and an ability to do detached analysis also terms like that, no matter what incels might obsess over.
Liking strong jawlines is literally what fags like in women. Anorexic runway models all have strong jawlines because the fashion industry is run by gay men.
What is tomorrow? Some event?
>liking women
Runway models have to be female because fashion sells to women. So gays use the most boyish or masculine looking women possible.
>1/3rd of the game
>49 minutes
>edited map and items
cheeky bastard
It doesn't matter if it's good
Then they'll play the trailers again while the audience has yet another Kojimagasm while holding their puckering wallets in the air
>another Kojimagasm while holding their puckering wallets in the air
dick in one hand. wallet in the other.
I just hope there's enough weird and cool shit in there to make me want to play a AAA open world game. Pretty sure BotW and RDR2 are the only ones I've finished in recent years.
game mission. it's 1/3 of a single mission
>49 minutes of walking
Holy pickle Rick an original post
Are my calculations correct that 15:30 Japan time converts to 2:30 eastern time? That's apparently when this is getting shown. I can't stay up that late, I have an exam tomorrow Kojima-san :(
you don't have to see it live you know.
This gook gets a blank check from Sony to plagiarize another franchise into existence, he's given a fully functional and established game engine that he didn't have to sink a single penny into producing, and he blows all that funding on a handful of pajeets to code while the vast majority of it goes to B-list actors most people have never even heard of so that he can post pictures with them on Twitter all day.
I can't wait to see this pile of shit go full MGSV.
50 minutes and it's 1/3 of a mission. Chances are he is gonna spoil the biggest and most likely only setpiece in the entire game.
Go play the latest Cowadooty butt blasted American
Let's make that bet.
>7 minutes showing the leaked briefing mission
>3 minutes showing the basic mission context.
>core mechanics. To explain how the game is going to work. That would be 18 minutes of "walking simulator" including environment characteristics like settlements, climate, the use of vehicles, the upgrading of the armament and exoskeleton, enemies and at maybe one mini boss.
>18 minutes of Hades gameplay. How the hell works, how they use bridge babies (probably this is going to be controversial as fuck)
>3 minutes presenting another character, very likely Die Hard. Why not Higgs or Fragile. Probably Seydoux represents players who visit the Reedus in their personal games, like a Solaire.
If he stills want to play the mystery card (big deal for the neuro-marketing behind the game) in order to people to buy the product, Hades/Infinite deathmatch is going to be keep hidden. Nobody would now how that parallel dimension is going to work until the game is released. But it's unlikely. If he wants to target the general public, Kojipro have to expose the two dimensions and show the essence of the game. Homo Ludens are a big cult, but they won't make the game a success just by buying them. Considering that there are about two months left, tomorrow is the day that they will drop the biggest bombs.
>I'LL show you
>WE can't fail
>I'VE edited
This egofaggot in all his splendor, "I'm doing everything, but if something goes wrong, it is everyone's fault".
Yeah you have edited shit.
Nah, the gameplay demos of MGSV were of the Spetsnaz assassination mission and the area around Code Talkers mansion. Just demoed basic gameplay loops and some of the tools, like the rocket/stun prosthetics and decoys.
No reason to think this will be different.
>The 1st 1/3 of the game mission.
>49 mins.
>49 x 3 = 147.
So the game is 2 and a half hours long?
yes, for a true filmic experience
her left eye sags and it makes her look like a mutant, combined with her expression she just looks kinda retarded
>Intentionally being retarded
No, they dont. Speaking in technical terminology over facial aesthetics is purely an incel pastime because they're obsessed with their own ugliness
Seems like he wanted to keep the "real gameplay" a secret but he's giving in because you guys kept calling it a walking simulator.
Good job
Maybe this numbers are right using the Very Easy mode, that was made in order to achieve the "movie experience". Not a fan about it, but I'm not going to play it that way so I don't look forward to it.
>supermodels are ugly!
Just stop user jesus fucking christ
It has to be this way for the business model to work. It is the classical fight between art and capitalism. Those who want to take the dive and experience the game as Kojima intended, they have to NOT watch TGS tomorrow. I'm even thinking about it.
fashion industry is literally run by old hag and literal fags.
you're an incel
yeah he is, because she's not cute.
Of course she won't, devil may cry is a cap om franchise.
It's almost like showing nothing but cinematic trailers and then footage of walking would lead people to believe that....