What race is she?

What race is she?

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Take your pick.

eternal anglo


The i wanna lick her abs race

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Ah yes, the beautiful Anglo women, always the same discerning appearance across the Commonwealth, whether Australia, Canada, USA, UK.

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Fucking Irish.

>she works out

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>hey jan i've found a good looking actress for our game
>sorry mark but sony demands atleast 23% goblin dna

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wew the rack on the right one

don't act like you wouldn't smash hard

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I'd smash it with a fridge as a diversion while i'm escaping back into Eastern Europe.

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Fat girls are disgusting. Stop fetishizing overweight, unhealthy people.

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don't give a shit about them being unhealthy, just for the sex

That's what she looks liek without make up and with different haircut.

Fuck it, I would.

Nigga you gay

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Should've had the black Calvin Klein one and I would smash

Feminist one.

Everyone knows that wanting to fuck hourglass figure women is gay!
Real straight men only fuck dudes!

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post yfw they give her a dyke haircut for the sequel

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Looks european to me.

100% grabbler

That's no hourglass, that's bag of sand.

Problem with fat girls today is because of immigration and rap culture there's a 100% chance she has burnt coal. Add social media to that with every fat girl showing off her ass to thousands of roodypoos blowing up her comments with 'daaaaamn gurl!!' giving her a big chip on her shoulder. Things were so much better back in the day when white gay men ran the fashion industry with thin twink girls. Back then women who looked like pic related had bad self esteem and were easier to manipulate. Now they think they cleopatra.

siostra? co ty robisz w grze?

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paddy nigger

>Back then women who looked like pic related had bad self esteem
They still do. Deep down all fat women/people know they're inferior and disgusting.Back then they had to lose weight but with social media it's different. There's no one more insecure and bitter than fat women.

You don't get abs from working out you faggot. You get abs from having low body fat, and you get low body fat from not eating all the time and running a lot

zamknij morde polaku

And running is working out, you fucking brainlet.

you can work out your abs you fucking retard

>You don't get abs from working out you faggot.
Ab muscles build muscle mass like any other muscle when under pressure tardbrain.

>makeup widens your face and shrinks your forehead giving you masculine proportions

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I genuinely feel revolted when I see fat people, I can barely contain my disgust when I have to interact with one of them for any reason.
Achitect posting is pretty funny though


Built for my big spicy cock

>There's no one more insecure and bitter than fat women.
and paradoxically, they are the ones who are prone to cheat and whore around just to feel some form of shallow appreciation.

>Back then women who looked like pic related had bad self esteem and were easier to manipulate
they still do retard, why do you think they fuck blacks



I wouldn’t smash that pig