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Other urls found in this thread:

thanks Jews

I will never forgive Israel for this.

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>having to remind people on a vidya board
The absolute state of americans

Bullshit. Smoke doesn't blow to the left like that.

merci doc

Man those towers were fucking ugly looking back on it. I went there once when I was a kid I just barely remember though

Danke herr doktor.

Based muslims

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i forgot
What is this meme?

Dancing jews

Steel beams

Post the Rumia pic


How can I forget when I'm reminded every single fucking year.

I can’t get on a plane without taking my shoes off because of this.

you could see the plane is shop in, such bad photoshop, CIA need to hire better people

I will never forget the day that Israel staged a terrorist attack just so they could send thousands of white men to fight perpetual oil wars.

Attached: good goy.jpg (650x900, 163K)

Happy 9/11!


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Nah, just an apathetic leaf

Lol all those roasted americucks.

imagine letting israel bomb you and then give them trillions of free money. ultimate cuckoldry.

Butthurt americuck detected.

oh right, that's today

Attached: ee6.jpg (630x637, 63K)

This. 9/11 cemented America’s position as Israel’s greatest cocksucker. I wish all Americans would get 9/11’d


tusen takk doktor

Is that whole conspiracy of insider trading around 911 and the missing pentagon funds true?

I can't remember what vidya I was playing at the time, probably Pokemon Silver and Perfect Dark.

Gracias doctor


>americans still assblasted for less than 3000 deaths

>he doesn't know
I called you underage because it's a fucking meme you would recognize if you visited any website on the internet prior to 2010.

Attached: jet fuel.png (550x550, 336K)

America's ultimate cuckoldry is that they let their Christian boys get circumcised for no other reason than the jews showing their dominance over them.

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kids born on 9/11 can now post on Yea Forums

Attached: 6ac81c1f-3f4e-4e44-a34b-73dd666fcd19.jpg (400x354, 80K)

Not long before JIDF find this thread and Yea Forums will flooded with propaganda, enjoy it while it last

>there are people posting on Yea Forums that don't remember seeing 9/11 happen in real time
>there are people posting on Yea Forums that weren't born when 9/11 happened

Attached: 1559517020481.jpg (1200x1200, 117K)

Present and accounted for, Sir.

Attached: Guardsman.jpg (534x520, 47K)

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The city skyline will never be the same again.

Attached: skylines.jpg (1000x1000, 289K)

Kids too young to experience 9/11 could post here nearly a decade ago.

Why, what happened? Is this another of your literally who e-celeb events giving out free subs to gullible fags?
What a bunch of retards

Happy birthday

You never really good scale of the twin towers.

based kojima-san

Attached: 1563753643442.jpg (1344x524, 175K)

the twin towers were an eyesore and the only reason they were iconic is because they were so big that they dominate the view.

tony hawk pro skater 2 for me

Let's make this video game related:


is this loss?

you should have seen how good the photoshop looked in real life


why are Americans not over this shit yet? Your perpetual fake sadness over this event year after year is cringe.

Attached: sekis_did_911.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

Americans still whine about Pearl Harbor which happened like 80 years ago

>Blaming American citizens for the propaganda that their media puts out

Who cares? It's just a bunch of dead burgers.


What kind of Video Game is that?

Please user. Not today.
You can be nice to americans at least once a year.

americans are subhumans, what do you expect?

>he doesnt know...

t. Mohammed

It isnt the 9th of November yet faggot !

I care about dead burgers. I want more. More dead burgers. It actually brings me delight.

Never forget what grandpa?
I wasn't even born then.

My only regret is they didn't take the rest of the mutts in that """""country""""" with them

Still whiter than you Hassan.

yep you were right

the Deus Ex kind

Nah. They spread leftism and multiculturalism and antiwhite behaviors. The state of my home country is significantly worse due to americucks. I hope they all die

t. 56

>No 9/11 game where you navigate the buildings and rescue the trapped occupants

CIA here, you have ten seconds to post proof that (you) weren't involved in 9/11 or else you are coming with me

I like to think that there's an alternate universe where the Empire State Building was destroyed instead, and in that universe the twin towers still exist.


Jesus Christ just get over it.

Nobody cares about your stupid inside job orchestrated to invade Irak and Afghanistan for oil anymore.

The entire world hates you and looks down on you. You could have saved yourself the trouble and just done it anyway. You didn't need a bullshit excuse to invade foreign sovereign countries excuse. We wouldn't have complained anyway because you have the biggest dick military and can do whatever the fuck you want anyway and nobody's going to stop you. We're frankly over it at this point. Just leave us alone and try not to find some bullshit excuse to invade my country even though you could.

Just be honest about it and save yourself the embarassment and the pretense. You're not fighting for freedom or to defend your country in the middle of litteraly two oceans with a defense budget higher than that of literally the rest of the world. Some nutjobs in caves with Cold War assault rifles aren't a threat to your country. You have the biggest military dick in the world and can do whatever the fuck you want. We all get it. Now please fuck off with your stupid 20 year old demolition job. No one cares.

More people die every day in countries you fucked up than in that glorified traffic accident.


The CIA are the ones responsible.

Lmao who give a shit, it's a good thing a lot of people die.
Too many retards on this planet already

How long did it take Americana to get over Pearl Harbor? Its been 20 years, shut the fuck up already

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Driver: Parallel Lines

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Nigger, they can't even get over the Vietnam War, they're still salty as fuck

There’s no college aged girls in here to impress, user


This. Subhuman americucks need to all just die and rid the planet of the harm and evil they spread. The greatest trick the americucks ever played was making the rest of the world think they were the good guy. Bullying and exploiting countries that obey and toppling legitimate governments to set up their own regimes when a country disagrees, that’s all America does, we all been tricked to worry about Russia and China when the real world evil empire is the burgercucks

I wasn't born yet

>be american
>realize entire country is a cucked jew puppet
>resort to whataboutism and keep sucking circumcised cock

To europeans and ESLs: "NEVER FORGET" has been almost purely used ironically for like 15 years now. It is a very popular ironic joke on the internet. Some might call such gags a "meme". Nobody actually gives a fuck about 9/11 as evidenced by it not being a political death sentence to defund the first responders care.

There might be some girls (male) for him, though.

Mutts just wanted their own holocaust to constantly remind everyone about. Let it go you've killed about 50 times more civvies in Afghanistan in the name of Israel since it happened



Every time I go to the U.S, I see fat mutts in those mobile scooters with "911 NEVER FORGET" t-shirts on.

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All the mutts seething in here prove you wrong


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moron also no one gives a fuck about your dime a dozen counterculture e-pinion

Why do burgers act like this was the greatest tragedy of all time?


lol americucks seething, I piss on 9/11 victims graves TBQH

Bush sent soldiers to fight and die in Iraq while cutting their pensions and veterans benefits. America doesn't give a shit about the individuals, only the herd and the herd mentality.

based and kojimapilled

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance


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You motherfucker

Attached: never forgetti.png (500x624, 135K)

The mutts are the ones most likely to post shit like "mistakes into miracles" and meme about 9/11 being a hologram invented by Jews.

i actually forgot lol

Never förget

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Arrest yourself then

americucks seething

I didn't do it, I was playing Crash Bash when it happened

Will 9/11 considered a start of a new era?
I don't know but I feel like that after 9/11 everything around became more dangerous, the whole muslim problem getting real in our society (before we couldn't care less, they were killing themselves in their distant country), all the religious terrorism and so on

>not being a political death sentence to defund the first responders care.
Genuinely amazing.

But the plan they made was fucking retarded.
>Hurr we can name any price for 80 years, and that money has to magically be given to them
>also were not going to steal it for ourselves

Like fuck off.

>n-nobody actually cares! The day of shitt television shows all about it is just a coincidence

Propeller Arena

Attached: 1537513549523.jpg (500x500, 89K)

Anyone knows which game this is

Attached: 9TxNaPK.gif (728x408, 934K)

Here you go, video game related

Attached: MANDAR EL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE.jpg (640x618, 117K)

Americucks mad as fuck itt

>instead of being polite
> every 3rd worlder starts losing their cool, and tries to be as edgy as possible

Cmon guys, no need to be so hostile.

He knew

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>not done by the Jews
How did the Americans just happen to end up in Iraq then, which was a threat to Israel at the time but literally nothing to do with 9/11?

Don't be so salty just because no one give a shit about your little sad day

>*remains subservient to Israel and sends them trillions of tax dollars every year and young men to die for their wars *
You're right mutt, we should all be more like you

Seething americuck. Your country kills more people with your bomb than any terrorists event. You evil doing fuckers spread harm to the rest of the world through your kike owned CIA and deserve to be bombed over and over.

Kiitos tohtori

This almost got me.

I wouldn't be suprised if some retards think this is real.

Osama bin laden orchestrated 9/11 regardless, retard conspiracy theorist. I bet you believe George Bush himself kicked over tower 7 too.

gas yourself shlomo




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obrigado doutor


seething burgercuck. Get 9/11’d

It seems like you can do nothing but care.
Why did you come in the thread if not due to unbridled rage?

You really need to grow up user.

As if terrorists would support anyone using fagfrog

This is just childish.

Literal basedboy response here. Americucks seething so hard they’ve opted to take the “mature high road” as damage control.

>mutts calling anybody 3rd worlders

It's overdetermined. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and certain American interests all stood to benefit.

Attached: Luck Larry.jpg (541x640, 123K)

>Cmon guys, no need to be so hostile.
also user:
mhhhh really makes you think

Attached: thinking-face.png (256x256, 53K)

I wish more Americans were killed on 9/11 and that it turned into a bigger event instead of this pissweak display. Burger faggots are still whining 18 years later about a couple of planes and buildings like it was WWIII.

The jews/sandniggers/bush should have strapped a nuke to one of those virgins. Get over 9/11 you whiny soft cocks. Too busy shooting up fucking schools and taking the rich man dick in your ass to make some decent changes besides "uhhh I guess make em take their shoes off at planes lol".

Iraq was not a challenge to anyone. It's the reason america just bulldozed their way through that shithole. It's just bush junior finishing what bush senior started.

Aight, thats a fucking good one user. Danke for the laughs.

Most Americans have gotten over it, and most 9/11 jokes are made by Americans.

To laugh at you seething of course

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Gracias doc



Yes. I think 9/11 marked the end of post-Cold War rose tinted glasses period. America needed a new enemy after the Balkan Wars proved themselves not too profitable.

>Literal basedboy response here.

Thank you

>player accidentally overwrites save a moment before death

Attached: 4E6E09C8-C38A-4878-8488-3510D1320EE5.jpg (300x207, 78K)

He was probably born in the afternoon, user-kun.

>certain american interests
I wonder who that could've been....

based jannies haven't taken down this thread yet

Imagine attacking the most popular city on the continent of the most powerful nation on the planet....

Duh, faggot, why do you think?

Mes salutations docteur

wtf, i love hideo kojima now!?

Wait, is this seriously a pic of someone on top of the Twin Towers before the attack?

Attached: 1501731500268.gif (200x200, 631K)

Cringe, this post was certainly made by an amerimutt

How did you know it was all litterally me?

And yet burger youth are still stationed over there dying for their overlords

no its not stupid

Mossad did 9/11, never forget

>being this new

Why do you care so much about what we think user?

because you're all the same *sigh*

you alright for a zoomer.


You must be at least 18 years old to post on this site.

No. The observation deck wasn't open at the time of the attack. It's an ancient photoshop. Probably older than you.

Read your post again and you'll see how obvious it was that Israel was behind it all