What do you hate most about modern Yea Forums?
Jannis/Mods chinese moot said one! thread is allowed to discuss the metastate of a board so dont delete
What do you hate most about modern Yea Forums?
Jannis/Mods chinese moot said one! thread is allowed to discuss the metastate of a board so dont delete
have sex
Any other board is worthless when complaining
Some mods actually ban you for saying NIGGER or posting junji/yotsuba, marking your ban as offtopic so that you can't screenshot and provide the post number in question.
>we have to actually mention this in the op otherwise nu-jannies delete the threads
the absolute state of Yea Forums.
Just give them their own board for fuck sake.
All the people that treat every single interaction as a tiny battle in an idealogical war.
> chinese moot said one! thread is allowed to discuss the metastate of a board so dont delete
You should realize by now this isn't going to stop your dumb shit getting deleted.
It filled with mostly leftists/communists since they can't handle the bantz on /pol/. These very same people also unironically support mega corps like Epic Store.
I wonder how new Jannies got selected
I'd actually be curious and almost want to apply & state the issues commonly found on Yea Forums just to see if they'd accept or refuse had I specified that I intended on going hard on stuff like Smash, Porn on Blue Boards, Wojak, Twitter Screencaps, E-Celebs, or whatever else plagues Yea Forums
If you are trying to delete and precious Nintendo threads on Yea Forums you will get your ass kicked immediately by mods.
>What do you hate most about modern Yea Forums?
Unironic posts about console/platform wars
Wojack posters
Just the blatant company shill making free publicity, adds already exist i don't need to see a thread about some literally who indie company with a very inclusive and diverse story/characters or you bing bing wahoos news
The trannies from /r9k/ trying to slip right in every board they can
If you wanna shitpost at least make it funny or interactive
I dont mind /pol/tards, they keep homos mad but neither of those sides have an opinion that matters anyways
That the fact that 50% of the board is smash threads at any given time.
I'm not the sort to bitch and whine about them posting here instead of a general, or about more then one thread being up about a popular game. Shit's fine. But when half the board is devoted at all times to almost identical, low-quality, low-effort 'HE'S IN' threads, something should be done to prune the trash.
We call those 'political' people, and the best thing to do is ignore them. Engaging them at all in any way will simply encourage them.
>they can't handle the bantz on /pol/
Sorry we aren't racist here.
The pedos and niggers need to go
the one thread rule was rescinded long ago newfag
seethe more normie
I wish. I would love being able to talk about nintendo games without Snoys flooding the threads with wojak edts.
Oh, I also hate this shill thing. I cannot believe that people actually believe companies would make threads on a yugoslavian spear-fishing forum to advertise their products when, you know, actual advertising exists, so I have to assume that people complaining about shills are either just people looking for an excuse to bitch about seeing threads for games they're not interested in or dislike, or people who are so self-absorbed that they can't fathom the idea anyone would want to discuss something they are not interested in. Wordfilter 'shilling' to 'fapping' for a while or something.
/pol/ shit
I'd rather have 10 wojack threads, 10 console war threads, 10 smash threads and 10 porn threads than a single fucking thread about politics in videogames, sjw shit or whatever.
>I also hate this shill thing.
Because you get told to fuck off anytime you shill your shit here?
if frogs and wojaks were banned on sight the quality of this board would go up by 1000%
This but unironically.
Because I'm sick of genuine comfy threads full of people actually enjoying playing and talking about a non-AAAtrash vidya getting constantly flooded with people screeching about shilling for whatever reason.
both being banned would be ideal
>for whatever reason.
the reason being shills like you.
>quotes me and posts a selfie
>witcher, skyrim or any zelda game is best game ever
Do you think it's inconceivable for someone to just genuinely like a videogame?
People constantly sperg out at the most obvious bait imaginable then call you a redditor when you tell them to chill out
The sudden influx of trännies and SJW's the recent years.
Phoneposting has become more accepted, and I hate it. People just posting stuff like 'dilate' or 'seethe' instead of having an actual discussion happens so much now because of it.
yotsuba is boring garbage though, a ban is well deserved
>That the fact that 50% of the board is smash threads at any given time.
I wouldnt mind so much if people didnt start demanding discussions of new games move to /vg/ if they hang around more than 3 days after release
But there aren't any trannies. When have you EVER talked to a tranny on Yea Forums? It's literally a boogeyman used by underages because it's so widespread that they think it's board culture.
Imagine applying for a tech job and having Yea Forums janitor on your resume.
I wish we had a /vgcn/ - Video Game Culture and News and force every single thread that isn't primary content based on a game or a category of games to it. I wish mods would actually enforce flaming rules but they fucking don't so end up having a bunch of threads so shit that's actually better to discuss offtopic garbage than to actually engage in on topic threads.
We need an algorithm that flags auto-sages repetitive threads.
But I hate this, it's not Yea Forums specific and not even Yea Forums specific but just prevalent that it makes any discussion on practically anything worthless unless you're discussing it with someone you know is actually intelligent not some dull autist, especially on /pol/.