Upcoming Sakurai Famitsu article is Smash DLC. Still is Nintendo telling potential DLC choices while Sakurai picks among what Nintendo hands to him.
Upcoming Sakurai Famitsu article is Smash DLC...
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Holy shit were really gonna get all these datmined slots are we?
How can art of it leak? How does that happen? Did the chinese take a pic of half the page? Thats how I assume this stuff goes a bunch of chinks posting shit online like when they steal doujins
But yeah Sakurai has the final word that never changed
Lol no that'd make it like 100+ characters what utterly retarded dev would choose to take that feat
You're not familiar how magazine scans are leaked eh? They're literally camera phone tier snapshots.
Yeah thats kinda what I guessed
Illegal immigrant Chink dont have a scanner around?
how many were they? 12?
nah japs don't have scanners most likely, usually seen as office machine which is too big for neets living in a studio
So where are the scans or photos?
the columns are actually rare shared, I think the scans are in 5ch tho
Isn't this from last year where they talked about how DLC gets picked?
Nah it's just reiterating what Sakurai said.
He says he wants more collaboration though.
>Sakurai making Smash forever
>never work on Kirby again
>never make a Kid Icarus Uprising sequel
I have no doubt that all the shill picks were so Nintendo would let him out Terry in smash.
I wonder if Sakurai plays mobage
yeah but any self-respecting director/developer would want Terry or any SNK character
It's time.
>we want more collaborations
>Sakurai said
you will never learn
Yes, Sakurai said something that's consistent. Are you that fag who thinks "Sakurai is a master troll lololool"
Only Byleth and Dimitri chads are gonna get anything firstparty. Maybe throwing a bone to Waluigi if they promote some assists.
>fighters pass is 4/5 third party at the moment
>literally says he wants to push more collaborations
>somehow this means first parties
based retard
Did Sakurai say "I will only add third party characters for the next DLCs"? Retard.
Shut up with this, seriously. You clearly don’t play other Nintendo games, because Yea Forums pushed that “hahahabingbingwahoo” propaganda into your head
When you faggots will realize that hint + pattern doesn't imply an actual statement, it will be too late.
>Sakurai ist fully dedicating himself to Smash
I guess that means no new Kid Icarus game soon
he means he wants more Pokémon
how does a company collaborate with itself you dumbass
I wonder if Sakurai actually wants to dedicate himself to Smash or if Nintendo has a gun against his head
>more advertising for other consoles
Miss us yet?
>Im so sick of Sakurai being stuck making sequels
>It's preventing him from making this sequel I want
Kid Icarus Uprising 2 will never be as good as the first one and we should honestly just let the man make an original IP after Smash is done
So these were all proven false:
>no Ridley because too big
>no irrelevant characters/franchises
>no dead franchises
>no third parties
>no third parties (without Nintendo games)
>no Microsoft or Sony characters
>no western appealing only characters
But for some reason, no first parties is a given now because muh pattern. Aren't you tired of assuming things?
i do play other nintendo games. the objective fact is though, that all the first parties left that didn't get sent to at/spirit hell all suck major dick aside from like one or two characters. I'd rather have more third parties
There were 16 dummy slots, supposedly.
He could mean "collaborate with more developers and teams", not necessarily other companies.
He could mean other companies but not necessarily for every character.
It could be a misleading translation.
It could mean anything as far as we know, and unless he clearly states that they'll all be third parties, this is just assuming things. And every fucking time you autistic fucks assumed something he proved you wrong, see
Who's it gonna be then?
I see shit taste is a universal constant.
>those US picks
>some of those JP picks
I want Saber in just so I can say an eroge character made it into Smash.
>just let the man make an original IP after Smash is done
to be fair, Ridley was definitely gonna be never ever until the requests piled up
it's fake, don't worry
He never intended to make another kid icarus even before ultimate
Somehow people still believe first part has no chance, when he has never said that, I want the 5th to be first party just so these people can btfo already
first party cucks BTFO. we did it bros. no more shitty fire emblem picks
He obviously likes to keep working on Smash because it lets him keep working with a whole bunch of IPs like Street Fighter, Dragon Quest, Banjo-Kazooie, etc
>30 slots
>lol guys He's definitely gonna fill every slot lol ahahahahah
Yeah this is pretty much the crux of it. He repeatedly states that he enjoys working with other devs and their properties.
I get irrationally angry when I see Japanese magazine leak pictures. They're always blurry it makes no god damn sense. Half the time it's motion blur too. Of a still fucking object. I'd understand if they were photographing a wild animal but it's a stack of papers. WATCH OUT THAT BOOK IS GOING TO GET UP AND RUN AWAY. And most of the time they get these magazines to where I assume are private locations like home.
they're either photographed on the store or bought home
>Nintendo essentially decided the DLC
Porkybros, I think we lost the battle...
>>never work on Kirby again
>all the shill picks
Literally what character that was added in Ultimate was a shill pick? Incineroar maybe?
world of light was literally a kirby game
>still insisting incineroar, a character from a game that already had a new one where he isn't found, is a shill pick
I don't even think he's a shill pick. I don't think Ultimate had any shill picks.
all of them would be fine. Fuck it. Celebrate video games. The good, the bad, the forgotten. Add Gran and Saber, Silver the Hedgehog and GOLDMAN, the penis monster from SMT and Kane. Go crazy with it. we'll never get a game like this again, so go all out.
Yeah I'm thinking he's in
Still got a chance, baby.
Neither are shill picks. Also, if you think Sakurai didn't want to add either of them, you're fucking insane.
I'm sure Sakurai is not happy to work with Smash. In the game's promotional video he stated that the more he works, the farther the finish line is. There is no reason to tell this to fans and customers. He was obviously trying to show his dissatisfaction with the fact that the game will have 5 more characters, which will force the team to spend another year balancing a nightmare with 70+ characters.
No developer likes to trade the creative work of creating a new game for years and years of work in monetizing a game that's been done for a long time.
>>never work on Kirby again
He hasn't had a major role in a mainline Kirby game since 1996
Even if Smash ceased to exist he wouldn't go back to working on Kirby
Also I don't think he expressed interest in making a sequel to KI:U anyway
What the fuck is Joker shilling? It sure hell isn't Persona 5 on the Switch. By your logic Banjo is a Microsoft shill pick because Sakurai outright said to buy it on Xbox.
Every third party series has a Nintendo game though, and all characters have appeared on Nintendo systems one way or another.
Imagine getting out fucking played by the Flintstones people
Rosterfags are quite literally subhuman
I doubt it, not against it, but doubt it.
It's always good to have a surplus of extra space just in case, but that extra space will rarely get filled to the brim.
Who the fuck are biself and dimitri?
>Sakurai picks
Fuck, Travis deconfirmed again
I'm sure Sakurai loves DQ, but Hero is absolutely a shill pick. It's most evident since Eleven is the default character instead of Loto who is the most recognizable character.
>pepe shit
All your zooms belong to us.
And how it coincides with the DQXIS marketing campaign, nintendo is pushing that game more than most of their own first party games for some reason
Hero genuinely is a shill pick, but it's still one that Sakurai actually wanted to make, and one that has more going for it than JUST shilling.
Eleven is one fourth of the character though. If he's a shill pick despite having 3/4 of his costumes represent older games and also the fact that the trailer made a bigger deal of Erdrick and the other Heroes than him, then I don't know what ISN'T a shill pick.
>he doesn't know the savior king
Meh, I'll just skip this dlc too.
I don't care about characters that can easly disappear in the next game because some fuckhead tries to be funny and asks for too much money.
>I don't care about characters that can easly disappear in the next game
I too only play games based on what I think will be in an eventual sequel in a fucking decade
based. first party cucks BTFO
Travis touchdown will be a DLC character before NMH3 releases
Shillpick you say?
Fire Emblem trash
Shulk is the xenoshit representation smash needs Rex can join as an mii costume or an assist trophy
They're not going to "promote" Assist Trophies. I don't know where this insane idea comes from or why people even believe it.
Suda AND grasshopper already deconfirmed him MULTIPLE times.
but fake fans still say the contrary.
>We want more collaborations
>Therefore we will do nothing but collaborations
No user, you are the trash.
I'm not sure what exactly you find insane about the idea of Nintendo liking money.
Astral Chain chads where you at?
based siIvagunner outing rosterfags
One of the main lords in FE:Three Houses, he's the most popular out of the 3 of them
You think that's funny I made this happen by cropping a porn gif.
I think it's somewhat possible since we don't know if the future DLC after the pass was planned from the beginning, meaning that a character who could've made it, but was relegated to assist trophy, could be brought back up for consideration as a full fighter.
The idea in general just comes from the whole "SO CLOSE" vibe assist trophies give, with a full model, even if they aren't as polished as the actual fighters.
Zero is most definitely off the table though since he just got his Mii Costume in the same direct they announced more fighters. If he was even in the running they would've held off just a little bit longer, until they knew for sure he wasn't going to be in, to release that costume.
He's a shill pick,
Post some real polls. Jesus. Why is this one in particular getting so much traction?
16, the first was filled by The Plant
>landmark genre defining game
>popular request over the last year
>new game on Switch
Dare I say, is he not going to be in because Japs don't know who he is
Can't wait for smash 6 with 90% of the roster culled
But in all seriousness, all of the picks will be calculated choices decided on based on who will make Ninty the most money.
The Professor and The Boar.
If they include him, do you think they keep the saber charging animation that is just him jerking his dick furiously?
Steve makes the most sense interms of "making" money. I don't see why people unironically want Master chief in Smash when he is so generic interms of history and overall importance especially so when Doomguy exists
Imagine Travis getting in and the presentation is Sakurai and Suda showing off the character as to not leave Sakurai looking lonely
Master Chief was raped in the hot steaming summer of 1992
So did Grant Kirkhope and Rare devs
Never ever.
>No one can convince me there is a Better Swordfighter choice then Chrono or Travis
Sakurai. Plus it sounds great for Nintendo if they could say “Smash Ultimate features over 100 characters!* It’s the largest, CRAZIEST roster for a crossover fighting game ever and it’s only on Nintendo Switch!” in their ads.
*with the purchase of additional content
Almost all of these games are in Smash, who will be the next one in Yea Forums?
Why is Geno su pushed? What an irrelevant fuck.
It was made by the Siivagunner discord just to fuck with people like you.
you're a tasteless 14-year-old, play the classics
Assist Trophies are the closest thing to a concrete deconfirm we have, but even then every time people have pushed some kind of rule for who gets in Ultimate and who has no chance it's been broken.
> Chara
She's in boys
Not him but I've played Super MARIO RPG, and Geno shouldn't be in Smash.
The only franchises on that pic that aren't in Smash are Chrono and Starcraft.
Doubtful Sakurai would want to deal with Square just to get another Final Fantasy character, even if it would be from a different game and therefor a different world.
Awesome, there's a chance the characters will be good this time
> Frisk, Crono & Kerrigan in Smash
Seems pretty based to me
It better be his time!
I know it's too late for Tetra but I'll continue dreaming
It would be a very Sakurai thing to do to bump the number of fighters in this game up to 100 including echoes and Pokemon Trainer.
Yeah, it's time to make this clear: this manlet faggot and his mommy gf are never getting in smash. EVER.
1. Sakurai clearly spelled out for you idiots only more game worlds (ie more new IPs) from now on.
2. Even if this wasn't the case both of them are already spirits in the game.
3. He's also a shitty mii costume THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR, do you think it would be well received if sakurai made you pay for dlc of the actual character when he already made you pay for a costume under the premise he wouldn't get in the game?
4. They missed their chance. Their game is too old to shill now. Nintendo would rather shill Astral Chain and Faggot Emblem.
5. Xeno is already repped enough with Shulk. It doesn't need anymore. "BUT FIRE EMBLEM", yeah everyone hates Faggot Emblem for having too many underserved reps, why do you want another case of this shit?
>"B-But Sakurai wanted him in the game there just wasn't enough tim-
Sakurai paying some lip service to disappointed Xeno fans does in no way obligate him to work on characters that have nothing going for them just because he has more DLC slots to fill now.
Now pay 25$ for his mii costume, stop talking about them in every smash thread and fuck off.
Found the underaged b&/d.
Don't know about that but I remember in Brawl's pre-release that he was also very requested on a couple of forums I used to visit like Gamefaqs.
Played SMRPG and Geno is also irrelevant there, only plays a major role when he joins ans at the end of the game, you van even play the game without using him, not even an MC.
> No Doom
Makes me so happy to see you delusional faggots BTFO'd
Good. Fuck Kirby and the autistic pedos who play it.
>Side character
>Only in 1 game
>Has not apprared ever since outisde of cameos once or twice
>Almost a blank slate
>Square and Nintendo have better and more iconic characters left to put in smash before him
>wojak is in
Digimon Tamer
This is literally what was said last time.
How mad would you be if Dimitri got into Smash?
How less mad would you be if it was the time skip design and he didn't have a counter?
I want an actual fucking playable version of Kird Icarus Uprising
>1. Sakurai clearly spelled out for you idiots only more game worlds (ie more new IPs) from now on.
No he said more game world you gigantic retard. Zelda is a different game world than Mario.
>2. Even if this wasn't the case both of them are already spirits in the game.
Yes and Ridley is too big. When will you faggot learn about stupid rules
>3. He's also a shitty mii costume THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR, do you think it would be well received if sakurai made you pay for dlc of the actual character when he already made you pay for a costume under the premise he wouldn't get in the game?
He was a dlc bonus, you paid for the dlc, not the costume.
>4. They missed their chance. Their game is too old to shill now. Nintendo would rather shill Astral Chain and Faggot Emblem.
No you dumb fuck, next dlc batch will be there after february 2020, imagine thinking that they would shill fire emblem or astral chain that long after release. On top of that, the only shill cgaracter is Hero and even then it's a half shill
>5. Xeno is already repped enough with Shulk. It doesn't need anymore. "BUT FIRE EMBLEM", yeah everyone hates Faggot Emblem for having too many underserved reps, why do you want another case of this shit?
Imagine thinking that for the biggest jrpg franchise on Nintendo system.
Kill yourself tranny
I'd still be mad.
>Eight fucking Fire Emblem characters
it's 16 slots retard. the first 6 go to P.plant and the Banjo boys, the other 10 go to the rest.
Not mad at all, since he is a cool character which you can't say about awakening and fates shill characters
No more Fire Emblem. None.
why must you lie furry the roster was decided in 2015 he is a shill
>Imagine thinking that for the biggest jrpg franchise on Nintendo system.
LOL user, the rest of your post is overly aggressive nonsense but this is just hilarious. you really are fucking clueless m8
>wants more collaborations
WHERE ARE ALL THE RETARDS THAT SAID "b-b-b-b-b-but the more worlds comment was totally a mistranslation, the official subs were wrong!"
Sakurai doesn't like making sequels. His last Kirby games was Air Ride. He likes to do new things.
Waiting for an actual argument, especially on what is the biggest jrpg franchise on Nintendo system.
The only other option is DQ but it's not exclusive to the switch.
Rexfags BTFO'd again.
They'll already going full denial ITT
>Sakurai literally tells you point blank that the DLC characters will be collaborations
Kill yourself you stupid faggot
This guy right here
How are people unironically still excited about more third party trash getting in as DLC? Enough is enough with this bloated roster
Man, at this point, I'd rather have DLC that gives every character 8 new alt colors than a new character. They really fucked the alt costumes in this game.
That's why he loves to work on Smash, huh?
>Otome trannies
>getting anything
Edelgard is the face of the game, she's what you'll get, if you get anything.
See and all the response.
Kill yourself idiot.
>we could have had Kid Icarus Uprising 2 or, god forbid, a new IP
>instead Sakurai is condemned to work in the Smash acid mines until he dies in two years
SMRPG isn't even that good of a Mario RPG. M&L SSS, BiS, Paper Mario, and TTYD all outclass it, and you don't see the same autism around Fawful or Goombella.
damn, i thought the second fighter pass would be all first party
>Sakurai literally tells you point blank that the DLC characters will be collaborations
Kill yourself you stupid faggot
Hero has as much legacy as Cloud and Mario.
The only shilled thing here is that his default skin is from the newest game.
>Another Fire Emblem swordie
A-Atleast she doesn't have a down B counter this time, r-right bros?
Given what he said in the Banjo video, he's probably driven by the fact that this is the biggest cross-over video game ever and its his only chance to do it. So he'll soldier on just for the fact this is his only chance to do something so large.
>Sakurai says there will be more collaborations
>"Literally all of the DLC characters will be collaborations, Sakurai confirmed!"
Rex has such a ridiculous design.
I feel cringe for anyone who thinks he is a good idea.
Handlets when will they learn?
>thinking Nintendo will shill a (by then) half a year old third party game with absolutely zero appeal in Japan
You're setting up yourself to be disappointed.
Only complete retards actually believed that, there's no way what he said could possibly be taken any other way.
>But he means new worlds metaphorically!
The amount of denial it takes to dream up this bullshit is outstanding.
And people still use the whole "Sakurai is a Persona fan" excuse as to why Joker is in Smash.
>Sakurai literally tells you point blank that the DLC characters will be collaborations
Kill yourself you stupid faggot
Some, not all.
Edelgard has an axe and magic, she's not the game's dedicated swordie.
Byleth and Dimitri are.
Not him but what makes you believe Nintendo only adds characters that both sides of the coin would know or like? Noone gives a shit about Hero in the west and he is big in Chinkland, Banjo is shilled to death in the west, yet chinks don't give a fuck about his games.
Nips literally said Ridley was "Captain America", because of obvious pandering to western audiences
>That Rexfag making threads the past 3 days saying he was locked
Wonder where he is now?
The narrative is certainly gonna change to "Well Xenoblade 2 is technically a different world!"
At this point, do you think spirits deconfirm DLC? I mean, it's pretty obvious, spirits don't have the same name as the playable characters,
Pikachu (XY), Captain K.rool, etc
Doesn't that fuck with the likes of Rayman and Shantae?
Nigga, Banjo topped polls in Japan, some Japanese youtubers even cried at his reveal.
Banjo sold pretty well in Japan, and DQ was a series with millions of sales in the West. The notion that either are exclusively popular to regions of the globe is wrong.
On the other hand, Doom struggles to break 10k sales in the whole of Japan, it's on a whole other level of unpopularity.
For the Fighters Pass, yes, definitely, but now that there's this seemingly unplanned DLC coming out I don't think they're going to limit themselves like that.
>Banjo is shilled to death in the west, yet chinks don't give a fuck about his games.
do you even know what you're talking about? and protip: chink is a derogatory term for the Chinese, not the Japs.
can't wait to see the desparation on hatgoombafags/firstparty tards everytime a new fighter shows up and it's a third party
He didn't even try to hide that he is fatigued in the last direct.
I feel bad for him bros.
And he puts out all that work only for an army of drones to whine about why he hasn't put inconsequential NPC characters like purple Luigi and Hat Goomba. And if he ever added them, then he'd get asked to add shit like Toadette and Koopa.
Working in Smash must be like a purgatory.
Mashed Potato Samurai made it pretty clear he wants to keep adding "new worlds" into Smash bros. Any Spirit, AT, Mii Costume, ect is the same world already in the game.
>But THIS game takes place in a different world
You know what I mean. Sucks to be spirited away but I think their chances are low to none.
They pander mostly to the Japanese audience.
Even "Western picks" like Ridley, K Rool, and Banjo were fairly popular in Japan.
Yup. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a retard.
if a certain franchise has already more than one spirit in the game and no fighter yet in the roster then yes, said spirits deconfirm dlc
>Fairly popular in Japan
Sans Undertale is a costume.
But Sans Deltarune will be a real fighter.
>I want the 5th to be first party
this board would be unusable for a whole week
They could put make his jerking animation away from his dick area so it's more of like a shake to charge not jerk to charge.
you have ommited the "no spirits" rule which isn't broken yet and which discredits walugifags/genophiles
I'm so fucking bummed out.I wanted Rayman so much. The stars were aligned, Nintendo and Ubi relation, Mario and rabbids, Rayman legends complete edition, smash 4 trophies, the ULTIMATE smash, shit tons of dlcs.
It's hard to care about future DLCs when your most wanted is out of the picture because of a fucking jpeg.
>square enix's greediness saved twewy from getting their chance at dlc buttfucked by spirits/at's
I'd really like to know what characters Nintendo picked out and what Sakurai let through.
Maybe Sans really did start out as a full character, but a proper moveset couldn't be worked out for him.
Also, since Nintendo were the ones to initially pick the DLC fighters, I wonder why Joker got picked, just to represent ATLUS?
Or maybe a Persona 5 Switch port was planned at one point but a deal fell through.
Who knows...
I'm glad he's enjoying working on it. He always seems tired or something after a Smash is done. Maybe they're giving the team proper vacation time? Hopefully we get some additions like Doomguy and Crash. There being more characters makes that seem more likely now. I'm curious how long they'll take with the next batch of characters. Will it just be a few more after the pass? A whole pass in of itself? Maybe the column will say.
it's all entirely on Ubi to abandon nintendo whenever it's convenient to them
There's no way a character from Brawl is ever getting into smash
You fucking wish. She's the least popular Lord.
>People used Reggie's statement about Joker to predict that everyone in the fighter pass would be a new franchise rep
>Spiritfags/Firstpartyfags: "Nuuu, they never said that."
>The entire Fighter Pass is new third party franchises
History is going to repeat.
Don't lose hope, Raymanbro.
>Even Japan cared more about Sans than Terry
That's kinda sad
Look at this no arms having ass.
That was literally back in December 2018 during a Famitsu live stream detailing the Japanese launch of TSA before the additional fighters were decided on or NMH3 was even a prototype
Did that Lucina eat Chrom?
I think Rayman and Shantae spirits can be easily renamed to Rayman (Rayman Legends) and Shantae (Half Genie Hero), Rex's would be getting the standard one as his fighter spirit and the current one wpuld be replaced with, say, the alternate putdit artwork, no big deal,would they be getting in through DLCs, it's not much of a issue.
However characters already representing a franchise in the roster won't be getting kn, I can only see such thing happening for Rayman and very few other third parties that might aswell not be there
Do you guys need to ruin surprises for yourself?
Calling it now (SCREEN SHOT THIS SO I CAN BE PROVEN RIGHT OR BE LAUGHED AT AS A FAGGOT LATER): the 16 character slots datamined in Ultimate means we're getting two more Fighter's Passes. The first of which is going to be all third-parties again, the second is going to be all first-parties.
>Ryu Hayabusa (assuming he's not the last fighter of the current pass)
>Jill Valentine or Leon S. Kennedy
>Mega Man X
>Master Chief
>Travis Touchdown
>Monster Hunter
>Dixie Kong
>Wonder Red
>Saki Amamiya
>Akira Howard
>new FE rep
>Rex and Pyrrha
>Spring Man
No, they don't necessarily deconfirm DLC. HOWEVER, I do think that with some characters it certainly doesn't help their chances, with characters like Rayman and Shantae specifically I think their spirits were Sakurai's way of saying they won't be joining us as characters. I wouldn't mind being wrong here, but I don't think I am
He is the Xbox mascot. It would be like Mickey and Bugs in WFRR.
Japan has yearly Undertale conventions.
I wasn't surprised at Undertale content being added to Smash and I wouldn't be surprised at it happening again or being followed up with Deltarune content.
>first parties
Japanese youtubers are reverse weaboos. For real, most japanese used nico nico doga, but thanks to western influence Japan is turning american.
>there's the rosterfags, mmmmmmmmmm, don't wanna mess with them
>I think Rayman and Shantae spirits can be easily renamed to Rayman (Rayman Legends) and Shantae (Half Genie Hero)
Rayman could mayyyyyybe work (hard doubt tho) but shantae's nearly impossible considering her actual fight also references pirate's curse
>first parties
>bunch of spirited characters
every time without fail
where did you get that from? there were 16 afaik (with 6 already in use by fp1+plant)
I could very well see Sakurai and Nintendo opting to promote their own franchises, as well as providing good will towards people who wish to see more first-parties in the game.
As for characters being SPIRIT'D, that doesn't mean shit when Sakurai breaks his own "rules" all the time.
Jesus christ, I'm going to be ecstatic if this turns out to be true.
fuck off frog
>as well as providing good will towards people who wish to see more first-parties in the game.
nigga what
>As for characters being SPIRIT'D, that doesn't mean shit when Sakurai breaks his own "rules" all the time.
except this rule has been kept in place for the entire fighter's pass so far, and sakurai literally called spirits a way to enjoy characters in forms other than a fighter
>we might actually end up with a 100 character roster
>Shills Steve
>Calls Master Chief generic
Chief has way more potential than Steve. Based on the current fighters pass it is clear that quality is preferred than the prospect of generating money. It sells like mad anyway, Steve as anything other than a Mii costume just looks shallow.
Minecraft deserves a stage
I'd be mad that Awakening and Fates go to shit up the roster, but honestly, I like Dimitri as a character and would've loved it if Smash 4 didn't overload the game with the same swordsman. Having a spear user would be cool and the alt could be timeskip Dimitri.
>nigga what
People are already complaining about the pass only being third-parties. Now extend that to another pass or even possibly more if there are 24 character slots.
>except this rule has been kept in place for the entire fighter's pass so far, and sakurai literally called spirits a way to enjoy characters in forms other than a fighter
Wow, a rule that's only been in place for not even a year, so substantial.
the only ones complaining are a vocal minority of genofags, don't kid yourself
Are we getting the 16 dummy slot or the 30 dummy slot?
>first parties
>the only ones complaining are a vocal minority of genofags, don't kid yourself
Which doesn't even make sense when Geno is third-party.
But don't forget Dixiefags, Edelgardfags, etc.
Don't forget the Rexfag.
No spirits is identical to no trophies. Didn't stop Mewtwo
Coomslayer confirmed
>Nips literally said Ridley was "Captain America", because of obvious pandering to western audiences
this was a lie
Getting people who wouldn't buy your shit to buy your shit is the point of shilling user
This. You'd need 2 character select screens at this point.
spirits are by definition different than trophies, since they're essentially equippables with story/gameplay value instead of posed 3d models you can gawk at
sakurai literally said he invented them so he could represent characters in ways other than as a fighter
how many dlc fighters are we gonna need to get this through your skull
Sakurai one hundred percent picked Joker himself. I don't have a problem with that but claiming otherwise is silly.
2B For Smash
Just saying
Quick reminder that this and the poll from March are the only real fan polls.
>Japan pushing swordboys
>US pushing Spirits don't deconfirm
>UK pushing more obscure picks
>Can't go on any Nintendo comment section without seeing 100+ Sora Smash comments
>a poll based on skewed twitter results is literally one of the few actual fan polls we have
what the fuck
Not falling for this meme again user
The thing is, as people have said, this presumably applied for the Fighters Pass because it was being planned while the game was in development. Now that new, unplanned DLC fighters are in the picture that 'rule' could very well go out the window at a moment's notice.
First party bros, let us shine together
>recent game is LGPE as of Smash release
>was picked by Sakurai because wrestler
>"he is a shill I swear!"
>First party bros
>Geno, Bomberman, Steve, and Shadow
Steve is generic as a character, but iconic as a gaming rep, Minecraft is the best selling game of all time. Chief makes no sense when Doomguy exists, since Doomguy is a way more popular character choice and an actual gaming icon who is basically the "DQ Hero" of FPS games
So that means everyone who isn‘t a shill pick is dead. Sad.
To be fair, that's what we said the first time when the DLC was announced last year.
Banjo most certainly wasn't a "shill pick"
What is Terry shilling? Just the SNK games on switch?
>LGPE was out in 2015
>DOOM64 skipped over in NoJ's last direct
>Not a single DOOM ad on the Nintendo of Japan's directs
>there are people who do not believe Nintendo picked the DLC
>but at the same time swallow the idea that Sakurai liked Geno
you imply the spirits they have are "all of the possible choices"
LGPE was out before Smash came out and has been in planning stages, yes. Sakurai knows about it. Again, to shill something implies it's a new product.
>implying Samurai isn't going to die as soon as the final DLC character is released
Translation's up folks.
It's not that I want to shill him, I'm just lazy to copypaste.
She's both the most hated and the most popular, aka she's the most polarizing.
She's by far the most popular with male gamers, aka the ones who will buy the DLC. Make of that what you will.
>Not a single DOOM ad on the Nintendo of Japan's directs
I know that's you fuckboy.
roster was decided in 2015 when sun and moon was new shill
So spiritfags, Sakurai made a big deal about spirits and songs as representation. See now here people never considered songs as "representation" so I reckon if the song of the series is already there, count yourself out.
Yes and? Please don't be that retard thinking that you are shilling an old product. You do not "shill" something during the planning stage.
Take your (You) and walk away, better than to shame yourself.
The Japs won't buy the Doomguy DLC, leading to it being a waste. They're not going to make what the Japanese consider to be an absolute "literally who" a DLC character with the hopes that it'll double the measly popularity of the franchise when they can effortlessly and more effectively shill their own games like XB2 or 3H.
Lack of evidence isn't evidence.
The fact DOOM64 got skipped over in Japan's direct proves my point.
Kill yourself Otisnigger.
How many 3rd parties are there even left to add? We're already approaching the bottom of the barrel like we did with 1st parties.
I want Geno to get in but with a special gimmick where he powers up after getting pregnant with Waluigi's child. Getting an abortion would speed him up though at the cost of losing the extra power and a slight damage over time.
Dumb fuck, are you trying to break your arm again?
You have a limited scope.
>The Japs won't buy the Doomguy DLC, leading to it being a waste.
Japan isn't the only country in the world that throws money at Sakurai. You know that, right.
Oh, exploitable!
DOOM64 still got skipped over in Japan, and DOOM Eternal has seen no advertising on Nintendo of Japan's channel.
>It's almost time
I can't fucking wait bros...
I want certain FE characters but I know they won't add any more because the community is pissed. I hate that sakurai put lucina and chrom in with the same fucking moveset when there is so much room to work with as far as weapon and magic variation goes. We couldve even had a rep that switches between axe/sword/lance and uses wyverns in side b or something.
Based Otisposter
Who the fuck plays Doom on console, let alone a Nintendo console? 64 was pretty decent, but everything beyond that has been a complete meme.
Banjo is bottom of the barrel shit compared to the others though
>More collaborations
What are his chances?
>Sakurai is focused on the "now" than the "future"
based, I have no idea why people are always so eager about the future to the point that they ignore what's in front of them
>"Banjo most certainly wasn't a shill pi-"
>Sakurai: "Please buy Banjo Kazooie on Xbox One!"
Uhh...yeah....not a shill pick....suuure.....
Only authentic and on brand thing here is Granblue Fantasy represented by Japan. That and Geno being number 1 for US
But this "poll" probably has less data points than the twitter one before it
>no Eggman
Such shitty list.
He's in the next Kirby game as an NPC
based sans poster
Literally the same mentality as the dumbass weebs who said there will be no characters from a western company. I can't wait until you retards get proven wrong as always. It's the fate of all rulecucks to always get btfo.
>The burgers won't buy the Hero DLC, leading to it being a waste.
we still have a bunch of big name ip's left
>Implying i'm wrong
Sakurai prioritizes Japanese representation.
The cool thing is that no matter what gets left out, every smash poll from the last year has had Sora very high up, if not number 1, on polls. For some reason people still question whether Sora is popular or not when the answer is pretty universally yes
take me back raybros
As if the "story" value matters when you have spirits of things like minigames and repeated characters, such as Kirby riding the Warpstar, the Star Rod, Wii Fit Trainer's poses, scientist K. Rool, so on.
>Smash 6
This will be the last Smash game to be developed by Sakurai, any future titles will be ports of Ultimate or a reboot that would result in a reset of the roster anyway. Anyone who says otherwise is a retard.
>Any future titles will be ports of Ultimate
Sakurai has stated several times that no game will be as big as this one in terms of representation, how can you port it from Special then?
Hopefully this is what finally kills Sakurai.
Doomguy's inclusion in Smash is honestly not just inevitable, but unavoidable too. We aren't getting first party characters and Sakurai's kinda scraping from the bottom of the barrel now. There aren't many trendy 3rd party titles left to choose from. We're kinda at the point where shit like Fate, Tekken, Ninja Gaiden, and Touhou would be considered.
Nintendo decided the DLC the first time around. Sakurai even stated as much in the final Direct leading up to Ultimate's release.
Maybe try to get outside from your smash circles.
>We aren't getting first party characters
Screencapped, fucking retard
>Doomguy's inclusion in Smash is honestly not just inevitable, but unavoidable too
No, after the first updated there were 16 empty slots on World of Light (6 for Piranha Plant + the 5 confirmed DLC and then 10 unknown ones).
Good to see that awful taste is a Rosterfag thing and not a cultural one.
I'm sorry but there's no way Nintendo chose Terry Bogard. That's 100% Sakurai going back to how he was inspired to make Smash from playing KoF '95 in arcades.
like how nintendo of japan avoids trying to post anything doom related in their social media and directs?
Crash Bandicoot
Leon S. Kennedy
These characters are all much more requested and much more iconic then doom guy
For me, the only safe bet is Sora, KH is one of the most known videogame franchise between them and it will fit the smash gameplay perfectly.
I hope Rayman will also be in, but mostoly because i whant fucking Ubisoft to recognize the character instead of that damn rabbids and announce a new 3D Rayman game soon.
A quick summary for people that do not want to give PushDustin views:
1. Nintendo simply hands Sakurai a list of characters that they pick, and Sakurai tells them if he can make them a fighter or not.
2. The development team works on fighters one after another, but Sakurai has to work on the fighter from concept on paper to finish, step by step.
3. Sakurai wants to put all his effort into this Smash Bros game. He isn't taking a long break, and he isn't working on any other games. Managing the DLC team is easier then when he had to make the game, but its still a lot of work with lots of things to check.
4. Sakurai went straight from Smash 4's reveal, to development, to release, to DLC, and into Smash Ultimate with no down time inbetween. He compares it to being in the same online match for a extended period of time. He states that combined between the two, he's been working non-stop for seven to eight years, a significant portion of his life.
5. However, Sakurai is enjoying his work. He feels honored to be involved with so many game franchises. Sakurai says he has played a lot of video games, and is very knowledgable about them. This gives him a edge over other developers, and makes this job the perfect job for himself.
>gotten like 4 3rd party dlc fighters so far
>sakurai stated he's doing more colabs and adding more game world
>"we're totally getting geno/porky/waluigi guize"
Geno is third-party retard
And remember when we said we'd only get new franchises in the fighter pass after Reggie's Joker interview?
Continue with the other guy's tweeter. Basically something about representation of worlds, and how Sakurai cares more of the current smash than "its future".
>doomguy is literally the only relevant 3rd party character that they havent put in smash.
please go outside. or at the very least play some games instead of just absorbing all of your "gamer knowledge" from smash threads here
I fucking hate Doomcucks.
>Kid Icarus Uprising 2 will never be as good as the first one
It wouldn't be hard. All they have to do is keep the overall quality but give it real controls this time.
that's how pokemon are always choose you can pretend to be as ignorant as you want but starting from lucario all of them were shills
Does anyone have that mosaic of likely characters? Nintendo was at the top and had a few picks like FE and Pokemon and the Capcom, Konami, etc were all below them with some options. SNK was there and at the very bottom were one offs like Travis or Reimu or who ever?
>starting from Lucario
starting from Pikachu
and nigga I don't need to pretend, I know Pokemon always has a newcomer right off the bat from 64, the problem is that you're a retard who don't understand how shilling works, especially when you think developers don't know how processes works internally. You can't claim him being a shill when you got shit like Corrin and Roy already existing as examples on how actual shilling works.
Hey there rulecuck, how's the taste of cock in your mouth? How come you haven't killed yourself after Banjo's reveal?
Did everyone just forget that literally the first DLC fighter revealed for Ultimate, separate from the Fighters Pass, was first party?
>Sakurai literally tells you point blank that the DLC characters will be collaborations
Kill yourself you stupid faggot
>Monster Hunter
>Resident Evil rep
>Tekken rep
>Tales of rep
>Doom Slayer
>Master Chief
>Crash Bandicoot
>bottom of the barrel
Post Smash DLC dreams
Well literally who else is there to add that's Iconic worldwide?
Geno IS third party
>more iconic than Doomguy
Fucking delusional. Crash barely surivived a gen and is only come back into the limelight because of some remakes.
Keep coping bitch, I'll enjoy your tears once a first party gets in.
you zoomers didn't even consider joker and terry
>Pious Augustus
The actual Japanese he said translates to
>Even a single character can change the world of smash
I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts on the second season of DLC, Yea Forums.
How do you think the second season of DLC will be done?
How many characters do you expect?
Will they be all first party, third party or a mix of both?
I didn't know Banjo before the fighter pass
Plant also has it's own Guidence. It was pretty clearly something that was meant to be in the base game.
who do you want user
the whole setup for plant implies he's supposed to be part of the game but got delayed. to wit, plant has
>character teaser
You mean like how DOOM guy spent the last 2 decades being a forgotten non-character? You do know KH and Crash are MUCH more popular then doom right?
>I didn't know Banjo before the fighter pass
No. Knowing my existence pisses you off this much just makes me want to live harder. BRB going to go exercise.
Doom 2016
>2 million copies
Kingdom Hearts 3
>5 million copies
Ah I see it now:
6. Smash Ultimate is a exception. By having every veteran return, and a number of collaborations with many games in spirits mode and its all the in game songs, Smash Ultimate is the ultimate collaboration project, this kind of game is unprecedented.
7. If Smash continues in the future, there is no way this many fighters and series will be able to be represented again. We are still getting fighter requests even now from all over the world.
8. As long as the chance to make more fighters arises, Sakurai wants to push the record even further. As long as Sakurai can please someone by adding in a character, its best for him to keep working on the game.
9. Sakurai isn't thinking about the series future at all, he is pouring himself completely into the work he is doing now.
*I didn't know Banjo was in Smash before the fighter pass
Fucking keyboard.
Crash Bandicoot
Minecraft Steve
CERO-Z Tier:
Lara Croft
Carl Johnson
I don't get why you fags are taking this little fact so seriously that Sakurai is running low on good IPs to represent. He said he wants to add more game world that aren't yet represented in Smash.
If he chooses to have Doom represented in Smash for the 25th anniversary of the series alongside Ninja Gaiden and Fatal Fury then I say let him.
The music thing is practically how I see it - if you're music is already in smash, you won't get repped anymore.
>people still want first party trash
Ah yes, I want to go back to Tr4sh DLC and get more shillmon and FE, every important first party series is already represented and selling shit already in the game like spirits or ATs as DLC is retarded
the whole point of that is being a consolation prize
at the time gamefreak was only making SM and USM and their the only company who approach the smash team with early content namco and sakurai dont know the innerworkings of nintendo other than what the public knows give or take a few devs personal requests. he was a shill
Corrin is the only DLC newcomer in 4 who was first party.
Final Fantasy and Street Fighter are already represented. Also you got your SE and Microsoft pick.
Doomguy started a genre. Crash is just another platformer
...user did you miss the part of the story where Incineroar was last added? and no they were literally finished with SM at that point.
Again, are you fucking retarded? Roy and Corrin alone shows they know the inner workings or at least the known development machinations. GF plans ahead on release (especially when we've seen leaks of LGPE as early as 2017). So no. Don't get greedy with your (You).
Doomguy didn't start shit.
Holy fuck.
Have you never played Wolfenstein 3d?
But it is evidence
It was in a direct that just went private
The video is still there but its just been turned to private
The tweet itself proves it existed
Both are iD, don't be pedantic
Doom popularized the FPS genre. Nintendo and id Software both know this.
>it's another doomfag trying to make the topic about itself
I hope it's a falseflagger
Nu-Doom still sold less than Nu-Wolfenstein in Japan.
Eternal hasn't been advertised on Nintendo of America's own channel either
Wolfenstein 3D was just a tech demo for Doom. Even back in the day it was kind of just a neat novelty game while Doom was a huge sensation. FPS games before the genre was even coined weren't called "Wolfenstein Clones" after all.
So did the Metroid Prime series and Dark Samus along with Ridley got in. Just because a series doesn't have Japanese appeal doesn't mean it can't get represented.
Nintendo IP.
So what are the odds of Nintendo giving Sakurai a whole list (more than 5 characters) last year?
If it really was a full list, wouldn't it make more sense to go through it again for characters he had to pass up for the five selected instead of focusing attention onto characters he already gave the spirit and assist treatment?
A Nintendo IP that Japan HATES. What's the point of Nintendo representing an IP that their home country hates? That doesn't make sense.
>"Well Xenoblade 2 is technically a different world!"
I mean Xenoblade 2 is quite LITERALLY a different world than 1. I don't know why you're so against the idea of Rex. God forbid Xenoblade get TWO whole reps while 90% of the other franchises have at least 3.
Nah the way the article is mentioned, it makes me think that Nintendo gives something like say, "Sakurai grab someone from Atlus/Persona" then he picks one that works.
Sakurai's basically saying he's wanting to keep working until he doesn't want to anymore. Do you think we're getting DLC until the Switch dies?
It's not going to be a pass, they're going to add individual fighters as it goes along
The idea that PP was intended for the base game is entirely speculation. It's just as likely that it has a Guidance and a character teaser simply because it was developed alongside the base game even though it was always intended as DLC.
Regardless of the original intention, this does not change the fact of the matter; there has been a first party DLC character for Ultimate.
Not him but Rex would probably end up being pretty lame. The only way to make him interesting would be to have him switch between three different types of Blades with a completely different weapon and moveset. At that point why not just make at least two characters if you're going to have to put in that kind of effort?
would be neat
>tfw 100+ characters
Nope. Xenoblade doesnt want to make an effort to be a unique IP? Then no more smash slots. Generic, lazy, no effort echi games are not smash
It's pretty much inevitable that one of the DLC characters is going to be a first party. The only thing that freaks me out about what was said in the famitsu article is that Bandana Dee might get in because there's such a big demand for him.
I want Tails. He can be a non-echo clone.
>Anyone Anyone *ahem* can can FUCK make make stinky bullshit a rosterfags numbers fake and up infographic FUCK yes (you) super even gullible Tranny Japanese double Bros people Niggers ultimate
Why does a generic boring anime game need two reps? Rex is LITERALLY a generic self insert like joker. Why add him over real icons?
I fucking despise the fact that Three House's faction loyalty seems to be determined by sex. Thirsty incels join Edelgard, judging by the Japan polls a lot of otome girls like Dimitri, and gays want to fuck Claude. At least there are still sincere Dimitriposters.
Wait what? Sakurai mentioned B. Dee?
Iconic to Nintendo.
Sold more than DOOM.
I'm on an american videogame board retard.
>It's pretty much inevitable that one of the DLC characters is going to be a first party.
Sakurai said and I quote that he is adding MORE GAME WORLDS and DOING MORE COLLABORATIONS. You aren't getting Bandana Dee, Rex, Waluigi, or anyone first party. Face the fucking facts user, they're all third party.
>american videogame board
>Fantranslations from a couple weebs on twitter are more reliable than official nintendo subs
Imagine thinking that we are getting over 10 third parties in one game
You know how hard it is so get the rights back to all those characters next time? THINK RETARD! THINK!
it still scares me
>a website becomes the race of its current owner
Are you retarded?
I don't care at all whether DLCs are 3rd, 1st or a mix of both parties.
But boy am I going to enjoy laughing at whoever was wrong.
>You know how hard it is so get the rights back to all those characters next time?
That's why Sakurai wants so many third parties in Ultimate.
Bandana Dee would be an amazing choice. I love that little marshmallow
Nigga stop interpreting Sakurai so literally. More crossovers =/= only crossovers
this is the last game with everyone here so of course hes going all out on third party, and he can still pick characters from the third parties already involved
Nintendo also considers Doom Iconic enough to advertise 3 fucking times in their own directs. Your point?
>this is the last game with everyone here so of course hes going all out on third party
Why the fuck isn't Bomberman playable then?
You can say Rex is generic but he isn't a self insert. Joker never talks on his own, you choose what he says, and you pick his name. Boring as fuck. At least Rex has a backstory with character development. Joker is shit, coming from someone who played the game.
DOOM Eternal and DOOM64 never got advertised in the Japanese directs.
because sakurais an autist who says he cant come up with a moveset for bomberman but came up with one for a fucking plant
Go vote on Sabi and Papageno's poll
I know it'll be years from now, but I'm really not looking forward to the next game.
There'll be more cuts than at an emo convention.
>because sakurais an autist who says he cant come up with a moveset for bomberman
Source or gay
>Rex would probably end up being pretty lame
At this point this 'argument' is just total nonsense
>Everyone thought Joker would be super interesting because he has a summon, something which no other character has
>He ends up just having a glorified meter gimmick and overall is pretty boring mechanically
>Everyone thinks Hero will be boring because half the appeal of the Dragon Quest franchise comes from how generic it is
>He ends up having a really unique gimmick and is easily one of the most fun characters in the game
>Sakurai said and I quote that he is adding MORE GAME WORLDS and DOING MORE COLLABORATIONS
So you're saying Astral Chain's Akira Howard is in?
And yet it's still being brought over to that country anyway. You're acting like it's basically banned there.
If Nintendo of Japan is unwilling to advertise it, why would they bring him over to their premiere fighting game?
As long as Waluigi is playable, nobody will be mad
Cause who cares, he will probably be playable in the next game
I'm pretty sure many people would be extremely mad.
Kill yourself zoomerfaggot
i love you sakurai!
Why the fuck would you ever be mad over a highly requested character being playable?
Keep seething
you keep saying corrin but his game was already out in japan for about a year before being shown you're just bring up a bunch of nonsensical things
Not me personally, but many out there hate him.
This, I absolutely think it was a lie too; I was pretty confident before but Terry sealed it for me (not that I mind him). Literally the only explanation that could be made for it being the truth is that Nintendo's "list" was mostly just broad series/company candidates rather than Specific characters ("an SNK Guy", "a Dragon Quest Guy", "an Atlus/SEGA Guy", etc).
Every day, he gets closer.
Can you feel it Yea Forums?
>japanese representation prioritized
>more third parties
>can be from any level of fame so long as it's classic
Where the fuck are my Kuniochads at?
no fuck off
>first party trash
Besides Astral chain everything is already in the game already plus this DLC is third party so I see no reason why the next wouldnt be
Cope and copulate
Many first-party franchises aren't represented
doom eternal was in the e3 direct silly
every first party that matters is already in the game. this is a fact.
Like what? Everything worth making playable is playable and the rest is included in some other form
the term "wolfenstein clone" was never used
Zoom zoom
Doom Eternal hasn't been advertised by NoA either
NLC will likely advertise it when NoA advertises it because they literally did so for the Doom 2016 port
Most people didn't know who Banjo was before e-celebs made videos on him
>no argument
If Sakurai really wanted Rex on the roster, he'd have waited a few more months and made him DLC like Piranha Plant.
>Doshin the Giant
> Startropics
> Geist
> Endless Ocean
> GumShoe
> Pro Wrestling
Those have nothing in this game, kill yourselves third-party dicksuckers,
Kill yourself shill
If Sakurai was going to make Waluigi playable that would have happened already. Get over it for fuck's sake.
yes for like 2 seconds
Sora better be getting in
Doomguy as well
Steve should get in too
Dante should be in
Demi-Fiend should be also in to cater to SMT fags
Yami Yugi Luffy Naruto and Goku should get in
Ghost from TCR should get in
Todd Howard should be in
>Square AND Disney
You'll be lucky if he even has three attacks
There are so many things Sakurai could have done to represent it in smash if he actually cared about the game half as much as xenofags claim.
In reality the game got 3 songs, some of the weakest spirits in the game and a mii costume locked behind a 25$ paywall for extra spite.
Speaking of, Doom Eternal Switch is obviously going to get delayed.
You are trolling right? those are spirit worthy at best, I cant believe first party niggers are this retarded
Those are literally never getting in as anything other than a spirit
>No argument
Absolute retard
>Doom Eternal Switch is obviously going to get delayed.
Got any evidence to back this claim up?
>implying I need to argue when you already proved yourself wrong
Not even Nintendo gives a shit about those ips
Isabelle, joker, hero
>Piranha Plant was a special bonus and was obviously in development at the same time the base game was
>Fighters Pass took priority immediately afterwards and Sakurai (supposedly) didn't get to specifically pick the characters for it
If he really wanted Rex on the roster then this is most likely his first real opportunity to actually make it happen, unless he's not specifically picking these characters either.
Zoomerfaggot, do some research
Keep crying wojacknigger
>lack of footage
>not mentioning it during D64 segment despite launching the same day
Writing's on the wall
>all these anti first party fags
Still mad your character isn't in?
Thirdpartyfaggots deserve death
You are retarded
>Thought we would be done with these autistic discussions once the final DLC is revealed
>We now have at least one, maybe two more years of this shit on the menu
Sakurai, what have you done.
please, sakurai
Youkai Watch is declining
There's probably something in the contract with TPC that would prevent something like this from happening.
Implying they wouldn't choose the better level 5 pick
I'm fine with the fact the rest of the DLC will be third party, Astral chain would be cool but it's not worth it cause that means more FE and Shillmon as well so good riddance
Thanks, will just post this pic whenever a first party retard posts his worthless opinions
Dota 2 is well beyond 100 characters
Probably LoL as well
Why wouldn't Smash be able to have over 100 characters?
Was a manga first, so he can't be added, I wish he could be tho
>This time, I have a second player. You could say he's Travis' father.
>Sephiroth gets in
>Half a One Winged Angel midi is all you get!
>There's probably something in the contract with TPC that would prevent something like this from happening.
I don't think TPC's faggotry is capable of such thing.
Dilate, you seething coper
Tell me lies tell me sweet little jap jew lies
Dude never intended to make another before it even came out
keep seething zoomer
wojak fanatics are so pathetic
>wojak fanatics are so pathetic
>if i spam my favorite reddit meme and act like a five-year-old this will surely btfo all of my enemies, love me Yea Forums
>But for some reason, no first parties is a given now because muh pattern. Aren't you tired of assuming things?
and the fact that Corrin was DLC in smash 4. Sakurai does whatever the fuck he wants.
>wojak fanatics are so pathetic
Based rage
Disney, guys.
>But for some reason, no first parties is a given now because muh pattern.
He's going to be in it, accept it.
Disney's already said they're ok with it, and that it's Nomuras decision
>Pic related was posted from Nomura 2 days before the last Direct
It's inevitable
Firstpartyfags should at least take solace that their mains have a greater chance of returning in the next game.
>Implying the next game won't just be Smash Ultimate 2
Interestingly enough, he doesn't have a Fighter Spirit battle in Spirits mode.
Don't give me hope user
>Can ask for any iconic third party video game character from the industry's whole history.
>Instead asks for a fucking goomba with a hat and a shitty meme character created just to pad out the rosters of mario sports spin-off titles.
Nintendo loyalists are a pathetic and boring bunch.
Even if they use a port as a basis again the third party licensing would still be a headache. I could see a few characters getting the axe only to be relaunched as DLC at least.
I guess it depends on how those characters got licensed for Smash.
Maybe they have a lifetime deal with Smash, or at least as long as Sakurai's at the helm. Unlikely but possible.
Normally these things are one and done. It's much easier to do with DLC because there's a clear cut from every sale that you can give to the owner.
>side character
Opinion discarded
Smash is a Kirby game
So there's literally 0% chance Marx gets in right
I can just fucking hang myself now and save myself the trouble?
More like EXTREMELY unlikey
It's really not even a possibility, even if they were best friends with Sakurai the company legal department would never let something like that pass, it'd have to be redone for a next game.
He's a fucking BOSS
Don’t take part in Nintendo game discussions if you don’t like Nintendo.
But Sakurai never said that deconfirms a character
Dude hes a boss fight. There was always literally 0% chance. Hell theres more of a chance he could straight up be taken out of his role as a boss fight through an update than being repurposed as DLC.
>BuT SaKurAI nEVer SaID
eat shit
I hope a boss gets confirmed as a character. I want Demon Ganon, plus watching you people seeth will be fucking glorious.
I do like Nintendo, but asking for the most BOTTOM of the barrel characters made by your favorite company instead of far more interesting characters made by other companies is peak braindead drone mentality.
The 3rd parties don’t fit in aesthetically speaking. Neither do the retarded anime characters though so the rosters already bloated with shit.
good luck with embarrassing yourself
Here, bro
Kunio's one of the grandfathers of beat em ups
>everything you want is bottom barrel barfy fart trashiewashie!
>everything I want is chad rad so bad bananafanafofad amazing!
>the retarded anime characters
Why do you whiny little bitchbabies cry so much voer the Nintendo franchises fire Emblem and Xenoblade?
The games are good, anime characters don’t belong in a Smash though. When it was just Marth and Roy it was okay, there’s way too many now though and they’re gay as fuck.
>These characters don't fit in this massive crossover game that has always had characters of various different aesthetic styles.
This is the most retarded fucking argument. The whole point of a crossover game like this is to have a bunch of different characters of various different styles, you dumbfuck.
>the point is to have a consistent style and then throw in characters that stick out like a sore thumb you dumb fuck
>Actually trying to argue hat goomba and" XD WAH MAN" aren't just the absolute bottom of the fucking barrel.
I want another character with genderswap, like the hunter fron monhun, there are people that say that terry could have a female alt, but I doubt it.
>hurr this art style triggers me so much everything is anime mommy mommy!
Why must you always use Hat Goomba as an argument for your strawman? Bandana Dee's not even the best possible Kirby rep.
I don't know about you fucks, but Smash makes everyone look more consistent with each other, compared to something like Playstation All Stars. Everyone in Smash fits in better compared to how that game did it. It can always be something else.