For comparison, Mordhau had an all time peak of 60k players.
And for an even more laughable comparison because Mordhau is shit, Sekiro had a 124k all time peak.
For comparison, Mordhau had an all time peak of 60k players.
And for an even more laughable comparison because Mordhau is shit, Sekiro had a 124k all time peak.
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What a flutter nutter of a shutter buffer of a game.
There he is he posted it again. How can phil Spencer possibly ever recover?
Mordhau is steam exclusive, gears is not. No one is going to us steam when there is alternative
Maybe they should've included more pride flags and women
what did he mean by this post?
Get woke
>No one is going to us steam when there is alternative
Because everyone is using Xbox game pass to play it since you can get like 2 months for $2
Shitty bait. Most play it on console and it's on that game pass thing
Do Gears even has a following anymore?
>Pay $60 or pay $1 for a month of Gamepass
You would have to be literally retarded to buy the Steam version
>Owning an Xbox
I'm guessing it made a profit but not much of one, the budget for this game was massive and it's sold pretty fucking shitty.
Game Pass is on PC.
Games and movies that "go woke" get outside funding, so even if they fail they still make money.
This is what happens when you have companies like facebook and google that make trillions of dollars, they pay for social change in pop culture.
I guess Steam really IS dying
$2 GamePass > $60, and people can just wait for a price drop on Steam. You got BTFO yesterday too but I guess you're back because it's easy (You)s. Dude check it out I found a picture of you
Greedfall is a small budget indie game and sold twice as much.
>>$2 GamePass > $60, and people can just wait for a price drop on Steam. You got BTFO yesterday too but I guess you're back because it's easy (You)s. Dude check it out I found a picture of you
LOL I win
>>LOL I win
$2 is too expensive for something free
>indie game
Lol no, the devs are just talentless hacks that make the no budget versions of triple a games instead of trying to accomodate the scope of their game to the budget they work with. That goes for focus home interactive as a whole
Why are you upset that a greedy corporation is making less money? Jesus Christ, I do not understand the brand loyalty most of you faggots have towards companies. You do realize they just want your money right? You do realize if they could get away with selling you human shit they'd do it, right?
Even more so, isn’t it kind of weird to plop down 6th game of a series into PC without bringing most of the previous ones there too? Now you can play only 1, 4 and 5 on PC, and 2, 3 and Judgement are only on Xbox.
Makes it kind of awkward to jump in to the series, and I’d imagine that the amount of people who have played rest of the series on Xbox and are now PC gamers isn’t that large.
I’m happy that they aren’t making money, you retard. Get woke, go broke, FUCK TRANNIES.
You must be pretty retarded
t. microshill
You people still haven't learned. He's going to spam that shit and samefag until the (You)s come in.
Reminder: don't reply. Report and hide.
When the alternative is 1 dollar then yeah.
Gears 5 is cross platform.
The optimization feels like AAA though
Free on gamepass. I wonder what the numbers on the XBOX app.
>The optimization feels like AAA though
It's an old engine they've been working on. They're spiders, making janky RPGs for years.
You're only posting this because there are LGBTQ2 flags in the game and you are homophobic.
>Releasing consoleshit on PC
The game isn't very good. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have a "deep emotional story" in a fucking gears game?
You must be a right retard if you buy the PC version. Just play the fucking Xbox One X version you slugs.
>using W10
>>using W10
Yeah. Rather just get Gears 2 and 3 on PC.
Ain't got an Xbox you stupid.
Gear 5 is absolutely garbage
They'll probably make some gears cog collection for pc
So it's like other Gears games
considering its multi plat and you can get the game for 2 dollars on another store, thats not bad
Is a shitty game what do you expect
Why the fuck would anyone buy this on steam when they can pay 1 dollar to play the entire thing ?
Steam drones don't care
*blocks ur path*
>a game literally no one was excited for
>that you could also get for $1 on xbox, a console 100% of gears fans own
Wow, that's a real big think
kek epicfags on suicide watch
It wasnt steam that shut down Epic, it was Gamepass. Quite the Shyamalan-esque twist there, eh?
that's true, but it just pushes more people away. I don't even LOOK into the direction of a comic store or movie theater anymore. soon it will be gaming/systems.
is there flags for non-lgbtq folks? asking for a friend
posted by who?
The advantage of this is that it results in a bloom of indie/self-made items that resist such changes. Webcomics and web animations, now indie games popping up left and right. Yes, sturgeon's law still applies, but you cant deny that some true gems pop up out of them, compared to mediocre AAA trash
I like owning my games, retard.
Go back to Yea Forums retard
Get mad chink drone.
Unless you bought them on GOG you don't own them
You're retarded.
Fellow cunnysseur?
Pretty much it's just cover shoot reload for 10 hours I'm bored of it stopped before act 2
Didnt finish act 3 of 4 either same boring shit
Does nothing new except grande launcher but yeah Nah
Says the fag who doesn't know he doesn't own his games
Only normalfags play this game u tard and most normalfags play games on a console.
>Noooooo steam is monopoly! Epic is good, will break monopoly! Epic is competition!
>got wrecked by gamepass, something they completely forget and never cared about
No no, this is absolutely golden
bad PR
most people probably think you can only play as a woman and the game is made by SJWs
>on xbox
no shit, at the height of its popularity i found more switch players than xbone
based retard
poltards aren't people
>Unless you bought them on GOG you don't own them
No, you don't. You have a license to play the game, not own it. Same thing as physical media.
So THIS is the power of Steam, no wonder Epic can just offer a 10k singing bonus and devs flock to them
The fuck, how did you guess? I'm not even a loli spammer, but bless you guys for fucking up the chink with fap content.
>defending SJW shit instead of laughing at them when they went broke
Repeat after me. GET WOKE GO BROKE.
That's pretty bad, fucking EDF 5 is a niche late port of a PS4 game and it peaked at ~8.3k, not much lower than Gears 5, regardless of how many stores they're on.
Those posts are all me retard and I'm not a chink
>implying you can't be chink and into lolis
Pic related, from a chink game.
I don't think you understand what a cunnysseur is
Well yeah, steam is the store for hentai and rape games right? No doubt AAA games do poorly here, it's waste of time to publish games on steam now
Nah, AAA games just in general do poorly on PC.
Mainly because they're trash made for consoleniggers.
>Nah, AAA games just in general do poorly on PC.
>Mainly because they're trash made for consoleniggers.
Based and truthpilled
>consolenigger shooting shit
>on pc
People think it dont be like that but it do
I paid 1 dollar for a whole year and yeah Im playing it on xbox but now that I think about it. I should try it out on PC as well.
Gears 5 has actually dethroned Fortnite, no wonder Xbox live was wonky when Gears 5 released for preorder and gamepass members.
>this is the best a AAA western sjw piece of shit game with retarded huge marketing budgets and celebrities can do in the gaming market in 2019
ftfy. people are obviously getting fed up with this shit to the point where even really dumb people are complaining about sjws constantly. good, let the western game devs burn.
most people bought the game from the windows store
More proof devs should jump on the EGS train. Steam is a dying platform.
>buying the 70€ steam version when its in gamepass
>buying Gears of War games
>actually unironically playing Gears of War
You have no one to blame but yourself. Now go crouch behind another chest high wall.
>Now go crouch behind another chest high wall.
Gaben is a monopoly though that means Gears must not be selling at all they should've gone to Epic Games Store oh no no no now it's too late