Are there any games with fanservice that are actually good?

Are there any games with fanservice that are actually good?

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Akibas Trip

Plenty but you seem like a massive faggot and I don't want you to act like a faggot while praising games I like

daily reminder non nude fanservice is gay

Daily reminder videogames are for faggots

Most of them.

Spoken like a true underage.

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peach beach splash is pretty good, the weapon progression is a bit scuffed though

why not both?

japanese fighting games like Soul Calibur and DOA

You literally posted one

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you must still be a child, the tease and pantsu shots are always better

You're gay

+18 to post.

There's not a single good fanservice game, as good games don't want to worry about SJW & soccers moms crying about this shit and then getting zero sales

there's not a single good game without fanservice, good games don't want to worry about people playing games not buying it and then getting zero sales

someone post the coomer meme haha it always gives me a laugh

this is retarded

you're retarded

Fighting games are probably the best ones, they feature a lot of fanservice yet it still doesn’t even feel that out of place among their ridiculous plot setups. They know how to embrace their silliness. Bayonetta also comes to mind as a game that would be great even without the fanservice, yet Bayonetta’s design makes it even more fun.

On the other hand, basically all Yea Forums’s most spammed fanservice games like Senran Kagura etc. are pure garbage that nobody would even spit on if it weren’t for the girls.

Eiyuu Senki too.

give me some examples

scroll up the thread

look, you have no right calling anyone a retard if that's your examples

i don't really understand the appeal of shit like senran, i mean i love my tiddies and arse in vidya but the girls look so fake it's hard to get erect from them

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you're a retard

What do you think makes them good games?

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what do you think makes them bad games
oh right I know, you don't like them, good talk, you have a bias and that's it

If you mean the 3d models, yeah they are garbage. Just fap to the art