What games have the best sprite work? Besides Metal Slug

What games have the best sprite work? Besides Metal Slug.

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Third strike, even if the game is dogshit.
>inb4 zoomers who never touched a street fighter in their lives claim that 3s is the pinnacle of fighting games

Parry was a mistake


It really was, and so was focus attacks. I do like FADC for the fun shit you can do with it but otherwise it's a very questionable mechanic.

KoF and Guilty Gear and BB

Certainly not KOF games before XII.

Blasphemous is definitely up there

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Iconoclasts and Owlboy of course

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Owlboy is so nice looking but it’s such a terrible game.

Is this cracked yet?


Looks like more generic pixelshit to me

Thanks, will search.

La-Mulana 1 and 2 are underrated pixel masterpieces.

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I was planning on buying it. Why is it bad.

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Metal Slug's sprite work is genuinely artistically terrible, though.

Plus they make use of cut-up/moved-around sprites which is a technique for babies and retards.

It manages to look like an old LucasArts game rather than the usual indie faux-retro garbage, but it's still not that impressive.

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Did they ever fix the scaling artifacts on Lu Mulana 2? I put off getting it because of being annoyed by that in videos

Which one is better? Heard the first one had translation issues and the second one was easier.

Scaling artifact? You mean those lines that were visible across the screen? That was patched out ages ago. The only visible scaling artifact now, is when you enter gates, and the screen zooms in for a second before the transition. So it's pretty much nothing. In general gameplay, the image is completely smooth, none of those weird seams.

They've been patching the game nonstop since release. One of the latest patches just remastered the entire soundtrack.

They're not better or worse. Just different depending on your perspective.
The second game is only "easier" in the sense that it doesn't dick you around in the beginning like the first game does. In the first game, you start with nothing, and have to find all the essential items. In the second game, they quickly equip you with the essentials, and explain the basics, so you're not running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

But the first game is "better", in the sense that it DOES have more obscure shit in it. If you really want your adventure to have that extra level of meta.

I actually recommend the second game, because I believe it to be a kinder entry into the series. It still gets really hard later. But the difficulty curve is much better. Plus they improved movement mechanics a lot.

Ok, that makes sense. But I hope the improved mechanics on the sequel doesn't make the old game feel outdated? Occasionally there are games in which you should play in order so that going back isn't as difficult.

>You mean those lines that were visible across the screen?
yah that
>That was patched out ages ago.

Third strike, katana zero, garou: mark of the wolves, darkstalker, kof xlll those are my personal favourites

they forgot that games should have gameplay.

the best parts are mediocre zelda dungeons

I remember being very disappointed by Owlboy, mainly because of the story. The pixel art graphics are super good looking and well-detailed. The gameplay is decent, there were honestly some clever fun challenges in my opinion, not terrible but not the best either. I’d say the game mostly structures itself around having an interesting story, and I’d say it’s pretty strong at pulling you in at first.

It’s just plotwise, without going into spoilers, your actions never really end up accomplishing anything. The game wants to immerse you in its story, and it has all the artistic elements to do so, but there’s just no satisfying payoff. Honestly the game reminds me of Celeste and Cave Story with how the cute and colorful energy of the game and pixelated graphics contrasted with having a dark story, but at least Celeste has a happy ending and Cave Story has a cathartic release. Owlboy just kinda kills all its buildup and makes everything feel like an unsatisfying waste of time, and if the plot is such a failure like that, you’d want at least the gameplay to make up for it but I’d say the gameplay isn’t stellar enough to accomplish that.

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Trials of Mana for SNES (formerly know as Seiken Densetsu 3)

melty blood

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skullgirls comes to mind

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