Also recently the huge flop Mordhau
Games that Yea Forums shilled that turned out to be huge failures?
Other urls found in this thread:
Unironically kys
Most recent one? Control probably. People have way too big boners for Remedy.
It's amazing just how much of a complete failure Artifact was in every possible way. It's almost like it was specifically designed to die.
Deja vu
Btw next one is Code Vein
Mordhau would have been fine but they shot themselves in the foot with it and are trying to pander to the minmax autists while chasing the remaining playerbase away.
They should've hired the guys who made YuGiOh to make Artifact. It might've actually worked out.
Feel like that's going the opposite way. A very vocal faction of Yea Forums /pol/ wants it to flop and it'll probably sell like hotcakes.
sales != good
Code Vein will sell at least as well as God Eater and that's good enough. It'll be weeb jank and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot
Yea Forums didn't shill artifact. Shills shilled artifact and most folks on Yea Forums shitted on this game because nobody wanted it.
People shilled it hard before the imminent release, then those putrid fuckers got away like rats
You shoot in tps
Who fucking shilled artifact lmao
>Yea Forums didn't shill artifact.
>no shilling in sight
>Yea Forums is one person
Skimming through that, it looks pretty negative overall.
>>no shilling in sight
Based retard
Yea Forums reacted negatively to Borderlands shilling to
It's unironically a fun game and you need to get good.
Isn't that the one where you can just turn off gravity or something? I remember seeing some tech demo about it and that gave me the big peepee more than any waifu shit they could shove in it.
>EGSshill pissed that nobody will take his bait and feed him (you)s
I pity you
Cry more
>Yea Forums didn't shill
>posts archive of people shitting on game
brilliant counterpoint there.
>Goty is so good nobody can run it
Just like crysis, right? top lel
What does that have to do with Yea Forums shilling Artifact?
>implying you arent currently shilling this garbage fire on Yea Forums
Love the hypocrisy on this one
I would never shill some garbo like Borderlands. It's just Fallout 3 with no redeemable aspects like roleplaying.
You on the other hand, you and the Steam drones shilled a dead game that was abandoned by Valve
>Yea Forums shilled artifact
You nignoblins spent 2 days playing the Axe lottery and fucked off after you realized you cant play the cardboard stock market on a fresh game unless youre willing to crack hundreds of packs day 1
>Shilled boredomlands constantly saying it would sell millions and how EGS would kill steam with it, yada yada yada
>game turns out to be complete shit
>'lol I would never shill garbo like borderlands! You shilled artifact!'
I really do love the cope and hypocrisy on this one, this shit is comedy gold
>Games that Yea Forums shilled that turned out to be huge failures?
But Yea Forums didn't shill Artifact.
And Mordhau isn't a flop. It just got an initial offering waaaay out of its actual scope, and settled to where it was expected to be.
>boderlands is so fucking good no con points
>b-but it runs bad
cope and rent free poorfaggot steam drone
You're taking your (possibly sexual) frustrations out on the wrong guy.
>no argument
kek, now what? a wojak reply?
>who cares if nobody can run it? The game is still good! IT'S GOTY! EPIC WILL WIN!
How is that shilling the game, you silly man?
Even the normies at TI weren't happy about it. I remember the overwhelming majority of posts around here being complaints about the first game Valve "made" in a while being just some shit card game that was too late to ride on the trend of online TCGs.
>b-but there w-were shills who were excited about the game
Well not shit pal someone will always be willing to eat shit but thatt doesn't mean an entire community is behind the game. I for one am glad this shit bombed as hard as it did, fuck Valve for only being interested in bringing projects into the public only for the entire creation process to be "let's do whatever is popular now and see if it sticks"
are you lonely OP?
Remedy didn't help themselves by putting it on Epic Store. Lost all interest in getting it.
So what determines if game is failure or success?
Runs ony machine with 1080p and 60fps. That's all you need, zoomerbaby
Bugman spam. Your lot is fucking extatic that fireden is down, eh?
*slaps your ass*
Yea Forums has only been wrong about deus ex HR.
Thats litterally it.
Its not fucking rocket science to predict the quality of a game. Dont be surprised you're just retarded and cant see whats real or fake.
Accept it and listen to everything i say.
>TCG that stuck Garfields name on for popularity flops
Who could have seen this coming
Not Valve drones
>Yea Forums has only been wrong about deus ex HR.
I thought that game was great.
>he didn't shitpost in /artifactgeneral/
you guy's missed the best shitposting of a liftime, then after that artifact's twitch section was full of rough hardcore gay porn and gachi
fuck valve.
fuck epic game store.
fuck jannie.
but especially
>the huge flop Mordhau
I don't think you know what a flop is
Cyberpunk 2077
>game released a day ago
>already dethroned fortnite in terms of popularity
How will epicfags ever recover? They got killed by Gamepass of all things
>tf2 retains 50k playerbase after 12 years of release
>artifact dies down to less than 100 players in half a year
lets hope this is a wake up call for gaben
it wasn't, they made dota blunderlords which is just as bad as artifact just free to play
its dying as well
>Most-Played Game on Xbox Live
>absolutely buttblasted
Nobody on the planet Earth was excited for Artifact and you should be ashamed for making this thread.
Friendly reminder that borderlands 2 is so fucking badly coded, that still to this day on a 2080, using the Phsyx option tanks frames.
>need a $700 video card to run the game optimally
The absolute state of PC fags.
Why do you keep making this exaxt same thread? Is Yea Forums just bots now?
there was a shit ton of shilling on /vg/ you dumbass, people would call anyone who didn't like the game a shit ton of buzzword faggot shit
These soulless chinks are getting more desperate with every passing day.
>/vg/ is Yea Forums now
>anyone in a fucking /vg/ general not shilling that game
You're a nigger, go back to where you came from.
Can you make this thread daily to keep the tortanic and blunderfags quarantined thanks
>on /vg/
Do you even know how /vg/ works? Fuck off back to your containment website.
No, I'm just not pretending that being the most played game on the least played console is some sort of accomplishment
>says the consolefag who plays in silky smooth 720p 30fps
shitty optimization is a dev thing, you fucking idiot
>No, I'm just not pretending that being the most played game on the least played console is some sort of accomplishment
Top lel
What happened to those games anyway? Did the sales curve peter out already?
>Did the sales curve peter out already?
Here's what they did:
>Epic promises game 500k sales
>Game sells 10k copies
>Epic buys 490k copies
>Game sells an additional 3k copies
>News article airs claiming game has sold 503k copies
There was never any sales curve to begin with. A flatline, more like.
>implying I dont already know this
I'm trying to trigger the epicshill you imbecile, dont ruin my bait
i don't think you understand, autists were actively shilling the game in other generals like d2g, hsg, lolg
I really wish Yea Forums didn't have so many valve dick suckers. This game is LITERALLY the biggest failure in history in videogames but people have valves dick so far up their throat no one made fun of it so hard. We still have morons hating EPIC simply because it's not valve. This game is a bigger disaster than SWTOR as people still at least play SWTOR and it makes good money. This game barely has 30 people fuck g playing it. BARELY 30 PEOPLE.
I hate you valve dick suckers so much. So much meme potential was missed. I'm happy at least twitch made a mockery of it posting live porn for gameplay.
same reason nobody talks or cares about satisfactory or ooblets or bee simulator you fucking inbred
>nobody plays the game
>nobody talks about it because nobody plays the game
valve drones sweep everything negative about the rug with "muh chinks"
>dota 2 literally has a casino in it
>tf2 popularized lootboxes in the west then csgo made them mega popular
>tf2 and dota 2 ruined by cosmetics and casualization
Everything about it just screamed bad idea that I'm surprised that it ever took off to begin with.
>make a paid card game based off a F2P IP
>despite the fact there are several F2P CCGs out already, Hearthstone, Shadowverse, Magic, etc, people are probably already invested into it
>the lore of Dota 2 isn't even that interesting and it's all so vague so you don't draw anyone in with artwork/story (despite what people say, I think TCG art/lore is a huge part of it since you can style and theme your decks in certain ways, I always liked the human/angelic focus for White decks for example)
>awful reception when it was announced too
Like fuck. I can't say much about gameplay since I never personally tried it, but I guess the fact you can actually trade cards with other players is the one really good thing about it, I don't think any CCG actually lets you genuinely trade.
They even sweping out selling out to chinks with muh chinks, they are ill.
>oh no, someone's disagreeing with me!
Gears 5 just came out less than a week ago, no fucking shit that it's overshadowing Fortnite with all the game pass players
How is Underlords doing is that shit game also dying right now?
samefagging this desperately
Goddamn you're pathetic, even for a Yea Forums shill
it is
Yes. There is no reason to play it when the league of legends one is out. It does what underlords does 10 times better, and it looks nice. I don't play either but it's so painfully obvious how shit underlords is doing.
>has nothing to counterpoint
i've never installed epic shitstore on my computer but valve is worse, uninstalled steam months ago
I like it
was Yea Forums ever right about something?
Thats what the average Finnish woman looks like, no joke.
Some people eat shit and also like it.
you can turn off gravity late into the game, when there's only a couple of hours worth of gameplay left, so its a huge disppointment, shouldve had it from the start
Why do you keep making this thread every day?
You need to make a point to counter first, you stupid shill
Valve are lazy motherfuckers with a metric ton of bad ideas that they go through anyway for no fucking reason at all
but epic is worse
That's debatable
So what makes you say that it's a flop?
Both are dying since the autochess meme is already dead
>Yea Forums didn't shill artifact
that beat em up game, river city girls or some shit like that?
people shilled it constantly untill it came out, same with every other new game thats gonna release, the most discussion on the game takes place BEFORE it comes out
It was p obviously shills because it was nothing but MUH WAIFUS shit.
I liked the gameplay of Artifact but there was no way in hell it was gonna retain any players when the only way to get new cards is by spending money.
Imagine spending $20 on the base game and then playing for a week, realizing you are stuck with no new cards for as long as you don't pay.
>bait images are legitimate shill attempts now
Hot take but artifact wasn't a bad card game. It was the buy in that was retarded. There are 100s of free card games that monetize cards and they all work, it's the 20 dollar buy in that scared people
Don't care. The vanilla deck shouldn't be tradable and you should unlock or purchase tradable cards by playing. If hearthstone cost 20 bucks just to get in and try it wouldn't be as successful as it is today
>Yea Forums shilled artifact
excuse me?
>valve making games L O L
We have had plenty of threads after it came out the other day, consensus is that it is overwhelmingly mediocre and does not hold up to better games in the genre, but someone keeps shilling it. At least someone posted the magnet link yesterday so I will give it a shot later.
Oh yeah, i think that one peaked at like 235 players.
no there wasnt, there was 1 and everyone shat on it with the shills coming out in full force crying that people shouldnt pirate it
>235 players
lol, it flopped hard
>the huge flop Mordhau
The game started as a kickstarter to cater to a niche genre. And then sold over a million copies.
Valve banked entirely on their brand names, but ASSFAGGOTS players don't want to play a card game.
>medieval fighting game
people LOVE fighting games, just not broken spin to win shit
You're fucking retarded. Yea Forums shat on it.
I love how there was no crash and burn, it just fizzled out of existence.
did it really flop? i thought it was pretty decent all things considered
although i never played chiv so i don't know what it's competitors are like
Nah I loved the demo. Didn't felt janky at all.
Why do you make the exact same thread with the exact same image and call others shills?
>Trying to measure a single player game's success using concurrent players
Fucking retard.
Shilling is just fancy excuse fro falseflaggers. Pattern is same like on picrelated. It's legit, it's very effective in Yea Forums because most people here are kids and subculture/console/fanbase war is real deal.
look up the sales figures and chart positions for it
it's doing really badly in every region, so Remedy had better hope that Epic bought their exclusivity for a high price, because they aren't making money off of actual sales
Give me official sources saying that it's doing badly. Physical sales are the minority.
It got massively overhyped by streamers so nornalfags bought it, kept dying because they couldnt predict feints and then moved onto the next big thing, and when they left, only the actual players remained, but some of those left too thanks to the dev's incompetence on level design and balance
Nobody fucking shilled Artifact you smooth brain
wait people shilled Artifact, all I remember is people shitting on it
People were saying how good it was you couldn't earn cards ingame
cope pcbro
What valve drone gets word filtered into pcbro. The fuck how butthurt are these fucking mods.