>has the money to save vidya
>does nothing
Has the money to save vidya
>be poorfag
>have sense of entitlement
Rich people dont owe you or anyone else shit.
how is he going to save vidya?
Id fuck top tier escorts daily in my Hollywood mansion and travel the world. But Notch is just a massive depressed sperg sitting alone in his house all day.
Why should he do anything?
>Defending the rich
Sasuga bootlick-kun. I don't owe the rich anything and yet my tax dollars are used to bail them out when they fuck up their businesses.
Literally how? Being rich doesn't mean you're smart and know how to solve everything.
I'd do exactly what he is doing to be honest.
shitposting all day without worrying how to pay the rent/food/vidya?
sign me up, the depression is just an added bonus
>strawmanning all rich as one unified boogieman
>save vidya
If my taxes saved all their asses then they sure as shit are unified.
go dilate you commie faggot
>Every person with an ounce of wealth is a banker
I'm losing faith that you're only pretending to be retarded, user.
>defending the likes Bank of America Wells Fargo etc when they dumpstered regular people and the economy and took both their homes and tax money
You sound jewish user
You gotta be awfully careful when you have money, people want to swindle you and people will resent you if you choose to give money to some projects and not theirs.
okay, thanks for the insight notch
but seriously, please buy Yea Forums
>has no job, gf or friends
>makes the same thread over and over to fill his dull life
reminder that he gave his "team" whom mostly comprised of people who run the minecraft social media hundreds of thousands of dollars each and they complained it wasn't enough
Yeah I'm sure "your" taxes really helped anyone, filthy poor NEET
>buy the most expensive house in LA
>complain that people only hang around him for money
how could this happen?
More like,
Jews will fucking massacre you if you do anything out of line.
>rich bad!
why are jealous poorfags always seething?
he saved vidya already
how many years will it fucking take before faggot industry learns the good lessons from Minecraft and not just muh crafting?
What good lessons?
Hes a childless multibillionaire
He basically gave them pocket change
I'd probably do what I'm doing right now, but my preoccupations switched to "how to survive the month" to "how to survive without getting gang raped by 4-5 burglars"
actually he has a child
>he basically gave them pocket change
they didn't deserve anything else
Why would he do anything?
Microsoft was dumb enough to give him 2 billion, now he can just relax and shitpost
Minecraft was successful because it was unique and had great gameplay. It allowed players to be free in a world and solidified the experience with multiplayer. Everything else was superfluous.
Of course people try to emulate it in the most superficial way... crafting... voxels...
what would you lads do if you suddenly got like 200mil+? i would probably build a mansion or a decent sized house in one of the more rural/isolated states like montana (i'm not american btw) on some acres. i would larp as some middle wagefag in some small town and wife a nice girl before taking her back to my mansion. inb4 allimony
>Notch controls Bank of America and Wells Fargo.
Learn to read, tranny.
Did minecraft make back they money they paid?
FUCK this transphobic piece of shit. It's because of assholes like him that indie devs are suffering.
the reality is, he is aware that he was a one trick pony. minecraft was his lucky break and it wasn't even an original idea. he just made it in a way that became successful. his other games like scrolls and cobalt were failures and it probably made him disillusioned
Probably. Both through game copies but also toys and books using the IP.
they are not entitled to anything. they are completely ungrateful
i always laugh at this one based noth
so.... what is her argument here? that he owes her money. just because?
I would buy from software and make sekiro 2
Hes an angry misanthropic incel now who sits around on Twitter all day blaming society for not having a gf. He thought buying a mansion in Beverly Hills would provide him with a celebrity lifestyle and even tried throwing some parties, but he was too autistic to form any relationships
Having money doesn't mean you have any brains. He obviously didn't have any, considering Minecraft wasn't even his idea.
Boo hoo muh indie devs making shitty games likely to be forgotten in a year. Minecraft is for children btw.
I would marry my cousin, build a perfect fortress of a home and make video games.
Vidya isn’t worth saving thats why.
why marry your cousin. inbred babies though
oh look, it's this thread again
If I had his money I'd spend it all on hookers and blow while shitposting leftists on twitter too.
oh look it's that FAGGOT again
I would bankroll an ambitious group of lads to reverse engineer and develop a standalone offline-only client for Guild Wars (2005). No other game matters and when it inevitably gets shut down, at some point in time nobody knows when, I'm going to feel pretty dreadful
What the fuck is actually wrong with people like that?
>you can save vidya with money
Money is what ruined it in the first place
Gro/v/ndhogs day
They're mentally ill to begin with
I love her.
And you can check for deformities in inbred children.
Why do you want a mansion? Seriously this is always the number one thing people seem to want the most if they were rich but it seems fairly pointless. Is "not enough rooms" really so big a problem in these peoples lives? I can understand a big house but a mansion is too much especially with the management unless you want no privacy with people constantly coming in and out to manage it maybe I'm too much of a poorfag to understand rho put poor people want one too
i have never played GW but wouldn't an MMO be boring shit offline?
where are you from? serious question. i would imagine the chance of the deformities would be high
>gets completely ignored
>"I'm trans notice me"
i mean i would hope to have one with as many practicalities as possible. not just so it's big. things like a firing range and self sufficient things
Inbreding doesn't actually have a high rate or problems. It's mostly a myth.
a lot of space is nice, and you can have rooms for specific purposes, as well as hosting friends, family, etc
Notch is based and op is a fag
Notch seems like a decent guy and i think he gets an unfair shake. Dude just wants to be an autist and code shit, then minecraft exploded. He could probably use the money more productively but what's the point, doesn't seem like his jam.
hire hitmen to kill all the minorities with polonium-tipped dildos of course!
It's Co-OP not true MMO, and I've been playing it solo since GW2 "killed" it (there are still communities of people but you have to join guilds and my work hours only line up with Euros and I just feel ehh about it anyway) in 2012. It's a brilliant deckbuilder-ish game that nobody, not even ANet, has followed up on the formula of in the last decade and it's sad because I like teambuilding. But teambuilding with less than 1,000 skills to choose from (as per modern games) just feels cheap and unsatisfactory to me. I've played GW1 for close to 2k hours in just the last three years. Nothing compares to it imo.
He's a Mensa member, retard
Bankroll stuff in the world I like.
Probably set up hackerspaces/crafting workshops in cities to get neets into creative pursuits. Bankroll some local kids hospitals (carefully, so greedy boomers don't blow it on stupid shit)
I'd try to stay anonymous about it though, i've seen all those lottery horror documentaries.
Mansions full of random shit is dumb but the ideal would be to have everything you like in one place.
I personally would love a huge gym with everything I could ever want. I would want a pool. I would want a place for building things. I would want two studies to mix things up, one like a library and the other for programming/computer work. I would also want a room full of blankets of all different comfy types.
And i would want rooms that i can lease to teen modelling studios. And i would want a slave house. And i woukd want high concrete walls with automatic turrets and cameras.
>Notch is now the owner of Bank of America
you are the reason nobody takes /pol/ seriously
>omg why don't you give us more you fucking asshole
that's literally you. You are disgusting
I will just enjoy life without any worries about wagecucking and money.
>depressed shitty programmer with a rightful impostor syndrome doing heroin until he ods in his mansion is now based
The standards just keep going down huh? Maybe when he dies you can admire a programmer who deserves praise instead of a codekidde who failed to make even a stable voxel draw engine.
>muh secret club
same here and i would like land so i could farm/produce my own food and have something to do and teach my kids to do
I think this bald fat fuck had seen enough of videogame's autistic environment through minecraft, to realize that the best solution is to make big bucks fast and get the fuck outta there ASAP. He pulled an absolute pro gamer move honestly
>I could innovate vidya and programming for decades
>Or I could sit in my house and cry about how no one likes me anymore until I die
One sounds like the path of a talented man and the other of a failure to me
You're angrier and more insecure than a negro
failed all the way to the bank. his failure is worth more than any of your successes will ever be
I think you retards neet to read what you're replying to, the first post in this chain talked about a generic "rich people", not Notch.
It is your own narrative that the post is referring solely and exclusively to Notch
You can have monetary success and still be a loser. You think a lottery winner is a success? You think someone who bought fifty bitcoin when it was pennies and sold when the price hit 10k is a success? It's luck, and people who get successful off luck don't do anything big again. Talented people who innovate, that's admirable. A lucky loser who hits gold and can't strike the vein again shouldn't be admired for anything but the break they got. They'll always have the excuse that, 'Oh now I'm popping I don't need to work,' but that's the way of a coward. Real talent never stops, never quits, and more money just means they got bigger dreams.
You're literally brainwashed by society and has narcissistic black and white way of thinking. It's sounds especially funny because you posting this on Yea Forums. In Yea Forums. Teenager pragmatism I guess. Are you 18 yo? I hope so.
While its that its true, its far too utopian and only works as a theory. Notch had a good idea with minecraft and got a shitton of money as a reward, but I highly doubt that he will ever come up with an idea that will surpass minecraft in terms of innovation. He will probably make a couple more videogames because sitting around forever is boring but thats it
Judge a man by his character and not by his bank. When you got some hairs on your sack you'll understand that user. Or you'll get in some MLM scam cause you think your smart enough to profit square ass fuck.
>has the money to save vidya
>saves it
Isnt he basically a super rich incel?
Common sense, you dunce.
I will always resent others who have more than I do, even if I don't want what they have. If I was a billionaire I'd still live modestly. I'd just enjoy the comfort of knowing my living expenses were paid for life. I'd still just browse Yea Forums on a cheap phone and play old games that go on sale. But I'd be a lot more relaxed knowing I'm set for life.
he'll never pull off another Minecraft, so why bother?
Browse Yea Forums, play vidya, watch porn, eat comfort food and dance to good music, same as ever.
Nothing is ever solved by just throwing money directly at the problem.
If you're so bent on saving vidya, what do you think he should do with his money specifically?
Answer this op
>you should do X because I said this is RIGHT path for you according to my extreme agenda and "guide for life" written by jews
You posting pure bullshit about talent. His passion is making those games. And this is what he doing right now. It's not about money. You literally forcing artist to paint different pictures with different tools because he" should do this according to your views". This is exactly negate everything about talent. Same people like you told David Bowie to stop writing songs since this was looser carrier path and he just wasting time and not "developing" his talents. If anything not listening others and doing what you want is way of talented, famous people. Like me you're just Yea Forums floorshitter.
Lay off the shounen anime
it's hilarious how poorfags cope with someone being was more successful than them, saying that he's miserable all the time and that money doesn't make them happy. he doesn't have to work a day in his life, you don't know if he's fucking escorts all day long or not, he might be even shitposting in this very thread.
hire talent, give them semi-free reigns to pursue a passion project without having to worry about tight deadlines or casual appeal, wa la
Buy 51% of EA stock
Based. Vidya should disappear
>hire talent
>pursue a passion project
So every people you hire have same passion project in mind? Interesting. How?
Vidya doesn't need saving, Japan exists.
>semi-free reigns to pursue a passion project without having to worry about tight deadlines or casual appeal, wa la
That can be done without notches money
notch is too lazy to even upgrade his graphics card by his own admission
he could LITERALLY afford the most powerful supercomputer in the world three times over
Ahh, so this thinking is how Star Citizen exists. I see, I see.
> he's fucking escorts all day long
That's an actual stupid poorfag vision of what he would do as a rich person. Like an oil prince vs. guys like Bezos who are content to keep working despite having absolutely no need to do so.
if you patronize tarkovsky to make whatever the fuck he wants it doesn't mean every mic operator has to be following his exact dreams you fucking spastic
Yeah, but how many supremely wealthy video game enthusiasts with large pools of unused wealth floating around are there?
Star citizen doesn't answer to anyone, they got money from backers that they don't owe shit. If a billionaire funds his own studio, naturally he would have total oversight and control of the operations. It's not like he would just give them 100 million dollars in a no-strings-attached check and fuck off.
Kek I still remember this
>Fuck you. Now give me money.
Star Citizen would be real if not semi-realistic graphics shit.
>if you patronize tarkovsky
Except video games are not movies.
Poorfags are poor because as soon as you give them money they blow it on dumb shit
Richfags have money because they’re never counting coins, they’re content working and incidentally accumulating a fortune
Do you think studios don't already make passion projects if they can? Do you think from software just managed to collect 80 guys who all had literally no other wish than to make bloodborne?
Any time you see a mass shooting in the media, know that someone like this signed off on publicizing it, and they had a reason for doing so.
Star citizen is exactly case of passion project leaded by one "director". Aka Tarkovsky.
>If a billionaire funds his own studio, naturally he would have total oversight and control of the operations
That's means he controls artistic freedom. Nice passion project you have here. Hiring talents so you can control them and enforce your passion project and artistic vision.
>notch is too lazy to even upgrade his graphics card by his own admission
so what? he posted his most played games on steam, he probably doesn't need the best gpu anyway
if he's not dead from overdosing yet then i think he's doing fine.
although i really don't understand why he doesn't take care of himself so he doesn't die of a heart attack at the age of 50. both him and gabe newell, they have so much money and access to the best gym, the best trainers, the best diet that losing weight should be the easiest thing to do. if i was a billionaire you bet i would do anything to make sure i live as long as possible
Your health doesn't matter how wealthy you are, you're not just going to make healthy life decisions when you're rich.
Of course he would be like that after becoming rich just think about it how can he know 100% that if he meets a girl see wont be in it for the money
Star citizen isn't a passion project, it's a running scam. Maybe it used to be a passion project but they clearly have no intent of ever releasing.
>That's means he controls artistic freedom.
There's a difference between suits barging into the offices to tell them to dumb down the mechanics and making sure the people you contracted aren't just taking advantage of you by pretending to work. I never said totally free reigns, I said semi-free reigns and no tight deadlines because handing them a check and walking away obviously doesn't work, but handing them a generous contract does.
Passion projects - projects made by small group of people often friends who have same vision and ideas. They work all together. You can't just hire random talented people and force them to work at passion project.
>I could innovate vidya and programming for decades
notch is fucking shit at programming
>Id fuck top tier escorts daily in my Hollywood mansion and travel the world.
he's done that already
So just hire a studio.
Who's this kid diddler?
>Star citizen isn't a passion project, it's a running scam
It's passion project of one man. Director. Like a move director. He's director and he can delay "release" of his movie for decade. Decades. "Hard to Be a God" is movie that was 13 years in production for example.
yeah which is why they just happen to buy fucking sci-fi doors and $10,000 office coffee machines
Right choice will be just funding already existing passion projects. To help them a little.
and thats a good thing
Show some respect, he's giving away free games
You'd probably hear out a bunch of studios and choose ones you know have the spark and whose ideas you think sound good
Atmosphere. Like a muse.
You know what rhymes with muse? ruse
You're so retarded you're probably not even producing any tax revenue. Prolly leeching off of disabled benefits instead.
Mountain home in somewhere like Colorado or similar with a decent sized enough piece of land for a personal firing range with moving track systems to make it engaging and a clay pidgeon catapult. The rest I would probably try to invest in game studios that I think will shift the industry in the right direction.
I'd get pretty depressed knowing women would only fuck you for money
>women would only fuck you for money
user, i...
What do you expect him to do? Spread nazism?
It actually makes me angry thinking of notch because he's wasting his fucking life
he has the power to do literally anything he wants. revive a dead franchise he liked. make a new franchise from his ideas. commission artists and animators to create something in his vision. literally anything
but instead he sits home all day surrounded by candy dispensers and posts on twitter. holy shit. it's frustrating to think about. social media is a disease.
epik fucking bait
Didn't he release a demo recently? It does seem like he is working on something. Besides, he has repeatedly said a number of times he is not interested in what's popular, he just wants to do his own thing.
this but invest in game studios that I think will shift the industry in the left direction.
vidya does not deserve saving
what's so bait about it?
What if he has different interests?
do his interests include seeking validation on brain-numbing social media platforms?
based and black pilled
Jokes on you
Maybe. Because for example I waste more time posting shit on Yea Forums than playing games. I can't stop posting. Madness
>has the money to save vidya
Give me one good reason why he should? Give me a justified, solid point to why he should waste his billions on the very people that turned on him even when he kept coming back. You all mocked, you all laughed and treated him like shit, but he kept coming back to us to sell his game. He believed in us, trusted us and created his game just for us and all we did was push him back. It was only until he sold Minecraft did any of you finally care about him, why? Because it turns out he's actually pretty based and is rich enough to be vocal about the things we wish we could without getting mobbed or stoned to death
He might have the money to save video games, but we don't deserve it
giving money to indie trannies like you would just make things worse
now imagine if you suddenly had a billion dollars and you kept doing that
so you just hate people over their sexuality?
He should buy Yea Forums
Leftism. It's a mental illness.
Why wouldn't we? It seems to define their every thought and action.
Buddy if a retard is insistent on licking a red hot burner handing them a thousand dollars ain't gonna get em to stop.
well then it's fair game to despise people for being straight too I guess
If you use your sexuality as a substitute for a personality chances are you're genuinely an awful person with no redeeming qualities looking for an excuse not to be criticised.
notch is unironically a lazy incel. He is one of us, despite being a billionaire. I feel like this is probably notch's average day:
>heh, maybe I'll save gaming...
>...but first I'm going to fap to trap porn for 6 hours
>I should really work on my new game
>I just don't have any energy, maybe later
They generally do. But, what difference does it make? You weirdos despise everything.
Also notch isn't obligated to pay people just because he's rich and the idea that he should is greed disguised as charity
no, socialism and communism is pretty based, everyone against those things deserve to die though
It must be rough being this mentally ill.
imagine being this mad at a person you don't even know.
notch has enough fuck-you-money to fly all his favorite traps to his house to have an orgy twice a week and not even feel it in his wallet.
he definitely spends more time enjoying being stupid rich than worrying about saving the gaming industry though. he probably works on a game as his personal hobby whenever he feels like it. and itll probably never be finished or released because he has no reason to care.
I would live modest like I do now, but in a better area and knowing that I can't become poor.
Living a rich lifestyle makes you a target for hostage and blackmailing desu.
>stole infiniminer code
>throws a nickle at them as compensation
>does not help small dev teams make a difference
>does not fund good projects
>sits on his ass all day crying like a bitch
You know he used to shill on Yea Forums and got bullied out of here by manly tears, good riddance.
The last time he tried to get Psychonauts up and running again, it totally blew up in his face.
>Stealing free to reuse code
>Waaaah I hate him so much! But he should give me money!
Fuckin lepper
it never ends at just being their sexuality for these people
He literally lost his kid in his divorce. He pays child support.
>He basically gave them pocket change
Why do they deserve more than that? Are they retroactively responsible for Minecraft going viral?
>considering Minecraft wasn't even his idea.
Here we go again....
The funny thing is essentially saying this is an admission they didn't play infiniminer.
Keep reading. Two posts later he's wishing death on anyone who disagrees with his broken political ideology.
heh actually this
So what? It's his money, he's free to sit on it if he wants to. Get a job, and try to get laid for once in your life maybe.
>You know he used to shill on Yea Forums
No, he didn't. He literally didn't even know what a tripcode was during his first Q&A, and if he even had a clue what this place was actually like he wouldn't have come here in the first place.
>out of here by manly tears
How many years has it been, Manly?
The only person left shilling is you.
>blaming the rich for taking subsidies instead of blaming the state for taxing you
based retard
Yup. Notch is a loser; he always was.
>because sitting around forever is boring
Why do people say this? How could you ever get tired of just sitting around doing nothing all day? It's fantastic.
Except the rich don't pay thosr taxes either so double fuck those cunts. Why do you white knight them so much?
I applaud anyone that doesn't pay taxes. Fuck the state.
The rich pay the vast majority of the taxes. How delusional are you?
>Why do you white knight them so much?
why do you white knight the state so much?
the state takes your money by force and tells you how you can and can't live your life, while the corporations offer you a service or a product in exchange for money, you dumb cunt.
>vidya deserves to be saved
This is literally just the feudal system diagram but replaced with the word capitalism.
There are no kings in capitalism, the priests are not that wealthy and they don't have political power, and it's missing the entire middle class.
Even in the Renaissance there was a middle class.
Obviously this image was created quite a while ago and is probably propaganda obviously from France but it didn't even apply to America during its founding, much less during what seems to be the 1800's.
>saves vidya by handing it over to the bugmen
>is more than likely a spy for the chinese goverment
>saving those who will not save themselves
Yeah, nah.
Notch is a loser who happens to be rich. Rich doesn't change the inner loser within a person.
>Save vidya
>When you can hone your craft like a hermit without deadlines and worry about mainaining your basic needs
Notch may not always be on point, but at least he still tends to his hobbies.
>retards think being rich is a good thing
The only rich person who enjoys his money is someone who knows that no one knows about his money.
As soon as people know how rich you are you will always have gangs and other criminal organizations around you. Enjoy living your life in a golden cage because as soon as you go out alone you will be most likely in some car and getting gang raped by a bunch criminals.
He won the technocapital race. The real one, not the rat race version that 99% of the workforce boxer population play. He can do whatever he wants, that's the rule. Let him be. You don't take the matter seriously, now he's free. Really free.
yes user i'm sure that's what happens
>defends cuckitalism
when you get that much money you get real hobbies and stop playing vido gays
I think the strain it puts on both old and new relationships would be the bigger problem. Theres a reason most rich people only hang out with rich people
he doesn't wanna even try and i don't blame him. games industry is fucked.
When he sold minecraft to microsoft, his friends that worked with him thought they would get a share. He told them fuck off and burned bridges. He will never have a real friend now that hes rich. Everyone who associates with him wants his money.
still better than communism, where everyone is poor, dead or raped.
There is no real difference between a man without possessions in nature and a rich man without responsibilities. He is free of money, not everything else that burdens one.
Infrostructure isn't going to fix itself.
if I had his money I would just basically do drugs and fuck escorts all day in and day out instead of whining on twitter like he does.
Good thing that will never result in boredom, stds, addiction, being robbed, or prison.
Money can't fix everything, commie.
He just wants to watch the world burn now that money wasnt able to cure his autism and depression
Wealth is wasted on the wealthy
He is actually making something but idk what to think about it
>food given to farmers by lords and knights
u wot
Shut up Notch, quit being a faggot
Why help this faggot industry when he has money to affect REAL legislation.
>"I have made more games in the past year while $100k in debt"
>"Great job, keep it up!"
Let's be serious, if you were a millionaire from selling a game you made would you bother to save the vidya industry? no, you'll be spending your money on weeb figures or food
He'd need at least triple his current money to take on the AAA hydra of evil that is destroying gaming.
well he was cockteasing and then couldnt whip out lousy 20megs
If i had that money, i wont save this shit industry, specially whit giants like epic and sony being the ones shitting it up, hell i probably make my own game and invest the rest in something.
>saves gaming
>nothin personell
More voxels and pixel-shit graphics? Lame
Don't you remember the story of the old widow and her two copper coins from Sunday school?
no, corporations lobby to tell you how you can and can't live your life, dipshit.
Enjoy Disney Google and Amazon swallowing up entire industries while the entire antitrust department sits on their thumbs
No, I didn't go to Sunday school.
It's a damn sight better than whatever your death cult is offering.
Well, the point is that it doesn't really matter how much the rich pay, because they always have plenty left over. But when the poor pay for something it actually matters, because it leaves them with nothing.
>this is the only rich person i know who isn't old, he should fix all my problems with money
are you all this mentally basic? sick of seeing this same thread
Notch, please do something with your life instead of mope about not having friends. Either that or give your wealth to people who will do something with it
>Yea Forumsfags curse Notch and make fun of him daily
>it's missing the entire middle class.
no it isn't lol, are you blind?
>past regiems = it will never be any better at all
"Save us" is clearly a hyperbolic way of addressing the fact that he is wasting a golden opportunity to use his wealth for something more than instant gratification (which judging by his twitter isn't even giving him that). The fact that you are unable or unwilling to comprehend this must mean you are too young to visit this site and you should ask your single mother to activate a parental lock on your computer.
>get to keep your own property and food
>your landlord takes 50% of your wage packet and you struggle to exist, any unexpected bill could leave you on the street
>saving a genre plagued with trannies
That's why there are rich guys who get off on making chicks do the most degenerate shit possible for money.
If they're gold diggers you might as well make them work for it.
Well yeah, if they're escorts it's their job retard
Whatever bro. If I was him I'd give money to the SJWs to spite the little fucks on Yea Forums
>its someone elses job to save something
you faggots are the reason why everything is shit, you dont do anything because you think you can just wait around until someone does it for you.
That's a bit different than pretending the rich pay nothing, which seems a common narrative among retards.
Besides, half the US pays literally nothing or gets more back than they paid.
How many times are you retards going to try and how many tens of millions of people need to die before you pull your heads out of your ass?
It's his job because he's rich
With great power comes great responsibility. He has the power, its time to take responsibility.
>Besides, half the US pays literally nothing or gets more back than they paid.
>it's another "federal income tax is the only tax" episode
Funny. Most of the time when you chimps play that game it's to claim the rich pay no taxes. It must be nice having your cake and eating it too.
i mean he could just fund a random animation studio or game studio to make a media he likes. if i had actual fuck you money i would probably just pour a few million into an actual good berserk anime
Well what did you expect from a fat alt right incel? The dude is depressed as all fuck
By that logic, he should buy out some game studios and shut them down. Maybe you'd all stop buying shit games and perpetuating a shit industry.
He tried, but all of his "friends" stabbed him in the back, and so he ended up disillusioned with humanity in general and retreated to his twitter tower.
I would be blowing cocaine and fucking flip whores all day
>even trying to save vidya
i was 14 when i played it. and i never got any of the expansions after i beat the main story and some extra stuff (because lol no money and newer stuff is here)
i dont remember the deck builder part. all i know is that i went a 3 meteor build that left me completely useless for 30 seconds afterwards, but it was to much fun bombing the shit out of something
All e-celebs are like this. They make a shitton of money but then do nothing of value with any of it. They become a waste of a millionaire/billionaire. See also: Pewdiepie
he could just have people make stuff he wants or i dont know start a green energy company or whatever he wants.
Future Notch
He has billions and billions of dollars and he doesn't do shit with it. If he gave 90% of his money away he would still have more than enough money to live luxuriously for the rest of his life, without having to work ever again. The average murican will spend their entire lives saving for 1 million dollars simply so they don't have to work anymore when they're too old and he's far surpassed that
It becomes a complete waste of money and resources, he just sits on piles and piles of money while doing nothing with it while it can be better spent elsewhere.
at least that guy is creating something he wants with all his wealth. like this guy wants an underground bunker city, and he has the money to make it , so he does.
notch could hire architects to make a shifting mansion with secret passageways and whatever. or a tournament of whatever the fuck he thinks is cool or thinks would be funny to him.
doesnt matter how insane or crazy it is. why not spend something to hire people to create stuff you want to exist
Why should he?
maybe he has an underground gold bunker now and is just collecting gold
Save most of it
why would he share? no one lost their job when he sold mojang
Maybe Notch is making an underground bunker too. Maybe he is making a crazy funhouse mansion in the woods. Maybe hes making a underwater base in the middle of the pacific
It'd all be secret anyway.
If I were rich I wouldnt want to the world to know about all the stupid projects I want to finance.
You die a hero or live long enough to become a useless fat fug
This is why you'll be forever poor. Actual rich people are not a big spenders. What you see people who claim to be rich, while in reality they are as poor if not poorer than you. There is so many of these pseudo-rich people who are nothing but big spenders and they'll be completely destroyed in their 50's if not on the street. Enjoy your showoff BMW faggot while you eat your frozen pizza, just like these idiots do.
resources arent equivalent to knowledge, vision, wherewithal
blindly throwing money at things isnt an avenue to success, its a way to get robbed
he could maybe start another company or something, but thats a lot of responsibility and work that i have a feeling he just doesnt want
i dunno, if he felt like doing anything i think all hed be capable of would be like hoarding ip rights so that shitware companies dont keep buying them and puppeting around the corpses of dead franchises
>Actual rich people are not a big spenders.
Why do you guys say this stupid shit? They absolutely are. Yeah there are some stupid lottery winners who are new money and not a lot of it and lose it all fast but those arent even actual rich people. Actual rich people like Jeff Bezos owns high rises and private islands. Jerry Seinfeld has a compound full of vintage cars. Bill Gates house is fucking expensive as hell. None of these people with true wealth lives like paupers. And fuck dont get me started on the arab oil faggots who literally fuck instathots ahem, escorts, all day long while traveling the world
Whew that "music" tho
Yeah """rich people""" who make 100-200k a year won't spend much, but someone who makes tens of millions of dollars or is a literal billionaire absolutely can and will be a big spender
user you are confusing throwing money at things, with being rich. If you were not a total commie retard you would understand that if you cannot manage your money you cannot be rich, or it'll get out of your hand quick. You need to be very smart with investments, but these people already did it in the boomer-era, where everything was new. Now if you want to be rich you have to be multiple times smarter than these people were.
Whatever discussing this on Yea Forums is pretty much pointless. Considering most of you guys buy something you can get for free already states that you are incredibly bad businessman, same goes for your gaymen pc and consoles. You are absolutely fucking retarded and should just stick to flossing and get your dopamine off from pixels.
They can support that big spending, but remember most of them were very smart back then, and that's where their money is. They made themselves rich, and you seethe about why Notch is not a businessman, while he never was. He sold his idea to MS and now lives off from that. I highly doubt he would be even able to make such a different as you guys believe even with all the money. But again this is Yea Forumseddit so whatever.
>If you were not a total commie retard you would understand that if you cannot manage your money you cannot be rich, or it'll get out of your hand quick
go suck a fart out of my ass, like spending big money out of your bigger bank account means you're close to bankrupcy. This is like thinking a normal middle class person will end up on the street unless he lives like a miser
reminder that notch very likely posted in this very thread
Dude wtf are you even talking about? You didnt refute shit that I said. You barely even addressed it. And they you started going off on me calling me a fucking commie for a bunch of retarded shit that was never even in the conversation.
Money can't buy everything.
Beats me why sociopaths pursue it.
Money can't buy everything
But it can still buy most things
there are very few things that money wont solve. and it does not include a lot of things like depression because that can be fixed by hiring actual professionals
I know he's probably just stingy and wants to keep all his money to himself, being one of those nouveau riche that have no concept of noblesse oblige, but in reality there's fuck all you can do to save vidya no matter how rich you are. The genie is out of the bottle, and we're fucked forever.
Oh. You're one of those retards.
Rich people rely on the state and society as a whole to protect their property, a privilege that can be witheld at any time.
Richfriends would do well to remember that.
Can it be really?
Rich people can afford private security. There's at least one M2 machine gun on the registry formerly owned by a mining company for crowd control.
It's funny how commies never seem to understand that the police are literally the only thing keeping them alive.
Who the fuck wants to save anything for you little shits?
>Be niche game maker for entitled incel "hardcores"
>Can barely afford rent
>incel "fans": "durrr, you have $50,000 you should be able beat out AAA vidya if your game is good"
>need Epic exclusive just to keep the lights on and make the game people want
>incel fans all over your social media accts: "durrr THIS GAME LOOKS BAD EGS SELLOUTS CAN'T WAIT TO PIRATE"
>Studio shuts down
>incel fans: "durrr WHY WON'T SOMEONE SAVE GAMING!?"
Notch is doing just what he should be: Roasting roasties and putting Steamcels/Consolekids in their place on Twitter.
Yeah it's not really simple as long as people are convinced of the immutable God-given right of property, but still technically true.
What if mr. private security decides to just take everything you own instead of working their asses off for a small fragment of it? What happens then?
You go crying to papa state that's what happens.
Then the other private security company you have on retainer takes care of it. Not that it would happen. Bad for business.
He did that and got depressed
They can just make a deal with the other security company, without a higher entity to hold them accountable, it's always more profitable to fuck you over: you can't possibly pay them more than they would have if they took everything from you.
Then instead of hiring a security company you'd have your own security personnel, until eventually you become the new state.
And then you get killed in a coup by your head of security.
Based and apathypilled
Personally fund SHAFT to adapt all remaining Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei material.
You understand that you are literally insane, right?
Not really, i'm just telling you how power works.
Cancer cant cure cancer.
When people like you have any of it, sure. That's why half the country owns guns.
So basically we're back to the police being the only thing keeping you alive.
The thing about power is that it favors people with this mindset. Even if most people don't think like that, those who do will become more powerful much more often.
truly all of them are mentally ill retards
Save how? No, seriously, how does ANYONE save video gaming as a whole?
rich people aren't rich enough for real military equipment (tanks and shit), so if the country was lawless then the ak 47 poorfags would pillage the shit out of them with their superior numbers, because unlike in the feudal age you don't need 20 years of fencing training, a warhorse, and a suit of armor to stand up to the other guy running top line equipment
>Gamergate caused all this increased diversity and degeneracy in video games
>mfw Gamergate literally changed humanity and social media as a whole in the west and parts of Europe
Technically a mouse can kill an elephant, but that doesn't mean that it can practically happen. The rich rarely lose what they have accumulated, and when they do it's often because of their own stupid mistakes. The mob is just never there to enact their justice, as you romantically suggest, seeing as it's dumb and short-sighted, easy to deceive and even easier to evade, and the rich simply have so many different tools to act on any of those weaknesses, among them the ultimate tool of running away taking their gold with them.
You'll find just as many people willing to kill the commie hordes for a steady paycheck.
And you don't have to be rich to own a tank, even now.
Move to South America and never work again
I'd use that money to fuck everyday cute girls I see off the streets. I'm not talking about prostitutes, just those regular girls you see while taking a walk, riding on the bus or when you go out to eat. I want to see how much they think they're worth before they agree. I'd keep a catalog and video recordings of everyone I fuck. That's how I'd spend my unlimited bucks at least. When I end up killing myself from depression, I'll pass off my collection to the people of the world.
If I was notch I'd pay a bitch to be on my dick at all times
I don't see why he would give them money. They were hired afterwards when Minecraft was already a hit. Notch's success wasn't because of them.
Please no. He's indirectly responsible for openworld survival crafting early access shit.
I'm not talking about mob justice, mostly just regular thieves and bandits are what general society protects rich people from.
you don't have to be commie to steal shit from people richer than you, just not a faggot
mr vanderbildt goldenchild is going to get gunned down by some warlord and his dudes, because guess what, this is a feudal state and the rich and powerful in feudal times were martial lords, not faggy merchants who were basically treated as subhuman. The only way a merchant can prosper is with the protection of the law.
No, you pretty much have to be a degenerate commie. Most people aren't wired like you and would be happy to get rid of you.
>owning your own property
Pick one you city fag
most people live in a society, not a lawless wasteland where nobody gives a fuck about them
anarchocapitalism doesn't fucking exist, it's only an utopia dreamed up by jewish economists and would immediately collapse because the NAP is basically like playground rules kids make up, "nuh uh you can't touch me because I have an invisible shield"
basically you are retarded and everyone in history has loved going to war to steal shit from other dudes, see the crusades, the new world explorers, the british, the mongols, whatever you can think of has a bunch of hardcore manly warriors going off and killing other dudes and getting rich
heh. They always have the weirdest views of reality, so obviously colored by their horrible environments.
give this man a metal
Says someone who never had to face serious life or death need
And this is a snowball effect, when you live like that for too long, you kind of stop caring.
And then there are children who are born into an environment like that and don't even know any other way to live.
Buy a modest house a nice personal computer a car and then fund a videogame company that makes games exactly how i want them.
Yeah, but you don't want to go crusading to kill heathens and get rich. You want to rob your neighbors. You're the kind of critter that would just vanish one day and then no one would ever talk about again. Like a rabid dog.
He could literally make a new company and make another ground breaking game like Minecraft yet he chooses to waste his time getting upset on Twitter. What a tool.
Brainwashed commie logic like this have burned entire nations to the ground.
Wake up.
So, like liberals, minus the life and death needs.
>look at the landscape of gaming
>it's a dumpster fire with monkeys flinging shit that's on fire in every direction
>no thanks i'm good
And the pyramid is on fire.
He's so toxic now, no publisher will touch him.
he doesn't have to spend a single penny, dumbfuck. Maybe you will understand if you were to stop being a NEET and finally get off your ass and started doing something with your life.
rich people who hire militarized guards aren't your neighbours, they are completely socially divorced from you, society doesn't exist anymore so they don't share any sort of bond in that manner, and presumably they're running whatever little imaginary rules they want in order to get as rich as possible (and if they have armed guards we already know what rules they're running, that being "work for me for monopoly money you can only spend in my stores or I'm going to fucking kill you with pinkertons")
the only reason you have a comfy working life right now is because workers movement scared the shit out of authorities, and then latter backed by the threat of the soviet union, so they granted them stuff like workplace rights and 8 hour work days. And the workers movement kicked up a lot of shit, not always legally, because violence for the sake of a better life is a fundamental human virtue
It's brilliant. Make yourself unhireable in the current climate and people leave you alone.
Why do I owe the rich the courtesy of not taking their wealth?
Implying vidya can be saved
It's not the rich people you should be worrying about. It's the guy down the street who you think is rich because his car is newer than yours.
nah, there wouldn't really be a street because you would have turned your neighbourhood into a walled-in hamlet when they announced the total dissolution of law and order
why do you owe the poor the courtesy of not taking their shit?
>>does nothing
but he's working on that new kino adventure game of his
The only way to save vidya is to get rid of the massive influence normies have on the industry. The only way to do that is to make vidya unappealing to the masses. The best way to do that is to push vidya to become perceived as a toxic environment filled with creepy bigoted losers with no social life or basic decency. Notch has said a shitload of problematic things on twitter, so he's doing his part.
cringe but redpilled
based but bluepilled
based AND redpilled
And you think your neighbors would keep you around?
Oh shit he's based
yeah no you're right they would just kill me #ownedepicstyle
Notch is a fucking Chad
He can say all the incel shit he wants and get away with it while still having the blue checkmark and without being canceled
If i was him i would lift until i got a Chad body and go to normie places and give a fake name, so he could make Friends without them knowing he is rich, hell he could even go to a poorfag country and find love
Holy based
he is a literal Yea Forumstard, minecraft was and will always be the only good thing he's ever done
he has the money to shave his disgusting beard, go to the gym and get help from the best psychiatrists/psychologists/life coaches in the world. But he chooses to cry about SWJs and shitpost on twitter all day
Based holy FUCK
women were a mistake but unironically
literally this, too bad notch is a quintessential swedish cuck
When and where in your childhood did Mr. Goldstein touch you?
I hope he does nothing forever. he aldready ruined videogames enough
Vidya in its current state isn't worth saving.
This is how cuisine works, retard. You have your food and then eat it.
>t. useful idiot
The Bolshevik revolution actually was financed by wealthy (((financiers))) from London and New York.Every revolutionary movement through history is financed by capital, often by a competing nation that wants to establish a banana republic. Most Class or Race conflicts are just wealthy people using the disadvantaged peoples envy to disestablish the nation for their own ends.
It aint her being a woman it's her being a retarded Indian nationalist and not wanting India to look like the third world country they are
Oh that looks familiar
>no publisher will touch him
Is that just the excuse the lardball invents so he doesn't have to work? Notch has more money than what's being spent on Elder Scrolls 6, the nigga can bankroll any project he wants. Like, shit, Tobyfox only made a couple million off Undertale and he's made an actual studio for Deltarune. Notch doesn't even need to work in vidya. He can make a fucking Marvel movie if he wants.
Um, sweetie, Notch already made depression quest 2 game.notch.net