>tfw it's past your bedtime
such a shame it had to have such a shit soundtrack
it's ok when japan does it
>what is context
what is it's ok when japan does it
This but unironically
Japs make their games soulful and fun
it's okay when someone other than ninja theory does it
>tfw silver bullet drops
"BOTH, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" was even better
this but unironically
DmC was so shit it was actually good. The dialog was so bad I couldn't stop laughing.
More like "it's okay when the character isn't a walking middle finger to begin with"
Gotta admit that was unnecessary and pretty cringe.
You’re cringe
I laugh every time someone posts this because its actually true. Based Japan knows how to make a good video even using tropes people object to.
This scene alone was cringier than all DmC "dialogues" combined
>Gets stabbed clean through
>Rips sword out of his own gut and impales Vergil in the chest
Nero has some daddy issues
The context is that it was made in japan. Also the characters are generally hideous looking just like DmC but, it was made in japan, so it's ok.
is that his real teeth? what a mother fucker
Part of me wanted him to take back Yamato for the rest of the fight. .
looks like you got the easiest part of the fight down pat
>he says when abortion rifle exists
wtf did I just buy
bros... is there gonna be any DLC announced at TGS?
>We'll never have the level of asspain that DmC caused again.
No. The ride is over. It was a good run but we've been running on fumes for a while.
I don't understand webs like these.
The problem is that Donte was a far cry from the original character. If you’d have been there from the beginning you’d realize there were still quite a few people after the initial trailer that didn’t mind Donte because they actually thought he was a different character entirely and the real Dante would show up later in the game.
With Nero if you pay attention to 4 his character is not a drastic change.
>not a drastic change
What are you talking about? There was no change to his character.
why is there just a subsection of Yea Forums that specifically despises dmc and goes into every dmc thread to shit it up?
still mad lmao
and i got a bigger dick
>literally looks more evil than his father ever could
Nero is going full Anakin in DMC6 isn't he?
He needs more power
donte's 'fuck you'
>some demon he never met
>has zero pent up aggression towards it
>literally does it to look cool
nero's 'fuck you'
>just learned he had a dad
>his dad left him for power
>is trying to kill his uncle
>his dad literally wants nothing to do with him even after meeting him
>stole his arm
it's justified
Fornicate Thou
>pulls literal devil trigger
Nero looks like he’s having a Vietnam flashback
I'm surprised there's no in-game model poser gif of the dance yet.
>game pokes fun at previous game
Nero does't care about Dante. He treats him like shit.
And miss the chance to Max Act that smug fuck with combo b?
have sex
Last i checked, nephews who love their uncle don't hit them or swear at them.
This one suck imo
I wish these old memes never went away.
Nero doesn't outright show that he loves anyone but to Kyrie. he really respects Dante, the ending of DMC4 and the fact he was bothered by what Dante called him in 5 proves it.
there was so many kino scenes in dmc5. I'm so glad I got into the series after seeing the e3 reveal trailer
Kind of BS that he only acts that way to Kyrie. You telling me he'd treat Sparda and Eva like shit too?
nero's dropkicks are really cool
dropkicks seem like hard to do IRL though, I guess you're suposed to get a running start?
>Kind of BS that he only acts that way to Kyrie
I guess he's also nice to the orphans.
>You telling me he'd treat Sparda and Eva like shit too?
Eva is similar to Kyrie in personality so he'll treat her with respect, even more if he knew she was his grandmother. And Sparda was worshipped by the cult he grew up with and yet, he didn't give a single shit about him until he talks about him to Sanctus after excepting his demonic half.
DMC as we knew it is dead.
Remember when Dante not swearing was done to make him cool? Even the villains didn't resort to swearing. But then Nero happened....
The cussing should've stayed at the level it was in 4
All a dropkick is you kicking while falling. You can run up or do it from a stationary position.
Too bad they got downgraded in 5
We're not getting anything out of TGS, right?
>almost shakespearian
Yep, we're not.
I agree with this
Dante didn't swear because it wasn't cool, that's just what people grew up with and thought was cool, Kamiya would put as many curse words as long as it was cool in his eyes.
>brought over a girl I was sleeping with
>instead of fucking I made her play dmc5
she was pretty shit but enjoyed it
Its called tough love nerd
>You’re gonna miss
I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit.
At least they're actually doable now without running away from the enemies for 5 minutes just to start sprinting
Can anything get through you when spamming welter move? Feels like I'm invincible
They're still weak as shit and hardly stagger even fucking Empusas now
fucking kek
Newfags to the series here. My friend told me to skip 2. She says it's fucking shit? Why? I just finished 1 and it doesn't look too bad.
it has some... design issues, also pretty much the entire game was made in 6 months, it was so bad that 3 was made just so 2 wouldn't be the one that people remmember, and as an apology.
here's a fun trick in 2, mash the gun button to win against everything.
Just keep playing, you'll see.
Play it until you get bored
Whatever you say weab
Flint Wheel is same. Turns Fury and Death Scissors into joke
I enjoyed 2 even if you need to turn your brain off completely to play it, you can beat it in 2 hours so just put on a podcast or some music blast through it and skip all the cutscenes because the story is terrible
It was literally made like in 4 months
They seem ineffective outside of WWE spectacle. Unless you drop kick someone in the face.
And iv got a bigger *wub* dick
Rainbow had it's uses
Why is that faggot trying to sound like Rick?
Absolutely based
Why did Dante and Vergil have to be at their home to stab themselves? Was there anything holding them back from just stabbing themselves anywhere else?
This problem can be easily solved. One should simply leave. You can't fix the world, only yourself.
Look at how they aimed their swords. Home is where the heart is.
I actually don't mind it, I just thought it would be funny to post that voice clip. And DMC threads are too comfy to leave
Vergil knew he was gonna bite the dust and headed to the last place he ever felt safe
Truly based
It's for cheap symbolism and trills. Dante suddenly stumbling on his house was a major cop-out imo.
That wasn't really aimed at anyone, I was speaking in general and yeah DMC threads are still nice to hang around.
it was just to look cool
didn't he say to griffin that he had somewhere to go so he was heading in the direction of his house? idk it's been a while
Because it would make for cool symbolism that not many will notice. Vergil, stabbed himself facing away from his family's portrait, while Dante did the opposite.
>Dante suddenly stumbling on his house
He went there purposely though because the event was taking place where he lived as a child and he probably knew vergil would have been there
Trish looks ugly in 5. I bet Dante would look better than her if he was a girl.
If you have access to 2, play it and do a Stinger. That's DMC2 in a nutshell.
>that moment when the instrumental of Legacy kicks in and you see all the destruction and the massive Quliphot and Dante going back to his home after all this time to stop it
>Nero hates black people
And the fight with Urizen shows the house as well, so it bring context as to why we see Vergil splitting himself there too.
>I bet Dante would look better than her if he was a girl.
not sure if anyone has noticed but that fight also has Urizen spawn blue fire in a pattern that resembles a house, first a triangle shape which is then followed by a rectangle shape
Vergil looks cuter!
The house was literally always next to the Qliphoth, V stumbles into an area he grew up in in mission 7, an area that's close to a Qliphoth entrance.
Vergil is always inferior to Dante. Or at least he thinks he is.
actually looks good instead of the edit that turned her into an ayy lmao
think you can do one for Vergil?
wooo mama
I think you mean Nero
Please stop this. This is homosexual.
It's still too convenient for the plot. For all intents and purposes we were led to believe their house was destroyed prior to 5.
You know it's funny how their home appears 5 after DmC did something very similar, but was no where mentioned in previous games.
I'll try, but no promises, though I'm not sure which picture should I use for the edit.
>dropkicks seem like hard to do IRL though, I guess you're suposed to get a running start?
You can do while just standing, but for them to be effective you have to be running
Maybe when he first turns around and shows his face, I think it was here he looked the weirdest
>still too convenient
>when the whole story line takes place in their old place
>implying dante wouldn't have gone there
The house was destroyed though and it's remnants are the only thing standing after the supposed fire.
Capcom always genderbends their characters.
If Dante, Vergil and Nero appear in the same fighting game as Demitri it's a wrap.
Alright, I'll see what I can do. Stay on the lookout for these threads, if I don't post anything then I wasn't successful in making anything worthwhile.
how did you even take this pic
>6 months after release
>still obsessed with this game and checking if there's any dlc announced every day
I'm not the only one right?
Please capcom, release me from this hell and make Vergil playable already
>devil bringer aims for the weak spot
Shimmering effects do plenty of shit
When will we have another deman hunter female lead?
We could've had this, instead we got Kyrie and Nico. Sasuga Itsuno.
No, you got Lady instead of that.
Don't know, but an athletic tomboy demon hunter lead would be the perfect setup for Dante's daughter, if he actually contributed to continuing the Sparda bloodline
Its called bayonetta
I'm talking about what could've been, now what happened. Someone like Beryl could've appeared down the line. And we pretty much lost Lady after 3.
No one talked about a female playable character
>Nero is now the protector of the human world
>Dante and Vergil are trapped in hell
Where can they even go next storywise?
Nero trying to rescue the brothers? Mundus returning? Will we finally see daddy Sparda?
>Dante and Vergil racing each other to get out of hell
When Dante starts putting babies in sexy demon women
Dante getting sucker punched by some massively buffed up Mundus and turned into an Angelo.
Vergil and Nero teaming up to save him?
>sneak kick on someone
kek, dumb nigger
I want a punk grill protag that acts like a mix of DMC3 Lady and DMC4 Nero. Something in the lines of "she hates demons because they killed her family" cliché added up with a wild and impulsive personality. I want a parallel where Nero have the same trouble dealing with a young stubborn heroine, as Dante had with him in DMC4.
>Nero is now the protector of the human world
They aren't trapped in hell
Well, it's possible now with how Nero is, they could remove wire snatch and give him directional inputs for his breakers. but I don't think he needs them honestly, what he needs is Breakers 2.0 and Red Queen 3.0 with different elements
Nico is itsuno's fetish don't dunk on it.
You niggers really think Dante cant come back to the human world when Vergil has the Yamato. A small shard can create a portal so big that Balrog got through.
Nero shitters i swear.
>Nero: Hang on, if you do that you can’t come back
>Dante: Why do you think I’m going? Someone’s got to look after your old man
Oh yeah?
Fuck you leatherman
You wish Nero fag. It was mistranslated.
I guess they both just forgot about the Yamato
Wasn’t Vergil trapped in hell after 3 until Mundus enslaved him?
>People expecting full on Vergil DLC campaign already made withing 6 months of the games launch
kek'd, did you learn nothing from DMC4?
>Using English text
>Not the original Japanese script
Nerofags begone!
>Nero pretending to understand anything about demon portals
>Dante playing along like the doofus he is, and trying to get to fight with Vergil without Nero crying about it
And what happened to the plot point about Yamato able to cut open a portal to the human world? And what happened to the perfect amulet that Dante has?
And I am aware that the game makes it clear that Dante and Vergil are in hell and haven't returned, but they can most certainly return.
post more
lady x dante is so cute
He chose to be there
Here you go
That was before they gave Yamato more rediclous powers. And he chose to go and fight Mundus instead of going back to the human world, like the retard he was.
They're definitely not trapped but Dante did leave the Earth in Nero's hands for the time being
She should stop doing coke.
Yeah just until they come back so?
How long does it take to sever a demonic tree from it's roots?
He's remembering Vorgil with a sniper rifle.
They should stop bothering to bring back Trish and Lady if they're just going to do nothing and be ugly
You monkeys would have complained if they didn't bring them both back.
Patrician taste
It's funny how similar she is to Nero
Curious, what's the correct translation for this line? Sucks that there's so much mistranslation errors for DMC5.
We don't know how long that's going to be they could fuck around in hell for a few years
Trish did some good, though.
>was a great boss
>made V open up to his mistakes
>Saved V from falling
>helped Dante by bringing the Sparda with her and tossing it to him
She's like the second most helpful NPC in the game
>Nero pulls his devil trigger for the first time yelling "FUCK YOU!"
>DT is a hot woman
>Doesn't turn back into a guy when he turns off DT
I bet that would be pretty awkward, haha.
I wouldn't Trish was always shit and Lady lost all of her character after 3 she would have been better off as a one off character
From Vergil’s dialogue, I got the impression he was going to use Yamato to sever all connections between worlds like daddy did
I just realized The Duel sounds like BFG Division from DOOM '16
Nero just said he wanted to come along with them iirc
We see them in the menu scene right after.
>inb4 not canon
>Trish was always shit
And yet she
>Took a bullet for Dante
>Helped him beat Mundus
>The most fun to play character in 2 since she's DMC1 Dante.
>Saved Dante from Urizen's sex testicles by giving him back the Sparda sword
>Saved (V)ergil
>Pulled Nero into the van while Lady kinda stood there
>Even when she got captured, Urizen turned her into a Gigachad Angelo with 2 cool boss themes and a badass bossfight with Dante
>You're rewarded with a motorcycle devil arm that was hinted at since DMC2
I hope she gets captured again so i can rape her then get electric gauntlets..
Yes, user. There exist a female gender for humans.
He's in
But it fits Nero's personality, not Dante's, you fucking mong. There's literally nothing wrong with the middle finger itself, he even did it in the 4th game.
>even morrison looks better than trish
I keep hearing he's a madlad, what'd he do? something to do with weird tech?
DMC5 apologists are insane.
just becuase you didnt get a game in a Million years doesnt mean you have to defend it so badly.
it looks like shit, its uncanny as hell, girls look like complete ass,everything looks the same regarding the stages, it has MTX and V character is complete trash made for fujobait.
DMC5 fags are the embodiment of beaten wife syndrome.
No, it wasn't mistranslated. Nero literally says "In that case... there's no way to come back, right?" in Japanese. Either way, the English voice cast had more influence on the script because they were the original cast and knew what their characters would be like. They were allowed to basically put their own mix/edits/overhauls in DMC5's script. They edited ~85% of it. Dan has said that in a podcast on YouTube.
go away DmCfag
DmC was a terrible DMC game, but it wasnt a really a bad hack and slash action game on it own, it was brought down because of the brand name alone.
Is that why Urizen went from saying he didn't care about their mother's death at the start of mission 17 to saying he didn't remember in English?
Forgot to post the video. Check @5:51.
>it was brought down because of the brand name alone.
If it didn't have the dmc name attached to it, it would have been forgotten and no dick sucked by the journos
Can't say for sure. Probably, though.
he started channelling donte near the end, good for the most part otherwise
>Urizen went from saying he didn't care about their mother's death
That doesn't sound right coming from urizen, if they had his childhood home in the background
Urizen is pure unfiltered autism
> you can abuse this game mechanic
> game is about being stylish and being creative in your combos to achive high ranks
When the fuck will they learn? yeah you can cheese your way through DMC like any action game but that's not the fucking point. Jesus some fucking fans
>it looks like shit
It looks fine in my opinion, just needed better lighting and colors.
>its uncanny as hell
It barely feels uncanny, mostly because I don't look at it like a realism simulator.
>girls look like complete ass
Nico is good, just with shit tattoos and clothes. Lady needed a better model, but she was still fine. Trish was a screw up though, as bad or maybe even worse than DMC1 Trish.
>everything looks the same regarding the stages
Mission 2, is different from mission 8 which is also different from mission 18. You seem to have a bad memory there, user.
>it has MTX
bad, but they never got in the way of gameplay
>and V character is complete trash made for fujobait.
He's new and interesting, might need some more moves and summons to feel better, it's problem is how it isn't easy to chain a stylish combo, because how different he is from Nero and Dante. And he isn't fujobait, at least it wasn't intentional.
So is V
that makes Vergil pure concentrated autism
He has a point though. Snatch trivialities the game in many parts. Nero was literally made to easy newcomers into DMC.
Besides Dante saying "not in a million years" and this, were there any other jabs at DmC?
>Nero: The Deadweight
>Dante: The Legendary Deadweight
>Virgil: The Deadbeat
Meant to say trivializes
Vergil's spectral clone
The slowmos after clearing out all enemies
That's it I think
I mean the uppercut punch from 3 also does that with normal enemies (and 5 to an extent). Besides you can look at plenty of nero combo videos and they got plenty out of him (even in 4 where he feels half baked and sucked ass)
Nero earned that fuck you.
The game is legitimately a solid 9/10. Gameplay is great, V should have been expanded upon but he has some great moments like the Time horse shit. Trish is is the only character that looked like shit with nico getting a pass because she's new.
>Nero does't care about Dante.
Care might be a strong word, but he definitely cared enough that when Yamato was stolen he felt that he let Dante down and genuinely wanted to make up for it. Which is why he is so butt hurt by the deadweight comment
Johnny Yong Bosch has such a distinct ORYAAAAA that I immediately picked up on his Nero voice in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 as Iron Fist.
There was a shop in mission 2 called Nephilim Bridal with a subtitle: let us merge your two worlds. Or something.
V changing his hair from black to white to DT is another one too.
His full script is(not transliterated):
>I don't have interest in that fact anymore...
>in this place as well
>After all, everything is an illusion produced by this fruit
>What I want... is power
>That is all
>(holds fruit) With this I will-- get everything I want!
What's with Yea Forums's obsession with rounding out chins? I thought the whole "Elbows too pointy, would not fuck" thing was a joke, but here we are.
Imagine the devil trigger form.
See the difference here is that Lady did not have a strong chin in previous games
Anybody got the Nero grug image with six Tomboys lined up?
> imagine the sex
Man, I wish they wouldn't have changed it. Urreason being a full power autismo who doesn't give a shit about the past makes more sense than implying that he doesn't have the memories.
I legit loved him.
>I'm sorry, did I say crazy bitches? I meant ladies.
That does sound better
It's more of a jaw problem than a chin one. Plus Lady didn't have that before, and most people would want their favorite characters to stay the same as they remember.
>Urreason being a full power autismo who doesn't give a shit about the past
Well that's what were supposed to think but he actually does when we see his childhood home show up.
Lady and Trish are so extra in 4 and 5
Eh, fair enough I guess. I just never payed too much attention to that sort of thing.
It's no surprise Dante would look good as a bitch. He's designed to be "cool".
>when you realise he's as relevant to the story as Lady or Trish
They sure do.
He look it's Knives from Trigun
Only reason Morrison and Griffon are liked is because Dan wrote their dialogue.
Who is the perfect woman for Dante?
If your dad is holding an abortion rifle, you'd be having Vietnam flashbacks too
Nico, unironically.
>Vergil: The Deadweight and The Deadbeat
No one. nuDante is asexual.
yes she did
But the actual gameplay is amazing, bosses are fun, tons of enemy variety, good music.
Well, he no longer looked like Dante.
didn't it come out that Reuben and Dan have been basically rewriting the games' scripts so they aren't Engrish cringe like DMC1?
Lucia's mom
a sexbot made by Nico, made up of pizza and sundaes
I actually meant to say jaw, my bad. But her chin is different too
>DMC5 apologists are insane.
Well, yeah, but taking it to the other extreme does us no good either.
>it looks like shit,
That is the one thing it does not. The graphics are gorgeous. Imaginative or not the game at least looks like it was made to be pretty.
>its uncanny as hell,
I don't remember any instances of this.
>girls look like complete ass,
Yeah, that... that is just tragic. It's especially odd that Trish looks like she does when her face model looks like Trish from 4 and in 5 she looks like neither of them.
>everything looks the same regarding the stages,
That's too generalized. A lot of things look the same, sure, so it's not untrue, but not EVERYthing looks the same.
>it has MTX and V character is complete trash made for fujobait.
I don't know what MTX is but DMC has always tried to have the characters be girl bait. Not sure this is a bad thing.
>DMC5 fags are the embodiment of beaten wife syndrome.
I've made a similar argument before but I like the phrasing of this.
I agree with that and feel that the DMC5 defence force might be something that came about because of DmC. That without it the game would not be getting the abundance of defensive and aggressive protection and blind praise it gets. The constant immediate response seems to be that if you don't like 5 then you like DmC so fuck you. There is no true fan who could possibly have any objections to this second coming of our lord and saviour and those do must worship the dark one. But if DmC didn't exist people would be more critical of the things the game did wrong.
vergil's model also knows how to use a gun
you just posted her
If you think calibur would work for closing in the air, you don't know how DMC works. Next game they can just give devil breakers directional inputs but snatch works well for how it functions right now. Nero hasn't many great moves for closing and it makes him feel different to Dante.
You friend is right and if you can't google the thousands of reasons why then she will never get your dick wet.
>your existence or strength
I love mission 20 but the presentation and dialogue for the cutscene before feels really off
>Vergil: Nero just slapped you so if I beat Nero it means I beat you Dante ok? ahah we're all friends now =D
>Nero: When this is over, I'll make you submit.. Father!
It's like they're having two different dialogues
and then instantly
>Vergil: this has nothing to do with you, stand down
and then throughout the fight it's all about Nero wanting Vergil to acknowledge him and it's cool and all with nice back and forth but Vergil acted like he couldn't care less the cutscene right before, it seriously feels like they had two scripts and merged them together
Nero's emotionally charged "fuck you" has more impact than anything in DmC.
so the plot was basically sibling rivalry that ends amicably and had thousands of people die
I mean that's the point right. Vergil doesn't give a shit and nero is fucking fuming, and nero is trying to make vergil give a shit about him because he's his dad and all
>There is no true fan who could possibly have any objections to this second coming of our lord and saviour and those do must worship the dark one.
I don't know why people keep saying this. Sure there are some that are blind to it's faults (mostly because it doesnt bother them as much as it bothers others). But that doesnt mean there was no criticism to the game, people keep talking shit about V, they keep talking shit about the story, they keep talking shit about the inertia autism, they keep talking shit about the level design. Just because some find 5 as their favorite doesn't means their ignoring all it's faults and just considering it perfect.
The screencap post isn't mine, but I do use calibur very often to close distance, like an air dash. I think the point is that snatch makes it very easy to shut down an enemy and has very little recovery frames.
Beast uppercut is still not as safe to use like snatch is. The combo wankery has little to do with actual game balance. People made a bunch of DmC combo's too, hell even with DMC2.
Yeah Dan wrote both their dialogue because he was also doing their mocap.
Why do you always post that pic, Kamiya?
>had thousands of people die
You're still being an autismo over that?
Alright here's something
Pretty sure the entire city at least is dead
Nico also mentioned how everywhere was fucked so it's probably millions of people
Because it's happened and as you said.
>Sure there are some that are blind to it's faults
And who do you think are the most prevalent and insistent and angry posters? If they are a vocal minority they can get pretty god damn vocal.
No. It's about forgiving your family members for the faults they did, no matter how big they are. They're still family in the end. And obviously to love your father, even if he was never around.
Different context
>Yeah... sorry
its okay when japan does it
>it needs to be earned like trickster teleport
Fucking what? Snatch doesn't have invincibility frames. Dante can trick towards enemies without fear, unlike Nero.
>Snatch makes Nero overpowered
>Nero doesn't have enough moves, he's underpowered
Nero has defensive options, you just need to make use of them. Learn to shuffle.
The lack of directional inputs on snatch makes it easier to lock-on to specific enemies and immediately snatch them, giving him more moves would make his moveset worse. Which is why when they gave him new moves they put them on a different button.
>Because it's happened
It happened with all DMC games (except for 2). you'll find those who attack 1, while other defend it calling them zoomers. You have those that attack 3, with those who defend it calling them retards. You have those who attack 4, with those who defend it calling them techlets. They all have angry fanboys.
And if you read the rest of what you just quoted, you'll understand that they have a reason for that.
That’s design, not characterization.
nero fuckyou'd before DMC was even a thing you faggot
>carring about bystanders in dmc
"DmC 2" completely flopped as a shitpost line-of-argument within seven seconds of DMC5's initial announcement and they haven't been able to get over it
Couldn't do much with this one, but I feel it makes him look more like Dante somewhat.
>girls look like complete ass
Die, degenerate
Nothing would have happened if Dante had let Vergil win all those years back.
Those kissable lips thooooo
Bang! Bang! Bang! Pull my leather trigger
Definitely looks more angular like the old Vergil, and the hairline and forehead is an improvement, I like it
Itsuno revealing that he likes girls that talk down to him made me realize Lady was pretty much his fetish too back in 3, since she spends the majority of the game talking down to Dante
M20 is all around weird, bunch of dissonant tones and things that don't make much sense, most of the problems of DMC5's story and characters comes from M20
>imagine being bitten by those sharp theet while being hugged and held down by her coat-wings
Patrician taste.
Did Capcom scanned the models completly?
>Dante lets Vergil keep Force Edge
>but Dante wants his amulet back
>but Force Edge is perthaticly weak without the perfect amulet
>so they fight anyways
>let's say Dante gives up anyway
>Vergil gets the power he so wants
>leaves the human world fucked as all hell
>Dante literally leaves the reason why humans are being massacred alive like a retard, without curing him of his autism
>Vergil would just go around and flex on his power level on demons, till he gets fucked over by one. Like the fate of every narcissistic demon.
Nah, what happened was all for Vergil's good.
sad but true, faggots are stupid, even more so since he is pretty much donte in 5
>short hair
>V literally ASKS for Nero’s help
>lmao this has nothing to do with you
5 has some really strange inconsistencies with its plot and translation, ironically.
V literally told Dante the demon was his reason for fighting and clearly mouthed out Vergil after. Fuck that shit about pretending like he said Urizen, thats not
how your mouth looks. Then somehow Dantes too retarded to realize V is Vergil? Like does he fucking know or not?
I was hoping and not disappointed
Well with Air Trick, you're pretty much bringing yourself towards danger and you can even teleport yourself into an enemy's attack. Snatch on the other hand disables the enemy and safely brings them towards you(not with all enemies admittedly), perfectly setting them up for follow up combos. I think the earning part means that you need to first setup/prepare an enemy yourself, before being able to combo them from an Air Trick. Good example of this being how High Time > Air Trick makes you miss the enemy and the aforementioned setup also depends on enemy weight.
>he lack of directional inputs on snatch makes it easier to lock-on
I don't see how having additional moves using directional inputs and the buster button would disrupt the gameplay in any capacity.
The problem with Snatch is that in makes the character pretty much focused on that specific mechanic and it becomes his whole gimmick. DMC5's additions admittedly do a decent job to alleviate this.
Vergil would have wrecked Mundus if Dante hadn't beaten him up, it's canon. If Dante had let him have Force Edge and the amulets Vergil would have beaten Mundus and become the new king of hell and DMC1 wouldn't have happened. DMC4 also wouldn't have happened because no broken Yamato.
>Thank you, Nero
>rips off arm to further exist
>wtf nero why are you even here nigga go away lol
Vergil becoming a bottom caused him to learn humility?
This webm is a good example of how something can have similar animations and convey an entirely different feel, in DMC4 Vergil is unsheathing and sheathing his sword really fast, giving the feel that the character is extremely fast, in DmC Virgil only unsheathes the blade, which makes it seems like the sword is magical, the much more intense glowing in DmC helps to pass off this sensation
Dante knows that Urizen is Vergil since V told him. But V didn't say who he was. And so Dante for most of the game assumed that Vergil has become a complete demon. That is why he talks with Urizen in mission 17 like he could bring Vergil back. And is bitter, sad and angry about fighting him. Thinking his humanity is long gone.
shit forget the tits, that look does things to me
Dante is literally the Snake of DMC
Yes, but the lower half of the faces are a mesh of the models and the voice actors
>lmao this has nothing to do with you
He was talking about his fight between him and Dante...
>pretending like he said Urizen,
Dante didn't call him urizen
In what sense?
Dante had to beat him up. The hammer of JUSTICE was begging to crush Vergil. HIS SOUL TOLD HIM TO STOP HIM. IN THE HONOR OF HIS FATHER HE WILL. DEFEAT. VERGIL!
Lady model has nice tits then
It is because Japan can at least do it correctly
>Vergil would have wrecked Mundus if Dante hadn't beaten him up, it's canon.
Than a demon some day will come along and beat Vergil. No demon emperor ever lasts in hell. No matter how strong they are.
>DMC4 also wouldn't have happened because no broken Yamato.
DMC4 would've happened anyways because the order was cooking all sorts of alternatives to open up gates to hell and killing demons to juice up the saviour. Yamato just sped up the inevitable.
As far as we know the models were scanned with the clothes on, so there might be some shenanigans there
Im saying V mouthed out Vergil at the end of the scene where he gives Dante the job, yet the game almost pretends like Dante isnt aware and just thinks Urizen is just some demon until the time arrives to drop the twist.
Game makes you believe that Dante is aware who V is sometimes but then conveniently ignores it. He literally has fucking Griffon, Nightmare and Shadow AND Vergils childhood book
>Lady model has nice tits then
They seem fine
you dmcfags are almost as bad as smashfags
>Than a demon some day will come along and beat Vergil.
That's like saying a demon is eventually going to be stronger than Dante so the time he spents defending humanity is pointless. There haven't been demons above Mundus, Sparda and Argosax for over 2000 years. The previous king of fire hell was beaten by DT-less Nero for Christ's sake.
>the game almost pretends like Dante isnt aware
When? He's saying it's Vergil for all of mission 10.
>Revenant clearly has two holes
>Bone version has only one
NT is adorably inept.
Dante is aware. Why the fuck did you think he said Jackpot when he found urizen? He may have thought V was lying to him but once he met him hew knew for sure.
>Then somehow Dantes too retarded to realize V is Vergil? Like does he fucking know or not?
He knows. Only Dante, Vergil and Lady know Vergil is the reason he fights. And the mofo is called V.
Because V is Vergil..?Did you play the fucking game?
>That's like saying a demon is eventually going to be stronger than Dante so the time he spents defending humanity is pointless
Wrong, because beating someone in a fight has nothing to with your power level but with where your heart is. Dante will win because his heart is in the righteous path. Dante was able to beat Vergil in 3 despite how Vergil had Force Edge and Yamato with him, two very powerful swords that hold Sparda's power. And there will always be a demon that will be more powerful, it's a cycle that keeps on going. Mundus isn't as strong as he once was Argosax is gone, and Sparda beated them both.
Anyways all this mambo jambo doesn't matter, since in the end Vergil is cured from his power autism which is what really matters.
It's okay when Nero does it.
Not Dante.
So why wouldnt Dante call him the fuck out?
If they bring back Lucia, what playstyle would que have?
>Smooth switch between her swords and kicks in mid combo
>Fast attacks and lot of spinning attacks
>More air attacks
>Ammulets system that works like a mix between DB and styles
>Multiple ammulets with unique passive abilities that gets stronger when in DT
>Faster DT build up
How do we know he didn't? We never got to see what happened after Dante got told its Vergil since it faded out to the next scene.
London has a population of 9 million people so yeah a lot of people died.
Because Dante didn't know who V was? He doesn't look much like Vergil nor does he sound like him, his powers is also different.
Wait. Dante is British? WTF
Its just a skin.
Im saying Dante literally walks into a fucking trap made by a dude that acts like Vergil, talks like Vergil, has Vergil’s demon gang with him, and is telling you to go kill Vergil. Yet the game pretends that Dante is too stupid to tell that the man holding his dead brother’s childhood possession, and telling him to go kill his “brother”, SOMEHOW isnt connected...
Dante fucking straight up doesnt realize until V’s about to fuse with Urize , it was very clearly obvious before then just from their first conversation. The only reason they stop that scene in mission 10 is because they couldnt write themselves out of that situation. Dante isnt that fucking dumb.
No. Redgrave city only resembles the Victorian era.
No, Dante is Italian. Sparda likes to travel a lot (he ruled over Fortuna). And decided to raise his kids in Redgrave. But Dante ended up living somewhere else after his house burned down (somehow). And met Enzo, Morrison and others.
SO guys, what would you change about Nero for 6?
There's obviously some redundant stuff that should go (having two ways of pulling in enemies, the Buster Devil Breaker, having two get-out-of-jail-free attacks, having a Yamato attack from 4 despite not having Yamato any more), so what would you put in their place?
And what all new abilities would you give him?
Imagine how much better DmC would be if Donte was a cute girl
nice bait
>Ebiny & Irony can’t take magazines
No it wouldn't. I'd be worse. Just look at Moira from RE Revelations 2
it's a big box of chocolate tic-tacs
Way more cringe
Kamiya wanted Dante to be British since they tend to be witty (like James Bond). He then made Bayonetta who has a English accent.
There's no in-universe confirmation but based on his creation process and the fact that Redgrave city is based on London and Dante dances to 70's UK disco music
Dante Dance Music: youtube.com
Stayin Alive: youtube.com
yes he is British.
I'm not really a fan of the way he can just "ghost" his new arm into his Devil Breakers. Might be cool to come up with some new way to use them, like maybe he can "fuse" organically into certain technology like a cyber-demon, or that they now channel his own demonic power instead of being based around bosses.
>Wire Snatch
I feel like some sort of swinging abilities would be cool. He does a few in that cutscene on the bridge, so it would only make sense to put it into gameplay. Maybe it's slower, pierces through things, and guard breaks certain enemies from a distance.
I'd also give him a new combo. Move the rapid button mash combo to Triangle, Triangle, Triangle -pause- Traingle, and make Triangle -pause- Triangle, etc into something involving a stab or a big knockback baseball swing.
I'd also be really interested in more destructible environments. I was bummed when I found out you could plant a Overture bomb on a car then bait Goliath into eating it, only for nothing to happen. It would be a cool skill if you could plant a bomb on a similar piece of debris, then use your new combo to launch it at a crowd from a distance.
Likewise, I'd make a new Devil Breaker that can grab and fire enemies at one another like the Suck Cannon from Ratchet and Clank.
Oh, and a swappable Exceed system that changes its function.
I can't think of a way for Nero to work in 6. On one side, the breaker system severely limits him, while on the other it extends his moveset a lot. They're all unique and fun to use, but none of them are all that deep.
If we're getting rid of breakers I'd like it if they capitalized more on his bringer abilities like bringer knuckle, summoned swords, flat top, bringer claw. There's nothing stopping breakers like Overture, Gerbera, Tomboy and Rawhide from being bringer abilities.
I would also like Nero to get some equivalent to Trickster since he does plenty of acrobatics and he already has a just dodge in table hopper.
>70's UK disco music
Kids tend to have a soft spot for the music their parents liked when they were young. So which parent liked disco, Sparda or Eva?
At that point Dante was stronger than Vergil
Eva doesn't have the personality of someone that listens to funk/disco music.
You know for a fact Sparda was rocking the dance floor.
dead weight
>swappable Exceed
Plasma Module
Extends a larger lazer sword around your blade, increasing the range of attacks. Max-act fires off shockwaves for compound damage.
Parasite Module
Is a little gremlin-like demon that lives inside your sword, extending down to the handle. Turns Exceed attacks into something like the Amygdala Arm from Bloodborne by whipping and trashing the sword around wildly. Doesn't alter your moveset exactly; a single swing is a single swing with the same timing, but the sword whips around so fast that it can add extra hits. Makes moves with longer recovery times (Streak) bridge the gaps with chip damage. Should probably have a secondary effects on enemies, but I'm drawing a blank.
Chronoton Module
Works like the DMC2 time amulet and replaces Ragtime; applies a slowdown field to enemies that are launched into the air or stunned. The more your Exceed meter is charged when you attack, the larger the field is.
>being so hungry for replies that you defended this abomination
there are better ways to get (you)'s user don't do this to your self
This is the face of a man who likes disco.
>calling both his loser nephew and his father deadweight
is there anyone more based then him
How the hell is he defending DmC? It looks to me he's just listing off reasons why the animations are different in an objective manner.
If anything, Donte is shitty Nero and shitty Dante combined.
This is the face of a man who likes disco.
There are no redundant stuff (aside from having two snatches), and the Yamato attacks are his wings taking the forms of the Yamto. but I would like to see some changes.
>have enemies drop breakers instead of them being spread around the map
>replace all breakers with upgraded versions of themselves
>remove wire snatch (or make it have a different function like Donte's snatch)
>you can use your arm as an attack if you don't have a Breaker on
> the bringer buster is more like it's 4 counterpart (faster)
>DT could use a different moveset
>replace helter skelter with a chainsaw
>replace the buster arm with an arm that uses objects as weapons and make it deal as much damage
>d-pad having more functions than just breakaway (or DT like some left it) like swapping the second breakers with up, equipping and unequipping breaker with left and right.
the animations are just shit
>If we're getting rid of breakers I'd like it if they capitalized more on his bringer abilities like bringer knuckle, summoned swords, flat top, bringer claw. There's nothing stopping breakers like Overture, Gerbera, Tomboy and Rawhide from being bringer abilities.
What if his new Bringers aren't prosthetic arms, but a type of technological gauntlet or bracelet that focus his DT into the one hand? And it visually changes like Dante's DT in 3, staying demonic all the time. So each bracelet allows him one of his Devil Trigger abilities, but expanded and placed on a dedicated button.
So Overture would become a big hefty Knuckle-type punch. Gerbera would become a dash move that uses his wings. etc
I much prefer the design of Red Queen in DMC5. I like RQ in 4, but its design was a little clunky and not too stylish. RQ in 5 is perfect though. The exhauts, the curve of the blade but still keeping 4's features. It's *chefs kiss* superb.
kek I haven't heard that one before. How old is Nero in 5 tho he seems like a young adult now in his 20s
Whatever the case, user was not "defending" DmC. Your response was simply unwarranted and your assumption that he's "hungry for replies" is absurd. The reason I'm telling you this is so you don't embarrass yourself next time.
>all the vergil dlc rollan
>it really was bad luck
whatever DmC fag
5 takes place 5 years after the events of 4. If Nero was 16 in 4, that means he is 21 in 5.
Typical retard. DmC is trash but your brain might be worse.
Nero's 24 in 5
>trashing your favourite to save some face
Guy who made that DMC3 thread yesterday here. Currently playing DMC4 and while I like it and Nero and Dante are fun to play as, the backtracking is seriously lame. Also, Dante’s Styles feels kind of nerfed to me, which is probably to be expected since Style Switching is a thing.
How are you so sure?
Sparda is described as a combination of Dante and Vergil, and extremly altruistc and wholesome, I can see him having just as many fun as Dante but acting more of a gentleman like Vergil.
Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking of.
He should get
>two hand
bringers. Instead of break ages, he should get unique attacks like maximum bet and show time while in DT.
sparda pre-prequel game when
Because itsuno said Nero is the same age Dante was in 3
>save face
The irony.
>that face drop into FUCK YOU
Nice to hear from you again. What mission are you on at the moment? And you can also check out the other characters if you have the Special Edition after finishing the main campaign. They don't offer much story other than two cutscenes but some are fun to play as.
>>replace the buster arm with an arm that uses objects as weapons and make it deal as much damage
I love it!
Make the no-Breaker arm attack the Granny Smacker and we have our stealth God Hand sequel.
They are totally nerfed. They're a lot better in 5.
>The way animations are done can convey different things even though they have the similar actions
>This is defending DmC, even though DmC itself was irrelevant
>new Show Time
>slowly cracks his human knuckles and wing knuckles
>points at the enemy
>"You're going down!"
>bum-rushes them with a flurry of punch combos
>ends in a big quadruple punch
>doing it in DT makes him sprint forward Azel-style when the attack launches
>still seething
your game is shit and just admitted it
The DMC4 Novel said he's 17 years old. Bingo is the writer of the series not Itsuno.
I wish Balrog could let you charge hits and had more impactful noises like Beowulf
Mission 17. Just got Lucifer and I’m current experimenting with it on Dante’s beginning levels. Exploding swords are cool as fuck.
hopefully never
Making her combos more of a mix between swords and kicks would definitely be a way to do it and giving her amulets would be another way of distinguishing her from the other characters
Nice to see you got to it. Yeah pretty much everyone agrees that backtracking blows and true, Dante's styles may seem weaker at first, but when actively used together, they really make Dante shine. Admittedly it's hard to get used to constantly switching styles.
Can someone explain to me the lore behind Vergin in DMC4
>i was just pretending!
You'll enjoy 5 way more if you pull through 4. Your pain will be worth it by then.
Man, can you actually be a bit sane about this? All the guy said was that one seems magical and one seems non-magical. It's a distinction. That's all it is.
Bingo wrote that on his own and after 4 released with no input from Itsuno.
>All the guy
i know it was you fag
>falling for this obvious shitpost
Is donte wearing white eyeliner?
Trailer trash having a "fuck you" argument with an ugly slug isn't cool.
An orphan telling his evil biological father "FUCK YOU DAD" is campy, funny and appropriate.
Yeah, I see what you mean. I’ve seen some high level gameplay with his Styles on YouTube and they don’t fail to impress. Not sure if I’ll ever be able to reach that kind of skill but I’ll be striving towards it all the same. Also, Nero and his Buster is pretty cool.
>that Buster move he uses on Sanctus where he just straight up beats the fuck out of an old man
>falling for this obvious shitpost
I realized. I'm just bored as fuck.
Dante should totally get a pole arm in 6
>embarrasses himself by making the wrong assumption
>tries to put words in other peoples mouth to somehow make himself seem in the "right" when called out on it
>then says others are trying to save face when he's the one doing it
It's not me who's mad here and you know it. Try not to make yourself look stupid again, alright? It's for the good of us all.
DmC cuck
He was visiting Fortuna Island some time prior to the events of DMC3 because he heard about Order of the Sword and their worship of Sparda.
I think most everyone agrees that snatch became redudant, so get rid of it, i would expand the Bringer to work like Nero's version of a gauntlet weapon, maybe focusing on the claw aspect of it.
Though i can see why some people would not like it, but making the breakers work more like style switch could be an option, the player could make a loadout in Nico's van/statue with a breaker in each directional button, another option would be having an item wheel for Breakers
Why does he have Force Edge and Beowulf
You feel it too, don't you?
now kiss
FE and Beo are non canon. Just there because developers couldn't bother to give him new animations.
No, he's just a retard that's "pretending to be retarded". If irony had a shape, it'd be that user's face
Gay begone.
The Dante dance argument is flimsy at best, you could fit a bunch of songs with the same tempo and make it looks like he is dancing to that
Probably for gameplay reasons.
too late i kissed you and know you're gay
Vergil's a time traveler
lord almighty sensual cuddling is lethal
Invite me to your wedding
me on the right
that's cute
lewd but nice coloring skills
I'm straighter than the pole your mothers danced on.
>DMC thread became fujoshit again
Oh no.
don't talk to your mother in law like that user
deja vu
We're just helping two homos hook up with each other.
Dante and Vergil were 18 in 3 though
Just expand breaker movesets and let me switch between them without breaking them
They could also add different elemental effects to the exceed system like lightning or magic that change your moveset
Well then she can teach you some tricks when you start dancing on anons pole
So overall how did you like Dante's design in 5?
I'm not that big of a fan of realism but they've nailed his looks , my only remark is that the coat could've been a bit lighter.
Some people just find it hard to admit they're wrong, so they'll call you names. It's not homosexuality that's on display here, but pure stupidity.
Please, I need to see that
>my only remark is that the coat could've been a bit lighter.
This and his hair didn't look very pure white most of the time. Maybe it's the lighting but it looked a dirty grey in most scenes.
Other than that, fantastic design. Still handsome while aging.
Imagine how much better this scene would've been if he just wrote his damn name on it.
stop seething honey it's not good for your face
>Dente, el exterminador de bacterias
He's okay, but I'm not a fan of worn n' torn aesthetic he's got going for him.
But he did
You can call me el diente the plaque killer
husbando of the year all years
> his hair didn't look very pure white most of the time
I think it wouldn't have translated as well as gray did, although that DMC2 render looked really good with white hair.
Little white pearls.
I like it, but i agree that the grimy dirty look doesn't suit him, he needed a more bright/clean/flashy look on him
She should have some capoeira moves but more "delicate", it could fit pretty well for her since in DMC2 she had some moves that had alot of kicking.
His outfit is too bland and his hair is no longer white.
They gave him the most boring design so he won't outshine Nero like he did in DMC4.
holy kek
Dante looks like the 30yo boomer meme
>She should have some capoeira moves but more "delicate", it could fit pretty well for her since in DMC2 she had some moves that had alot of kicking.
You could take the Bayonetta approach and let her have a fuck huge amount of moves combining swords and kicks, minus the dedicated dodge
And that's a good thing.
You guys do realise he looks all dirty and worned up because he got fucked up by Urizen and was in coma for 1 month, right? Taking this into consideration, it makes alot of sense.
But his style looks pretty cool in 5, something that you could go out in real life using it.
To be fair
He hadn't had a shower while he was laying around in a hole for about a month.
Both Nero and Dante got stabbed in the chest in 4 and their outfits were perfectly fine. Trish can even magically summon clothing and Vergil pretty much did the same. That argument is not a strong one for a DMC game.
>But his style looks pretty cool in 5, something that you could go out in real life using it.
That's what makes it lame. Dante's anything but normal or realistic. But it's whatever, they gave us this design and we gotta deal with it until DMC6 comes along.
He doesn't look cool before he got wrecked. Also he can use magic to fix himself up.
I support this theory.
What would vorgils dental name be?
>He doesn't look cool before he got wrecked
Shit taste.
I think he looks a lot better with the shorter hair.
>Expand the pretty light and flightly moveset in DMC2, more of a nickel and dime issue where she gets the least natural hitstun.
>However, she has the best/longest air juggles in the game.
>Her DT has Air Raid and other signature aerial moves
>She and Trish have passive DT generation
>She gets Agni & Rudra, explained that she ended up being one of the people it exchanged hands between after Dante pawned them off. Its her "heavy" moveset.
Anyone else getting this
This looks great. Really makes me wish for another Dante solo game where's he's rocking his DMC1 outfit.
I'm a poorfag so I'm buying the cheap scales and nendos, painted Vergil when
Her dodges should be followed by a special counter to pace up her combat, could be interesting.
their faces look fucked up
>that sword
I supposes that's some sort of a flame, but it makes it look like he's holding a sword made out of jam.
Yeah they usually mess up the faces with these things.
Another faggot getting triggered for not liking DMC5 shit.
Dante was 18/19 in DMC3 you retard.
>no DMC news
>no SMTV trailer
>only a shitty cg trailer of nuOutbreak
Oh it's long over, user.
He didn't even know Dante was his uncle until the end of 5.
You're getting yourself triggered?
Dante and Nero have "deep respect" for each other. Nero very clearly cares about Dante and values his opinion above all other people, arguably more than Kyrie.
Ding-dong diddly based
Is she good-looking?
>Sparda bros has the best healing in the universe, yet Vergil has a cut in his lip
>Vergil cuts Dante's arm by blocking Dante's attack, Dante rips his sleeve off
>Vergil gets hit in half, cloths still intact
It is if Itsuno wants it.
livestream is starting soon
>84 minutes
>"Nero" is Italian for "black"
>Nero is played by the black ranger
That's the point. Dante's rugged design in 5 has nothing to do with realism or the story events, devs just wanted it that way.
It's different, sure, but feels more metal and cool looking considering he is a devil hunter. But it's way better then 4.
>I just finished 1 and it doesn't look too bad.
That's kinda why you shouldn't play it; they took everything enjoyable about 1 and got rid of it after people complained that it was too hard, only to wind up throwing out the baby with the bathwater. 3 is the first game in the series to be directed by Itsuno from the very beginning instead of him just kind of awkwardly jumping in midway through and is when the game goes from "workshopped Resident Evil prototype" to fully forming its own "CUHRAZY!" identity, which perseveres to this day. 2 is just an unrelated side story, anyway; absolutely no significant plot bits are established or involved in any way.
Seeing Morrison in DMC5 made me wish he was in the earlier games, too. I love that he's a cool and suave broker who likes to smoke STOGIES WHEREVER HE WANTS, UNLIKE YOU.
The photo when you S rank Mission 05.
Made a new waiting for dissapointment thread
Fucking same. He's like Steve Blum, where you can pick up his voice from anywhere.