Praise this cocky asshole.
Pathologic: Dankovsky's an arrogant bastard, but we adore him
Marble "It's not like you have a degree" Nest is honestly a treat of tired-of-your-shit Danko dialogue
>tfw can't dump art at work
Bring your praise to bachelor of medicine and founder of Thanatica.
More like the Bitchelor
Does he actually smoke?
huge Bitch lord
After the Termitary?
Too sexy not to smoke desu
Is that general Block's trenchcoat?
Ok guys so have I completely fucked up my playthrough or is it still salvageable? I did not bother testing all the medicine types on day 6 and thus reached day 10 without being able to actually make a cure.
I mean that sound like most playt-
>Day 10
Fucking how
I mean, it's not hard to keep people from being infected and I did trade for some schmowder to help the ones that did. I thought that quest is just a waste of resources.
No I mean
Did you not go to the Abbatoir?
I did, drank all that blood, talked to the heart but I did not get any tips on how to make a cure? Made all the steppe people fuck off back to the village but no one said anything of use to me.
Bachelor is a dandy. A DANDY
>drank all the blood
Why do you think every worm drops a bottle
>drank all the blood
>drank all that blood
You must be immortal now
how THIRSTY were you?
>there is now a parallel universe where Burakh drank all the blood in the abattoir and let his bound die.
>drank all that blood
It's about time we open up your stomach, Vorah.
The last frame needs a text bubble, saying "EZ".
Say that to my face and not in a letter at 10 PM and see what happens
FUCK Daniil Dankovsky and FUCK the polyhedron
When the fuck is pathologic 2 gonna be on sale? I wanna play it but used up my cash on soulcalibur 6 deluxe and gears 5[\spoiler]
>drank all the blood
It was 20% off on GOG not long ago
Welp I guess I missed it, don't usually check gog for sales.
just wait for the halloween sale
the menkhu's finger is one cool looking tool
she didnt fly so good
i can't stop thinking about those herb brides, man. see those herb brides when i close my eyes, man. i think i need to be prescribed a relaxant.
Go fuck a cow, steppeboi
dude why be angry you have eva, right? right? oh...
you have Nara. oh, wait you...
I really appreciate how bad grief took my valuable time and epic pranked me. No dynamite, cub, I walked out here just to do the gorkhon shuffle on you
For added immersion you should play this game while you're actually exhausted and hungry by the way, it works.
is this the famous third ending?
Based as fuck.
They should have included a bonus for this. You should become gigachad and not fear starvation for the last day.
>used up my cash on soulcalibur 6 deluxe
What a coincidence, me too.
You give CANADIANS and chinks your full money but not the starving Russians?
Your heart is rotten user.
Woah is this Bachelor path of Pathologic 2 releasing?
Just a non-shit build of Marble Nest for now
rough as dutch, safe to touch
smooth as bone, leave it alone
So... I haven't been keeping up with the news recently.
Did we ever get any kind of conclusion on how P2 did in the grand scale of things, and what the future looks like?
I've seen some people claiming that Mandalore's endorsment has actually made a difference, but I am a bit sceptical towards that, given the depth of a hole that IPL had found itself in.
Any news on that front in the past... month?
Only the speculation and word of mouth from one of the devs who said "Yep, the spike was huge", paraphrased
IPL are up in their ivory tower as usual
Let's hope it makes a difference. I finally bought it after holding off til the other scenarios would be introduced. A lot of people are probably still holding off too. But informing them what's at stake should convince more to buy it.
So, I got infected by one of these clouds while looting an infected house. How does it work? It seems that the "immunity" bar is now replaced with an "infected" bar, that's always increasing.
The tinctures and pills seem to repel the effect somehow? But I'm always losing health as the infected bar increases. I imagine I'll die if it reaches max.
I have a shmowder thingy but I don't wanna use it unless I know how it will work. (will try to use it once I'm out of the infected area so I don't just get immediately infected again)
When marble nest dlc
You lose health every now and then, faster the more infected you are
Immunity blocks infection's growth, so you can keep it at bay if you pump your immunity to max but it will be chipped away by infected district air and shit
Tinctures and antibiotics reduce infection by a set %
it was assured that they would come through on their vision for P2 regardless.
Boy did you fuck up
Yeah. AFTER they make money on fucking mobile game market. That isn't much of a reassurance.
They confirmed the studio is not downsizing any more, they are working with a porting studio to bring it to consoles, Marble Nest is happening, some separate mobile project is also happening
They took a beating, but they'll survive.
Right now they're working on Marble Nest, which they'll release as dlc in october. After that they said they'll be busy making and sending the backer rewards and porting the game to consoles.
It's not ideal, but Nikolay himself said "development on the other routes only stops when they take me to the Cold."
Your immunity supresses the infection's growth. If your immunity is greater than your infection, then infection does not grow - but your immunity is being sapped away. Once your infection outgrows your immunity, it will start to spread. It also saps away your health: the greater the infection is, the faster it kills you.
When the game says that the Plague kills a healthy man in 24 hours, it does not joke, so be very weary.
Immunity boosters/tinctures allow you to keep the infection in check: especially in early stages. Take them to prevent it growing out of control.
Antibiotics will decrease your infection (but they can't cure it completely), but keep in mind that they also do flat damage to you, so make sure you don't accidentally overdose.
All and all, the infection is a bitch. Good luck.
Why in the world they didn't make a brothel in town! In P1 closed building with a heart signboard (like the one on Stamatin's bar) was supposed to become a brothel, got removed by the developers though.
Thought devs would make theirs homework and add fucking brothel.
How can you think about other women when you have your autismfu Lara?
Becouse it would not really fit the narrative and does not feel like something necessary. They already have obviously been cutting corners left and right, and brothel is really not something that should be high on priority list.
Give me a gun.
>brothel shouldn't be high on priority list
Why, yes it should. All the other basic human needs were taken to extremes, eating all day like a pig is OK. Not immersive enough without a brothel.
Luckily Danny is a turbochad, he doesn't need a brothel.
Damn i wish i knew russian
>Danny is a turbochad
Burakh in stepp
- Hey, Burakh!
Town sucks!
- What the hell, Dankovsky?
- Stepp sucks as well!!!
- You're the one who sucks.
>We adore him
Fuck off faggot.
He is, what do you think happened in his "chance encounter" with Eva?
Not to mention Maria fell for him inmediatly too.
Only dick.
Eva is a cheerful girl.
Go suck a bull.
He examenated a patient and prescribed her a medicine.
I'll leave that to the twink, I'll be making sure it eats well and it warm. You can fuck it.
t. Haruspex mad about his lack of education
Keep on trying to spread your gay. Faggots get the knife.
The medicine being city boy dick.
gentlemen, no need to squabble over which doctor is best. it's clearly rubin.
Can you test serums by drinking them yourself?
So Haruspex can make shit from herbs and potion surgery. How'd Bachelor work? I imagine he wouldn't get tinctures to determine sick areas, not counting talking more to more civilized people than some shitty worms.
So you're saying they were playing doctor.
Eva is a harlot.
You can if infected.
Should I buy the bull?
Yeah, he is fun, and the 200 you ultimately pay for him are nothing.
>well and it warm
So you're going to warm up the bull first by sucking it? Perverted bastard.
I'll be damned, you've shaved your head! Are you going to become a soldier or a monk?
Accept the changeling's deal regarding Murky?
Where the hell is Lara's reflection?
I want that damn achievement
Well, yes. Can't complain.
I haven't really gotten into Pathologic 1, only finished the first day and said "I'll continue tomorrow" but never did. Can I still play 2? I heard Ice Pick made it easier to get into for newcomers, and also I would really like to support the studio out of principle.
They didn't make it easier, they just made it more accessible. Pathologic 1 was difficult because you needed a lot of patience to just walk around, 2 is outright stress inducing but because it expects you to fuck up from all the tasks, which you absolutely will
>they just made it more accessible
That's what I meant when I said "easier to get into". I heard they streamlined the start and also made it so you can't endlessly farm muggers for reputation and supplies.
What do you call such a necktie and pin?
day 10 in her house AFTER you talk to dudes in it, but before leaving it
I too missed it for 2 playthroughs
>go the house Sticky said a NPC owed him a toolbox
>it's in an infected area
>not a single NPC in the house has the toolbox
Is it because the area is infected?
It's a shop. The guy's a shop vendor.
imagine if you were rat prophet and you were in that trashcan looking up and maybe your super rat sense of smell could smell changeling's butt just a funny thought haha
imagine her menstruating.
Free blood
No patch since June.
This game will never be optimised.
How does stealth even work? I don't understand how muggers aggro you
Rare fanart anchor
Looks like trout is "forel" Is this a pun? Lara =Forel?
Maybe I entered the wrong house then. I don't understand shops in infetion or right after infection, sometimes they're still open, sometimes they're deserted and full of looters
Why is there no gun reticle in this game? Even Pathologic 1 had one
Does it even matter if you land a headshot or not?
Is it so hard to optimize RAM usage? It always goes up to 10-11 gb.
Why use a gun? What are you, a faggot?
>be doing decently
>plague decides to go back to districts it has already been in
Because I don't wanna get snugged by plague victims and become infected
The infection is all in the mind.
>playing game tired and hungry in the middle of the night
>this track plays
>literally feels like i'm on hallucinogens
mushroomer is better
He did some digital CPR.
>lighting the lantern can disperse plague clouds
that sure would be a helpful thing to be told from the start, you know
does the lantern keep away plague victims somehow or something else?
For me it's this one.
I fucking did it.
Mark Immortel can suck my dick.
How much time does it take for an in-game hour to pass?
holy fuck, congrats. it's just like two lines of dialogue, isn't it. don't tell me, I'll find out for myself.
Do we have so many threads because we're still in the post release period, or are Pathologic threads going to be a regular thing now?
Depends on the day, since time goes by faster after the Inquisitor arrives.
At the start of the game, I'd say around five minutes?
Where the FUCK to I find razors? I can't fix my damn scalpel
>Pathologic threads going to be a regular thing now
Can we make it so actors? Patho threads are the only reason to come to Yea Forums anyway.
Probably not
We will have them for some time, they will die faster and faster and finally stop appearing until new trailer/video/marble nest.
You can brew tinctures, but how do you get antibiotics?
Organs, emshen
is the only way to cure being infected with shmowder?
There's also panacea
you fell for the misinformation meme DUMB ASS
Trash bins, and occasionally some of the steppe or worker NPC has them for trade. Or looting houses. Sometimes, you might get unlucky with RNG though.
Once you fix the second still in your hideout, you'll be able to brew them from combinations of organs and herbs (or is it organs and tinctures? I'm not sure anymore). Each organ provides you with a different type of antibiotic: you have to test them to learn which one is which.
No, Panacea is your other option. It's not... exactly easy to come across though.
Should I play Bachelor in classic HD since finishing Haruspex in P2? I really enjoyed myself
It'll be a gigantic step back gameplay wise but it's enjoyable in its own way. Sort of.
Sure, and if you still want more after that, go for the Clara route.
And then, the Clara route from the original.
>some of the steppe or worker NPC has them for trade
I've been thinking of making an infographic spreadsheet that shows who trades what items.
The more frequent threads on a subject become, the faster discussion dies and the threads turns to shit. Symptoms include, but are not limited to:
>low effort shitposting
>regurgitating stale memes
In the most extreme cases, the thread turns into a general, and all hope is lost.
Pray that this doesn't happen to our precious pathologic threads.
there's a difference between the hd and original?
For me, it's the Polyhedron. The best architectural wonder. I even ask for extra Polyhedron lore snippets and the Kains are so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for Polyhedron lore snippets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly Victor Kain laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the family greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three snippets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at the Kains' Crucible, I go there at least 3 times a day for quests and a large iced Simon with antibodies instead of local superstition, 1-2 times for letters that lead nowhere on the tenth day, and maybe once for seeing the inside of the Polyhedron when I've decided to destroy the town but want a great tower that is amazing, an architectural feat, and can match my daily nutritional needs.
I even dip my degree in Polyhedron lore, it's marvellous! What a great tower.
Can I even do anything here? I'm infected, exhausted, can't sleep or else the infection kills me, and I have very little HP left
The one bad thing about this game is this, I'll have pretty much to restart because I can't do anything without dying.
It should at least heal your meters back to full after you die, maybe with some time passing as a penalty, this "reload back to your last save" idea is horse shit
based and Thanaticapilled
iterating your attempts to survive is apart of the experience of this game, actor. just reload if you feel like there is no way for you to progress (succeed, or fail forward).
I personally redo situations, but I always accept my story consequences.
I guess I can reload earlier saves, but having to redo stuff as you keep dying is just annoying
then don't die...?
HD version has an updated translation, the english translation in the original was notoriously bad.
It's shoddy and awkward, but still understandable for most of the game.
The Klara route however was pure, unfiltered gibberish.
If you're that fucked, reload an earlier save. 1-2 days ealier atleast.
So HD changeling is the way to go and not OG changeling?
HD is the way to go in general.
Even for Haruspex?
I mean, over the original.
Can a russian actor explain what the fuck is going on here?
I like /ck/. It's always refreshing to see the same level of shitflinging you'd see on Yea Forums, but on subjects such as cast iron pans and rice cookers.
HD is the way to go for all characters. There's really no reason to play OG instead of HD, in addition to the better translation there's also widescreen support, more graphical options and achievements (and I think better performance, but don't quote me on that).
Food has similar name to the characters.
Thank you for making this.
Based and utopiapilled
Thanks emshen
Dankovsky best doctor
Yeah that pissed me off, too lol
interesting twist tho
I recall somewhere... I think the artbook, it said Aspity would find work for the kin and it mentions a brothel
why does the fellow traveler not have an unique model?
His role kind of felt more organizer and general healthcare overseer to me but I assume they're going to make some kind of new system for him that involves medicines and microbes and magnifying glasses.
or something
Yeah there's an interesting tutorial now that teaches you things organically and there's less guesswork and random walk time involved with more hinting as to what you should or could be doing. I think it's much more accessible for sure. The muggers are rough. Trying to take on more than 1 is nasty business and they'll ambush you too.
I've never heard this, that's fascinating if so
Can anyone translate?
I swear I've seen this somewhere but can't recall where
Because he's a personification of pointless death. He's supposed to have a forgettable face.
you have to use infected organs. regular organs just make painkillers
also the children tend to have them and the chemist or pharma shops
>tfw when you notice Murky's blue sash thing is very similar to Lara's blue sash thing
Yes, thank you actor. I hope they'll release a hq version of this one day.
Seeing Dankovsky sick like that makes me sad
That art sort of makes it look as if Burakh and Cringeling were trying to kill him.
I get the opposite impression but considering Pathologic that interpretation fits just as well lol
If they were to make Pathologic into a film... do any actors stand out particularly as certain characters to you?
That author shiposts here from time to time and he mentioned that he (or the devs) wanted it to be vague and essentially left to interpretation.
Talented but primarily unknown actors, preferably with theatre training rather than exclusively film training
The feel of the world requires it
>I'm sorry, dear Burakh, I am all out of thread. I won't be able to patch you up.
>The stuffing is totally falling out of you...
(this sentence is rough)
Delon from 60's as Dankovsky
They're always open. If you walk into somewhere filled with looters you went in a wrong door on the same building and not the shop's door
Thank you actor.
You could have translated it yourself
''Sorry, sweet Burakh, I am out of strings. I can't protect you.''
''The stuffing is falling out of you...''
The girl that played Luna in the Harry Potter movies for Grace, bet she was partial inspiration for her design (except I bet she's old and ugly by now)
Sansa Stark for Capella (except from 5 years ago)
I like both of these suggestions.
I can see how Luna could have inspired Grace's design, definitely some similarities.
Yeah that would probably be for the best. The game is so theatrical it would need that kind of feel.
I can't help but see Winona Ryder as Katerina
forgot my image
>Day 8
>Peter gets infected
>Bad Grief infected
>Lara infected
That's weird, Bad Grief and Lara just got infected on my Day 8 as well... scripted?
Everyone forgets this one for some reason
To be honest, everyone should know ViaEstelar's art by memory now.
Some of her more recent art.
based, i forgot about that part
>dead are talking to Grace
>don't want her to suffer, kid's gone through a lot
>let the rats take the dead
I think I fucked up