That kid who used skub unironically

>that kid who used skub unironically

Attached: SkubIRL.jpg (500x354, 17K)

>skub is bad meme
antiskubfags are the biggest retards on the planet lmao

What does skub do?

skub niggers need no apply

skub more like fucking shit

>Still arguing over skub

skub is love
skub is life

>4cha*nel still seethe over skub to this day

What's skub?

Attached: Moleworm_Eating.gif (160x160, 488K)

>yet another skub thread
Skubniggers, when will they learn?


fucking retards

If you don't know what it does, you probably need it.

More like what doesn't skub do? We both know that if I were to list the benefits I'd crash the thread with posts.

>i share with this board with skub loving niggers
god damn, i knew people were garbage but did not think to this extent.

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Skub kids used to find their backpacks in toilets. Serves them right.

t. got drubbed by skub

Fuck you and fuck your skub

Attached: skub.png (738x475, 313K)

It skubs


>nooooooooooo skub bad!
not an argument lmao

>Got his skub fed to him behind the bleachers after school
stay salty skubbybreath.

noooooooooooooooo i needed that to craft my axe
dumb mole

Alright, I'm going to say it.
Skub is unimportant

To skub or not to skub is all that matters. Everything else is secondary. You are probably hiding the fact that you skub.

Skub panders to subhuman virgins and is a soulless husk compared to the original Slab.

>Unironically needing skub


Attached: 1534263136863.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

>Have GF with barren womb so unprotected sex all day, awesome
>Experiment around for fun and use Skub as lube
>Suddenly she is pregnant
>9 months time jump
>As she was close to giving birth she was taken away by people from the government which threatened my life should I talk about this
>Overheard a conversation that they are taking them to a facility in the middle of a desert calledf.,Afzghgfujp8u gqwereetht

You /pol/ anti-skubbers are just as annoying as the SkubJW that you criticize.

That's how you bring the anti-christ to this realm you skub degenerate. You skub dummies don't even know what horrific shit skub does.


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Just skub lmao what do you have to lose? YOLO

Attached: skub.webm (512x288, 2.99M)

>skuboys will defend this

>best thing antiskubfags have is this blatant falseflag done by a known antiskubber
just... just lmao.

>being a skubnigger in 2020

Attached: 1555609420038.gif (512x512, 510K)

>anti-skub fags actually exist

Attached: 1557344918814.jpg (769x878, 357K)


> Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)03:26:17 No.477553943▶
>File: 1567710072810.jpg (33 KB, 700x394)
> (OP)
> Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)03:26:18 No.477553946▶
>Just skub lmao what do you have to lose? YOLO
> Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)03:26:34 No.477553959▶
>File: skub.webm (2.99 MB, 512x288)
> Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)03:29:20 No.477554126▶
>>skuboys will defend this
> Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)03:29:48 No.477554157▶

BASED on coolness

Attached: Daisy.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)


Found the skubposter

I was once anti-skub. But that was before I tried skub.

Attached: Pro-skub.jpg (500x458, 105K)

Honestly I'm surprised that skub fags are still alive. It honestly seemed like a problem that would eventually deal with itself. It's probably a new generation of skub degenerates who never bothered to ask what happened to all the old skub fags.

>that 2 year old skuumer that skubdashed to skuul

Attached: mmmm-skub-skub-v-video-games-»-thread-425106242-52070165.png (500x603, 72K)

>Anti-skub fags are still kicking

Attached: IMG_20190827_185512.jpg (704x979, 51K)

I skubed once but never again, that shit is literally satan

Not everything is a meme retard.

That would have been a better joke.