What's the point of phases? 2 weeks in everything is cleared already. What now...

What's the point of phases? 2 weeks in everything is cleared already. What now? Months of no new content not going to keep players in.

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Take a break, play other games. You aren't forced to log in every day to grind some stupid ass daily quests.

People like you is one of the reasons why video games suck.

Now you gather up a bunch of friends (you made friends along the way, right?) and WPvP, raid the other faction's cities and cause a big ruckus to make the other completionists have something to do.

you actually fell for for Classic? lmao

The game was really fun at the start but there is something seriously wrong the higher you get with endgame being a cruel mess.

At first I started noticing this with stockades where people were getting picky with what classes they wanted. By SM I started having declines and delays and the problem was really noticeable. With ZF I couldn’t form or get a group with my class and didn’t get a group outside of friends. BRD and the 60 dungeons this got extremely bad where even friends I had met along the way were starting to only want spell cleave and I had to respec a bunch and buy items just to stay invited.

Then this week with raiding is where things really took a turn. Naturally I want raid gear as there is no alternative for power and the game incentivizes this. As someone with an unpredictable schedule, guild raiding is off the table for me and pugs are my only option. With pugs I have been treated less than garbage where they tell me to prep and respec while helping them form and just kick me while I’m flying there despite having good gear.

While I really wish I could, I just can’t take it anymore. I hate being at this point where I’m at the mercy of these players to progress and they constantly toss me out at the doorstep when I put so much in. I actually cried tonight when the raid lead told me to respec, I handed out potions for people and got them tanks/heals and then was kicked before entering the raid.

It really sucks because there have been some really kind players who have shown extreme generosity but lots of the encounters I have had from 50-60 have left me feeling empty. I tried to stay positive but I keep running into this same situation and knowing that is going to be the common situation in gearing further has left me hopeless.

To those of you who empathize with all players and take time to help others enjoy the game, thank you.

>everything is cleared

By how many?

Once you cleared everything stop playing until the new raid comes out, unless you're a fag who believes WPvP is fun

One of the things I feared about Classic was that people would get really anal about playing "optimally", since Vanilla is essentially a solved game. If anything Classic should prove that Vanilla is really easy for modern players on modern hardware, and there should be PLENTY of room for weird specs and other "suboptimal" players.

Just because one group of people cleared everything doesn't mean everyone else has. Maybe don't be a dumb nigger mmo speed runner?

>implying players are this smart
Every raid group I've seen barely accepts 1-2-3 random lul specs

Maybe you shouldn't have speed ran an mmo like a dumb fag to get stuck with all the autists? Maybe you should have been smart like me and spent your time getting fishing to 300 instead of leveling like a fag.

>Every raid group I've seen barely accepts 1-2-3 random lul specs

Yes that's the point. There is zero actually legit reason for this, outside of guild raids pushing for world records. MC is piss easy, so just fucking let people play their ret palas, boomkins or whatever the fuck. You'll still always have a core of mages and rogues to pump out the big deeps.

What class?

>everything is cleared
You haven't cleared Rag or Ony
You aren't even level 60 yet. I doubt you're even halfway.

Stop judging the game by how the 1% play it.

Maybe you shouldn't have no life'd your way to 60 and get yourself stuck with the bitchiest fags in the game. I want to feel bad for you but I can't because I know I won't have this experience because I'm patient.

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Yes, actually I don't even play wow, just shitposting at work whole day

That optimization mentality has been deeply ingrained in the mind of the modern MMO player, brought about by none other than WoW itself.

That's what everyone with a brain has been saying here the second Classic has announced, the game you liked in 2004 may be back, but the community hasn't and never will be.

It does seem that way but it’s not that rushed. I roleplay and goof around while leveling, have 6 other 12-20 alts and all the professions up. I am also in no rush to get MC done it just happened where I met some players around 50 who liked to dungeon and we happened to get gear/level fast at the end so I thought I’d try an MC pug since it’s not that hard to kill a few bosses as some people on the server were pugging it a week prior.

Hunters has has always been universally despised. That is the true classic experience.

>spellcleave dungeongrind all day every day until you're 60, weeks ahead of everyone else while completely aware of the fact that the only thing to do on 60 for months is MC
>"wtf bros there's literally nothing to do"

Based desu

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>Rush to level 60 as fast as possible
>Swap layers and invite mages only for aoe farming
>Speedrun through the dungeons and raids
>Install the best addons to make everything quicker, and to guide you through the most optimal ways to quest and kill raid bosses
>Oh no, i ran out of content
I hate how the streamer culture has impacted classic wow. Everyone is so rushed.

I'm only level 33 and i'm level 225 fishing, 225 cooking, 225 first aid, 225 herbalism, 225 alchemy. I've been running around doing low level world pvp since level 20. I feel like i'm the only one just chilling and enjoying the game without rushing to the end game in 1 week.

I have a hard time believing you saying you didn't rush. What is your /played? I'm about to hit 40 and I'm at 6 days 11 hours, although I've spent a lot of time just tradeskilling and making money on the AH. Are you a fag who just ran SM 1000 times in a row because it was "optimal leveling"? That's why you are having a bad time right now.

By the time you get to 60 there will be no one left on the server.

Hunters provide high sustained ranged DPS. Only after other classes get geared do they drop off. Hunters are despised in this zoomer rush because they have shit AOE.

every single person that is 60 right now is an autist, and probably extremely picky about who to bring because they're just speed-running the game. (a game that basically takes no skill, so they probably think they're "skilled" for spamming 2 buttons and will have a fucking ego, yeah that kind of ego)

I could be 60 but I decided to take my time and go with the crowd because those people at lvl 60 are some of the most annoying people to be around. I rather wait 2 months and be with the normies than play with any of those ultra edge lords

Huntards have always been hated ever since true Vanilla because they are played by retarded mongrels who need on everything and can't control their shitty pet.

4 months of $15 money to pad ActiBlizz coffers and financial results from dumb Classicucks, then they release next phase

I warned retards before classic launched that most classes and jobs are shit and that they should pick something proper.

The game is 15 years old and everybody knew exactly how it would play out.
Zero sympathy.

>doing sm as a healer
>barely pull through every pack
>tell warrior to equip shield instead of 2h tanking
>links damage meters, tells me I'm the shit one because I'm not doing any damage
I'm going back to private servers. have fun with classic you xiv trannies

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Is it better to enjoy an unique journey and take a ~month to 60, or to rush a preplanned route to 60 like a bot only to find it just as functionally deserted since MC is the only content?

well the alternative is doing easy boringass fetch quests.

I'm not even level 30 lol

imagine stopping playing a game because of one person

>unique journey
fucking how
everybody did these quests a million times already and you will do most quests in mosts areas anyways because the game barely has any after 30.

When do spell downranking become relevant? I just spam the highest rank flash of light and it seem to work just fine mana wise.

That's wrong though

people are playing the game right now your lies are pointless.

There is a certain point where the boring ass fetch quests are more interesting than running SM for the 1000th time. Just turn up the music and turn off the UI and it goes from tedious to comfy.

I love how comfy is used to excuse boring.
Waiting for spawns in camps doing nothing for up to five minutes is truly the definition of comfy.

If I didnt have podcasts to catch up to I wouldnt even bother with this crap.

I feel sorry for you if you cant immerse yourself in an MMO.

Considering I came to WoW from several years of EQ when it came out, yeah WoW can be comfy. If you don't want this kind of gameplay play a different fucking game and shut the fuck up.

>Be a paladin
>loot corpsemaker
>go to hillsbrad
>Watch how 2/3rds of a horde's hp melt from a Melee crit + SoC proc

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>be decently geared feral druid with warden staff
>get invited to brd as a tank
>get in and notice we have no healer
>"you're a druid, heal"
>"I'll do my best"
>warrior tank is 54 and is 2h tanking
>pulls three packs of dwarves and pops retal
>before I can finish my cast he drops like a rock
>"sorry man we need a healer, gonna have to replace you"
Almost every interaction I've had in pugs has been negative.

Most people aren’t 60 yet you stupid faggot

When you get a large amount of +heal.

I can do that. Did that plenty of times in other MMOs that actually let you play the game.
>dont criticize my crap waiting simulator
fuck off retard

The autismo rush to 60 and raiding really shows how badly the MMO well has been poisoned over time. Even if you TRY to make a slow-paced adventure-focused game the community ruins it anyway because MMO players have been trained over the course of years to hyperfocus on streaming, optimization and speedrunning, and there's nothing you can do to deter them. The simple innocence is lost and once it's gone you can never get it back.

Not sure why so many think this version was so amazing. Wrath had a lot of great changes that made it so much better over all in my opinion. Plus we go the random dungeon finder which made grouping so much easier and better. We also had mounts at level 20 and 40, and BoA was in the game as well. So many improvements to classes made the game much better and way more fun to experience while leveling.

Then we come back to this version and you have to run everywhere, get terrible gear with bad itemization, and have to pay ridiculous amounts of gold just to ride a 60% speed mount. Not to mention all the ridiculous grinding of mobs for low drop rate items and a majority of xp coming from grinding in general. I hope in the least TBC was better than Vanilla at least.

>playing a shit blizzard game in 2019
Dont procreate we dont you contaminating the rest of the word.

>play huntard
>hardly ever roll need; if it doesn't have agi or isn't a ranged weapon I don't even consider it
>meanwhile every paladin I group with needs everything "for their offspec"
Paladin is the new hunter and you can't convince me otherwise

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If you didn’t make the story up, you’re just as retarded as they are

Where the fuck did this 2h tank bullshit come from anyways, I don't think I've ever seen this outside of 60 groups on private servers, yet in classic it's every other group.

Your criticism is basically that you already played the game and it's boring for you to replay it. You are the retard here user.

>play druid
>can make a case for literally any leather or cloth item that drops

> 2 weeks in everything is cleared already.
By you?

I'm betting not.

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you can actually make challenging content that keeps people occupied.
vanilla is fundamentally too casual.

the adventure also isnt good.

good games have replay value.

Why I am retarded? I wouldn't have accepted the fucking invite if they asked for a healer but they said LF tank.

>start out as Warrior chad
>have people begging me to tank for them
>fuck yea this is great
>hitting like a truck already
>start to realize I'm bored as fuck
>realize BGs aren't even in phase 3
>realize my guild has already quit because they're bored too

I thought we were going home bros

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I had more fun on a MoP private server desu.
Too bad that all the people I know quit it for this shitpile.

they saw their favorite streamer do that and now they think its part of the meta.

only hard core guilds have all cleared and you need the gear so you will grind mc for weeks.

Because you didn’t drop them the second they said heal

Wildstar tried to be the MMO that prioritized hardcore players above all else and it flopped harder than an elephant cock.

>play with druid friend
>he also rarely rolls need
>meanwhile our ret paladin once rolled need for his "holy set"
>he has never once healed us, not even an off-heal in pvp when we're dying

when the incoming damage is low and the healer is getting bored I will obviously go 2hander to wrap things up faster.

damage is king, even as a tank.

Hey man I just wanted my legs :(
you're right tho

Hey bud. I just want to say I know exactly how you feel. What you may not realize is how addicted you are to this game. You are putting your sense of self worth and emotional well being in this game and in the hands of the low iq people who play. Take a step back. You are worth more than this. I had a similar experience, and being away for even a few days has put things back into perspective.

Don’t take the game so seriously. Just walk away if it is emotionally affecting you. It isn’t worth it to put your life in the hands of other people to bully and use you. People will tell you to grow a thicker skin and troll you further. Ignore them, but do remember that you have worth, and it isn’t defined by your character.

Imagine being this much of a zoomer but this is Yea Forums today mostly 17-20 year olds.

Everyone told me "no don't go ret no one will invite you".

Meanwhile I joined a guild with a bunch of 60s in it already, am mid 50s myself, and have developed strong bonds with the guild leader and all the officers. Basically, everyone sees me as the guild's complementary retpally and I have a spot in the guild roster for the raids which will be starting in a week.

Everyone who says you won't get invited as ret are antisocial retards who can only use their place on the damage board to get people to invite them. Classic raiding is so much built around the logistical challenges (like being on all the time and farming consumes) that you could get invited into any raiding guild if you put in the work and make friends in the guild's discord.

I'm basically farming BRD with all the officers of the guild right now. It's gotten to the point where I'm on the "A-team" of raiders just because everyone knows I'm a reliable and trustworthy guy who doesn't cause drama. If you can do this, you will have a raid spot in most guilds even as a ret.

Remember: MC was cleared by players in their 50s. No raid in this game is difficult except for AQ40 and Naxx. And even those can be cleared by bringing a meme spec or two along.

wildstar was a fucking buggy mess and people couldnt even be fucked to reach the endgame.

it also followed the nonsensical idea that 40man raids are a good thing.

Live and learn, friend.
Idiots just aren’t worth the trouble.

hence why so many people are playing classic? what expansion did you quit wow the first time user, or have you still been playing retail? how many alts did you have? I'd say the game has replay value, maybe you just have had your fill? Is it that crazy to think that maybe other people haven't?

As someone who played a shadow priest through AQ40, reroll. Don't get hung up on having something to prove. You won't be having fun being talked about behind your back, hated by anyone you take loot from, and then auto attacking for 1000 hours of raid with said loot. If you want to play a dps and have fun, play a "mainstream" spec, they're common for a reason.

>Why is the water flowing down the waterfall through gravity

That's the entire point of WoW design. It's all about progression for unskilled people by time rather than anything else.

If it was about skill, enjoying the game, or anything else they would play starcraft, mobas, or fps games etc.

MMO (as a genre lately) is all about having a OP item that lets you play way more and beat everyone. Of course all the players focus on progression. That's what WoW sells.

You can't expect players in a progression gated game to just ignore the fact progressed players literally shit on everyone else in pve and pvp. Of course people will eventually focus on said progression.

There is 0 chance or world where a WoW server isn't focused on progression. VR chat and social games do all of that stuff like a billion times better than WoW. Don't blame the players, WoW literally endlessly rewards you for being an no-fun no-lifer.

The only pathetic thing is players who gets egos over it when they are absolutely terrible at everything else.


>I'm basically farming BRD with all the officers
>you could get invited into any raiding guild if you put in the work
meanwhile, I'll just say "lfg x, invite" and get in lmao

I cleared Naxx in pugs where the majority of players had blues/greens on a pserver that had everything over tuned. So no, they aren't hard either if people actually are in Voice Chat and actually listen to the raid leader.

you know getting a raid spot means nothing for MC right? It's actually getting gear that people care about.

Asmongold tanked with a 2-hander

Why are people here so triggered by classic success? Because you guys thought it would fail? lmao

you have more and more threads filled with people that learned the hard way that vanilla was actually pretty damn bad.
people are playing classic because it was hyped up mega hard. harder than any expansion since WOTLK probably. hope you dont believe that this will actually last.

vanilla has pretty awful replay value because there's barely any variety to how you can choose to level up. you can do some areas out of order but you will still do them all. all quests play out the exact same way.


WoW warped gaming and was nothing but negative for gaming as a whole.

Why are people "upset" about anything on this board? To farm "Epic Salt bro" and get (yous).

Practically every realm has had it's first MC pug clear, if you wanted to kill rag you could've

So as we know, /world is now a common way to trade items, chat when you’re bored, find groups, sell things, or just have fun with others in the community.

On my server Grobbulus, a pro-Trump guild (The Enclave) had one of their members randomly chosen to be the owner of this public channel. Since then, before logging out, they hand off ownership to a guildmate with a similar agenda: To ban any other guilds from advertising (except their own), ban anyone who disagrees with their political views, and to control anything else they personally do not like.

Getting banned from this channel is a massive handicap when other people are allowed to use the channel. Is there anything that can be done about this kind of hijacking? Is this against the WoW TOS?

no ragrets

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If people cause loot drama, they're gonna cause loot drama. Those are the same type of people that would be salty regardless of whether a ret or a fury warrior took their plate gear.

As for the two handers, anyone who gets salty at a ret pally getting a two hander is a certified "That Guy" and should be avoided.

I'm a paladin healer and I need on whatever the fuck I want. Deal with it.

>WoW warped gaming and was nothing but negative for gaming as a whole.
How so can't be worse than fortnite, pubg, league and EA

Any proof? Or am i just supposed to take your word for it?

Me on the right, actually

there's also the fact that there's fuckall to do when you're not at level cap.
you cant even properly play with your friends and guild unless your levels are in the same range.
its terribly designed in that regard. all the group play fun literally only starts at 60, so of course people will rush to 60.

WoW killed the entire mmorpg genre directly and indirectly. Fortnite did not kill FPS, BR didn't kill FPS, and who cares about sports games / mobas.

facebook and twitter killed mmos

>BR didn't kill FPS
They actually did every new FPS is a BR. Sport games are the biggest cancer in gaming and Mobas killed all RTS.

playing a mage, not mecause of any meta, its just a class I never really played and am having fun with it. I played warlock/rogue back in vanilla.
My alt's going to be a shadow priest for pvp. I guess I will have to heal in pve because of the tryhard mindset atm.

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thats just the way these channels work and its kinda the communities fault if they overly rely on that.
its clearly exploitable as you said because the owners either swap around randomly or can be assigned.

its only been a couple of weeks, if you have a lvl 60 and multiple alts in the 20s then you've nolifed it and are stuck with autists in your level range.

Ive played for a week and a half and 90% of my interactions have been awesome, only running into a couple minmax speedrun autists. I have a lvl 25 and a lvl 12

Uninstalling Classic now for one reason alone;Tired of the “Community” of it.

DAILY I have had Chests and Named mobs stolen from me after I have cleared entire camps to get to them.
Unlike in Retail - It ruins the entire game (As on Retail you have shared tags, You can kill things much faster, and respawns are faster too).

I had to wait 1 Hour yesterday to complete 1 quest due to 1 named guy that ONE warrior kept killing, over and over (So no he did not need it)…

Thats one thing Retail has better than Classic; People can’t greif you the same way or ruin progress for you.
Daily this has happened to me - so it’s not a “One time thing” or “pulling everyone over the same comb”, I know people can be nice and I am sure plenty have had nice experiences…
But the fact that I seem to bump into these bad eggs daily just crushes my will to even keep Classic on my computer anymore.

I have had people;

Ninja Chests (both Out in the world and in dungeon groups.)
Ninja Named Mobs
Not listening at all (Say you ask for buff in a group… and it’s like talking to air…)
People pulling other mobs onto me as I quest
People rushing to steal Flowers/Ore as I kill the mobs
In classic, this halts the progress a lot and makes a big impact in your playtime - while in Retail it does not.
So that’s One thing I think Retail has better than Classic - even if the game itself might be fun, it’s not fit to play in with so many greifers or people without respect.

I’m glad to see those who run around buffing, helping people, some apparently even forming que’s for quest items/named mobs (I have not seen this happening, but I tried to initialise it for a named mob - and yeah… Guess what happened! - Not a que, anyway.)
I wish I wasn’t Unlucky (Which I am, clearly, and I know I am.) and constantly get the rotten eggs around me.
Classic does not work for me combined with the unluck of people I come across.

this made me reroll a mage. no joke its that bad

I think you spend too much time on Yea Forums if you think it was hyped up really hard. They said they were releasing classic and that is mostly what we got. If you are surprised by what it actually is you never played during vanilla or any pre-WoW MMO's and you listened to retards like OP for months before release.

>I think you spend too much time on Yea Forums if you think it was hyped up really hard.

Wrong. Every single MMO became "WoW with X" and followed the same cookie cutter formula. Also the MMORPG potential fanbase became so heavily invested in WoW they would rather a non-wow mmorpg die than it eclipse wow.

All western publishers just made wow clones for the next 10 years after WoW came out which all failed. The only original developers in mmo space (western) all became shit return on investment wow clones so they stopped trying.

That left nothing but braindead gook ant-brain games all folllowing the same shit formula of endless grind and p2w garbage.

The entire MMO genre collapsed because of WoW when it used to be wide open with tons of different experimental designs and open world goals. WoW warped it so badly it still hasn't recovered.

>every new fps is a br
Yeah the new doom, every one just a br.. great point.

>They actually did every new FPS is a BR
Welp this is the most retarded post I've seen in quite awhile.

>first time doing maraudon
>everything is going fine, no problems except the druid tank barely says a word and keeps rushing off without giving his priest time to drink
>get to that point where after a certain boss the quickest way to the next one is to jump down
>leader/tank only says "now the croc" and jumps off without warning while me and the priests are still half mindedly wandering around looking at loot
>dies with his discord buddy and proceeds to kick and /ignore everyone after shit talking us for not playing meta specs
is this what retail is like?

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no retail would be like you don't need to drink and you can only die if you do m+ above 10

Everyone in this thread sounds like such a little whiny cuck bitch. "Omg user I no lifed to 60 and now it's all autists and there's nothing to do" "it's a 15 year old game who would play this?" "Everyone treats me so unfairly!"

Like holy fuck people, if you don't like it, dont play it, dont go to a video game thread about it, and esp dont play it every day for hours on end to speed run an mmo you stupid fuck. Your having a shitty time because it's not a game for you, you're playing it wrong, you let people take advantage of you like in RL, or you already put in 5000 hours into WoW and are over it.

I'm leveling 28 and having a blast with friends playing every now and then. Maybe you all shouldn't try to live a virtual life inside a 15 year old game, huh?

This seems like as good a thread as any.
Pick my race, gender, and class for my first ever WoW character. Friend bought me a sub for Classic so we could play together and idk what to play.

Everything gets cleared pretty quickly in every mmo though. Why is it suddenly a problem with classic?

you have to pick the same faction as him


He's starting a new character to play together so I'm free for either.

For a tranny like you I would recommend female human priest slut

What are you talking about, how are people getting banned from a global channel??

It's not a real problem. PVE can never be a real challenge. Even the "Hardest" Pve games like dark souls become routine and simple once you learn the trick.

Even if they remade all the raid content it would still be figured out and plotted out how to beat.

People are just retarded. PVE content will never last long. It's impossible for a human to hand craft long-lasting PVE content.

Because it's HOME and you are supposed to enjoy every little detail not just rush things

>being a metafag in MMOs

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World is not a global channel, it's a player made channel. It was only global on pservers since people were too retarded to use LFG. So it came to official servers, but in the end it is not a global official channel so owner can do whatever the fuck he wants.

>lots of the encounters I have had from 50-60 have left me feeling empty.

Yeah only the bitter no lifers leveled hard to them levels so early.

I'm luckily still enjoying somewhat better humanity at level 31.

You might want to wait until normal people who are in education and work get to level 60. Putting these sour nerds in their place.

The non meta stuff is usually just broken or not designed well at all.

Rogue - well designed complete class
Warrior - well designed complete class
Mage - well designed complete class
Priest - "" "" ""

The non-meta stuff is usually just shit. Boomkin and druid in general was garbage because of hybrid tax.

Paladin as a class was just unfinished and prot/ret are complete garbage, whereas holy is godlike powerful. Playing ret pally where you have no tools, versus any other melee like rogue/warrior is just stupid.

It's not about meta as much as the design of say


Is night and day. Also you still have a huge choice on meta. Even if you liked say the style of playing a boomkin, you can just go mage and it's just better with more fun tools.

>DAILY I have had Chests and Named mobs stolen from me after I have cleared entire camps to get to them.
Waaaah you didn't get the food and silk cloth in the chest

>no bgs at launch
What the fuck were they thinking?
I can understand timegating raids and shit but fucking bgs? What the fuck are we gonna do lvl 60?
I swear blizz is gonna kill classic with their phase bs

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This is pretty hilarious if true. It's basically how Twitter and Youtube are run so it's pretty karmic

>why yes, I am casually playing an orc warrior at my own pace at level 19 in the barrens, how could you tell? Be right back little guy, I see a deviate fish pool over there

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I wish greentext stories like this were true. If the GOGOGO retards could just stop clogging the server already, I wouldn't spend an hour in a queue every night.

Human female holy paladin

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"Meta" WoW choices

Holy Paladin
Heal Shaman / Ele Shaman(PVP)
Druid Flag Carrier or select Resto Druid in raid

Non Meta shit
- Druid (not flag carrier, not resto)
- Prot/Ret Paladin
- Enh Shaman

The list of shit that is a "meme spec" is actually pretty small. Not to mention the meme spec actually in almost every case have less tools and less fun ways to play than the actual meta stuff.

Like the meta includes 100% of player styles and 85% of specs.

funny to see posts like these after years of jerking off to how hardcore and great and content rich vanilla was.

Oh boy, Shaman is really cool. I can use a two-hander and have lightning elemental shields around me, then pummel my foes with elemental imbues. This sounds amazing.

>does no damage unless rng favours you
>ooms every encounter solo
>ooms doing anything in general
>have to lure fucks to my totem to avoid ooming
>not particularly tanky at all
>no real impact in dungeons

Fuck this. Teach me how to play a Warrior, I'll just tank dungeons.

retail encounters take the best guilds in the world over 500 tries.
many guilds spend half a year raiding mythic and they dont even see the last boss.

Spam demo shout and sunder armor

gotta be really fucking retarded not to be one.
out of all games it matters the most in mmos.

Fuck off to BfA retail tranny, classic is about world and not afking in dungeons.

You didnt clear shit. Nobody in this thread or on this board has clear a single mon in any of the raids. Who gives a shit if a few people cleared it already theres plenty of content still. For once in your miserable life shut the fuck up and play video games you fucking absolute nigger

Mage is pretty great to have for portals later on that will save you both a shit load of downtime traveling.

Has any of the 4reddit guilds cleared mc yet?

When is the last time something lasted longer than a month?

Probably not. The one I'm in is too busy discussing niggers and trannies all day to actually accomplish anything.

Give me the SHITIEST race/class/spec combination and I'll make it my main.

its actually fucking hilarious how much superior mages are to all other casters in every single aspect of the game.
they can even go for a different element spec when the raid resists it.

yes but i dont want to say which one because theyre faggots and i dont want to advertise them

t. lvl 38 burn out

>I can be great and usefull and inspire people with my incredible skill and dedication
>Nah, fuck that, too much effort
>Instead ill be leeching piece of shit meme spec despised by everyone

Some memeshit like shockadin

Mobs are significantly easier than PServers and Rage generated is based on damage taken.

Sword and Board takes less damage which means less rage which means less threat.

It is better to tank 2h for faster packs, steadier threat, and overall more fun.

If your healer can't keep up then you're undergeared or they suck. Full stop.

No level-appropriate content requires a shield unless you are maintanking MC. Everything else should be done 2h Arms and if you can't manage it, either you or the healer are ass.

I play a Priest.

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human warlock

You giving him too much credit

Night Elf Balance Druid.
Druid is the shittiest class in a vacuum
Balance is all the mana problems the other pvp caster specs have with none of the damage
Night Elves have worse racials for balance and are forced to bind their toes into cramped, uncomfortable shoes

this is the whole issue, tryhard dumb children copying everything they see their favorite streamer do. It's very pathetic but at least it is pretty much garanteed they will all quit playing soon.

You realize you need to run onyxia/mc MULTIPLE times to get fully geared before the next phase right bro?

BWL can be cleared in greens

>got Mr Smites hammer from Deadmines first time
>Got reef axe from BFD first time, then got the venom 2H from Akumai
>Got Corpse maker from RFK first time

Fucking hell I'm blowing all my good luck early I know it

It depends on the healer. A priest can keep up but a druid will have huge problems. A paladin can keep it up for a while but you're fucked if a DPS suddenly starts taking damage too.

classic is clearly about aoe farming dungeons because they are that easy :^)

>doesn't know that ench shamans can get into groups because of their crazy ass totem buffs on other melee specs

>enh shaman
except they get invited into every group

>classicucks all raved about how good the world is and how after vanilla dungeons were ruined by mindless aoe spam
>in classic everybody avoids the world and dungeons are mindless aoe spam

well I know that one of them raided it yesterday, but they probably didnt have the ragnaros summon thing

95% of the people aren't level 60 yet.

>haven't dungeon spam aoe levelled like an autist
>Enjoying the exploration, questing, world PvP and general levelling experience
>Doing all the quests that are fun but are too 'inefficient' for zoomers following a guide to bother with
>Levelling up my secondary professions as I go
>Will hit 60 late but as a warrior, the contents always there waiting, the economy will have settled down and I'll smooth sail right into phase 2


>do stockades a couple of times in different groups
>every single time it's just a bossrush and everyone ignores as many mobs as possible
>never once have I seen a CC being used
Ahh yes classic

there is no need to get fully geared.

This is me except everywhere i go there are millions of people farming quest mobs and i can't get any shit done because i'm right at the peak of the levelling wave.

>be an sl warlock
>pretend to afk
>watch them not take their rotation to kill me seriously
>kill them when they take it easy

Who else is feeling a bit /devilish/ here?

vanilla WoW isnt designed as an MMO I swear to god.
these respawn timers wouldnt even be acceptable in a single player game and they expect multiple groups to do these quests.

>I didn't clear anything
>but someone cleared
>that's means I cleared too

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Remember that old ass comic about gamers jumping off the cliff and saying the ground is not hard enough? That's you.

>be vanilla wow
>pretend to be an "mmo"
>give people severe xp penalties for playing with their friends
>don't add enough quests into the game so its not viable to level with friends


This is one of the major reasons I hate MMO's and MMO players, such a shitty system of "progression".

>that picture

Ret Paladins in a nutshell.

Never actually raided BWL but i thought onyxia cloaks were pretty important.

if youre on a major server like Herod/Faerlina/Stalagg you have to dungeon farm through the Stranglethorn Vale bracket or you get skullfucked because the game wasn't designed to have this many people in it.

You can't make players be dogshit again, user.

>all these retards falling for this pasta
This retard just copied this post from a shitposter from the wow forums

>make quests that require ten items from mob camps that have five enemies in them
>enemies dont even have a guaranteed drop chance
>literally everybody has to fight for the tags and even party members have to fight over the drops
its retarded. the game needs way bigger mob camps.
This was NEVER a problem in mmos like Ragnarok.

>tfw Priest and can't find party for hours
AoE meta is cancer

No you can los shadowflame and br tank

And that's another failure of blizzard and layering, these incompetent fuckers literally can't do anything right.

>playing with turbo autists
if you're already max level and raiding at this point expect to play with autistic fuckwads of course

>He's playing a 15 years old solved game made by a company that doesn't know what the fuck to do with its product other than catering to the SJW trend
>And he's wondering what the fuck is he now going to do after, understandably, clearing the game in such a short time

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Except it was exactly what game was designed for, not being a safespace for tranny BfA refugees where they can level with chineese efficiency.

I already relived my experience on Nostalrius. I'm never going to be able to enjoy Vanilla WoW again.

you know for how many warriors there are there is an extreme shortage of tanks.

A guild has already been destroyed because they gave the first thunderfury binding to a girl gamer rogue instead of the main tank. There is no more comfy raiding with a bunch of cool people it's just asshole raid leaders and ecelebs using shitters to get gear for themselves first. The most popular streamers have already said that they get gear priority for all upgrades first and 99% of raid leaders are going to follow the exact same mentality just like dungeon spamming.

Which guild? What gamer girl

>gave the first thunderfury binding to a girl gamer rogue instead of the main tank
Ahahahaha this can't be real

Nostalrius was unironically a better game than classic was. The only thing that was worse were the chinks.

Those boring ass fetch quests are the gameplay though. Raids were a mistake, endgame for mmo’s should always be about the world not instances.

Don't join those retard's guilds then

Downtime is necessary otherwise you end up right back at retail. No downtime but also no fun. All gear is random all dungeons need to be rerun on increasing difficulties, no time to breathe and wait. Classic is great because there is almost nothing but downtime.

When will people accept that MMOs were just a shit genre that only had a place in the late 90s-mid 2000s? They're completely archaic now.

You keep paying your sub like a good goy. £120 a year please for a 15 year old game. Kek.

Its your fault for joining such shitty guild

>girls causing drama and ruining communities
every fucking time
>inb4 incel
kill yourself you worthless whore cum guzzling beta cukc piece of shit

>go do SM for blues not XP
>spend 20 minutes looking for a tank and wait for him to get to SM from fucking STV
>it's a druid
>fast mage group
>one of the 2 other mages wins hypnotic blade
>second run
>one of the 2 other mages wins the staff
>druid tank wins the staff
>druid and one mage leave because they got their items
>spend 15 minutes looking for another tank
>NEW mage wins hypnotic blade
>new mage and tank leave
>cant find tank
>4 mages and a healer
>"welp looks like we can't kill the boss without a tank lets reset the dungeon and farm more xp haha :D"

that was the moment i uninstalled

but he's right tho the community is dogshit

I'm gonna make this mage zoomers learn

Attached: 2019-09-07_06-43-41.png (386x104, 17K)

They hate you because you rolled a crit and shit on their Home... posting and everything their empty lives believe in.


Thats what you get for falling behind curve, retail tranny ^)

>get called a retail tranny for outleveling people
>get called a retail tranny if you take your time and play with the average person
guess classic is a tranny game.

I love the downtime. It makes it possible to do other things while playing.

Only people who call those ahead of them trannies are loser cucks. If you take theirretarded opinion into slightest consideration you are also loser cuck.

I agree that MMOs are very overrated and have become archaic at the current age. But under the right advanced technology (Full Dive Virtual Reality), they would really flourish and become fun and actually engaging.

I don't know if you have seen the anime Overlord. That's what I'm talking about.

Attached: blog22.1.jpg (1200x1000, 130K)

get friends loser

>he cares about low level gear
Also, you are a fucking frost mage, you don't need gear to level.

Anyone who's not an incel NEET doesn't have level higher than 35 currently, not my fault you're rushing to 60 farming dungeons without realizing that the game starts at level 1

Yeah but raids aren’t interesting or fun to anyone except artists. So when you try to design an entire game around 3000 people but call it an mmo and make everyone go through leveling and gearing anyways it reduces your 3000 players to 100 instead, the hyper autists. Mmo’s need to focus on the world, give the players incentives to be in the world gathering things. We need an open world pvp always enabled with resources for crafters to make the best endgame gear with full inventory drop on death. That would be one million times more fun than raids that can be solved and farmed in a matter of weeks or days being the only content to run for a year or more.

Remember to kill and camp all low levels to make losers seethe

people wouldnt rush to 60 if the leveling was actually fun.

Full dive will never happen. There won't be any Overlord or SAO.

15$/month sure is looking p steep

And what if the others are doing shit dps.
I would like to see you heal without going oom.

It's amazing the kind of shit people will accept just to get their fix of WoW.
>Spell batching (dude lets artificially make the servers shit because they were back then lol even though we dont really give a fuck about authenticity)
>Allowing people to cleave dungeons in 10 man groups for over a week on launch before fixing it and making elite mobs so easy that you can still do it in 5 mans with 0 issues
>Zoomers/twitchfags everywhere
>Min/max mentality completely taken over the game despite it being easier than private servers were
>Due to batching, Hunter traps are completely fucked
>Blizzard nerfed Infernals/Doomguards into the ground because they didn't want to pay gms to deal with the tickets
And people unironically defend all of this shit.

Remember that you will lose your precious race to level 60 and BiS items if you stop to gank low levels

imagine not minmaxing in a number based game. its like not jumping in a platformer.

>zoomcleave to 60 and complain that there is nothing to do
How did you not see this coming?

This was solved in retail, but you hate that.

he means by how many people overall out of the whole population you fucking autist

Isn't layering going to be removed after a few weeks though?

Reroll on a non twitch zoomer server

As a tank, the game is ridicilously exhausting.
Not only is every other warrior trying to or in the group you are going to instance with; but no one has any understanding how THREAT works or how your class works in the first place.

There's not been a instance where i've not have to tell rogue to stop Cheap Shotting or asking Mage to stop spamming Frost Nova.
Add in "that guy" encha Shaman who spams all the max threat abilities and we have people wondering why two-handed tank is so much better?
It generates more rage, makes me take more damage and absolutly caters to the ADHD player group what we have playing videogames right now.

I work 9 to 6 and I am already level 40, while leveling in a group. It would've been higher if not for queues. People, especially here and the ones aoeing dungeons, are really shit at the game. They are for a rude awakening when p2 hits and people suddenly will care about honor gains. Currently people gank for fun so encounters are scarce. It will be way worse after p2, level while you can.

Maybe not in our timeline, but it will eventually.
The problem is that the "full dive" technology requires a direct link to the brain, which means reading and writing the brainwaves. Reading the brain electric signals is fairly easy and already feasible today....writing them, on the other hand, is simply not possible as it requires surgery to implement a ton of electrodes.

But VR is a relatively new technology anyway and we have a lot of ground to cover on that.

all we needed was gw2 to not become dogshit

no I love that.
I dont think classic holds up in most ways.

my friends don't play wow
it doesn't matter now i'm already behind the curve and can't raid because everyone is 60

where were you when a bunch of slavs running a private server made a more faithful recreation of vanilla wow than blizzard themselves did?
>zoomer tier cleave groups literally were not possible because elite mobs were actually elite mobs
>no stupid spell batching
>no layering, can see everybody at all times
>buffed raids to compensate for increased player skill to retain the sense of danger and difficulty
>no cross realm BGs because theres only one server everybody plays on
>due to their being only one server all your friend groups can play together without having to be fragmented
all of this good stuff and you didn't have to pay a dime
imagine being a blizzdrone

Implying I dont have full pre bis and t1/t2 parts already

>pull a group and run around a corner to los them
>rogue runs towards the caster mob and keeps attacking him in the back taking extra damage
I hate people

>it doesn't matter now i'm already behind the curve and can't raid because everyone is 60

Attached: protesting again, tovarish.jpg (1040x693, 101K)

Yesterday I soloed a 40 mage and 34 priest on my 36 hunter in a 2v1, based viper sting.

It will never be removed

>faithful recreation
>changing mob values
retard chink

yeah it recreated that feel of actually playing the game back then you stupid blizzdrone

Layercaps are already not Blizzlike you dumb fucking cuckold kill yourself

because people from here and streamers memed the idea that Prot Warriors are crap and needs a lot of work

when classic proved wrong, and it wall teenage incompetence

>it doesn't matter now i'm already behind the curve and can't raid because everyone is 60
you genuinely believe this?

lol tranny actually mad about being camped on a pvp server. I will sure visit STV today just to remind likes of you their true place in a dirt ^)

>gets pom'd pyro'd anyway

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This is the age ld problem:
a whole lot of warriors but none make it to 60 and even less wnat to tank. I played rogue this time around and basically just added all warriors I liked to my flist and went out of my way to help a whole lot of them with their whirwild axe. I'm 50 now and it really paid off. A lot of them are now alos 50 and gladly take me along for a dungeons because they know I'm a good rogue.

Making connections and networking is a smart idea in wow classic, I learned.

mandate has 20 60s online right now and they raided yesterday

>[5] [World] Faggnaros: LF3M warriors for SM meleecleave have exp know your shit must have ravager no noobs going all day

>that feel
homo. your shitty bootleg copy is a bastardization and not how it used to be at all.
if you actually wanted to make it truly difficult for veterans you'd have to add way more mechanics to everything.


>he plays with tranny guild

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I'm only level 36.
The majority of players are not streamers

>Ret paladin finagling his way into the top for loot that should go to warriors who can do more with it and benefits the guild more
You will not last long I can guaranfuckingtee it

blacklist that retard and let everyone else know. reputation matters in classic and hes going to realize this isnt retail where your server doesnt matter at all

How were infernal sand doom guards nerfed? Never played a Warlock before.

Private servers unironically have less bugs than classic:

>pet pathing fucked up in dungeons
>walls in dungeons with mobs clipping through them and multishot going through them as if they weren't physical objects
>rong sounds on arrows hitting the target
>layering causing a delay of 500ms
>layering causing mobs to not spawn
>layer shifting causing quests such hint of a new plague/the missing diplomat to completely stop working for an entire day

they're now non-aggressive until attacked and they despawn quickly

>I actually cried
Grown men in 2019 everyone

>blacklist meme
good one

maybe dont play a fucking hunter or meme spec

>Traveling through Duskwood to go fuck up Redridge
>Run into Gnome mage aoe grinding worgens
>Throw viper sting on him and nothing else
>Sit there and /laugh at him as he desparately flails around and gets mauled
11/10 skill

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>br tank

while nef runs around 1shotting people

great plan

I dont know where the fuck you play but kromcrush is always packed at all levels.

>Already have a personal vendetta against a certain undead mage
>Nobody ever groups up to kill hordies
I really don't understand alliance. There's more horde in STV than quest mobs alive and the chat is full of people complaining about their numbers and ganking, but nobody seems to group up and do something about it. I'm not complaining about being on the losing faction, I'd be bored to tears if every leveling zone was full of green names I couldn't kill to compete for stuff, but not being able to do anything is infuriating. And STV doesn't even look as bad as what I saw in Tanaris. A group of 5 hordes were at the top of the arena sniping allys afk and really nothing else because nobody was stupid enough to be at their reach, yet they just stood there like stones in somebody's shoe for as long as I was there.

imagine doing that for months. world pvp is honestly boring after like one day youre not gonna do it again for a while

>Level 39
>only have 35 gold

Anyone else know this feel? I'm sure I'm going to have to wait on my mount, any good means of making gold for level 40?

stop playing on designated zoomer servers

Because if you group up in a 5 or even 10 man, the horde will quickly form a 40 man raid and fucking destroy you. It's no fun being outnumbered in a game like WoW, because there is no way to equalize.

because weebs/trannies/neets/faggots/all of the above are the ones who play alliance and "they're too shy" for pvp or interacting with anyone at all despite playing an mmo and being on a pvp server
thats why alliance will pretend not to notice you when you're being gank and why horde will always help out their bros

>any good means of making gold for level 40?
Yes. It depends on your class.
What class are you?

back to retail lil' zoom

>first warrior loot drops
>ret prio
>warriors leave
>rogues follow
>others join
>guild disbands
Have fun being blacklisted in nearest future

at least you can play with your friends without being penalized, lmfao
nice "MMO" there classicuck

everyone look at this faggot

shut up classic tranny

Priests heals better than paladins
Paladins gets more bonuses as Spellcasting 2h mace shockadin wieling fuckers of death with full plate and spamming 1k no resistance holy attacks, paladins are the best 5man dungeon tanks, paladins are priority in AQ40 and Naxx.

now go back to retail because your wojak is showing you fortnite nigger.

Attached: 2314440-1359141659.jpg (1440x900, 221K)

then go play retail with your boyfriend

only obsessed losers who play all day, don't sleep or wash themselves have played through the content. their fault for trying to do everything ASAP. the majority are still playing at a regular pace as designed.

Never seen that happen unless they're all greys simply because there's too many trying to level. Every lvl 42+ I've seen in STV either starts as a group or dies alone

This game is just boring, It's been 2 weeks so I hope everyone stopped pretending it's fun. I couldn't even make it to 25. I think only people completely new to this genre could enjoy it. Things like talent trees and class trainers are cool but overall the game is boring and dated. There's no challenging content in it either. This game needs a good expansion, bfa sucks.

retail tranny in denial, we dont like your kind here

Huntard, 165 mining 170 engineering.140 Fishing, 225 cooking, 225 FA.

Needs some more buff and wide shoulders. She is a she-Orc, don't forget.

You don't have to stay subbed.

You made it to 60 within 2 weeks, congrats. You're with all the autists who got literally nothing in life besides wow so ofc they treat it like life and death. Wait 1-2 weeks more so the normies and casuals can catch up and start forming pugs

you obviously don't have any friends and never went around to alliance territories causing shitstorms.

I only levelled Alliance once on a private server, but if I learned one thing then its that it's the cuck faction.

As a horde you can fuck redrigdge all day long yet no 60 alli will ever get their ass over from stormwind to help out.

That's why I always stay horde, sucks too since I vastly prefer most alliance zones like duskwood over the equivalent horde zones.

>rolls nigger faction
>acts like a gigantic nigger for attention
pottery, every single horde player has some kind of personality disorder

Attached: 1566780536413.png (1280x720, 1.79M)

>I just can’t take it anymore.
> I hate being at this point where I’m at the mercy of these players to progress and they constantly toss me out at the doorstep
>I actually cried tonight when the raid lead told me to respec

omg that's so sad..

the reality itself is far more different in classic user, Guards fucks you royally, and there are more higher lvl's walking around because of mining and herbs being an ASS to farm and lvl

get a load of this faggot and his gigantic post lads

thats twice now you mentioned the friends thing...are you projecting? lmao

I'm playing alliance both because I wanted to change for once and because of a paladin friend. Leveling has been just plain better as alliance but any PvP warzone is stupid. Mostly the meme ones though. Arathi was full of bitch as hordes that died all day and nobody helped them while with ran in a group of 5 scaring them away from every quest area. Meanwhile, Hillsbrad and STV is just full of people that would rather stay there at the top of the level range (or above) and kill people

try stop being a shitter

explain to a newfag what "cleaving" is?

Seems like MMOs are not for you

Hunter is a top dps in MC, retail tranny

Because a 0,001% of autists is not representative of the playerbase.

AoE essentially.

Can someone explain what's so good about this game? It's very dated. I tried to like it but didn't make it far, no I didn't level fast like an autist and I never touched bfa

people liked it back when it came out because it was the freshest and most responsive MMO around.
literally all expansions are better,harder and deeper than it though.

>Clusterfuck that has progression way too easy but everything requiring DBM
>Better and deeper
I'm a dumbass who played Toontown and Runescape back in 2004, Classic is pretty solid so far.

Attached: DmRDELEUYAAoW-f.jpg (901x959, 128K)

It's 90% nostalgia for being a teenager with no responsibilities and a life ahead of you. Most of the playerbase are boomers playing a couple hours a day or sad mid 20s neets whose haven't done anything since wow came out. If you didn't play this game back in the day then it will hold nothing for you and don't let yourself feel like you're obligated to play or enjoy it.

I got a force name change for fucking minge, fuck nu-blizzard

Attached: minge.png (535x285, 9K)

who are you kidding? progression in vanilla is a goddamn joke.
every retard can clear any content in the game.

I was talking about Nu-WoW's progression being way too easy with the amount of unoptimized bloat and aesthetics making it harder than it should be. Nu-WoW is pretty much the equivalent to those jank-ass Chinese MMOs you would see on Aeria or ijji or whatever that is somehow still on life support.

>create character with vulgar name that clearly violates the T&Cs

your post is fucking retarded and contradicts itself.
its easier because its harder than it should be. goddamn spastic

Have you managed to clear everything out, user?

I've seen guildies do MC yesterday.
They spent 2minutes per boss on average.
This game is such a joke.

A lot of them never even played it. I wonder when will everyone just stop pretending this game is good. Maybe when they release a good expansion, bfa makes classic look better than it is

On the contrary, I think this ability to impact others negatively gives further meaning to the positive interactions you have. The people that are nice actually stand to lose something (time or resources) and they do it because they want to, not because it’s the only option the game provides. The ability to impact the lives of others, both positive and negative, gives the game further purpose as an mmorpg.

I’m saying this as a player that can’t bring myself to get in the way of others unless I feel slighted from their previous actions. I’m also a coward that runs and hides from the opposing faction whenever I come across them.

That's why these "nostalgia" mmos are a fucking meme. We need new shit that is good. Can't keep living in the past and replaying these same games over and over.

Good, I've been reporting hundreds of you dumb niggas with non RP names on my RP realm.

lmao imagine having rushed thru all the content already

it fit the character though, it was an undead warrior, unga bunga.

>RP server
>Reporting anyone when TRP3 exists
You want good boy gacha chests on OW or BiS epics for WoW, do you?

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Meant for

I think im done for now. The people that I group with are already insufferable cunts that just want to speedrun why the fuck would I want to raid with 39 of them. Might as well just be fucking playing retail at this point.

Is it true that back in vanilla, only 1% of the playerbase raided?

To be fair no one really likes this game because of challenging pve content. People praise classic because of the ''social aspect'' but in my experience that aspect was shit, no one really talks in groups and chat is just dungeon spam spamming and twitch memes. So yeah this game has nothing going for it in 2019. I was really stupid wasting 13 euros

So far 30% of my dungeon run got wipe because of huntard not controlling their pet and pull 3 other group to us. Pet AI is retarded in classic and if you keep setting pet on defensive instead of passive in dungeon or raid, you are the definition of Huntard

The thing is though horde are actually awful at pvp
In any fair setting I absolutely shit on them, and alot of the time in unfair conditions too. Horde rely on more numbers and higher levels

I've been playing on Grob and never found any twitch meme garbage, everyone is pretty friendly so far. Too bad it becomes SM farm at 30+

the social aspect is AWFUL in WoW. most other mmos handle it way better.
you cant even properly group up with friends if they are like five levels above or under you.
if you arent on the exact same quests as your partymembers people will disband after slapping a few mobs.
the way quest drop distribution works is SHIT and the respawn timers are not designed for proper group play at all.
its terrible.

Teach me how to be a Hunter.

>the point of a game is to rush to the end and get shiny items
If you play it like that you missed the point. The point is to play with friends explore and have fun. It’s a social game the flaws like lack of mounts and dungeon finder add to that. It should take you months to reach max level and you should then be more worried about getting a pirate hat then clearing a raid.

You just need the right kind of people. There's several roaming packs of 5 alliance players in hillsbrad on my server killing everything in their path.

Only use autoshot and roll on everything that drops

Go make friends you pathetic loser

>every instance group is either 3 mages and warlock doing eye of kilrogg pulls or 4 melee DPS doing cleave runs without any tanks

totally like I remembered it!

Attached: classic wow like how i remembered.jpg (1920x1080, 514K)

Stop playing with autistis. Go back to start and play with people lvl 15-30 right now that have jobs

Most people that hit 60 raided but they usually only got to BWL at most. Since most people didn't want to spend the amount of time gearing up needed for AQ and especially Naxx.

But he played and enjoyed the game while he could. People at 60 didn’t enjoy any of that shit.

>Just hit 28
I'm having a fun time, boys. I've never played a shaman before, it's nice.

Ex private server Warrior tank here, I rerolled warlock ever since. I was a good tank, did BWL MT ZG/Ony/Did MC. My guild was shit at the time so I pugged with alot of other major raid guilds so I was on call anytime someone fell short. Tanking is fucking shit in vanilla, its boring trash and unrewarding. Warriors need THREE fucking sets. 1 pvp, 1 dps, and 1 tank. It is not worth it, I can play less have a stronger class and have better gear that is a catch all as a warlock. Not to mention I can 1v3 players on classic as a warlock. Not so as a warrior, people treat warrior tanks like shit too so whats the point? Id rather just spellcleave my way to 60 then Ill join a raid guild and call it a day. This is my 3rd 60 warlock. Ill consider a warrior in TBC until then no thanks.

ultimately tanking is way more involved than the other roles in raids though.

but for the easy life you cant really go wrong with a warlock or mage. mage specifically, they're retardedly busted.

Good thing i never gave a shit about raiding. Even back when i first played Vanilla. I like the leveling and PvP that will come soon. Gotta get my first 60 and then work on another one, maybe i can have 2-3 lvl 60's before BG's come out.

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>no fucking keybinds
I knew that aoe faggots were shitters but I didn't expect things to be this bad.

>tfw always played a warlock in vanilla/private servers and decided to play a warrior in classic

I'm level 31 now, and while I like tanking I feel like I made a giant mistake.

Tips for a hunter so I can get into dungeons?

Do people care about how good your pet is?


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Yeah Id quit now and reroll if I was you, THREE SETS. Remember that anytime you get good dungeon groups. With spellcleave zoomers warriors are no longer needed for dungeons. Your only option is raiding and most raid guilds have their MT's established. Vanilla warriors are an actual meme class.

So I'm thinking of planning ahead a bit for my next character. I'm wanting to make an undead but I can't settle on a class. Any recommendations?


For fuck ake somebody tell me how I can find this info out for my own server

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>Tfw took the herod server transfer to earthfury day one
Please someone take us off life support, this isn't funny anymore. I know blizz stranded us here as a joke but i'm not laughing.

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the way blizzard handled servers has always been shit.
classic actually does it way better than in vanilla but the whole system is just not good.

I'm level 28 as a rogue and I now can't find any groups for SM

i'd boost you if you play on golemagg eu

Just wait until the war effort is out, people will literally realise that the scarab lord title is a popularity contest which they cannot win and numbers will drop off in the thousands.

So have I. I like reporting Yea Forums sports. Just filtering out trash.

I’m more salty about the exclusivity of the mount

>just wait till next year and the game is dead

yea ok you faggot.

I don't think you understand how bad it is on earthfury. There was a total of five(5) people in stormwind at 6am est this morning on an east coast server. Around 20 on the weekend, don't think i've ever seen it break 40 people total during my entire stay on this dead realm. It's depressing.

Bumping this request plz

sounds like some retail realms.

>hurr you level 60s must be bored
its not very boring boosting low levels for gold tho

yes thats the huge issue. you have overcrowded mainservers and then they make new servers which are a trap for beginners or people sick of wait times and then those servers die instantly.
its awful.

I don't sadly I even asked in my guild but none are online I guess most guilds are going to drop off

literally every single warlock i meet goes affliction (lvl 22) i went that route my self but i want to be destruction, any advice? How can i change my spec points?

Why would you play an MMO and not want to do all the endgame content

>Play Warlock
>Some absolute brainlet ganks me when I'm in my fucking prime (mid level 40s. got deathcoil and SL)
>Absolutely waste them with ease
Why are people so stupid? No class beats me now. Literally non. I will shit on all of you and laugh every time you even attempt to fuck with me.

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that was always a problem with wow. back then blizzard made even more servers.

Considering the nature of retail at least they can find people to do content with. I doubt there will EVER be enough level 60s on earthfury, let alone on at the same time, to raid.


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>Playing Shaman DPS
>as usual I have a healing gear set
>Run SM cath with 3 of my friends. We need a 5th, DPS, since I'll be healing
>Get a rogue, seems competent. We breeze through because him and my buddy's fury warrior deal insane DPS, our mage is practically AFK
>Hand of Righteousness drops
>Need because no shit
>Rogue also fucking needs, loses the roll and instantly drops group
Why the fuck would you do this? You find a group that is actually competent and knows what it's doing, and instead of thinking "Wow I could run a million dungeons with these guys and get tons of loot" you think "I'm gonna ninja this healing mace." Fucking astounding.

seems like thats not true my friend because alot of guilds on retail can't raid anymore.

well thats your fault for choosing low pop realms and not just putting up with the queue

>friend named his priest Diddleskids
>got reported and prompted for a name change
>he was able to choose the same name when renaming his priest
Wtf is up with blizzard?

I'd rather not wait in a queue for 2 hours just to stand outside SM for an hour lfg

destro is pretty useless when you're leveling. Once you hit 60 you can respec to destro but it requires specific gear for it to be viable

Well your friends are full of shit.

what kind of fucking shit is that?


tell me how to do this

It's called "unrefined game mechanics," come back during BC if you want balance.

He'll get another name change and this time he won't be able to pick his name and will get stuck with something like "qlsfkqzjgrl"

what do you base this off? onetime experience? its easy as fuck to find a group just be social

Play UD warlock, become a chad. Infinite fear = dead everyone. If they are immune? Deathcoil them. The only threat to a warlock is a good rogue getting the jump. You can get 2 voidwalkers endgame with that lock trinket for a second voidwalker. 2 sacrifices= you never lose

>come back to warrior with stunherald and resto druid "balance"

Yeah fucking right.

Why would you rush it though?

Because Destruction is just a shitty mage. It gets old fast, trust me. Look up SM/Ruin or DS/Ruin. Those are the very endgame builds. If you insist on being full retard Destruction just do something like at least getting 5/5 Corruption, 2/2 Life Tap then go down the Destruction tree using the above builds as your reference. You'll basically be an SM/Ruin Warlock, but shit at leveling. If you want to just level fast and not give a shit about anything, just go with a drain build until you're 60, then swap off.

Someone warned that you think you wanted this, but you don't.

Now what was his name...

You're not understanding the profound change in culture that has occurred. The game didn't become bad-the playerbase did. Players took all of the lore, all of the discovery, and all of the fun and just compressed it into an autistic speedrun and they attack and criticize anyone who doesn't.

its classic bro. Now go fucking make me a healthstone you cucklock

So i cant summon an infernal right next to the ah entrance and watch as it murders bank alts and low lvls until the guards kill it?
I want my money back!!

>Already almost to 40

Is it better to just cut my losses and go full on DPS once I hit 60? Tank is the only thing I've never played in WoW, but my experiences just doing dungeons (can't even get a sunder in before people start attacking) and what you're saying make me not want to. I don't want to be that cunt asking for a tank when I'm a warrior though.

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Take off your shirt you little slut.

So you can do both and stay fury spec. It's very possible to tank dungeons without being because you still have sunder/revenge/heroic strike. They aren't hard enough to require you to be prot.

Id drop the class altogether and save yourself the trouble. Warriors at 60 are a complete meme without a dedicated pocket healer. Here is the thing, since you need 3 sets thats 3x the grinding of bullshit. Don't forget to repair! Don't worry most players won't cover your repair fees for tanking either. Being a tank in vanilla is suffering. In TBC its a LOT better but it still is annoying. There is 0 benefit to tanking in vanilla.

All you fags who call aoe runs meme runs are a bunch of isolated anti social bad players who cannot even find a group, or your just playing a bad clas. or you have 0 friends who want to put up with you for hours.

>browse the AH for some crafting materials
>the entire first 15-ish pages are filled with listings of a single piece each, with an entry bid of 1c and buyout price at around three times the average "regular" market price
>have to spend fucking forever scrolling through to get to the reasonable priced stuff that's sold in bulk
>trying to low-ball the above listings is pointless because they just cancel the auction and re-list it again before it runs out
What's a good AH addon? Because apparently these cunts are going to force me to use one.

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>"Spamming" a 30 sec cd ability that requires naxx levels of spell power gear



>That optimization mentality has been deeply ingrained in the mind of the modern MMO player, brought about by none other than WoW itself.
It predates WoW. All the way back in Ultima Online people were wearing mixed armor sets (if I remember right it was plate helm and arms, chain chest and legs.... not sure about the boots). You can also see it in D&D, going all the way back to AD&D.

There are three types of fuckers who play RPGs: People who like to RP and give no fucks about effectiveness. People who go out of their way to break the game and play it in the most optimally way possible. And people who just follow along with one of the other two groups.

MMOs in particular lend themselves heavily to people who optimize because the game either has to be balanced around them, or the game becomes a joke due to modern internet culture.

I've actually won a few of those 1c bids before in the real early mornings when they are about to expire. Got like 60 Mageweave Cloth for 10 copper.

I'm in a guild with 400 people and nobody has reached level 60 yet. Most people are hovering around 40 right now, and that's only half way there.

>autistic freaks who rushed to 60 already bitching about patches not coming fast enough
Let's enjoy the tears and hope blizzard doesn't cave

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Classic dungeon elites are significantly weaker than on private servers, which means tanks don't really need shield unless they literally pull half the dungeon. The shit I've been able to get away with on classic is ridiculous, never would have been possible on private servers. Mobs in classic are a joke. The crazy thing is people are still running around in shit gear and with no consumes. When they gear up and start popping world buffs and flasks you're gonna see people 5 manning MC, no doubt. They need to ducking buff content otherwise everyone will get bored very soon.

private servers post ED were a mistake


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you probably have purchased a shit AAA game for $60+ that you played for 6 hours before

nice game wowbabs

Stop being a NEET parasite

good goy ;)

>this thread
If you are anywhere close to lvl 60 right now, you are not playing this game correctly if you want to have fun. Poopsocking WoW breaks the game, it is built to be played with a degree of moderation and a focus on on socialization over gameplay. You did the equivalent of turning on noclip in Doom, ruining your experience and getting pissed that it's boring and easy.

You focused on progression in a game that is about fucking around with your friends. You're worse than smashfags. You're like the tryhard in a game of Mario Party. Seriously, reevaluate your fucking life.

Here's a suggestion: Roll an alt. Make that alt a balance druid. You will end up cutting out all of the minmaxfags, and will only be able to play with cool people. Focus on taking it slow and helping others, and you will make a ton of friends by clutching quests, world events, and random pvp. You can then focus on those friends as the majority of your purpose ingame.

>but I will be le worstest class/spec at 60!!!
Yeah, you will. If this prevents you from having fun, you're still fucking up.

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Worthless shitstains who play video games 16 hours a day really terrifies the jew

How well geared could the tank even be at this point? Seems like it's not that much of a loss.

This, but unironically. I still have two more routes to do in Three Houses.

>LFM spellcleave ZF must be able to play all day
Holy shit MMO players are pathetic

playing wow is being ultimate cuck. You are pathetic.

Kill yourself

you will kill yourself sooner than me when you realize how pathetic you are.

in my realm I went from 3k queues every night to 1'2k queues some day

>paying $15 a month for Classic WoW
>giving money to the very company that ruined WoW in the first place

Imagine being this retarded

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>0 benefit
Except, you know, getting into every dungeon group fucking instantly because everyone needs you

what a gay post

Truth spoken.

Know what's really boring? Speedrunning MC with a bunch of angry NEETs that get pissed at everything. Know what's really fun? Shooting the shit with your friends and eventually finally beating an Rag with their various zany specs and play styles and giving Thunderfury to a hunter for the luls

blizzdrones are retarded. They are all goblin looking fucks who will never procreate thankfully. Dumb fucking retards giving 15$ monthly for this shit game? Holy fuck.

It's a noob trap, you play hundreds of hours of braindead leveling without realizing you're playing one of the highest skill classes in the game. Follow some guides, learn all your tools, and create macros to elevate yourself from huntard poverty.

remember when vanilla posters acted like its a hardcore game

dilate and get friends for wow, tranny

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Imagine exchanging a small amount of money for a product you enjoy. Imagine not being an autistic Yea Forumsermin faggot desperate to fit in with the other teens on his shithole board

most people i know that are playing this havent even hit lvl 20 yet, what the fuck are u on about?

Basing game design on the top 1% has LITERALLY never yielded good results.

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>everything is cleared
but im only lvl 43

anyone know the general gold inflation rate of classic?

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Compared to retail, it is.

Go raid mythic if you want a real challenge, you retarded pserver hero.

Based post

>some people I don't know no-lifed for 2 weeks and finished some 14 year old content
How about stop being a NEET nigger and play games as recreation, not your only life goal.


>go raid the same fucking shit you did three times

>u play game WRONG
>me play game RIGHT
lole stfu gay nigga

>implying I play wow at all
i'm laughing at you for reeeing at people who are better than you at your shit game. i don't play mmos because i don't hate my life lmao


I'm not real big into Classic, dunno if my old group is even picking it up, but why do some people seem to hate the idea of it so much? Let people enjoy what they want. I have a coworker who seems genuinely upset that Classic is a thing

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yeah its to pathetic to use that which you paid for

why do you care


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Why is NA online so toxic

it only got WoW to 11mil subscribers.

Jealousy breeds hate, most people CANNOT stand other people having fun, you know the deal.

Because niggers like OP are the reason WoW and everything after went to shit.

could be because classic retards spent years talking shit about the expansions that came out after it.
now classic is out and its a boring casual mess.

Now we get to kill each others' quest givers with 0 consequence before phase 2 starts

and then back down to 1

Most people don't play a tank because with the exception of 4 horsemen, raids only need a couple tanks out of such a large group so most will just play dps since that's much more in demand to fill slots.

and it only took fifteen fucking years.

Huh, I guess was right after all

>What's the point of no phases? 3 weeks in everything is cleared already. What now? Years of no new content not going to keep players in.

>being this delusional, when in the last 10 years sub counts only surged in the 1st month after each xpac,

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I paid 15€ to try it out, I had my fun but on the long run I not paying 15€ per month for a old game version which is free on private server. Fuck blizzard

Reminder: Everquest was way harder. Keep in mind the only reason WoW got so big was Everquest: Gates of Discord expansion was so hard it made end-game people quit for WoW.

I think even today hardcore WoW players couldn't wrap their head around something like Uqua

Do you really want Blizzard and Google to have direct access to your brain? Fulldive technology is probably doable already but it will never reach the civilian market.

fifteen fucking years

>Spam feral DPS LFG
>Bro can you just bear tank
>I can, but I'm not specced for it
>It's fine, we just need someone to tank
>AOE taunt on a 10 minute cool
>Why can't you hold aggro bro?
>Because my 10 sec cool down taunt is only single target and I'm not specced for threat generation
>Agility item drops
>Why are you rolling on this bro? You're a tank
I fucking hate you retards.

i hit 40, got my mount and i think i'm not gonna reach 45 before dropping this

i'm not a retailtranny either, gonna cancel my suscription outright

what's the point of suffering through this boredom when you know exactly what awaits you and what's gonna happen for the next months?


Why is AoEing so prevalent when on pservers it wasn't? I'm guessing the strat just never leaked among the few autists who've been AoEing Dungeons this whole time and spreading the semi-truth that dungeons are a waste of time unless you're AoEing them

everquests UI and gameplay is legitimately worse than shit you found in games from the 80s.
awful game.

>this fucking 30 to 40 wall
God damn is it getting to me. I'm only 34 and a half. Questing is a huge pain because everyone is farming the same mobs.

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pservers are filled with chinese and mexicans that dont know how to play.

Paladins should heal and that's it. Level as holy you fucking retardin. It's what I'm doing and I've done it before on retail in TBC. It's not difficult it just takes a little bit more time.

>tfw I report any names even mildly offensive or inappropriate

Loving Every Laugh.

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Or you know dont do that and roll warlock and get instant ques into spellcleave groups. Or better yet mage. Are you a moron? Warrior was meta for dungeons maybe in 2006. But its current year and in current year its spellcleave. Again, 0 benefit.

>>Spam feral DPS LFG
I'm assuming you are leveling. Ferals are the best leveling tank period, "tank spec" or not. git gud

Post character

>DoTs don't interrupt fear
What the FUCK has this always been the case

Have I been playing my warlock wrong for 37 levels?

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It isn't actually very efficient.

Playing with slutty armor is cringe and it makes people assume you're a male, which is a bad thing on a pvp server.

europoors every time

Heartbeat. Every dot per tick has a percentage chance to break fear. You can break it right away or never.

It never interrupted fear. It just had a chance to reduce the time of the fear.

What's your point you fucking downey? I'm not leveling, I'm running dungeons for gear. Fuck off with your 'git gud', there is literally nothing new in Vanilla, it's not like I'm specced incorrectly I just didn't tank the talent that generates threat. So when a mage aoe clears a group, they're going to generate more threat. Then I have to run around and single taunt enemies. You'd know that if you weren't a zoomer faggot and understood how threat generation works in Classic.

That was my other thought. Didn't this whole thing start because a guild was doing it when it awarded too much XP? So are people really just doing a nerfed method because people streamed it?

They have less chance. I believe you can even shadowbolt and not break it if you're lucky

lmao tanks? Get the fuck off my server fag. Spellcleave meta will kick most of you "hybrid" classes off the server. I cant wait until spellcleave completely removes most of you from my server.


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This. Solo questing with a good route is more experience with up to 3 players. 4+ dungeons will be faster. It all has to do with efficiency and routes, and becusse dungeon grinding is simply repeating the same thing over and over you get efficient at it. If you could do the same thing with quests you'd level faster that way.

>reputation matters in classic


Post tits and timestamp

So slap the zoomer the fuck down? Grab some fucking balls and stop letting a 16 year old dictate the way you pull shit, tell him to stop aoeing like a retard or drop the group and let them wait 2 hours for another tank.

And quit your snowflake ideal of a feral dps spot in dungeons or raids fuckboi.

but im leveling as holy you baiting zoom zoom.
And people leveled as Rets in TBC after the design changes, so thanks for the lies.


>not leveling up as retri then respec into prot and farm in plague lands and do dungeon runs as a tank

Dungeons fucked your shit on private servers, on classic they hit slightly fucking harder than open world mobs. You pull this shit on chinkshope and you're group is wiping instantly

>leveling ele shammy
>everyone wants mages for spell cleave
>make my own melee cleave groups where I drop WF totem and heal
>significantly less downtime than spell cleave groups because I'm the only one who has to drink and mobs die faster
>groups form quickly because no one wants melee, just mages


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>"everything is cleared already"

by 0.01% of the playerbase, yes

>everyone cries about ganking
>i run from duskwood to booty bay and from ratchet to gadgetzan without a single horde attacking me
I must've met at least 70 horde players on the way and the worst thing that happened was that a shaman put down a slow totem as I ran past him and a mage polymorphed me. Why are horde such bros?

Yes. It's just zoomers copying streamers. Time spent playing is what matters. Jokerd hit 60 so quickly becusse of his extremely efficient leveling route, then aoe farming mobs in wpl, which has been the meta since forever. Zoomers are literally trying to reinvent the wheel doing boring ass dungeon grinds when it is absolutely uneccesary and slower than questing.

A raid isn't cleared until noone needs loot from it anymore.

I leveled as holy because of Athene.

Holy is the only acceptable spec for a paladin. If you don't play holy you're literally trash to me even in current retail.

>why don't you just farm mob to 60 start instead of enjoying the game
Just fuck off already and stop pretending that general chat isn't constantly filled with "LF1M TANK "

>Tell him to stop aoeing shit down
It doesn't work like that you stupid fuck. They're just going to keep using aoe spells. It's crazy how you're going to sit here and pretend to be an alpha over the internet on a fucking anime video game forum.
>Well what I would do is just tell that little kid to shut the fuck up and then they would listen to me because I ooooooooze my alpha smegma all over World of warcraft classic. Then I tell him I'm going to fuck his mom, then I do it haha. Man I'm such an alpha male. Everyone just listens to me because they're scared of me over the internet
Shut up you 85 IQ failed abortion.

This is awesome and probably works really fucking well. Gunna grab a couple rogues and put my own grp together later and do this.

t. Fellow shaman

At least I own it and can play it anytime I want for free
>forgetting you have also spent $60 on expansions
>pay $200 a year just to play it
>You never own it
>enjoy your cash shop

Okay burn your way to 60. Then have nothing to do. Once you reach max level the game is essentially over.

Meant strat.

i can boost my bro's

Hey you do you, ill spellcleave and get to 60 3x faster and get more money than you. Theres a reason this meta is forming. Have fun being a poorfag warrior lmao.

>classicshitters have gone from "NO CHANGES" to "Nostalrius was better because it made everything harder" when they realized classic was a faceroll

>group is waiting for a tank forever
>tank shows up
>tank says this
>group ignores
>tank leaves
>back to part one
Hope you are farming for your healing set, cause the dress suits you.

I actually don't have a warrior but nice projection. I'm an enhancement shaman that consistently clears pulls insanely fast with the help of warriors and rogues.
The real meta is picking the class people actually want so you can get in groups faster. So yeah "you do you."

>rush to 60 instead of staying with the normal pack and playing this game a few hours a day
>surprised when the only other people at 60 right now are the EXACT kind of tryhards who want to min/max and are the toxic shitters from retail

What did you honestly expect though?

If tanks need someone in a dress to support them, what does that say about tanks?

Oh good one.
Shut up you massive cock sucking, limp dick faggot. I didn't spend 20 minutes walking to a dungeon I can clear in 30 just to drop out after 2 minutes of it. It's like you're trying to sound smarter than you are, but never actually played the fucking game.

Warlo9ck chad here sitting on 2000g from spellcleaves. Ill project that Im poor. I could have 5000g instead. I should be shard hopping to farm black lotus.

why do you type in caps you fucking retard

Be sure to report your income to the CCP or they may ship you to a reeducation camp.

Do it you tiny whore

Why do you have an allergy to punctuation points? Hang yourself.

go play the game and have fun tho loooool

>I didn't spend 20 minutes walking to a dungeon I can clear in 30 just to drop out after 2 minutes of it.
No, but you are the one who spent 45 minutes crying about it on a fucking anime video game forum.

God speed user, it's great picking up the rejects and doing better than the meta becuse WF totem is so strong.

Also a big bonus is that there's no competition for spell gear

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>My first post was 23 minutes ago
>Buh u spend 45 minutes hurrrrrrr
I couldn't imagine literally having time stamps and still not being able to do simple math. You're stupid as fuck, and the worst part about it is that you have absolutely no idea just how fucking dumb you are.
Nah, choke on a dick.

i only show tits to my dwarven bf

>You're stupid as fuck, and the worst part about it is that you have absolutely no idea just how fucking dumb you are.
didn't you say you were a feral DPS druid who couldn't manage to tank? should grab a mirror my friend

The UI was customizable, dude. There was a large UI modding community for EQ that turned into the WoW UI modding community.

..but yea, the basic one was bad but managable and you really needed to know your binds.

Already cancelled. Game is still fun but fuck paying that much for an ancient game which should be offered at a reduce price.

Is Ele more fun than Ench? Never played Shaman. I don't know how to spec it either. Totems sounded cool, so I went with it.

Y-y-you can play r-r-retail t-too!