Hard to swallow truths about modern gaming

Hard to swallow truths about modern gaming.

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you just have depression

Examples of nu-fun games?

all of them

All gachas MMOs walking sims

so none of them?


Fire Emblem
Astral Chain
Last of Us

Honestly, I think everyone will have some example, yet someone else will say they are wrong, simply because fun is a subjective thing.

so the same feeling when you're on Yea Forums?

Mobas, unironically.

Breath of the Wild. It's a boring game about nothing, you only think you're having fun because it got high reviews amd those reviews said it was fun. You read those reviews and now you think "oh so this is what fun is"
they lied to you

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Is this similar to artificial difficulty in that it's a made up term Yea Forums uses?

super mario odyssey

Posting on this board

Deluded into thinking you are having fun? If your brain is releasing dopamine you are having fun, thats simple.

what is Team Fortress 2?

All the games I hate that other people enjoy.

t. Nuevo fun haver

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What about protofun?

Except nobody actually reads reviews because thats fucking gay. People bought it and had some fun with it.

Typical Yea Forumsigger makes decisions based on contrarian thinking

What about mecha-fun?

mw2 multiplayer would be the proto example

>not waifun

Loot Shooters
Most open world games
Most survival sandbox games
Most MMO games
Really anything where its an obvious skinner box

>inb4 seething Yea Forumsdrones defend their 20 hours of parrying

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Movie games +

Ocarina of Time

If playing it makes you happy, who gives a shit about the the details?

>If playing it makes you happy
You think it does but it doesn't

Anything involving skinner box esque designs akin to loot boxes or random drops with varying degrees of rarity through repetitive tasks.
It isn't actual fun, it's the dopamine receptors activating when the reward is received that causes enjoyment, tricking those who are less intelligent into thinking their enjoyment is derived from fun.

These same people also think slot machines are "fun," despite most likely looking like dead faced zombie through the majority of their "play time." They block all the negative/neutral responses, also referred to as "dead air" and only focus on the few and far in between moments where they got the thing they wanted.

fix it
also Nuevo could be just

>nuevo fun
You mean secondary fun?

what if it doesn't

All mmos.

Mobas are fun. They are just very competative.
People playing them despite saying they hate it just means they enjoy the competition. So they are having fun.

Bullshit pseudo-intellectual response. If the game was simply pressing a button and receiving loot then sure I suppose you might have a point. Most games like this have gameplay that is enjoyable and/or challenging at its core which gets people hooked and then the Skinner box elements keep them playing. Monster Hunter is a prime example, the core gameplay loop is excellent and that gets people in the door, the optimization is what keeps people playing over a long period of time.

You probably have a smug anime girl as a profile picture you anti-fun faggot

then you don't play the game

>trying to define the subjective experience of enjoyment as an absolute

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Overwatch comes to mind, the main gameplay is boring and dull at best but people still come back for their daily rewards. There is no moment while playing Overwatch when you feel the same kind of sensation as if you play a well designed game like quake MP or Jedi Knight. You just log in, play some meh matches and then get a reward for doing so, no real fun to be found.

>got dunked on by wa2000 acog chads

Monster Hunter would be a far better game without skinner box mechanics. It relies upon them too much as a crutch, and levels become a braindead grind once players have adequate enough gear.
The removal of skinner box mechanics would bring a far greater emphasis on player skill, and the replayability would be derived from the player wanting to improve their skills, and their enjoyment from skill improvement.

Nu means new, this thread is full of retards

this board is full of retards

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This user is full retard.

Except that’s exactly what happens now even with the randomized loot mechanics. That’s why TAutism is a thing and people spend ridiculous amounts of time just trying to reduce their hunting times because the act of improving is such a strong motivator. Your dumbass meme isn’t funny or interesting and I’m not really sure why I’m in this thread wasting my time. so I guess OP got his (You)s from me.

all hack-and-slash

No. Nu is the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet, reertrad.

god of war

>when you can't come up with anything original and just reurgitate old memes
>when you hate anything that is somewhat popular

How is that hard to swallow? That's obvious to anyone who's seen it, and it's common as fuck.
The had to swallow truth is this:
>You can choose what you enjoy.
Not instantly. You need to practice it over a few weeks. But you can change your own tastes and learn to enjoy things that aren't as casual.

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Everything post 2007

God of War is pure söyfun.

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>play game
>have fun
>lol no you don't

This. The game is boring

>you need to practice having fun to have fun
>t. emotionless husk

>Most games like this have gameplay that is enjoyable and/or challenging at its core
No, they don't. They have the APPEARANCE of that, MH is actually a game purely about grinding.

You can't actually get good at MH, all you can really do is amass materials so very stupid people think they're somehow "improving" because enemies suddenly deal 1/10th of the damage and they deal 10 times more.

It's an action JRPG at its core, except MH doesn't even have any interesting story elements going for it. It's a perfect example of skinnerbox design, you play to get items so that you can do "better" at the game. You don't have to improve, you don't have to learn anything, all you have to do is invest time.

idk "unwarranted praise" describes god of war pretty perfectly, basedfun seems to be just projecting insecurities

This is a pretty accurate image. If you enjoy even a single game on that list, you don't belong on this site.

>still can't comprehend what nu-fun is
>defense mechanisms immediately activate out of fear that his fun may not be real

Don't leave the thread user, you're a walking example.

Loot shooters. so Destiny, Warframe, Division, Remnant, Borderlands, Anthem. Diablo with gunplay.

So fun is the only reason to play games? I remember spending days to finish Battle Toads on the SNES but it wasn't really fun.
I also played ASSFAGGOTS for quite some time and didn't play them for fun. I played them to win. Still enjoyed playing them

All video games are Skinner boxes you absolute stinking psych freshman

>you can’t learn monster patterns, weakspots, and elemental weaknesses for a monster
>you can’t learn flinch thresholds to keep a monster locked down for maximum uptime
>you can only get gear to improve, it’s impossible otherwise
Completely and factually incorrect, but thanks for outing yourself as arguing in bad faith. Conversation ends here.

Fun is the only reason to play games.

Now, there are multiple reasons a game might be fun. A good story can be fun. An entertaining gameplay loop can be fun. Overcoming challenge can be fun.

Nu-fun games attempt to deliver mediocre, B-movie tier stories with dumbed down "press X to win" gameplay to try and hide the fact they're glorified movies. Or worse, they pretend to be "hardcore", but in reality you're either just wasting time grinding for items/levels/real world currency in order to "win".

>So fun is the only reason to play games?
Only if you're a tendie.
and also: that's not what the OP pic is saying.

This user gets it.
There are more ways to enjoy games than just having fun.

if you dislike witcher 3 you're no gamer

The game absolutely has some minor elements you can learn over time. But the reality is that for 99% of people, the entire game is just a gear check.

you can't be fooled into having fake fun

This. People who say they hate league or dota but still play it daily are just exaggerating the bad parts. The frustrating losses are far more memorable than the thrilling victories. It's just human nature.

If you like The Witcher 3, you're an absolute sack of shit and I hope you die in a fucking fire. Skyrim is more of a fucking RPG than The Witcher is.

A bland story combined with Bamham tier quests, like follow the glowing red trails in detective mode until Geralt says a new line and the quest market updates. The combat is still intolerable, despite minor improvements.

Only literal children could be amused by that sorry excuse for a "modern RPG", because you've never played a real one.

Why most of these circlejerk lists feature Dota 2 far more often than LoL. Why don't they have Allstars in em at all?

if you hate Ocarina of Time you're not a hardcore gamer

>you're an absolute sack of shit and I hope you die in a fucking fire

What's the opposite of this called? When a game is fun but people don't want to admit they enjoyed it?

Sure you can't.

Any skinner box type game. Warframe is a prime example. It may be genuine fun at first but it's the addiction that keeps you playing a very shallow game for thousands of hours.

Yea Forums

>things 14 years old soicucks without any parental figures in their lives say
kys, you worm

t. nu-funner

If you believe in any of this shite, I'm sorry to inform you that you are either autistic or depressed. It is glaringly obvious that this is just peoples inability to enjoy things transformed into some sort of philosophy to make themselves feel better or drag others down. If they don't like something, there has to be something wrong with the game or other enjoying it, god forbid it's them. In the long run this behaviour never improves your life or anything really, it only serves to exclude you from things you might have been able to enjoy. Try taking a break from shitposting and give some things a second try, might find it's a better alternative.

Exactly, I'm not some kind of corporate worshipping faggot that identifies himself with a marketing word invented by some marketing firm.


What about cyberfunk?

I like Warframe. I also agree whole heartedly with Yea Forums on it's skinnerbox / money grabbing tendencies. Great core gameplay. Oh you want More? Pay up, pr spend a weekend grinding materials for frame, then WAIT a weekend to construct it. Or pay again.

I like David Cage games

what in the fuck are you talking about lmao

Someone recommend me a tru-fun game

Without a doubt, WoW classic

Nice rebuttal, you fucking 12 year old. The combat is objectively ass. The quest design is objectively ass. The only point you could possibly contest is the story, but that's just because you haven't played any RPGs before and your only understanding of magical Medieval style stories come from the fucking LotR movies and GoT. Grow the fuck up, experience some actual media.

>Artificial fun
It never fails

Zelda Breath of the Wild

Then you like interactive stories, not games. There is no skill involved in a David Cage game. No win/lose function.

>Great core gameplay.
You're joking, right? It's just a bunch of kids speedrunning through identical content, and the difficulty has 2 settings, completely trivial and impossible based on your loadout.

Witcher 3 is for the characters the story is just the medium to deliver the characters

It's a game. CYOA games have been around forever

That's söyfun see

>CYOA games have been around forever
They have, and they were called books.
Not games.

Needs a category for nostalgia. A game that's not fun but you played it as a kid so it's still near a dear to you.

>No win/lose function.
Adventure games are still games.

Nope. They're games. Nobody cares about your made up definitions.

CYOA games had failure states, zoomer. Even Lucasarts adventures had points where people could get stuck for hours if they were too dumb to progress.

You can't lose in a David Cage game. Game overs are a failure of the game designer, after all.

Nope. They're movies. Nobody cares about your made up definitions.

>You can't lose in a David Cage game.
Yes you can.
They're games.

>I'm a GAMER
>I buy the latest Razer headset and mouse and play CoD because I'm a GAMER
>I drink MtDew and eat Doritos because I'm a GAMER
>my graphics card has a dragon on it and RGB leds, because I'm a GAMER
>I'm a GAMER, not because I don't have a life but because I choose to have many
>Witcher 3 is very good btw, 10/10 IGN said so

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my life

Mario 64
Tony Hawk Pro Skater
All games where the fun is inherent, any game where you could fuck around with the movement or combat or other game mechanics without needing reward or progression and still have fun

They were called gamebooks

No you can't. Regardless of your performance, you'll still reach an ending. There is no way to get a game over. Your inputs or lack thereof don't carry weight to have to start all over again like a video game does.

Red Dead Redemption II
The Last of Us

I don't speak faggot

You get a bad ending
You can fail to keep your characters alive
You can fail to get your desired path
You play the game
You control the characters
It's a game. Cope, nerd. Nothing you do or say will change that

Failure in a chapter generally means nothing, until the end of the game where you can lose a few characters. No matter what, you always reach an ending that doesn't seem overly abrupt.

We already have a meme about fun.

So what's the opposite end of basedfun? People who buy a game just to piss off sjws?

Unless you're Kara

lmao you're a fucking retard

Even then, COYA books had fail states. It was possible to get a premature end to the point where the book tells you to start over at page one.
COYA books are arguably more a video game than a David Cage interactive movie.

A bad ending is still an ending. It still marks the completion of the game. It's only subjectively defined as a bad ending.
Your inputs are irrelevant
The status of the story is irrelevant

You are guaranteed to finish a David Cage game regardless of what you do. Nothing you do or say will ever change that.


All the "cinematic experiences" games

It's a videogame.
It's sold as a videogame
The industry treats it as a videogame
Your made up rules don't matter.
It's a game.

change the name to something else it can apply to both.

It's an interactive movie
It's sold as a video game
The industry pretends it's a video game
Your made up rules don't matter
It's an interactive movie.

>This level of cope
It's a game. You gotta deal with it.

A game over screen is an ending, so it's impossible to fail any game.

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Games with bad design but cool graphic and visual effects
You're not having fun, you're just pleased of watching things move around the screen.
Like a do nothing machine.

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>This level of cope
It's a movie. You gotta deal with it.

What if I like cinematic games? It's honestly fun just to watch Drake blow things up in Uncharted and shoot people while swinging from ropes.

People with autism need things to be in black and white
Things being in shades of gray or being the opinions of others that conflicts with their own really, really bothers them.

>Beaten to the point where he just goes no u
Sorry friend. It's a game.

>Heavy Rain is a book because there's no "Game Over" screen
Jesus Christ you're actually insane.

Wrong. A game over is a punishment for failure. Not an ending.

The only punishment in a David Cage movie is getting a bad ending. Pay specific attention to the word "ending."

Sorry friend. It's a movie.

I feel bad for you. It's so much more fun to play games where you actually have player agency and can learn to do crazy moves, instead of just having them handed to you on a silver platter as setpieces.

There's nothing wrong with scripted events, but when the game is just setpiece after setpiece, it becomes dull.

all of em if u are depressed shit

>Even then, COYA books had fail states.
This has never mattered to the definition of a game.

What if I like both these types of games

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The difference between "ending" and "game over" is arbitrary.

You know how people thought you were weird for enjoying video games? All video games are nu-fun. There is no "trick" to entertainment, people always like what they like and elevating some sort of "real fun" above all else is shallow thinking.

This is likely.

Then you just don't have any taste, I'm sorry.

pretty much any mega-popular online game in the last 10 years.
like league, dota, call of duty, pubg, fortnite, minecraft, etc.

MMOs are definitely nu-fun to me

it's a trite repackage of the "fun is a buzzword" meme


Wasn't Hatred the first real instance of this?

Can you actually describe the mechanics that make a game nu fun

What did you expect on le 4chinnel

>can tell what type of fun a game is before it's even out.

No, fun essentially is a buzzword because it's a subjective judgement. But "nu-fun" goes one step further by denying your own subjective experience by saying "you think you're having fun but you aren't," as if that could be objectively determined.

Are there a lot of frequenters as pathetic as OP?

That would be /pol/fun. S01fun is ironically pissing off poliobois

At least he's having more fun than you

this is the correct response, but it doesn't come with an air of superiority

There are some truly broken people in this place.

artificial difficulty is real though. Difficulty should be measured through the complexity of skill required to progress through the game, not by how long it takes to kill bulletsponge enemies which is inversely proportional to the amount of health for the player.

A game isn't hard because it takes a long time to beat.
A game isn't hard because it requires hours of repetition on menial tasks.
A game is hard because it requires a great deal of skill that must be performed over the course of an extended period. i.e. learning combos in fighting games, or performing just the right timing in a platformer or racing game.

except the the last hour of the game, i felt like i was CHORING through it all because i spent 40 bucks on it.

And this is soi-fun

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>actually have player agency and can learn to do crazy moves
Uncharted does this.

>I have fun!
based Yea Forums

MegaMan confirmed artificial

Post games that are pure ludo.

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We should all enjoy soi-fun

Botw, rdr2, GoW, Fire Emblem Three Houses, RE2 remake.

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>first week of college courses starts up
>Someone either put way too much effort into theyre bait or is actually trying to apply their psych 201 syllabus to bing bing wahoo funtime

I don't think anyone uses artificial difficulty to just mean tedious. There has to be some element of danger to it. Which does make it actually difficult. But it's considered a cheap kind of difficult.

This has nothing to do with psychology

It's a part of any subculture that values cynicism. Everyone would like to brag about how above it they are and how the sheeple are wrong for even enjoying something.

>zoomed this mad about his shit games being called out

Nekopara is alright for the porn scenes, ironic weebs playing the all ages version are fags though.

Dark Souls 3

A little of column a, a little of column b if I'm being honest.
transforming what i've learned into bait makes it easier to remember later for tests

>subculture that values cynicism
This part seems inherently dysfunctional.

Really, we're going with nu-fun?
People arent allowed to have fun with a video game if you dont deem it fun yourself?
Where the fuck am I, resetera?

Not that guy, but there really are people trying to coin phrases.

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Or new games just suck assblasted zoomer.

Yea Forums will hate to hear it, but [spoileryour favourite game][/spoiler]

Nekopara is a completely average moege with very bland sex scenes. There's a lot out there that's a lot better, you really shouldn't be playing this garbage if you aren't completely out of porn.

You'd think, but it's always selective and biased. They fall into the same trap of "wrongthink" they'd accuse other of.


You're allowed to have fun, what we're saying is you're not having fun.

Teenagers are such stupid fucking posters.

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>Embrace of themes that antagonize traditional values or Dynamics

We unironically need more of that

Fallout new Vegas. Game only liked by pesudos that has shit gameplay, writing, graphics, companions and pretty much everything else.

why did you depict op as a yukkuri

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Boom harder boomer

Yeah well you're retarded so who cares

needs a category for switch
>“This objectively bad game is so much fun in handheld mode“

a bad game portable doesn't make it a good game

What if nothing in this world makes me happy?

Fucking lol at games that aren't even out yet being on this

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Big oof
Its okay, granpa, Quake is a timeless classic and people still "play" tf2

*insert game you like*


>not liking the state of modern vidya makes you a teenager
Nice try falseflagger, fuck off back to fortnite.

I prefer Ditsy Demons as a Sayori game but Nekopara is okay until the third game.


Nu-coptering and pew-pew is (((fun))) though.

the entire dark souls series

Repetitive shallow trash like ASSFAGGOTS, theme park MMOs, lootershooters, "hero shooters". Most of them are poorly designed, time consuming shit that offers constant stream of insignificant gratification that keeps you grinding.
Most of the garbage like this is often described as "but it's fun with friends" pretending that it contributed anything to the enjoyment of talking to your friends over voice chat.
Also, sandless sandboxes like Skyrim where you aren't doing anything entertaining in the game but just make up stories in your head.

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It's just shiny shit with mechanics worse than what was being produced 20 years ago.

Shit games have always been a part of the industry. You are just so tainted by marketing and social media you cant find the good games amongst all the overhyped slop

Because we've had 2000+ years of the opposite and its boring, we need people to do more controversial things in storytelling, to question everything about the world and leave you more mindful about your environment.

Fake-fun is still far better than forced anti-fun.

>you cant find the good games
Name 1 (one)

what a lazy bait thread

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low iq retards who dont understand their own psychology wont believe that they can be manipulated into having fake fun. the only way to set them free is to show them real fun but now for many its too late as they have become hopelessly addicted to skinner box bullshit from a young age and their brains are ruined

Sneak King, presented by Burger King™

To get something new what the fuck? Why are so many people here conservatives who think 30 years ago everything was perfect and we just need to rehash everything.

If we never try anything new we will never get anything new.

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>I delude myself into having fun*

why gacha of course!

You can't live on just AAA stroytelling 15 hour games all the time tho.

>Why are so many people here conservatives who think 30 years ago everything was perfect and we just need to rehash everything.

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fortnite is a better game than whatever the fuck you're playing

>Also, sandless sandboxes like Skyrim where you aren't doing anything entertaining in the game but just make up stories in your head.
So botw isn't a good game? Fuck off boomer.

So, where's the 'actually fun' section?

Nu-Yea Forums gentlemen.

You allowed and indirectly created this post.

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It's literally impossible to argue with retards that think they are having fun but actually don't.

Sounds like tranny speak.

Emotions are immediate. The experience is what it is. There is no way to think you're having fun when you're not.

It's necessary to create something actually original.

>So botw isn't a good game
Correct, it's söyfun

Every game, from shitty mobile games to Mario to Baldur's Gate to TF2 to some obscure indie weeb game, can be described as Nu-fun. If there's a point in time in the game where you are struggling, you're not really having fun. If the game's too easy and you breeze through, then you're not having fun.

Fortnite is better then mount and blade?

They honestly will never experience real fun, because they cannot understand challenge as anything other than frustration events designed to make them spend more money.

thats why you play games that require actual mastery and give gratification from getting good over time i.e fighting games

skip shit like borederlands that requires no brains or skills

>entire thread is just snoygoy cope over Nintendo creating one of, if not the greatest game ever made
Sounds about right.

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Besides the rest of your post
>big oof
Thanks for confirming, lil zoom

The only tru-fun is found in real life, video games will never give you that

why do you do that

>If there's a point in time in the game where you are struggling, you're not really having fun.
Wrong, zoom-zoom. That's the point where you're beginning to have fun.


Game you like.
Game I hate.

This has nothing to do with platforms tranny, PS4 games are also söyfun.

what was your first clue lol

>Why do people delude themselves into liking things*

Because most games aren't actually fun these days and you have to if you want to enjoy them.

>AA titles
>indie games
>old classics
>multiplayer games where you can instantly enjoy gameplay without grinding or learning shitty meta
Eat shit, bingbinigger. All estrogentendo games past SNES are just nostalgia-milking franchise-whoring cash-grabbing trash for corporate cultist.

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Of course it does falseflagger, now go back to trannyera if you want to talk about your precious snoy trash. Yea Forums is a Nintendo board.

do you even need to askso you delude yourself into having fun or not having fun?

Tell me the tangible, fundamental differences between having fun and being 'deluded into thinking they are having fun'

>snoybois still can't deal with the fact that Nintendo made the best open world game ever on their first attempt

It's just so frustrating. Like trying to convince someone mentally ill that isn't self aware about his own condition that he needs help.

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No, I just want to see if the zoomer will unironically say yes.

>your bad corporation vs my good corporation
Thanks for proving my point, cultist.

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>BotW mentioned twice

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>Its a "nintendie cant come up with any argument botw was good so just posts le smug Zelda image" episode
This one is on repeat for far too long now, when will we get something new and original?

first of all dont listen to this retard
real life is always a disappointment.

anyways some tru-fun games that aren't ancient are DOOM 2016, Bloodstained, or Devil May Cry 5.

>still mad about it
Just move on user. Nintendo created the best open world game ever made and one of the greatest games of all time. Just go watch a Sony movie or something :)

Can Yea Forums redpill me on a game that gives "real" fun, appears I've been lied to all my life.

>DOOM 2016, Bloodstained, or Devil May Cry 5
All nu fun, games that people claim to have goos gameplay only because they overheard someone else say it

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>DOOM 2016
You must be joking.

But Nu-fun is intrinsically better than fun. Fun is put on self, if you are already haveing a bad day then you can't have fun even with a fun source. But Nu-fun is self projected, you dilude yourself into enjoying something, and by harnessing that force of will you can have Nu-fun even if you're not able to have regular fun.

What games you like bich
>Devil May Cry 5
Go back.

This. Shit gameplay dressed up with constant dopamine hits and power fantasy.

But I didn't read any reviews? Reviews are the most pointless thing now anyway, you should know what you like by now if you aren't a brain-dead retard

>Button mash on some lifeless mobs while walking through a linear hallway

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>get dunked on
>resort to soiddit

>Being so mad somebody enjoys something you don't like you have to make up pretend words

Why don't you stop acting like a pretentious little snowflake and accept that your opinion isn't a law.

nice nu-meme zoomer faggot. your opinion is worthless

Soikacks are just nu-memes. Prove me wrong.

>Cant disprove this
Feels good to be right

there's not a whole lot you can do other than comfort them or antagonize them, ignoring them is another option but it negates any help when you're uninvolved
well which is it, yes or no?
my boiz
it's called Breath of the Wild, new(nu)
shouldn't have to argue why game is good
feels fun to play around in, doing little to nothing, movement is nice, always end up doing something even when doing nothing in particular, needs more dungeons(desu) though
miniature shrines don't cut it for me personally
breakable items break too quick but it throws enough crap to use at you so it's whatever
doom is okay but it's in the same boat as Botw, fun to mess around in, shoot shit, even has a little map editor that can be fun
if your game deprives you of dopamine you'll go "this isn't fun" so there's that

All nintendo games. Nintenbronies will defend every single nintendo shovelware with "i-it's f-fun!", which serves as a blanket vague term to dismiss valid criticism.

Quality doesn't mean creativity. Yes, nintendo doesn't release broken mess, but their games are glorified shovelware.

Who the hell are you to tell people what does and what doesn't make them happy? Only they can make that decision, fucktard.

They release some readily passable games but they often knock it out of the park.

>see all those replies
>ctrl+f my favourite games
>0 results
Nice, I was afraid I wasn't having fun.

Attached: 1386920459353.jpg (600x513, 41K)

Basically any game that are focused on the story instead of gameplay.

life is a fucking skinner box you faggot, after you die nobody will even remember your name, and nothing you did will have impacted the world.

cringily explained but the idea is there. So many games that bring nothing new or exciting but are still praised as fun because they are easy to digest even if they don't have any redeeming qualities, or heaven forbid the only reason anyone even cares about them is because they are "fun with friends"


the more accessible a game is to casual gamers the more staying power it'll have

oops I spilled the beans

>if your game deprives you of dopamine you'll go "this isn't fun" so there's that
Why would a game deprive you of it? Let it come naturally by creating deep gameplay and clear feedback. Not by creating a virtual casino where rewards are designed and regulated to appeal to addicts and give validation to losers. You don't play gacha for the gameplay, you play it for the rewards, the lootbox animations and dopa hit when you get a legendary or whatever. Dead Cells is one of the rare indie games that falls into the category, though it doesn't have awful gameplay so it gets away with being comfort food dressed in a hardcore skin.

there's some neat tricks to make a game fun that doesn't trick you into spending all your money and games could use more of them

Loot shooters

>often knock it out of the park
No they don't.

Having addictive rewards doesn't necessarily exclude good gameplay, but it does usually. Whether it's real money MTX/loot boxes or grinding directly fucking up gameplay, or just development resources being allocated elsewhere allowing for less resources to e.g. test and improve level design, games that are designed to provide a cheap dopamine hit don't usually end up having good gameplay. MMOs, looter shooters, facebook games, gachashit etc. prove this.

Botw. It's Nintendo trying to cash in on the skyrim/ubishit open world audience.


It was completely the marketing campaign ,people acted like this is the first video game with dragons,

I fell for the bait as well, as I thought it was a next level experience untill I realised myself that I wasn't having any fun, with the cardboard world and repetitive game play.

I will admit that the game had a nice atmosphere, and critics and gamers back then were using the buzz-word 'immersion' to describe games they liked

They said that skyrim had amazing 'immersion' but it didn't what they meant was it had a good atmosphere.

the immersion was broken every 5 minutes with a glitch or a bad voice actor.

MOBAS and Battle Royale

Those aren't good games though, so it has nothing to do with good design that I'm talking about.

It's interesting to see how a made up word can distort the concept of the original word to such a degree of warranting hundreds of posts full of paranoid doubt about someone's enjoyment of a certain type of media

No they aren't good, but people still think they're having fun with them. That was the whole point. If you were just making a separate point, fair. Though I generally prefer more "pure" games like The Witness where there's no external motivation at all.

Well Yea Forums is the epitome of this design, it's not a game, but it's gaming our proclivity toward social interaction, it's a glorified skinnerbox y'know.
I don't doubt my enjoyment one bit, but rather I question the amount of time I invest into anything and it's rather easy to do a double take whenever anyone brings up the fact that you kill time and you might not enjoy every second of it.
I enjoyed Skyrim right up to when I beat the main quest and found that the game didn't really have any meat and potatoes it was just asking me to immerse myself in the world and it was simply lacking what Morrowind had and Oblivion had already sifted down.

Halo. All my friends claimed to love it yet whenever I saw them play multiplayer all they did was get mad and bitch about the mechanics.

>shouldn't have to argue why game is good
arguing why a game is good is absolutely a worthy challenge nu-zelda fans are just too dumb and lazy to do it.

>f your brain is releasing dopamine you are having fun, thats simple.
wrong: unironically it's the same difference between having sex and fapping

but bing bingers actually believe it makes the game better

Well, do something else then. Playing vidya is a recreational activity, and it will never be anything more no matter how much enjoyment or boredom you get out of a game. Honestly, you sound kinda vulnerable, and may be prone to deluding yourself regarding your feelings towards something just because some random person said something is trash or not worth your time.

aww only 2 replies fagbag :( how is your AIDS coming along?


Its just folks being hive minded.
>reddit hivemind
>Yea Forums hivemind
>eceleb hivemind
>consolefag hivemind
and more. The hivemind has its own definition of what is good and what is bad.

Do something else then. Playing vidya is a recreational activity meant to engage you in some way by providing with some entertainment, independently of how they go about it. Honestly, sounds to me like you're kinda vulnerable to what others might think or say about your taste or what you choose to do for fun, and end up having delusions about your feelings towards something just because some random person said it's complete trash or a total waste of time. If you honestly feel like you're just killing time and not really enjoying it just because of that fact, then, as stated, do something else besides playing games.

laugh at this obsessed spastic retard

I didn't think there'd be an actual, accurate answer to this.