What do you hate most about modern vidya

What do you hate most about modern vidya

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People who won't stop bitching about them.


Who's the depressed milf?

Popularity, I want all these normies out of my tree house.

That it's designed to game the player for money and not for the player to play.

Instead of devs trying to convey a world or a story, the game is designed around marketers and finance trying to fuck your wallet.

The way everyone jacks off to graphics
Sure thats always been around but its gotten worse

The companies that make them>>


Wow all those games suck. Get better taste faggot.

The worst is the consolefags that will always claim graphics do not matter but then when the new console comes around they will always talk about how improved the graphics are and this time it will kill PC Gaming!

It really hasn't hough? World's most popular games are the likes of Fortnite, Minecraft and LoL, which aren't exactly technical marvels. Graphics bitching is a niche thing.

this is an example what is killing 4chen
tree house instead of basement

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Modern gamers.

>What do you hate most about modern vidya

They treat fun like a revolutionary concept.
See doom 2016.

In this order
>DLC scams
>SJW cult pandering
>DRM and DRM-like scams (online features to bring out the true gameplay!)
>RTS is dead
>3D remakes of 2D sprites
>no soul
>still enjoyed by brainwashed children

>what, it's full of bugs?
>we got reproducable crashers? All these quests don't work right?
>don't care, ship it! We can patch it later!
Games still had bugs before, but at least in 99 out of a 100 cases they tried really hard to get it clean before launch since it'd be such a bitch to send out fixes.
Darklands Scenario became the fucking norm before we knew it.

To be honest, the only thing that made me actually really mad about the gaming industry in the past few years was gaming journalism.
The clusterfuck of Pathologic 2's reviews made me realize there is something incredibly rotten in the industry: and it's not the gaming itself, but rather the people that surround it.

The fact that the industry lacks proper feedback loops and is unable to give credit where credit is due. That is what is wrong today.

objectively bad gameplay being praised as good by everyone

>Games as a service becoming the norm and the fact subhumans defend it.
>Trends from a decade ago being a lot worse and having more staying power
>Dumb shit like reviewers and game awards still being taken seriously
>Expansion packs phased out for microtransactions and season pass garbage
>Genres have become extremely homogenized, mainly triple A titles, and they try to incorporate pieces of everything

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they try to tell you how you should have fun and shove it down your throat instead of just letting you have fun the way you want

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Me on the right.

>that one review comparing Pathologic's combat to Skyrim

the fact that most of the budget on most of the games goes to the graphics
also that they have such a large budgets that they try to appeal to everyone

>Games as a service becoming the norm and the fact subhumans defend it.
i like new Hitman games but this shit is so tiresome

>Nintendo is so based because they focus on FUN

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You should realize it around 2014 that game journalism is shitty by design

What happened with that game? I don't even know what it is.

The industry has gotten complacent, and normies have gotten used to eating shit.

There is no real quality control, and the incompetencies bleed down from the highest point. ESRB wants to keep microtransactions around for as long as it cans. They figured out the formula for least cost/ most profit so they don't want to let it go regardless of the fact that it produces unfinished products/eternally shitty titles.

It's pathetic, really.

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Games not being made to be fun and instead just made as political message and time wasters

I fucking hate quest markers. They have ruined modern game design more than any other culprit.

less qt girls

>launched 2004
You're off by about fifteen years there.

>normies have gotten used to eating shit
This really. It takes so much for a company to fail that there's no longer any pressure to do well or innovate.

emphasis over graphics and selling an "experience" when last gens it was about making a game fun

Shit gameplay under the name of "accessibility".

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am I supposed to see something?

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>Expansion packs phased out for DLC and then being phased out for microtransactions and season pass garbage and then being phased out for the random chance to get cosmetics that you might like

I had a feeling we were going to miss DLC at some point.

why'd her mouth shrink

Anyone else feel like modern gaming is far more money-focused than almost any other type of media? You're expected to reach for your wallet every so often whereas with most other media it's one and done, it's like as soon as you introduce an element of interactivity, people try to turn it into a slot machine.

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And I can't into numbers when I'm posting this late, so disregard and cocks.

>3 games for kids
Yeah cause kids dont care about graphics

Modern devs thay churn out pixelated and retro graphics. Please stop this. These games existed back in the day for a reason and the technological limits were being pushed. They were trummed down to the bone to fit on their distribution medium and devs were clever in the ways they had get this done.
Now we are getting the same looking and playing games and they are oversized. It is lazy and regressive. Nothing but cash grabs that signal stagnation. Look at modern games too: bloated and stalled in their looks vs size. How is this obvious flaw covered up in all modern games Bullshit stories and characters bios meant to hook in attention and entice people to buy based upon their perceived identities.

>It takes so much for a company to fail that there's no longer any pressure to do well or innovate.

its amazing how quick people forgave bethesda for fallout 76.

yeah that 3mb webms were a mistake and hiroshimoot is a jew

You're a retard and your shit opinions are ruining the industry

We had countless Kotaku threads since inception of Yea Forums to laugh at it.
We even had innocent(?) gamers trying to defend it there.
But after IT happened, saying that game journalism has any positive quality, or is simply stupid and not malevolent, would be just playing ignorant.

fuck that image is bleak

>If people buy it, it must be good
>sequels are just more casualized version of previous title
>politics injected into your eyeballs
>even if you wanted to make a good game, going to college/university for it teaches you that games can't be any other way anymore.
>games cost a lot of money
>games are a lot bigger
>fun isn't the focus of the game, telling a story is

Gaming needs to burn, and crash, and die before it will be good again. Fuck gaming journalists, and fuck cucks.

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The fact that developers realized that making a good game and making profit on a game are actually not the same thing.
They only care about the latter - which is not shocking - but back in the day there used to be this belief that if you want your game to sell well, it needs to just be a good fucking game.
As it turns out, all you need is good marketing.

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Call it nostalgia but old games are always comfier than recent ones.
I have a thousand modern games on Steam but somehow the comfiest times I have with games is when I emulate something from the 90's up to around 2005.

That more money is being funneled into advertising than actual game development.

>on-disc DLC used to make everyone raging explosive anus 500% mad
If google has their way we won't even have our own copy of the files to check out to start with. They'll also be able to change and remove whatever the fuck they want and we won't be able to say or do shit about it.

That image and the realisations that come with it are pain.

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That is true, and you know its ironic not many of us old fucks do as well. I mean lets be honest what was the last game you truly liked? Was it a graphical marvel to look at? Probably not. It most likely exists on the PS2, or Sega Dreamcast days with 2D graphics and sprites.

As power increases scale and production value for everything except raw graphical fidelity has reduced. There was a brief period of time where the big budget 3D games had tons of dynamically scored music, a consistent level of graphical detail across a huge variety of areas and excitingly directed cutscenes that felt like a reward for progression.

Now we have weak, unmemorable ambient soundtracks, games take place in a limited number of samey looking environments, and brief or boring cutscenes with canned animations and poor direction. We lost all of that old good stuff in favor of higher resolutions and better shaders.

>sister brings over her kids for me to babysit for a few hours
>I let them play Mario Kart 8 (in 4K on an emulator)
>they come to me after 10 minutes and ask for something with "better graphics"
kids are dumb

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Nobody is playing any video games, they're getting their opinions from youtube reviewers and other shitposters who didn't play the game.
>JRPG? shit.
>Fighting game? shit.
>Adventure game? shit.
>Co-op game? shit.
>Same game for 5 months straight? Now that's the stuff.

based polak

PC gaming was our savior but even it eventually caught the casual gay.

>What happened with that game? I don't even know what it is.
It would be for quite a long story, but the cliff notes are:
Pathologic 1 was an incredibly flawed and rough gem: some of the best videogame narrative ever made, surrounded by incredibly poor and dull gameplay and some horrible design choices.
Yet it managed to find it's audiences, became a cult hit, obviously not for everyone, but respected for what it tried to do. That was back around 2005-2010

Pathologic 2 is (despite the stupid name) a remake, or more precisely first part of a remake of Pathologic 1. It improved on the original in just about every possible way: the gameplay is pretty complex, much better integrated into the narrative, challenging and engaging, far more accessible yet not trivial. The narrative is just as good as it was - in fact it also further expanded on it, again mostly by making the gameplay and the narrative far more tightly knitted together.

It bombed.
MASSIVELY bombed. Got actually far worse scores than the original.
Because the reviewers - pretty much universally, got annoyed with the fact that there IS gameplay, and that there IS challenge. They declared the game is "too hard" (it's not), and that the gameplay "distracts from the narrative" (even though it actually IS A CORE PART OF THE NARRATIVE).
Effectively, they said that the game is bad because it's NOT A WALKING SIM.

Also, it's East-European, so who gives a shit about their stories, right?
So the game bombed, the studio now looks into mobile development, and we may never see the remaining two parts of the story ever.

That was earlier this year.

The journalism.
In this medium.

I forget her name but that's the same character as the little girl but in her mid-late 20's so not totally a milf just yet.

>If google has their way we won't even have our own copy of the files to check out to start with. They'll also be able to change and remove whatever the fuck they want and we won't be able to say or do shit about it.

with games as a service, that will be a reality soon.

Yeah I know a few people who were pissed off at what fallout 4 became.

But then we saw how the internet took to it, and realized that they can just keep getting away with making a fucking half-baked product as long as it is more accessible to a broader audience.

These companies always go for the bigger groups of people if it means more money, regardless of selling the franchise's soul.

A lot of faggots on Yea Forums think MHW is the best title so far, but It's legit so fucking ass because of at least 11 major things such as the environment, the handicaps, and the overall shitty combat compared to the more skillful/strategic type since mhp3rd.

Capcom used to be my boy, but they fucking ruined MH for loyalists, and turned Street fighter into the fucking butt of the FGC's jokes.

I know its a hot topic but
>say nigger in private
>games get taken away
>people are just fine with that

Anyone have the picture of the girl who goes to bed smiling then the next panel is her in bed many years later crying?

People need to recognize that while games have changed s lot, so have they. You were an excitable kid and now you're a jaded old fuck, so no wonder you're mad at video games.
this desu

that a difficult game like dark souls (which isnt even that hard) is such a rarity

that they funnel soo much money into graphics instead of other things

It recovered after an actually popular reviewer vouched for it.

Name 5 good games released this year. Hard mode- no Japanese games

>implying you can beat this

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2019 was shit tier

2020 will be good though

Political correctness does have a much harder grip on gaming than it should.

If you're so sensitive and offended by a single fucking word, you're probably the biggest bitch on the planet, but they don't get virtue signaling points for admiting it, so everyone just pretends they're angels and that they hate the word that offends people! They'll jump at every chance they get if it means they can be offended in place of someone else.

>and then, for no reason at all, people voted hitler into power.

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>As power increases scale and production value for everything except raw graphical fidelity has reduced.
This is true. Nowadays its easier than hell to make a game and submit it as an indie title that would be considered difficult almost 20 years back.
>There was a brief period of time where the big budget 3D games had tons of dynamically scored music, a consistent level of graphical detail across a huge variety of areas and excitingly directed cutscenes that felt like a reward for progression.
I can agree on that. My hugest issue with todays games is they try to chase each other, rather than try to be it's own thing. There was optimism when Minecraft and a few other indie titles came out that it would influence the industry to try something new or get back to unique games. Nowadays its just copy and paste of whatever is popular, then inject with political themes call it a day.

I'd have more sympathy for FGCers if they didn't dickride SF5 all the way home despite it while blowing off literally every single other thing that releases.
The whole scene's got no fucking marbles at all, and they deserve that game. It's literally them.

Did it? I know mandalore did a lot to try and raise awareness, but did it really recover? They were really in deep shit: the original release sales did not cover even the expenses for physical backer rewards. Alpyna left the team, and two days after the Mandalore review, Dybowsky still talked in an interview about how they are looking into mobile gaming to raise money to finish the other two parts of the game.

I mean: if it really recovered, then THANK FUCKING GOD, but I somehow remain sceptical.

what do you call a puzzle that doesn't challenge you?
>a waste of time
and bean counters still don't get it

>>and then, for no reason at all, people voted hitler into power.

I don't think we're going to get a hitler to go against this, I honestly think this PC shit is going to go further and something really bad is going to be birthed from it.

jews and chinks whenever they work together.

At least hitman lets you keep the old content you boughed. instead of just releasing another game.
Also didn't they have to rerelease instead of adding more content due to the publisher switch?

I really want to work in Japan making games but I hear nothing but bad things about the work culture if you don't get a "western" company. Guess I'll just have to do literally everything myself. See you in 10 years.

PC gaming never existed as a hard mainstay of gaming, people would say modern PC gaming is going through a drought phase, but it's been pretty much the same since the 80s, indie and AA projects, all separate from each other, usually focusing on taking advantage of the format and things you can't do on consoles, only there were more multiplats in the 90s and 00s so it seems like it's taken a hit. PC exclusive AAA games can be counted on one hand.

>when arcana heart has fucking everything they ask for in a fighting game
>but it's a cute all-girls fighter so they all write it off anyway

>the cute girl game with fanservice actually keeps the normies out of a perfect game

thank christ.

Lmao no

>World's most popular games are the likes of Fortnite, Minecraft and LoL,
>all games from ~2010
Where did it all go so wrong

If you're implying worlds is challenging, you're gonna have to try and tell a better joke.

The entire game has a plethora of casualized babymode bullshit.

>Rocksteady mantle
>invincibility frames
>run and chug
>dodge and chug
>jumping move spam
>environment basically sets up traps and huge damage for you at the hit of a baby ass crossbow on your wrist
>free health during fight constantly
>no longer about learning the monsters move set, as much as it is spamming moves
>nargacuga is a fucking snail now
>deviljho looks like fucking babytimejho

Shit is boring if you knew higher pleasure in the series before, but it's fine if you're some new retard just now playing the series. It was made for new retards.

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Autistic bitch from Re:Life

>california secedes from the united states
>loses all infrastructure they leech from neighboring states
>no more cushy state deals for tech companies and hollywood - foreign operatives, foreign treatment
>open borders results in mexicanos completely overrunning the south
>entire state can be seen burning day and night, except for some pockets in the north that horded enough guns to repel antifa thugs working for the statehouse
I'm not really sure I'd mind that happening.

o kurwa stary

The community.

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Wait what, isn't that NBA2K20?

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>They didn't even fucking bother changing the icon

Man, EA and 2K are literally niggers.

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>and then, for no reason at all, people voted hitler into power.
hitler was the most evil person to have ever lived in europe. i hope we will NEVER see a person like him AGAIN


Imagine what a 10 year younger you would think if you went back in time and told him about lootboxes in paid AAA games.
Now we still say we hate it, but the reality is that we're growing numb to it.

Hitman 2016 was complete as they promised
new Hitman 2 let you play all missions from Hitman 2016 but you need to buy it as dlc or have Hitman 2016 already

The budgets.

It's always going to be the problem with capitalist media.
High budgets destroy creativity. No studio is going to ever take a risk on creating something truly new when so much money is on the line.

The budgets get higher, and higher, and higher. This is driven by enormous marketing firms, both in terms of the game's actual marketing budget (which usually exceeds the development budget) and in terms of development decisions that are highly marketing-focused (spending tens of millions on hyper-realistic graphics, etc.)

In that sense you could say that the problem isn't really "budgets", it's "marketing". And the reason for the marketing being so out of control is jews.

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Kill all hedge fundies.

8 years ago when it happened in tf2, everyone was losing their shit.
but then people got called entitled, and 'muh slippery slope'.

Spuf forums was full of doom sayers.
its just really easy to attack anyone that can point out flaws.

You can choose not to abuse most of those things if you want a more "pure" experience. It isn't as if you have to go out of your way for it, either. Don't use mantles, don't move when you eat or drink, don't jump or abuse mechanics that casualize the game.

At that point you're challenging yourself instead of the game challenging you.

it's money laundry at this point
just like Adam Sandler or Uwe Boll movies

Pandering to people who won’t buy your product anyway, and localization teams who remove things just because they’re icky or “problematic” like when CrunchyRoll censored that mobile game and told people who complained about it to not be toxic and play the Japanese version if they wanted the full game.

This is another reason why paid mods will destroy video games for good. The industry will be irreversibly destroyed when paid mods become mainstream, which they will.

Mods are currently serving as a "creative side-channel" for the video game industry. There are no budgets, so the creativity is boundless. EVERY top video game right now actually started as, or is indirectly derived from, a free mod.

Counter Strike Global Offensive - derived from Counter-Strike, Half Life mod
DOTA 2 - derived from DOTA, Warcraft mod
TF2 - derived from Team Fortress, Quake mod
Overwatch - heavily inspired by TF2 per dev team's admission
PUBG - derived from battle royale, ARMA mod
Fortnite Battle Royale - derived from battle royale, ARMA mod
Apex Legends - derived from battle royale, ARMA mod
League of Legends - derived from DOTA, Warcraft mod

Mods have been the creativity engine of the last ten years only because they have no budget. With a mod there is no expectation that the game MUST have a safe, tepid design philosophy so as to ensure a return on some $300m development cost. That will all end soon, though.

>Uwe Boll
he is based though
remember when he beat the everloving fuck out of SomethingAwful's administrator?


Postal was also a fun movie.

Sure, but there's no sense in complaining about a game being easy if you abuse easy mechanics then wonder why it's so easy.

I personally do everything I just listed and I don't even think twice about it. I don't move when I drink a potion or eat a berry. I limit myself to one jump and mount per hunt. I never use mantles, and I only use whatever flash/sonic pods I started the hunt with. This is why I don't get people who complain about World. The game is as difficult as you make it.

While I don't doubt that they will TRY, I'm having trouble imagining a market for mods. This is low profile third party content, how are you going to make the masses buy it?

stuff like this is like reading about myths and legends.

no, what i'm saying is that the people in charge of calling the shots go through school never having learned that if you don't pander to your core market you lose your core market so anything that goes forward from the last installment better be for extremely good reason and not just to piss off your core demographic just to rope in a few suckers

>Included world of goo and the roon in the mobile section
I want to choke the fucker that made this image

Even old games I haven't played as a kid feel more comfy than most modern ones, they just feel more personal for some reason.

> This is low profile third party content, how are you going to make the masses buy it?
"game streaming" models like Google Stadia are exactly how they plan to do this.
They have total control over the game and how you play it, you won't get to change a single byte without their permission. Modders will need to pay for a "modding license" just to get access to an SDK (like how app stores work) and then they will have to sell the mod and give 80%+ to some gigantic Jewish publisher. It will all be censored from the very start, too.

It's all going to get worse, so much worse you can't even imagine. The industry is already in the toilet, but we're going into the cess pool soon.

Your entire argument is dogshit, and you're just sucking the game's dick at this point.

Not even that guy, but you seriously think glorifying casual mechanics and then just telling people who complain about it to not use them a viable solution to it all? If you like easy games, just admit it. People like to be challenged by the games they play, subhuman motherfuckers like a game that plays itself.

Which are you?

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I kind of prefer it this way too, but it's still ironic to see.

It's on the first page of image results when you google "mobile games", I wouldn't think too much about it

Gamefan had a sequel magazine not many know about called Play by the same guys, I never read Gamefan but Play was the shit, made the late 2000s fun for a jaded teenager who got burnt out by 7th gen practices early on

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In this case Steam. Fuck Steam and everybody else
>Bitching about politics
There is literally not one place where i can talk about videogames in peace without the community or the mods forcing this discussion on everybody else
Oh yeah thx underage kids remembering me that you posted another le epic memem you found on Instagramm7Snapchat/Facebook to make the discussion more meaningful
Gaming isnt fun anymore. Everytime i play i feel bad because i wasted time. Thats the issue: I think i could have been more productive and now i wasted 6 hours playing as Byzantium in EU4 as Elyium in the Third Start mod.
>Every video on Youtube is about sensationalism
No matter what i want to watch its an completly egxegerating of anything.
I want a Team Deatmatch Multiplayer game for my Ps4 where i can relax play for 1-2 hours insult some kids and than go back reading a book or watching a series with my gf without the current state of affairs.
No friend of mine is playing vidya anymore so i play literally multiplayergame alone because every game is teammates only discussion. How the fuck am i supposed to communicate i everybody is fucking underage and in a team?
I want to abuse my skills to fuck with kids so they get angry not discuss the strategic waypoints in a shitty battle royal

too complicated. nobody will pay for shitty user made mods.
the games where the publisher has that much control aren't usually games that can be modded.
that would also drive competition for games that don't have those restrictions.

Monster Hunter is a game that's very simple to make more difficult for yourself. Hell, you can run around naked and go with the risk of being one-shot if you really want that "challenge". You can not bring along any items and only scavenge what you find during a hunt. You can not eat for buffs before a hunt - all very simple. I understand the idea of going far out of your way to make an easy game challenging is a waste of time, but here it's as simple as not abusing mechanics. I realize you're never going to bend on the point, but I can make the game as hard as I like it without inconveniencing myself. You can do the same, and maybe you'd have more fun.

Counter Strike has been a fully fledged game series for almost 20 years you absolute retard. What's wrong with making a game that started out as a mod for another game into a complete title of its own? That's not a "paid mod" you fucking cretin, that's a VIDEO GAME.

PC was never good lol

You completely missed the point.

Did you even read what he said

Just how fucking dull it's gotten in the past decade, there used to something magical about gaming that's just gone now. I blame it on the current culture landscape though as this kind of thing has happened with every type of media nowadays.

I can

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also that its become the norm for devs to release half finished games and try to sell the rest of them 20 shekels at a time

>tfw the days of people thinking 2k was the good guy are long gone
>both are dogshit
This just proves that no competition is terrible for sports games.

I'd mind me being in a coma dreaming up retarded unbased shit

I expect a montage.

Ya sure you just didn't get old in meantime?

>it's literally in the game


>Chrome photoshop and a poorly optimized 2k game

so the only real difficulty this game has does not stem from objectively good gameplay and design but from handicapping yourself

thats pretty retarded

I at least expect companies to put at least a minimum amount of effort.

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People care too much about the things they dislike instead of giving love to the games they do like. You can hate the games certain companies make all you want, but this doesn't mean people are going to stop purchasing them.

You'd be better off enjoying the games you like rather than trying to start a crusade on a game series with an audience that refuses to change.

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its okay user I have an nvidia graphics card.
There shouldn't be any pro

>hate vidya

I cannot enjoy anything anymore not just vidya

>I at least expect companies to put at least a minimum amount of effort.

they lower the minimum each year instead.

Reckyesquat in Pagliacci RIP in Peace user.


Honestly? The sheer amount.
Contrary to what all the tired, depressed losers on this board will tell you, there are still loads of fantastic games coming out. Problem is, it has gotten so hard to sift through all the surrounding garbage. Mountains of shovelware from the PS2 era seem tame in comparison to what's happening now.
We are all being hit hard with the paradox of choice.

>Reckyesquat in Pagliacci

shut up aifag

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I had my internet go out the other week.
The amount of DRM games I had installed surprised me. also infurriated me.

>enjoying the games you like
This gets harder each day as they shift market attention from me to easily impressionable idiots.

I want to restore her smile

I think that has more to do with the lack of AA.
Sure there might be some decent indie games, but nothing will blow your mind and give you the whole package.

Thank god I still have few installers from Good Old Downloads days.

I really wish I supported GoG more

I don't need your approval you fucking mutt fuck you

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>no sad-looking wageslave gf to fight trough life with
Bros.. i just wanna eat microwave dinners and fall asleep on the couch with her

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Subscription services and mobile games mostly.

Oh man, this image is relatable. Good thing I can stay rational and just realize that it's probably only my anhedonia and self-loathing that keeps me from enjoying modern media in a way that's meaningful to me, since it seems to be something that a multitude can succeed at despite their date of birth.

games haven't suffered nearly as hard as anime

>Most of the image on the left is 5th and 6th gen games
Anyone else here grow up mostly with 3rd and 4th gen games? Or am I alone?

The death of AA studios was really the worst thing that happened to the industry, it started happening around the time of the 360/PS3 generation. A lot of creativity and risk taking just gone.
There's no more place for that kind of game that only needs to sell a small amount of money to be profitable.

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try again

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Nearly every storyline from western companies is about stopping racism.
>Deus Ex-> muh oppression, civil rights, augs are essentially blacks
>Bioshock 2 onwards
>fallout 3/new vegas -> ghouls are blacks, stop being racist
>fallout 4-> synths are enslaved blacks, stop slavery you racist
>the witcher -> monsters are minorities
>metro -> dark ones are blacks, why are you so racist? They just want to help you when they kill you! Dark ones, subtle...

I can't handle this oppression narrative shit any more. In Western civilisation the ultimate sin and taboo has become racism, hence every fucking storyline being about a quest to conquer the ultimate evil, muh racism. Holy fuck we get it. This isn't making me less racist, it's making me hate the groups of people that force this shit on me at every opportunity.

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People keep saying that, but there are quite a few games from medium studios that I've enjoyed recently. Just finished Dying Light lately and before that played some Endless Legend. You'd have a hard time calling those either AAA or indie.

3D women don't love men.

>You'd be better off enjoying the games you like
What am I supposed to do when the games and companies I like destroy what I like to pander to people that aren't buying their game? For example Stellaris banning certain mods.

This might be one of the most ironic posts I've ever seen in my time here.
Congratulations. You managed to suprise me once again.

murica posters are so pathetic.

yeah, but there aren't 2000 of those studios anymore.

Gaming journalists.

This. We don't use the word "fun" when we describe games here. They're a medium meant to promote progressive ideas and revolutionary concepts. I want us to evolve beyond merely having fun, and rather use games as a political platform instead, or to promote philosophical ideas. You know, things like "I think, therefor I am" real deep thoughts such as this.

Descartes theme video game anyone? Methinks this would be quite the thought provoking story. I hesitate to call it a "game" as we as a species have moved beyond such primitive and problematic mediums as "games". Really, I think a new term is in order. Perhaps, interactive story?

Thoughts anyone?

anybody know the name of this game? i played it as a kid a long time ago, but never got its name

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Was going to say twitter but this is more accurate

were always bad, if not way worse.

I think you missed the point.
Fun is apparently revolutionary to this generation.
when someone says a game is going to be "fun" the crowd will start screaming and cheering.

The whole idea that games should be experiences, stories and more similar to media that tell stories like books or movies. Not exactly a modern development I suppose and there's still plenty of games that are pure gameplay but it's becoming more prevalent I feel.
I'd just like games to be closer to, well, games. Board games, games you play outside and sports are all social, often competitive experiences. With video games this seems to be the exception.

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bros how do you cope with getting older?

lol you don't need to make good games anymore, you just need to spend 90% of your budget on marketing and people will buy it and call it goty

I'm a 30 year old boomer, so I do remember the SNES era quite vividly. Definitely felt like the golden age. We're in the minority though. The average age here is like..... 18 to 23 or so. Most of them just started playing vidya when PS1 or PS2 became popular. Can't expect youngfags to experience a childhood before their time.

It's not bad at all for most of the time, it only starts being bad once you realize that a fap session can 'fail'

tomba, motherfucker, how do you not recognize the sexiest pink-haired neanderthal around?

That I'm getting old and tired. Don't really want to play anymore or don't have time when I do.

drink every weekend ever since college

Doesn't even matter if you're a man until you're like 60. Women on the other hand age like shit.

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The over centralisation of game mechanics in AAA titles.

Very straightforward and simple skilltrees divided into 3-4 loose groups based on combat/stealth/utility/survival, openworld exploration mechanics in general but especially fucking vantage point towers that fill out the map, audio logs conveniently recording normal conversations or spoken monologues nobody would ever actually record being the main source of worldbuilding, loot systems based around a 5 tier progression in action games, batman arkham derivative melee combat, etc.

Like take this year for example: I fucking love Control, its drenched in atmosphere, smart world design, great writing, and has really fun combat for a TPS. But it still has several of the things I listed above despite them doing naught but pad it out and to try incentivize combat for smoothbrains who need to see bars fill up and numbers increasd to have fun. It would be strictly better as a pure shooter without RPG elements to drag it out.

i only play japanese and slav games except for cdpr cucks and some third world indies and am pretty much fine with them.

i however fucking hate amerimutts and anglo sjws.
they are useless. fucking uninspired yet can market in the industry just because they use english, and on top of that the media is totally anti japan and even anti slav. i unironically hope they ban all japanese media. i just dont want to get involved with them. they are just annoying insects. nothing good comes from them. only trying to ruin the industry.

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I hate that no game developer has made a game like Skyrim. I have been waiting for another Elder Scrolls game for almost 8 years now, and the Fallout games are only a slight relief but are nowhere near as good as Skyrim. With Skyrim being such a revelation in terms of game sales you would think that at least one developer would try to cash in on that massive success but there haven’t been any bootleg versions of Skyrim even. I crave an open world first person rpg with my entire soul it’s all I want out of life and yet Bethesda would rather do nothing for a decade rather than make money.

But cdpr is shit too.

>omg... this depressed anime girl is LITERALLY me

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I wonder who's behind this post

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who are you quoting?

I would suck Todd’s dick for a chance to play a development version of the next Elder Scrolls game.

worst fucking thing is that they often look fucking worse than the original

Wow youre really cute user, you shouldnt be so depressed!

The reason why we don't see more games like Skyrim is because of the insane blandness and mediocrity of Skyrim, and Beth open-world RPG's in general. Skyrim already panders to the lowest common denominator. There is nowhere lower to take the formula. Which means that no big studio sees a hole into that market.
At the same time, the formula requires a rather big intial investment, and Beth already saturated that market hard, meaning no smaller, actually ambitious studio sees an opening either.

So instead, every similarly minded project utimately decides to take things in a different direction.

It really, really is hard to make anything that could compete with Beth in their current grip on this particular genre market.

I don't really know how to articulate this thought other than saying soul. Not just in the care that was put into it because even a long time ago shovelware existed. One thing that sticks out in my mind is that back then systems weren't as powerful and had more limitations so devs had to come up with creative solutions to accomplish things. Sometimes this resulted in good things that weren't intended but ended up being a good fit and kept in. This happened in both graphics and mechanics. Nowadays every platform is powerful enough and generally homogenized in architecture and hardware that that sort of creativity isn't needed. You want to do a certain thing and you can just do it. You don't need to be crafty about it to pull it off. So I think we lose those unintended happy accidents that they had before.

Modern multiplayer games have all the fun balanced out of them. Esports were a mistake.

Well shoot thats nice.

shoving lootbboxes into single player games
buying costumes that should be unlockable
buying levels/xp in a singleplayer game

I think it's funny reading all the old gaming mags from the 90s talking about grafics

I spend every moment i can to live my life to the fullest, and constantly evaluate what I did every day.

your brain

Flash games are just about the only escape from all of this modern bullshit that's plaguing traditional gaming these days.

games have cost 60 bucks for decades now, unless they have other sources of income it's literally not worth making games

I guess I am missing the point. It's not like every other word to describe vidya isn't equally vague or any more revolutionary as a concept
>Dark Souls of ( )
>Soulslike (I.E some vague thing like "it has dodge rolls." or "it has slow combat." or "you die in like 2 or three hits").


They litterally did not before the HD disk came out for xbox. They used to be 50.

forced diversity

I know that feel

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It's focus on e-celebs and influencer based marketing.
Every game is catered around a few fucking personalities who dictate what is right and what is wrong as if they were internet jesus.
Generally, the internet becoming mainstream ruined everything

Not my problem you mismanaged your business.

>Literally steals the UI from souls and pastes it onto an overhead pixelshit indie game
>It's a soulslike roguelite adventure about a trans robot trying to find her way home

Just like arcades

Every game having progression systems, rpg mechanics, crafting, etc. It is so refreshing to go back even just one gen and play games where you just pick up and play, progress through it linearly, and winning or losing is based solely on whether or not you beat it not a numbers game.

I actually prefer a mix of both, I can enjoy pure gameplay games, but having context to what I'm doing makes it much more enjoyable. Pure stories can fuck off though.

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okay let's see how other products increased in price over the years
either you pay a 100 dollars for a game or there's gonna be dlc and lootboxes

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DLC, microtransactions and console gamers

Im sorry i still dont mean it like that. I mean simply trying to take the game in the direction of fun is revolutionary.

Like focussing on fun has been such an old concept, people are stunned when they say theyre trying to make it fun.

Like imagine if someone said "were going to make games with good art direction" and people lose their minds.

Its such a basic thing that should have been the norm, but now its astonishing.

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Maybe... like hear me out.
Dont spend all your money on marketting and voice acting.

neck yourself

First optimistic wojak post ive seen in a while.

Given our current indieshit climate, I could see something like this happening. Wasn't Hyperlight Drifter essentially another one of those pixel shit games hyped up because "hurr it's like Dark Souls but in 2D"?

>But the main thing is the story I'm trying to tell. And I designed the game to make you feel this story
>the main thing is the story
>the story

how did he regrow his hair?

no marketing: wow why have I never heard of this game? must be garbage
no voice acting: no voices? what a garbage game

How is the Witcher as an experience and BoTW as Arcade. They're both immersive and should be on epxeriences unless you're an anti-nintendo fag

"I picked up this video game for celebrity VAs"

-literally nobody who ever lived


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Oh, I think I get what you mean now. Sorry, misunderstood. It's 6 am, I shouls really sleep now. My brain is fried.

I think voice acting is always a mistake. People argue over sub or dub when dub is always the correct choice, so I say we remove all voice acting until subs become hated and reviled and are never even made in the first place.

The worst thing is that those mechanics are forced on you due to shitty design, like HP bloat instead of actually interesting enemies. Also, I don't mean the game is hard, it just takes a long time since there's usually almost no challenge either way.

God damn EA youre gonna need to take a seat. This is going to take a lot longer than I thought.

Fucking shit, that's wholesome.

you have no idea how normies think
guess why EA is a succesful company while your games are dying, they understand the market, you don't

Same. I need to stop staying up for late night Yea Forums

happiness does things to you.

How do you make something harder without increasing its hp? All you are doing is making the game into a puzzle instead of a video game where one solution will always work. Higher hp makes you actually have to think instead of mindlessly following a single solution like some dogmatic religious zealot without reason in your head.

Because EA casts such a huge fucking net and blows everything on marketting so everyone HAS to buy their games.

And theyre barely succesful, they just scrape by with some profits to keep it up. Theyre not making record numbers theyre extremely safe.

the women funding it.


It's b8 kiddo

Force of will

everything's fine guys! just be happy and look forward to new products!

The problem is late night Yea Forums is when all the gentlemen are on, so it's tempting to want to lose sleep just to actually have gooe vidya conversation.

But I suppose ultimately that's not a health way to live.....

Exactly. I think i need to just block Yea Forums past 12 pm.

The Government needs to classify any game with timers and loot boxes as gambling so we can detach video games from shorty practices. That way their main demographic, stupid fucking children, cannot even legally down their money on that shit anymore and they will be mandated by the Government to die.

Zelda games that rely on the formula are automatically arcade, since you're just going through the motions instead of doing meaningful things that will affect anything later on. It might seem like an experience when you first play a Zelda game, but the illusion is shattered for every game afterwards.

not that you would know, autistic wojakspamming subhuman trash

either get some more hobbies and start lifting or turn into an alcoholic and enter a negative feedback loop.

Do game testers/quality assurance still exist in this age? Shit like and made me think otherwise. It's like they just release the game without any testing/minimum testing and just patch over time.

What do I do if I’m stuck in a negative feedback loop but I don’t drink alcohol?

See a therapist.

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No risk

Turn the negativity into a hobby.
Thats how everyone else deals with it.

>everyone else
Haha, yeah, you're right. Literally only one person in the entire fucking world decides to deal with their negativity in a destructive way. Lol. What a fucking piece of shit. What an aberrant human being! Lmao. Can't believe I share oxygen with those scum.

Sorry I mean everyone that solves their negativity.

Just move to Europe, it's morning here

politics, and devs not following pic related

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That people pretend it's all bad.
That people pretend all the old stuff was automatically better just for being old.
Don't get me wrong, there's more good old stuff than bad but still.

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this line of thinking it just as dangerous as demands for vidya to solely emulate film or novels.

why ought games not be experiences? you seem to have posted a picture based on a character from fnv, is your enjoyment and respect for that game solely the mechanical "play" part of the games systems? Do you gain the same pleasure from fnv as you do when you play football or monopoly? I can only assume no, obviously everyone greatly enjoys fnv for how compelling of an experience it is to be in that setting, to roleplay in it and to create emergent gameplay.

dnd is fundamentally a mechanical and rules based system with clearly defined win and loss systems, but it is popular for the experience it provides. vidya ought to aim for this, otherwise why bother making fnv?

that pic hurts...

Lack of consumer awareness, but that applies to many industries.
So I guess it would be that the games which actually need a remake since their gameplay was shit and they aren't on PC aren't getting remakes.
Also, mecha seems to be a dead genre.


what minecraft mod is this?

speak for yourself I haven't bought any shit with modern ass rape drm. There are thousands of other games you could play made over decades.

Excellent post

now this is a game I would be embarrased to even pirate

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how do you not end up with class III FOMO anxiety like that?

How it's not as plug-n-play as it used to be. If I have friends over and we decide to play Mortal Kombat 11, which none of us has played before, you can't just put the disc in and go.
It has to install
It has to download 100gb patches

I think the benefit of the Switch is how fast all this stuff is, because it's not hindered by old media that has data which can't be read quickly enough. It just works.

I had hoped the next gen would be cartridges as well for PS5 and Xbone 420, but it doesn't look like it.

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I dunno? Too busy to think about that.


Aren't you evaluating what you do every day? Do you consider posting here right now to be "living to the fullest"?

Microtransaction it’s gotten to the point if I see ANY in game I pass on it hard as much as I loved older mmos since they had SOUL there the reason this shit took off except now the games are all shit and they still have microtransactions

That picture is the definition of fake soul on so many levels.

American culture. Every American game this gen was shit and every euro studio that was influenced by American culture turned to shit.

Actually looked it up.
I tend to not care about unimportant stuff thats once in a life time.
I have very simple goals in life, and simply want to try everything.

Yeah, I think you guys are alright to talk to occasionaly, and it helps me reflect on myself.

It would be rediculous to consider a perfect life void of social interaction.

I guess it was a poor choice, since the Nintendo 64 is the idiots choice of console. Have this instead.

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Is that a giefling?

Focus on online.

Lmao yall just jaded

No u

No, I still enjoy nip and slav games. Some western euro games too.

Alright all these fucking years and I'm tired of asking myself who this fucking chick is. Is she actually from a chink toon or is someone just making it up as the years go by?

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... i genuinely feel like i shouldnt spoon feed, but if its been this long.

Daikon IV

Shut up obsessed SEGA console war faggot.

Talking about OPs girl you dingus. But to be fair my post was confusing, should've clarified

Boku no Pico Academia

I love all consoles, but the cult surrounding the Nintendo 64 is, honestly, disturbing and creepy.

If you dig long and hard, it does have a handful of games with merit, like Hybrid Heaven and Sin & Punishment, but the ones who are truly obsessed with the system are always jerking off over Mario 64, Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie and probably Glover, because they don't know any better.

It's these kinds of people who purposely decorate their game rooms with art and dolls of an OVERWEIGHT ITALIAN MANLET. Like, at least pick Karnov if you want a guy in red with a mustache. He is much more badass.

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HLD was unironically good, and not at all like dark souls. Its combat is a lot faster, harder, and more varied. It was mostly dumbass game journos hyping it up to be the next dark souls.

F-Zero X, Blast Corps, Starfox 64, Hybrid Heaven and Mario 64 would be my top 5 if I was forced to pick I think. It had a lot of other good racing games too like Diddy/Mario kart, Beetle Adventure, Wave Race, and I'd argue the best 3D Road Rash (though the 3DO version definitely has its charm). I like the console.

Goldeneye is shit, but I have a lot of good memories connected with the game and the people I used to play it with. I think people are unable to untangle their memories from the game.

Absurdly tiny in-game text

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Wave Race is a beauty and F-Zero X is a hugely underrated entry in the franchise. It runs so well!

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Perfect Dark is better in every single way and was ahead of its time but is held back by the hardware.

Basically. I was trying to tell my normie gf that normies/increased accessibility legit ruined everything that was once great about the internet. She called me crazy and went back to watching some dumb cunt influencer from YouTube. I dont even care anymore though. Everything is fucked anyway.

>having a gf
>posting here
>complaining about normies ruining things
Am I being whooshed

I got internet in 2001, but I didnt exactly need to struggle for it. Internet has always been easy to get. Something else has changed but I cant put my finger on what.

>has a gf
>calls others normies
Get the fuck out of my board

>>>Every video on Youtube is about sensationalism

Extremism in any way is a current problem. Either all extreme "hate" something or extreme "love" something. Also in normal discussions. All get offended if you have a slight different opinion etc. No one has a sense for the grey area inbetween anymore. THAT'S the REAL frightening thing in current humanity.

Fuck you cunts.

There is no cult, maybe only in your obsessed worldview who is obsessively justifying himself in such a long post. Get a life, seriously.

Get your eyes lasered.

Fuck no, text in games is entirely too small. Nintendo for the most part seems like one of the only companies that avoids this. Tekken does as well but the text in SC's training mode for instance is watly too goddaamn small.

The fact we keep getting shallow games because normies can't tell the difference between 'fluid' and 'automated'

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Game design is as much art as anything. Not just the visual arts (though that is critical), but the art of designing game mechanics, a captivating style of play that makes you want to repeat it, etc...
I think that today's dev tools were supposed to let "real artists" design games that only "boring tech people" could program before, but the opposite happened.
The dev tools allowed the field of game design to be filled with lazy, unimaginative jagoffs who can design games with a minimum of effort. The smart people are the engine designers, who are now creatively fire-walled from the "game artists".
It's no wonder it's all shit now.

"massive AAA experiences" are shit

Massive AAA experiences didn't always mean what it means today

I guess they wanted something more realistic looking, because MK8 looks fucking great.

Corporate greed.

Politics come in a (VERY) close second.

You didn't have to pay $60 for an arcade machine.


lack of emergent narrative, freedom
i remember playing mount and blade in 2009 and thinking that type of freedom would become the norm

I thought so too, but when I asked them what they meant by that they said Fortnite

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Hyper realistic graphics. I absolutely fucking hate it. It just shows me you have zero artistic vision and want normies to play your game because iT LOOKS SO REAL!!!!

Obnoxious attempts to cruise on SOCIAL ISSUES and CURRENT SOURCE OF OUTRAGE for a few extra sales and free publicity to the detriment of the game itself.

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Some devs don't like having cute girls in games.

I never played fnv.