Classic is Cancelled

Classic is Cancelled.

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Classic is Cancelled.

Classic is Cancelled.

Classic is Cancelled.

As a warlock I'm glad this is getting more attention


That's fucked



>Blizzard fails again


This was fixed by 1.12

Ahhh spellcleave run #46......home.

>include right click report to combat griefing with fun flavor abilities like op pic
>remove fun flavor regardless

Fuck this change. The infernal are my favourite demons. it...over..?

1.12 sucks

Classicbabs are so deep in denial about the game actually being boring and all their hype was just nostalgia run wild, that they'll latch onto absolutely any little nitpick to try and rationalize why it was fun then but it's not fun now.

And of course nobody on the Classic WoW Reddit gives a shit so this will never get fixed. Fuck Classic and Fuck Blizzard. New private server when?

1.12 is what Nostalrius and Eleysium used

90% of private servers use the same build point and therefore this is fixed

But not really

They used custom amde modifications to mimic progression though.

You got what patches they were on pretty spot on. It was 1.12 only in the client name

But it literally is.

Except not

And it didn't have the Infernal or Doomguard bug.

It's not a bug and they do have it

It'sm funny cause a friend of mine did his infernal quest yesterday and was pretty bummed to experience exactly what OP posted

That’s nothing. Hunters are basically free kills because they can’t even feign trap anymore

Burden of proof is on you retard

There are definitely bugs that weren't caught during any of the beta or stress tests. After the server maintenance yesterday fishing off the coast of high level zones doesn't give you any fish unless it's between midnight and 6 am. Some pretty major oversights.

feel bad for warlock homies, knowing blizz they probably forgot this was even a thing, especially considering no one that worked on vanilla is with blizz anymore

Its true, makes all the raid except AQ40 and Naxx a cakewalk

Is it still possible to kite that one nigger dragon with the lifesteal aoe to Stormwind though?

No, he's like the only one with a restricted leash range.

Classic is Cancelled?

Classic is Cancelled.

Wait, what is Cancelled?

The only time I remember taking advantage of Warlock pets to fuck with people was with Brutallus on the Sunwell PTR

You made the claim

My post ends with 6

Cancel is Classiced.

I dropped infernals in elwynn forests and durotar on the regular and they stayed there killing lowbies for hours.

>tfw classic is cancelled

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