Wtf i hate christianity now
Wtf i hate christianity now
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wow they made buckethead video game?
Until the gods show up there's no reason love any religion, just use that love on other people instead
But the devs are Christians, real Christians not that weird shit you murricans have
shut the fuck up, faggot
it's what Jesus would want
The US has what are essentially christian-flavored doomsday cultists. It's really fucking bizarre.
Matthew 10:34
I thought it was more extreme Catholicism.
In that case fuck Jesus too, he sounds like an asshole
50% of this game is pretty and 50% is ugly shit
>Hollow Knight but with less content
Better graphics can't save it. I'll pass.
>the American baptist sinner cannot get into andalusian counter-reformist catholicism
Dabbin' on you heretics right now
Apparently you hate pixel art as well. Don't save screenshots as jpg numbskull.
What if he was a woman?
this game is kinda cool-
>respawning oneshotting exploding enemies that spawn on tiny platforms
>>Hollow Knight but with less content
Considering the gameplay and level design is shit in HK, I'll take this over that.
The HK devs are even so retarded that they added pushback ON THE PLAYER to normal attacks.
t. casual
HK isn't even difficult, just poorly designed. Which is understandable since they're amateurs.
You also can't prove me wrong and resort to logical fallacies, which just further proves how right I am.
Damn, it feels good to be a christian
No shit, made me laugh hardcore op. The game is pretty fucking sick. I think the combat is flawed and a bit repetitive and the levels could've been a lot better but overall pretty damn good. By far the best indie i've ever played anyways.
To prove you wrong we will need a little bit more substance than surface level ambiguous phrase like "poorly designed". Poorly designed what? Levels? Trinkets? Enemy designs? Boss fights? How exactly are they poorly designed?
wtf i'm racist now, who is this??
Almost the entire game is poorly designed.
But let's start with something simple absolutely none of you HK fanboys have been able to defend.
Pushback on your own attacks.
you can just jump past them, they don't do anything besides bodyblock you
What did Jesus mean by this?
But the game is pro christian you dumb fake american catholic cuck.
Americans made Christianity about obsessing with Jesus when there is so much more.
Found the butthurt christian
>Flash game graphics.
>South park level animation.
>Simplistic and shallow combat.
>Upgrades add very little depth if any at all.
It's not a bad game, but I really don't understand the praise it gets considering it's below-average as a metroidvania at the absolute best.
Found the hat-wearing basement dweller
fuck off
Whatever your agenda needs it to mean
The more I play the game, the more I'm with this user.
There a fucking lot of clear passion and creative vision in the project, it oozes personality.
Otherwise it's kinda just mediocre. I play not because the moment to moment is fun because its not, i just wanna see the next really interesting visual.
Reminder: Hold circle to convert HP to fervour. You can do this at spawn points to fill your gauge and then heal up.
Sigh, guess the burgerlanders are waking up again.
He'd have to be a flattie musclegirl. Does that make it better? I feel like that makes it better.
Gnostic Jesus was nicer and now no one knows which was the real one
>retard quotes me without reading my post
Roman Catholic aesthetic is fucking sexy and I'll fight any mothefucker who says otherwise
The best looking religious look bar none
I always hated christianity because it's not white.
>get shitposted back
>"EUGH YOU MUST BE (group I don't like)!"
Fuck off retard
Was talking about Hollow Knight.
Blasphemous is flawed, but the art and atmosphere is definitely a high point. I gotta wonder how moddable it is. Would love to see someone take the assets and story and rework some of the level design, gameplay, and QoL details.
Nice forgiveness there, son.
he said as he sunk into his waifu pillow
Discordianism exists, user.
Why are you so ashamed of your white culture?
at least my waifu pillow dont create wars
cope, sandnigger
Christanity changed to fit the local religions. Thor being an accepted quasi diety was one of them.
>haha I don't give half a shit about your beliefs but I will surely use them to my advantage
is the pirated version of the game available ?
>norse raiders dindu nuffin they were not real norsemen Thor was a diety of peace
Just turn your other cheek, fag.
wars are cool tho
>Look at all these modern wars religion has caused!
>"i don't actually believe that Jesus was right" - You
sunnova, took me a while to realize the standard was not another conehead
t. man who knows nothing about America but pretends he does on anonymous korean backetweaving imageboards
>Christanity changed to fit the local religions
People always say this but every case I’ve been told about turns out to be wrong. eg. Christmas has nothing to do with any pagan festival it was just nine months after when Jesus was thought to have been conceived, Easter is basically just Passover 2.0 and doesn’t have anything to do with a goddess named Eostre who wasn’t even an actual goddess and was just invented by a monk to explain the etymology of Eosturmonath, St Brigit was actually a real person and all the shit about her being a Christianised version of a Celtic goddess was made up in the 19th century, etc.
Are there any actual real examples of Christianity changing to fit local religions?
actual retard
Catholicism is peak religious aesthetic, modern enough to be forgiving and kind, ancient enough to be vengeful and bloody.
How is that bad?
>implying I am in any way ashamed of my culture just because I worship a non-native god
duur what is christian hellenism?
The Norse gods come from India
I turned your mom's other cheek lol
It’s just a mechanic to force you to actually think a bit about positioning.
There’s also a perk that allows you to stand still while attacking
I thought Christian armies weren't allowed to fight?
Hey remember that time Loki pranked Thor by turning into a female horse and getting fucked by Thor's horse to make slepnir?
What a madlad.
>secular wars have caused 3 times the casualties of purely religious wars
Pushback adds something of a weight to the character (making him feel small) and makes it less likely for you to get hit during your attacks because everything has contact damage
There's a charm that disables pushback and the game feels like shit that way
Violence is not a sin when applied to those who deserve it aka filthy pagans
a video game exclusively bashing christians? what a brave and unique concept
it still has caused wars that could have been avoided if your people had an IQ superior to 50.
Thank you for your wisdom father.
People don't need religion to make war, and without it there'd still be plenty of war but: I always feel its a little bullshit to split "Fault of wars" down sheerly "Specifically religion" and "Literally any other cause" and smugly declare victory.
World War 1 and 2 could've also been avoided if people involved had IQ of at least 60
It isn't. Anyone who's actually played the game could tell you that.
You've adopted a central part of sandnigger culture. It's like going to mosque and not eating pork.
muslims are ok in my book though
The invention of Beelzebub to scare the Philistines into converting or be known as devil worshippers.
>This tree is sacred
>This one? Nah watch this
>See, chopped it down, didn't die.
>huh, guess he has a point, let's be christian now
Man I wish shit was this easy to solve now. Ra bringing the sun down to us and going "hey I'm real lads what up" wouldn't be enough.
Dilate, those wars were instigated by very intelligent people trying to save the world
American Christians and some marginal groups influenced by them are literally only Christians in the world who believe in rapture.
They were pretty neat before deciding to go extremist
Whoa, great work geniuses, world sure is saved now
imagine dedicating your life to something that doesnt even exist
user, the rules of the earth inherently make us sinners, and sometimes we are required to send heretics to judgment to protect the flock. But through our Lord Jesus Christ can we be forgiven of this. Only cucked Christians think otherwise.
It certainly helps that christianity is way more esoteric and introverted than "MY GOD IS LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES STRONGER THAN A BEAR AND LIKE THROWS THE SUN IN THE SKY EVERY MORNING"
thanks to idiot commies and retard muricans
imagine thinking religion is about the existence of God and not about community
>is literally a mudslim
lol you people are literally caricatures
Nah, never saw a muslim in my life
Just follow the explosions
a community of brainwashed retards who believes some books
getting mad at religion is so 2009
>"You need to believe in my imaginary friend who forbids you to do all kinds of cool shit or you DON'T BELONG"
Have fun not having threesomes, fag.
More like a tool to control the good goyim community
>janny has an IQ inferior to 50
oh no no no
Didn't billy get fucked too? Xenogears and games like Maken X always made me take big thinks when reading all those priests going to jail for touching Timmy too many times.
what does "dedicating" even mean from an atheistic perspective? You're attaching an anthropomorphically intentional idea into a world you view as pointless and meaningless. This is how retarded atheism is.
Enjoy your aids and mentally damaged women, fag.
So youd rather have zero control? That leads to chaos ending, there needs to be balance
Still missing the point, its not about the books, thats the least important part.
>the evil organization that has existed for centuries is evil's evil
Wow, truly JRPGS have better writing than western kusoge
Cringe. God was already here and created humans. You prob haven't even read the bible. Unfortunately humans rebelled and here we are today shit posting on Yea Forums
>bro its written in the book
>He doesn't understand that Jesus means is going to be conflict because of what he is teaching
>And ignores most of the story is Jesus preaching peace, including when he was captured
So 2D sprites were to expensive for a 5 million$ game developed by a Japanese veteran, but not expensive for a 300k game developed by a bunch of Spaintards?
>dude satan is actually the good guy it says so in this other book
>Enjoy your aids and mentally damaged women, fag.
I forgot that your kind is not allowed to use comdoms or having sex before marriage. But to say that every human who had sex before marriage has aids or mentally unstable is just outing yourself as deranged.
>its not about the books, thats the least important part.
Oh, so you just say that you're christian and that's it? Amazing.
You absolute degenerate.
>this other book
There's a Satanic bible? Can you post the .pdf?
Sooo Cringe. It has accurately predicted the future and continues to do so. We are right before Tribulation period. You don't even read kid. Also what better method of communication is there especially 2k+ years ago than writing/drawing? Wow you kids are so cringe.
>the rules of the earth inherently make us sinners,
You mean the earth God made?
So he set us up to be sinners even though he thinks it's bad and needed to get his son killed just so we can be forgiven of the sins that we can't avoid because of how he made the world?
>bro this book predicted the future wtf
he said with his hand on his dick, pulling it back and forth. "I am a completely normal human, despite what those christians, or shitstians, say".
A tear rolled on his cheek and fell on his cockhead, mingling with his precum.
"If only religion did not exist, we would be in space now, and all diseases cured. Sigh...War, violence, me not having a girlfriend...all these problems would be over if religon was never invented...yes...invented....there is no soul and no afterlife...that is why I spend my time chocking my snake with all these anime porn live life to the fullest"
But wasn't that more jewish related than christian?
Quick rundown?
Eastern Orthodox Christian reporting in.
Any other frens of the one true Church in here?
Yeah, It's called paradise lost. It's what fedoras love to quote, even though its fanfiction about a thing they don't believe exists.
>Undereducated idiot
>Trip to Nerja in Spain, nice if you want a smaller town experience while also still being touristy as fuck.
>They have a Nazarene brotherhood up on the hill.
>Enjoying white chocolate fucking tea thing, jesus it was good
>Suddenly the KKK descend on the town
>Hoods everywhere, and they look like they're on a mission
>Rather coloured gentleman serenader who I assume now must have forgotten he left his oven on looks panicked and starts moving out of the building.
>Nobody is reacting to am immediate and flagrant lynching.
>Sort of stand up and ask waiter if everything is okay.
>Looks at me confused and asks if I'm okay
>Can't handle this
>Panic and also leave.
The most fucking bizarre experience of my life, it felt like I'd entered a parallel world or had a stroke.
paradise lost is a really good read though
You got it already.
It is. And contrary to popular belief, christians don't spontaneously combust or lose their faith when they read it.
Paradise Lost is great because Milton actually manages to convey being tempted by Satan by starting to feel bad for someone that is there for the crime he commited. Similar to how Twain writes a Satan that says he is not the real one but for all we know, he can be just lying to trick humans.
Thank you, holy man.
>unironic christcuckoldry on Yea Forums
this board needs to burn
>are literally only Christians in the world who believe in rapture.
You can't honestly believe that's the case. People will gravitate to it if only because it's the interpretation of the apocalypse where they don't experience any of the bad stuff.
Damn this game predicted the Catholic abuse scandal, pretty deep.
My only dislike is that the music starts out as peak andalusian counter-reformist catholicism hymns.
And then it just doesn't go back to the peak, maybe it will later.
Its still amazing.
I mean, that was the quick rundown user but ok.
>In a book called literally "The tricking" a builder wants to build a house near the gods
>Gods can't be dealing with this so tell him "yeah sure buddy if you literally do it with your own hands in three days fine"
>Loki says "nah that's gay at least let him have a horse"
>Gods go "Sure fucking fine, its just a horse what's it gonna do? Build fast?"
>Horse builds fast
>Gods panic at having to be on the Residential Association with a fucking builder and convene to find out who did this
>I bet Loki did this
>Thor says he'll anally fuck Loki to death in retribution
>Loki says "Chill I got this"
>Turns into a mare in heat
>Horse runs off and fucks him, builder fails to build in time, Thor's reasonable response to this was to murder the builder.
>Loki as a horse gets pregnant and has Slepnir, a horse with eight legs (not seven vaginas)
>This was Loki's idea of a prank, in full. The whole thing was a joke.
I mean why not, americans wear panties and claim to be women too, they might as well
imagine projecting so hard
Yea Forums is like an asylum centre for people who get told to shut up or fuck off on other websites. Reddit, for example, seems fairly hostile to Christianity in general
>trapfags constantly making /soc/ threads
>unironic shills constantly making shill threads
>wojak/pepe posters flooding the board with Flavor-of-the-day stale memes
>blatant consolewar/online-store-war faggotry
>constant porn threads
>people believe in God
what the fuck is wrong with snowniggers
>implying u have even ever been kissed
Hahah okay fag
Gnostic Jesus was mythical
Sandnigger fairy tales (the bible) has just as dumb stories.
I don't know but I definitely don't want to watch their version of punk'd
good strawman *like and retweet*
uh-oh, looks like I hit a nerve there :)
space nazi catholics bad
church of cousinfucker lolipope good
That's more Jewish than anything and I doubt the Jews would have to do that considering how much Canaanite religions love child sacrifice. They've already got all the ammo they need.
name one
is there anything chr*stcucks won't get triggered over?
You're forgetting who's the main demographic of Yea Forums.
You burning in hell.
I'm not that guy but Noah cursing one of his progeny to eternal slavery/possibly being black because he accidentally saw noah's balls while trying to cover them for his dignity is pretty crazy.
How about going back there if the current status quo on Yea Forums is bothering you?
I would hope not, a Christian wrote it.
Have sex
hell isn't real and neither is sky daddy.
stay delusional, cuck
Is Loki the oldest furry?
It's funny because christians are actually making families to combat the so called "white genocide"
atheists and pagans do nothing but cry on the internet lol
I seriously doubt it, but he is possibly the oldest "haha"-type degenerate on print I can think of.
Gilgamesh was a bit fucking weird but I don't think he fucked any animals that I can remember. Bull bondage doesn't count.
Why is this trash thread even still alive?
>but Thor and Odin, these guys are real, trust me!
Go back to /pol/
>I'm not /pol/
Only retarded christcucks from / pol/ think everyone is a pagan
>status quo on Yea Forums
There is no status quo on Yea Forums you little bitch.
The only reason you might think otherwise may have something to do with you being new and not realising thta like 90% of this site don't bother replying to braindead /pol/tards anymore, because there is literally nothing new you might say in an "argument".
they aren't real either but at least make for some cool mythology unlike the dull faggy nonsense written in your b*ble
I don't see christians trying to take women's unearned rights away. Only some very small radical christian communities, like the amish, have above replacement birth rate.
Back to r/atheism lol
>Eastern vidya bashing notchristianity
>'hah those church designs looked so cool! let's talk about the fights.' *makes shitty memes*
>Western vidya bashing notchristianity
>i-i-i don't believe those! honest! also the story of Odin drinking hanged men's semen is way cooler that your bible!
>taking the opinion of japs seriously
>rent free vikings in my head
lmao chr*stcucks are unhinged
>Odin drinking hanged men's semen is way cooler that your bible
it unironically is
Nah, this isn't your safe space either. Christcucks have no power to ban me and I can say whatever I like about you. That being said, I'll save it for /pol/ or something, because we're veering off of video games with this
>sex = babies
>taking the opinion of Western devs seriously
>Better graphics can't save it
Does Blasphemous really have better graphics? It's not really the same style I don't see the point in comparing them
Who let leftypol in?
>R E N T F R E E
>Having sex is leftypol
Can't say i'm surprised
>cripplechan immigrants having a seething session
>no one ever complains about those other things, just people believing in God
user it's not good to lie.
I'm not white so i don't really care.
Catholics, hedonists, moral relativists, all seething ITT.
>person complains about lowered board standards
>religious person complains about lowered board standards
>he hasn't actually read the bible
Have sex
you never expect there to be so many Christians on the board until you start ripping on them
makes sense how the average Yea Forumsirgin is incapable of rational arguments
>mention a certain kind of headwear
>atheists crawl out of the woodwork replying to that post while claiming christians are fragile
>my jew book is amazing.
No, it isn't.
Christfags are lowering the board standards though so it makes sense.
nooooo! muh bible! muh sky daddy! you will all burn in hell REEEEEE
don't you know the reason I'm not having sex is because it says so in da bibol, not because I'm a disgusting loser whom no woman will touch
Look at this thread.
Taxes are theft and I should be able to buy recreational cocaine and hire private mercenaries to police my city blocks.
The Knights of Malta need a fucking nap.
Wtf I love SNEED now
>the practice of the church is hostile to life!
>*dies of an STD*
Apart from some butthurt fedoras and pagans, nothing is wrong with it
>another thread with smoothbrained christfags SEETHING as hard as they can
kek. never change, nu-Yea Forums
My point was that there's plenty of wild stories in it to at least equal the pagan stories in extravagance. But it's also full of dogma because unlike the pagans the Jews and Christians wrote it all down instead of keeping it secret and only transmitting it orally in mystery cults.
>nothing is wrong with it
The entire premise of the thread is wrong
Don't draw distinctions between sides, that just validates their political bullshit. Besides, it's easier for me that way, I don't need to learn which group of morons is screeching about what """"Issue"""".
Polfags please go and stay go. This board is for arguing about video games, not politicshit.
Has anyone ever made a game that satirizes/criticizes Islam? And lived?
>*dies of an STD*
Literally sidestepping the argument made in the image. If you're too stupid to understand what he's saying I can try to simplify it for you.
Found the commie.
This is why no one takes you seriously
>nietzekid thinks he is smart
lol please, attack me with another meme image
why would people make a game about religion and arent religious themselves or have attempted to study stuff on religion? the writing is so fucking bad
>hollow knight is good
Wow, gay
Face it, if Japan accepted Christianity it would be just like worst Korea today.
I'm not really a big Nietzsche fan to be honest but his critique of the church is spot on.
A poorly designed game would be Super Metroid, which any child with down syndrome could easily beat.
Hollow Knight’s difficulty is just right.
Your writing is bad. Learn english.
>mention God and leftypol
>get showered with asspained (You)s
This is delicious!
at least contribute to the thread instead of shitposting like the others
What do you mean?
I've never heard a compelling argument for why I shouldn't believe in God.
>Uhh you're stupid bro isn't it obvious God doesn't exist?
No, not really considering how finite and flimsy the extent of actual human knowledge about the universe really is. Any believe I hold about the nature of our reality is demonstrably no less valid than whatever you believe considering everything you can't observe for yourself is taken on faith just like the rest of us
>Well people will think you're stupid and I'll mock you with memes is that reason enough?
>fedoraman doesn't care about philosophy unless it's critical of something he dislikes
That would be the sword.
Wrong. It's great.
Is this another shitty dork souls game
it not the klux klux klan
>any child with down syndrome could easily beat.
You sure about that?
>a game about religion
it's a hack and slash platformer game set in fantasyland. it has nothing to do with religion other than maybe aesthetically
It's not that it's likely god doesn't exist or anything like that, there's just simply no reason to assume he does, especially any particular god like YHWH or Allah.
B-b-but you will get called a christcuck! That is like a death sentence!
I've never heard a compelling argument for why I shouldn't drink piss either.
Sure looks very similar
>nietzekid thinks he is smart
>actually Im not really a Nietzsche fan
>lmao fedora doesnt care about philosophy
Where the fuck did you pull that from?
Is this like how the castlevania Netflix show got memed as anti Christian even though God is real in the show and when priests bless water it kills demons. It was only the head preist who was evil not the whole church
Just run under the assumption that every religion is right and every deity or supernatural entity exists.
Life is more silly that way.
Who's piss?
they inspired themselves from this christian custom
That makes sense, still it's a personal conviction I've arrived at from life experiences. I don't think I'm doing harm to anybody so I don't know why people care so much about the worldview of others
>Looks at me confused and asks if I'm okay
That shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as I did.
My fedora is augmented.
based chaosbro
Out of your sissy brother's ass
There is literally nothing fedora about this
R. Kellys
>he believes the jewish bible god created the world
Even if god existed, which is already a dubious claim, you can be sure that it is not your shitty god for goyim.
Because many people either project that worldview onto others or bitch when that worldview is called into question. 90% of religious argument threads on Yea Forums being with an OP post complaining about a game that paints religion in a bad light, or how you always kill god in jrpgs, etc. Admittedly it's entirely possible that many of these threads are false flags made by atheists or trolls who don't give a fuck but the reason they're so effective is that they're imitating a stereotype that actually exists.
That sounds pretty gay bro.
It's an issue when people try to force that worldview on others.
>Japanese game
Well why don't you try it and find out?
Look, you scoffers, wonder and perish, for I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe, even if someone told you.
Acts 13:41
Do those who post these threads even play the game?
How could it make you hate any religion at all, that's like the opposite of what you're doing in this game. Is it just because you're killing religious figures? Did no one get that's the penance the Order of Silent Sorrow go through? Not to mention all of the other orders who have their own repentance to deal with, which they themselves asked for and were granted by the Wills.
I hear it's bad for your kidneys
Sure, but keep in mind that to them they see you burning in Hell for eternity if you don't convert and continue to pester you and everyone else because they don't want to see that happen.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding
1 Corinthians 3:18
Stop deceiving yourselves. If you think you are wise by this world’s standards, you need to become a fool to be truly wise.
>Imagine believing a religion that convinces you to become retarded.
>religious idiot who complains about people not respecting him is an actual stereotype
>atheist moron who brings religion into every subject and how he hates it is not an actual stereotype
>making fun of PaulyU
dw he definitely beat it
People need faith in something, if you choose for it to be God that's fine.
As long as you don't make yourself into God's Holy Warrior or whatever, going around actually ruining people's lives with your own beliefs, then no one will literally care who or what you believe in as long as it makes you happy
Lazyness and passion make a big change
If it's supposed to be critiquing religion in any aspect I'd say it's mostly critiquing the christian church's fertilization of penance and self punishment, which is a pretty interesting topic even if the game's approach to it is surface level.
They're both stereotypes you dumb fuck. Stop putting words in my mouth, you're making the actual sane Christians look bad. I'm honestly beginning to believe you're a false flagging atheist.
>"God was the dream of good government"
>they're imitating a stereotype that actually exists.
It's not like the fedora insults weren't an extreme backlash to a decade of obnoxious atheists on the internet or anything. The pendulum swung hard the other way.
Why does a fake religion that has analogues to Christianity or catholicism trigger Yea Forums so much?
Also understandable but keep in mind that Christians who try to force their beliefs on you are likely trying to save you from the eternal hell they think you'll suffer otherwise. Uncomfortable subject for Christians to discuss but the driving force of evangelism. Still, many of them go about it the wrong way or even misunderstand the doctrines of saving faith themselves which leads to confusion about what Hell is and why it exists and the condition of being saved (which is much simpler than most professing churches make it out to be)
I've always thought it was better to just make friends with people and try to be a good example, talking to them about my beliefs when they ask or when it's actually relevant. I believe pretty heavily in personal agency and think that if anybody is going to be a Christian it's something they need to choose for themselves, the faith already has a bad reputation for "indoctrination"
Yeah. What is atheistic about this?
>Yea Forums
They're from /pol/
Yeah, but that's just it. It has now swung the other way. Atheists may have been the more insufferable group in the past but now it's mostly christcucks that are shitting up Yea Forums. In a few years maybe the pendulum will swing back again but for now that's the way it is.
christcucks are sensitive retards looking for any excuse to get triggered and start a shitflinging thread like this
Communal religion fosters a deeper respect for tradition in society. This is a good thing.
Regardless if you believe in it or not, grounding your mind with a concrete sense of community is what avoids all the pitfalls of autistic hyperconnectivity in contemporary life. It reels people back out of their virtual and temporal pitfalls.
It's not just about trying to convert people, but also about influencing politics and society with their reasoning being solely based around "God said so".
For example, the support of Israel.
And still is.
Notice how all atheists are living leaching government, globalist corpocracy or just off parents.
Religion has undeniable pragmatic benefits (unless you're a hardcore fedoralord) but that doesn't mean it is or should be immune to criticism.
>"love thy neighbor"
>"shut the fuck up faggot"
well said
It was.
God/Religion are just a glorified set of rules, codes, moral guidelines and prohibitions to make a society cohesive. Religion unites, essentially being a government before governments.
It's also why religious organisations always tend to have large political power wherever they've been established for long.
Retards need religion/government laws to keep them from being retarded and doing bad shit.
>imagine being so much of an autistic haughty retard you dont understand the meaning of that
Alright but what does religion have to do with videogames?
Undoubtedly but from what I can see in western culture, a little bit of community can go a long way and faith is what helps build that the easiest. It's proto-government.
Ask the devs.
I'm not an atheist.
That shit broke years before the games release dude
lol stfu hippie
That shit didn't work in the 70s and it sure in the hell ain't working in today's world. Kys hippie
If the game talks about it then it has to do with the game.
I do understand the meaning user.
Just like I understand the meaning of: "don't test the lord your god but test all those other gods".
I can understand atheism, but actually trying to fucking convince me you are believing in long dead Germanic gods?
Oh lawl, I bet you do not even practice rituals preventing Ragnarok with local Tribe Elder or shaman in woods during full moon.
Those people are in dire need of meds.
/fit/ by far
how is /fit/ pseudointellectual? all they post is BRUTAL MOG and hairlet cope threads
Orthodox Christians are the true Christians
/fit/ and /biz/ are heavy contenders
Its hard to find people that know this and are not nihilists.
Agnosticism combined with prolonging of local culture is the high IQ way.
>calling others heretics
Laughing at you from the OG Christianity that is started by big J himself
Raped to death by soviets. Christianity is dead.
>not a single guy mentioning germanic paganism
>10000+ image macros and seething posts about how believing in germanic gods is silly.
Actual pseudo-intellectuals do not frequent gaming forums.
They hang out on Yea Forums.
I find atheists to be as naive as religious people.
They are smart enough to see that religion is just another form of organisation and control, but are not smart enough to understand that that is exactly what is needed to control the masses of low IQ retards that comprise the majority of humans on earth.
Just leave yourself open bro. It's highly likely that there is a literal supernatural force, whether we call it a deity or whatever, out there. We'll just never know because we're too dumb to leave this god forsaken rock.
Majin kkk member from malta
>Retards need religion/government laws to keep them from being retarded and doing bad shit.
typical midwit reply. bet you think the reasons you tell yourself about why you do things are the real reasons too.
Based as fuck. Religion in general is a big lie and a sheep controlling scheme
euphoric post
>We'll just never know because we're too dumb to leave this god forsaken rock.
>implying that if there is a supernatual force that its in physical space
lmao never gonna make it
glory to mankind
Ok cuck
Its the same as top stars doing Buddhism.
Its all done wrong and its all done to stroke their ego, hidden in primary school mysticism.
I don't even see any actual christfags in here, I just see people being devils advocate for religion in general because guess what? The majority of people are actual retards and if you don't have something like religion to control them you end up with the cucked kind of faggot shit you have in the EU and california.
Exactly. If we haven't advanced enough as a society to be able to understand how to sustainably leave Earth and reach for the stars, what makes you think we can fathom whatever transdimensional fuckery that happens on our periphery?
Buddhism is "safe" in the sense that it allows you to be more or less believing on all the things that comprise the whole buddhist doctrine.
Since the buddha apparently said not to believe in things you haven't verified or that don't seem reasonable to you, buddhists feel confident to add and remove gods and demons and so on.
>it's a metroidvania with basic combat so it's hollow knight
fucking zoomer
but they aren't user
>For example, the support of Israel.
That's just Americans being American more than anything.
>Totalitarianism is good, actually
>Hold circle to convert HP to fervour
I finished the game and never knew you can do that
Humanists are plagiarists
I don't think these /pol/tards even know there is a game, user. Entire trash thread is just autists screeching about political shit.
Buddha also said to eliminate unneeded desires, yet half of them died from cocaine overdose.
I never said that.
No, obviously it's because G*d or the D*vil told me to.
That's just mutts being mutt.
they asimilated local deities and made them into different representations of the Mary or a new saint
He never said to support them, just that he will make them rule some area. Everything else is Talmudic shit written later.
>atheists falseflagging
>protestants being dipishits
wtf is this thread
They're still doing it for religious reasons.
>I never said that.
You did, you simply can't face the fact that this is the idea you're supporting.
how did you get a pic this low quality
atheist here but I unironically tip my fedora to Sikhs. Get bent abrahamlets.
Fuck the christianity. Wasted so much time in sundays instead of doing something productive
They are, but do you see this kind of thing happening in Christian communities around the world? It's one thing to prefer a Jewish state in the Middle East to keep all the Muslims buttmad and to wish to visit the Holy Land where all the important things in the book took place, it's another thing to have blind zealous support of the Israeli state because of the American tendency to go all out on everything.
>Warping intent through your own personal interpretation
You're more of a totalitarian then he is.
The aesthetics might be Catholic but the message is anti-Christian
Sleeping in and playing video games isn't productive.
what message?
how is the message anti-christian? it's about a christian hero fighting against corruption and evil
The imaginary message
No, you are wrong.
I said that people need something to believe in, or something to instate some form of social order. What comprises culture, etiquette, morals, etc. That moral compass is dicatated by something, be it religion (christcucks), politics (SJWs) or both.
I am not supporting totalitarianism, I'm merely saying that totalitarian tendencies are present in all emerging forms of social cohesion, because inherently to keep a society and culture united it has to exclude the alien and integrate the alike.
The reason why you have retarded college kids supporting totalitarian shit like communism is exactly what I'm talking about. It's a matter of fact.
If you are an autistic anarchist or ancap, just forget it, you guys are retarded and your stupid anarchic pipe dream will never happen and if it does it will eventually give up to governments and other forms of order that emerge, like warlords.
I could have furthered my education in physics or chemisty.
Humanists wrote the bible
>Jesus wants you to not believe in God
Cmon, your lies are supposed to be subtler than this.
Because it's still anti-Christian propaganda
And going to church to praise some imaginary dude in the sky is?
>state fact about how things are
>this is taken as supporting totalitarianism
Not any better than SJWs that think that if a game features rape in any way it is endorsing it.
There's just no arguing with these ideologically posessed low IQ mongrels.
is this you
any message except "dude go to church every sunday and don't forget to donate lmao" is anti-christian according to brainwashed chr*stcucks
Sleeping rests the mind and video games are enjoyable. Church is just boring. Plus its full of old people and whining children of said old people.
Yes...? Ever heard of France and the UK, for starters? France which will "never compromise on Israel's security?"
Not a christcuck but I hate how christianity is the only religion you're allowed and actively encouraged to actively hate. Its so clearly biased
>real christians
Abrahamic religions area all the same retarded trash.
On topic Blashemous looks really good, I'll likely give it a shot.
Speak the truth, even when those around you deny it. Don’t sin, even if it would turn your family against you.
Every other religion is irrelevant or will kill you for doing it.
>I don't want to go anywhere on Sunday mommy!
The reason for that should be obvious. Christianity is by an enormous margin the dominant religion of the first world. It's a no brainier why it's the religion you see the most discussed, either singing it's praises or condemning it.
just because Constantine called Istanbul new Rome doest it make it Rome
>people like stuff you don't like
>subpeople are fucking immoral retards believing in jewish war demon god mandating obsession over other people's sex organs
The art looks just amazing. How well made is the story and lore?
Game Sypha:
>trained as a monk
>Serves the Church loyally
>Sent by the church to stop genocidal Dracula
Show Sypha:
>heathen Gypsy
>Says she's an enemy of God
>Says she needs to destroy the Church
Game Trevor:
>Church asks him to stop Dracula and search for Sypha after she goes missing
>Devout Christian, prays to Jesus before entering Dracula's domain
Show Trevor:
>anti-clerical militant atheist (like the show's writer who's never played the games)
Yeah I'm thinking kikeflixvania is anti-Christian
Despite what the Christian persecution complex would tell you Islam faces far harsher criticism in the West and far less informed too for that matter.
No, it's actually a coordinated attack against christianity (which is one of the founding pillars of western civilization, wether you like it or not) to undermine social cohesion, foster nihilism and divide the peoples.
The more people in western countries are akin to mongrelized goyim nigger cattle that just consume all their NPC programming and don't have anything in common with other NPCs other than LE MARVEL MOVIE or whatever the fuck, the more the Elites (Jewish or otherwise) can control the world.
By the way I am not a christcuck, fuck christcucks, but that's another topic entirely.
I'm just saying that the very obvious exclusive target Christianity is of critique at all times from (Jewish) media is very blatant.
Never criticise shitslam, or buddhism, or whatever the fuck else. Ask yourself why.
>If I am good then I will be rewarded, if I'm bad I'll be punished
>if bad things happen to good people at least they'll be rewarded in the afterlife
>if evil people get away with doing evil at least they'll be punished in the afterlife
Humans invented the concept of "god" to make a chaotic and unfair world appear just and logical.
Just because heretics call themselves christian, doesn't make them christian. You guys lucky that there's no hell and only soul cleansing purgatory
Nah, just anti church which is legit.
This is where skim reading gets you.
Oh boy
I just cant handle this delusion.
I think religion is (or should be) a set of ideals that make the people that believe in it a better person.
I think of the Bible as a bunch of stories that never happened, but can teach you a lot about human behavior and how people is often untrustworthy. The whole "forgive everyone" mentality is more like "be the change you want to see in the world" where your acts are good willed and maybe you inspire someone to also be good willed
That being said I don't believe in any god right now
Islam faces no criticism in the west except from fringe far right political groups and internet shitposters.
The overwhelming mainstream narrative is batantly apologetic for islam, and is extremely protective of muslims against "islamophobia".
posters even though this guy is completely right
>it's actually a coordinated attack against christianity (which is one of the founding pillars of western civilization, wether you like it or not) to undermine social cohesion, foster nihilism and divide the peoples.
>By the way I am not a christcuck, fuck christcucks
Its appeal to the zoomer who thinks being edgy and contrarian and thus being atheistic makes it 2deep4u
You don't have to be a christcuck to see the very clearly organized attack on christianity with the prupose to undermine western society.
>Never criticise shitslam
Because they arent pussies and will actually kill you
Because who the fuck even cares? Have you even met a Buddhist in real life? You'd probably see criticism of it in Asia though, where there are actual followers of it and therefore actually relevant.
>christianity (which is one of the founding pillars of western civilization, wether you like it or not)
Secret agent. I knew a faggot on another board who would claim to be atheist yet to people who spake of other religions, he got angry at every concept that was non christian.
Unsurprising but still frustrating
>attack on christianity with the prupose to undermine western society
>I'm not christian, but christianity is the west.
Dat delusion
name another game where your protagonist is visibly and obvious a christian.
You are the delusional ones. There are mainstream political and public figures who will say the most outrageous and racist shit about Muslims and get a slap on the wrist. There are mainstream news outlets with blatant anti-Islamic biases. Please get some fucking help. It's not normal to feel the need to think of yourself as a poor persecuted martyr even when you're the top dog.
the irony
>Game Sypha
Sypha is a witch
>I hate Christianity and Christianity is bad
>But don't attack Christianity
>everything is talmudic psyop
It’s more an organized bribery of influential Protestant minsters combined with retarded theology.
>Christianity is an important pillar of society and it will crumble when it ceases to exist
>but I don't actually believe in it though lol
>cuckstianity is white!
All religions should be attacked. Especially abrahamic ones. Western values have outgrown christianity.
>everything is talmudic psyop
Replacing god with degenerate jew shit is just one step of it all.
Christianity, and its reforms, have been the founding pillars of western society and morals.
That's not to say that christianity is perfect, by any means.
>I hate Christianity and Christianity is bad
Please point to where I said that, because I did not say that at all.
Please name three anti islamic mainsteream outlets, I'll wait.
Fuck off mudslime nigger lover.
Yeah, because I'm not an 80IQ NPC, so for me not being a christian doesn't mean that my belief system is replaced by degenerate jew shit.
imagine writing this unironically
The jewish religion and christian one and even the muslim one are basically the shame shit.
What's stopping you from not going?
>Sypha Belnades was a witch who harnessed the energy of spirits to command the power of the elements.
>When she was very young, children of the night, including the vampire Carmilla, darkened the hearts of men and helped spark the great witch trials which resulted in the death of many of Sypha's sister witches.
>Sypha escaped and was found wandering near a monastery in Wallachia and was granted protection by the church.
>Sypha would remain at that monastery for some time and would train as a monk.
>Replacing god with degenerate jew shit is just one step of it all.
>Christianity, and its reforms, have been the founding pillars of western society and morals.
>That's not to say that christianity is perfect, by any means.
Spoken like a true atheist, the god of the bible is the real god but you don't believe the bible, gotcha.
Where are the people saying we should deport all Christians in politics or on mainstream television? Where are the people saying all Christians are terrorists? Where are the people saying Christians are subhuman and nothing would be lost if we glassed a couple Christian nations? You. Are. Delusional.
>Please name three anti islamic mainsteream outlets, I'll wait.
Fox News
Daily Mail
The Sun
my parents
It's not that crazy to portray her as a gipsy if she's a witch, the other guy tho...
BBC, Al Jazira, NPR
based desu
>Please point to where I said that, because I did not say that at all.
Then what did you mean by "fuck Christcucks"?
I think it's funny that you're joining Christians in their persecution complex and peddling an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory when some of the most virulant anti-Islamic voices are orthodox Jews.
>Replacing god with degenerate jew shit
>replacing degenerate jew shit with degenerate jew shit will ruin the world!
>real Christians
the fuck is the difference pesides politics they all worship god and jesus in the end right?
Read it as Islamic mainstream outlets, my bad
lmao you cant make this shit up
Funny how there was a news item on yesterday about how mudslimes schools are teaching their pupils to hate jews and Christians, telling them tyhings like not to wish them marry christmas since that sin is worst than committing murder in Allah's eyes.
What I found strangest though is how this school has been allowed to teach things like this and how long it's been going since as far as I know every school has to meet certain mandatory educational requirements and they're supposed to be routinely checked.
The only reason this problem came to light is because a few journalists went undercover in those schools.
Islamic shits receive no criticism here which is why shit like this is happening. Muslim don't assimilate, they invade, bury themselves in deep and then destroy the system from the inside out while leeching off gibs. They are literal parasites. The only way to remove them is with force.
No, I did not say that the god of the bible is the real one you blithering moronic nigger.
No god is any more real than any other. What is important about a religion is how it instructs its followers to behave, not if its particular deity(es) are real or not.
I do not believe in the bible or the god of christcucks, but I believe in its pragmatic ends, social cohesion, shared moral compass, foundational order, etc.
Religion is just a tool.
Where are the people saying all that about muslims?
Fuck off back to resetera you fucking monkey.
Imagine being this superficial
i fucking doubt the guy is christian
>Funny how there was a news item on yesterday about how mudslimes schools are teaching their pupils to hate jews and Christians, telling them tyhings like not to wish them marry christmas since that sin is worst than committing murder in Allah's eyes.
Yeah, funny how you saw that on a mainstream news outlet, certainly proves society is anti-Christian and not anti-Islamic
>What is important about a religion is how it instructs its followers to behave
Actually there are plenty of religions that leave morality to be self governed.
You are just another pagan schizo retard.
Because christcucks are unironically low iq mongrels following a gospel.
No different from your modern college kids worshipping communism.
NPCs are NPCs are NPCs. Their belief system changes, the underlying NPC template is still there.
Eris is more real than the other gods though.
That's because America doesn't have Christians at all, frankly. 'The Holy Bible' as it gets passed around in America is a Jewish interpretation of the actual bible. People who read scofield bibles are heretics who deserve the rope
Honest question for religious people shitposting in this thread:
How do you rationalise that what you believe in is "the truth" when we've had thousands of years of human civilisation prior to the rise of the Abrahamic religions in which people believed their belief system was "the truth", often far more vehemently than most modern people do today?
>Where are the people saying all that about muslims?
In the White House, the Pentagon, the Fox News offices, and every comment section on the internet.
You think like this because you perceive saying "Happy Holidays" as a genocidal war on all Christians but Muslims getting profiled by actual law enforcement and deported or terrorized is just some trivial fringe cases lel.
>it was satan all along
>Because christcucks are unironically low iq mongrels following a gospel.
But you don't hate Christianity and don't think it should be criticised.
This user gets it. Reminder that the Rapture was made up whole cloth and the new covenant supersedes the old.
What it means that is these muslim schools aren't being as closely monitored as regular public or christian schools are you dumb shit.
Catholics will claim they worship Jesus but they actually worship the pope, the saints, Mary, traditions, wealth, appearance, power, their priests, and just about everything else besides God. Remember that if anyone says that you must do anything besides believing in the saving work of Christ to get into Heaven, that person is a liar.
We already lived and died, and this is hell.
You are a mentally ill schcizo leftist.
Off with you.
No I do not, nice strawman though.
And last I checked the only country routinely deporting muslims is China.
In Europe they are sadly being welcomed with open arms, hopefully that will soon change.
your god killed tens of millions with a flood
you do not get to hand-wave that, and with that alone your god is evil
>Western values have outgrown christianity
That's right, goyim
Nah, it means that you should stop believing the propaganda yellow journalism just because it fits your political agenda.
>the grill was satan all along
How many peasants you think gave the devil a good dicking?
>that prosecution complex
You are not Galileo, just another mouth feeding itself crop grown by christian civilization.
Those tens of millions are evil without hope for redemption. You'd rather have them around?
As I said, christianity is just a tool, like communism, socialism or any other all encompassing system.
Actually let's just cut all the crap. I am a proponent of eugenics and thing anyone with an IQ lower than 110 should be euthanized.
There is also a difference between criticising a religion and being routinely targeted.
Why are there no pieces of media criticizing judaism or islam? I wonder why.
>You are a mentally ill schcizo leftist.
Run out of arguments so soon?
>And last I checked the only country routinely deporting muslims is China.
Trump is no doubt working on it
It wasn't some shitty mutt talk-show outlet like Fox News.
Fuck off Achmed/Haim.
There is no truth only nothingness remains.
Things like beauty, love, family all fade away eventually so why bother worrying about those things now? Just live life as is and you would be happier knowing that modern life in this society is best lived as a nobody.
Last reply from me, leftist schizo.
Your pet muslim niggers are not victims.
If the west was such a racist, xenophobic, white supremacist evil empire, why are they all literally running towards here? Just fuck off.
>b-b-but drumpf balloon!
>meanwhile christianity is responsible for vast majority of child rape in the west
God forbid we ever name the president of the United States
They believed wrong.
There are only 2 absolute truths.
Life and Death.
One can't exist without the other.
If he was willing to kill the sinners in the flood, why didn't he just kill Adam and Eve after they committed the first sin and start over?
Who said there were evil, oh right the dude who committed mass genocide, hmmmm...
That's all wrong you stupid cunt, the Belmonts were feared by the church and considered supernatural/outcasts in the lore for a while.The fucking Vampire Killer is cursed.
Because of Love. Notice he didn’t kill everyone in the flood.
>that one jew doesn't like christjews, therefore christjews aren't jews
they are without hope and redemption because your god wanted obedient slaves rather than freethinkers
Satan is in almost every a better embodiment of humanity, and for all his supposed crimes is explicitly meant to be the literally most second perfect being in existence
If that's the case then how can anyone suggest what they believe now is right, other than "I know i'm right because I just am"?
Because I'm pretty sure the Egyptians knew they were right because they just were for thousands of years.
Yeah, who is God to judge?
>I want to bring this back
>haha, burn heretics, how dare you have a 0.5% different belief?
No one believed that shit until 2001, well after the game came out.
If God is truly loving and omnipotent, why didn't he just reform all the sinners rather than killing them? How were they irredeemable if he can literally do anything?
No, homosexuality is responsible for that
>when we die we will spend billions of years waiting for every life ever lived to be played back at us so god can judge every minute detail
Because Adam and Eve were not evil without redemption.
>free thinkers
you cant be serious
>Never believe that anti‐Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side.
Because the removes agency and accountability from the equation
Death isn't a bad thing in Christianity. That's a common mistake that atheists who have never learned anything about the religion always seem to make.
>dude let me just reprogram these people xD
John Milton was a literal satanist and most Enlightenment thinkers will find themselves identifying with Satan.
Child-raping church despises homosexuality, retard.
Jewish values are the same as christian ones moron. Same god.
Well, they are NPCs after all. And if God is omipotent, he could have done it.
>Yeah, christians are reasonable and responsible for western civilization
>Christians: Oh no, someone has a different belief, let's kill everyone and burn the town
Lucifer ain't equal to Satan even in the Bible IIRC
Eurocucks can't make vidya
Yeah it's called projection to deflect from the rampant homo kiddie diddler priests.
Shalom Chaim!
i am not saying anything of Satanism, you fucking retard, i am saying things about Satan
i am going off of what is said in your good book
as far as i'm concerned your god has been proven irrefutably the greater of two evils
grow up, worship technology unironically
amerimutts sucking of israel yet again
>wants humans to have agency
>wants humans to dedicate themselves to the faith
is god a teenager?
Nigger there are thousands of arguments like this.
Religion makes no sense because people have just made up and added more bullshit throughout the centuries to keep the mob under control.
This is especially apparent in the Jewish crusade that's been taking over the USA since WW2.
Holy based
It was the Romantics who read Milton and found Lucifer compelling. But it's not how Milton had intended it.
fuck your mutt megachurches!
Homosexuals have wormed their way into the church and now commit abuses.
Hey, you are that retard from like a week ago.
You know the one saying priests raping boys is not homosexuality.
Christ was crucified through his wrists, btw.
>free thinker
That would make God a parent, not a teenager. Your parents don't want to force you to be a good person, but they'd still very much like you to be one. You can always spot the teenagers based on their aversion to God wanting His children to be good people of their own accord.
>Hold circle
snoy alert
You the jews and muslims are all the same from where I'm standing. Retarded mary sue god, values none of you actually follow and an urge to force your garbage on others.
brainlet post of the day
lol no, family members are
it bothers that so many people probably older than 20 y/o are unironically thinking this on this board
this was literally my mindset in middle school and its quite embarassing
>Majority religion in in-fighting third world countries with crime rates and poverty well above Christian countries
>Behead those who insult Islam!
I too am thinking.
>it's infiltration! it's not the fact that christians rape children much more often than the non-religious!
>t. Hasn't played the gane
>tells someone to grow up and posts fucking warhammer
Are you? Do you know what parenting is? Because if you're a good parent then you want your kids to arrive at the right conclusions and do their best of their own volition, not because you programmed them to be everything you wanted them to be. There's a difference between mindless subservience and conscious choice regardless of the action being performed.
EUPHORIC the game
We've gotten to the point where following rules to be a good person is being a slave.
How is it possible then that slav Catholics and Orthodox were chill wit each other, while english Proddies and the rest killed each other?
But this is what you faggots are saying all over the place, we read you in these threads and in pol and x
If you can only do that with 2-3 hours on a Sunday morning then you were never going to make the time for that education.
Lucifer and Satan are two titles that can refer to whoever depending on the context.
I'm not talking about ancient history, I'm talking about your behaviour in pol v and x
>All those angry religionfags
I guess I'm getting the shitty ending for using the bitch to help me during boss fights? been 3 times now waiting for the inevitable cost to pay
Based sandnigger kike worshipper
>dumb atheist actually believes this
Ever heard about the Northern Crusades?
>blasphemous threads are going to be religious debate threads
I love this game already
>How is it possible then that slav Catholics and Orthodox were chill wit each other
A good parent doesn't leave their children to raise themselves.
I can understand him wanting to be people of their own accord but why was the alternative to just kill them all off? Why didn't he create jesus at this point?
Imagine living a life with self imposed rules. Fuck Kikestanity
Fuck off and take your money-laundering crime syndicate with you, Gundyaev.
>washing away your sins and repenting yourself through suffering and clearing out evil is anti-christian
The message is that anyone can repent and be rid of their sins, but the road to redemption in the eyes of God is not without suffering.
Stop being a retarded mutt faggot.
I genuinely cannot tell if you're pretending to be retarded or not. Are you unironically a redditor from r/atheism?
Did you expect anything less? Yea Forums is the most underage board on the site. Of course it was going to have "I HATE YOUR SKYDADDY WIZARD IMAGINARY FRIEND" threads.
>God programmed them in the first place
>but REPROGRAM them? Dont be ridiculous!
How many people have you raped and murdered, oh totally epic and nihilistic hardcore no-rules-having one?
God doesn't program people. He gives them free will.
If I was a retarded Redditor then it should be easy for you to convince me I'm in the wrong. I'm asking really basic questions here.
>this is what all liberal tards who are fucking up modern society think
Creating Jesus at that point would have Him getting stoned. People were not ready for the new covenant. That'a like going back in time to teach apes about computer science.
Yet you liberal leftist NPCs self impose not being able to say anything bad about women, faggots, niggers, trannies, mudslimes or jews.
Um actually, you are the kikes for hating Christ(ianity)
>The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (pronounced KY - kel), and for "little circle", kikeleh. Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an 'O' instead of an 'X' a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.".[5]
>love on other people
Weird, I'd argue it's entirely the opposite. I'd argue it's infinitely harder to convince a retard that has not even the most basic grasp of Christianity, than it would be convince someone who actually understands the discussion at hand.
It as Germanoid autism as usual. Not slavic.
Eventually Catholics and Orthodox slavs united to kick them out.
Man, if only we'd been as militant in our atheism as the redditors, we could've kept the Christfags out. But instead we were mature about it and then they subverted our entire board culture.
Yeah, He gave them a personality. A personality that both can do good or evil. It's up to them to choose.
You've probably only been here since 2016, shut the fuck up. "Mature". Fucking faggot lmao
>You've probably only been here since 2016
Give or take a decade
>bump limit
sooooooooo is Blasphemous good or not
>Yeah all diddlers might be homosexuals but it's not homosexuality's fault you dumb bigot!!
>why did god kill the sinners?
>because they were sinners
>why didnt he just reform them?
>well he loves people and wants them to have agency
>if he loves people why would he kill them?
It's not anyone's fault that the reasoning/logic behind most of the biblical stories is fucking shit
t.libtard NPC
Given that you're shocked that there are Christians on Yea Forums, I'm gonna go ahead and stay firm on the 2016 thing.
I win.
>triggers proddies
>makes atheists false flag
Yeah, it's good.
you left out the part where the builder was a titan (or w/e the snownigger version of that is) in disguise, and thats why he got got.
You were literally already told that dying is not a bad thing in Christianity and here you are repeating "BUT THEY DIED!" as if it proves God is evil. Thanks for proving you're an underage fucking retard.
The game mocks Catholicism though
The difference is my parents know they have no real control over how I behave, and they know that trying to force me might even backfire and undermine their intentions.
God, however, has the power power to do that. Its doesn't even have to be about robbing people of their free will. He designed people to be capable of sin, even though he didnt have to.
>treats internet arguments as battles to be won
You are definitely newer than 2006 though because back then there were no Christians here, or they knew to keep quiet at any rate.
I already asked in this thread what's anti Catholic about it and no one said anything.
t. someone who doesn't have a single clue about Catholicism
It says a lot about you that you believe that anyone with an actual ounce of control would and should immediately begin forcing people to do as they're told, whether they want to or not. You've got a mental illness.
>n-no u
Shut up, reddit. You're exposing yourself.
All of it
>happens only in places that hate homosexuals
>the rapists openly hate homosexuals and LGBT
>doesn't happen in places full of homosexuals, happens in church all the time
Sweet victory.
>capable of sin
What's wrong with that? You'd rather us be the angels at the highest choir? And even they chose to do that.
Give one singular example. Just one.
>that rapists openly hate homosexuals
>are LITERALLY homosexuals
imagine being you right now.
>sinners all go to hell
>hell is suffering for all eternity
>god killed a load of sinners
I haven't even been suggesting god is evil. I've been questioning why a deity would need to resort to a purge.
Wasn't even a good purge either. He can send down the angel of death to kill people later on in the bible. Why'd he have to resort to flooding the planet?
Neither does God
>homophobia means ur ghey!
>arachnophobia means you're a spider!
Again, you're only demonstrating your utter lack of knowledge about this topic. Please go and educate yourself before you embarrass yourself like this again in the future, thanks.
t. spider
Dude's been a NEET for 2000 years.
c'mon user, don't just resort to "yea well you're an idiot"
Because each and every single one of those people were evil without hope for redemption.
What? Raping little boys when you're a man means you're gay. Having sexual intercourse (whether consensual or not consensual) with someone of the same sex, means that you are gay. Since the priests are raping almost exclusively little boys, that means that the rapists are gay. Gays are child rapists. Gays are the problem.
Do you follow, mongoloid?
>This number sends Catholics into a frothing rage
>n-no u
>Shut up, reddit. You're exposing yourself.
That's some meta shit my man
>christians rape children
>gays don't rape children
>gays don't rape children
You have literally 0 proof to back yourself up. That's why you get called stupid.
You do know that people who do shit like that loudly espouse disdain for homosexuality as a way of throwing people off of their trail while they do it in secret, right? It's called being a disgusting hypocrite.
>What's wrong with that? You'd rather us be the angels at the highest choir? And even they chose to do that.
>Because of Love. Notice he didn’t kill everyone in the flood.
>Yeah, He gave them a personality. A personality that both can do good or evil. It's up to them to choose.
I'm not. I'm telling you that you're ignorant. I'm not going to sit here and explain the reason He used a flood. I'm not going to sit here and explain how sin works in Christianity. I'm not here to spoonfeed you this basic shit. Learn it for yourself or shut up until you do. Otherwise, everyone can just see how utterly clueless you are and make fun of you, like they've been doing since you got here.
>my man
>men raping boys isn't a homosexual act
Holy fuck you queers really are the most mentally deranged insects on this planet.
Listen m8, if your dad left a fucking note on the table saying to be good and listen to your brother and then fucked off for two thousand years, they'd have CPS on his arse
Homosexual pedos are found everywhere
You're losing it, retard
around 1,25% of catholic priests have pedo problems
around 2,25% of the general population have pedo problems
and keep in mind this is after they started accepting homosexuals as priests with Vatican 2, if not for that it would be even lower
>A man raping a boy is not a gay act
>this is a fallacy in the diseased mind of the homosexual child molester
Fascinating insight into the warped, deluded mind of a child rapist.
You know it's ironic that you're desperately tone policing and watching what you say in order to fit in
and yet you've come out as a fucking Christfag
Really shows we dropped the ball somewhere along the way.
So you'll answer the first few questions but when it gets to the point where you can answer them, you're no longer willing to answer? BASED
>ou'd rather us be the angels at the highest choir?
Why wouldn't you?
Here come the projections.
Go get some lead aspirin, actual pedophile.
Why would you want any opinion from here?
Just pirate and develop a less biased view.
This is just yet another example of the systematic attack on Christianity by media.
They always make sure to report extensively whenever a priest rapes a kid, but they never report on random pedos raping kids.
>unironically redditspacing while trying to prove he isn't reddit
I answered one question of yours. Then it became evident that you don't even understand the religion at its most basic level, so I didn't spoonfeed you any further. Please try to keep up.
>it's a conspiracy against church pedos!
>stop reporting on the organization that is known for pedophilia!
>it's OK to rape children if you're a priest!
>a male having sex with a male isn't gay if it makes us fags look bad
Because singing praises for all eternity scares the shit out of me. I am not designed to be like that. And if there's ever a small chance I do actually get to heaven, I wish to experience other things under His will.
Actually they do report them, just never mention ethnicity to avoid producing racists.