>game has qte
>failing them unlocks secret route
Game has qte
Other urls found in this thread:
QTEs and button mashing in general is shit. I don't want to tear the button pad, damnit.
Name 10 games.
>game has stealth section when it is obviously not made for stealth
that elephant looks like it's having fun
Good thing it's not poisonous snake
yeah, very lucky
SiN did that. Shoot down some billboards or other scenery from the helicopter and you enter the second level through the front door with backup, shoot nothing but the enemy though and you drop into the second level through a hole in the bathroom ceiling (which presumably gets covered up by the shit you could have destroyed)
>when he freaked out at the end for no reason
fucking kekd
Those things bite to grapple you and then strangle things to death. A bullseye hit from that can be more dangerous than your average poisonous snake
>no reason
He more likely heard growl or something from tigger's puffy tummy
what is that thing?
What would you do in that situation? i dont think my metal gear skills would help
how heavy are those things, thats alot of muscle
It was a joke
Also it's VENOMOUS, not poisonous
It can also be poisonous if you eat it user
Well uncooked anyways
that has to be fake, that's at least 40 ft and moves that fast, nah
It lunged with it's head now with his whole body.
thats 200 kg (440 lb) of pure muscle
>Enemies tell you to pick up that can
>boss fight
>scripted loss
What the hell is going on here
Hong Kong
Chinks wishing they were sill under Imperialist rule.
Why is China a cyberpunk dystopia?
When was the last time you gave your kot a bath?
Venomous user.
Oh look, a Khajiit.
>game has enemies in unusual locations
Game has qte
>game has diplomacy options
Police brutality.
Detroit Become Human
It's just a normal day in the People's Republic of China.
being chinese is absolute suffering
>shafted by the mongols
>shafted by the japs
>shafted by the chinese
>shafted by the communist chinese
there's just no end.
what a nuce big kot
SiN is an underrated game.
Just wanna say.
No shit.
The snake politely waits until camera dude turns to film his face.
Like 'wait for it... Wait for it... This is gonna give him such a fright! Oh I'm such a rascal! Teeeheeeheee!"
Also shafted by each other multiple times through history. Genocide is like a national sport to them.
Don't forget
>your sworn enemy, the Japanese people, are redeemed of their crimes and their production of manga and anime is well appreciated world wide, further cementing their good reputation
>you can block NPCs
anyone have that clips of those Argentine cops that pretend they got hit by a car and then arrest the driver?
>NPC can block you
my guy reread the post
Imagine being inside it.
who let tiger into the restroom?
Seems like an ordinary man.
Bikers who bike on the road deserves death
What else were supposed to do? Put it in the litterbox?
Assassin's Creed
What a legend
Imagine going home from work / uni / wtf and you end up in the same train as the protestors and become a collateral
It's a guar.
>enemies can heal other enemies
can you even imagine?
A godless people who only worship money and themselves.
That was amazing to watch live. Say what you want about Trump, but the dude has balls of brass to cross the DMZ.
what you see is the dreams of leftist
Based cyclist
this kills the human
one of those white males
More funny than scary. That was just a warning nose punch, An anaconda that large is or almost is able to eat a full grown man though. Could definitely eat a small woman
fuckin bikies, pull over and let over a dozen people pass ya, ya filthy wanker.
human rights at work
based elephants
State capitalism
>that hesitation on the fourth one
>"nah fuck it"
How fucking big is that thing's stomach?
Those four fish should've been practically the same size as his torso
absolutely based
cyclist scum
It is probably not designed to digest it all by itself, rather store it for GF and babies 50km back in their nest
haha tigre :D
If you're into that: Ezkoz.
The communist dream that the resertera faggots who post here think they want but don't
This together with the instant MISSION FAILED if you're caught is my most hated game gimmick. Almost quit FFXVIIXVX (the one with Noctis) because of it.
have no sympathy for them, their nature leads to their end
>game built around a specific mechanic
>removes that mechanic for one level that makes it nigh impossible
I will never play Freedom Fighters on Hard ever again
>enemy can use your dropped healing potions
the most dangerous predator on the planet
a white male.
swallowed whole monster x cute anime girl is the only acceptable vore.
Incredibly based Chinamen
bear sbrite :DD
This isn't sprite. It's iced green tea.
that's lipton iced tea
Dex +3
Based police, fucking up these subhuman mutt asslickers who aren't allowing normal people to get to their jobs.
Why do you propaganda niggers make shit up?
These faggots literally blocked people from entering the subway and made the subway halt their routes. The police literally did the right thing.
>tianamen square nigger
>being knocked off your mount deals high damage
How much do they pay you to shill? You know you will soon lose your job to AI, right?
>enemies can dispel debuffs you applied off eachother
>Counter attacks are actually reliable
IIRC it's a wild tiger
AI selfdestructs
>AI can recognize physics mishaps
fuck off retarded chink, your subhuman regime is dead within the next 2 decades. prepare for mass poverty and death to spread like the swine flu in your life filled with lies and inhuman retardation.
No, it's not.
It's literally some harmless circus tigger who they just let run around, strangely even after years it didn't attacked anyone yet.
>wh*te dogs
>shlorp shlorp shlorp
>blight town noc
I forget the explanation for this one. It's just a light trick, right?
Fucking crazy animals. They shoot up schools just because you didn't talk to them and ignored them.
fucking pit dogs, gooddd
a magnet at the top abuses water's polarized nature to draw it up
or more likely, didnt understand the gravity of the situation
Can't blame them. Bongs are at least better than mainland China.
There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity.
I'd shoot you for less.
>sneak attack deals bonus damage
that's bullshit isn't it
wrong you stupid cat
Damn right you would.
Fucking white boys. Crazy little shits.
they've all got either potatonigger or actual nigger blood
it's better with sound
What the fuck was his problem?
cats love the crit damage
>the virgin cager
>the chad cyclist
only 10 points until levelup. Crits give xp even if it's against friendlies
It's a strobe light, you fucking troll.
>didnt understand the gravity of the situation
Yeah I'm sure you have a better grasp on geopolitical politics from your computer chair
haha yeah, it sure would be horrible and painful
>light can draw up water
yeah fuck off
why are otters so fucking cute Yea Forumsros
It's not hard to have balls when you're too dumb to grasp what you're doing. It's like saying kids are the bravest amongst us, when they don't really know how badly they can hurt themselves from doing things like putting ones hands on a hot stove eye. That is pretty much Trump for all his decisions. Not bravery, but just a lack of any thought of what he is doing.
>game has fall damage
>think otters are cute
>hear what they sound like
a little less cute
was cot okay?
>enemy can climb trees
I'm getting bonzai kitten flashbacks.
>enemy can be charmed
based kot
Warmer countries are shit to live in. You get all kinds of things that are out to kill you.
This and that other webm with the crit on the eye is why I'll never get a cat.
I'm upset the filename spoiled it, that was impressive.
that was satasfying to watch fuck pit bulls
Strobe light creates the illusion of discrete water drops when it's really just a constant stream. Strobe frequency can create different effects like the illusion of the water drops flowing upward. Look up levitating water to see more of these.
Imagine if you tickled that motherfucker and he fell
>prepare for mass poverty and death to spread like the swine flu in your life filled with lies and inhuman retardation.
>game has speed powerups
it's a cat you dumby, of course it's okay
Hong Kong. China enforces its statism under slogans calling for order.
The water isn't going upwards. It's being trickled downwards in a steady rhythm of drops. Inside the container there's a setup of strobe lights that illuminate the droplets at precise vertical positions. By adjusting the frequency of lights you can create an illusion that a doplet is traveling upwards when in actuality what you think you're seeing as one droplets elevated position is actually the next droplets position slightly before the previous one's illumination. With an exact frequency the droplets appear to stop. Deviating to either direction from that makes them appear to travel slowly or quickly downwards or upwards. But all of it is just an illusion based on the light reflecting off of the water.
>Guy just stands there
>She doesn't fight back
CUTE python
Gonna say that the user you were talking to has a very high chance to actually know more than Trump about diplomacy, not very hard when you're up against a dude who essentially a meme before getting into politics. Started out as a Democrat too, and people treated him like an idiot back then, since they know he doesn't have any ideology beyond "give me praise" in his body.
Guy can't decide with who to side, his cat or girlfriend who provoked his cat
I bet this cat exclusively uses AK-47 with no attachments and constantly complains about other players' use of noobtubes
That user ain't even an elected official, seems pretty stupid if his knowledge expands so far and can't even get a single vote.
Just what I think though, feel free to cope "New person"
>when you decide to use all the rare super powerup like full restores and revives
>enemies punish you for picking up the wrong item
>Blood of heroes.webm
>game has a stress mechanic
>friendly npcs are invincible
>enemies who found a treasurechest before you act as mimic
>game doesn't have fall damage
>secret vendor is a bird
Imagine feeling him breath and the window slooowly begin to creak and shatter.
>you can avoid all the enemies by just running past them
>game has customizedable outfits
>game has you solve complicated philosophical issues
your art is shit mate, stop it
>Game has terrain advantage
Look at those ears flap.
imagine tasting that and now having to go back to eating berries and shit for the rest of your life
>game has perfect guards
They weren't cops, they were military personnel. Just google "gendarme argentina protesta" and it should come up.
>attacks have 95% hit chance
Tfw kaittykat doesnt update enough
In Fallout 4 I killed every single enemy on both sides of the Robot vs Super Mutant battle in the Boston public library before they could kill each other by burning 30 Jet once
Course it's not as impressive as doing the same with Turbo in FNV because Jet is too damn easy to acquire in massive amounts in Fo4
>game has friendly fire on even before the round starts
Of course none of the replies have anything to do with what is factually happning there.
Women orgasm from riding horses. That horse chucked her because that slut was cumming all over its back. Hell, you can see she was still going even after she got thrown.
>game has cyborks
>enemies pathing AI can solve complex situations
>tfw friends roomate went dressed as a certain blue haired anime girl who has invisible panties on
>fucking hid the dick and balls with skin matched tape
>fucking pale ass was hanging out underneath skirt
still makes me laugh
>enemies can open doors
Adding god to this shit would only turn them into pedophiles.
One of the few things chinks did well was not bowing to jewish idols.
he's happy but also miserable and suffering deep inside
Did you fuck him?
he's so fucking happy holy shit
wait was he doing cartweels?
pepe loving white nationlists getting what they deserve
Nothing makes me smile more then hearing that python flop to the floor
>enemies can be tricked
>npcs punish you for using items at the wrong time
Oh god he look comfy
nah, he ended up fucking two buff dudes cosplaying as ichigo and spike
>enemy attacks can clip through solid objects and one-shot you
Its you that has the shit taste.
mostly surprised it seemed ok for the most part
He's coveting the soft, warm fur that he can never have.
I wonder if he's happy because all the humans were making a fuss or because he understand the implications of what had happened.
Cringe but also a little based.
some are doggos, some are pupperinos.
there are fluffers, floofs and even boofers.
chunky ones are thicc. thin ones? long bois.
they blop and, yes, they certainly bork.
one thing's for sure: they're all h*ckin' good boys and girls.
>so happy he licks the camera
Snow is a hell of a cushion.
>you can give harmful items to enemies
>Dude doesn't wash his hands
That cat looks like it has eyeliner on.
Holy shit where can I get a cat like that from?
He has to understand, you do realize that he'd be walking all fucked up with his nubs and has to realize he has a normal center of gravity now
A big one like that is easily 200+ burgers
>enemies can make use of terrain
based elephant
LSU needs to stop letting Mike roam free. Somebody is bound to get hurt.
What do you think is going through this lads head right now?
Smart bun
no hump? :(
>it's taking a long time to get around this object
>I'll go some other way instead
>that worried good job at the end
>expect some twist
>it's just two chicks making out
cool I guess
snakes are absolutely retarded animals so probably nothing.
Not as bad as the orange dude drinking from a faucet in a public restroom
this would be hotter if it was two men
me and my mom spending time together on a bonding session :)
I had 5 cats and not one of them did anything like this.
If you aren't femoid trash, they quickly learn respect. No need to punish them or anything, just holding them against their will when at the vet or teaching them something is enough to show them that you're stronger.
Still, I wouldn't recommend getting a cat because they get ill easily and then vomit a lot.
wow rude
did they eat the legs
He's probably having the time of his life
>enemies can be caught unaware
No, SiN is crap and deserved to fail.
>you can stack foodbuffs
cry more faggot
that's it
this is the cutest thing in the thread
nothing will top this
Get the fuck out of here.
take this
>game has invincible enemies
this thread is webm related
im leaving this thread now in fear of the webm of the cat being thrown in the washing machine by a chink insect
>level is designed to give you damage no matter what you do
I like how camera dude got scared too
jesus that guy is fucking crazy. Reminds me when we bought some cat milk. We have two cats are they are very competitive about food. So when my mom dumped all of it in their drinking cups they first went crazy, then slowed down, then kept looking at eachoter long and longer, until at some point they gave up because they were full. They drank way more than they wanted because they were afraid the other was going to steal it.
Me on the left.
>nosferatu embracing.webm
ahh god he's too cute i want to be an elephant in a park for my next life.
Not in the sense we do. He understands that something happened to him, he felt that something was wrong with his legs and he could not use them. He understands that humans have done something that helps him use them again. They (legs) dont feel just right, but he can run and has as normal center of gravity, as user said.
Why the fuck are there double lines everywhere in the US?
The comic? Dr Stone, it's not porn.
Now that's what I call brown nosing
no its just a fact, snakes are not smart animals at all.
You haven't seen the one with the corgi being thrown out of an airplane
based wind cucking him out of flying away safely
is he supposed to do a weak little cuck hop or is he supposed to jump as far as he can
>Long curve
Whites retro-actively excusing niggers of their riotous behavior.
>Dabs to find a mate.
Not so different, you and I
>enemies can look like harmless objects
Id give this bunny a medal for this cleverness.
as much balls as a guy who crosses into a zoo enclosure to wrestle a gorilla
and just as much brains
Christianity is actually surging really hard in China, protestantism in particular.
>npcs are autistic
>not naming the webm Phoon
>Ally betrays you
Probably didn't want to get into water and get entangled with parachute. So neither. Just don't jump from there.
>game has fluid physics
Dr. Stone
When i was a kid, i used to get rock hard think about being absorbed by cell, like he absorbed 18... how would you call that fetish?
Supposed to jump as farther away, but the wind fucks him up regardless.
based doggo
what kind of animals are those
>game has infinite combos
its a thin line*
Isn't shit like that pretty bad for animals?
>Unlocked perk: animal companion
homo erect us
>you can style on enemies
shovel dog hidden in a webm any second now
That little dip under the horns then straight for the jugular
>enemies can swallow you whole
>Naming your cat Lucifer
This is like the 100th time I've watched this and I just realised that the snake is only like 4ft, it's just filmed in a weird way.
>perk: animal friend
>affects all non-mutated animals
>99% of animals in the game are mutated and the ones that aren't mutated are not hostile in the first place
fucking New Vegas piece of shit
nerve gas
was that nerve gas or mustard gas
>enemies can be charmed
Pretty sure it's just a huge beer bottle filled with air, that exploded.
>>boss fight
>>scripted loss
This is giving off so many vibes, Hollywood ones too.
>a young gorgeous belle meets some seedy sleazy manipulative fuck
>Chicago in 1920's
etc etc
>You can turn into an enemy at random
but why did it instakill the dog
RIP jimbo.
awww :3
This guy is retarded
>player invests all of his points into luck
>enemies can rendezook
Dumb gator, I was hoping it was going to chomp the tire
>npcs are very pretty
>Ron Paulites
as much as I am disgusted by the ephermally stupid US retards. china needs to be gone from world theater before they ruin other countries as well.
God I hate this
It's cool and terrifying that people do this all the time
This is a dude.
Air pressure too strong. Have you seen what happens when a truck tire explodes? You best not be standing close to it or you'll get fucked as well. youtu.be
jeez louis
god I want to mate press a lioness so goddamn badly.
>Earlier defeated enemy returns to help the protagonist
I don't like black people.
They communicate through autistic screeching. It's cute but also annoying as fuck.
God I want to mate press a lion so badly
>enemies can disguise themselves as different enemies
>applying buffs to wild creatures increases their disposition all the way until neutral and even ally
That fucking filename, keke
>happily flapping ears and doonking its head all around
Man, I wish I could have such a good time
How the fuck can one dog contain that much happiness
Wholesome as fuck.
Why don't cats express emotion that clearly?
>T-shirt and shorts on Christmas
Supposedly because they never get the satisfaction and stimuli of catching anything, and stresses them out
But probably just nu age shit psychology
I love this so much, Adelies are on another level.
Why was it such a big deal?
He looks like a perverted Hollywood Jew molesting some young actress. Nothing about that is comfy unless you are the Hollywood Jew.
i want her to step on me
>game has secret route that lets you romance the villain with high enough CHA
It's fine if it's just with the closest family.
Cats are natural born predators
what the fuck is wrong with animals?
Holy shit, Hugh Hefner's still kicking?
>you can dump enough points into stealth to overcome your size penalty
they are just too cool to care
The one with the screaming soi boi is actual damage. This thot just got slapped without claws.
Usually, cats are pretty chill if you're chill. You need to learn to read their body-language though, and not allow them to do stupid things around you.
Like, for example, it might seem cute when your cat gets up on the recliner and sits on your leg until he loses his balance and tries to catch himself with his claws and lacerates the shit out of you.
You're talking as if there aren't humans who like to eat feces too.
In birds it's nearly always the flamboyant-looking one that's male
>Nord-Khajiit marriage.
>you can trick enemies
Herbivore shit isn't as dangerous as omnivore shit.
Bear Grylls drinks shitwater from elephant shit in one of this videos.
This is because herbivore shit is low in energy, so it mostly ferments, while omnivore shit instead tends to rot.
>me driving on the motorway at 100mph on european motorway
>guy comes barelling up behind him
>let him through because not autistic
>meanwhile in cyclism "m-muh road" autismland
>and this is our sons room
>when you get a legendary drop but your game crashes before you can save
>enemies have no motivation for their actions
screw you faggot
Only happened because of rape and not altruism
I like to play this game with my friend's rottweiler
Rape can be done out of altruism also
Why? What would they do to president of the USA? If they do something America would have to retaliate, and North Korea wouldn't win that war.
Orcas are smart enough to get bored. Maybe they thought it was fun.
I hate all animals aside from cats and chickens. Growing up with dogs, goats, and llamas was a fucking nightmare. Noisy drooly stinky fucks. At least cats are clean and chickens give you eggs.
>they're only pulling with their legs
>not with their arms too
This shit is why I love cats. Bitch, do you see how small it is? Fight back!
Horny anime girl with heart pupils makes the most disgusting shit sound appealing, watch:
>Imagine being naked and submerged in melted cheddar, then getting slowly eaten by ants
>tfw no one will ever gently rape you for your benefit
>When an NPC becomes hostile for no reason
>Damage aura does not affect allies
aw shucks
Ewwwww fermented cow exudate
Loud explosion and pressure wave probably stunned/knocked it out
He tries it twice and learns on the third one. Wish they'd show it in these webms, because you can see the realization dawn in his eyes. It's great stuff.
>Attacking the enemy before they finish charging up
imagine slurping the liquid shit out of a hairy dude's sweaty ass hole..... mmmmmmmm
imagine if you were human and this would happen to you
that's a good boy right there
>when you were a snake in a past life
The thumbnail got me really scared. I thought he had a shear on the dog neck
>when a "nice guy" won't leave you alone
dude you dont want a mole rat or a Bighorner ot leave you alone? i just us jpcc to force control them if i find them, now i have 3 mole rats and 5 big horners.
God I remember watching this video at night in 2011 on my shitty Packard Bell PC.
tf do you even do in this situation besides hoping it wont kill you
>implying anyone will ever be interested in trannies
looks like that pepper challenged Makoa
It's so weird I'm not scared of dying and I do reckless shit that could kill me all the time, but heights for some reason scare the shit out of me like I can't watch that video without my bpm going to 150s
I am a human.
wtf happened
Because most roads were built when the fastest cars could only go 40, full throttle, so they are curvy and blind as fuck. If you're in the left lane overtaking, and some newly-minted high-school learner is drifting around a corner at 90 mph, you're fucking dead. Most markings are engineered with a safety margin of 15 mph over the posted limit. If the limit on a road is 55, you can only have dashed lines when two oncoming drivers with a total closing speed of 140 mph can react to each other and safely break off. Things that could obstruct direct vision necessary for reaction include tight turns, hills, roadside obstructions, summer overgrowth, and even orientation of the road direction in reference to the rising or setting sun.
Isn't that how goth people dance?
That's a very lewd cat.
Post the one where it lays atop the dude and starts licking his face
And gay
I think the most offensive thing about political comics or comics pushing an agenda is the fact you can tell they put no effort into their art. They just scribble and try to write though provoking shit around it because they know they can get away with it if there's a cheap laugh somewhere in there.
Imagine if you were human and this happened to you.
What's your favorite mech user? Mine's FatShoe
Orcas, the blacks of the sea
cute bat
I want to pet a Tiger
Not giving them free elections then beating the people who try to say otherwise is definitely the right thing, yep
You can't stop the Buck(master).
>Charisma build
enough so that idiots like we can even understand a different species
Despite how it looks, everyone survived this.
You gotta respect the struggle of hot women.
>free elections
Are you retarded? The protests have nothing to do with any kind of elections. It's about the extradition bill. Do you fucks even know what you're talking about?
God, I fucking hate faggots like you and your media.
That's some Gravity shit
stop lusting over cats
Rhinos are really chill animals. Same with cheetahs. Unless you aggressively enter their territory or go after their young they are relatively indifferent, sorta like oversized cows with horns. Hippos, on the other hand, are absolute dickholes regardless of your actions.
why did God make them so hot
>kitty lets go
>everyone falls on their ass
>*laughs in cat*
How exactly do you not get a boner in this situation?
This is why I declawed my cat.
Atleast wear a parachute or something.
elephants remember what pissed them off
Pretty difficult to move your arms to pull when you can't budge the rope, basement dweller
>tfw you finally get your hands on a filthy phoneposter
To tempt the faithful
But you must remain strong, the Bible forbids sex with anything but females and underage children of your species.
I liked the broodmare, though honestly I enjoy using most of them
kettle was best vehicle
Cats are autistic.
yikes, don't look
Eels are either total sweethearts or they rip your fingers off. It's extreme.
Oh, the Epic employees already woke up I see.
Damn how can a boy like that be so calm I would've freaked
number 1 mammal killer in africa. > snakesa nd crocs
You need to spend hours with one doing nothing threatening in order to get them to trust you but after that they'll remember you for years
Probably in shock.
>50 social credit points have been added to your account
How do you know
Stupid people don't suffer from sensory overload, I'd bet money this fucking moron had her tap sounds on and had something blaring from the speakers at volume 11/10
Your body has a natural response to threats. Maybe if you do it enough yourself, you can stop having fear of it, but otherwise it's only natural that your body will try and preserve itself.
Yeah, one of the better endings for an otherwise shit story.
>free elections
No such thing.
>then beating the people who try to say otherwise is definitely the right thing
You do realize that the portesters have been attacking the police way before the police started engaging them in any serious force? Plus the protesters were blocking multiple railways and at some point police had to react. At first they didn't do much, but as the protesters got more cocky and aggressive, the police had to react.
Shell shock.
And here comes reddit.
So after the shock he's going to freak right. Poor boy. Fucking Assad.
Learn to roman numerals faggot.
RE6 may have been a terrible RE game, but at least you could toggle off QTE. Worst mechanic forced into every game for a fucking decade.
>anyone who isn't a PRC shill is reddit
How was that footage captured? Someone just stood next to the bear and filmed that?
anal vore
bears wont attack you if you give them soft drinks
>fucking assad
If your cat actually liked you, you wouldn't need to.
>give a thruthful neutral stance explaining what is happening
>waah you're a chink
In this case you're reddit or a CIA nigger. Pick your poison.
Just trim their nails. Declawing them is bad for them
Taking that trunk like a fuckin champ fuck sauce???
don't care about the retards that do this, but that's fucked up for those below if you get killed by some random idiot that fell off the tower doing stupid stunts.
>at least you could toggle off QTE
That must have been some patch thing to fuck over pirates or something because my free copy never had that option and the invincible chinese vore monster was built around a button mash QTE that was somewhere between 20 and 2000Hz. Hmm... I just wonder why Capcom thought in advance that their game might not be attracting that many paying customers...Sure is a mystery
God my dick is fuggin hard right now
I love that he manages to smash into the single exposed slab within 20 meters of where he hits.
Every single fucking time
>Police force halts crime
>"B-but what if they were innocent"
Fuck off you faggots, all you pieces of shit do is try to imagine scenarios in which you're persecuted to excuse crime, actually fucking kill yourself, or better yet, go to Somalia where the police for is non active so when you get beheaded you can be happy the the police didn't brutally murder those poor criminals
Russians keep them as pets
Pretty sure user is just memeing, still got an excuse to post the link with the interview.
>too much for zblock
t. useful idiot
based homuposter
just know that you did god's work here m8
>you're a useful idiot for not blindly following disinformation campaigns and questioning the mainstream narrative
Nice logic, faggot.
Fermentation and rotting are the same thing retard
The best part about political comics isn't their content but imagining how assmad the artist is and was to have drawn them.
I sure hope you're a wumao because being a bootlicking faggot defending an oppressive regime like the CCP for free is just sad and pathetic and honestly worthy of involuntary assisted suicide.
That's just Stepan, right?
What is SiN?
This, it's exactly the same as those butthurt MSpaint comics anons use as arguments, just extreme asshurt in the form of a drawing
Rape is the disregard of bodily autonomy and ignores consent
>An NPC is the loading symbol
some people are better off after getting raped
boomer shooter that was killed by half-life
>starts firing it randomly
>raises it over his head in triumph
based Coldzera
>NPCs have friendly fire on
how about truth edits of creepy incels' comics?
what are you supposed to wear?
>server stopped responding
Gotta love how your faggot ass gives zero factual response and just uses buzzwords. I think that alone speaks more either about your motives or your intellect.
These are done for comedy, not for political statements
Hemp robes and an uncomfortable shirt made of horse hair.
You're also supposed to whip yourself and only consume bread and water.
Motherfucker, made me giggle.
I think that's true to an extent, like if you have a feather on a stick or something. If you don't let it catch it periodically, it might eventually not be so keen on playing with it anymore.
Imagine defending fucking the Chinese government
you are the joke user
Fireden didn't grab it, what was it?