They did nothing wrong
They did nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
They killed Nerevar in cold blood. They deserved the horrible ends they all got.
Nerevar was a cunt
I want to fuck the blue one
Lies and slander.
they did godhood and immortality wrong considering they are all dead now
Then youre a hypocrite if you beat the game. And you should kill yourself for going against your beliefs
I've never played the game
They literally did everything wrong though
Then you should kill yourself just to see what its like.
Is Vivec dead too?
He vanished, better keep that character for the next Elder Scrolls
Redpills me on them
What did they even do?
missing, presumed dead or at least powerless considering the moon he had kept from crashing into his city crashed into his city
Worthless fucking traitors died like traitors do. If you didn't kill Vivec your Morrowind save is incomplete.
>the moon he had kept from crashing into his city crashed into his city
Worse than that: The impact triggered an eruption of Red Mountain that decimated the entire island. The Telvanni are the only ones that can settle the area. It's implied that all the Ashlander tribes are dead.
what does almalexia smell like?
dilate, you will never be a real god, vivec
Sour lemon
Vivec had gay sex with Molag Bal while daedra circlejerked around them.
4,000 year old ash yams and treason.
He teleported into the 5th Era and on to one of the moons.
He said he would let the moon crash if the people ever stopped revering him or something to that effect, he could still have power.
Who knew putting a living god on trial is a pretty surefire way to get fucked by a giant rock
rotting corpse
Considering that killing Vivec is one of the main quest decisions they'll never confirm him alive since it would mean any playthrough you used the jury-rigged wraithguard in is noncanon.
Bethesda doesn't like telling the player "no", it informs all of their game design and story decisions and they especially hate making any major decisions noncanon. They hate it so much that they even went and made all of Daggerfall's contradictory endings canon.
>Had a war against the dwarves
>Won the war because dwarves dissapeared
>left with kragenaracs tools and the Heart of Lorkhan
>Dagoth Ur knew of the power you could get from these and warned Nerevar because he was a bro
>Nerevar agreed with Dagoth and kept themselves from tapping into its power
>Vivec, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil were like "nah fuck that shit we gods now"
>They murder Nerevar and then tried to kill Dagoth
>Dagoth having no other choice turned himself into a god to keep the rest of the Tribunal away
Tribunal are cunts and Dagoth was the tragic hero of Morrowind
They stole the power of godhood and murdered their closest friend and the most beloved hero of the Dunmer (then Chimer) to do so. Vivec and Almalexia then went on a lying spree, forming a religion that quickly became the official state religion of Morrowind whose dogma states that they were always gods all along and their previous religion was misguided.
Before the advent of the Tribunal Temple, the Dunmer used to worship the Daedra. Three Daedra went along with Vivec's deceptions and were allowed to continue to be worshiped as lesser gods known as "The Good Daedra", each one serving under a corresponding member of the Tribunal. The Daedra that went against the Tribunal were removed from (or rather turned into the villains of) the Dunmer pantheon and their abandoned temples became the Daedric ruins you find throughout the game.
The dude they murdered was of course set up as a saint in their new religion and they came up with a story that he was killed in battle, framing Dagoth Ur for it.
Basically they're what happens when those JRPG villains that conspire to become gods actually succeed long term, and in the end it's Vivec's fault that Vvardenfell was ruined because he turned an attack from Sheogorath into a dead man's switch, ensuring that if the day would ever come (spoiler: it does) that he is no longer worshiped then his former subjects will go down with him.
lol Molag Bal is a fag
>Your Spear skill increased
every time
>Spear is tied to Endurance
What did they meme by this?
Vivec's head*
It's pretty hilarious even from an in universe perspective that the dunmer have holy scriptures written by their god that talks about that time he got facefucked by the daedric prince of rape.
>[This passage has been censored by order of the Temple.]
How are Morrowind's beaches?
I can forgive sotha sil he was a cool guy
He was a reclusive, arrogant shithead.
sotha sil did nothing wrong
Surviving Mournhold sure wasn't right.
Their hubris led directly to the destruction of Morrowind and turning the dungmer people into refugees and dependent on their betters for survival.
Nothing wrong with that so story checks out.
Yes unless no. It's up to your playthrough.
Sotha Sil did nothing. He is the Ringo of the Tribunal.
I think you got it a little backwards.
The three "good daedra" were already the 3 main ones they were worshipping.
The Tribunal lied and said that they had mantled as avatars of these 3 daedra and that worshipping them was worshipping the daedra. The chimer fell for it. They had completely stopped worshipping the daedra thinking the tribunal were serving as a legitimate proxy for them.
Asura did not "go along with it", she was so butthurt she cursed them all grey(into dunmer). Boethiah and Mephala seem to have been indifferent. While I can't see them being happy about being cast aside, when the domains you rule over are betrayal, lies, secrets, etc. you probably can't help but go "okay that was sick"
Dunmer are practical people. They honor and venerate the Daedra and know how they work. They know that, eventually, you're going to get facefucked by a Daedra. Oblivion is like Corruption of Champions or some shit man. Either you're getting raped or you're the one doing the raping.
You do realize Sotha Sil is the one who originally engineered the plan right? The whole thing was found to be possible by him. Sure he later felt kind of bad about it later and he had the other two pushing him certainly but it's his knowledge and engineering that brought the Tribunal to power.
It only seems like nothing because The games have dicked him out of getting much of a spotlight. Which is a shame because he's IMO one of the more interesting figures in the lore when he pops up.
Now that I think about it, rape is a central intrinsic concept to the Tribunal in general. Their apotheosis was a monumental act of treachery. One thing that Vivec writes about repeatedly is "Reach heaven by violence." It is an act of violence against nature, defilement of trust, and destruction of that which is just.
Sotha Sil died after Almalexia betrayed him. Almalexia died by the Nerevarine's hand. Vivec either ceased to exist or was killed as well. They were destroyed in the same manner they were created: Via paradox and irony. A mortal soul returned from death to kill the gods that empowered themselves at its expense.
It's all very poetic.
Between you and Trainwiz that makes 2. Southa is rightfully an after thought in TES lore. He missed his window to be relevant.
>You do realize Sotha Sil is the one who originally engineered the plan right? The whole thing was found to be possible by him. Sure he later felt kind of bad about it later and he had the other two pushing him certainly but it's his knowledge and engineering that brought the Tribunal to power.
He also seems to be the one who actually did something wortwhile with his power though. And like you said, he showed the most remorse of them by accepting the curse and taking the punishment by going full Dunmer.
Almalexia is an asshole but i hate Vivec most of them. I think it's the constant forum and lore circlejerk that made me hate Vivec.
Was Foul Murder really that important? Did Tribunal think that Nerevarine will never find his way home if he is a desert-nigga or a tree?
I mean, if the Nerevarine prophecy did not include "On a certain day, to uncertain parents, incarnate moon and star reborn" it would probably matter.
If the ashlanders only thought that nerevarine could be reborn as Dunmer i'd say foul murder would minimize the risk for the Tribunal.
He’s got tons of fans nowadays, thanks to a certain online game
If every fan of the MMO was a fan of Southa it still wouldn't equal tons.
He is a footnote in TES lore and rightfully so. Shalidor is more relevant than he is and Shalidor isn't relevant at all.
Shalidor is a literal cuckold and has no fans though.
I know one other dude who likes him as well. And fair enough it makes sense as to why he's an after thought now but I still like him none the less.
Funnily enough same dude I'm talking about hates vivec for the same reason you do. And yeah he really is the only one to do anything worthwhile with his power.
>ywn be Symmachus and bully young Barenziah before marrying her
>killing their king in cold blood
>Almalexia killing her husband
They deserved their comuppance long, long ago.
ESO has a lot of players. I constantly see posts about people wanting to fuck Sotha Sil now
Considering how many ancient religions incorporated sex into their scripture the amount of innuendos in morrowind is pretty fitting
ESO was a mistake. The audience they brought in wasn't worth it.
No, user. You're an Idiot. Vehk, Seht, and Ayem killed Nerevar. Vivec, Sotha Sil and Almalexia did nothing wrong.
Liking him is fine. There are a great many interesting lesser tier characters in TES to latch on to.
Fans of them don't usually try to make them out to be anything other than what they are.
Southa's fans want him to be considered far more relevant than what he is.
Not their fault Lemon Turtle made Sotha Sil super attractive
They are the same people dumbass.
ESO was always a mistake.
They all did, and sotha sil mourns and regrets for what he did.
On a side note I hope Bethesda heavily moderates all mods going forward. Waifugfags need to be purged from the fanbase.
They won’t, thankfully
The lore from that game is such a clusterfuck they will have to do what they did to fallout Tactics to unfuck things.
Say the high level events are canon and nothing else.
If not outright they could release a steady stream of patches designed to fuck over waifufags.
They never will, people really have no idea how Todd operates, I laugh when I see predictions like 'creation club will replace modding' or some shit like that which goes so wholly against his philosophy. Even from a business perspective it makes no sense because modding is how they get new creation club partners in the first place.
im really curious to hear what you think such a patch would entail, bearing in mind they likely don't want to put limitations in place that hamper legitimate mods
They won’t.
That pic looks like Blanche's stuff, wtf?
They were Altmeri spies with the sole purpose of cementing the Dunmer downfall.
They convinced their countrymen that they were happy eating ash consisting of their ancestors flesh and bone.
Vivec's actions alone, without the Lessons even revealing anything, proves they were pieces of shit and not gods in any way.
I don't know. I just want the waifu degenerates gone by hook or by crook.
They are a festering cyst that needs removing.
Waifu fags are a nuisance but they aren't the end of the world. Wish they would stop shitting up threads where people are just discussing lore though.
That is the reason I want them gone. If they just stayed in the containment board on /vg/ they would be fine. Far too often they shit up actual threads.
They gotta go.
I'll admit I'm blackpilled on the topic. Been here for a decade and even looking in their direction will ruin your thread. Its best to just act like they don't exist and then just shamelessly report any post they make with an image attached.
Its pussy shit but there are entire groups on Yea Forums that are not reasonable and we don't have any recourse.
Dagoth did nothing wrong. He a loyal boi.
annoys the shit out of me that dagoth's recorded lines don't line up with his text dialogue. in reality he's unsure if you're nerevar and he refuses surrender
Does he have any lines after you enter the heart chamber?
When I played I jumped to the heart platform he jumped into the lava and ooofed while I did my thing.
Was there supposed to be points with more exposition as we fought or was the ante chamber speech all there was?
>your spear skill increased to 6
his fucking dick got stronger
I'm pretty sure what he means with the "it's not too late for my mercy" bit is that he'll kill you quickly and painlessly if you stop struggling, not that he'll let you go. So at least that part doesn't really contradict. Honestly they're just the typical boasts and taunts you'd expect from a god-complex villain in any game so I never paid them much mind, but yeah it is quite different from the actual conversation you have with him before the fight.
He wasn't unsure in any way. He knew who you are and he didn't want to have to kill you if he didn't have to.
He was Nerevar's closest friend in life and when Nerevarine meets him he hopes you've learned the truth about how the Tribunal betrayed you both and an understanding could be made to happen.
His hope is that he could truly greet you as a friend because that is who you are to him. A friend that shares a special indignity thru the Tribunal and that you would agree with his methods.
That's a funny way of saying they did everything wrong
Only if you are a fan of the dungmer. If you dislike the dungmer they are fucking heroes.
I dislike Dunmer to almost Pelinel levels and I still think what the Tribunal did to them was utter shit tier.