Damn, 50 whole minutes

Damn, 50 whole minutes...

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The FF7R event is going to be 40-45 minutes long, so I don't get what the big deal is.

That's almost as long as all the gameplay in any MGS game!

30 will be random cutscenes and probably 3 piss.

damn.. 50 mins of walking and babby

damn.. 50 mins of walking and pissing and shitting


Attached: 1563874258978.jpg (752x666, 194K)

>"The easiest way to make money is to cater to children"

When will we see it?

>the easiest way to earn cool kid points is to take jabs at deisgnated memes


gameplay xD movie xD peeing xD walking xD

Anything else?

Will Death Stranding even be good? I was excited for it after the reveal, but everything they've shown so far looks boring as fuck.

This isn't the event. The event is 70 minutes. This is the gameplay footage.

cant wait its gonna be great

it's a kojima game, there is no gameplay retard

Did you play any of his games at all? Last game he made had so few cutscenes people complained. Fuck you are stupid, can you say anything at all without being a complete retard?

There's nothing to """ play""" you can just watch them on Youtube, Kojidrone

Is he gonna show bits from all cutscenes like with mgsV trailers to form the false impression that there's more, while in fact everything has already been shown?

I loved the MGS games growing up and thought Zone of the Enders was pretty fun but I don't think that Death Stranding is going to be any good. I really fucking hate it when big name actors appear in games.

You watch multiplayer games on youtube? Have you ever tried playing a game?

Fucking hack fraud

I bet thats all you do, watch games on youtube. You dont know shit about videogames, propably a poorfag aswell, thats why you have the time to shitpost all day. Sad!

Not really, you already said everything there is to the ""game""


>propably a poorfag aswell
You just described 2/3rds of Yea Forums its full of underage and/or poor people who can't afford multiple systems/games.

>"The easiest way to make money is to build up a cult-like following by making confusing games that contradicts itself and doesn't make any self. I can market it as "smart" and trick pseudo-intellectuals into buying it and appearing smart by pretending to me smart and analyzing it while growing my burgeoning cult." - Hidemy Kojimbos

>coping THIS hard

>Autistic Yea Forumstard crumbling down and raging with all kinds of typos

Can you imagine the person that typed this? What a fucking loser, gives me second hand embarrassment.

SEEEEEEEEEEETHING jap cock slurper

user, do you have depression?

fucking dumbass does he honestly believe people will sit there for 40mins watching some dude take a piss and walk around doing nothing?

I will. Stay mad.


Kojima hate thread

The kojima rage is glorious. It's the best when retards are legit pissed off at someone instead of actually trolling
Keep coping and wasting your life away. The rest of us are having a blast

Theres this one delivery mission where you deliver a cibernetic arm to none other than Keanu Reeves. Its a short cameo as he only appears in this mission as an hologram.

You did not read this from me

>begging people to post in your thread
Jesus user. Even the Final Fatansy XV autist isn't that bad.

i would prefer loli than toddler

>My Hollywood friends and me: The Movie: The Game, starring Jeff from the Game Awards series

Absolutely based. 100% this. /thread

You're right, but you're too long winded. Wrap it up quicker next time.

>The easiest way to make money is to make a cinematic experience with no gameplay that caters to the lowest common denominator of normies that don't even play videogames so even braindead mutilated baboons can finish it.

Attached: 177972.jpg (2608x1744, 404K)

That doesn't sound particularly easy.

49 is not 50 you absolute fucking retards.
>needing to round to ten in whole numbers
Fucking idiots

standing on the edge
of the crater like previous game said
whispers in the air, shill the twitts of Kojimbo
defecation, urination
what a mess we made, walking simulator

Kojima is such a movie buff but he wants to make us sit through 20 hours of Norman fucking Reedus "acting".

I'd buy into anything he's doing, but I'm really not looking forward to that shit.

What a pretentious fucking hack

You know what, 49 minutes of gameplay in a kojima game is pretty good though,