>buy stadia game, play it for 10 years
>$60 controller required, that’s it
>total cost, $60 + game

>buy PS4/Xbox game
>2 $350 consoles, 10 years multiplayer for $600, inevitably buy the game again next gen for $60
>total cost, $1360 + game

What’s the problem again?

Attached: 706AA183-EC05-463A-B953-782B9FC4159E.png (327x316, 208K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>buy a pc
>pirate everything
whats the problem again?

based and op mega btfo

>stadia being around for 10 years
Pretty optimistic.


Quick bump.

>Implying Stadia will be around in 10 years
>Implying you have any say with what you get to play when it's not your own hardware
>2 $350 consoles
Not everyone can afford, or care to if they can, be an idort.
>10 years multiplayer for $600
>Playing online, ever
>inevitably buy the game again next gen for $60
Only retards do this.
Stadia and its ilk will kill gaming in a similar way phones have all but killed portable gaming, and encroaching real gaming with their monetization shit. Have fun with no mods, no backups WHEN servers go down, and being told which versions of games you can play.

We had this EXACT same thread earlier fuck off marketer.

>What’s the problem again?
We JUST had this thread and you answered non of the questions.
in all honesty I still don't see why you are excited about stadia.

Attached: 1566994471116.jpg (600x564, 49K)

>in all honesty I still don't see why you are excited about stadia.
because he's either paid or just a contrarian

You forgot the $100 a month for an internet connection, you dumb fucking retard.

>total cost, $60 + game
you forgot the $1200 monthly subscription
$1260 for a game with unplayable input lag is a bit steep my friend

>spend 2000 dollars for high end PC
>upgrade it at least once during those ten years
>now in debt

I'd hope that to compete Microsoft and Sony got rid of their paid service and just factored in the cost to the price of the console but I doubt they're going to have to.
Stadia sounds like ass.

or underage and therefore the next big target audience for everything vidya related

Developers can't even offer trouble free gaming for games that require an always online connection, let alone for games that are going to be fucking streamed.

Enjoy your regular drop outs, not being able to play games when you don't have internet, not being able to play games whenever the fuck you want due to factors outside of your control, enjoy your ridiculous input lag, enjoy your no mods, no private servers, no user created content of any kind, enjoy your lobbies filled with shitters playing on fucking mobile phones, enjoy never owning a game again and having publishers and developers steal from you on a whim.

And enjoy paying for the privilege of it all.

>being told which versions of games you can play
This is worrying for me because there are multiple examples of both mobile and desktop games that have been updated to be completely different and shitty with no way to do anything about it. One case was a paid app that then decided to hop on the microtransaction bullshit so it removed the pricetag and locked content behind a paywall.

Where have we heard this before

Attached: downloadfile-9.jpg (1600x1200, 109K)

Stop being entitled.

Google will drop Stadia in a year or two tops just like they've dropped every other service that wasn't a massive, industry-dominating success.

The only thing this shit is good for is walking simulators and story driven games like teltale stuff.
You better pray this thing doesn't catch on.

I think there's a good chance it will catch on, but it's not really going to change the current market, just open up a new one.

Ergo normies with phones will have access to more mainstream stuff, but anyone who actually gives a fuck about games will still be using PC's/Console's.

The real danger comes from developers designing their games around Stadia, it'll be dumbing and slowing shit down to a whole new level just to accommodate the pitfalls of streaming.

>last paragraph
That's what I was implying.

>implying only a high end PC can play games
See, this is what a coping consolefag looks like

Or if you're American and have a shitty data cap, $500+

shit specs and shit games

You vastly underestimate my capacity for piracy

There's already a stadia exclusive in the works
These fucking idiots dont understand that if Stadia ever goes down, the games exclusive to it will die entirely.
>bu-but steam!
Let's assume steam dies, and disregard Gabe's statement that steam games will be handed out in that event. You still have the installations on your PC and can easily crack them to open even without steam. If not, cracked versions are everywhere, so even if you can no longer download that game through steam, there's a good chance that a cracked version for it exists online somewhere. This same logic applies to all PC games currently in the market, because you download and install their files on your computer.
Such a thing would be impossible for Stadia, because literally nobody but Google have the source files-which means that if stadia went under, literally everything about the game would die off as well. This is even worse than old NES/GBA/DS games that you cant buy anymore because roms and emulators exist-for stadia, these literally cant exist

>attempting to make game streaming a thing when most places have garbage internet infrastructure
It won't catch on.

And electricity to power the system, a tv/monitor to play it on, a chair to sit on, heat or ac, a house, etc.

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>now in debt

so the problem here is that you're a poorfag and a retard

how about you hush your little aspie mouth while i remind the thread that only idiorts are real people on this board. if you are a corperate cocksuck or a poorfag who consolewars, you are less of a human being

those are the rules

Redditors are on the absolute bottom rung of that ladder faggot, follow your own rules

reddit spacing is a newfag bait meme. good job on ousting yourself to another layer of faggotry while goalposting retard

No modding. So it'a bad for this reason alone.

>implying I'm a stadiafag for pointing out your faggotry
>bu-but I was just baiting!
Like I said, redditors are the absolue bottom rung of the ladder, and I mean all of them you stupid inbred. Now fuck off


Are the games supposed to be free on Stadia?

Hell no, you pay 60 for each of them

nigger there's no fucking bait. reddit spacing isn't real. you're a newfag trying to fit in, just like every delusional faggot who actually believes in reddit fucking spacing

you're a poorfag or a corporate cocksucking drone who's little feelings got hurt, like i fucking said. kys

Stadia is literally an investor trap.
You think google doesn't know that the US infrastructure can't support this kind of service?
It exists to inflate their stock, and right before it fails publicly a whole lot of connected people will short it.

>redditspacing isnt real!
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting you fucking nigger

i dont even have 100 KB/s at home in the rural deep south, its not happening i guarantee it

you continue to hang on a reddit boogeyman and run away from anything else in my post. i think we know who's the pussy ass j-just pretending shitposter here, user

considering your obsession you're probably a reddit refugee yourself compensating too hard lmao

I can point out every single post you made in this thread because your faggotry is way too obvious you total imbecile. You reddit refugees trying to blend in are just as bad as these stadiashills who-surprise!-are from reddit as well
All of you swine deserve to be gassed, simple as that. Now why dont you go back to that cesspool you crawled out of?

Stadia would work if they're operating in South Korea or Japan. In the US, it'll flop hard.

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>buy stadia game
Found your problem.

Latency and response times

>shit post on Yea Forums

you should expect a lot of shilling for stadia soon, in 1 month and few weeks stadia will be released

Attached: 421.png (500x660, 240K)

There is literally nothing Google can say or do to get me to use any of their products.