NiTW co-creator commits suicide after his family, friends...

>NiTW co-creator commits suicide after his family, friends, and dev team all threw him under the bus due to abuse allegations
>sequel game gets cancelled
>now it turns out those the story behind those abuse allegations has massive inconsistencies
Is this one of the biggest fuckups in gaming?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's weird how a woman who's a bitch and probably not gonna take shit submits to a cuck

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why does everything have to be so fucked all the time

why is it so hard for everyone to get their shit together

The lesson to be learned here is if you decide to date a woman who has a history of accusing men of rape, then you deserve to get fucked over.

this is 4channel bub we don't do that disgusting gamergate shit here

But why is the media so fucking dumb? She was already proven to be a liar first time. Now she pulled the same trick and it still fucking works. What's wrong with these people?

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Agenda over truth

Considering that this shit was in 2013 and Quinn was a literal who, there probably wasn't enough trash floating around constantly as there is now.

I'm sorry, are you saying you don't immediately #BelieveWomen whenever they say something, even if there's no evidence? What are you, a fucking misogynist!?

Wow! It's almost like everybody knew Quinn was a lying grifter all along, and maybe the people calling for presumption of innocence until proven guilty & displaying fairness in hearing both sides of the story WEREN'T actually radical incel terrorists from the Gamergate brigade...

Nah. Believe all womyn!!!

I'll laugh so hard when sometime in the future her bullshit gets revealed and all people lose faith in her, before someone comes along and completely destroys her life through brutally raping her and obliterating her self-esteem, only to get shunned by everyone and called a lying cunt by her friends and family when she tries to report a legitimate rape. God, I'd give the dude who does it a high-five.

Pretty much

>I'll laugh so hard when sometime in the future her bullshit gets revealed and all people lose faith in her
She's been proven a liar time and time again and her little cult still worship the ground she walks on. One of the websites that exposed her Alec lies got DDOS attacked FFS.

No no no. Just read a news piece topic, absorb the angle fully and react appropriately without further inquiries.

>"She was already proven to be a liar first time."
You'll say anything.
Words don't mean a thing to you do they?

You are obsessed with this.
I thought the gamergaters fucked off to 2x4chan, why the fuck is this shit still happening?

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No one MADE him kill himself.

If none of it was true why couldn't he just refute it all like ProJared did?

Can you please just....stop? There is nothing to see here.

They are all back home again :)

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>have your life ruined by allegations
>just refute them bro, what are you a pussy?

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u should stop, youre making all women look bad. ur villifying women in general and for what we all know she had nothing to do with the suicide. so what she told a bit of lies but women's lies never killed anyone so stop posting this GET OVER IT incel

dilate and cope tranny

Attached: 1567739877172.png (275x373, 114K)

too heavy handed, but an excellent attempt. you got the typing style down to a tee.

cheers ill try to be more subtle next time

Attached: Overused bait.png (858x480, 328K)

Stop posting this thread. Threads shouldn't be reposted day in day out.

>ZQ literally got famous by framing a community of extremely suicidal people and having her journalist friends mock and insult them
Imagine my shock. She has a total disregard for human life.

>let's make the exact thread again!
Yea Forums isnt't for generals
try /vg/

T. The zoe gang

it got taken down after some dude shot some spics at a wal*mart

Attached: xbdevp.png (795x871, 561K)

>I thought the gamergaters fucked off to 2x4chan, why the fuck is this shit still happening?
2x4chan is currently down. Their DDoS protection service cut them off to virtue signal, due to popular misconception that everyone who posts there is a /pol/-tard.

Refutation only works when people are willing to listen to it.

>refute it all like ProJared did
How would ProJared refute it if he didn't have those messages on him? And why would he have them on him if the allegation is a decade old? Can you prove that you didn't grab someone by the pussy 10 years ago? I'd like to see you try.

not video games
fuck off

Attached: boskeletonrp.jpg (330x153, 15K)

>unironically trying to bury or defend ZQ's bullshit


>death of a game dev is not video games
Death of a STREAMER was literally stickied. Now get the fuck out.


Attached: Touro.gif (431x491, 972K)

>Multiple allegations corroborated by many people, family and coworkers, that a guy was a piece of shit, with pretty much nobody having much to gain beyond outing a dude as a cunt.
>"It's a conspiracy! It's all lies, all of them!"
The only cure for /pol/tards is a bullet.


I trust her!
Believe wahmen!

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>due to popular misconception that everyone who posts there is a /pol/-tard.
Why in the fuck would anyone who's NOT a /pol/tard go there?

dude's support system pulled the rug out from under him and started stabby stab stab

she has done nothing wrong, apologize to her this instant

Attached: my_picture (9).jpg (1467x1100, 1.19M)


>Multiple allegations corroborated by many people
Surely you can find one then.

>that a guy was a piece of shit
That's... not an allegation. You don't lose a job because somebody on twitter says you're an asshole. The allegation was of pussy grabbing. Now provide me with multiple sources for that like you claimed you can.

>Believe wahmen!
And all his coworkers and family
>B-but Quinn!
Is a single fucking person.

because there were a lot of boards

bo skeleton rp

Im amazed some incel hasntt assassinated her yet.

>Zoe keeps posting that she dindu nothing ITT
>doesn't respond to anybody
At least try to argue Zoe, what are you doing

^ so much this /thread
even if he was falsely accused there will ALWAYS be merit in quinn's words. theres literally no other reason why she would accuse other than it being the truth. so all u fuckers stfu let this thread go away and bury the hatchet. he deserved it anyway. forget it

You got this dumbass at least

>All these people just saying to "forget about it already"
These people are beyond saving, aren't they? So eager to kill, and quickly move on so they don't have to confront the monsters they are. I feel genuinely sad on a deep level.

Attached: Compatibility Error.jpg (438x720, 46K)

For the hundreds of other boards that aren't /pol/.


>waaa some bints on the internet said I rape people better kill myself instead of doing something good with it

He could have single handedly started an actaul Gamergate 2 and made a shitload of patreon bux but instead he chose to lie down and die like a pussy. No sympathy

Bitch was at the UN.

>I'm amazed that the image created by CNN and BBC is false
You've got a lot to learn, jizzbrain

bo skeleton rp

>all his family
Just about his sister, who is obviously a feminist harpy who will die alone and be eaten by her cats
>his coworkers
leftist scum who threw him under the bus because Zoe outranks him on the intersectional pyramid

Attached: asrielbeans.png (811x1202, 296K)

Why did you delete you twitter then Zoe? All that MERIT lost forever. Sad

stop forcing your tranny meme


Attached: 1565383307160.jpg (188x264, 12K)

You are autism. You are now illegible for autismbux.


Get a little bit of self awareness, jizzbrain. If you wouldn't be worrying so much about other people having sex I wouldn't call you a jizzbrain

/thread your life, faggot.

back to your discord tranny

>jizzbrain is a tranny meme
the majority of jizzbrains BECOME trannies

Join the 40%

You spammed your meme so hard like "soi" that it got fucking filtered, lmao.

Why didn't you respond to me Zoe?

Dilate back to resetera

Man, I miss moot.

Nah man, I just like videogames. Piss off.


it's a forced meme by seething trannies because they can't cum anymore after they cut off their dicks

you do it like this
boskel etonrp

It's not deleted, only protected. Currently it is being archived and dug through for evidence.

Damn you boys are triggered hard. Hey if you look at the world and divide it into "people who have sex" and "people who don't have sex", you are jizzbrained. Try to refute it. You put sex right on top of everything

have sex

people are cancelling her out retard, u have to empathise that sexists were out to get her and ruin her twitter. ofc she had to delete it to protect yourself. so stupid get a life


>after they cut off their dicks
user trannies dont do that anymore, they are proud of their girldicks and love to try and breed actual women


You see how you're proving me right?

>Why won't you pay attention to me Zoe!!!!!

Attached: 1554979348618.png (1024x1298, 887K)

give birth

have sex


>One of the websites that exposed her Alec lies got DDOS attacked FFS.


No Zoe, why don't you provide evidence of your claim? You only respond to people who you know are wrong, ignore those you know are right.

Calm down jizzbrain. Didn't you just complain that jizz was spammed too much? You're doing a good job invalidating multiple of your own points, keep going


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>even if he was falsely accused there will ALWAYS be merit in quinn's words
>Even if she was lying, she was still telling the truth
You're either insane, a complete fucking moron, or both.

>theres literally no other reason why she would accuse other than it being the truth.
So every accusation is true? Boy, that's convenient. Guess we can just get rid of that stupid judicial system, with its dumbass trials and shit. Let's just throw people in prison whenever someone accuses them of something.

Post Millennial hit by cyberattack

Also these happened

Kiwi Farms hacked and taken down, user accounts compromised

UrbanDictionary scrubs Zoe Quinn, Gamergate references

Attached: 1559183492039.jpg (285x200, 11K)

this is actually bugging me
i've seen this image for years but never once tried it and now i can't get it
what fucking invisible characters aren't filtered so i can finally figure this out
boskel etonrp
stop replying you stupid nigger, he's running circles around you
you're being baited

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2019 is the year of so many SJW woke left feminist and LGBT fuckups, i've never laughed as much as I did this year.
SJWs truly are hypocritical retarded people.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-9-9 EXCLUSIVE Zoe Quinn's allegations are falling apart - The Post Millennial.j (3171x4911, 2.74M)

God wouldn't you love to walk zoe around your house like a sockpuppet? Keeping her locked up for weeks and doing all kinds of puppet shows?


Just coincidence.

>tfw no zoe housewife to train

you bitch teach me

guys .... get a life .. a job .. a hobby.
just something

I don't understand why anyone would want to interact with such a radioactive woman, much less in any sort of romantic or private way. She already proved herself to be a huge liar in the past, and has a history of using abuse allegations to her advantage. If there's anybody that deserves the Mike Pence treatment, it's her.

Either the guy is guilty, at which point he deserved it, or he's stupid, at which point its good that he's removed himself from the gene pool.

>guys .... get a life .. a job .. a hobby.

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I just laugh at his sister's first thought when this shitstorm happened was to protect her brother's murderer.
What a shitty family no wonder he was fucked up.

Sure, after you learn how to use ellipses properly.

sorry user, there is no cure for autism


>See thread
>Know I'm gonna end up arguing with retards upon opening
>Open thread anyway
Why do I hate myself so?

Attached: airydrnk.jpg (850x850, 388K)

she's an absolute unit right now, you need to be a big enough man to handle her

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Don't worry mod will wake up and delete this thread soon.

Evidently we're better off without those things. Working for the SJW cult just means you'll lose your job when they feel like it

You thought those believe wahmen people where pretending?

Whiteknight defending Zoe Quinn in this thread.
4channel is the new ResetERA!

>get a hobby
Can't, your stupid kind ruined it.
>get a job
Can't, your stupid kind is trying to get everyone fired for not being woke.
>get a life
You gave me a life, the life of shitting on your kind. You reap what you sow, and you've sown a lot you stupid trannyfaggots and feminists.

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Look at that absolute basedlet on the right. It's even shorter than the radioactive slug.

Everyone cheers at the gallows, until they stand up there themselves

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>noooooo don't discuss the death of a dev


I'm being sarcastic there.

I don't care if you want to believe wahmen. It's still a stupid idea to hang around with any non-family member that has ever accused someone of any sort of sexual violence. Even if you believe them, it's better to keep your distance just in case.

The old lady got the right idea. Always keep at least one seecow between zoe and your husband.

well this is different because alec turned out to be a dick, if he wasnt a literal sociopath then things wouldve look different for quinn, but it didnt so stfu and stop arguing against the truth incel. this will all be forgotten so ur little incel brain can stop worrying about it :))


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>there will ALWAYS be merit in quinn's words
Ah yes, the merit of going in front of the UN and whining about cyberbullying and suicides therefrom, which has now been undone with SJWs being branded as the very evil they allegedly crusaded against.
Very merit, much wow.

Attached: 1567729772920.gif (607x609, 821K)

So you don't understand. When they say they believe wahmen, they mean BELIEVE WAHMEN.


You can believe victims while still keeping your distance.


>before someone comes along and completely destroys her life through brutally raping her and obliterating her self-esteem
One problem with your narrative, the guy who suicided was not a lying sack of shit and was instead a guy with certified mental problems who was taken advantage of by a dumb lying bitch, while the dumb lying bitch took advantage of a MENTALLY ILL person for publicity and drove him into suicide. It's complete karmic retribution if she gets brutally raped, and i hope it happens in a prison and the rapist is a transgender.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-8-30 Karen White how 'manipulative' transgender inmate attacked again (426x570, 233K)

>stupid idea to hang around with any non-family member that has ever accused someone of any sort of sexual violence
This was like a decade ago user, before she accused anyone

You still don't get it. They actually believe the retarded shit that leaves their mouths, that's what ideologues do. What you are saying suggest you don't actually believe the wahmen.

It was his choice to kill himself :)

don't do this to me.... please...

Attached: 1563756011725.jpg (392x392, 23K)

OY vey are you saying gamergate did nothing wrong because it was Zoe's choice to get offended?

And now the entire SJW collective and anti-gamergate is ruined by his martyrdom and lost the moral high-ground regarding cyberbullying suicides :3

Lets say I don't believe OJ Simpson was guilty (I actually know very little about the case). I still wouldn't want to hang out with him alone. Same reaction with letting a child of mine sleep over at Michael Jackson's place.


Why did she wait so long to come out about it?

Because it was convenient and she was out of money apparently



Listen and believe. She is a woman. Sort of.

So the head of anti-gamergate has been decapitated. Wonder how butthurt the fags at rationalwiki are right now since their entire gamergate page they worked so hard on has just been blown into dust.

and I think Zoe did nothing wrong

based and punishedpilled

please god....

you did it user!



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Because there's millions of guys like Alec who will bend over backwards to do anything for women.

Society (WE LIVE IN A) proliferates delusion and a complete lack of cynicism or skepticism. Follow. Listen. Believe.

I'm so proud of you :3

People who lie about rape should be hanged

That would end with 90% of Feminism being hanged user.

it'd be funny if you died

btw lads you focus far too much on one person. there's a global community of sociopaths who need the light shone on them.

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Can she just punch her own fucking ticket already, we'd all be better off with her hanging from a fucking tree like the cunt she is

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more like
>"I've never seen a cute girl before" face


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Based and fuck Zoe.

I want to fuck that slampig

calm down James, don't you have to go make an RPG fetish game with Anita sarkesian in it and send it to her again or something?

>game cancelled
>friends and family abandon you
>your cult's equivalant to the pope personally calls you a piece of shit
>your cult's ideology forbids you defending yourself

this pic grinds my gears so i'm gonna rant about it on this 4channel.
You could say the exact same thing about the faces this woman has drawn, they don't look anything like real human faces. Big ass titties is a chosen stylistic distortion of reality, just like Her stupid looking faces.
that artist needs to stop being a stupid hypocrite and stop trying to dictate how and what people should draw otherwise she's gonna be the victim of the oncoming purge.

>there's a global community of sociopaths who need the light shone on them.
Nah, they are doing that just fine on their own, seeing as what attention whores they all are. Don't shine the light on them as if what they are doing is bad. If you do, they'll hide what they truly are and make it harder to root out. Instead, let these people expose themselves, and be very careful to never allow them to be in a position to where they can fuck you.

>But why is the media so fucking dumb? She was already proven to be a liar first time.
Because they've been on her side since the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if GG was some massive publicity stunt and all the cucks on here fell for it.

The smartest strategy is always voting with your wallet/attention. When GG broke, I just stopped using review sites for reviews. Since then, Yea Forums and Amazon reviews has taken its place. I haven't been burned yet, because the people who talk about the games they love on here (and amazon) aren't doing it for a payday, but because they are passionate enough to do it for free.

the artist isn't crying about big ass titties
just don't call it D cups when it's far more

>And all his coworkers and family
They said he's mentally ill and aggressive. Nothing about raping or beating up people. Basically he was unhinged and said a lot of mean things. Which in their SJW circles means he literally raped someone.

You realize ProJared's career and life is ruined, right? His refutation didn't do shit. His Youtube channel is still in shambles, he's still blacklisted from every job and gig he went on, and all of his friends still want nothing to do with him.

Now picture that, b ut you're borderline suicidal. That was Alec.

Jared looked really rough in that non-apology vid.

>Yea Forums
>Not having an agenda
PC+Switch Master race guys, who's loving it?
All games released on any Sony console are censored movie games btw

Even besides that most games Yea Forums recommends to me and I've actually played have been hot shit.

Sorry you haven't been as lucky as me. I'm forever grateful for this site pointing me in NieR's direction back in like 2013.


I can't actually picture what life would be like if my existence became trying to salvage what little of it was left through constant legal battles.

For one, I wouldn't be allowed to talk about any of it, so I could never defend myself in public. For two, even if I did defend myself; who the fuck would listen to the guy accused of hanging out with his cock out for fans?

That's gotta be a tranny right

It's getting worse OP


His friends, employers/coworkers and even his sister turned on him

>I can't actually picture what life would be like if my existence became trying to salvage what little of it was left through constant legal battles.

And that's why you'll never see me try to be an e-celeb. No facebook, no twitter, no gab, no twitch, no youtube, no instagram, literally nothing. I was lucky enough to get married in 2011 (she opted to go homeless with me rather than take up family offers that weren't extended to me, proving her love and loyalty to me enough to propose). Since then, I keep my identity secret whenever possible. I have a group of people that I met on Nationstates. We have a Wire chat thread going constantly. I know all their names and faces. None of them know mine, or even what state I live in.

I worked really hard to drag myself out of homelessness, over an absolutely brutal winter. I'm NOT taking the risk of fucking that up. Nobody realizes how fucking nice a dry, warm bed is until they've lost it.

Red hot. Wow.

>being an asshole
>committing serious sexual assaults
These are not the same thing.

>same post
>same shitty "source"

Reminder 8meme got dabbed on and have no reason to be here

>do you wanna go make out with other people and then we can talk our way through this later?
Jesus Christ. No wonder she went after him with abuse allegations, she knew he would buckle right away and never fight back.

Quick question regarding the DDoS for the Post Millenial and the hack on the other site.
Why would this not be a possible false flag?

How is it benefiting them?

It's brand new information which inextricably shows that quinn was lying, a false flag wouldn't benefit in any way from delaying this information from going public.

But wouldn't it make it look like the other side has something to hide and indirectly give more credence to the other?
By the way, I think that it's legitimately malicious.

How does it benefit the sites to make it look like the other side has something to hide?

Whenever someone asks me about a false flag in regards to anything, my only question will always be, "What's the benefit?" If you can answer that in a very logical way, then you might have a false flag on your hands. But you're gonna have to actually iron out your theory and present it. Don't expect others to do the heavy lifting.

>How does it benefit the sites to make it look like the other side has something to hide?
>indirectly give more credence to the other?

>But wouldn't it make it look like the other side has something to hide

The information posted in the article shows just that and doesn't leave anything to interpretation. Delaying this information is just trying to silence the truth, there would be no logic behind a false flag attack because of they were trying to get people thinking against quinn, they only need to link to that article.

Stuff like this always make me wonder if denouncing, doxing, pillory, accuse someone without a court decision is even legal and won't get fined in that 3rd world country called Americuckland. In most rest of the sane world there are big fines and even prison for shit like this.


And the sites being interfered with directly support the saliency of their information.

Why does the evidence need more credence? It's very damning all on its own. All a false flag would do is make it more difficult for people to see the evidence.



Which, while logical, doesn't do much for a normal person's view of the argument.
>They said they had this evidence.
>I haven't seen it, but they tried to remove it.
>Therefore they must be guilty.
If you've been following it from the allegations until now, then yeah, it makes sense that the Quinn Spin would try to suppress it. But to someone viewing from the outside, who's been spoonfed the Goobergaters are evul narrative, can't it have that tone of being a false flag?

Can you not spoiler skeleton because it would be too spooky for people?

Don't know and don't particularly care. I tend not to sympathize with any "group," as they are made up of a wide variety of people. I can sympathize with representatives of a group, but never the groups themselves.

it's shitty people killing each other, who cares.

Well color my ass autistic I'll try onw moew timw boskeletonrp


No it can't, because the information itself does much more damage to the argument than the suppression of the information ever could. That's why it would be completely illogical to think this was a fals flag attack, there would be absolutely no point to it.

>Woman lies about being raped for attention

>a bunch of photoshopped chat screenshots
Literally proves nothing.

It's illogical if:
You don't support the narrative on Quinn's side. (I.e., you don't support lying and falseness over truth and honesty).
My point is that you shouldn't be surprised if the more "mainstream" coverage of it accuses the "icky alt-right" of performing a false flag.

>The anti-GG tranny squad shifting the blame from Zoe on Alec and doing damage control in every corner they can

funniest thing ive seen from the whole shitshow

I know what you meant but any statement needs to have a supporting argument and any argument about this being a false flag would fall apart very quickly because of the reasons listed above.

remember that finn who was obsessed with america and capitalism?

I'll side with Zoe against Yea Forums every time because honestly you guys are butthurt hypocrites and I don't even care to sift through the lies any more

what did she mean by this

Attached: 1543819262742.png (893x443, 156K)

>look for job

the fuck? i'm not even in the US... when did this shit reach here?

>hates Trump so much that he tweets about wishing death upon him
>allegations include grabbing Zoe by the pussy and she just lets him

Attached: 1396521070255.gif (500x281, 480K)


Then why are you here

>Yea Forums expects me to have sympathy

Attached: alex night woods 2.jpg (1248x1690, 183K)

Originally? To discuss video games. Now it's just a habit.

Oh no, he wished death on someone on the internet! What a horrible, despicable, no-good bully! Yea Forums would never stand for this!

Threadly reminder that if any other person was accused, Alec would have participated on the internet lynching. He deserved what he got.

--Yea Forums

>Threadly reminder that if any other person was accused, Alec would have participated on the internet lynching.

This. Sick and tired of skeptic cucks or centrists who defend people like Contrapoints or other lefties

Media: Sorry, I can't hear the truth over ALL THIS AGENDA!

Based Quinn executing the Trump curse

Nobody was defending Alec. The cause of the outrage is about the way it was handled, the vague nature of the accusations and the fact that quinn is already known to be lying sack of shit. It doesn't matter WHO she targeted, just that she did.


add him

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this but unironically

This kind of thing happens all the time.

>I have to protect the lying, all inconsistencies in her story are cause of gamergate
We still doing this?

>somewhere, deep in the jungle, the hunt for video games continues

When will they learn. People shouldn't even interact with that literal whore

Shes still a weak women. Just punch her once or twice and that's it

What is this meme

She's built like a linebacker.

Alright everyone I think we are losing track on what really important........WHO THE FUCK WOULD EVEN CONSIDER THINKING BANGING ZOE QUINN?

No seriously no even the most desperate/v/virgin could think this.


Where I live 4 women got fined for false MeToo accusations in a Metoo facebook group. They were claiming this tv celeb was a rapist even though none of them had ever met her. In the court they defended themselves by saying "they were talking about an important topic.". After that particular lawsuit, the whole Metoo thing died down here.

What really gets me is her transformation from hungry skeleton to hungry hungry hippo. I guess in theory there must have been a period between these states where she had a non-freakish body type, but I've so far seen no photographic evidence of that. Goes to show how badly the self-esteem of California cultist men gets shattered over time.

Lel, even gamergate threads were full of people wanting to fuck here. The thirst is real.

I’ve consulted several anthropology professors at my local university and yet none of them were able to conclude how any human male could achieve an erection, let alone climax in the presence of the entity “Quinn”

>haha people totally want her now support my Patreon so I can get gender reassignment you bigot

Well there you go, it's a women vs women case, not representative

I's alright, I'm used to historical revisionism from gamergaters

Twitter shitposts are not actually history

No, its just me being a foreigner, our language only got one pronoun so it gets mixed up:

>celebrating that hard being a loser
why does /nuV/ feel like 4+Yea Forums and r9k merged into one board ?

They aren't dumb, they're opportunistic and predatory.

His game was not good so I don’t care

Because it is

Why are you projecting user?
Only your kind celebrates people becoming losers, and insults them as you do, and then you are surprised when the losers lose their shit and punch back up and then beg your government and urinalist nannies to protect your dumb ass for sowing the seeds of hatred and despair.

What did you think? That losers will conveniently turn to drugs or suicide like your own kind does when they are down?

i mean projared did do everything he was accused of, the only detail that was wrong was that he had no idea that the underage girl was underage.

they dont give a shit about the truth
anything that gives them ammo to push their agenda is good
if it gets proven to be a lie, everyone will just forget about it

>All games released on any Sony console are censored movie games btw
no lies detected

i do agree that he couldve done more than take it but his life and career were both effectively irreversibly ruined in the span of one week

>comes out Holowka wanted to actually cosign Eron's post but was afraid of Zoe and her cabal of degenerates.
>still believe gamergate was all a big shitstorm over nothing

His friends disowned him and cancelled his game over this shit and they're not the type to come crawling back and say "h-hey turns out the our goddess Zoe Quinn was lying, wanna make NITW2 now pls?"

He didn't ask for the pic though, that dude just sent it after lying about his age. Yeah Jared is totally at fault here isn't here.
Also, if you want to shame someone for "cheating" , make sure you mention he "cheated" in an open relationship after telling his wife he wanted a divorce.

imagine being so sensitive that you care this much when someone badmouths trump

To me the worst part is how the guy's sister discarded him and basically said she didn't even care he committed suicide after the fact. Used his death to try and speak for him and get peoples' attention off Zoe, trying to say it's not her fault. What a despicable cockroach of a human being.


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at least Yea Forumse dont kill people

Not for lack of trying

they dated in 2012, retard