I heard the 5th DLC will be FEMALE

I heard the 5th DLC will be FEMALE

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i heard OP is a FAGGOT

This. My sources told me OP Sucks huge penises 24/7

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it's gonna be reimu.

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smash board when?


you're on it.


Trips of Truth strike once again

Who is Reimu?


Yeah man. My 7000 can only guess the truth. There will never be a smash board in Yea Forums.

Who is Reimu? Reimu is not half as famous as Nakoruru is.


>tfw you do not know who nakoruru is until rosterfags start talking about it
Depends on how old you are I guess. Reimu only started getting famous during these ten years. Also Japanese net citizens should know her yukkuri form verywell. A lot of japanese let's play-ers use yukkuris in their videos.

Terry is the only SNK character


It's gonna be Trish.

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I've cracked the code and the next DLC will be a PC rep

How you may ask? Well... Don't you find it odd how the Xbox was heavily promoted in Banjo's video and how they showed the Neo Geo console thing in Terry's reveal trailer? How Joker got in despite Persona being exclusive to Playstation and Atlus confirming they won't leave the exclusivity with Sony? How Nintendo has been promoting Dragon Quest now that 11 is on the Switch?

With this in mind we can conclude that

Joker = Playstation Rep
Hero = Nintendo Rep
Banjo and Kazooie = Xbox Reps
Terry = Arcade/Neo Geo Rep

The only big gaming platform yet to be represented is PC, the question relies on who exactly? Reimu? Doomguy?

I bet not

PC and XBox is the same shit

PC and XBox is the same shit all ruled by Windows

PC and XBox is the same shit all ruled by Windows and by Microsoft







Let's be real for a moment
It's Haruka
>Bamco already develops smash
>Almost every big Namco franchise is represented, even Taiko, except for one
>Sakurai saied budget is running out, Bamco is surely easier to talk with and they won't miss a way to shill it even more
>One of the more popular franchises in Japan
Benefits of Haruka in smash
>Shilling im@s in the west with little to no money
>West exposure
>Possible official translation of the games, in the actual state not even fantranslations are a possibility, except the incomplete psp one

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