I'm so glad that I.. wasted my entire life.. playing video games

>I'm so glad that I.. wasted my entire life.. playing video games...

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I could have wasted it on Yea Forums instead

Heh, yeah right.

Who's that woman? A true gamer knows no woman.

A sister maybe

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>I'm so glad that... I spend my whole life... being a wagecuck... to provide... my gold digger wife... and my tranny son...

What else is there to do? Wageslave? Get divorce raped by Worthless Thot #564982? Meh, I'll take my games.

thats not a woman user..

There's no point to life, everyone dies, nothing you do will last, why not have fun?

Having fun != wasting time

>If only I never played a single video game.

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play mgs2.


Same thing as reading books, watching films, collecting stamps. Whatever really.

And what is not wasting your life? Being a Roman emperor? Conquering foreign populations? Dying in some pointless war? No matter what we do in life we are doomed to die regardless.

The fact is, 95% of people live their lives struggling to survive day by day. If you want to do something amazing it costs alot of money. Playing video games is simply one of the cheaper things you can do entertainment wise.

Gamers are supporting the industry, from their money power they are funding the new wave of tech. Realistic graphics, VR, AI, holograms, they're all going to come into existence because there is a dedicate market for it.

Of all the things to be in this life, a gamer is not the worst.


Damn right. I’m gonna play through the Banjo-Kazooie trilogy on my death bed and there’s nothing you can do about it.

>not wasting your life playing video games while texting cute girls online

One is visiting me this month, if things go well we'll work out a way to spend more time together/move together

What else am I supposed to do when I'm born poor and ugly? Fuck this gay earth

It's not wasting your life if you enjoy it.

The worst part about this post is the SAME FUCKING GUY posts this exact same thread with various stock images across the entire fucking site
>I'm so glad I wasted my life posting the exact same thread across a Taiwanese Puppetry Forum

>I'm so glad I supported jews upgrading from removing foreskins to severing entire genitalia within the first hour of birth as a means of 'gender correction' surgery

Its an mtf trans dont worry

*slices off cock*

>I'm so glad that I.. wasted my entire life.. shitposting on a chinese cartoon board

May you rest in peace, xXxPu$$yDsTroyaxXx

Take your meds.

>i'm so glad i wasted 80% of my life working like a literal slave and 20% of my life sucking my ungrateful shit family's dicks and spending all my money on them while my wife( male) fucks black men behind my back when i could have been a chad who doesnt give a fuck and plays video games 100% of the time
imagine having this line of thought on your deathbed

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good job user he just finished another hrt bottle

>death equalizes the value of all activities

Seeing this type of retarded nihilism I'm not surprised people here can't differentiate actual good games from sub-90 IQ hollywood interactive movies.

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if you aren't young and rich, all life is just cope honestly.

All this sorry nihilists will end up as christians/muslims or taking drugs stronger than videogames.

I am Christian. I'm not nihilist at all.

Trannies aren't girls

>im so glad i spent my life pretending to like normie shit and having a fake personality to babysit a dumb woman and screaming kids

>real meaning of life is in a world defined by the negation of this one (eternity, perfection, omnipotence, immateriality)

Look in the mirror nihilist. Stop smelling the old mental farts of greek philosophers.

>I'm so glad that I.. wasted my entire life.. posting Sneed...

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I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

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This. Unless you're born a chad to rich parents you're objectively worthless anyway, so do whatever, it's not going to matter.

my favourite poem ever.

I only play decent shit, because life's too short to waste it on trash media. I don't think people who are playing movie games are really having fun, I think they're just the video game equivalent of capeshit fans. They play these games not out of any love for the medium, but because they are told to by ads, because they don't want to be left out of the conversation.

It's the same kind of shit that has spawned "geek culture". Instead of picking and choosing, "geeks" just watch everything to up their geek level or whatever. You've watched every Star Trek, all the Harry Potter movies, and every episode of TBBT? That's great, all you've managed to prove is that you have no discerning bone in your body. These people are automata, they exist purely to consume, with no thought given to what they're consuming, only that it meshes with their idea of what "geek" is.

Life is all about developing taste.

>”I’m so glad I sucked everyone’s dick for 75 years because I was scared of what people thought of me, ...oh if only I had more time to do what I actually want to do now...”
>”I really like jogging, even though I look stupid doing it, and making scary videos! I’ll look up a gui- *dies*”

If you actually put value in life you are a certified NPC

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