Was this game fun?
Ace of Spades
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Yes. had plenty of based Yea Forums servers too with lots of shitposting and n words. only problem was hackers
more like queen of spades lol
The only card i need
Early it was, just before they fucked with gun accuracy and introduced random misses.
After that point, what's the point? Aim at someone, shoot, randomly miss because "muh realism". Before, everyone was bunny hopping around to avoid shots and going for headshots. Afterwards, it just felt clunky, like the game wasn't responding properly. Then they added a bunch of new guns and it was meh.
Pre-accuracy nerf is the only version worth playing
this, fuck how long has it been man?
5 years? more?
I lost completely track of time man
Whenever Super Deep Throat was still a thing, we made AoS outfits for that.
Never has so much potential been so squandered. Maybe potential is the wrong word, because it was perfect the way it was.
according to the memes that I saved it was in 2012
Gotta find it now.
what did lemmy mean by this?
If this was made today it'd be nothing but feels guy.
Pretty sure they're in the torrent for the game, but good luck finding it. I had a big ass folder, but the hard drive is failing. I'm running testdisk on it now, but it might be fucked.
true dat
truly better times
Going underneath a base and making a whole base topple was amazing this game had no right to be as good as it was.
Thanks for the image dump
It's one of my favorite games to play in spurts every couple of months or so. Glad there's sort of a community that comes back to it from time to time.
>The forts we built
>The tunnels we dug
>The faggot signs built
>The swastikas also built
>The dicks built
>The comrades we made
>The comrades we lost
Getting nostalgic for when people used to say "FFFFFFFFFFFF" instead of ree
weird how these things change
Anyone got more yuri of these two?
waifu faggotry like this ruined the game
It's odd because "ree" was originally used as an insult to make fun of autists. Sadly when you merely pretend to be retarded for so long and the community becomes infested with retards thinking they're will fellow retards until everyone left is retarded.
I had over 1000 hours play time in the Ace of Spades steam game for classic mode. The classic mode was even superior to the original AOS. It's too bad the game died and shut down permanently.
>None stop building a super fort to hide the flag putting a block under the flag and ammo spawns so they can also raise up in levels with you
>Eventually hit level 6 or 7 with your fellow autistic German bro with the perfect system down for maximum efficient when going up levels.
>Eventually get raided so you have no choice by to nade the lower levels and leave them to decay
>Go down there every now and then to spam blocks so that it can't be cut down by spade cunts
>Soon nothing but a 7-8 story high base with only 1-2 floors at the top remaining. The bottom is nothing but a massive pit due to the constant nade throwing
Good game.
the name killed it with blacked memes
God I miss this game
The few times this is wrong, otherwise yeah, waifufaggotry is a cancer in general.
I agree it was the best way to play
>whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack
>whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack
post more of that girl
>I miss my youth - overgrown manchild reminiscing about 4 years ago
>Be a tunnel rat
>Be the only Green trying to capture intel instead of building autism forts
>Having to hide the sound of my digging by timing it with the Blues building the intel's fortifications directly overhead
>Feeling my anus clench every time they stop
God that was intense every time; I loved it.
Miss AoS 2bh
I will never forgive Jagex for what they did to this game.
>It's fucking dead
Good riddance
>Hear a tunnel rat
>Brace for impact with my sights looking down to the lower levels of the fort
>Suddenly the walls next to me crumble down and the top floor gets flooded with blues!
>Wait ...I'm blue
>Retards just created a one brick ladder going directly to our top level, smashed a hole into our wall and proceeded to jump out the top window
>Ask why
I can't think of anything more infuriating
All Jagex needed to do was continue to develop the Classic mode.But nope, just like with Runescape they over developed the game and turned it into a bloated piece of shit. For some reason EVERYONE ONLY PLAYED THE ZOMBIE MAP WHICH WAS THE WORST MODE!
Could only get games super late at night with the autistic Germans on the EU Servers. Playing with 400 ping was worth it just to play with fellow assburgers.
I wonder what ever happened to Ben
>not commanding a sniper team to shoot down spaghetti towers while you go in with the shovel
I miss it so much bros....
Few servers are still active, use the open spades launcher. Its not the same, but its as close as it gets.
not the same? what's different?
It was before Jagex killed its SOUL
Ace of Spades with Yea Forums and group
i wonder if any of you faggots still browse Yea Forums
>check steam version that I used to play
>0 people online
It's the worst fucking map you knob. Know here to spead out, always funnelled into choke points and is always fucking zombie mode
Ive tried it. Way too many hackers. OVerall very shitty gameplay.
The one that was spread for free, and not on Steam?
It was fucking amazing.
Don't ever think about buying that piece of software on Steam.
I never even knew there was a steam version. I also never knew JAGEX was even involved with this game? I'm so confused.
They bought the trademark off the original dev.
He is completely unrelated to the Steam version.
And JAGEX are completely unrelated to the original AoS.
Play Open Spades
They purchased it from the original dev and create some shitty COD knockoff mode as well as a classic mode.
Classic mode was actually good. COD mode as you can guess was absolute shit.
Jagex puts all updates into COD mode. Game dies.
I remember playing this game a bunch with friends before it went on steam, and for whatever reason the steam verison just didn't seem to fucking work by comparison or was way crappier or both, I don't even remember at this point it's been so long.
What the fuck was the deal with that?
Is shit.
Full of hackers.
It's full of nothing, shits fucking dead.
>join babel because 9/10 it's the only map with more than 20 people that isn't fucking hallway
>aimbot users every 20 minutes
>2/3rds of the team don't know the actual map objectives and don't help with either the building of the tower or the destruction of the enemy's
>half of the time the map is too small and has zero natural defenses making it impossible to build up if you're not completely overwhelming the enemy and preventing them from detroying your tower
It's just so frustrating to play it most of the time. That being said, the mechanics make it one of the most fun vidya experiences with the amount of ways you can approach a given situation.
I remember attempting that a while ago, and it was fucking dead.
Loved this game, kept me sane while going through uni. Incredibly sad how it was bought out and shat on by Jagex.
And what do you think?
fuck yes it was fun
Also we're gonna play again on christmas. Get ready greeniggers.
>dug a huge underground cave with a flat ground
>layer it with white blocks
>create a >tfw gf with wojack
>cut away the top layer so the map updates and shows it as a giant sign
>in 5 seconds everyone from both teams go to that corner and start destroying my work
These threads make me sad that I never got into the game, but then I remember seeing the
logo at the top and immediately NOPEing the fuck out
It was fucking fun before it completely changed direction.
There needs to be more games like king arthurs gold and this. Fun little simple-graphic multiplayer games.
Yes, its an example of a good game getting too much money thrown at it. Keep your scale small and understand your audience, rather than try to make it as broad appealling as possible while skimming money off the top.
Quite saddening that it ended up how it did, its definately a good game that just needed a ton of maps, and now you cant even play it without someone bootleg hosting the game.
Can someone post the comic where 2 soldiers are looking at their feet, you know which one.
I can post it in 30 minutes, od thread willa still be up
Is that vinnie veritas?
reminder that Yea Forums threw a shitfit because they didnt like the version that was hosted and no one bothers to host it themselves
thanks fags
With any luck we might be able to recreate this game on Hytale if that ever comes out.
AoS was perfect when it was in alpha. I had so much fun.
King arthurs gold is also very fun.
Fortnite sucks cock. Siege sucks cock. Due process in alpha looked very fun but turned into shit.
What options are there for very simple-style big battle builf anf attack games? There's so much potential for a perfect game in my mind but it would be so difficult to realize.
0.75 is the best version
Thanks frend
Siege sucks cock but it sucks fun cock, its basically pretty broken but the core ideas there are good and you can tell people had big plans for this game some of them even came to fruition
I mean I know I'm defending a title that doens't really need defending here shit's a big release with fat playercounts even now with all the trashy op dlc characters and scummy monetization and all that crap but still
Can't wait till christmas to play again.
Okay hear me out.
An ace of spaces clone set during the napoleonic wars. Muskets, cannons, underground tunnels, castles, hundreds of players... It's perfect.
Perfect game.
Can't wait for people to wage a war about which version to play again.
i'll make the logo
same, that innawoods map was my favourite
so we gonna play this or what?
every one is gonna fight over which version is the best
Same here, miss you dumb niggers so much.
Yeah I can still have fun with it but sometimes the amount of hackers is unreal
Nothing worse than walking in a tunnel or even an enclosed space and someone from nowhere headshots you.
And no one votes to kick them either, fucking retards
It's obviously 0.75 though. There's nothing to fight over.
yes the building mechanics led to a lot of different ways of playing
plus the single shot rifles made the combat more exciting than just spraying
It barely fucking matters which is the better version when nobody plays anymore, that openwhatever thing is right there and I checked, it's fucking dead aside from 8 people in poland playing it.
Someone should make based and redpilled edits with pepe and wojak
0.75 and rifles only. No other option. Retards screaming about the changes appeared in the last days of last year's server though
Anyone remember the user that used to make those green vs blue themed jeopardy games on Yea Forums
Yes, it was before jagex bought it
If you would want to revive it at least somewhat, you will settle on some time on day (for example 19:00 CEST) and play it with other Yea Forumss - or at least try
Playing it once a year for about a month is fine. You won't get bored of it, and it's a nice tradition, something to look for every year.
Would it be better or worse if you could not fall when crunch, like in minecraft? That would help with building.
I’d say so but purists would disagree
being the newfag that i am i have no idea what this was about and did a little research and am about to play openspades out of curiosity. anything the vets wanna let this n00b know?
Open spades blows. go og with build and shoot.
bliggers suck green cocks