I'm still not over it

I'm still not over it.

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Still not as shit as MGS4

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Nothing is as shit as MGS4 because MGS4 is not shit. Everything else is inherently more shit than MGS4.
Keep seething.

Then you're feeling the real phantom pain™. Did you rike it?

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t. born after 2000

How can people be mad about a great game 4 years after release? Its your fault for hyping it up to be the best game ever made, there was no way it could deliver. You set yourself up for it.

t. zoom zoom born after 2010

If you don't like MGS4 you basically don't like any MGS ever.

>not shit

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GZ and the first hour of TPP also set itself up for failure. It leads on that it will be as story filled as the previous titles. But after GZ and TPP prologue you are basically playing a limited open world sandbox game with the occasional cutscene that feels forced.
They should've just ditched the story entirely if they wanted people to know it wasn't going to be a main line MGS game.

Go replay it. I did a few weeks ago and it is even more shit than I remembered. The story is absolutely retarded. And not it a "too big brained for me" way, it's just shit with retarded characters and motives that contradict their personalities from the previous titles.
It is fan service gone wrong and to the extreme.

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Yes it is, and thank fuck for that

A shitty, tedious open world grindfest will always be a shitty, tedious open world grindfest no matter how much time passes

No it isn't. You are just too smallbrained to get it apparently.

Anyone who thinks a Kojima game is too complicated for even smallbrains to understand is a peanutbrain themselves.

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And you have enough people here who agree with this retardery to the point that Kojima was right in MGS2. You don't care about facts, you just care about your echo chamber stupidity.
You the type of nigga to kill your own family because of nanomachines LMAO

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>tries to sound bigbrained
>ends up sounding like a nigger

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A neanderthal would have been able to make a more intelligent post than this.

Cause you're a crybaby bitch with nonsensivcal expectations who also bought into the shitposting. It was a fine game.

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>No argument
>Can't help self from being pathetic and make a reply that exposes their insecurity
Thought so.

says the coping mgs4 nigger

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I feel a pleasant tingle around my forehead whenever I remember that the shrapnel horn is pressing against Venom's brain.

Your 'argments' for MGS4 were to call someone a zoomer

you rn

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It was hyped up as a finished game.

Exactly. You must be so young you haven't experienced any MGS ever.

Its finished, read the leaked script. People have been lying to themselves for years and filling in the blanks because the game wasnt their headcanon. It was MGS2 all over again. Kojima swept the rug under your legs and you kept crying.

>using "rn"
>posting Twitter nigger memes

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Truly this is The Last Jedi of video games

What a pretentious hack.

>nonsensivcal expectations
I don't think expecting a halfway finished game is nonsensical, user

Its finished, read the leaked script. Story would be exactly the same even with the Chico side op, battlegear or Kingdom of the Flies DLC.

>Its finished

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Well it is like it or not, not my fault you lied to yourself for years and developed a tunnel vision. Keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel any better.

Yeah the story would still have been shit but maybe the game would have been good with more content and actually new missions instead of reused shit halfway through. Big think over here

What did he mean by this?

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GTA 5 is called V so he has to do it too.

There really wasnt that much missing. One side op, a huge tank you could deploy for missions and one DLC scrapped early in development. Thats all, yeah I would love if it was added post release, there was nothing stoping Konami from doing it, but they didnt.

>There really wasnt that much missing
Every reused mission was a mission that was missing, the last mission was missing as well, one whole companion story was missing and surely more we will never hear about and even with all tha,t the game would still feel empty as fuck.
Also having the absolute audacity to send players into the village from the trailer just to collect a bird was so bad that it was funny.

Demon edition still happening, right guys?

Keep lying to yourself, or you could read the leaked script that proves you wrong, but that would require for you to man up.

Kojima hate thread

>Le expectations
Same argument The Last Jedi defenders use and they are wrong as well. We expected MGS and didn't get it. We got some soulless ubisoft shit with an MGS skin.

absolutely disgusting, speak for yourself not for all of us. I loved the fucking game.

Sure you did

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simply epic, do you like making a retard out of yourself?

I meant us human beings, not drones

Oh man, OP, don't you just hate when MGS5 that came out was the greatest stealth action game gameplay wise and didn't have more cutscenes than gameplay and didn't have toilet humour or "I used to be an otaku" lines? Don't you just hate it when an actual great game comes out?


This, the story of MGS has always been fucking stupid but the series always had Kojima's autistic soul and attention to detail that made it lovable. In V his heart wasn't in it at all.

how is it LESS of a game? every entry before it was more cutscenes than gameplay while this one has game mechanics that can be used outside of the damn story.

>V has good gameplay meme
You mean controls. These two aren't necessarily the same thing. V's world is too dead to make the good controls really pay off enough

>V's world is too dead
There are 25 bases and dozens of guard posts how can it be ''too dead"

I will never be over it

the controls, abilities, loadouts, the fact that everything has an open ended approach, it's unparalleled

i wouldn't say that V's world is "dead" -- games like Far Cry and most other open world games are way more "dead" in terms of immersion, but the way you travel from one outpost to another is kind of annoying and most of them aren't as good as Camp Omega in GZ or OKB Zero.

MGS3 and MGSV are the only good ones because they're the only ones with decent core gameplay

Finally, someone else who understands that having anime cutscenes be 90% of the game with gameplay acting as a transition only is eh. 3 and 5 are the only ones that are actual GAMES and not just movies with some gameplay portions.

That's not true, 3 has plenty of stupid cutscenes too.
The difference is that, when you skip them, there's an actually good game lying behind it.


>gameplay acting as a transition only
Did you play any of them?

I've played every single one (even peace walker and portable ops) except 4, which I watched.

i stand by my point.

Played some VR missions and finished an E-Extreme run in MGS2 yesterday, actually. The PC Port with V's fix is actually pretty good with a DS4 controller.