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Other urls found in this thread:

That's not Keanu it's the main character



That's clearly Reedus

wow, 49 mins of cutscenes


Already coping

I remember the mgsv hour long gameplay trailer. Showed the only good fucking mission.

you mean Feetus

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Looks like reedus

Attached: IMG_20190911_023525.jpg (3840x2176, 309K)

Look at the cheekbones

Why? Cyberpunk 2077 was hype before Keanu was ever attached to the project. While it is neat to have Johnny Mnemonic in a Cyberpunk game i see no reason to be agitated over that actor also appearing Kojima's gobbledygook.

Attached: johnny.jpg (1920x1040, 159K)

appearing in*

does that mean Sakurai is in too?

>cut out the most important part
sam is an android, you heard it here first.

>49min of sam packing his delivery packages
how can one man be so fucking based?

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gameplay xD movie xD peeing xD walking xD

That about sums up the thread to come

see you next thread, mr. stockholm syndrome.

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yes and ludens will be the last fighter.

>Japanese "Humour"

how much fun are you actually having pretending to be a retard

thats daryl dixion and i heard he likes to kill zombies


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Reeves isn't that fat or greasy.

Kojima hate thread

How fucking pretentious and narcissistic can one man be

That's David Hayter

Theres this one delivery mission where you deliver a cibernetic arm to none other than Keanu Reeves. Its a short cameo as he only appears in this mission as an hologram.

You did not read this from me.

What a fucking hack

heh. that would be alright, thanks "hideo". i won't tell it to kojima, no worries.

nope but Kiefer will be in the game
>'that's why we came prepared..'
>'makes me feel like shit every time'
its not even up for debate. before sam talks to Kiefer, you hear Tommie Earl Jenkins, who's voice is totally different from Kiefers'
and Hayter.. more like Gayter, good riddance Kojima.

Attached: standing.jpg (1200x627, 147K)

Huh. I never noticed that. So I guess this IS MGS ZER0


not saying its mgs or sh, i don't give a single shit about that. my only point is thats Kiefers voice, feel free to disagree and give me your theory on who that it.
but for now i'm 99% certain thats Kiefers voice

So you are saying that is Chapter 3! JUST LET IT GO MAN

I watched 24 for years and that is not Kiefers voice, buy better headphones

wast that little toy use to showcase the power of the ps4 way back?

Huh. I'm not saying it is Keifer but it isn't Die-Hardman (he is the one talking about Homo Demens) and Deadman, Higgs and Heartman both have distinct accents. And it definitely isn't Mads.
That's all of the male characters.

It's the guy from the 2017 trailer. The one who stabs himself.

>i watched a show from a decade ago and can tell that his voice never changed after years of drinking and smoking!
get the fuck out, homo demon.
or come up with any kind of explanation

>It's the guy from the 2017 trailer
doesn't really sound like the 'new' voice for me tho.

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Cdpr is making games Kojima is making shitty movies lol

its not Kiefer you faggot, sounds nothing like him

cdpr are busy downgrading

Yes because Witcher 3 was so much of a game
>Walk around
>Click click click on enemy
>Sit through boring dialogue

can't wait for nintendies switch quality setting for high end PC's in CDPRs newest title!

>relieve yourself away from other people and their property
wtf did he meme by this?

Attached: piss standing.png (1523x1171, 2.2M)

that's pretty much all games user

Then calling Death Stranding a movie is nonsensical.

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Keanu actually was the one that went to Kojima and not Kojima inviting him.

>a huge weeb
>some say he will be in TGS
>save us kojima

Maybe keanu is a gamer and nows the shit in gaming now.

Is he trying to say he's edited footage of the 1st third of all the game missions or edited footage of a third of the first mission?

>Keanu actually was the one that went to Kojima and not Kojima inviting him.
can you back up your claim?

Is he saying he won't show the online features

Check online. It's literally quite easy to find this out so no, I am not going to spoonfeed you.

I think he is saying because having an online connection set up at a live stage event is not reliable he will be showing recorded footage instead of a live playthrough.

>hes actually excited for his glorified pissing simulator

That's clearly 48 minutes long. Stupid fucking Jap.

>All you do in GTA is walk bro

>le fetus faec.jpeg

>make claim
>WTF why should i back anything up i said? EDUCATE MYSELF ON MY OWN CLAIM
ok, homo demon. i'll just label that a PR stunt by keanu.

>edited footage of a third of the first mission?
i hope thats the case
why is kojimbo such a wacky little faggot when it comes to english, holy fuck how can anyone say '70% of my body is made of movies' when he can't fucking speak english for shit.

>I think he is saying because having an online connection set up at a live stage event is not reliable
sounds reasonable enough. i mean what else could it be? would playing online interfere with a mission as he goes? regardless, i hope he will give any info on the online functions of the game

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>Check online. It's literally quite easy to find this out so no
it is also positively literally equally rather quite easy to call you a lying fagotron that tries to get away with acting haughty in the hopes that no one checks, easier even.
unless you are using an axiom in your argumentation, you are ALWAYS required to provide the fundamental proof, or you fail.

That's obviously Reedus, you can tell by his shit beard genetics

How do people take lea seydoux seriously as an actress after she licked clam on camera?

Why are kojidrones always so angry and defensive? It's like deep down you know his games are shit

>Say retarded thing
>'You're retarded'

yet he still bangs Diane Krueger every night.

God I can't wait for pretentious walking simulator bros it's gonna do so well in sales

>(Strand Game)
pure shitposting right here

Attached: strand game.png (635x916, 239K)

Oh that's what those other tweets were getting at. After like 5 fucking bad English tweets I finally figured out he means 50 minutes tomorrow of pre recorded gameplay footage and then Saturday 30 minutes of live gameplay on the stage.
Fucking hell his English is like a riddle.

>McRide cameo never ever

Attached: kojima + McRide.jpg (763x608, 83K)

kojima levels of pretentious
oh wait

Formerly Sneedus

Will there be Zone of the Enders stuff in Strand Game?

who knows