Other urls found in this thread:
Grow the fuck up. Being transphobic or pretending doesn't make you cool online. I didn't come into Yea Forums for this bullshit.
>trannies are living so rent-free in his head that he sees an antidepressant bottle and thinks it's estrogen
Can't make this shit up.
That's cool, what game is this?
>Trannies are mentally ill
What else is new?
Transgenders have to take antiandrogens and estrogens, so there would be two bottles. She's probably just some dyke going taking antidepressants.
>Grow the fuck up. Being transphobic or pretending doesn't make you cool online. I didn't come into Yea Forums for this bullshit.
No one asked you to stay either you mongoloid.
fuck off
resetera is that way ->
dilate hard 2
Reposting from Real talk, why are gays and trannies so obsessed with being included or "represented" in video games? What does it contribute to the story knowing a character likes dicks in his ass or wants to/has cut off his penis?
being transgender doesn't make you cool IRL and neither a real woman
Same reason people don't want to play games with black/woman protags; all of the suddens, having a "relatable" protagonist is important.
Wasn't this game supposed to be about abortion or some shit? Can you fags at least stay consistent?
Unrelated but what’s the origin of this fox character?
im not paying for propaganda
i thought the whole twist in celeste was that she had an abortion
she literally cannot have been a he to have an abortion
leftists cannot be that fucking stupid to believe they can bend reality
Same thing applies to white straight people doesn't it? Just look at films, every character has to be a generic white man with a hot female love interest often slapped in for no reason.
some wow spell I think
Tell me that's a shit post
Yes, the world belong to straight cis white males so stick to the status quo or commit suicide
then don't problem solved
Nobody said Madeline is trans except Twitter trannies. The dev didn't say anything about it, and he's exactly the kind of person who would brag about inclusiveness for good boy points, so if he's not doing that, you can pretty conclusively say she's not trans.
Of course, now that the trannies seized on it, he's also never going to say she's NOT trans. He knows he can double-dip right now if he just lets everyone think what they want to think.
Why are you?
I thought it was a sour grapes comic but I could be wrong
Because I am gay and the conduct of other gays directly reflects on how I'm perceived.
hello gramps men can give birth now in case you've been living 1 century behind
Realtalk, do you feel entitled to more for being white? Like you may or may not deserve it, but it's birthright nonetheless?
>sjw and rannies are soooo easily triggered, wtf?
did it ever crossed your mind that maybe the person who disagrees with you is also not trans?
Fuck off fascists. Back to your /pol/ropaganda board. Have sex incels
That's simply not possible.
You are either based and redpilled like us and complain about pixels with multiple threads 24/7 or you are a fucking transexual!
time to dilate
>ITT: Nobody posts genuine opinions and just false-flags for (You)s
It's called tranny, tranny
Real talk though, doctors (at least should) try the other treatment options they have available first. Hormone treatments and eventual SRS are used only when it's been determined that leaving the dysphoria untreated would be too much of a danger (suicide risk) compared to a lesser risk after the aforementioned procedures.
who is this even for anyway
the devs have been very open about their leftism on social media for a long time now
is even news to anyone or its just here to instigate people
Nobody thinks it’s hrt, we think it’s anti depressants because trannies are fucked in the head.
wait, i heard anons here said this game was about abortion
if character is tranny then she/he or whatever, could not have kids
so what's the point of the story
>real talk
>or pretending
I guarantee you wouldn’t know I wasn’t born a woman unless I told you.
Gender dysphoria is not even real lmao.
If you're an gay who likes girly things that's what you are, not a "woman trapped in man's body". Fucking cope.
post pic
>I guarantee you wouldn’t know I wasn’t born a woman unless I told you.
We don't accept you mental patients here and we never will.
what do you mean?
>two gay flags
Ok retard
>this might be a real post on Yea Forums
the dark ages have just begun
Of course I wouldn't, you're a faceless anonymous mook on the internet. I assume everyone that posts here are 2 labradors in a trench coat.
dr goldberg get out
Post face
i'm not jewish
oh no
tranny shit
i am very very mad now!!!!
UwU Sinterklaas-sama, what's that suspicious bulge?
sure you're (((white)))
>Luxembourg and Latvian flag to celebrate heritage
>short hair as a child, values family
No one:
Not a soul:
/pol/ zoomers: DiScOrD tRaNnIeS
me: kys
have (vaginal) sex
yeah i'm white
Why does she keep an avocado on her desk?
well they can't have kids, so they gotta recruit...
No one likes failed males, disguising yourself as a woman doesnt change this
post your nose if you're so bright
It was a dick abortion
honk all trannies
Also, Celeste sucks. I can do better "retro" pixel art in my sleep.
it's kinda big if that's what you're wondering about
and no, still not jewish
As a trans woman, we demand respect, Yea Forums
>Women/black/trans people are invading my vidya safe space it's literally all I have reeeeee
If you killed yourselves no one would miss you, including your parents who who're stuck taking care of you, incel
so you're jew or not white, i'm done with you, bye
right back at ya, cunt
hello i am literally a legit tranny
please dont be transphobic its not cool
thank you
Is there anything more cucked than being a failed male who turns themselves into a failed female?
>only jews or blacks can have big noses!!
woah, come back when you finished high school school pal
Show us some of your pixel art user
*puts on wig and violently slashes off genitals*
Want to watch them eat themselves? Start seeding the idea on social media that because the trans/LGBT 'callouts' are so subtle and slightly hidden as background elements that the devs are too afraid to commit fully to support 'trans rights' and LGBTWTFBBQ. Then call for them to be made more overt and in your face if they really want to show they support the 'cause'. Then watch nature take its course.
Why are you so afraid of trans women? We’re not so bad once you get to know us.
who cares
Being an 'ally'.
thats the dilation stone
Have sex
How do you rationalize the literal trans flag being there if you don't believe she's trans
Screenshotted for future use so whenever someone tries this I can out them as a reactionary Yea Forums shitter.
Seconding this guy. Maybe our love and support will be the shove you needed to make anything of it.
i said i'm done with you, you scared to even post your nose, i know people can have big nose and not be jewish because there are different shapes of noses
you didn't want to do it so that means:
1. you're lazy fuck
2. you're jew
or 3. you're not white
now fuck off and don't reply to me ever again
>1. you're lazy fuck
yep you got me there
That one was already used on the 911 thread
Try harder
I don't wanna post too much because I am still learning and practicing and last time I went to /ic/. I got my asshole ripped apart but Celeste comes off as outright lazy with how minimalist it is.
who gives a flying fuck
these people will all kill themselves anyway, just leave them to their delusions and suicide and stop giving them attention
I hope he went to jail for hurting her.
one more after this
How the fuck do people still buy into this retarded abortion meme. I'm legitimately surprised so many people actually believe it.
they call him boss
he's the boss
boss nigger
That's actually pretty damn good.
Get fucked retards
>People just watching and not giving a fuck
Based, No one likes trannies
With WoW Classic coming out, I was thinking back to those times of gaming. You had cheap sex characters in commercialized nerd culture back then and people at it up. Now you don't have that anymore, but lots of trans and gay anime posting.
You know, nothing changed, gamers still cannot get laid so they try to find other ways to do it. The only difference is that now it's state-funded lmao
Oh nonono
>No one likes failed males
I love bullying them, but only if they still have a dick.
I love making them emotionally dependant to me and then ignore them
>No one likes trannies
how do trannies get laid? do they give away money?. no one is crazy enough to stick their penor on pus filled wound right?
They usually get fucked in the ass and both parties try to pretend they're not just gay
>I can do better "retro" pixel art in my sleep.
you're delusional
Lookin good, buddy.
From indies to AAA game, Anglo games are all like that.
What a bunch of whinny and naive faggots. Did you REALLY not know whats going on in the geek industry? Nearly everything is about SJWs and trannies, and its not even new.
chances are its a tranny if its an antidepressant bottle, you subhuman
are you cute?
is being a homo a mental disorder?
The only kind of comments I hear from normals when trannies are brought is either
>it's a shame what they've done to themselves
or they warn each other about the gender "change" so as to avoid any mishaps in conversation, the same kind of tone you would bring up a broken relationship or someone getting cancer.
Look faggot just because one dude has to be on the bottom taking it up the ass doesnt mean he is suddenly a biological family starting girl who doesnt need to adopt or brainwash young kids as recruits like some fucked up cult
You already cut one head off now get rid of the one above your shoulders
>I didn't come into Yea Forums for this bullshit.
Either god tier bait or you have absolutely no idea where you are.
Imagine getting raped by a trans and they force you to dilate their bloodhole with your viagra corrupted dick
How come a sex obsessed, perverted, anime watching, mentally ill guy who hates real women is a gross privileged white male incel, UP UNTIL the moment he puts on the dress, and then he's suddenly an opressed minority?
I don't get it, how do SJWs reconcile the fact that they're inviting perverted men into their group and sheltering them?
And the funniest thing is that it's straight men who are most vocal about sheltering trannies, women usually conveniently don't speak out.
>All newfags thinking this is not a bait
i noticed this too and i can't wrap my head around it
There are tons of people who are on antidepressants, whether a result of over-prescription by doctors or misrepresentation of/by the patients. I've got an identical-looking bottle in the same place but mine's just sleeping pills.
damn thats some nice sideboob.
I completely agree, all this transphobia lately which i assume stems from gamer gate, because yes, a few transgender people are shitty people but it doesn't mean they are all garbage.
I mean, it's not even trolling or funny, it's just pointless seething.
>dumb weeb r/traa posters insisiting another anime girl is trans for some contrived reason so they can project their fantasies onto her
Can we just delete all weebs?
Woman here trannies are not human males should be making money for us not becoming us you fail at this simple task you don't deserve to live.
It's a blooming onion
He cute
All this shit massively pushing lately for men specifically to become trans is just the latest jewish population control scheme. Mind control via the brain altering tit skittles and dont forget the loss of reproduction capability. This is how you make whites go extinct so that all thats left is the easiest races to control.
They're usually EXTREMELY boring people outside their gender fiasco too
If you think that there is any group that shouldn't be joked about, you are on the wrong site.
It's kind of funny watching everybody lose their shit.
Nah, it's just nerds that can't get laid trying to realize their idealized view of femininity they saw in anime. At least that's the kind of transsexual you meet here, they might make up only a tiny portion in the real world, dunno.
>I didn't come into Yea Forums for this bullshit.
That's like saying you didn't go to Japan to be laughed at by natives for being a stupid liberal weeb.
Oh wait, people actually do that.
haha wouldnt it be funny if hrt pills started getting laced
Would it not be considered offensive to the trans folk to make a game about how how a hypothetical impossible abortion?
Not really. I feel bad for trannies. They are mentally ill, and political correctness is fucking them up in all sorts of ways, when all they need is therapy to learn some self-acceptance.
Why do ftms not exist bros?
Who are you to tell me I’m not a woman? You don’t know me, you don’t know what I’ve been through.
Females actually have it easier but they won't admit it
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
that funny thing would be if they were secretly switched with schizophrenia medicine and trannies would stop thinking they're girls:
>The successful treatment of a gender dysphoric patient with pimozide
Because none of your history matters one fucking bit. You are a man. You were born a man and you will die a man. You have the skeletal structure, hormones, genitalia, and mind of a man. You have the interests and hobbies of a man. You have the sex drive and attractions of a man. You have had the childhood of a man.
You are and forever will be a man.
You can find a few stories online. The women that transition typically wind up hating it. Females expect all sorts of free labor, and men wind up treating them like men.
if you have a pp you are a man.
there are 2 genders
male -have a pp
female -have a feminine pp
if you have a normal pp you not a female
Who else is looking forward to not buying their future games and laughing as faggots scream angrily about "you can't just not but the game because of pixels!"?
How do trannies get rid of the adams apple?
But I feel like a woman.
Its called being a bottom bitch subby faggot
Not who you were responding to, but so what? Crazy hobos feel like the world is going to end tomorrow. Feelings can be wrong.
Almost as bad as when they call anime boys trans
>deleting weebs
You can stay off my site though too, thanks.
Nobody else shares this feeling unless they fear offending you. Accept the hand you've been dealt and life will become much easier.
As a rule, noone can be honest with you and will generally feel pity followed by disgust with your attempts.
Your isolating behavior will drive you crazier than you already are.
Quit while you're ahead.
"but i feel like a woman"
how do you know you feel like a woman, your body produce testosterone not estrogens
What is it with trans and anime/vidya?
Checks out
The game is old
Why the fuck there is so much threads about it in the past days
Thats the problem, i'm failing to see the joke.
And I feel like killing myself. Maybe you should do whatever you're doing and maybe I should kill myself. Who knows?
>i'm failing to see the joke.
Yeah and sometimes I feel not absolutely pathetic but we all know the reality
>seasonal anime comes in increments
>Hrt also comes in increments
>Falling for the bait
Drink Bleach dumb fucks.
immersion into jrpgs
I'm really happy that my sense of judgment always keeps me away from this kind of shit.
I know one, they are an obnoxious yaoi loving genki gay bottom. Good lay though.
>Indie shit is gay and retarded
How come I'm always able to foresee this kind of shit JUST by looking at the artstyle?
>game made by trannies have tranny references in it
Other beta males or freaks like them. Always remember that every tranny is a failed male - those "incels" they love to insult is what they were before they went insane from the lack of affection and attention.
And some people feel like dolphins. It's called schizophrenia.
Who gives a shit?
All this crap about "representation" is retarded and anyone who talks about "culture war" with a straight face deserves a lead enema, but aren't people here always saying that they only have a problem with this sort of thing when it gets "shoved in their faces" or whatever? And also that game devs should be able to make whatever they want instead of caving to pressure from others?
A character having some stupid knicknack on their desk in a single scene seems absolutely trivial, especially compared to games like Catherine or Steins; Gate where a tranny char is actually a minor plot point and noone has a problem with those. And you all know full well that none of you would have given a fuck about this either if it wasn't for some retarded /pol/yp who actually IS shoving it in your face and telling you to get assmad about it while making obvious bait posts like I've never even played this game but was that something that was confirmed or is it just a fan theory like how people say the same thing about Yume Nikki?
didn't know Chads were allowed to post on Yea Forums anymore
shit guess i got a mental disorder
Gays are attention seekers who believe that who they fuck is just as important as black people.
This is the most retarded thing I've heard. Film and TV is more diverse than it has ever been and it's been that way for a while despite the shit the press pushes. If you wanted to watch stuff that only related to your minority you could do it easily unless you are some mongolian fuck ass or some shit, and even then just watch mongolian tv fuck ass.
>people talking about being sick of ""retro"" pixel indieshit "SO HARD" 2d platformers
>Celeste is game of the generation, an absolute masterpiece!
shut up Shania
I have got really bad news for you buddy
You don't even know what pixel art is, holy shit.
There is no such thing as feeling like a woman, you're just gay.
I'm saving this
t. ranny
40% soon
here's the rub: do you feel like a woman or a caricature of a woman? there's a portion of trans women who actually do act like women, unfortunately they are drowned out by trans women who act like what a man thinks a woman should act like. excessive caked on makeup, exaggerated character, flashy clothing - much closer to drag queens than actual women.
also Madeline just had short hair as a child, and having depression means she will run into LGBTQ eventually and thus have a pride and trans flag for decoration. not that your standard twitter retard has played the game or appreciate subtlety
Nice bait my dude, have a bunny
There's more FTMs than MTFs, Yea Forums (and the internet in general) just focuses on MTF trannies because they're far more likely to be ugly oldhons.
Unironically go away
>Grow the fuck up. Being transphobic or pretending doesn't make you cool online. I didn't come into Yea Forums for this bullshit.
You know you'll never be a girl, right?
Me taking care of my little sister
Your forced "feminine" mannerisms, masculine gait, shitty high pitch speaking pattern and adam's apple would all conspire to prove you wrong. Kys
If you have to resort to a couple pictures to allude to something in the most hamfisted, blunt story of 2019 youre a real dumbass. I bet you dont even know what the story for this chapter is even about
>I am so morally in the right
>Man it feels good to be the good guy
>You're all nazis
>"If you killed yourselves no one would miss you, including your parents who who're stuck taking care of you, incel"
>Respect me
friend dated an ftm
she was an absolute nutjob & ended up blackmailing him with some other guy after admitting she was underaged when she started the relationship & lied about her age (even though 17 was legal where he lived, but not where she lived)
avoid at all costs broskis
>game revolves around depression and accepting/loving yourself
It’s like you have to be actually retarded to not read inbetween the lines that these details leave
You have to be retarded to assume there are lines to begin with.
This story isnt even about Madeleine specifically its about the death of her grandmother
they exist, they're mostly chicks who are really afraid of being raped.
At what point did people pretending to be a tranny as a form of ironic shitposting stop pretending? There are now literal, genuine, actual, real trannies and tranny apologists on Yea Forums, in seemingly large numbers. Fuck off.
My little tranny can't be this cute!
>imagine having the tranny meme living rent free in your head
your face when you never even thought about playing these trash indie games
because its about getting you to not reproduce
I'm not a furry, except for bunnies
Fucking a ftm is gayer than fucking a trap
Both make you a faggot tho so dont do either
>trans flag
>childhood photo as a boy
Is clearly a tranny
>especially compared to games like Catherine or Steins; Gate where a tranny char is actually a minor plot point and noone has a problem with those.
Its unironically okay when japan does it
why do they all do that? Is it supposed to be surprise/excitement
I feel like its a queer version of the duckface
is this supposed to be based off of some suicide rate chart?
You guys do know it's not 'cool and edgy' to be anti-PC anymore, right?
This, I'm here for the porn.
>social shaming and conformity to groupthink
female or faggot detected
Oh for fuck sake. There was something off about this game from the get go, I cant be the only one that felt it. Maybe Its that its another pixel game with "deep introspection" and the main characters all look like hipsters. Look at that fucking guy on the monitor, in game you know exactly what he talks like, where he talks like a wise sage who has lived a thousand lifetimes at the age of 25 spitting life lessons like hes figured it all out.
These games have a right to exist, its fine that they do, but why the fuck are they all the same, for people who consider themselves unique they sure do go come up with the same messages and results.
The Bolivian and argentinian flag, what's the problem with them?
>that shitty photoshop though
way to ruin a good shot
I don't have depression but I have a friend with it. He used to get depressed once in a while but now that he takes anti-depressants, he's literally dependent on them. So whenever the jew pharmacy can't refill his prescription for some reason, he turns suicidal for a day. I don't think I'd want that kind of dependence on a drug but what do I know, maybe it really is that shitty without them.
Yes that's the joke good job
>this got 36 replies
Yea Forums is the worst board
diversity of appearance is the only acceptable form of diversity
diversity of thought or opinion is a hate crime
You can do that without making shitty threads
>i thought the whole twist in celeste was that she had an abortion
I cannot imagine how fucking stupid someone can be to actually be tricked by the genuinely dumbest board on Yea Forums
The Left is fucking taking over the industry, where are all the Right-leaning gamedevs?
>>childhood photo as a boy
That's an assumption
They exist, they just don't give a shit about using their games as propaganda like leftists cuck do
I'd prefer more gamedevs honestly.
Off making apolitical games, and not bothering to bring it up since you're just inviting a devil into your house you can't get rid of.
That's pretty hot tbqh
>support mentally ill people or I get mad
sorry buddy i am not part of your brainwashed cult. fuck off. trans people are sick and need help not surgery and support
What about proper futa recognization?
To be honest the fucking idle animations were hotter in that game than the actual sex scenes.
that's mean
Wew lad. What's the sauce?
>he doesn't know
Double paizuri with dumb big-titted blonde and 5head chestlet is one of the best things in an interactive medium.
Thats a pan flag not a trans flag dumbass
flat yourself
Rondo Duo
Compared to all the other girls you fuck, she's pretty flat senpai.
Luka is not trans you fucking retard.
This is the right way to do it honestly, this doesnt seem forced for political value, its just somthing in the background to notice, to add up.
>post yfw you stopped buying western games
>Compared to Materazi, Hitomi is flat!
>where are all the Right-leaning gamedevs?
instantly deplatformed/'cancelled' from all social media, have their games brigaded, raided and mass-flagged by the Twitter socjus army, blacklisted from the industry, harassed online and in real life
In all for that but it would difficult show reveal a Futa without it looking like its pandering to us futafags, non Futafags would class the as gamered immediately
You shouldn't judge artistic representation that dev wants to put in, especially because the game itself is well made.
However i strictly imply that no children will be playing it, tranny shit should instantly make it 18+ restricted.
Based weeb
I think it's cause they're not making games/art/comics/animation/anything really and busy complaining about imaginary leftist devils on Yea Forums.
Have you heard of /agdg/?
>is some how a right winged nation that creates more women hating incels and trannies then any one else
how do they do it?
thing is, just screaming "FUCK X! ALL X NEED TO DIE!" 24/7 is a shit joke. It just gets tiresome after a while.
I'm not transphobic. I pity them if anything. The entire "transgender" movement, at least from my perspective, is the worst case of intellectual dishonesty I've ever seen, and it's on kind of a mass scale. They're mentally ill, or dummies who've been tricked into jumping onto the bandwagon because it's trendy, and have been persuaded by society that nothing is wrong them. That the solution is to fight against biology, turn themselves into social pariahs and mutilate their bodies with foreign hormones in order to live out a lie, rather than come up with a solution to help them face their issues in a safe, healthier, and more productive way. I don't wish any ill on them, if anything it's actually rather sad.
Don't delude yourself into thinking your were born woman in man's body. Actually becoming a woman is something that you will never EVER be able to attain. It's hardcoded into you DNA. If you believe otherwise you're setting yourself up for a hell of a reality check. "Passing" won't change that, not that 99% of people that transition will pass. If you're a man who likes traditionally feminine things, then just do you. Wear drag, have sex with dudes, get a cat, whatever you want. It's your life, you can do whatever you want. Being self aware of your own existence and accepting it is the first step towards true happiness. Living in denial is your first step towards ending up being part of a meme statistic.
Stop being so focused on labels and just be an individual.
>who is doug tenapel
>who is Notch
Literally anyone who comes out as not left is treated like a jew in the third reich in this industry
name 3 good games directly involved with /agdg/
Remember The Last Night? Of course you don't, because it has been all but cancelled after socjus shitgoblins ran a massive smear and harassment campaign against its creator because of his personal political views. (Which he later halfassedly backpedaled on but there is no forgiveness or mercy to be found in the 'tolerant' left.)
Coincidentally, the creator is also embroiled in legal issues regarding the game, which, while there's nothing to suggest that it's tied to the harassment campaign since he isn't allowed to talk about it, wouldn't be surprising since the timing of the legal troubles following said harassment campaign is suspect and the left isn't averse to abusing the legal system to get its pound of flesh from those they've deemed their enemy.
>Imaginary reality is more important than raw ideology display
That's two fucking people. Does notch even make games anymore? And Doug Tenapel didn't make a game for 16 years then put out a medicocre skullmonkeys sequel.
fear grimmace
39% chance this is bait.
>indie game that is the gay version of iwbtg
>trans stuff
No shit
Still we will see a lot of people and /pol/kuks screaming "REEEE RISE UP GAMERS" and shit like that.
Bugger off u silly trap u WILL EVER EVET HAVE THE MILKERS
A problem with trannies I have is they directly play into gender stereotypes, they want to dress "girly", feel "girly", etc. therefore they have to be a girl, they can't just be a guy that's into these things
Look who he is replying to bud.
peepee poopoo
They're basically LARPing as women and forcing people to go along with it. It's like gaslighting.
>Clearly I am a woman, and if you think that's incorrect you're a bigot.
Is shilled by journalists.
>Don't delude yourself into thinking your were born woman in man's body. Actually becoming a woman is something that you will never EVER be able to attain. It's hardcoded into you DNA.
This is what I hate about the whole trans thing, I feel no matter what deep down they'll never truellt be satisfied. I hope tech gets to the point where can easily change a guy into a girl and vice versa, Because it's sucks seeing these people stuck in bodies they hate same goes for the disabled.
tits are disgusting jesus fuck
I didn't even know about the game in the first place. Looks neat. Shame he did something that you guys say games should be and went political. Maybe he shouldn't have brought politics into it until his game came out? Or like never because video games. Hmmmm.
It's mostly the flaming phase, they go all in to justify who they are. It's mostly annoying. Comically you never see trans tomboys. Additionally, this place never seems to talk about or have a problem with female to male trans people. Of course most FTM aren't insufferable annoying shitbags as far as the ones I've met.
Found the tranny janny
>Additionally, this place never seems to talk about or have a problem with female to male trans people. Of course most FTM aren't insufferable annoying shitbags as far as the ones I've met.
They're just as bad. MTF trans are just an easier target, since at the end of the day they're still men. Making fun of FTM is punching down.
this is disgusting
this is much better
>The 40%er taking anti-depressants
Sounds right.
Why Yea Forums?
What draws trannies here to Yea Forums to rub their opinions and flacid penises all over the board.
His game wasn't political, the twitter mobs just instantly started rifling through his post history after he showed his game off to dig up dirt so they could have a new victim to harass. They initiated it, not him.
Bigger the better
Video games became a battleground for identity politics circa like 2012 iirc. Smoothbrains and newfags will cite Gamergate as the cause, but it actually started a few years earlier. Tropes vs. Women was the catalyst and it snowballed from there.
I'm sure he was wholly innocent, 100%. I believe you. Definitely not the type of person to stretch the truth to support their opinions. Not on my Yea Forums. Why would there be people with political axes to grind here, a place where people talk about video games and not yell about socialism and transexuals. No sir (ma'am.)
Personally I don't care if certain character of a videogame is trans as long as I'm not enforced to make my games with this or that demographic in mind.
Right-leaners make games like factorio, and other simulator games. Anything with a story is going to be left-leaning devs unless it's a /pol/-bait meme game.
Why don't people just go out and play video games and just let this fucking forum die. Oh god, maybe the people who play the video games aren't here and all that's left are shitters who don't actually participate in the hobby...
Quick anons use giant tits to defeat trannies!
Good post.
But sjws play that game
Begone tranny
Ugh, why do people like fat tits and not big tits? Fat tits are ugly and stretched and veiny.
I'm here, but my game doesn't have politics in it. It's got it's own world problems to deal with. Like skeletons.
I guess some triggered journalist can point out how the secondary main character is "Trump like" in his behavior, fuck if I know what that means.
>Nonreligious climate-change-fighting anti-war nation with good social programs and wealth equality
>Worships super gay stuff like Gachi, produces the largest amount of tranny porn per capita
Stop judging japan by american standards
Do you think game looks fun to play
Yes: play game
No: don't play game
If were not discussing this in any capacity then fuck off this thread isn't video games
>All those replies
You deserve them, newfag.
No shit Yea Forums is filled with contrarian opinions, neither Republicans nor Democrats would agree with most of the opinions on this site if they treated it as one fucking person posting.
On YouTube and Yea Forums bitching about conspiracies
You Will Never Pass
>Luxembourg flag
>When the flag has yellow on it
>Latvian flag
>When the flag clearly has cyan, pink and white on it
How fucking retarded actually are you?