Create highly compelling storyline and atmosphere for the next WoW expansion

>create highly compelling storyline and atmosphere for the next WoW expansion
>the gameplay has been shit for years that even new expansions have lost all interest


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>compelling storyline

who gives a shit about the story in an MMORPG
especially WoW

Classic is really, really, really boring. God I wish I wasn't such a normalfag and played non-hype games.

>the gameplay has been shit for years that even new expansions have lost all interest
Come up with a new complaint, this one lost all credibility when you all started praising Classic

>Current Blizzard
>highly compelling storyline and atmosphere

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>create highly compelling storyline and atmosphere for the next WoW expansion

Imagine working on an expansion you KNOW no one is interested in, because everyone just wants classic+

Aka'Magosh, Kalimdor.

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Gameplay on the new classes (Monk/DH) are pretty fun actually

Didn't you like when big mean orc guy was being mean to the fluffy kung fu pandas?

fucking Yea Forums fag

imagine thinking your opinion is everyone's opinion

>create highly compelling storyline and atmosphere for the next WoW expansion

Blizzard should just admit that retail is dead and start over with classic, introducing burning crusade, then fixed lich king without raid finder and stuff. And after that just make new expansion and new story.

Nah BC and wotlk were shit

Well, I don't like BC lore wise and for introducing blood elves and fucking drenei with their spaceships n shit. But lich king is pretty cool lore wise and northrend is the best dlc continent.

So I am playing WoW classic
I am lvl 12, when does it gets fun?

What class did you pick? Are you playing by yourself?

if you're asking that just quit playing zoomer

Nah lich king is shit lore wise

TBC and Wrath of the Wrathbabby were both steps in the wrong direction.
The race additions and lore in TBC managed to totally nullify the much higher quality earlier WIII/TFT lore. It also introduced dumb shit like spaceships and every babybatterbrain's favourite race. It also added cancerous elements like dailies and flying. Finally, it's also when Blizz decided that WoW is really just a raiding and arena game rather than an MMORPG.

Wrath is where WoW firmly stepped towards being a lobby game. It basically set the tone for the cancer of Cata.
And the viking themed shit was so fucking uncreative by the way.
As cool as you think Arthas and shit are, it's also a shit expansion, and that's an objective fact.

wow was a mistake

Playing with colleagues
I'm playing Paladin

Fuck off nigger, I was busy playing RuneScape when WoW just came out

Also belfs ruined the horde

>when does it gets fun?
Never. You've been rused

Did people who hate pandas not play TFT?

You saying a joke hero that wasn't to be taken seeiously (lorewise) somehow justifies all that shit?
Because it doesn't.

No but I liked when the space man stabbed the planet. That was pretty cool.

I'm sorry

I feared as much
Good thing I only paid for 1 month

Who gives a shit. MoP is still the best expansion gameplay wise.
>wahhh omg the pandas
Faggot. You have walking cows rotting corpses and two manlet races on alliance but pandas are where you cross the line?

>>create highly compelling storyline and atmosphere for the next WoW expansion
Which expansion are you talking about?
If leaks for next one are true you are just one of their writers who went completly creative bankrupt

TBC pve was godlike though.

This is ass backwards. The story is fucking retarded (which it always has been) but most of the classes play better than ever (sans legion). The big killer is shit content outside of raids and m+ and RNG loot.

it was the best expansion lore wise too, funny enough.
all the other ones were retarded lore butchering garbage.

TBC PVE was only better than vanilla PVE.

I only played wow because I grew up with WC2 and WC3.... that is also why I didnt give a shit about wow after TBC (yes even WotLK was cancer crap).

>highly compelling storyline in current WoW

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>Classic is really, really, really boring
fair enough. I am having fun with my old buddies and I like the pace actually.

Pandas where a fucking joke like the cow level in diablo. It was never meant to be more like that and Mist of Pandashit was made SORELY to cash in on gullible Chinks.

>Vanillafags think they can continue to sell the lie that Vanilla was good now that Classic is out
The secret is out, Vanilla was dog shit even compared to its contemporaries like City of Heroes. Fucking one button rotations for max DPS, some specs that basically auto-attack to be effective, fucking retard-tier boss mechanics... etc.

Fucking Asmongold has been praising the fact that most specs in Classic are straight up unplayable. Literally said that it was a mistake for Blizzard to make cat druids even remotely competitive, or for Ret Paladins to have ever become more than niche. This is the sort of nonsense that the Vanillafag actually believes, that the game is better as a broken mess, specifically because it allows them to stream roll unknowing players just by knowing which three classes actually work.

Vanilla was straight up the worst that WoW has ever been, it just happened to be obscenely popular. As long as they ditch anything resembling Azerite Armor and instead focus on Essences, the next expansion should be solid gold.

look at all those arguments!

nobody is forcing you to play classic... enjoy the new expansion buddy. The fact that "classic fags" like me can now play the game I want while you can finally be rid of us in retail is that not a good thing?

>compelling storyline
Vanilla was pretty ok, exploring new environments and touching on the finer details of the lore
TBC was alright, made the Outland richer, gave us some info on Sargeras but it made Illidan utterly retarded
WoTLK is a mixed bag, Storm Peaks were great but Arthas was retarded

After that it's shit

What's the current storyline?

Paladin is fun if you're a healer. But it sucks until level 20 when you get flash of light.

Probably The Shadowlands leak. Sylvanas started a war with the express purpose of killing as many people as possible on both sides to have an army of the dead in the spirit world to fight Old Gods.

is this the power of nu-blizz story telling? muh waifu emo elf and super deep 4d chess!

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>hey look she was a good girl after all!
>muh old gods and VOID
literally all nublizz games have CORRUPTION as a plot device, uncreative niggers

lich king is perhaps worst than tbc lorewise.
They wasted Arthas and the cinematic story is terrible

>retail is just 70% chinks and has less than 300k player in the west
>classic has +2mil


if only blizzard didn't spoil the ending of mop before it released. kinda killed all suspense

It didn't make Illidan utterly retarded. He was enforcing his rule on Outland, and the PC like the god-like being he is, just went there and fucked everything.

>TBC was alright

corruption has been a core plot device since WC1.

TBC is peak WoW you shitter, just because you suck at arena and no one wanted to raid with you doesn't mean the expansion was flawed, it was literally perfect. Dailies were annoying, I mostly just ignored em

Shit taste, go play retail you fuck

Retail has good raids. You should play it.

TBC is unironically the worst thing that happened to WoW.

retail is worse than MoP though.
classic is worse than MoP too.

Lich King dealt the killing blow to any semblance of lore

TBC babs should hang

>compelling storyline

The ONLY thing Blizzard does well are expansion trailers! They are consistently amazing and consistently misleading. WoW has the biggest discrepancy between trailers and actual game.

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TBC did a lot of things right, but also a lot of things wrong. It's funny that you mention arena, one of the worst things ever introduced. Why the hell a MASSIVE multiplayer game is balanced around 2v2-5v5 fights (hell, most only cared about 2s or 3s) is beyond me.

This, and it's a shame.

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>highly compelling storyline and atmosphere for the next WoW expansion
der slutvanas did nothin wrong guys shes great derrr
kys faggit

>highly compelling storyline

no to all of these

Not, really. Vanilla and TBC are great. Then wotlk is cool because of the asthetic, but it's just about Arthas waking up some wyrm. Cata and MoP are shit. Wod is Wc3 orc campaign reash. Legion and BFA are meh (i don't like the Disney look of it and can't stand the characters).

This. Early patch trailers is where it's at

vanilla and TBC ruined warcraft lore harder than anything that came after.

Kael'Thas got cucked so hard

remember when they added a 5man instance that paraded his corpse around?
they didnt even let it linger for an expansion or two.

>Not, really.
Yes, really.

Kael was a moron anyway
>alright hold this flank then

Back in the days, no one (except illidan fanbois) gave a fuck about the lore, and majority of people were happy to slain all of the lore characters.
I also think that Blizzard expected to end WoW with Wotlk or cata, and that Project Titan was supposed to be their next MMO.


>gave a fuck about the lore
>I also think that Blizzard expected to end WoW with Wotlk or cata
yeah properly true
>Project Titan was supposed to be their next MMO
yep but by then blizzard had become unable to produce anything of quality.

This is true from my experience. I was in Highschool, lot of WoW players were normies, some did play wc3 but barely remember the campaign.
However people on the forum asked Blizz to include more lore characters as raid boss, hence why TBC happened.
The point of WoW was raiding and killing the bad guys.