Why can't games get Raven right?

Why can't games get Raven right?

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tits too small

tits too large

tits too average

this. the boobs are too big, they gotta go

Who knows

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>people always about raven
>always use off-model art




Worst meme

>Beast Boy
When I watched TT I was always hoping that Robin would just cuck his retarded ass. I don't know why people hoped for that pairing so much.

What are you talking about? There hasn't been any Teen Titans games. Unless you count flash games. But the picture you posted is Raven done wrong anyway.

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Go for it.

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Eh, I'd have cucked Robin if that was the more popular ship. Would have written a different character/story.

because robin is for starfire

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GameCube, PS2, GBA

because beat boy can transform into a horse, which is the type of partner i want to see with raven

NRS is such a joke.

I wish god would tell us why the west can't model female women.

Have you heard about the high elves?

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>female women

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What the fuck does Quan Chi have to do with Raven?

Because people only know Raven from the cartoon and think that is the actual character and then bitch that the comic version is not the thing they grew up with.
Same shit when people lose their minds over Starfire being a slag.

What else is there?

Male women?
Female men?

Saying female women is retundant, like ATM machine. You're probably ESL if you don't understand this.

are grammar nazis ESL?

Starfire is way better in the comics. 6' 5" with the proportions of a pornstar and hair down to her calves.

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adult starfire

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Now I'm really glad I wrote a "BB gets cucked" story.

I wont deny it.
I don't read the comics and only know starfire and raven from the cartoon, pretty sure that goes for nearly everyone, and nearly all fanart/porn is based on the cartoon.
I didn't even know they had comics as a kid.
So as far as I'm concerned the cartoon version is the real version.

Based Dick.
I remember the alphabet people having a meltdown when Starfire from Red Hood and the Outlaws wasn't exactly like their cartoon from the 90s.

She was made before NRS did face scanning. They'll probably just hire a goth model if Injustice 3 is a thing.

for me, its blackfire

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DC even tried to meet them halfway by creating Miss Martian, who is basically cartoon Starfire, just with Martian Manhunter's powerset, because they didn't want to throw away decades of characterization, but still wanted to throw those people a bone. It didn't work, but hey, we got an adorable green space babe out of it, and Starfire is still the giant space slut we all know and love. That's a win in my book.

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You have to give it up for DC with their waifu in every color approach.

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DC's space waifu game is indeed quite strong, they even have space elves.

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what's the deal with transwomen, are they real women or not?

Reminder that she was 18 in space years and thus perfectly legal.

no they're fake women

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I checked.

You don't give the guy who thinks he's Napoleon a fucking cannon
Encouraging mental illness does the mentally ill no good.

>46 posts
>16 images

This thread fucking sucks.

I think they retconned it to where her world's year is roughly the same length as an Earth Year. Supergirl however, is still just 17, and thus too young to have Hal burgle her boigahs.

Razor pls

Did you like the story?

only faggots who want to be chocked by meaty thighs like raven

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ye srsly

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Attached: Hal you disgusting pervert that's the legal age of consent in many places on Earth including so (1280x1955, 997K)

At the very least, the concept is hot

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god I love this set

go back to your discord and tell them I'm gunning for them

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does something unlimited have more raven stuff yet?

Not enough games appreciate leotards

Yes, your point?

looks like an oblivion character completely unironically

>Removing all her sex appeal
Worst decision they could've made.

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For all we know Kryptonians mature faster than humans. Hal did nothing wrong and I don't know why people keep saying I'm a space pedo.

Alphabet people?


Well they're stupid because that's always been her design. What I do remember is them getting mad at her being nude.

They don't, they do have organs humans don't though.

my dick also thinks very high of them

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Doesn't matter if she's 17, she's not under US laws whatsoever or any laws in fact.

Teen Titans wasn't from the 90s you underage ban.

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