Nightly Monster Hunter Thread

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This guy steals your girls rock, what do?

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I have nothing to add to this thread. I wait for the better version to launch of Iceborne like most self respecting people around here.

Clockwork Armor. Yay or Nay?

How many monsters do you think they'll add to Iceborne before support ends? 3?
How many did they add to World, exactly?

Why does capcom refuse to use unique weapon models?

yay for looks, nay for skills

deviljho, kulve taroth, behemoth, and leshen

They said that it will be around the same ammount as World, World has 5 post-launch monsters and there was a big gap between the last 2 because the crossovers weren't planned and took a lot of dev time.


i don't think about lunastra at all

Because that would take too much effort.

How is chip damage taken from blocking calculated? Does each attack have a set chip damage per Guard level? Is your armor rating taken into account?

I'm really hoping they do a few more than 5 I can see myself playing this game for the next two years if they do it right.

What are the chances of some subspecies making it back as post-launch content?

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5 extra monsters post launch sounds pretty good. We know Rajang is in, any predictions or wishes? I think Amatsu would be pretty cool.

>I can see myself playing this game for the next two years
No need for that, user. Take into account World is merely laying down the groundwork for the next title, which will be the real deal. This is a necessary transitory step but not where you're meant to stay.

They said that they we're gonna be done with post-launch content earlier than World, however World post launch content took 16 months to wrap up, they didnt specify how many monsters they were adding either so unless we get more unplanned crossovers we're probably getting more than 5 this time.

>Shrieking Legiana does a flip before it is knocked down from the sky
What's it being such a goon for

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>no wide 6 gunlance yet again
Here's a sincere fuck you, Capcom. From me to you.
And here's another one for the hideous botched weapons. I can't believe how many amazing designs were thrown into the world design pit.

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World had 5 planned DLC monsters at first, but two were never released for some reason and they ended up doing the crossover monsters later on, which gave us 5, 6 or 7 depending on if you count Ancient Leshen and Gajalaka King as full blown monsters of their own. They said Iceborne will have a similar amount of post launch content as World but over a shorter period of time, and they have no more crossovers planned. So 5 sounds like a good estimate imo.

I think Bagel Goose is cool.
>tfw no Bagel Goose SnS with the DB axe and Lance shield

I would mind trading one monster for all the old weapon designs back.

Is it known who those two unreleased monsters were?

It was oroshi kirin and alatreon, wasn't it?

Wouldn't mind*

Oroshi Kirin and Alatreon, they appeared on a leaked monster list that got everything right, even Kulve.
They also have dummied out armor in the PC release

Mantles are a fucking joke to get. I’ve hunted Azure Rathalos like 40+ times in the past day, a majority of the hunts being investigations with 2 golds and I have not gotten a single mantle. This is peak autism.

How'd they go from the worst shit since Lao in Xeno to 10/10 plus cool armor in Shara in the span of a year and a half?

Trick question. There's nothing you can do.

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I wouldn’t think we’d get Amatsu because he uses a skeleton rig not in the game already, but Rajang is in and not only is he using a unique rig but they’ve completely revamped it too. So who knows, Amatsu could make it. I expect after Rajang they’ll be doing more Elder Dragons like how after Deviljho they only added more dragons. I want to see Chameleos personally, if he’s not in then Iceborne is the first G/Ultimate game with Kushala and Teostra that doesn’t have their buddy Chameleos too. Chameleos wasn’t in 4 but was in 4U so hopefully they bring him back here too. I think Alatreon is pretty likely also, he was on the leaked roster for World back in 2017 but never got released as DLC like Deviljho, Kulve and Lunastra. Oroshi Kirin was never released either, but unlike him Alatreon’s armour files are still referenced in the game and were never patched out afaik.

I hope they put in normal monsters and not shit like kulve, behemoth or leshen

>Me and my friend break Glavs tail real early
>Spend the rest of the fight hitting it and keeping it weakened
>We do like fucking 90% of Glavs life on his tail
>Fucking wake him from his final nap with a true charge to a weakened tail
>Still never severs before we kill him
>Monster guide does confirm it can be severed
What the fuck does it take to cut this cunts sword?

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We already know Lao is going to be in as the new siege cause he's Ryozo's favorite as of the 15th anniversary posts. The question is if they'll screw us and make Rusted Kushala a thing since his skin is in the Hoarfrost.

It's gotta be hot to cut it off, otherwise it's just a break.

I miss her so much bros

Also i discovered that while on air with the Insect Glaive you can press L2 to do a claw attack and attach your self to the monster.

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>Tracking Velkhana in Ancient Forest
>just know we're gonna run into Narga
>shows up
>fights Rathalos and fucks off
Okay then

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They said they have no more crossover monsters planned but the crossovers for World weren’t planned until well after the game was already released and the other DLC content developed, so it’s not like they are into dev time or resources for the rest of the game. That said I would also rather they did original monsters instead of crossovers.

As someone that's never touched a MH game before is the new game + the new expansion worth getting?

Kinda tempted but at the same time I've got a mountain of games I've yet to get around to sitting on my shelf

But is there a monster that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Ruiner Nergigante? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about a starving Nergigante. I'm not talking about a Nergigante that has fed on Zorah Magdaros either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Arch Tempered Nergigante (with the instant slam abilities and being capable of both OHKO's and massive AOE spikes).
I'm talking about the Ruiner Nergigante equipped with his black spikes, a perfect moveset, control of Xeno and Zorah, with Sharah Ishvalda's DNA implanted in him so he has even harder spikes and can perform sound wave attacks while being an expert in kill stealing and running away

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Lao’s armour is already in as a layered set from Kulve, it’d be weird adding him now especially with how poorly received Zorah was. There’s a reason the obligatory siege quest in Iceborne was against Velkhana and not a giant damage sponge like Lao or Zorah, and Zorah not getting an MR version at all.

It's probably the best time to get into the game. Easier than ever to get into and enjoy with huge QoL changes. I'd suggest you tried the demo but unfortunately MHW only has time limited betas. I love the game, I've got like 500 hours in it across 2 playthroughs and don't regret a single second of it.

It’s definitely worth trying, but it’s not for everyone. If you do end up enjoying it though then I highly recommend the expansion, there’s a fucking lot of content.

I like Tigarekusu subspecies the best, he's my favorite.

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Imagine how big Kulu could get if we didn't hunt him haha

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The MH team is very autistic about keeping the Fatalis trio as the absolute strongest in canon, sorry Nerg.

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No matter. Every monster is just a loot pinata for the hunters.

Might just go up to bestbuy today and get the steelbook edition with both the game and expansion then.

Monster Hunter World is a fantastic game and a great way to get into the series. Especially if you have friends that play it at all. It's probably the most accessible and smoothest-playing game in the hunting genre. And, also, just based on breadth of content, you'll be paying like $60 for a game that you can easily spend hundreds of hours on. Even my very casual friends that don't spend too long on one game, usually, and had never played Monster Hunter before ended up playing about 120 hours each.

But could ANY of the fatalis trio beat THE Madara Uchiha?

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It's funny to me that the most generic looking dragon in the series is also the ultimate mary sue asspull apocalyptic entity.

I think that was what they were going for.

>is the new game + the new expansion worth getting?
With the addition of Iceborne, it's pretty much the best game in the series yet. So it's definitely worth picking up. And the games have been quite noob friendly ever since 4U, with the inclusion of more thorough tutorials and the story to grab your attention.
>I've got a mountain of games I've yet to get around to sitting on my shelf
If you have a good PC, then you might want to wait with us for the superior version of the game coming out only in FOUR MONTHS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Why Lao? I don't see why he'd be anyone's favourite.

A weapon to surpass fatalis gear. Adult form could have beaten a fatalis?

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That has nothing to do with Lao though, and he isn't even similar to Zorah beyond being giant. He's more similar to Kulve, and him have a layered set in the game makes it more believable that he'll be in since the assets are already made and they just need to throw on stats.

We'll never know, our hunter deleted Xeno from existance so hard he didn't even get a MR variant.

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Don't worry Lao is just a meme based off he's Ryozo's favorite monster (But Ryozo changes his opinion every so often) and that's no siege monster in iceborne

lmao lao is a top 10 regular in Japanese polls. He'll dip out of them sometimes, but he's present like 75% of the time. In the GU poll he tied with egyptian mantis.

Well I hope you enjoy it, man. I honestly believe it's one of the best games of this generation, and it's just a ton of fun.
The best part about it is that it's perfectly logical and even a cool addition that makes sense. You feel stupid about not figuring it out before but you can't even be mad

I am 99% sure that at some point there will be an MR Xeno quest. It may not be a full new monsters, it's probably just going to be a 4U Crimson Fatalis case, where the G-rank version has entirely new moves and slightly different color pallete but it's not considered different, be it is coming

Between PC, ps2, ps3, ps4, and 3ds I've probably got a backlog of 15 to 20 games to go through.
The grand prix's in CTR certainly didnt help things

honestly AT xeno felt like a g-rank xeno. It's a genuinely different fight that's a lot better, I wouldn't have minded if that was the g-rank version of xeno.

Monster Hunter is definitely a game I would call a backlog assassin. If you're gonna buy it, be aware your backlog is going to be put on hiatus for a while. It's not one of those games that you willingly drop until you've had your fill.

It'd be cool if he didn't spend 90% of the fight with the tail in the sharpened or blunt state, and if there was a way to reliably trigger the heated mode. It's just annoying otherwise.
But then again, maybe they fixed it in IB. In Gen it was more reasonable to just capture him for the tail, instead of trying to cut it every time.

Weakening makes it stupidly easy to break his tail.

I have 800+ hours in World already, and that's just on PC, not counting the original double dipping on PS4. That's like 4 times more than I put in HR MH games previously. With IB that time might just quintuple.

You got everything in the Spyro GP? The crossover is neat and all of lacking, but the game really has a way of burning you out with the grind.

>it's pretty much the best game in the series yet.
I find that highly debatable. It's the most accessible by far, but it's still far from the tons of content the previous entries have you used to.
World 2 or 3, once the amount of content is up there will probably be a contender for that title, but I find it's still early for that.

Tail breaks require a single sever hit after taking a set amount of damage. Any damage. All you need to do is hit it enough and then wait for him to heat up.
Funnily enough thanks to what I said, you can even do tail breaks with the hunting horn thanks to the hilt stab. Even though it does very little damage, it's sever damage. So even a solo HH player can cut a tail off with the right plays.
Not hammer players though.
I have like 600 hours thanks to double dips, but I'm not double dipping for iceborne. PC is just too good.

That's the adult form, though.

What's worth of "content" that is Gravios or Drome clones? World has by far the best gameplay, mechanics and systems, and QoL the series has to offer. And all the actually good monsters (well, most, cause no Magalas), the content that matters.

Not the adult, but now a newborn like people like to meme about. It's a teenager. If allowed to grow Xeno's skin would stop being translucid and its features may change slightly but it wouldn't be any bigger

Really? So Glav tail cut works like P3rd tail cuts used to, but only his? Weird, but okay.

G-rank adds new attacks and/or abilities to existing monsters
What ones have you noticed?
I'm pretty sure that Kulu-Ya-ku will dig up an exploding rock
and Tzitzi-Ya-Ku does some sick back stepping and side dodging when doing flash his flash attack to try and keep you in the aoe

Odogaron starts with its special rage mode, which is actually a very significant improvement. I legit only seen that mode once before G-rank and I farmed Odogaron HR armor + Dual Blades

Who's ready for the mr 200 quest? You will solo it right user?

No no, everyone's tail is like that.

Playing as a girl is for faggots!

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Man that Steamworks mini game is fuckin bonkers

Acid Glavenus is so much more fun to fight than regular Glavenus it's unreal.

Pretty sure in every game, other than P3rd, only the cut damage counts toward the tail sever. Not just any damage type and a single last cutting hit.

Is the HH hilt jab still in? Don't think I've seen it in World.

Uragaans flaming wheel of death is my favorite.

I may have been mislead then, scratch that.
Yeah, after every note, hold back and press a note button. It's like the circle note from previous games but better.

WTF I love faggots now.

Very true, comrade.

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Btw, can you cut his tail or not? Seeing how he doesn't go superheated mode.

Why don't you faggots ever post appearance sliders? I thought that was a new feature in Iceborne to make it easy to copy other people's hunter looks.

I noticed that one. Are his exploding rocks larger than before too?

Male armor is always objectively better than female armor so the only people who play as females are either libidocucks, trannies or actual women.

I'm getting Jack of Blades vibes for some reason.

He was adult

yeah, they seem huge compared to before.

>Great jagras
Vomits food in AoE
Exploding rock
Eats food from distance and more i think triple venom shot like Rathian triple fire ball
I think a tail swift
More fire nose attacks, maybe something big but always make his throat go boom.
Nothing more i can think off, gonna do all side quests so in an hour i might say more.

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Can I solo Behemoth with SnS as an average player?

Where da fuk in the expedition lands do you get the materials for the G rank Zorah Magdaros armor?

>Why don't you faggots ever post appearance sliders?
He's wearing a mask, user.

It’s at its adult size but it has maturing to do. IIRC the art books say that if it were allowed to live longer it’s skin would harden completely and turn black, at which point it would be considered ‘fully grown’.

I don't want my perfect huntress to be stolen by some faggot, who can't make a good looking female character in vidya on their own.
Also, still waiting for Iceborne.

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Uragaan is a wheel of fucking fire
Tobi Kadachi has a new charged state and can enter the old one at will
Great Jagras vomits
Tzitzi can move while flashing

I'm hunting rank 3 MR monsters like Brachy and Narga in 46 minutes, it's clearly too much, I'm using the rarity nine Rathian gunlance, can you guys suggest me better weapons? Greatsword preferred but i'm willing to try more

You can do anything if you try hard enough.

Great Girros does a spin similar to Beotodus’ spin, except it’s faster and he likes to spam it while you’re paralysed.

>perfect huntress
All yours, user.

If you're using gunlances try any long 6 GLs. They're crazy good.

>it's the weapon's fault and not me
typical worldsperm

Any fellow PC bros lurking? How you holding up?

>triple venom shot like Rathian triple fire ball
LR/HR Pukei does that.
Anja does flame breath right under him transitioning into frontal Kulve like breath. Also I think that downwards breath can transition into bulldozer bite attack instead.
That's just what I noticed in my short time playing the beta on PS4.

said the dude wearing a wig lmao

I know she is, because I'm not sharing the sliders with you. No need to be so jealous.

Are long's better than normal's now? I thought normal's were still big king dick?

>Eats food from distance
I saw this, fuckin tongue stretched into the sky and snatched out some nuts in the forest poison area
actually sickening

I'm here bro, only 112 days to go

Anja's instant flame vomit has insane range and is stupidly annoying

Guys, did you notice they added the blonde girl from the Gathering Hub as a preset? They've recognized her as best girl.

This is from the one of the modders who got a job to assist in developing Iceborne. He also leaked Shara.

You didn't hear this from me but

Confirmed DLC.

Rajang Pack
Rajang/Furious Rajang and a secret monster Oroshi Kirin

Second update in November
Gore Magala/Khezu/Sub-Species

Third update in December/January
Black Dragons
Alatreon/Dire Miralis/Fatalis

Fourth update in spring
Lagiacrus/Mizitsune and the third is a Frontier one. Not sure who the Frontier team is handling it.

Fifth update somewhere around late April/Early May
Siege monster
Nope it's not Kulve but her stuff will be related to the upgrades you can do.
Monster is Yama-Tsukami.
The concept is you can upgrade Kulve weapons and alter the appearance with the stuff that you get from Yama drops. New area will be added.

There are more but currently these are the ones in the pipeline. Each update would increase the MR cap by 100. There's also talks of collaborations with Square-Enix/Bandai Namco/Sony (Not HZD)

handler turns into better handler but only once per playthrough

Don't know if there is a special condition to it but I fought it twice and cut if off twice

kulu ya ku is about the only monster id fight in real life. even regular jagras are more threatening. most of the roster is straight out of a nightmare how is this a kids game?

long is better for poke->shell, which is a safer and easier way to play than full burst.

Any idiot can solo behemoth to be honest with you. You've got 50 minutes, two large weakness exploit targets to hit at all times, and it never becomes flash resistant. Not to mention that many of its attacks are moreous than they seem and you can roll them with base i-frames. Slap on some evade window and you dont have to worry about anything.
Behemoth is a normal monster in a game filled with easy monsters because world is the second easiest game in the series with p3rd at the #1 spot.
Go solo it chief.

FFFFFFFFFFFFF I was hoping we'd get the option to switch handler after the story was over
Srs Handlers version of the steamworks cutscene is clearly the best
She just wants to help the kitties

>Fourth update in spring
Way to blow what little credibility you had.

Source: Trust me dude

I'm playing through Yakuza Kiwami, trying to go 100% completion later, like I did with 0, which I've heard was harder to do than Kiwami.
Also slowly crawling my way through PQ2 on 3DS, because I want to use all of my party members, and Atlus was dumb enough not to put EXP sharing with reserve members in a game with two dozen playable characters. Also, the MC can't be removed from the party, so if I grind, I'll overlevel him. And max level personas can't be injected with the skill cards. So, yeah, the game's turning into some kind of a chore.
There's also Blasphemous I want to pick up and I promised myself to finally finish PoH in Hollow Knight before Silksong comes out.
I have stuff to do before Iceborne. It helps. A little.

icebornes great and all but i dont think capcom isnt lazy enough to actually do all this

Okay, sure. But what about Extreme Behemoth?

what's so fun about larping as a leaker? can someone enlighten me about the cause of this mystifying behavior?

Leviathan skeleton was originally in the prototype. Only problem they had is clipping issues with Lagiacrus.


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I hate that you would dare put Leviathans in your obviously fake bullshit get me slightly hopeful even though I know it's 100% a lie.

Got to the final boss of IB
Actually failed on him, the damage in that second form is nuts, and did not having the muck resistance so even my evade set couldnt quite hold out.

Also what do when he spirit bombs ?I used lance at first but once the shell is off "blocking" is kind of out of the question.

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>it never becomes flash resistant

you gotta remember how big thede motherfuckers are. kulus size could prolly cave your head in with just the pot
>mr200 secret monster
Is it real?

>your Handler's version of the cutscene
>haha, I can't stop eating
>watch me put some sweet potatoes in this thing that might explode just so I can stuff my mouth some more
>haha, aren't I cute and quirky?

Not that user but she looks like a streetshitter currynigger.

Pukei-Pukei has a three-shot poison spit a la Rathian fireballs. Radobaan does a top-spin move where he rolls on his side instead of his back, and also his tail swipe sends out a ton of bone projectiles I don't remember him having before.

Anjanath has probably my favorite new attack so far where he just straight up coats an area right below his head with a gout of flame. I was especially pleased to find that it was unique to plain Anjanath and not something they ported from Fulgur, though Fulgur has an attack with a similar function but a completely different animation and length of effect.

>long is better for poke->shell
You're confusing World with the old games.
For some reason they effectively swapped long and wide. So now long is for charged shelling and wide for poke-shell comboing.

Also not as hard as people make it out to be,
Killing AT nerg in a reasonable time is harder than extremoth,

It never does. Behemoth can be flashed indefinitely. It's not a tempered monster.

Who's boy número 3?

you get the sweet, sweet attention you crave for a few moments by getting (you)s on a Tibetan sock puppet forum, even better if some dumbass actually believes

>Killing AT nerg in a reasonable time is harder than extremoth
Absolutely wrong, unless you only count sub 10 minute kills as "reasonable time". Hell, probably not even then. Extremoth solo is a quest you're not likely to be able to finish at all, let alone in reasonable time. AT Nerg is easy in comparison.

Man, I really need to go and hunt some monsters and not put them in a sleep stun trap loop

i've done normal behe pubs enough to know that it'll eventually gain flash resistance when retards are flashing it at every opportunity. not in as few flashes as excremoth, but it will definitely get there

Velkhana, duh.

>Vaal Hazaaj (and variant)

MHW is the Dark Souls of MH

I love hammer.
Every hit is so slow and satisfying.

Halp plz.

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Just don't step into quicksand lol.
Just dive the bomb lol.

Eh, %90 of the roster would go down from a modern shoulder mounted rocket, the basic gunpowder they have in series is of questionable quality and the munitions they're during aren't even 1/100th as effective as some surplus RPG-7 stored in a sand pit since the Soviet invasion of iraq.

Some of the monsters made out of fucking rock or some of the elder auras would be an issue but that's why we got thermobaric weapons.

Teaming up with people to fight Glavenus and Nargacuga investigation

I'm gonna miss when my PS+ runs out.

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>Slides down slope
>Spins though air at high speeds

It becomes "resistant" to flashes, i.e. they wear off almost instantly, but you can still interrupt charybdis casts with it, no matter how many you've already used on him.

Yeah I suppose super manning it is the only real option huh

The Leviathain skeleton is in the game, they didn't put any Leviathans in world because the neck had an issue were it would flop all around and glitch out, they're aren't in iceborne because they gave up on putting Leviathans in the game before they were done making maps, so the maps are too small for them, however Amatsu is the only Leviathan that I could see making it because it cheats by flying so they wouldn't have to worry about it clipping into to shit, but it's extremely unlikely

>Xeno was an immature black dragon this whole time

>Every hit is so slow
Wut? None of the hammer's attacks are slow.

There's something incredibly satisfying about joining some randoms and they all know what they're doing and you just go to town on the monster.

just buy more

That sounds awful

If you run to the outer edges of the arena, you can avoid it. Or farcaster. Or dive it. Or use the baby blanket.

I dunno. Mining and gathering shit? I don't have IB, but that's what I've heard. You might need to level up the areas first though.

You run behind him when he charges up.

Agnaktor would still work in the elder's recess. I'm sure they were able to fix the neck problem long ago. I can't see it causing major clipping beyond you would see with other monsters already. Really it's only Lagi that would have a problem since there's only 1 area in the forest it can work and it would have to be able to travel to others.

>try to farm Shara with randoms online because soloing it is a 45 minute slog
>get 3 japs
>fuck yeah, this is gonna be fast and clean
>everyone carts but me
What the fuck, Japan? You were supposed to be the best.
>getting outdone by a burger hunter and a sheltered NEET monster who fucking hates company and literally lives under a rock
Very shamfur.

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That's just "Sapphire Star Guidance" analog in MR. Multi monster quest means they've got no fucking health, so you can stunlock them to death before they can even do anything.

a shelling level of 6 isnt going to help this retard

>they made lmao two bagels and Tempered Kirin optional because it was too hard for Worldbabs
You were the chosen one, Capcom.

maybe, but it depends on where the fight is happening and how many of them show up at once

I only want Lagiacrus back with underwater damnit, the GU version was so shit

>play game with 3 """friends"""
>have a good time
>don't have time to play the next day
>couple quests behind
>they don't ask me to play anymore when coming back to it and keep progressing
>shitty HR equipment makes it so every monster takes 30 minutes to kill and can potentially oneshot me with defensive food
>fun game turns into a tedious grind
>try sending distress signal 5 times
>nobody responds
>game is dead
best $50 i ever spent.

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If you think that multiplayer hunts in World, at least with randoms, is going to speed up your quest clear times, then you're sorely mistaken.
Randos can't provide enough DPS to offset the multiplayer HP scaling. They do provide more targets for the monster AI though, so that can be beneficial. Although that might just result in the monster constantly running form one edge of the map to the other, not letting you to get a hit in.

>Brachy armor only gives 2 points to blast attack
Why. That's its main fucking gimmick.

Man weren't you playing at world's launch? Japanese players are not to be trusted.

%85 of the time it's literally a small child who got carried to your rank
%10 of the time it's an average player who won't cart much but will trip you constantly
%5 of the time it's Daigo Umehara himself

The legs with Crit Boost can be useful

>somewhere out there is an HR250+ player that still refuses to do Tempered Kirin and will never know his actual rank

It begins.

I bet it's in the Guiding Lands and they show up one by one after the previous body despawns. It being a four-monster quest is the biggest indicator of the latter, because the maps can only hold three at the same time.

Teo and Luna will guaranteed be in at the same time.

Seregios, Valstrax, Gore/Shaggy, and the Fatalis bros

watching this reminded me of a webm I made the other day

Attached: Iceborne Hole.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

That sucks, but I don't know what's worse, that or my friends, only one of which finished the story, and then both dropped the game and are playing WoW now.

Git gud. Weapon can only get you so far.

>One of the dlc monsters will be the robot T-Rex from horizon zero dawn and there's nothing we can do to stop it

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Maybe you should MR equipment instead of clinging to your shitty HR meta crutch sets

>but muh dps

All the dps doesn't help when you die

So are kulve taroth weapons obsolete now? is there any upgrading for them? Im talking specifically the lance.

>%85 of the time it's literally a small child who got carried to your rank
A ゆうた.

>with underwater
That's a never ever if I've ever seen one.

One of the World guys said they'd be interested in trying underwater again someday

It could work now, we have decent Controla this time around

The HR 200 “hidden monster” is just the MR Sapphire Star Guidance thing

I'm just here to confirm what this user says by sharing my personal experience with the game:
It took me 5 full days of trying for a grand total of around 190-200 failed attempts before pulling out the extremoth solo with a HH, took me around 15-20 for AT nerg with a LS (which I don't main and mostly just play for fun).
Bonus: A. Leshen was on the 5th try with a LS still and around the 20th with DBs, but I've never been able to solo it with the HH.
Every other AT elder is relatively easy compared to those 3 monsters, except Luna which is a fucking cunt and I've never understood how to position vs her.

>I'm sure they were able to fix the neck problem long ago
Did you ever read that chinese interview from a couple months ago? They fixed the neck issues a long time ago
But the new problem was they gave up on leviathans so early into world development that non of the maps were done, as a result all the maps are too small for them because they weren't made with in mind, considering both how leviathans as a class of monster types are usually large and how world made a lot of returning monster fucking huge (for example all of the pseudo wyverns and zinorge) Leviathans are probably XBOX HUEG, we've already seen in the early proof of concept video lagi absolutely dwarves anjanath and makes him look like great jaggi while it's neck getting bitten by lagi

Having a glutton analog at MR for EZ kills is nice and all, but I'm not going to subject myself to the headache of having to use the special scope with a fucking pellet HBG just to minmax some more.

I for one would welcome that addition.

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Shit sux, but used to be way worse before MH went back to console. At least you can join randos potentially. Hell, what quests are you at? I was gonna retire for the night, but I can do a quest or two more.

Also if you're in HR, try upgrading the Gaurdian Armor set, that's supposed to be designed to help get to MR content.

Why is Iceborne so glitchy?

Have the returning monsters really been made bigger for World? Why?

Nigga all hunts end when you exhaust the monster to death by beating on it's body with 100 ton equipment. Thevfotce monsters can take is massive.

>one of the dlc monsters will be the robot T-Rex from MGS: Peacewalker and there truly is a god watching over us

Fixed that for you. No need to thank me.

>tfw we’ll never see a turf war between Shara and Ahtal

I think they made have been understaffed at some point because of people working on MH6

I also have a recurring glitch where Acid Glav stops for like 2 seconds, just kind of twitching

Oh yeah, do Thunder Traps still charge up Zinogre?

why, what other glitches have you had?

I was fighting Nargacuga and it straight up lost sight of me occasionally when trying to attack me too close to a wall/corner.

That's not a glitch, you dumdum. It's the animation of A.Glav transitioning into the acidic tail form. He stops to push the acid shit out of his tail hole.

I think that might actually be just acid glav having a seizure or something. I've seen it too, and it kinda looks like an animation where he regrows his piss crystals.

They used to be smaller because of the hardware limitations of the old handheld systems. Barioth was just as big in MHO as he is in MHW.

No, they can keep that AoE spamming shitter where it belongs, in base World'a endgame

No clue but monsters like Zinorge or Nargacuga are noticeable bigger but then Brachy and Glav are the same size


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>serious handler can't control the chaos and gets palico'd
>potato handler embraces it and has fun while staying well nourished

Sure serious handler is cuter, but our potato handler is much better.

Female monsters > female humans

shut up...

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Couldnt they have made a special map like kulve taroth? I mean that monster is pretty huge too

But a female human won't throw you across the room because she's in heat

Exactly why they're inferior.

>shit tastes
One look and I knew this post was fucking retarded.

Thinking about it BLack Diablos should be a variant. It's a female in heat, not a separate species

As long it's girl monsters and not monstergirls, sure.

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First Brachy hunt reward.

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I believe that was the implication.

Yes I'm talking about sub 10 minute nerg kills.
Extremoth solo is a snoozefest compared to AT nerg. Putting nerg down before the damage modifier gets too high and dealing with those spastic jumps at the same time has more challenge to it than extremoth. The hardest part about extremoth is the clock and not the monster itself because it moves far too slow outside of the home stretch.

You may say Nerg is easier because nerg has less total HP but all of that HP you're taking off of nerg is no snoozefest.
Meanwhile the final phase of extremoth where it actually becomes dangerous only has roughly 15k HP.
15k HP when the real extremoth fight starts compared to AT nerg's 26k solo.
I've done both and the short

Already jelly and I'm not even at that fight.

You earned it though monsueir tooter.

>Using HR armour in G rank

What is wrong with you niggers?

>Fight Banbaro in the recess
>He literally throws giant fireballs that explode
I know see why he appears everywhere

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muh Drachen

Any tips for Hammer vs Tigrex? I just beat it but I felt like I performed very poorly. His head is kind of a danger zone since his mouth is always open and he's always charging around.

Muh deeps

of all of the complaints, I can't believe not one person complains about the new notifications sound. The old item obtained sound was goddamned iconic and comfy, I can't believe they throw it away for some generic "ting" noise.

Maybe they could have, but consider how Iceborne wasn't even supposed to be a thing and that it's made by the skeleton crew, I doubt they'd go the extra mile to make a map specifically to fight lagi, the MH team basically have resigned themselves to giving leviathans a (TRI)umphant return in MH6 especially with them starting up talk that they'd like to take another attempt at underwater combat again

Weak to ledge abuse

I hate it too, I've just come to accept it

They still charge him up yes, and narga still can jump out of pitfall traps too

*sigh* you know what, with World improving the mobility and greatly reduced jank, maybe I'll be optimistic about new underwater combat. Because you're right, the way they've been talking and holding back Lagi, I think underwater is coming back.


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Hit his head. Don't get hit.

Saying goodbye to those permacrits really is some shit, everything else just feels less than optimal.

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Hey Kulve is good

If you suck, bring traps, or a trap cat


I'm going to KFC, do you guys want anything?

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I was going to offer advice but then i remembered I use the Horn with has far more range.

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Stygian Zinogre
Oroshi Kirin
Some new siege monster akin to Kulve

People who think we are getting shit like Gore or Steve are kidding themselves.

That's it, I'm fucking making these things

You still have permacrits in IB, just no master's touch to go with them.

I really hate the UI and sound design in general, honestly. I think it's a negative of World/Iceborne that a lot of people overlook. I miss the stylisation and the satisfying, chunky noises.

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All the DPS in the world can't help when you get one-shot, stop being a bitch and make Rank Appropriate Armor

Range means jack shit vs monsters with low hanging heads, like Tigrex. HH swings are slower though, which is a disadvantage before the Hammer.

The absolute state.

Trying to get the Rathalos mantle and they sure aren't fucking around with the rarity this time, don't remember ever having this much trouble with the HR rare materials.

Jesus I forgot how intrusive it was to have the full map just hanging out on the screen

I can hit his head from a relatively safe distance compared to the hammer.

Ok got it.

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The big deal isn't the crits, it's having to sharpen again

True, ended up going with beta odo armor and jeweled in some weakness exploit for ghetto drachen.

There will more than likely be a collab monster in there as well. What I couldn't say, but it's almost a guarantee that there will be one.

Are you talking about the optional quest where you hunt a tempered Banbaro and it's big as fuck?

>non TA rules
holy fuck pass. what a scrub. not even playing mh correctly.

Why are these even an bone blade archetype to begin with? They look terrible compared to the ones that look like actual blades, and those also look terrible. Embarrassing.

The nargacuga set bonus is pretty much Drachen light in terms of sharpness and also has evade window which is really good.

Nothing with beat MHO in the way of tasteless UI in MH, though. I don't get why people think that game looked good in general, when in motion the entire package was an eyesore.


Is there mr greatest jagras? I legit like that fight

>nd a sheltered NEET monster who fucking hates company and literally lives under a rock
The fuck does this have to do with anything you dumb idiot?

Why are Anjanath so fun to bully, they fall over constantly.

>just took 43 minutes to kill a fucking Teostra with a rank 11 Velkhanna LS and semi-decent skills
Jesus Christ that was obnoxious. I think they took the criticism of monsters dying too fast in World and went a little too far the other direction.

t. Shara Ishvalda

Brachy weapons just aren't the same without the green goop spraying everywhere.

i'm seeing people kill mr teo in around 15 minutes or so with longsword so it seems like the problem is with you

DLC costume is incoming, you know it will be.

Probably, no other monster so far has taken me nearly that long though.

I want a behind the computer shitposting edit for Shara Ishvalda.

I fucking love this guy. Best monster of 5th gen hands down.

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>45 mins
What the fuck are you doing? Sitting in your camp the entire fight?

His armor oozes stylish too.

Yeah what a dude, love his fight, can't wait to face him again

Are you retarded? MR teo's set has master's touch.

There isn't but he has the same vomit attack, albeit no longer takes up half your hp and doesn't drop gems

What are you swaxe mains using?

Namielle's for the time being because it looks fucking rad

What the fuck are narrow passages exactly I thought they meant the crawlspaces but there's 6 on Wildspire so that doesn't add up. 1 in 4, 2 in 5 leading into the bonepile area, 2 by the eastern camp and one by the tailrider hideout.

You know what I miss in World?
Tit size contest between guild sweethearts kind of event quests. With unlockable housekeepers and stuff.

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Th fk ar u talkng bout

Narga/Barioth pieces up until end-game where you can switch it out for Damascus and Teo parts etc.

WHAT THE FUCK is the sheathe on this "longsword", it looks dumb as hell especially during Iai Sheathe

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garuga is actually fun to fight now.
i actually smirked when he screamed and hit me directly after, a signature move, but he doesn't do it often at all. excited for the variant, im on mr62 now.

anyone else feel the same?

>just beat a tempered black diablos that randomly encountered while gathering stuff I. The guiding lands

Holy fucking shit. Fighting this nigger has been the more challenging hunt in Iceborne so far. Carted once but the fucker had me healing constantly. I just couldn’t keep us with her speed. This hunt was worth the money I paid desu

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Treasure hunting you fuck

What new moves does mr black diavlos get?

He only does the backhop roar in rage mode now, and even then it's rare.

>mr black diavlos
It's ms!

>I miss her so much bros
They really should allow her to be an option, especially since they implemented her already.
This would satsify most people that don't like the default handler.

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unblockable charge

She'll probably be available on pc, it's basic modding.

Aw that's it? That's kinda lame

Any tips for Behemoth?
Or is it just pray for decent players just like an FFXIV primal?

>Tail breaks require a single sever hit after taking a set amount of damage. Any damage

It hasn't worked like that since FU

say a prayer or build some meta set to beat him solo

Things that carry Behemoth fight:
1. Taking the enmity.
2. Healing the tank, if present.
3. Non-retarded teammates that know how to avoid ecliptic.
4. Cutting the tail early.

pc or n64?

But she’s super fast now and charges 3-5 times in a row and spams the dig attack

Yes, don't trust anyone in double digit HR.

Ah, the good ol' Black Diablos we hate so much.

eh, its no bloodbath.

>because I'm not sharing the sliders with you.
>generic brown girl with white hair

I just triple carted to lavasioth, what method should I use to kill myself?

That's not new to Pukei. What's new is that it can eat seeds directly from the ground and very fast. So it can use its gimmicks more often.

Why would it be?

Jyuratodus does a move where he thrashes himself forwards in a wide radius and flings mudpiles to the side. His mud coating also gives him shitzones until broken.

I might be misremembering, but I think rathians big exploding breath used to have a fairly short range and now it fires a longer ranged fireball that explodes on impact.

Temporal mantle off a high rise and see if you phase through the ground or flop like a fish

I want to be an edgy master weeaboo. Should I make Odogaron beta or Ebony Odogaron beta?

>final scene with Nergi and Shara
>but instead of killing her off Nerg flips her on the back and starts violently thrusting while making ear-piercing hedgehog screeching with every hump
>the cast in front of the coitus looks terrified, confused and embarrassed
>The Tracker proceeds to cover Handler's eyes with a palm of her hand
>Admiral is the only one who keeps smiling, completely unfazed and enjoying the show

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I notice the fight goes a lot faster when Im actively tanking the enmity.
I'm just really tired of this bad FFXIV theme plaguing my hub


>final, final boss is Nergi Ishvalda

I'll put my money on Fatalis DLC.

While I like its design, was a little disappointed in it being Xeno/Gore reskin.
Still been a solid expansion despite that and some weapons being just bone+sticker

I swear shara is one of the most unsettling designs in the franchise, those fucking eyes and human looking mouth.

>One of the most

It's the most unsettling, period.

Pretty much, shit's like some fucking ninja gaiden reject or something.

It's Gaping Dragon tier of body horror

To be fair, you skin it alive in order to kill it.

Other weapon types for brachydios have unique models, i wish every weapon looked unique at the end but at least some of them weren't boned.

It's not really about the kill time. In case you didn't notice, Behemoth only spams the tornadoes and multi-target meteors when nobody has enmity.

Nah, I think this fella and probably a few others beat it

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>no Yama in World
My biggest never ever, I bet they could make it into a cool fight this time around

>play these games solo for years
>end up spending 350 hours in unite and finally defeating the fatalis fuckers
>finally get world and iceborne along with a PS4 this weekend
>decide to que up with other players for the first time ever
>its just a huge fucking piñata party where the monster is just mercilessly beaten into stun locks and can’t even manage to leave the area from how many times it’s fallen over

Holyshit I don’t have a reaction image but it would be one of horror this isn’t the grit and spit monster hunter that I know how the fuck do people play like this? How is this fun for people? I feel like this isn’t teaching anyone to become hardened veterans of the hunt it’s just people cheesing the game now. Or was multiplayer always like this? Was I the one making it harder for myself by taking on gathering hall quests intended for 4 players solo? I’m having a crisis I think

I just want to see the handler fingering herself while seeing two diablos have rough primal sex. Marveling at the massive size and girth of the monsters cock as it pins down and rapes the female one.

Generally speaking, the ideal balance is two players with their cats.
But yeah, for the most part multiplayer is a gang rape simulator most of the time.

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It really depends on how good the other 3 people are. I've done hunts where it's like you described and the monster can't even stand up before being deleted from existence. I've also done hunts where it felt like I was the only one actually fighting the damn thing and it took forever.

With the new update through Iceborne, 2 players is the perfect party now. Me and my bro play with our cats etc and its so much better not having to worry about other people carting. I mean, I respect that there's new players to the game but it's difficult whilst they're learning as you could essentially waste hours of your own time for nothing.

The puffy bat monster has that 3 pound move?

Why, because its easier and looks worse? Those are the only major differences I noticed.

Too bad the character voucher cant change names

>I've also done hunts where it felt like I was the only one actually fighting the damn thing and it took forever.
Those HH players that don't do anything except sit outside of combat buffing and wide-range healing people. I appreciate the buffs and wide-range but why the fuck aren't they helping fight?

Sharpened mode is completely different from regular Glavenus, it does a ton of tailstabs and elegant moves regular Glavenus doesn't. I'll agree it's easier tho, particularly the spinning attack

Ebony beta, because ebony is black which is the same colored as your tortured soul

Yeah I get ya, I kind of hop online mostly when I feel like fucking around so I'm not too upset if I get a cruddy party, plus sometimes get to teach folks some stuff.
Any serious grinding though It's just me or with a trusted online friend.

Honestly was super surprised by how easy he was. I like that he fights very differently than regular glav, but at least with evasion SA it was like carving a turkey.

It's a symptom of Hunting Horn constantly being labelled a support weapon; you get people who think it's okay to do nothing but support.

That’s hilarious do they not know they can hit the monster at the same time?

By the way what is the rarest weapon type online? Ive only done a few quests so far but I’ve already seen tons of insect glaves and long swords

Is it normal to get dabbed on by nergigante the first time you actually fight him? I at least got his tail

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they're all fairly well-represented but 99% of sns users only use the weapon to do widerange memes because sns is the hardest weapon by far in the game to actually use effectively

God damnit I’ve already spent hundreds of hours collecting outfits and weapons on pc and having to start all the way over from the beginning of world is such a shitty thing now that I’m starting on PS4. Honestly it’s gotten to a point where I just join quests and come back to check on it later when I hear the reward screen music playing. Fuck completing every single quest a second time. Nobody wants to deliver eggs in the forest. Fuck u capcom

I'm the opposite, I've yet to see an IG. Tons of LS and GS, quite a few Hammer and Lance, some Bows/Guns and Duals. Rarest for me is probably Switch Axe and Sword n Shield.

Lmao that looks good as fuck

it's probably below average

more than 2 monsters in ANY hunt makes it a fucking cakewalk m8

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Here's a crazy thought.

Wait until the PC version comes out.

>tfw PC

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why are bowgun users always such lamers?

What is a good HBG in IB?
I used tobi before and looklike it got nerf to shit

Wasn't Tobi only good for slice? They nerfed slicing more than a year ago how long have you been out of the game bud?

My favorite thing about Shara is that it's eyes are programmed to always look the camera, so it's never looking at your character but always staring at you the player, very unsettling

Did you get out of a coma lately?

>just got a rathian mantle
What do I use this for? Does rathian even have any good gear?

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So, uh, how does item rarity work in Iceborne? Does rarity go above 8 now?

Rarity 12, like Frontier.

Life, uh, finds a way

Save it for Goldian stuff maybe?

You chose this.

Do tempered monsters have new attacks now? Just did tempered Beo and I swear he has a tail swipe that his normal version didn't have.

kinda poorly but still surviving. Id double dip at any given chance, but on the meanwhile I just play GU, FU, 4U and some other games I have like Rimworld and Taiko

>tfw play with some anons
>area 1 (peak highlands)
>going swimmingly, Nami didn't even get a chance to move to another areas
>he's at peak charge levels (shining and colorful bioluminescence)
>we get by but still UNGA'ing at him
>suddenly he does the *sucks you in* to all of us
>flood puddles all around
>right after he takes flight and the ground glows
>we just sit there taking the nova because lmao can't even superman
>0 carts to 4 carts all at once
>quest failed
epin, simply epin
fun fight though

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>more walking simulator sections with the handler

How do you guys feel about shrieking legiana?

I don't have a ps4 so just fine!

Funlance Bros, you can chain loading wyrmstake ammo directly into the injection strike by pressing triangle+circle (or Xbone equivalent) right after.

Probably the most efficient way of doing it!


What are your in-game names?

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i play with /mhg/
usual lobby

I will never tell you mine, but if you tell me yours I'll be sure to thrice suicide if I see you.

I would actually re-play the game for this alone.

It's Shagaru Magala. Nice to meet you!

What if i hit the monster in the head but sometimes i get hit and can't attack or toot anymore, am i a good enough hunting horn ?

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>tfw HH/Lance/GL/GS main

I swear I'm not a hipster boomer

If you're that cautious, get your buffs done in a safe area then go back in for the head. Get used to attacking in your tune patterns so you can also buff on the fly if needs be.

Guys, you can grow dung pods now. Is that new? I'm very happy about it, anyway.

What is your favorite subspecies/variant so far?

Acid Glav/ Ebony Odogaron

Yeah, it's new. But you could buy them from the melder before, so it's not a gamechanger.

Chaotic Gore

Seething Bazel, when he begins going Nuclear.

Yeah pretty sure that's new.

Just reached the guiding lands, pretty neat little post game area. Not too sure if I like the idea of an area being de-leveled if I raise others too high though.

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A lot, really. IB really did justice for subs this time around. Garuga is beautiful in how spastic he is, and it doesn't even feel unfair. Savage Jho is a turbocunt as usual. SEETHING imo is fairer than his base form, even his blue bomb phase has the caveat that it takes a full 3 seconds to bloom. Ebony's also a turbocunt with sanic powers

>can do AT nerg in 14 but I cant solo even normal behemoth

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Is Garuga exclusive to Guiding Lands only?
Or is there any optionals that lets you fight it on other area like Zinogre?

I like Scar and I'm pissed that he's the only variant in the game that doesn't seem to have any unique equipment tied to him

Tfw hbg/lbg main but I don't play the meta and for some reason always try to mount with them

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>they will be stuck in the top worst MH for ever
prety based if you ask me

>MR200 is Tempered Luna/Teostra/Velkhana and Ruiner Nergigante
>But JP mentions a scret Monster at MR200 too

What are you hiding Ryozo

I'm looking forward to bullying regular Behemoth with maxed out MR gear. Not touching Extremoth tho, fuck that noise

JP is lying

So when's the MH stuff at TGS?

Could be translation issue, and they're just saying a hidden hunt or something?
>4:30 AM in my timezone

>Reached MR 50, went to steam works and somehow got the serious handler event somehow
>It raised my hopes up, to immediately crush them
It hurts so much.

>need tenderplates
>someone told me you have to break its scalp and then carve it
>break Shara's scalp
>wait until it's down on the ground, run to head as fast as possible and try to carve it
>oh well guess that was just a rumor or a shitpost
>kill Shara
>with ten seconds left on the clock, notice something 40 feet away on the ground
>the fuck is that
>it's a broken off piece of scalp
>fuck me
>try to carve it but time ends before I can
>no tenderplates

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I poked around on reddit and someone sourced a guy saying it wasn't a translation issue. I have my doubts about this hidden monster, but we'll see, jf there's anything we'll find out soon, people already made it to MR200

I still have Serious Handler cutscenes sometimes, and I just killed Shara. Is it a random thing?

You don't need to go to reddit to translate some jp text. We live in the information age, so online tools for that are readily available. As would be the pictures of this secret monster, the moment someone reached MR200 (which we know people already have). What we do have is a picture of MR200 quest with tempered elders, which is boring, but in line with the expectations, as well as the base World HR100 quest.

I know your feel user, hang in there you will get it!

pic related, killed that fucking faggot beam spamming bitch 20 times

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>tfw joining random guiding lands expeditions and fighting Zinogre
There's something so satisfying about seeing him supercharge and cart people left, right and centre
Really enjoying the guiding lands as a whole to be honest

>on an expedition
Any impact it could've had is instantly lost.

You'll still lose rewards

That's the best part though, when you're not being punished for other people carting it stops being frustrating and starts being amusing
Plus you do lose out on rewards for carting in the guiding lands so it's not completely risk free

So what? You ultimately can't fail.

does only the carter lose rewards?

Pretty sure that's the case yeah, when you cart you get a notification saying your reward has decreased, but it doesn't show up when other people cart

that's probably what makes it satisfying, retard. If you join a quest and fail because of someone who isn't you that isn't satisfying, in an expedition the cart is only their loss.


That actually fixes ALOT of this game's multiplayer. Now all you really lose with bad teammates is time.

I'd argue losing out on parts need to augment is more painful than "uh oh now you to go restart the quest and wait for a few loading screens"

>wait for a few loading screens
As someone on the base xbox with no SSD I've really come to appreciate how fast everything was on PC
The framerate doesn't even bother me but jesus all the loading

Only just unlocked and done Zinogre last night, great to hear this. I did another Zinogre helping a buddy and we each had different tracking levels, so that's also unique.

>only their loss
That's better for online experience in general, but that's not what I was talking about.
You lose something more precious than rewards if you fail the quest - your time.
If the quest can't be failed, then any shitter can fumble their way through it and still get at least some rewards. And that leads to a mentality that it's okay to cart a few times, because you still get the rewards no matter what. It doesn't encourage the player to improve at the game.

TGS when?

>And that leads to a mentality that it's okay to cart a few times, because you still get the rewards no matter what. It doesn't encourage the player to improve at the game.

In theory you're correct, but if you're ever done AT Elders you know people never stop being fucking useless.

If people are getting all the way to the end of World and Iceborne and still play in a way that gets them carted all the time, then it means they've ignored that the lesson the entire time, so they're not going to suddenly learn it now. Converserly, somebody concious of carting isn't going to suddenly start playing like shit, carting means you lose food and drug buffs so if they remotely care about efficient play, they're not going to cart and also lose their rewards for the trouble.

Is nu-zinogre as easy as he looks?

13 hours

>Tfw no Bloodborne cross over with Amygdala or Ebriatas as the monster to hunt.

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Zinogre was never hard

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Sure but Worlds Zinogre somehow makes it look even easier

Of what I've done my favorites are acid glav and fulgur anjanath.

I switched my PS4 HD for an SSHD, wanted more space but you can tell it's improved the loading times. My PC version is still so much quicker though.

God i fucking love fulgur anjanath. It turned Anja into a top tier monster imo.

Nah he’s about the same as before, though he was never particularly hard. Most returning monsters were easier than before in World but with Iceborne they’re mostly the same or harder than before.

Pretty tempting, that Beo set at the beginning of G rank. On the one hand I'd lose my Weakness Exploit 3 and a few points in Handicraft, but I'd gain max rank Earplugs, some Health Boost, and about 100 armor before any upgrading.

he really didn't change much

Hope you enjoy 25 minute hunts user

His triple slam looks 100x slower though

You can do those early G-Ranl fights pretty easily with your armor as is, only at Barioth you really need to start changing up your gear in general.

Makes me wish I had better gems. I typically hunt in a group if people feel like playing. I don't mind if hunts take a little longer. Is the Barioth armor any good?

What will mh6 be called?

>backs away at full power to transform

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Monster Hunter World 2: Deviljho's Island

No shit it looks slower because it has more frames inbetween, when you're in the midst of the hunt you'll feel that it's the same

I mean yeah zinogre always did that?

To add to that user, it's not only Barioth's armor that's good but it's at that tier you'll start to get twoshotted even at 200 HP
MR3 is where you must change a few pieces
Narga set bonus is a great all around, then clownsuit as needed

Monster Hunter: The Next Generation

I'm thinking I might jump on this Beo Alpha set. 230 armor increase, Earplugs, HP Boost, and Ice Attack all maxed.

Yeah I found barrioth was when I needed to actually make not-shit armor, least If I didn't want to cart to the littlest mistakes.

Beotodus set user here, made the set and it's been great. Currently at Velkhana siege, grinding Odogaron but I'm pretty sure I could ride this armor all the way to Shara if I wanted

>Worf, bring me the Dragonator

Thanks user, I'll keep trying. Still not as bad opf a grind as when I tried to get the full Rampart Golem set in DSII. That shit unironically took me 3 weeks. Thanks RNGesus

Attached: rampart-golem-set.jpg (300x317, 41K)

>Capture a Tigrex for the stone option in my room
>House meowster thanks me and give me a pendant after.
>Go to check it out and it's nowhere to be found, just the shitty one from Tempered Banbaro

What gives.

Monster Hunter: World 2: Revengeance (Deluxe Edition)

Just made it. Thanks, friend.

Electric bros have to look out for each other

Nope. The moment he started charging up, you had to haul ass and start beating on him to interrupt it. Depending on his charge level, you could risk getting caught in the AoE of his transformation if you didn't land enough damage in time, which was tense as fuck

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It’s a charm, not a pendant. I had the same issue.

Thanks user. It anygood?

>which was tense as fuck
Not like it did much damage. Once he was close enough to charged you'd have no time to interrupt him again too.

Havent fought him in world yet myself, so you can't interrupt his mode change anymore?

why don't we make an official Yea Forums lobby so I can play with my friends from here?

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>he doesn't know

You can, but once his charge is maxed out, he always backs away to transform at a distance. The risk factor is completely gone

I'm around MR60 now, so I still have a few thing ahead of me but for now I have the following to say:
The story wasn't that hard. It was challenging, but I carted only 2 times during my playthrough.
The hunts definitely take longer than World, which makes them feel better in my opinion.
I think monsters run into each other way more often. I absolutely hate that. With slinger ammo being more important now, it's really tiring to constantly switch to dung pods and wait for the other monster to piss off. I think monsters move areas more in general, but that is probably just because the hunts are longer now.
I am really disappointed with some of the weapon designs, as many others are too.
I wouldn't mind monsters like Kulu or Tzitzi getting these slap-on designs, but monsters like Namielle? The Vaal LS still looks like a bone. And the worst offenders are the returning monsters weapons. Brachydios LS was one of my favorite designs and now it is a fucking bone.

Overall I'm still really, really happy with the game, I've been playing non-stop since release and I haven't even seen all the monsters yet.
Just a few quick thoughts.

Well, why don't you?

There was never a risk factor, unless you're a DBlet, because the range on the transformation aura is fucking tiny.

whats the last boss weak to?

>wishful thinking: the post

I thought you meant zinogre backing up before charging, yeah in world he always does a backflip before turning into his charged state

>>non TA rules
>holy fuck pass. what a scrub. not even playing mh correctly.

No one gives a fuck about suicidal jap "rules".
TA is just TIME ATTACK (Speedrun) without any "rules" made by literal whos.

Why the absolute fuck do I seem to be unable to get the A Big Catch surveyor set request?
I've lined it up almost identical to what guides have, and I am always getting it marked as the coughing one. It just doesn't ever register as the catch. Is there an easier way to do this?

I just beat glavenus and narga and I'm still wearing drachen

I'm really starting to wonder what's going to happen first, either finding a good enough replacement or getting my shit slapped so hard that I'm forced to update

I haven't had that problem, but it does sometimes bug out and start arbitrarily counting completely different quests.

Just reload, and obviously make sure you haven't recruited a Plunderer who's interfering with your view.

It's a small nitpick and I can live with it. The real bummer is how his howls sound so weak and generic now. Hopefully mods can fix that when the PC version drops

I immediately went for crafting new sets, but I honestly just forgot to swap sets because I have layered. So I was using HR gear until Brachy. I said fuck it to the meta and just built for fun from there, couldn't give a shit about knocking 5 minutes off my hunt time at the moment and trying everything out is a lot of fun. Meta killed my enjoyment.

sound design in general feels pretty off, no glav metal screeches either


>MR99 Ruiner Nerg
>Quest: To the world end with you, my love.
Nerg x Hunter is canon.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-11 【MHWアイスボーン】任務クエストの攻略一覧【モンハンワ (735x298, 24K)

>no guitar sounds on note attacks

at least it still got it for the recital

Oh I fucking forgot about the plunderer, I've been recruiting them at the start of every expedition to try and boost my unity with them at the same time. Thanks, user.

I thought as much. I'm still here, waiting in the fucking rain for this asshole Lynian with a flower to turn up and stand under a leaf.

very based

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Thank god the HBG and the HH didn't get BONE'D.

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There's mods to restore all that but after using trying it now it was obvious why they changed them in the first place. MHW sounds and design fits MHW just so much better.

Do I have to do something special to open the garden in Seliana? There's an icon on the map for it but the guy ain't there.

>Meta killed my enjoyment
Definitely agree with you there. That's true for any game as far as I'm concerned.

hey how do i get pictures from my ps4 to my pc so i can post builds

>especially with them starting up talk that they'd like to take another attempt at underwater combat again
I want to trust them, but honestly I find the deep snow, mud and water to be annoying enough already.I think they'll fuck it up again by making you much slower.

>occasionally try to get into lance in FU in training missions
>it sounds fun but wildly inconsistent
>one time it almost works, even though it is clunky
>other time I cart to fucking training school kut ku because I feel like my pants are around my ankles all the time
Does everything change if you have evasion skills on it? Or does it always require frame-perfect dodges in the correct way with gimmicky inverse input to make a backhop in the direction you want?

Make a dummy Facebook account and share them that way, or send them to yourself on the PSN and download them to your phone via the PSN app. Or just use USB.

Share them to twitter for easy access. Otherwise you can dump them on a USB drive and then copy to PC.

Brute Wyverns are fucking obnoxious to fight if they get bigger than an average Jho
For example, Clashing Fists Brachy or Hellblade Glavenus

Back in OG mh, it was the only fantasy-land dragon in the whole game, everything else was a wyvern or a big lizard.
Old schrade was hellish as fuck too, purple skies, slate walls tarnished by age and this slithery demonic oneshot-champ dragon that wants you off it's turf.
While all the flashy new LED themed monsters and xd so quirky beasties make him seem very generic, back then he was quite the spectacle.

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Dunno about FU, but in the later games stacking evasion makes you invincible for the entire triple hop duration. Evade Lancing hardly requires perfect dodging. But if you want to dodge instead of guarding, then why not just play some other weapon?

>coolest horn
>buffs are fucking garbage
not even gonna bother, lame.

In FU? Guard works well enough until the end of high rank when chip damage starts getting too high.

Iceborne buffed element a lot, could be good on the right team.

Iceborne flopped in Japan.
44k sales the first week

>it was the only fantasy-land dragon in the whole game

Attached: MHGU-Lao-Shan_Lung_Render_001.png (1184x640, 310K)

Good thing the sales on some tiny asian speck of dirt mean basically nothing.

>35 minutes
stop moving reeeeeeeee

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That's no dragon, that's a fucking overgrown lizard.

Master Edition alone sold 200k

>Only 4 limbs

Shock traps nigga
I only enjoy fighting Narga with dual blades

japan has always been MHs most important market where they sold by far the most.

That's pretty concerning. I'm worried they're gonna drop expansions in favor of making us buy the full game again.

Too bad DBs suck monkey balls
>garbage dps outside of very niche ledge jumping
fucking *ikes

Keep lying

Provide a source or fuck off.

Literally frok the first reply in your regarded salesfaggot thread
>Hurrr where are the physical sales for this DLC?????

Oh no no no no

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am I high or does effluvia resistance 3 not work in RV any more

Are you talking about the status infliction or the damage pings?

Dual blades are the most boring weapon type. Literally the only weapon in MH I dislike. How can anyone like this spammy Naruto bullshit.

It prevents your HP being halved but not the tick damage.

effluvia res 3 blocks the debuff.
if you mean the enviromental damage, you need effluvia master or whatever it was called


Nincels are getting desperate

What the FUCK were they thinking with The Guiding Lands?
>Pick up bones to raise your bone level so you can pick up higher quality bones
>Do this for every area of the map
And some of my favourite weapons are locked behind this bullshit, what the FUCK.

Attached: 1546419483569.gif (498x356, 579K)

that's right, fuck been too long since I played this game.

Press D to dab on listfag

I'm just worried Capcom will go back to making Ultimate versions at full price.

Wont happen. Stop thinking japan is the entire world

>Blackveil Vaal Hazak
Here I was thinking they were gonna somehow make Vaal into a fun fight seeing as how every other subspecies/variant in World has been great. Whew boy that was fucking cancer.

You're a dumdum.

Just join other people's expeditions and farm shit with them

>1 MHW Master
>2 Iceborne Standalone
Even better

>IB the No.1 in japan sales with over 200k copies sold
>second is the dlc itself
Good. Shitposting averted

I guess they prefer buying digital?
I know there lot of people saying their download patch is still not complete during release night

what about the lolicats at MR 500?
They confirmed that too, why isn't in the list?

You will not always have time to guard between pokes though. And there are no comprehensive guides on evasion/blocking and what you are supposed to do. I like the look of the lance, but everytime I try it in FU is either tedious or like having you shoelaces untied in the middle of a train track.

what time is monster hunter at TGS?

Retarded salesfaggots probably think its a new game and not DLC
Most sales are gonna be digital so we won't know shit about official sales numbers unless Capcom starts bragging

and that's only physical, I imagine a lot of people just bought it on PSN
250k in the first week, and both master edition and DLC tops the sales

Now imagine what US slaes would look like. God damn autists cant catch a break

You just need to play conservatively, besides a few attacks its pretty easy to tell when a monster is about to attack.
Just make the Nargacuga armor if you want to evade and never worry about it agai

Can you take advantage of their area levels though? Whilst you can hunt with them, I thought it was personal to you.

>needing a guide telling him when to attack and when to defend
user, what the fuck? Are you literally incapable of playing the game unless you follow some sort of flowchart that tells you when to press what button? Come on. Those are the gameplay very basics which you figure out on your own by simply playing the game and learning.

11h30 aprox
>2 am in my timezone

You better record the Rajang gameplay

I think capcom usually upload the stream later

While you're on their expeditions you get all the benefits of their levels, but your own areas will level up at their own rate
So basically if your areas are pretty low and you wanna hunt some cool shit, joining a higher level expedition is an easy way to get materials while your own crappy regions level up
I might not be entirely correct but I've been joining randoms for a while and that seems to be how it works


fuck a livestream that's actually a good time for once.

Me and a buddy were thinking about levelling different areas and then joining each other for the benefits, if doing that lowers one anothers zones I dunno if it would be better just levelling one up together.

You're supposed to stop to mine and gather bones during the hunt, when the monster changes areas, instead of just making a beeline from point A to point B like some sort of autist fixated on faster kill times. That's called comfy hunting.
The Guiding Lands... Home...

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I mean I dunno about doing things more efficiently, but doing things together is always more fun

Is guiding lands where you get augmenting shit? Not there yet but I'm really starting to miss my health augment making me immortal.

I know that Nergigante and Vaal Hazak are completely replaced by Ruiner and Blackveil in Master Rank, but are Deviljho and Bazelgeuse replaces with Savage and Seething too? I can’t find the regular versions at all.

Wait, so is that the overall number for both the physical Master Edition sales and the DLC add-on for World? That's actually really, really bad by Monster Hunter standards if that's the case.

does anybody know what you need to get the health augment on weapons like the hellish slasher or the final boss weapon?

Yes, you'll have to beat Shara Ishvalda without your health crutch

Everyone says that lance is all about evasion and dodging, while blocking is slow and unreliable.

That's physical sales only, like always.

I believe so, I haven't seen any armor for any of them in armor showcase vids

I haven't actually had any trouble without it but being able to be relentless with offence is fun.

Everyone is parroting shit they've heard online.
You learn from experience, not from anonymous posts on Yea Forums.

More or less yeah. Gotta scale the monsters to match the hunters after all. Can't keep the meme of those fuckers being hunt ruiners if anyone with decent MR gear can reduce the normal species to a fine paste.

Only because Guard+2 doesn't even prevent all knockback or reduce chip to reasonable levels by the time you hit G Rank, and the last armor that has any points in Guard is usually mid tier shit like Gravios or Agnaktor that has fuckall for other useful skills. Meanwhile evade is easier to get and more useful with Evade +1 than Guard +1 ever was.
They didn't really fix that until World.