Healthy: You play 3-5 hours a day

Healthy: You play 3-5 hours a day
Questionable: You play 8 hours a day with short breaks
Addiction: You play 12+ hours a day
Harming your body: 12-18 hour days are not uncommon
You need help tier: You have played a game for an entire 24 hour session

Where are you at, user?

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I was on "harming your body" tier until I got a job, and now im just on questionable

Questionable since I started wow classic with my friends
Nice cock.

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what happens if i'm below the minimum but have also done the maximum
the maximum only specified one time

What if Utsuho is her big sister and she's know going to gut you for lewding the chicken.

Presumably you got the help you needed.

Since I work I'm at healthy during the week and questionable most weekends. Though my hands sure as hell don't feel healthy.

None. I don't play video games.

I want to be lovingly embraced by that Okuu!

Where's the option for shitposting for 12 hours a day instead of playing video games?

I've played a game for basically 72 hours straight once. In my defense it was after I got fired

>playing games
>implying i don't have the attention span of a 10 year
i really wanna play games but i get distracted and lazy so easily

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where you trying to kill yourself?

She does it herself

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No, I just needed something to distract me so I could deal with it in smaller pieces.
Honestly after like a day and a half of resting I laughed about the whole thing and how silly it was.

Healthy: You Yea Forums 3-5 hours a day
Questionable: You Yea Forums 8 hours a day with short breaks
Addiction: You Yea Forums 12+ hours a day
Harming your body: 12-18 hour days are not uncommon
You need help tier: You have played a game for an entire 24 hour session

can't even replace 4 words properly, brb killing self

My Dwarf Warrior isn't going to level by himself
Doesn't help i rerolled my level 40 warlock because how boring ranged mechanics were

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Used to be 'Questionable' but it's been a long time since I've played for more than 2 hours a day. It's just all so tiresome..

I probably need help. I've dug myself in a deep hole. Haven't worked for 3 years, and now I'm gonna pay the price. Birthday is next month, I think I'll stick it out til then, then call it quits. I have no hope of a future.

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3-5 on a work day.
Addiction on days off.

What life do you have user. How can you live in such a way?

"Average Yea Forumsirgin"

Part time literal mcjob under family's roof, hopeless for the future. I also prep my dad's lunch and clothes for his work. Occasionally I don't get to play games much at all because they go full retard and I have to wait on them. It's "comfy" but there's no way in hell it will last and their reckless spending habits are going to bury me with them. I can't recommend it.