Girl joins server

>girl joins server

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Why the fuck are you losers so against girls playing video games? You wouldn't be a 24-year-old virgin if you tried talking to them as people instead of treating them like some fucking alien invaders out to destroy your precious hobby.

The problem is rarely the woman, user. It's literally because pf white knights like you that the presence of a woman ever becomes a problem.

>she starts flirting with a friend
>weeks later she sends him a picture of her
>she's a landwhale
>he shows everyone the picture
>she never goes back online

>treating them like some fucking alien invaders out to destroy your precious hobby

That’s literally what they did. I mean, it wasn’t just them but the moment women started to become more prevalent in the hobby the more it went to absolute dog shit.

they are destroying communities nigga. directly or indirectly, it's happening.

>girls joins server
>cough my lungs out whenever she tries to talk

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>white knights like you that the presence of a woman ever becomes a problem.
This is kinda true, everyone else will go out of their way to attempt to impress her. It just makes it an overall shittier experience

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>she just mutes you
>other people end up muting you too
Excellent plan, retard.

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White knights wouldn't exist if assholes like you didn't harass women all the fucking time.

>girl joins server
>ask for feet pics
>if she says no, ban her instantly

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Can't take the heat go back to the kitchen

I got bullied by girls in highschool badly and now I just kinda hold a resentment for most women. As such I don't like them being in my social groups let alone my hobbies.

>dude, watch your language bro

Says the guy who was just calling everyone a faggot and cussing like a sailor till the 14 year old pretending to be a girl joined.

The worst part is how hidden guys like this are. They could be decent people and you could consider them cool but when a girl is around their whole personality changes.

>open console
pic related

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>Implying one of the myriad reasons I shit on people is because they've got a pussy
Don't single me out for something I don't do, faggot. I don't like feminists like you with plagiarized world views you expect the world to adhere to as blindly as you do.

Go back to groveling to your 20% female Discord server. One of them is bound to return your feelings EVENTUALLY.

White knights exist because they're desperate and think boosting the ego of a woman will make her love him. They're retards. I wouldn't fuck anyone who just tells me I'm perfect and tries to attack anyone trying to argue with or constructively criticize me, there's a lot more to a relationship than that. White knights created a culture of women being unable to face criticism due to benevolent sexism. This treatment doesn't work in a world where women have full rights under the law and is why society is falling apart. Women should absolutely have rights and the problem is society can't wrap its head around that


>playing gmod to begin with
What, are you fucking 12 or something, you little faggot?

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Based. If you're over 120 pounds i don't want to see your lardass.

Dude, why the hell would you resent most women for something only a select few were guilty of? Just think about how many wonderful women you might have pushed away because of a shitty, misguided grudge.

You should also direct the blame to men that can't keep it in their pants when a woman speaks on a mic.

>bullied by girls
I wish that were me

cool story babe, now get back in the kitchen

Not just white knights but guys who are desperate to gain the favor of a woman.
A combination of white knights and desperate betas make for a terrible combination that can ruin any hobby.

>having a comfy playthrough with the lads in co-op
>woman joins
>they immediately embarrass themselves trying desperately to impress her

>he didn't play early TTT with Yea Forums
look at this gay

>playing anything other than DarkRP in current year

>tfw have a server of just me and my buds
>their girlfriends join the server sometimes to talk
>it's never an issue because none of them play games
>they say girls who do are lesbians
sorry OP that you don't hang out with based women

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I fucking hate this
>make edgy jokes
>guys laugh
>girl joins
>make edgy jokes
>girl doesn't like it
>guys who laughed side with her

You all need better friends. This shit never happened to me.

Why are based women so rare? How do I find them?

Literally what I just said, mate.

Most women I've played with online stay as quiet as humanly possible, even over text. Doesn't matter if it's an FPS or an MMO, they keep quiet because at least three faggots are going to pretend to be her friend in order to get their dicks wet.

I've seen the most fucking pathetic Japanese-named, anime-avatared, low-test faggots try hitting on my gf over the years. My favorite is one I let her answer a call from and then proceeded to fuck her while he was still on the line after he said he didn't mind being "the guy on the side."

I hate all of you faggots.

It's easy for you to say when it didn't happen to you. I lost my trust in women long ago, there's no woman who wants to get to know me that doesn't have malicious intent.

Remember incels, orbiters, and white knights ruin the experience not the girl.

Fuck off, exceptionalist tripfag.

Fuckin kek

Truth hurts

>not the girl
How can you say that when, prior to the girls arrival, everything was fine?

seething beta

You're half right. Take out the shitty dudes and there's still the shitty girls. None of you have likeable personalities. You just try your best to seem cool to guys.

>Denying that women literally ever press their advantage to get what they want due to their sex being in-demand in a sausage fest hobby
When I posted about white knights I wasn't apologizing or covering for hambeasts like you.

On the flip side, there’s nothing more funny than a girl getting pissed, the other guys smell blood in the water, then everyone starts making edgy jokes for a mass triggering leading to a disconnect and everyone going back to enjoying the game while coming off a good laugh.

You're not getting any pussy by saying this, by the way.

>girl joins server
>bantz immediately cease
>people become awkward as fuck
>teamwork coordination stops
>anything the girl says gets 3-4 responses immediately
>if you carry on as usual, nobody participates anymore
>if you point it out, people get offended and start shitflinging
15 years
i've seen this happen for 15 years and it's always the same

>tfw internet bro of 3 years turned out to be female
>felt too awkward after the truth came out and blocked her
Feels kinda bad, bros.

>all these posts and nobody dropped a Schopenhauer Redpill yet
Fine, I'll post it:

This makes them incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything, and the reason for it is, I fancy, as follows. A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence.

>us knights wouldn't need to field our lanches etc., [further mentally ill remarks]
Okay, whatever, someone else triggered your mental illness, it's never your fault for asking for mlady's foot pussy if ever so kind.

Good fucking times.
>a couple days later you find out one of the guys stayed in touch
>she joins back
>it happens again

Why the fuck did you block her? BRO ARE YOU GAY??

>instead of treating them like some fucking alien invaders
But that's what they are. As some other user posted in another thread:
"Women are the reason why biological life shouldn't exist "

Aw man, that’s never happened to me sadly but I bet that shit is hilarious

Oh, you mean the spoiled rich boy who had to rely on mommy beg her publisher to get his books published?

I couldn't trust her anymore. What kind of person lies for 3 whole years about something like that?

Why 24?


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This, she ain't gonna fuck you my dude.

Was s(he) cute?

>That one faggot who never DMs anyone but women he's played with
Even worse if he comes to you about it later. Always leave this kind of person to flounder. Type to reject your advice and get burnt over someone they never had even an implied chance with.

I wonder if it's the same type who eventually morphs into .

You ain't getting that puss white boi

Take a shower.

Why are you looking for good boy point here? Twitter is better suited for that

>asking for feet over tits

God id love to feel your skull crack under my boot. Fucking loser

>What kind of person lies for 3 whole years
Women, and criminals.

I don't know. I never saw what she looked like. She offered pictures for proof but I never replied.

>these seething non-arguments

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Because again its not m'lady's fault you nerds can't keep your cool.

Give me quantitative data if you want me to take your trumped-up philosophy seriously, faggot.

>you nerds
Kek. Anyone Who doesnt worship your vagina is just some low-status nerd, eh? How convenient. Tits or gtfo

>its another beta male cant relate to Schopenhauer by virtue of lack of experience episode
Oh no no no

>Women can't defend themselves and rely on the sympathy/credit their vaginas grant them
Color me surprised


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You could've had a blowjob machine. Nice going, retard.

>Snake joins the server

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Lol go see a therapist, you little bitch.

Talk to women

>playing game
>Chick joins
>Some dudebro starts telling her back to the kitchen and shit
>Start talking shit to each other
>Nobody white knights for her and either just comments on the shit talking or ignores it and plays the game
>Eventually for some reason she starts talking in a kawaii voice and calling him senpai
>Everyone laughs including her and we all just go back to playing the game and communicating normally
It was nice.

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>He surrounds himself with dull, passionless, directionless bitches
>He didn't cultivate friendships early with women he could hold a conversation with
>Women with a shred of good sense about them avoid interacting with you due to your barely-concealed contempt colors your tone and negatively affects presence

You're as bad as any modern hack sociologist.

veddit falling for the shit tier bait as usual

Shit was so cash.

for whatever reason, reading this made me really fucking angry. delete this post

That's fucking gross dude, I can't think of them like that

Depends on the woman, yes woman, I had seen 36 year old gamer moms in my raid discord, acting like edgy teenagers and being nasty to another women like them to get all the male team mates attention, is fucking funny to see

>speaking to the tripfag as if it weren't a tranny

lying weasel. literally all women do this in highschool. they’re the gatekeepers of mankind. if you don’t know its because you weren’t one of the targets? what do you think they talked about? which boys were worth dating and which boys were on the blacklist, thats literally it. no secret you ever told a girl was kept, it was added to the collective database and uploaded via gossip into the general female population

what you do is bully the shit out of the white knights, everybody who's not a low-T faggot will usually join in with you and you can have a good old time
sometimes the girl even joins in the bullying which makes it twice as funny :^)

Let me educate you faggots. Nothing wrong with women playing vidya. As long as they can hang with the big boys. Banter, and take criticism for being shit while also be accepting of advice without assuming you're trying to "mansplain". Men should not have to like you say, change what they are doing to impress by being courteous or chivalrous. Women, in general, are hypocrites and will always fall back on their fair sex card. Wh*teknights(incels) will always be around to take advantage of the situation to empower their childish fickle daddy's little spoiled princess bullshit.

Men, in general, will always play up to impress even when they are expected not to as to treat women like an equal. They don't want to be treated equal but they do though. Do you see? They are generally mentally or emotionally unstable. You cannot fight biology.

If women are inferior, why do men fall for their tricks?

>>He surrounds himself with dull, passionless, directionless bitches
That's all of them though. Including your mom

>implying men don't do it on a whim for opportunity of sex
How virgin are you?

anyone who calls them out is ostracized and the male tendency to turn their brains off when their horny is used to maximum effect. a girl wants you horny because they know you’re not thinking straight

>Anyone who doesn't worship your vagina is just some low-status nerd
That's the exact opposite of what that user said.

Nobody said inferior, rather that they are liars and are only interested in things (like video games) insofar as they get them closer to men.

>normalfag/instagram meme of the month

This be a thread to bait incels and roasties.

I have a problem with the sperglords suddenly getting on mic and sucking their dicks. If they would just shut the fuck up and act normal I would have no issue with girls joining the server.

Yeah, I totally feign interest in video games just to get closer to all of the attractive, fit, well-adjusted gamers.

There will always be more incels than chads playing. Women do the rest of us no favors.

You're lying and telling the truth at the same time

>playing with other people

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oh my goddd user you bought me a loot crate :oooooo you didnt have to :oooo

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My trip comes from benny's gun in new vegas you fags, fuck off with your tranny obsession

>reading comprehension of a 4 year old


Don't believe you, there would have been some hints about them being female and how exactly did the "truth" come out?
You seem to be very vague about it.
Your post smells like BS.


>girl joins server
>every sentence mention activities done with her boyfriend
Not your fucking blog

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Girls usually cause very much unneeded drama. Especially in guilds in MMORPGs. Girls are the main reason why guilds tend to fail horribly sometimes. Of course it always depends on the girl itself. But if there is some massive bitch that wants to cause drama she will cause drama eventually.

Bullshit that never happened.

>you seem to be very vague
I'm not going to write a 3 page blog post on Yea Forums about it. This shit fucked me up for trusting people for a while, and I don't care if you believe me. The only hint I had was that she didn't use mic.

Faggot, it happens more often than you think. Why do you think the myth of that woman over the internet is actually a 45yo man came from?

Some women can hang.

>Girl joins server
>Say hi

"damn user you've got a sexy voice i wouldn't mind you talking dirty to me"

Why does this happen so many times? I never know what to answer girls are so awkward

Happens in real life all the time as well, I can’t talk to a single one of my female co-workers without them mentioning random unrelated shit they did with their bf.

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That seems fairly accurate, men have the strength and means, women seek men with strength and means, it's part of what attracts them to men.
So how do they get access to these things, that's where manipulation and wiles come in, not only that but in order to feel you are entitled to another person's means and strength you have lack some sense of justice.
Why? Because how could a man's strength and means belong to you who is not the possessor of such things?
To you guys in this thread, haven't you ever found that the girl that you are flirting just happens to like and think the same things as you? It's not a coincidence, that's part of what he's talking about.

>join server/game/whatever
>don't state gender and mind my own business
>don't get harassed

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Because too many men assume women think the same as them.

This. Why the fuck do so many of these retards use voice shit? Just play the game.

Just say Hi if they talk to you but keep on playing normally, it's not that hard. Treat them normally and just don't worship them like a retard.

honestly neck yourself

>girl join a circle of friend
>everyone feels uneasy as she just barged in and everyone is too nice to told her to fuck off
>oh well whatever
>act like a princess, a fucking retarded clueless one
>a friend start fed up and leave
>circle finally disbanded, everyone just grow up and start walking their own life
It was a revelation. Girls can not into actual friendship is not a meme.

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React with threats of violence

>girls joins server
>3 dumbass simps call her out immediately because they know her from their orbiting clique

unironically disconnected, will not stand for that gay shit

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>My trip
Stopped reading there, tranny faggot.

its because the only semblance of personality they have is stolen from their bf's.

>Every girl like this is having the same games played with them
>tfw watching roastie meltdowns


>>tfw watching roastie meltdowns
You mean #metoo?

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Women are selfish narcissists by nature.

It actually did, but I doubt theres anything I can say that would convince you.

>tfw not participating at all

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Bitch nigga I talk to shit to anyone no matter if you have a a slit or a sausage down there. If you can't handle any form of trash talk online then maybe you should stick on your purble place gay ass game or something.

No, lad; public transport.

>profile picture is always IRL pic of them
>username is either real name, play on words of real name, or something overly and obviously feminine.
>they always hold the mic button down, more than they actually play the game
>makes sure everyone knows they have joined the server
Oh man, male gaymers sure are the problem!11!!!!1!!

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Males have been the sole proprietor of vidya for decades. Sure women have dabbled in it but they only recently became part of the commercial appeal within the last decade. They do not fully grasp the idea of banter without taking it personally.

Which is why I abuse them if they seem like they are even hinting at being attention whores. I've met a small minority who are tolerable.
But most, even the middle age ones, are insufferable the majority of the time.
I don't even banter, I just rip into them until they leave or shut the fuck up.

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>kid starts spouting memes

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she aint a lady if she ain't 280

one for me, and one for the hooker

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I unironically have never met this type of cancer girls in any game I've ever played. Like the only females I ever hear talking on voice are either middle aged housewife types or some girl that is part of a bigger group of shit talkers. The ones with names like "MissCutiePie" and thot pfp never talk so I just assume that they are male.

lurk more

Well I know a sadistic girl who would pretend to be into a guy and even ask for their dick pic. She will then immediately say he has a small dick and laugh at him and she does this to make guys insecure on purpose. One even attempted suicide cause of her.

She wanted his dick.

>girl heals me
>imagine our lives together

>talk to any girl even remotely around my age
>imagine our lives together
I’m pathetic

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I'm against manipulative shits and the thirsty betas who fall for their bullshit. The fault doesn't lie purely with any party involved. There will be women who don't try to manipulate anyone, but betas will groveling at her feet for attention. Then the inverse can be true where a manipulative bitch will manipulate people, even if they aren't particularly susceptible to their own thirst.

I just want to hold their hands.

How does one get a gf bros...

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You should not even use a trip you attention seeking niggerfaggot.

some of the worst people i've played games with were guys but the chance of a girl being a manipulative attention whore just seems higher. some of them literally just never stop making sexual remarks, begging for attention, trying to get thirsty guys to do stuff for them, etc. and that's what most people have a problem with. of course you still have some guys who go fullretard whenever a girl joins but acting like girls who play games can never be shitty is just letting them get away with being shitty sometimes.

I thought you are gay, tomokiposter?

I'm not that guy, it was just the most fitting image I had

Females only play videogames for attention.

Girls can play all they want.
Problem is when they don't simply play the game and have to draw attention to the fact that they are girls.
Shut up nobody cares you're a girl just play the game like the rest of us.

99.99% of players you literally can't even know if it's a guy or a girl. Every single character you walk past in an mmo, every single enemy you frag in a shooter, every single opponent who calls you a nigger in a moba.
The moment that person makes itself knows to be a girl they already fucked up and started trouble for everyone.

Sounds based. Get me her number please

The issue comes when they play games that involve heavy usage of voice chat like csgo. You cant make effective callouts in text chat

Use a voice changer.

Jesus was hated because he told them the truth.

Also this.
Girls are braindead cancerous attention whoring retards 95% of the time but despite all that it's still the beta orbiters who ruin it in the end.

>get into queue for a hoi4 match today
>some thot ive never seen before joins our channel, wants to play
>betas start drooling and kissing ass hard
>germany and i (ireland) arent falling for it
>the thot goes ussr
>talk to germany, tell him its time to cancel his nonaggression pact
>gets his assault troops in position
>mine are covering the north
>by the way, this bitch did literally nothing in poland when me and germany were walking through it
>capture leningrad within 1-2 months
>france enters the war because the thot and betaboy (nordic union, started on sweden) begged him to join the war
>france tries to paratrooper cheese
>immediately redeploy the irish army to guard the german homeland
>start slowly pushing through the netherlands
>everyone ragequits because thot is pitching a fit about getting dumpstered after shit talking me and germany
stay out of my game thots

>dipshit woman join server
>Can't shut the fuck up about how everyone is "fucking killing her oh my god stop"
>It gets really old, really fast
>"Alright, bitch, shut the fuck up or you'll get banned"
>"oh my god you're all such pissbabies jus-"
>She's banned
>Everything goes back to normal
>Women are trash

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>girl joins server
>she actually stays quiet and 5 minutes later the team kicks me

"bro bro bro thats not cool bro!"
what the fuck? we literally just kicked the squeaker but you beta fucks arent okay with us kicking the unity destroyer?