Dresses like a whore so stinky old men would buy her game

>dresses like a whore so stinky old men would buy her game


Attached: kowashitai.jpg (560x293, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What's wrong with dressing like a whore?


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She's a prostitute! A used goods! She dresses like a slut to please old fat men for $59.99!

People will only buy her game out of pity and 2 hours in #FE, they switch on to another game and play Astral Chains and Daemon x Machina instead.

How would you know what a whore dresses like, does you mom wear those clothes?

>dresses like a whore
Literally the reason we have kids running around Yea Forums screaming censorship lol

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My mom is pure

Man, this joke is played the fuck out

So is your mother's pussy

Tsubasa is pure!

Please tell me the vagina bones will be in the switch port

>stinky old men would buy her game
>smash player are famous for their body odour
she is in bros

Will the switch release be uncensored or same as before?


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You're welcome.

What other value than her body does she have?

Just report it and hope mods wake up. It doesn't magically go away.

Just don't respond to wojak posters and they eventually die.

>yeah us coombrains should be a protected class in here, they shouldn't be able to make fun of ME

They feed on attention. If they get no attention, they will move on to something else. Filter that something else, and they will starve.

Don't reply either, genius.


thank you, user

She looks underage

Redpill me on this meme

Turn the volume up.

OK but has it a meaning
Or is this a ZENBU ala Chris yukine meme

I don't understand how it wouldn't have meaning.

I will reply to you, and you eventually die.


It's a meme. Tsubasa doesn't even sang it

kowasu = (to) destroy
kowashitai = wanting to destroy

NoA did that with the localisation.

It was the first song, in the first real trailer of the game. Shit posters ran with it

Hey, I don't stink.

A lot of stuff is confirmed to be censored, I wouldn't count on that changing either.

they're coming back, bro... after 4 long years... you gotta believe

>censoring waifushit games
What the fuck were they thinking. No wonder it flopped like hell.


Hello, balding old man!

What are the things that you look forward the most on Tsubasa's game?

So is it like Fire Emblem

it's there according to #FE official page:
>inb4 it's missing on other region
other region pages are mirror of the jp eshop page : ec.nintendo.com/JP/ja/titles/70010000023174
TL;DR vagina bones are intact

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Puré sex.

People would buy her game to waifu her.
Just like three houses

Do I get to play with idols in this game



1. Bring back Kirie's zipper panties. It doesn't have to be her default outfit, maybe it could be an alternate costume
2. Localize the hot springs DLC and include it for free
3. Let Itsuki date the girls.

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I want to FUCK Tsubasa's Tsubasas!

so the only SMT part of this game is just the spell names and a few cameo from the demons?

Source or fuck off nigger

>Let Itsuki date the girls
AND the boys for the fujoshis.
That little change can make wonders for the sales.

Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh I thought with the Switch these threads would finally die but now I have stand this shit even more

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We just don't know.
Both western and Japanese trailers seem to indicate censorship but it seems hard to believe they would make the same mistake twice, especially extending it even further into Japan.


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People on this Kazakh opium making forum will defend this


so shadow dragon is also trash?

It's already been a week, when the fuck are they going to address the elephant in the room and tell is if it is censored or not?
Why are they silent?

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I was talking about Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Your brain is fucking smooth.

Is the remake going to return the bikini dungeon?

Lewd Tiki!

Damned if do, damned if they don't. They're putting it out there for a quick buck and they don't care any further. It's going to be censored because it's going to be a copy+paste job from the Wii U with controller graphics updated if applicable.

and #FE song is the recreation of Shadow Dragon theme song, it's nothing new fire emblem is always anime

Again, your brain is smooth.

It's such a fucking ridiculous thing to remove.
Removing something "inconsequential" suddenly makes it extremely consequential.
I'm not buying it. Fuck Nintendo of America. Especially for enforcing that shit on the Japanese version.

No they'll changed it to megane dungeon (Tsubasa is too shy without her glasses), that's why they give glasses to Tsubasa

forgot pic

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jesus why does this exist

i cant believe they erased her vagina bones in the localization

It's the same company who censored a feather in Smash Bros and headpats in Fire Emblem.

A whore isn't pure

Would you let Tsubasa give you a full-body paizuri?

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You mean taizuri?

I wanted an actual crossover FE and SMT rpg game.
Not this gayass idolm@ster bullshit.

It does have Fire Emblem and SMT (Persona) elements though

Ask IS why they scrapped the prototype that Atlus already made

Remember the threads when the teaser trailer for SMTxFE came out and everyone was like


And then we got Jpop teenagers

And the game turned out to be one of the best SMT spin-off

Watch some actual music videos (especially american ones, yuck) and you'll realize her style is very tame in comparison.

>Jpop teenagers
Nothing wrong with that, but trying to make it compatible with Murrikkkan soccer mums is.

Thankfully that is probably Treehouse's doing, so maybe we'll get the uncut version.

>No doujins about Tsubasa getting reamed by fat idol producers
hopefully this time it does well enough to warrant some quality NTR

so the trailer has the censored cutscenes, but I was pretty certain that those were already censored before release even in the japanese version. Only hope is that the gravure dungeon and DLC is untouched, but they made sure to weave around that in the announcement so that leaves me a little worried.

How so? Anything Nintendo needs to go past their eyes.

Will probably do worse.

Waifu pandering aside, the gameplay in #FE is a really solid jrpg. I hope they'll tune the combat slightly though, as in option to change Itsuki away and skip the session cutscenes.

So if you haven't played and you're a filthy weeb like I am I really recommend to get this in January.


This game was 100% localized by Atlus, Treehouse only handled the marketing and youtube trailers.
When the treehouse first showed off the game at E3 we still had the zipper pants and they were fine with it.

All censorship comes from Atlus.

>Will probably do worse.


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Fuck off threehouse shill

Then explain this

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Then explain this

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That doesn't really fit atlus

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>Nintendo tends to be very hands-on with the projects they help out with, but what drove the decision for Atlus to handle the localization and not Treehouse?
Atlus did the localization for this one, it is a well known fact.

Again, the credits prove you wrong, the fucking PR manager of atlus said those decisions were made by Nintendo, sure atlus translated it and did the actual work but they censored it because nintendo told them to

Is there litterally no other topic about this game other than censorship?

Welcome to reset/v/era

Literally no one has actually played the game.

Bitching about no one starting a topic they can't for whatever reason

>And the game turned out to be one of the best SMT spin-off

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>Idol game where you can't fug the idols

Because in this game you take the role of a real producer, who only cares about business.

we got this instead of smt V, what the fuck

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We will get SMTV and EOV soon, just wait

Game's censored though.


We living!

I just can't believe it.


How many delays to Persona 5 did this slut cause?

The delays were mostly from the botched dub and possibly the voice actor strike.


So is concept Tsubasa gonna be the default now?
I'm ok with that.

Sure, I’ll be happy to discuss the gameplay when I play it, which will be when it’s released uncensored

It seems like that but it also may be an optional costume/accessory.

Looks like just a costume

But part of his charm is being a huge player while being dense about it.

still mad that this is not a proper crossover like the initial trailer teased

I want more information already!

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Thank god for auto session being a thing now.

Relax, it's TGS.
Why wouldn't they advertise their super niche JRPG there.

>we're never going to get that sweet turn based strategy game where you recruit monsters and level them up like FE units

Let me fuck her

>japanese """""humor"""""

I read this as
"dresses like a whore so stinky, old men would buy her game"



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blessed Hideo Minaba

This fucking game grew on me so hard over time I can't believe it actually achieved that.
Hell, I even enjoy the performance of that male edgefaggot


>crowd goes apeshit at the cape throw
>busts out all his dance moves >
>tfw no holo gf
>goes giga hard during the hook
>pose at the end

All while dressing like the biggest queer

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It's a legitimately great performance. Which I guess it's good because otherwise I would have never given a single fuck about some male idol.

Yashiro himself is great too. I thought he'd be a big no fun asshole but he's just stoically retarded.

As a representation of both franchises it lacks, but as its own thing it's a pretty fucking good game.

>namefag is a tranny

Surprised me

imagine nintendo giving a port of a shiity wii u game instead of paying atlus for Persona 5

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I feel like anyone who is a big fan of smt would see the many refferences

Keep seething sonyponý you'll never get to play best persona crossover : P5Q

Most of the references are in the background though. I just wish there was more in the forefront aside from the gameplay.

I for one am happy this game gets another chance, I just hope they don't ruin it (again).

>why get shitty game port when you can get shitty game port!

So PS3 ports ok, but Wii U ports not ok?

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they cute

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I wonder if they will redo all these and add her glasses or if they'll half ass it because of budget.

Fuck off with your censored game.

I’d rather have SMTIV and SMTIV:F on the switch to be honest.

I wanna break Tsubasa's pussy

>watch my TV show, user!

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Learn cooking.


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But Doom Eternal will be on the Switch, user

art direction actually looks kinda good

She's already in as a spirit. And a pretty decent general purpose 3 slot one at that.

I would completely unironically watch this show in real life if it was a thing.

I know I made this thread, but how the fuck is this thread surviving after 11 hours?

Yea Forums secretly likes TMS.


the more you see something, the more you warm up to it and the more you are willing to give it a chance

Well we been having these threads for at least 4 years

that's why "localizers" are a joke. when you look at games like #FE it's hard to think it's anything other than these fags being paid per edit

Yeah, once a year.

Unfortunately if you look onto the archive that not the case.
But theres certainly a resurgance

Reminder that Kiria is the best girl

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Yea Forums hates weebshit though, especially cringey shit like this

feel free to start a conversation about another topic at any time. If you're complaining about no one talking about anything else while doing the same thing yourself you're just a hypocrite.

>Yea Forums
You mean a few select autists

I know nothing about the game in looking to be informed.

you really can't get more in the foreground of a video game than "the gameplay".

well it's basically a persona game with Fire Emblem characters acting as the personas. the setting this time is high school students trying to make it in the Idol industry and the Idol industry has a bunch of "Mirages" (the fire emblem spirits) causing problems and only people filled with creative energy like Idols can summon their own mirages to stop them. Also Tiki is basically Hatsune Miku in this world.

Gameplay's supposed to be a pretty good mix of SMT's press turn combat with some FE elements like the weapon triangle.

>press turn combat with some FE elements like the weapon triangle

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (480x360, 40K)

Nah, you got it wrong
Gameplay is an expanded version of Demon Co-op from SJ with added weapon triangle

It's not even press turn, it's more like a re-purposed demon co-op, but instead of same aligned demons participating in an attack characters have session skills where they can follow up off certain attacks. So if character 1 uses a lance attack and character 2 has a lance follow up, they'll follow up with a different attack like, say zio, and if person 3 has a zio session they'll do the same with their own attack.
Making session combos is the core of the battle mechanics, and it can be pretty fun, but late game you get so many follow up and passive skills that combos start turning into stuff like this.

You honestly think that those hacks are going to bother with removing anything? Copy/paste is all you are going to get. Blame Treehouse, if they didn't censor it back then, it wouldn't be now.

This game was one of the cases where censorship was really, really hard. So of course we are going to talk about that.

The footage already shown decencored tsubasa

It's honestly not as bad as it sounds. Your 6 elements are still there and physical affinities are broken up into 4 types. If an enemy wields a spear then they're likely gonna be weak to axe and resistant to sword attacks and so on. Demon races are more akin to Fire Emblem unit types, so skills like beastbane, wyrmslayer and armorslayer are a thing.
Also like other said it's not press turn, but demon co-op.


Not exactly footage, but a screenshot on the japanese website.

Is she the best girl of the game?.

Not even close. She's second from the bottom.
Only Mamori is worse.

Her retardness is endearing.

The soundtrack is pretty good.
Favourite track.

good fucking god I like persona but this shit is way to weeby even for me

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The opposite.

Persona is a lot weebier trust me, this game barely has any VN elements.
I couldn't sit through Persona because of all the normal days outside the palaces, but this I could easily. It's almost all gameplay.

Cuz of music?


This is based

>Persona is a lot weebier trust me
Say what you will about Persona, but its presentation never goes this deep into anime. You're right about the gameplay, though.

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Is this Akiba's Trip?

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Admittedly you posted Barry of all fucking things. The man is the literal definition of full on weeb.

No it's shibuya can't you read?

Oh yeah? Persona weebier than this shit?
Really? Tell me then, genius, which series has lolis dancing to jpop, wacky mascot characters and themes of overcoming adversity with the power of bonds/friendship?
That's right, it's Perso . . . . na?


>Everytime I see him hitting that record button
>everyone I hear Laura Bailey sounding this seductive

Looks like light hearted fun

No idea, apparently Yea Forums is for Christians, alt right fags and no fap now. Sad really.

>weave around that in the announcement

This is just ridiculous. Why would any publisher of weebshit not use waifus and degeneracy in their advertising? WHO THE FUCK DO THEY THINK BUY THESE GAMES

>weave around
They just didnt say anything

In case some of you forgot, it wasn't just a few outfits that were censored but full blown chapters and DLC

This new game is selling itself as being the old game plus new shit, for every region with a worldwide release.
It sounds counterproductive as fuck for Atlus to actively cut content for every goddamn region, especially when it would actively devalue the product they want to sell.

It's true nothing is outright confirmed, but I think alot of this is jumping the gun a bit

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Be saved or be burned, heretic.

t. self loathing weebs

It's easier when you just accept what you are fellas

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>those were already censored before release even in the japanese version

Nothing has been confirmed you answered it yourself.
I'm not going to fear monger

I personally expect the worst.
They broke my trust once before why should I believe in them now?

It sounds counterproductive yeah, but if they really cared they wouldn't have put censored footage in the trailer.

I'm sick of all this doomsaying when we don't have a reason to these days.

I'll gladly buy TMS this go around, and I'm at least semi-confident nothing is going to change between regions this time.

>SMT died for this

Stop baiting the coomer. It's rather easy to do. >Post jerk-off bait, get coomer.
>Don't post jerk-off bait, don't get coomer.
Simple stuff.

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>nothing is going to change between regions this time.
I'm fairly certain that will be the case, but that doesn't exclude the possibility of censorship.

We do have evidence Nintendo has been more lenient in recent years. XB2 and FE3H being two big examples.

Plus from the footage we know is new, it doesn't look like anything is different, and again, they want this to be the "complete package" and not even Atlus is retarded enough to not put in all of their DLC

Even if it is, I don't think it will be to same extent as last time though.
Besides, at least the Nips will know how it feels if it is.

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>and not even Atlus is retarded enough to not put in all of their DLC
For persona 5 royal, they don't include it but make you either rebuy it or transfer it from p5 for 10 yen per item.

or you just report it for being off topic or low quality.
it's not that hard you fucking retard. do your part.

P5R is a different can of worms that people will pay for regardless

All I'm saying is don't try to think logically when it comes to Atlus, or game developers in general.

Tell me captain. If Jesus is love then why isn't he a cute little girl?

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Because Lucifer is.

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Love doesnt take the shape of what you want it to be.

Honestly Lucifer is more of a bro, he let us escape the slavery under god and brought us the light.

It's just using you for revenge


No it's an SMT spinoff.

No it's an idol masters


Don't toy with me man, I'm still waiting for a non-gatcha IM game

Playing it right now. It's pretty fun.

What do you like about it

Combat system is a lot of fun.
I'm liking the characters quite a bit. Itsuki can surprisingly be quite an asshat at times. I actually really like his interactions with the other characters.
OST is really good.
For all the shitposting it gets about being idolshit I'm glad there isn't actually a whole lot of it and that it covers all sorts of avenues of the entertainment scene.

Attached: Chapter 3 Intermission.png (1280x720, 804K)

It looks really cute and colorful

Kowashitai finds a way


>waaaah you are ruining my fapping experience on a chinese trademarked video game board

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Different user currently playing through
The weapon skill system is nice. Instead of having to go wrangle a new demon pokemon or fuse them together, skills are attached to weapons and you get them by leveling them up. Later on you get the ability to remake weapons to power them up (+1, +2, etc), and by doing so you relearn the skills, which powers up ones you already have and gives you a chance to swap in ones you didn't pick before. Also each weapon has an extra skill you can get by taking it to +1, giving you incentive to do that. It takes away from the agony of trying to decide what skills to keep and gives you a lot of freedom to switch around skill sets to see what works best.

Man this actually sounds like a good rpg without the.bad publicity following it.
I'll definitely keep my eye on it

Tiki makes me uncomfortable

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dont know what this game is but the girl looks really pretty. i dont know what it is but honestly i might buy it just for her

reminder smt 5 is dead

>this fucking thread is still up
Good god why

Also TMS Tharja makes my dick hard

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Because you're bumping it

Why not?

Tits too big

not big enough*

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Aside from Persona Tharja and Persona Chrom, who else got turned into an SMT demon?

I kowashitai Tsubasa's butthole

Caeda, Cain, Virion, Draug, and Navarre

Tiki is also a Mirage but she isn't really changed design wise.

There's also some that are bosses like Aversa, Gangrel, and Excellus

Stop being gay

>MFW the SMT part of the game was top notch but they had to ruin the game by making it for the Wii U and censoring the shit out of it

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No Lucina? No wonder this game got KOWASHITAI'd.

Caeda, Cain, Virion, Draug, Navarre
Tiki is a mirage but she's not usable, might change in the switch release.
Maiko was apparently supposed to have Olivia but it got scrapped. Looks like she'll be playable in the switch release
Barry looks like he'll be playable in the switch release so he'll have a new one.
A few villains are bosses.
There are some other boss ones too like Lonk and Abel.

Who needs Lucina when you have Tharja and her HUGE fucking tits

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I would prefer if they made a Persona Bernie instead

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I have no idea how they would make that look

Why are you uncomfortable user?
Tiki is very cute and funny

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Tiki is for cute and funny

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Loli Tiki is a miracle

I can think of at least one 3H character who'd be perfect for a SMT crossover and be a "demon" of sorts

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Thats for the evil noll you have to fight

Shes the secret boss

That'd actually be pretty great.

I've bumped it a ton. Not him. Don't assume everything I do is that fucker.

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Is it a 1:1 port of the shitty cucked PS4 game or did they uncensor some outfits?

Read the thread, We don't know yet

Hot take: Even if it wasn't censored to hell and back you would still have SMT autists complaining about it being idol themed and having a female MC despite P4 and P5 both having exclusively male MCs.

>durr hurr we can't flesh out two opposite sex player characters despite successfully doing so for P3
Atlus is fucking lazy.

Unfortunately true

Just a floating trash can.

What would be the point of a female MC in TMS, Itsuki is his own character and not a self-insert

Itsuki is exclusivly male what?

>durr hurr we can't flesh out two opposite sex player characters despite successfully doing so for P3

Who were those characters?

>Itsuki is his own character and not a self-insert

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More than joker and yy narukami

>cant get with any of the girls.
What reason do I have to insert?

I frankly cannot comprehend how a game that combined FE to become a pseudo-Persona game somehow didn't have pairing system.

Itsuki was too autistic anyway and I kinda like that.
But i also hate that i cant fug eleanora

Idols are pure, they don't date boys and most certainly don't fuck their managers. Nevermind that Ellie becomes a living waterfall when she's near Itsuki.

P4 lets you date an idol

I want to see her get fucked by BIG FAT STINKY COCKS


Ex-idol, and Atlus don't give a fuck. TMS, on the other hand, is all about the idol industry.

>they don't date boys and most certainly don't fuck their managers.
Not with that attitude

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Actual semen demon

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Itsuki become their producer tho

Technically its about the entire Japanese entertainment industry, idols are just the focus for the MCs

Doesn't he just become president of Fortuna?

Idols ESPECIALLY don't fuck their producers.

But all my h manga....

fuck I wish the Akiba strip IP was given to a decent studio.

I don't understand this timeline, of the 4 remaining wiiU games that needed a port they choose the one that flopped.

>Female MC
What? The MC male.

Every Wii U game flopped user, except for Mario Maker and Splatoon.

>they made a game so bad it gave everyone who touched it brain damage which led to XSEED's implosion
Truly amazing.

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Meant to reply to I guess I'm a victim too.

>Biggest dub ever.

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If Im running emunand, can I take out my sd card while its still on or do I have to turn the switch off to mess with it?

And smash.


Barry is pretty.damn based

Only if he isn't near Mamori.

Which reminds me that localization make him sound even more like a pedo.

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>Not reporting the redditor
You idiot.

I remember when this one lyric made Yea Forums so mad.


What games still need porting?

Not him but W101, Pikmin and Xenoblade X. I don't know what the 4th one is.

W101 flop harder and the switch port / sequel teased wayyy before #FE encore announced

That's Prometheus dummy

Xenoblade X
Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3

And I guess Super Mario 3D World and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse


You say like Yea Forums actually watched the whole thing or know about the song lyrics.

Fatal frame, W101, some mario game and xenoblade X. I was afraid they announced xbx as certain faggot would have gloat shitposting for eternity but instead xbc1 DE got announced and now he is butthurt.

Interesting. There was also a pic that showed all the good Wii U games that still haven't been ported, anyone have it?

Not gonna lie, having not only TMS but a XB1 remake announcement in the same direct direct was cathartic as fuck

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Anime is on the menu


I don't have that list, but here's one I picked up of every exclusive that's still "exclusive"

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Someone has that fanart of lyn and demifiend?

based would do the same if I were her

Remember when Yea Forums 2007 keeps singing J I B U N W O from the Code Geass series?

This is just Yea Forums version


Nice, I actually missed some of those. Thanks for sharing


1. The panties were removed before even the japanese release, they're not a case of censorship, they're beta content.

2. Yes.

3. Fuck no, if you want that fucking boring-ass Persona shit go play fucking Persona, I don't want this game to get boggled down with that social link trash.

If swimsuits, sexy outfits and hot springs DLC are in, day 1 purchase.

The game in general is great, it's just very uneven, a lot of it feels like it's going to be this typical uneventful Persona-esque romp and it only really picks up once it actually starts taking cues from SMT and Fire Emblem.

LOL, keep you 80 hour movie, I'm fine with this 40 hour game, thank you.

>typical uneventful Persona-esque romp
How? there's always at least one combat in every sidequest chain

The game is not plot driven

Not Persona-esque as in "Spend 5 hours doing nothing but scrilling through text", but Persona-esque as in "The whole game is about angsty teens whining about how bad their lives are and nothing else."

TMS actually pulls a genuine SMT "The fucking world is ending" scenario.

As any good game is, excessive plot always boggles down the point of a game, which is to interact with it, spending up to 30 minutes going through text like in Persona 5 is a betrayal of the expectations a person has going into a videogame, if I wanted to read that much I would have bought a book and saved $50.

I moreso ment the game is more character driven where it's about the characters interaction over world building and plot

>cooking show feat. Japanese loli
first off, is there such thing in JP?

Second, no you don't want a loli as a host of your afternoon prime time. We had one in our country and all she does is just interview celebrities while being a charming spoiled brat that does random garbage. I'm personally amused and surprised that she has a bigger attention span than a common 10 year old. It gets a free pass from the lowest common denominator because she's being supported by a subtle pedophile as well everyone else in the studio is milking her for all her worth before she shove off one year after to be featured in a telenovela as some daughter of the country's president

For Real, though, would you buy a sequel if it's about Tokyo Manhattan Session where everyone are high school/college students who strives to be broadway star or music artists?

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At least they didn't shy away from that.

>tfw still have my uncensored english version backed up in my pc
Last I heard the game was finally playable on cemu but to what extent I don't know.

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I doubt it

If the remaster is successful it may lead into a new series, we can only hope we can get more of it, and I'd definitely like it if every successive release is set in a different country's music industry.

lmao keep dreaming idolshitter.

>he doesnt want a Bollywood game

Go shit in the streets pajeet.

That could be a mini game!

They dropped the ball with no character endings.

Attached: Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Mamori 3 Side Mission 21-49 screenshot.png (1280x720, 1.16M)

Newfig logic as fuck, you've been here for 2 years tops

They still have endings, but they are dropped like old FE games.

>The panties were removed before even the japanese release, they're not a case of censorship, they're beta content.

I dont care, I still want them.

I dunno man, Itsuki being incredibly dense also leads him into being incredibly based at times.
>Touma's second side story
>Touma needs to learn to appeal to women cause his next gig involves targeting the women demographic so he drags Itsuki to go hit on girls
>Touma fucking spaghetti's every time but Itsuki pulls off line after line of pickups like it's nothing to save the situation and get them girls
>"Wow Itsuki you're really fucking good at this."
>"I am?"
>"...I feel sorry for Tsubasa."
On the flip side I really wanna fuck Ellie and headpat Ms.Cute and Funny.

>Itsuki is his own character and not a self-insert
Not quite, he feels more like a side/support character, he doesn't has a motivation or backstory other than "Welp, looks like I have a persona and have to save the world now" as far as I remember he doesn't have a reason to join the agency.
Heck, Tsubasa has as much, if not more, screentime as Itsuki and some sort of backstory, she could've been the MC.

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He also roast the girls, which honestly is quite damn rare for MC do.

>Itsuki being incredibly dense
He's only pretending man, He's just not interested in romance

Itsuki fits because he doesnt give a rats ass about the entertainment industry.
He just wants his friends to succeed witch is why hes the perfect protag for this.

He an outsider to it so he gets to explore the industry better

He initially joins because Tsubasa joins and he wanted to watch out for her. He doesn't really give a fuck about the entertainment industry, he only wants Tsubasa, and later on the rest of his friends, to be successful in what they want to do and to help them however he can, which Maiko takes note of and starts secretly grooming him early on to become a producer. The entertainer ending might as well not exist for him, since he takes on the supporting role in a majority of his interactions with his friends and co-workers which sets him up for when Maiko passes on the torch.

>TMS actually pulls a genuine SMT "The fucking world is ending" scenario.
But that happens in persona as well

This game is one of those funny cases where I think the censored outfits are actually better than the original ones. It's odd how much care they actually put in censoring this game. Hopefully they're are in the game as extra costumes if the game is uncensored.

Except the censored wedding dress. Fuck that shit.

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just link me to where i can find quality porn of her

The blonde girl is the best one. Doesn't dress like a slut either.

Is the new Switch version still censored?
If so, why bother?

Nobody know, the trailer had a censored scene, but a picture in the official page isn't censored, so we'll have to wait.


If you dig deep on twitter you may find some. Good luck since there is only 2 doujins scanned.

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oh well shit help a brotha

And the worst part, those doujins are not even properly tagged-

Best girl, best Mirage

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I respond too, yet you're still forgotten

No one other than you're sorry butt has benn hear for 10 yeers

Barry, in universe, is a giant otaku/weeb.

If a special edition isn't announced right as the game reveals that means there won't be one right? I want to pre-order the physical game but want to see if there's gonna be some sort of special edition or some retailer exclusive pre-order bonus.

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What does this game play like, a jrpg?

Like Strange Journey

As much as I despise this meme, I have to say it /ourguy/

First person dungeon crawler?

The combat.
That being said the dungeons are pretty neat.

Oh, the dungeons are like Nocturne/SMT IV, but the actual combat is like SJ.

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Because I already play original content uncensored


Attached: kowashitai harder.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

Kind of sucks it's only one new song. I was hoping we'd get to hear Kirias first single that was mentioned in Maikos 2nd side story.

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Devil's Third?

Not Nintendo, they only published. And rights got sold to some gooks.

Meanwhile Fatal frame is co owned by Nintendo.

Literally who gives a shit about Devil's Third?


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