What are your hopes and dreams? I want to see the rest of the gang, let Cid, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Vincent and Red XIII come through. Even if it's just a 2 second glimpse of them, I want to see that ALL of Avalanche has returned. Also it would be nice to get some indication of how much of the game is in this first release.
New Final Fantasy VII Remake Trailer in 8 hours
>Also it would be nice to get some indication of how much of the game is in this first release
Don't be too optimistic, this game is basically going to be vaporware for a good while
>hopes and dreams
to meet briana and shake her hand
Literally testing the spoiler tag?
lol noobs
>lso it would be nice to get some indication of how much of the game is in this first release.
Weren't we told it's up until Midgar's end?
Fix Tifa or I no longer care about this shit
>What are PC mods
After they revealed 1st ch. it's Midgar only I don't give a shit about it anymore, I want information on the next chapter
please be patient
>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
>Cid won't be abusive to Shera
>Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
>Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
>No marching or squatting minigames
>Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
>More focus on the Turks
>Rufus won't die
>Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
>Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
>Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
>Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
>Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
>Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
>No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
>No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
>No gay sauna scene
>Fewer wacky enemies
>Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable
>Probably more about Cloud's past during Midgar since you can't have an entire game where you don't go into the protagonist's history
I've got absolutely NO hopes or dreams whatsoever for the remake. It's made by Square Enix, after all. I'm fully prepared for it to be bad in every way imaginable, except graphics.
That's a lot of tweets to say "we're making you pay for the game 3 times"
>he thinks it's coming to PC
You'll be able to emulate it on PC in 10 years or whatever.
so the rest are going to be on ps5
dang it
That's a lot of words to say "I'm retarded"
I want to know if they tweaked Tifas design a bit
Where is this going to be streamed?
Hey, I wanna be outraged too. Can you provide source on these?
they'll probably just play it at the end of the countdown
>3 times
You're very optimistic
The stream is tomorow but in 5 hours we get a new trailer
>Cid, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Vincent
See you in 5 years
I bet there will be a teaser at the end of episode 1
Tifa best mom
so this is going to be like kill bill? the second game is going to seem rushed and not as fleshed out
>What are your hopes and dreams?
None, nothing. Millions of retards are going to buy it but I certainly won't. And I'm not even going to play it. Why? Because it's practically guaranteed to be full of cringe and retardation. First of all it's going to have voice acting. So that fucks it up. Secondly, that will get dubbed into English. That fucks it up even more and automatically increases the cringe factor of the game and ruins the immersion ("hey player, have you forgotten you're playing a game? if so, here is reminder #9746 that you're just playing a game; enjoy listening to this easily recognizable local american accent once again!").
And aside from that, we already know Squenix ARE going to modify plot elements, insert their fanfic characters into the story and backstory of the game, and change a whole bunch of gameplay mechanics. And censor all sorts of shit. As well as dumb the game down in various ways so it's not too hard by modern gaming standards; everyone regardless of age must be able to just "easily pick it up" and play.
And the game must be made to appeal to and be FOR everyone; it can't offend anyone at all, it can't be allowed to even in the slightest bit offend women, africans, or faggots or any other sort of "minority" group -- and you know what that means: censorship and re-writing dialogue and changing scenes. The characters getting fucked up designs will be only a drop in the ocean of shit wrong with the remake.
Midgar remastered
Have you ever met someone like Aerith IRL?
Please say yes
Why yes, I have met people with speech impediments who can't say the letter S.
>upper plate suddenly doesn't exist
>"waaah stop giving me more content, i never wanted to go to the upper plate"
They'll probably turn Midgar into Advent Children style Midgar. Basically it will look like an ordinary large real Earth city.
I mean didn't it always look like a regular city in the original?
Why is she so cute bro
Midgar improved, this is what midgar was meant to be
You tell me:
Is that some sort of sarcasm/bait? Whatever man. It looks completely unlike any real city. This video is very faithful to the original design, it's probably the best quality look we will ever get at the proper FF7 Midgar: youtu.be
Midgar is in fact not a very large city at all, certainly much smaller than as depicted in Advent Children.
dude I am gonna BLOW your mind
It's new and I did not grow up with it. Therefore it's bad and shit. Final Fantasy is a terrible series that tries to pretend it's 2deep4u but honestly all villains and main characters suck. The only thing the series everb has good is the music and cinematics. This is why Western Audiences are easily fooled and think this will be the greatest thing ever. Just like the capshit movies.
What do you mean? It looks significanly larger in your first video (buildings appear smaller and there's more of them, meaning the area is larger) and the second vid doesn't even show a zoomed out shot from above, so... what's the point?
They don’t appear until outside Midgar.
dude are you pulling my leg
Just admit it user. You are old and washed up!
Rufus never died. He escaped the explosion.
You proved my point again. They made it bigger.
what the fuck kind of autistic point is that?
That idea of him surviving is absolute cringe.
will the remake fix the shitty ending
How so?
I thought there were supposed to be giant plates covering everything, right?
To be fair, the ending was a fucking shitshow of an ending.
yeah there are even more plates on top of the plate
I mean how can we see the sky if there’s plates everywhere?
I have no idea what you believe I wrote. The whole point of my message earlier was exactly that - THEY WILL MAKE IT BIGGER.
See again: >"Midgar is in fact not a very large city at all, certainly much smaller than as depicted in Advent Children."
Then you proceed to post videos and images SUPPORTING my point, yet writing as if "haha! look at this! you are wrong!" ... I mean wtf? what even is your intention?
the sky is actually a big plate with clouds painted on the bottom
You and your point are retarded. They made it as big as they could with the technology they had. They made it bigger with each leap in technology. The video you posted is already exponentially larger than the original. Your parameters for what constitutes the "real Midgar" are arbitrary.
Bruh, we never saw Midgar in AC, only the ruins.
Ah yes, as intelligently explained in the masterpiece that is advent children
Maybe if Cloud stopped being a bitch we’d hear how he escaped.
For the sun shined on midgar
Holy shit, it looks at smaller in the game. I mean the central tower is only slightly taller than Cloud.
I love FF7, but he isn't completely wrong, the ending was abrupt, and things kinda got wonky with how they explained things afterward. Had too much of a need for supplemental material to bridge the gap between then and Advent Children, and then all the Compilation stuff. But then again, VII wasn't the only one that hosed up lore, because IX had so much you didn't know about Gaia that they had to explain in the Ultimania.
AKSHULLY it appears at the start of the movie when Marlene is recounting the events of FFVII :^)
No, the vid I posted (PS3 tech demo) is very close to the original size. Upping the size of Midgar changes the city into something it isn't. Won't be Midgar anymore.
>hurr durr it's a limitation of techonogy, that is what decides the size of the city
No retard -- and yes you are apparently a retard because thise stuff seems very difficult for you to comprehend -- I'm not talking about the areas you walk around in, I'm talking about actual size of the city itself as shown in artwork and in FMVs. The real full size. They could, if they had wanted, in 1997, drawn that much bigger, but they didn't. They had a design in mind and they stuck with it. Squenix will turn it into some AC-style shit in regards to size. It will be fucking ridiculous.
they barely managed to render that opening shot you know
We saw THE SIZE of it. You know if NYC was bombed to shit by a huge air raid today and totally destroyed, we would still, despite it being ruins, be able to see the size of the area where the city was.
You do realize FMVs are not generated in real time in game? They are pre-animated. What are you, 10 years old?
Post the screen that shows it
It's all over the fucking shitty movie. The motorcycle chase in the film alone would take you through all of the original-Midgar sectors several times over.
>vErY ClOsE To tHe oRiGiNaL SiZe
You do know they depict the planet from space in the game right? And the moon? WOW, how could they do that in 1997! Crazy! T-t-they shoulnd't have been able to do that with the tech limitations of the time!!!11
The motorcycle chase takes place on the highway from Edge to the ruins of Midgar. We have no idea how far away Edge is from Midgar, so the distance traveled there does nothing to help determine the size of Midgar portrayed in the movie.
Stop replying to me if this is the level you're going to stoop.
Are you also going to complain because the world map won’t have a mini sized city representing it anymore as well?
Left is zoomed in as fuck, deceptive retard.
Your lack of understanding is cute. Really it is. I hope you can explain to me the variance in complexity between rendering a sphere with a texture on it and rendering a city.
>he still doesn't comprehend what an FMV is
I still don't know how this will run above 1080p on consoles (pro and xbonex) when UE4 already kinda runs like ass with texture streaming issues
The last trailer has already sold me on the game, now I just want to see summons being as ridiculous as they were in the PS1 era FF games.
It's a shot for shot recreation you idiot.
I thought I told you not to reply to me. The longer you pretend I have no knowlege of Full Motion Videos or the silicon graphics computer Square used to render these cinematics is the longer I'll call you a retard.
It is LITERALLY a 1:1 comparison you DENSE motherfucker
Nothing will beat the presentation in FFXV, sadly. Too bad the gameplay was ass in that one.
I cant wait for Cid to join the party in 12 years when part 3 comes out.
It clearly isn't. Your circle on one side doesn't correspond with the circle on the other side.
*part 2
Oh boy i cant wait to see more generic hack and slash gameplay in the city of Midgar which is the entirety of this game.
You've already admitted they're making it bigger.
My point: Your autistic replies, supporting it: You have now way out of it.
Would you call Crisis Core a generic hack & slash?
Crisis Core was a bad slot machine game.
>tfw the soul of the original FF7 will be crushed forever soon
>tfw cannot comprehend the fact that they wanted to make Midgar into a fucking megacity
you win
Midgar as seen in the popular role playing game Final Fantasy 7
I know right. Fucking stupid.
Anyway to the others in the thead, here is a zoomed out comparsion between the PS3 tech demo and the real Midgar, same design, very similar. There are some small differences when it's zoomed in but overall the they re-created it faithful to the original.
>5yrs from now
>Zoomer Youtubers review and favor the remake over the original
>Fix Tifa or I no longer care about this shit
>several years of nothing but FF7 remake nonsense by Square Enix, a remake that will never live up to the original anyway and people are gonna whine and whine about every last detail
Can i get the link to the countdown site?
Midgar is so small you could walk through a sector in like 3-5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes tops, in real life.
Where did all that water come from?
Why do they need so much public transport then?
I just need to see Red and the Turks.
>no matter how many times I hear it, I just die on the inside.
>If I put my thumb over the sun that means my thumb is the same size as the sun
this is you right now
that other image isn't zoomed in btw
ayy thanks user
your whale cum
under 4 hours now bros
That's enough time to get through the entirety of Midgar in the original game.
it's 2 hours 50 minutes now
That's enough time to get through the entirety of Midgar in the original game.